Physics Workdone, Energy and Power Tutorial 1

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Topic: Work Done, Energy, and Power

Session Duration: 2 Hours

Objective: The objective of this tutoring session is to provide a comprehensive understanding of
the concepts of work done, energy, and power in physics. By the end of the session, students should
be able to:

 Define and differentiate between work done, energy, and power.

 Calculate work done, energy, and power in various scenarios.
 Apply these concepts to solve practical problems.

Session Outline:
1. Introduction to Work Done, Energy, and Power (15 minutes)

 Overview of the topics to be covered: work done, energy , and power.

 Understand that work is a scalar.
 Importance and relevance of understanding these concepts in physics.
 Brief explanation of the relationship between work done, energy, and power.

2. Understanding Work Done (30 minutes)

 Definition of work done and its significance in physics.

 Calculation of work done using the formula: W=F×d×cos(θ).
 Examples and illustrations to demonstrate positive, negative, and zero work done.
 Practice problems to reinforce understanding.

3. Exploring Energy (30 minutes)

 Introduction to different forms of energy: kinetic energy, potential energy, and mechanical
 Calculation of kinetic energy KE=1/2×m×v2 and potential energy PE=m×g×h.
 Conservation of mechanical energy in various systems.
 Real-life examples and applications of energy concepts.
 Practice problems and exercises.

4. Understanding Power (30 minutes)

 Definition of power and its significance in physics.

 Calculation of power using the formula: P=W/t.
 Relationship between work done, energy, and power.
 Examples illustrating power in mechanical systems, electrical circuits, and human activities.
 Practice problems and exercises.

5. Application and Problem-Solving (30 minutes)

 Application of work done, energy, and power concepts in solving physics problems.
 Solving numerical problems involving these concepts.
 Strategies for problem-solving and critical thinking.
 Review of key concepts and principles.

6. Conclusion and Recap (15 minutes)

 Summary of key points covered during the session.

 Addressing any remaining doubts or questions.
 Guidance on further practice and study.
 Encouragement and motivation for continued learning.

Additional Resources:

 Recommended textbooks and reference materials.

 Online resources and interactive simulations.
 Supplementary reading materials and videos.


1. Energy

-It is the capacity of doing work.

- It is the ability to do work ,which is the ability to exert a force causing displacement.
-Potential energy is the energy an object posses due to its position in the gravitational field

Ep= mgh

-Kinetic energy is the energy of an object owing to its motion.

Ek=1/2 x mv2

The principle of conservation of energy/mechanical energy:

-Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed , it can only be transferred from one form to

-The total mechanical energy (sum of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy) in an
isolated system remains constant. ( Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp )
- A system is isolated when the net external force acting on the system (e.g. air resistance) is zero.
- A conservative force as a force for which the work done in moving an object between two points
is independent of the path taken. Examples are gravitational force, the elastic force in a spring and
electrostatic forces (coulomb forces).
- A non-conservative force as a force for which the work done in moving an
object between two points depends on the path taken. Examples are frictional force,
air resistance, tension in a chord,
2.Work Done
-It is the energy transferred. It is the product of a force and displacement.

-Work done on an object by a constant force F as F Δx cos θ where: F is the

magnitude of the force; Δx is the magnitude of the displacement; and θ is the angle
between the force and the displacement.

-Work done can be positive or negative; Positive work done takes place when the force is in the
same direction as displacement whilst negative work done takes place when force is in the opposite
direction to the displacement.

Relationship between work done and energy : Work -Energy theorem

The net work done on an object is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy. OR the work
done on an object by a net force is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy.

Wnet= ΔEK 1

Wnet= ΔEK + ΔU 2

Formula 2 is used when there are non-conservative forces acting on a system.


-Is the rate at which work is done or energy expended.

P= Fv

P =W/∆t

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