Argumentative Intro Paragraph Rubric

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Student: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________ Grade/ section: _______________

Criteria % 4 3 2 1

10% Hook is correctly placed. An Hook is present. One Hook is present, but it is There’s no evidence
attention grabber technique attention grabber very basic. A more in- of a hook or it was
has been exceptionally technique is used**. The depth relationship with not properly
executed**. The hook hook could relate better the topic is yet to be executed.
Hook or connects with the content with the rest of the established.
Attention and invites the reader to introduction.
getter continue reading.

** The introduction begins with

either a question, surprising
statement, an anecdote, an
insightful quote, or an analogy.

20% The context of the essay is The context of the essay The context is present, There is no context
Context or present. This specific is present. However, the yet it may be inaccurate, present. Did not use
specific information has effectively specific information is or the sentences seem the number of
information depicted in 2-3 sentences basic or does not unrelated to the topic. sentences required.
that are insightful and effectively portray Did not use 2-3
(Key info to directly connected to the enough understanding of sentences to introduce
introduce topic in hand. the topic. 2-3 sentences the topic or content of
the topic) are used to reflect this the essay.

35% Thesis statement clearly Thesis addresses/ Thesis may address the There is no thesis
addresses/ answers the answers the prompt with prompt; however, it is statement present,
prompt with three specific the three points, yet they not clear or specific or it is confusing to
reasons. The key points of are not specific enough. enough. It lacks one of make out.
the essay are mapped out The key points of the the key points or it
and effectively explain the paper attempt to explain partially explains or
facts of a topic thoroughly. and discuss the facts of a discusses the facts of a
topic. topic.
The TS is the last sentence of
the paragraph. The TS is the last
sentence of the

20% All points/ evidence shows a Most points/ evidence Some points/ evidence The evidence does
clear connection to the show a clear connection show relationship and not depict a real
topic. The information is to the topic. The vaguely address the connection to the
Fluency coherent and relevant. A information is generally issue/ topic. The topic. The sentences
and bridge is exceptionally well- coherent and relevant. A information may be are unrelated to
connection developed and shows a bridge is developed and coherent but not all- each other, and
direct connection with the is apt. together relevant. The points lack breadth.
hook. bridge is not entirely No bridge is evident.

15% There are no or one It has 2-4 grammatical It has over 5 Grammar and
grammatical and spelling and spelling errors. The grammatical and spelling mistakes
Mechanics errors in the text. fluidity of the writing is spelling errors. It makes make the text
not affected. it difficult to read the incomprehensible/
text. incoherent.

Total 100

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