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10/29/2020 Tutorlog :: Teach Online Today

Physics By A.Singh Sir

199-C, 1st floor Op- bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony, Gopalpura Mode

Date: 29/10/2020
Time: 2 hours 0 min Max. Marks: 90

Unit test-1 Quantum Mechanics

Single Choice Question

In simple Harmonic oscillator potential, the value of is ?
where k = force constant
x ; position
a) b)

(a) (b)

c) d)


a) b)
(a) (b)

c) d)
(c) ἰħ(xcos(px)+cos(px)x) (d) 1/7
10/29/2020 Tutorlog :: Teach Online Today


Consider a state which is given in terms of

orthonormal Eigen state of an operator B such that

, find the expectation value of B for the state .

a) b) c) d)
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q4 If the operators A and B satisfy the commutation relation [A, B]= i, where ,

then equals

a) b)
(a) (b)

c) d)

(c) (d)

Q5 A particle is initially (i.e., t < 0) in its ground state in a one dimensional harmonic
oscillator potential with angular frequency At t = 0, a time dependent perturbation
is turned on, where V 0 and are positive constants. After long
duration of time, particle will be found
a) (1) only in the ground state
b) (2) only in the first excited state
c) (3) only in the second excited state
d) (4) both in the first and third excited state

Q6 A particle is in the ground state of a 1-D potential box of width a. Now, if we

suddenly changed the width of the potential box from a to 8a. The ground state energy
in the new potential box and the probability of finding the particle in the new ground
state are
a) b)
(a) (b)

c) d)
(c) (d) 2/7
10/29/2020 Tutorlog :: Teach Online Today

Q7 Consider a rotational operator

The value of is
a) (a)0 b) c) d)
(b) (c) (d)

Q8 Consider a system which is initially in the following state :

where are simultaneous eigenstate of L2 & Lz. The value of is

a) b) c) (c) d) (d)zero
(a) (b)

Q9 A rigid rotator is in a quantum state described by the wave function

where and are the usual polar angles. The degeneracy of the given state is :
a) (a)3 b) (b)4 (c)5 c)
d) (d)10

Q10 Suppose 10 non-interacting spin–½ fermions are placed under the following potential

The ground state energy of the system, will be

a) (a) b) (b) c) (c) d) (d)
Q11 A particle of mass m moves in one-dimension under the influence of the potential
, where is a positive constant. The wavefunction of the particle in
momentum space, will be (unnormalized form)
a) b)
(a) (b)

c) d)
(c) 3/7
10/29/2020 Tutorlog :: Teach Online Today

Q12 Consider a spinless particle of m, which is moving in a 1-D infinite potential well,
with walls at x = 0 and x = a. The position operator can be written as
a) b)
(a) (b)

c) (c) d)

Q13 An electron in H-atom, is in the 3p state whose radial wavefunction is given by :

The uncertainty in the radial position of the electron, will be

a) (a) 2.24 a b) (b) 3.42 a 0 c) (c) 4.11 a 0 d) (d) 4.87 a0
Consider a particle of mass m in a potential . The change in

the nth state energy, compared to the simple harmonic potential , upto second
order in , is
a) b)

c) d)
(c) 0 (d)

in the 2s state of hydrogen atom is . T?he value of for the state
is :
a) b)
(a) (b)
c) d) (d) None of these
(Consider the spin-state of a particle to be . The value of

for the given state is equal to

a) b) c) d)
(a) (b) (c) (d) 4/7
10/29/2020 Tutorlog :: Teach Online Today

Q17 If the potential of two dimensional harmonic oscillator is

Statement I : The first excited is and doubly degenerate

Statement II : The second excited state is it is non degenerate.

a) (a) statement 1 is correct b) (b) statement II is correct
c) (c) Both I and II are corrected d) (d) Neither I nor II is corrected
Q18 Find the value of commutator
where is azimuthal angle and is operator
a) (a) 0 b) (B) c) (C) d) (D)
Q19 Consider a wave function then what are possible outcome of
measurement of LZ i.e. z component of angular momentum
a) (A) b) (B)
c) (C) d) (D)

Q20 If and are pauli spin matrix related to x, y and z direction then value of
a) (1) 2I b) (2)4I c) (3) 2I + d) (4)
Q21 If L is angular momentum is given by
where is momentum operator and is distance from origin. Then the
value of is given by
a) (a)0 b) (b) L z c) (c) d) (d)

Q22 Consider a state of total angular momentum l = 2 and m=0. The eigen values of the
operator are given by
a) (a) 0 b) (b) 1/2 c) (c) 3/4 d) (d) 2

Q23 The wave function of orbiting electron with spin 1/2 in positive direction is given by
. The average value of z-component of magnetic moment in term of
Bohr magnaton is given by
a) (a) - b) c) (c) - d)
(b)- (d)-

Q24 If we consider an electron as a uniform sphere of radius r then the angular velocity of
electron spinning about its diameter is given :
a) b) c) d)
(a) (b) (c) (d) 5/7
10/29/2020 Tutorlog :: Teach Online Today

Q25 If an one dimensional harmonic oscillator of charge q is placed in an uniform electric

field of strength E, then
a) (a) All the energy levels are shifted by a constant amount proportional to E 2 .

b) (b) Only the ground state level is shifte.

c) (c) All the energy levels are shifted differently as a function of E.
d) (d) All the energy levels are shifted by a constant amount proportional to E.
Q26 The lowest energy of a set of 24 electrons in a three dimensional cubical box of length
L of in the units of is :

a) (a) 72 b) (b) 177 c) (c) 214 d) (d) 428

Q27 Let k be wave number of the incident plane wave in a scattering experiment. If the
scattering is purely a p-wave with the phase shift , then the total scattering
cross-section is :
a) b) (b) c) (c)0 d) (d)


Q28 are the hydrogen atom stationary state. The state of an electron in a
hydrogen atoms is
If the z-component of angular momentum is measured, the probability of
finding is ……………….. (upto two decimal places).

Ans. 0.16 to 0.20

Q29 8 non-interacting protons, when placed in a 1-D infinite potential well of
width a have ground stat energy . When they are placed in a 2-D isotropic

Harmonic oscillator of frequency , the ground state energy becomes

is equal to ……………… (upto two decimal places).

Ans. 18.00 to 19.20 6/7
10/29/2020 Tutorlog :: Teach Online Today

Q30 In an elastic scattering process only s waves need to be considered. For two
incident particles of equal mass and energies and . and

. If the ratio of scattering cross-section of A to that of B is 1/2, is

equal to ………….. [upto two decimal places]

Ans. 2.10 to 3.20 7/7
Unit test-1 Quantum Mechanics

199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,

gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537

199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,

gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,
gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537
Best of Luck for your
bright future

199-C,1st floor,opp.-bhandari hospital, Basant bahar colony,

gopalpura mode, Jaipur-8769828844,9571489537

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