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Business Communication?

Business Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. it is the process of
imparting ideas and making oneself understood by others. Communication may be defined as interchange of thought or information
to bring about mutual understanding and confidence. Characteristics of Business Communication ///////
*Practical In Nature-----Effective communication deals with the real and genuine aspect of information which clearly explains
requirements of the customers. It completely removes any impractical and unnecessary information to avoid any wastage of time.
*Factual In Nature-------The message related to business basically consists of some factual data which depicts the full information
relating to business. Critical information like date, time and place should be clearly shown in the message meant for business.
*Precise And Easy Language----The message for communication should be written in an easy and precise language. There should be
the use of pictures, diagrams, and charts for easy clarification of the information. it helps to understand the message of the sender
*Two Way Traffic------Communication is a two – way traffic. The process of communication is not completed until the message has
been understood by the receiver. Understanding is an essential part of communication, but it does not imply agreement .
*Pre-Planned Target-----The communication process of business must contain certain pre-decided objectives and full efforts should
be made in order to achieve them. The pre-decided objectives pushes the sender during communication to achieve the goals.
*Persuasive In Nature------The communication process has a persuasive effect. It forces an employee to perform his or her duties in
order to achieve the pre-decided goals. //////// ELEMENTS //////////
*Clarity---Clarity is most thing in order to make communication effective. Communicator should use common words and should get
to the point. Communicator should make the communication more available to the listener or the reader.
*Structure-----Communication must have a structure from beginning to end. Communicator should know the logical structure that
would be to reader or listener. Communicator should avoid overly wordy.
*Audienc------Understanding the audience and their taste is the key to whole communication, Because when the communicator
aware the preference of their audience then communication will be worthy.
*Medium--------Communicator should use the right medium to address his audience. Communicator should know what kind of
medium, his audience prefer. it would be voice-to-voice or face-to-face communications.
Verbal Communication ADV. & Dis.Adv.?
Communication is a two-way method through which opinions, information, thoughts, ideas, and feelings, are exchanged between
different individuals via the application of the commonly recognised symbols and signs. Communication is an essential constituent
for the economic prosperity of any business.//Communication can be of various types depending on the pattern of expression and
the signs or symbols used. One of these types is Verbal Communication.///Verbal Communication is a sort of vocal Communication
through which a specific message gets transmitted by spoken words to the listener. In this type of communication, the sender gives a
verbal form to their personal feelings, opinions, ideas and thoughts and displays them in a speech, conversation, etc
Business Communication essentials?
Essentials of a Business Letter :
Few things can do greater harm to a business house than a badly-worded letter which gives a very poor impression of the
organisation and its attitude to business. Grammatical mistakes, slip-shod method and jerky expression reflect adversely on the
reputation of a firm. On the other hand, careful handling of business correspondence, with the courteous regard for the needs of its
clients, can mark the prosperity of a business house.////A letter consists of following essentials of a business letter.
(i) Letter Heading :The heading includes the name of the firm, its postal and telegraphic address, its telephone and Fax numbers (and
also the nature of its business). Mostly it is printed. In the heading, room is left for the reference number and the date of issue of the
letter which should be invariably quoted in the reply and in subsequent correspondence.
(ii) Name and Address of Addressee :This should be typed close to the left hand margin. The addressee’s name and address should
be given in the manner it is typed on the envelope. It is better to avoid use of the word MESSRS for a limited Company, unless it
forms a part of the registered name of the firm. However, it is a common practice to use MESSRS while addressing Companies with
personal names. But where the name is impersonal, use of MESSRS should be avoided. Care may be taken to address an official
(Secretary, General Manager, etc.,) while writing to professional societies, local authorities, charitable institutions, etc.
(iii) Salutation :This should come immediately beneath the recipient’s address, close to the left hand margin. SIR should be used for
all Government correspondence and for very formal business letters. However, DEAR SIR or DEAR SIRS is the most widely used
salutation in commercial correspondence. The salutation GENTLEMAN is not widely used in ordinary business correspondence. This
is mostly used when an employee addresses his Board of Directors or Chairman.
(iv) Introductory Paragraph :It should contain a reference to the previous correspondence. Sometimes it begins with REGARDING –
(SUBJECT). But in ordinary business letters this practise should be avoided and it should be put to use only in legal matters.
(v) Body of the Letter :Among the essentials of a business letter, body of the letter is the core thing. A business letter should, as a
matter of rule, be brief and precise. If it deals with one fact or item, one paragraph should suffice. If several points are required to be
touched upon, a separate paragraph may be given on every new idea. But the paragraphs must be logically arranged.
(vi) Closing paragraph :It should be worded in a forceful and convincing style. Because it is in this paragraph that the whole argument
is summed up. Ordinarily, the letters should end with a courteous phrase expressing hope for a formal reply or assuring the
addressee of the best of attention.
(vii) Subscription :The salutation and subscription must always agree in style. You cannot start a letter formally and end it informally.
The most popular subscription in business letters is YOURS FAITHFULLY, though YOURS TRULY can also be used for partly or wholly
informal letters. But YOURS SINCERELY is used for personal letters beginning with DEAR.
(viii) A good letter must ensure : Clarity of thought :Arrange the words and sentences in such a manner as to convey the exact
meaning and nothing else. You should, therefore, be choosy in words and avoid all ambiguity. Redundant words or purple phrases
are quite out of place in a business letter which rather create an adverse effect on the readers. Inconsistency of thought and illogical
statement must be carefully avoided, because it results in hotchpotch and defeats the purpose of business.
Forcefulness ://////Forcefulness is as important as lucidity. In ordinary routine correspondence it is not necessary, but in a business
letter it makes a difference between securing a client and losing him. A forceful and convincing statement makes a difference
between securing a client or losing him. A forceful and convincing statement makes an appeal to the emotions of the reader who
makes more than a usual attempt to some understanding with the correspondent.
Conference Call(Preparation)?
Companies have used conference calls to conduct meetings for years. However, conference calls have become even more popular
during the pandemic. In April, Zoom grew its user base to 300 million members, largely due to the growing need to conduct virtual
business meetings. ///////Organizing an Effective Conference Call Before It Begins///////While more companies are discovering the
benefits of conference calls in response to new social distancing requirements, some of them are also dealing with a difficult learning
curve. Conference calls go a lot more smoothly if participants prepare effectively ahead of time. Conference call organizers that
don’t prepare encounter far more frustrations.
Here are some conference call preparation guidelines that will keep the meeting on track.
*Ensure the participants have the right conference call tools at their disposal----Conference calls can’t operate effectively without
the right technology. At a bare minimum, every participant needs the same communication platform. If you are conducting a video
call through Skype or another VoIP application, then participants need to be informed at the beginning so that they can download it.
//You should compare different conference call tools beforehand. Neil Patel has a post that reviews different conference call tools
for business. You might want to review it for more information.
*Set strict timetables for your call---Time is a finite and precious resource in the business world. Nobody wants to participate in a call
that consumes a greater chunk of their day than is necessary.//You need to be mindful of the time constraints of all of your
participants. This is especially important if customers will be participating, because they can hold it against you if they think you
aren’t being considerate of their time.///The first step towards organizing a conference call is determining how long it should last.
This is important for organizing the call to keep everybody on track.
*Set Proper Etiquette Rules----Participants will need to be advised of etiquette rules to stay on track and be tactful. They should
realize the importance of keeping their statements on point and brief. Dominik Zane, the CEO of a small tech startup said that people
should avoid mundane comments about things like the weather.
*Create an agenda divided up with subtopics-----Conference calls aren’t the format for freestyle discussions. Due to the nature of
communicating through virtual technology, discussions can go off track easily if they aren’t tightly structured.///You need to outline
a core agenda for the call and refrain from deviating from it. This agenda might need to touch on multiple topics. The conference call
organizer will be responsible for transitioning from one topic to another, while keeping participants engaged and contributing.
*Appoint the best call facilitator----Somebody needs to be responsible for heading the conference call. This person is usually the
stakeholder that is most familiar with the topic at hand and the individuals that will be participating.///The conference call facilitator
must be aware of their responsibilities. They will need to start off by introducing the other participants, outlining the agenda, calling
on participants and keeping everybody on track.
*Appoint a notetaker to the call----You might have organized the best discussion possible. Unfortunately, it won’t provide much
benefit if nobody remembers the important points of the conference call two days later.///You need to delegate notetaking
responsibilities to one of your participants. They need to be able to identify the most important parts of the discussion and record
them for later review. The person responsible for taking notes should not be the conference call leader, because they will be too
busy with other responsibilities to capture discussion points properly.
*Have the right format for soliciting comments---Conference calls are pointless if only the call leader and one other participant are
carrying the entire discussion. It is necessary to encourage participation. However, it is important to solicit comments the right way.
//The call leader should avoid asking for a commentary from the entire group. More vocal participants will talk over everybody else,
while more timid participants might not speak up at all./////Instead, it is better to call on specific people to share their insights.
Participation from various members should be prioritized based on their level of importance for any given topic. Some participants
might have responsibilities that overlap with multiple topics, so they might need more speaking time. The conference call organizer
needs to determine this.
*Organize your conference call carefully------Your conference call will be a lot more successful if you prepare ahead of time. The
most important measures are to come up with an agenda, appoint a leader and structure the discussion carefully.
Interpersonals barriers to communication?
Barriers to effective interpersonal communication occur when employees are too afraid to reach out to their team leaders or if open
communication isn’t encouraged. Relationships that help employees get the work done also impact communication. For instance, if
two employees don’t see eye to eye, they’ll likely avoid communicating with each other. In this case, if they have to work on a
project or send a memo to each other, they can take days or completely overlook this. This can cause the turnaround time on a
project to be longer than ideal.////Interpersonal barriers are very common in the workplace. New recruits may be too shy to
participate in important meetings. There can be managers who dominate the conversation, discouraging others from speaking at all.
The reason might be a person’s individual qualities or the general environment in an organization. Leaders need to be mindful of
establishing protocols that support an open and honest communication network.////Communication barriers can hamper the way
organizations do business. From affecting day-to-day business to larger operations, interpersonal barriers can be potent. It’s
important to recognize and correct them in a timely manner.
1. EXCESSIVE TECHNICAL JARGON----If the manager in the product team is sharing an email with a sales associate, the use of jargon
can make the messaging incomprehensible. It can also create a wall between the two employees. The sales associate may find it
hard to express their confusion while the product manager might assume the message was successfully sent. The message
eventually gets lost in translation with no one seeking clarification or acknowledging it. Jargon can act as a roadblock to effective
2. LACK OF TRUST AMONG TEAM MEMBERS-----Team building is important for a successful organization. However, a lack of trust in
teams can create interpersonal barriers in communication. For instance, if employees don’t trust their peers to deliver the work,
they’ll prefer doing it themselves. Delegation also comes with a slice of trust and responsibility. Teams need to have the right
mindset and approach to collaboration if they want to improve communication. If there are conflicts between team members, they
need to be resolved in a timely way. This can save organizations a lot of trouble.
3. LACK OF ACTIVE LISTENING SKILLS-----Communication isn’t just speaking or writing well. A critical aspect of effective
communication is active listening. It means listening well enough to engage in an interesting conversation, asking follow-up
questions and registering what the speaker has to say. Lack of active listening skills can cause a rift among employees. For instance, if
someone’s sharing their ideas but no one’s paying attention, it can offend them. This can even deter them from participating or
speaking up in future meetings or events.
4. ABSENCE OF CONTROL OVER THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT-----Between the speaker and listener or the sender and receiver of a
message, there are several factors that can impair communication. The external environment is dynamic. If one employee is in the
office while the other is at home, it can affect interpersonal communication. The person working from home may be unavailable for
a meeting or the person in office may have too much background noise.
5. FILTERING MESSAGES ACROSS LEVELS AND FUNCTIONS------The kind of organizational structure in an office can impact
communication in many ways. For instance, if it’s a hierarchical work environment, employees may be reluctant to reach out to their
seniors. They may only be taking directions instead of collaborating or working together with everyone. This can cause them to avoid
group meetings and calls. They can even be too shy to present their ideas and opinions.
Internal and External business communication?
Internal Communication
Having the most progressive vision for the development of your business will not be effective if it is not made known to every one of
your employees. It is, therefore, important to pay attention to your organization’s internal communication.
Internal communication is important for a variety of different reasons:
1. It aligns different departments-----Internal communication allows transparency across the various departments bringing about
harmony in functionality. A company cannot be successful if its departments are not working uniformly to attain an objective.
2. It improves HR practices-----Internal communication works to bring about further unison between employees and their
organization. Failure to communicate to your employees that you value their well-being and feedback will result in an ineffective
human resource department. Employee-friendly policies will never meet their desired effects if there are no tools in place to educate
your employees about the benefits of said policies.
3. It can be a tool for problem-solving-----The advancements made in communication technology have made it possible to engage
larger numbers of employees in your organization in solving problems.
External Communication
Internal communication involves the upward, downward, horizontal, and diagonal exchange of information within a company, but
external communication deals with the transfer of information outside the organization.////External communication aims to
communicate with the outer world. Its focus is centered on spreading the news about the organization to the public. Most often the
main goal of external communication is to increase the organization’s revenue. It aims to market the organization and its products to
potential customers.
1. It makes your products known---External communication is an important way of marketing your products to potential customers.
Without proper external communication, the public won’t know the solutions your products offer. How can product X make their
lives better? You need external communication to tell them.
2. Enables corporations to reach new customers------Modern technology has redefined external communication; today, the internet
is one of the most valuable resources in attaining new customers. Websites and social media sites make it easy for a company to
target and reach their desired demographic.
The Connection Between Internal and External Communications
While the two forms of communication are different, they learn and borrow from each other. For them to be effective, they both
make use of impactful storytelling, strategy development, and dependable metrics.////For a company’s success, internal and
external communicators have to work together; organizations should analyze their internal and external communication policies to
make them as complimentary as possible. Developing messaging that motivates employees to meet their set targets while uniformly
enticing partners and customers ensure effective communication.///If that messaging was developed separately for both internal
and external communication, then conflicts will arise. Internal and external communicators should both collaborate to paint a
uniform overall picture for the organization.
It is important to consider the following;
Organizations are no longer in sole control of the message -Social media has made it possible for anyone to share their views. This
has made everyone a possible communicator; customers as well as employees.
Internal and external communicators have to align -The different methods of delivery have made it difficult for both these forms of
communications to be made uniform, but it can still be done, and it is important that your communication paint a unified front. The
line between internal and external communication is continuously being blurred; there will be a need from time to time to tailor the
emphasis, tone, or vocabulary of a particular message depending on the intended audience.
Compelling storytelling is vital -The available alternatives to information sources have led to an emphasis on storytelling. Today,
fiction is more effective at persuasion than facts and evidence. Both inside and outside communication must tap into the power of
storytelling to yield results.
Collaboration- There has to be a continuous dialog between all communication functions to ensure you get the right message out
and at the right time.
Corporate communication is always changing. The blurred lines present challenges as well as opportunities that, to be tackled
successfully, need the alignment and collaboration of internal and external communicators to ensure all intended audiences engage
with uninformed and compelling messages.
Bring your communications to one single source of truth. Providing a thriving workplace for your employees through effective
internal communication and access to external communication is an essential foundation.
To find out if your internal and external communications mandates are in place, take our complimentary internal communications
assessment, and get a detailed report in 5 minutes. Once you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, feel free to book a FREE
DEMO call with our experts and discuss ways to improve.
Distinguish b/w
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication?
Parameter of
Verbal Communication Non Verbal Communication

Verbal communication involves the use of Non-verbal communication involves the use of
words or speech or auditory language to visual or non-verbal cues such as facial
express emotions or thoughts or exchange expressions, eye or body movements, gestures,
information. and many more without speaking.

Formal as well as Informal Informal

Impact of the Very comprehensive as it shows the actual

Very impactful as it is documented.
Message emotions of the person.

Communicates Precise information. Required and at times more information.

Emails, letters, notes, reports, i.e. Anything

Conveyed Through Body posture, gestures, eye contacts, face
in written and oral format where words are
Through expressions i.e. any form of expression.

Clear and Concise. Complex and sometimes confusing.
Oral & Written Communication?
Key Differences Between Oral Communication and Written Communication
The following are the major differences between oral communication and written communication:
1. The type of communication in which the sender transmits information to the receiver through verbally speaking the
message. The communication mode, which uses written or printed text for exchanging the information is known as Written
2. The pre-condition in written communication is that the participants must be literate whereas there is no such condition in
case of oral communication.
3. Proper records are there in Written Communication, which is just opposite in the case of Oral Communication.
4. Oral Communication is faster than Written Communication.
5. The words once uttered cannot be reversed in the case of Oral Communication. On the other hand, editing of the original
message is possible in Written Communication.
6. Misinterpretation of the message is possible in Oral Communication but not in Written Communication.
7. In oral communication, instant feedback is received from the recipient which is not possible in Written Communication.
Conclusion///Oral Communication is an informal one which is normally used in personal conversations, group talks, etc. Written
Communication is formal communication, which is used in schools, colleges, business world, etc. Choosing between the two
communication mode is a tough task because both are good at their places. People normally use the oral mode of communication
because it is convenient and less time-consuming. However, people normally believe in the written text more than what they hear
that is why written communication is considered as the reliable method of communication.
Methods for Satisfaction & retention of customers?
*Repeat Customers Spend More--You’ve already convinced an existing customer to buy from you, and the more purchases they
make, the more likely they are to spend more money. One study found that by a shopper’s fifth purchase, they were spending 40%
more than their first purchase. By the time the customer hit the tenth purchase, they were spending a massive 80% more!
*Word-of-Mouth and Loyalty---Happy customers are more likely to recommend your brand to their friends and family, and happy
customers are repeat customers. Customer loyalty is a hugely important factor in word-of-mouth marketing and having a solid
customer retention policy increases customer loyalty.
*More Data----Data is the big buzzword right now, and with good reason – it recently overtook oil as the world’s most valuable
resource! Existing and repeat customers will generate more data for your business, and you can use this data to gain actionable
insights that can increase profits. For example, you’re more likely to get a complete profile of an existing customer than a new one.
This means you can gain key insights into who they are, why they like your products, and if there is a pattern to their buying habits.
You can then use this information to design marketing strategies for certain demographics of the population.
Minutes of a Meeting?
Also known as protocol or note, minutes are the live written record of a meeting. They include the list of attendees, issues raised,
related responses, and final decisions taken to address the issues. Their purpose is to record what actions have been assigned to
whom, along with the achievements and the deadlines.
*Format of Minutes of Meeting////A minutes of meeting normally includes the following elements −
 Name of the company − to the top-left of the page.
 Date − to the top-right of the page.
 Topic − after two return keys; Center-aligned.
 Attendees − Name and designation (2 columns of a table).
 Absentees − name, roles, reasons for absenteeism. (3 columns)
 Agenda at hand − topic to be discussed.
 Issues raised − along with the names of the speakers.
 Suggestions − made along with the names of the speakers.
 Decision − the outcome of the meeting.
 Task List − task allotted and the respective allottee.
 Future Meetings − the date and topic of the next meeting.
Postal Services?
A postal service is a system used to send mail (letters and packages) from one place to another. Today people can send mail nearly
anywhere in the world.
How Postal Services Work
People who use postal services pay in advance. Senders may pay by putting a stamp on the mail. They may also take their mail to the
post office and pay a clerk or a postage machine. Heavier mail costs more to send. People mail their letters and packages by placing
them in a mailbox or taking them directly to the post office.
At the post office, postal workers sort the mail by size. Letters go through a machine that cancels the stamps. This means that the
machine prints lines over the stamps so that they cannot be used again. The machine also prints the date, the time, and the place of
stamping. This is called the postmark.
Postal workers then sort the mail according to its destination (the place where it is going). They may sort it by hand or with the help
of machines. Postal workers tie sorted mail in bundles and put it into sturdy sacks. These sacks are marked with the mail’s
Postal workers send the mail to its destination by truck, train, ship, or airplane. Postal services around the world cooperate so that
mail can even travel between countries. At the destination, letter carriers deliver the mail to each address. Many letter carriers
travel on foot or in small mail trucks.
Postal services have been an important method of communication for thousands of years. Egypt had a postal service in about
2000 bce. The Chinese used riders on horseback to deliver mail by about 1000 bce. For hundreds of years governments sent almost
all mail.
Then, in the 1200s ce, trade between faraway countries began to increase. To communicate about trade, groups of business owners
and bankers set up their own private postal services. Towns, workers’ groups, religious groups, and universities also set up ways to
send and receive messages.
In the 1500s and 1600s most private postal services went out of business. National governments took over most postal services. One
famous private service that emerged later was the Pony Express. It delivered mail on horseback in the western United States in the
early 1860s.
National governments still run most postal services. Since the early 1970s private companies have also offered some services,
especially the delivery of packages. In the 1990s many people began to send faxes and e-mail instead of written letters. However,
people today still use postal services, especially when they want to send important or private information.
Importance of Public Relations in an Organization?
Medium Of Communication
The first and the foremost function of public relation which is considered very important is that it provides a means
of communication between the company and all the potential customers. All the information which the company wants to circulate
to the desired public comes under the functioning of public relation department. This provides a very convenient two-way
communication process between the professionals handling the public relations department of the company and the general public.
Branding Of The Organisation ///In today’s market competition is very tough and every organisation needs to work hard to satisfy
their customer wants. In today’s time, customers are moving towards the brand to increase their reputation and status in society
and so, therefore they all want to use best out of all. And if an organisation is not working towards its marketing strategy and then it
stands nowhere in the competition.////Public relation has a very effective role in creating a good brand and reputation of the
organisation in the market because all the information regarding the products and services of the organisation are being circulated
through public relation in the market.
Prevents The Negative Image Of The Organisation///There are lots of competitors for every business in the market and these all
competitors try their best to compete with all these competitors and even do not hesitate to spread fake rumours and false
information regarding the company which ultimately affect its brand and goodwill in the market.///Public relations help in not
spreading any unpleasant information of the company through proper public awareness of the public regarding company from time
to time through this channel.
Maintain Presence In The Market///Public relation is the one through which the customers in the market know your presence in the
market that you are providing all your services and products in the market and you remain present visible in their eyes.
It is through this that the company informs or communicates about its all-new products and activities to the public and even seeks
their suggestions through this channel. This will help you improve your understanding with your customer and even make their
experience better and better.
Building Connections And Maintaining Partnership///This is one of the important function of the public relation department of the
organisation. The professionals working under the public relation department are required to maintain better and healthy relations
with all the required key personnel in the market. These better relationship directly affects the functioning of the organisation and
affects the company’s authority.
Modern Technology of Business Communication?
1. YOU CAN TALK IN REAL TIME-----It goes without saying that it is a lot easier to talk quickly using apps than more old-fashioned
methods, like telephone and fax.///Using workplace technology advantages, it is possible to speak to people in real time, whether
that be over a messaging app or via video call on your PC, tablet or even interactive display.///There are a variety of apps that are
great for internal communication and can also be used to communicate with people in the company from other locations. Business
communication apps include:
Slack – this chatting app is streamlined well, with a great layout and interface. It is easy to find conversations, links and files that are
shared and it is possible to create a Google Hangout from inside the chat room.
Campfire – this application features password-protected group chats.
Wrike – this is a handy project management tool for small teams.
2. IT IS REMOTE---One of the main advantages of technology in workplace communications is how easy it now is to communicate
with remote workers. The workplace of the future is relying more on remote employees so it is vital to have platforms that can
communicate with them.///It also means that employees can talk while they are not physically in the same place. It must be said
that this isn’t always considered a good thing – having to ‘always be online’ has caused a decline in some people’s mental health, but
it is handy in some instances.//This was impossible when businesses were relying on landline phones and fax machines. But
nowadays, messaging applications and large amounts of mobile data make it very feasible.
3. SECURITY IS INCREASING---The more technology develops, the more secure it becomes. Using emails, especially when they were
sent out to the entire office, without adequate security was a recipe for disaster. Nowadays, most apps use end to end encryption,
meaning that the messages can only be read by the sender and receiver.///Smartphones, tablets and Apple computers have security
software implemented to make sure they are immune to hackers, and nowadays security can be purchased for Microsoft computers
as well.///This means that emails are a lot less likely to be hacked. Moreover, external programmes often require a password to login
and have features like encryption, making them more secure.
4. IT IS MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY----Keeping in contact with people remotely, rather than using letters, if of course very
beneficial to the environment. Vince Digneo, who is the sustainability strategist at Adobe, stated that “the greenest paper is no
paper at all”; obviously it is a lot more sustainable to use technology to communicate with people./////In the modern world, not
many people send physical letters. However, we do still use over 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard every year, a large
percentage of which is in the office.////Therefore, there are ways that we can cut back on paper, some when we are communicating
internally. Rather than leaving a note for someone, for example, save the paper and send them an instant message. Or, rather than
sticking post it notes physically on your computer to communicate with yourself, use Evernote Sticky Note service to leave electronic
notes on your desktop.
In the US, printed documents produce 90% of all office waste and the other 10% is in storage facilities.///While these are not
necessarily used for business communication methods, it stands that we should be reducing our paper waste in the office as much as
possible and we can easily start doing this by communicating in different ways.
5. IT IS ENJOYABLE!----While using technology to discuss work matters is more casual than more old-fashioned methods, it is also an
enjoyable way to get to know your colleagues.////Emojis and GIFs are used widely in some offices to add a dash of humour to the
working day.///This is great for contributing to a relaxed, and hopefully subsequently productive, atmosphere.///Furthermore, using
technology in the workplace keeps things organized and decluttered. New technology in business allows users to streamline what
they want to see within the business communication apps and easily search for conversations. It makes for a much less stressful
experience than sorting through piles of letters or rummaging through a full email inbox!
6. IT IMPROVES CUSTOMER RELATIONS---Companies that have adopted techniques for using technology to communicate in the
workplace are leaping ahead in terms of customer relations.///Many businesses have taken to using bots on their Facebook page
which can quickly and easily answer customers’ questions.///Video messaging applications like Google Hangouts are great tools that
can help businesses speak to customers internationally.///Developing a great app is another fantastic way to use technology to
create a great customer relations base and communicate with customers.///People who frequently use the services of a business
will download the app and use it to contact them with comments, questions or improvements.
7. IT IS MORE VERSATILE---As well as sending messages and to-do lists, ways of business communication also includes sharing ideas.
These can be presented in a range of different ways, the most popular being presentations.///They are a great way to share business
ideas using technology. They generally involve plans for the development of the business or solutions for any problems.///And
presentations have gone a long way since making an amateur-looking PowerPoint on a PC.///Nowadays, they can be presented in a
range of alternative ways. One of the best is on an interactive display – which is a great alternative to interactive whiteboards – in a
huddle room.///This creates an intimate setting where those viewing the presentation can easily see the screen and work out what it
details. Interactive displays are touch-sensitive and can be drawn upon (with the right tool of course!), making them a fantastic way
to communicate different messagesAvocor have a range of interactive displays, perfect for any kind of boardroom or huddle room.
The impact and use of technology in business communication is increasing and unignorable. While it may only seem minor to change
a form of messaging or presenting to colleagues, it has some very real benefits that can affect all parts of the business. Including
security, customer relations, eco-friendliness, and ultimately a positive impact on a business’s bottom line.

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