Homesickness Wps Office

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By – Roald Dahl

Q A. Answer these questions.

1.Why did the speaker think that he may sound silly? How did he argue

that he was not silly?

Answer: In a frantic attempt to return home, the nine-year-old speaker may appear ridiculous by
pretending to have an urgent appendicitis attack.He was terribly homesick and claimed that because he
had been able to thoroughly observe his sister's symptoms, he felt secure enough to pretend to be

2.How did the speaker and his sister react to the event of an operation inside their home?

Answer: The speaker and his sister were highly thrilled and lurked in the corridor while the operation
was taking place. Fascinated by the proceedings, they listened from behind, attempting to visualize the
surgery while smelling the ether leaking from the crack under the door.

3.Who are the adults in the story, how did the speaker as a child feel towards them? Why do you
think he felt that way?

Answer: The adult members in the story include the speakers Nanny, the School Matron and Dr.
Dunbar.The speaker, as a child admired Nanny. He believed her to be wiser than King Solomon because
she had an instant answer to every query without any hesitation.

The authoritative Matron was stern, but the speaker was not frightened of her as he had strongly
decided to convince her.The child considered Dr. Dunbar as a great hero as he rescued him from his
loneliness and helped him to come back home.

4. Dr. Dunbar taught the speaker a lesson, but he also helped him. How did he do that?

Answer: Dr. Dunbar an experienced and skilful person understood that the speaker was homesick and
that he had lied and pretended as if suffering from appendicitis.

He inspired the boy to face difficult circumstances with bravery and diligence. He explained in a very
kind way that "life is tough and it would be better for him if he learned to cope with it sooner." Along
with teaching the speaker life skills, he also helped him deal with the issues.

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