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GCSE Maths Test (M7)

Units 14-21

 Number
 Sequences
 Polygons
 Algebra
 Indices
 Proportion

Time: 45 mins



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Topics I did well in: _____________________________


Topics I did not do well in: _____________________________


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Unit 14 Number

2) a) Write the binary number 1101 as a decimal number.

Answer ___________ [1]

b) Write the decimal number 45 as a binary number.

Answer ___________ [1]

3) A hotel provides lunch for 120 people.
They make 288 sandwiches and 192 tray bakes.
How many sandwiches and tray bakes would they need to provide a similar lunch for 150

Answer __________ sandwiches

___________ tray bakes [2]

4) Jack divided marbles between himself and Jill in the ratio 4:3
Jack then had 84 marbles.
How many marbles were there in total?

Answer ___________ [2]

5) Estimate

Answer ___________ [2]

6) Write in standard form. [1]

7) Find, in standard form, the value of [2]

8) The population of Northern Ireland is

The number of people who live in Belfast is
What percentage of the population of Northern Ireland live in Belfast?

Answer ___________ [2]

Unit 15 Sequences

9) is an integer. From the expressions


(i) an expression which will always give an even number,

Answer ___________ [1]

(ii) an expression which could give an odd or even number.

Answer ___________ [1]

10) Find the next 2 terms and the nth term of the following sequences

(a) 5 , 8, 11 , 14 , 17

(b) 2 , 0 , -2 , -4 , -6


(c) 0 , 3 , 8 , 15 , 24

Unit 16 Polygons


ABCDE is a regular pentagon with centre O.

Calculate the size of

a) angle AOB b) angle ABC

Answer ___________[2] Answer ___________ [2]

Unit 17 Algebra

Unit 20 Indices


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