1994 Logic Syllabus

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So, Course: Logic, Secand Semester 19 Instructor: Lucinda M. Hogan Sources: Brennen, introduction to Lagic *Bronowski, Science and Human Values Capaldi, The Art of Deceotion Churchill, Becoming Logical Capi, Intreduetion to Logie *deBonc, New Think *Seenz, In ale Lagica ahn, Shane of Content 4 Logie Ss. days J pv tend induction “ formal end informal logic Sarter? and a gosterior! 7 Juish between truth end velidity in lagic 7 2e 7 learning styles, and identify their awn ecegnize the * “ecching style" implicit in Zen koans ad select passages from deSone's New Think we and commen (in writing) select videos fram deBono's series, "The Greetest Thinkers” ractice lateral thinking with the Parsons School of Design “eggdrap" challenge 2.7 creete end construct their own invented implement 2.0 devise their own “Wesleyan Incentive” (social service project) using lateral thinking Unii Taree - Sentence: 3.1 disti tements & Syllagisms - 7 deus Iniguish four types of sentence, in context of logic 2 tie eRpettive use, velue of in Live ond other (including figurative) communication + distinguish between sentence end statement (or, proposition) Stnemorize snd apply ‘errs categoricel or “necessary” ststements: use the Classic square of opposition to 5 exalein contradiction, contrariness, si supereiternation 6 oifterentiate and offer exemples cf compound statements; copditionel, conjunctive, and dusjunctive 5.7 identity parts of stetements - subject, capula, ow a el iu wb- and a in the predicate, es tion ription of poeta cted passages ge of Latin regis, Unit Four ~ Lenguege and Logic ~ 8 cays 4.1 define "definition", * i terms 2 read Lewis Carroll excerpts far logical/math import 45 identify the mejor developments in growth of the g definition”, “definition . “tree of oy . 4.4 analyze pass: from Jaspers, Serire, other existentia rete for logics! c ui ce evelop sn original “language through a cay at school would get one Unit Five - Clarifying Language - 4 days 5.1 practice lagical revision end rewriting, reviewing different “learning styles” and using drefts with a variety of different purposes 5.2 establish notebook section with checklist far revision in other subjects siegorical Statements and Syilogisms ~ 16 days categorical statements iew the meaning of "necessity" in logic ine “categorical syliogism” jor, minor and middle tructing different valid WMogiams in four 2 10 explain how figure and mood i 11 identify 24 possible mood/fig they are valid o on a id y and give original examples of th formel fallacies: : undistributed middle illicit distrisution faulty exclusion unwarranted existential assertion improper conversion 6.16 reguiarly consult the “Guide for Checking Validity” while practicing distinction between valid and invalid syllogisms 6.17 recognize prectical applicat sic; clearly deecrine jenis yur Synwyier cueRE rel SysTUUTIC, informal logic; lateral thinking} 6.18 practice reducing the number of terms in erguments 6.19 identify the four-term (equivocation) faliscy 6.20 practice identifying ertqumenre: recognize and identify snd range Prefixes, as they apply te logic Unit Seven - Overview of Truth Functions, Predicete Logic - 7 days 7.1 practice presenting verbal information as symbolic vies versa arnbiguities in lenguage/logic dicate logic to their oven learning of a (first end) Init Eight - Induction and Hypotheses - 13 days 8.1 read selections from Francis Bacon, David Hume and comment on the state of deduction today 5.2 read Science end Human Values, identifying salient components of the trediticnal dichotomy between science and the “eris’ 5.3 read snd discuss case histories of various scientific scoveries™ 5.4 read BF. Skinner, selections from Walden Two and defend or discount his radical empiricism 6.5 pri ectce formulation of effective hypotheses 5.6 cevelop a hygothesis, tests and praats for en issue i Be school subject, and in personal life end present an “artistic” science project Vand present a “scientific” eris project p én achievement test to follow one presentetion (above) that will inductively and effectively show levels of others’ lzerning ~ Practical Reesoning end infermal Faliacies - 15 days 3.1 memorize 3 basic rules for avoiding inconsistency 9.2 practice recognizt repared exampies and “real life", fallacies of inconsistency: J begging the question P masiys Gusstions 5 ignorsntio sfencht real forgetful inguctios & faulty ansiegy FB past noc erga proper hoc & fsise siismms S morsiizing (wishful tiinsiig) 22 negative pret 9.4 practice recognizing, in prepared examples lie”, fallacies of irrelevance: 1! sé eminem circumstantial (7-} (2 ad Hanser ELUSIVE AS. ty gusgus Joh 60 baculum IS. 8B BEIGE EIST 18. te the gallery IP isespert authority 2 ag vareci ding Fallacies ai ntation end Ethics 16.1 practice writing legal briefs, irom resi-life ces 10.2 identity the fallacies discuss whether the wosoy uit ye Don't Know Can't Hurt Us") 10.3 evaluate selections from literary criticism (ie, Northrop Frye}; write one each original fallacy- . riddled end fallacy-free book, movie or music review 10.4 read Shape of Content end apply to criteria for lusting selected works of ert 10.5 debate a substantial mors! issue using all tools for clarification/persuasion learned, and 10.6 design a personel moral code based on the issues reised, with necessary additions sed in legal proceedings, wranee is uit € epprox. tatel days - 90 GINTERCAM. Banco Antonio Rangel Cortez Ejecutive de Relacion av, Rupen Dario 1109 Srangeke@intercam com mx GINTERCAM. Banco Antonio Rangel Cortez Elecutive de Relacion Av. Rubén Dario 1109 [mas Browidencia, 44647 Guadatajara. Jalisco Birecto: $3.36 4326 79 Srangete@intercam.com mx

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