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Juan Pablo Jurado Triana

Software Engineering Student

LinkedIn JuanJuradoTri +52 33 1023 8661 Guadalajara, México

About me
I am a student in software development engineering with 1 year of experience in the development of mobile
and web applications and in providing services in the IT area. My focus is the creation and implementation of
business solutions and software development for the optimization of business processes, I am driven by the
constant desire to continue learning and experimenting with new technologies


Pytho Node.j PH MongoD

C C+ Ioni Angula
Javascrip GI SQ Wordpress
MS-Dos Java


A9 Technologies (Service TI )

Abr 2024

I participate in a project of services and consulting in IT, where I am in charge of performing network
topologies, installation of network infrastructure and siteServer, configuration of service providers, care and
maintenance of computer equipment and software programming (javascript, nodejs, sql) that facilitates the
service of Tickets.

BlackFor (Full Stack Developer )

Nov 2019 - Jul 2020

Fullstack developer at BlackFor ( StartUp )

I contributed in the development of a mobile application type rappi (andoid / IOS) as well as its web
administrator with the use of ionic, Angular, PHP. Also the maintenance and update of web pages developed
by the company and the development of an application in C++ with entity framework and SQLServer for
inventory, orders and calculation of material and costs for a clothing factory.

Coparmex Jalisco(Becario TI)

May 2019 – Nov 2019

Intern in the IT area where my duties were to attend the office tickets in the maintenance of computer
equipment, software installation, software updates, administration and maintenance of linux servers,
development of scripts in MS-Dos and bash, I also implemented the Nextcloud service on a local linux server.
Software Design and Development Engineering

Center for Industrial Technical Education (CETI Colomos), Guadalajara

2019 - Current

Mechatronics Engineering (Unfinished)

Center for Industrial Technical Education (CETI Colomos), Guadalajara

2016 - 2018(3 years)

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