2008 Nuclear Security Spending

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Nuclear Weapons Appropriations by Category/Subcategory Category Nuclear forces and operational support Department of Defense Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Department of the Interior (Kwajalein Atoll lease) Deferred environmental and health costs Environmental management and cleanup (DOD, DOE, DNFSB, EPA) Defense nuclear waste disposal (DOE) Victim compensation (NTPR, RECP, EEOICPA, Marshall Islands) Missile defense National missile defense Theater missile defense National and theater missile defense Nuclear threat reduction Prevention/securing (DOD, DOE, DHS, State, Justice, NRC) Elimination (DOD, DOE, State) Nonproliferation (DOD, DOE, State, Commerce) Nuclear incident management Emergency preparedness (DOD, DOE, DHS, HHS, EPA) Incident response (DOD, DOE, DHS, EPA) Grand Total FY 2008 Appropriations (millions of dollars) 29,093.103 22,495.652 6,569.325 11.936 16.190 8,299.015 7,332.618 258.786 707.611 9,187.509 4,210.000 2,701.686 2,275.823 5,165.220 3,098.674 1,069.285 997.261 699.644 444.587 255.057 52,444.491

Total FY 2008 Nuclear Weapons Appropriations by Department/Agency (millions) Defense Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board $11.936 $11.936 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 Homeland Security $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $625.880 $280.887 State Justice Commerce Labor Health and Human Services $0.000 $55.358 $0.000 $0.000 $63.270 Environmental Protection Agency $0.000 $24.704 $0.000 $0.000 $33.587 Nuclear Regulatory Commission $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $72.100 $0.000 Interior Total

Nuclear forces and operational support Deferred environmental and health costs Missile defense Nuclear threat reduction Nuclear incident management

$22,495.652 $1,069.007 $9,187.509 $982.422 $163.245

$6,569.325 $6,501.513 $0.000 $2,663.130 $158.655

$0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $241.826 $0.000

$0.000 $43.400 $0.000 $568.102 $0.000

$0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $11.760 $0.000

$0.000 $581.980 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000

$16.190 $11.117 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000

$29,093.103 $8,299.015 $9,187.509 $5,165.220 $699.644















Department of Defense Program Nuclear forces Major Force Program 1 (Strategic Forces) Tactical nuclear weapons (estimate, not counted in total) Missile defense Command, control, communications, and intelligence (estimate, not counted in total) Overhead and support costs (estimate, nuclear forces only) FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Sources Comments

10,057.000 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/fy2009_greenbook.pdf. p. 80 244.858 Derived from CBO (1991) The START Treaty and Beyond, p. 135 (10% of total)

Stockpile reduced from ~5,000 in 1991 to ~

9,187.509 Includes $81.4 million for USAF's XSS, ANGELS, Starfire, and DARPA'S TICS. See www.cdi.org/program/document.cfm?DocumentID=4130&StartRow=31&ListRows=10&appendURL=&Orderby=D.DateLastUpdated&ProgramID=6&from_page=index.c 13,059.092 Derived from CBO (1991) The START Treaty and Beyond, p. 135 (100% of total) 10,900.211 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/FY09Greenbook/greenbook_2009_updated.pdf. p. 73

Need to find a way to estimate all nuclear w

Calculated by adding MFPs 1, 2, and 11 (S

NOTE: For lines 18-105, except for lines 23-26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 37, 45, 46 56, 52, 56, 60, 61, 64, 67, 68, 72, 73, 89, 90, 92 97, 98, 99, 102, 104 and 106, programs below are illustrative only and are not included in overall totals. Air Force Operations & Maintenance Global C3I and Early Warning Primary Combat Forces Primary Combat Weapons Contract maintenance support - B-1B and B-52 bombers Weapons of Mass Destruction Threat Response Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE) Arms Control Defense Environmental Restoration Program RDT&E Space Survivability and Surveillance-Nuclear Test Seismic Research ICBM demonstration/validation Nuclear Weapons Support B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber Space-Based Infrared System High EMD E-4B National Airborne Operations Center Modernization Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Environment (MEECN) System Improvements Global Combat Support System (GCCS) WWMCCS/Global Command and Control System NUDET Detection System (Space) KC-135 Aging Aircraft Program Procurement Ballistic Missile Equipment Replacement Minuteman Modifications ALCM and Minuteman initial spares ALCM and Minuteman replenishment spares Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Vandenberg AFB launch base support Space-Based Infrared System High Advance Procurement Global Hawk Predator UAV B-2A Interim Contractor Support B-2 modifications B-52 modifications E-4B (National Airborne Operations Center) modifications Global Hawk modifications Predator modifications Construction Construction at Minot Air Force Base Army RDT&E Patriot/MEADS Combined Aggregate Program Nuclear Arms Control Monitoring and Sensor Network Army Kwajalein Atoll Support for Air Force and Navy ballistic missile tests (est.) Support for Missile Defense Agency demonstration/validation tests (est.) Operations & Maintenance Army National Guard Domestic Preparedness Weapons of Mass Destruction Navy Personnel Nuclear Officer Incentive Pay Nuclear Accession Bonus Operations & Maintenance Nuclear Material Consumption Intermediate Level Maintenance (includes Trident Refit Facilities and Naval Submarine Support Facility New London) Nuclear Propulsion Technical Logistics and Operating Reactor Plant Technology Radiation Control and Health Radiation Detection, Indication, and Computation Fleet Ballistic Missile Operations Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (overhaul, repair, modernization, refueling of Los Angeles-class SSNs) Procurement Trident II modifications and missile industrial facilities Shipbuilding & Conversion SSBN Engineered Refueling Overhaul Trident SSBN Ordnance (conversion from C4 to D5 SLBMs) SSBN Engineered Refueling Overhaul Advance Procurement Operations & Maintenance Strategic Platform Support Equipment Escort vessels for Trident SSBNs SURTASS Strategic Platform Support Equipment Strategic Missile Systems Equipment (Trident II/D5 life extension) Operating Forces Support Equipment (floating pier and wharf for Trident submarine bases) Trident submarine base security equipment (WRAS and WFLAS) RDT&E WMD detection (fissile materials and weapons) Stoppage of large surface vessels at sea (suspected of carrying WMD) Joint Service Explosive Ordance Development (respond to IND and WMD incidents) Submarine Integrated Antenna System Project (SSN/SSBN/SSGN) New Design SSN (Virginia class) Family of Incident Response Systems Strategic Submarine and Weapon System Support Navy/Air Force Reentry Systems Application Program Enhanced Special Weapons Reliable Replacement Warhead Fleet Communications (includes positive control and EAM dissemination to SSBNs) Integrated Undersea Surveillance System Satellite Communications (includes SSBNs, strategic defense, theater defense, space, and intel operations Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Strategic Offensive Arms Elimination-Russia Strategic Offensive Arms Elimination-Ukraine Nuclear Weapons Storage Security-Russia Nuclear Weapons Transportation Security-Russia WMD Proliferation Prevention-FSU WMD Proliferation non-FSU/New Initiatives Defense and Military Contacts Other/Administrative Support Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Block 1 - Defend U.S. from limited long-range DPRK attack Block 2 - Defend allies and U.S. forces from short- to medium-range threats in one region Block 3 - Expand U.S. defense to cover limited long-range Iran attack Block 4 - Defend allies and forces in Europe from limited Iran attack; expand U.S. defenses Block 5 - Defend allies and U.S. forces from short- to medium-range threats in two regions Capability Development Sustainment Mission Area Investment MDA Operations Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Operations and Maintenance Arms control inspections and technology WMD combat support and operations Support to STRATCOM for Center for Combatting WMD DTRA core operational support activities Defense Threat Reduction University Procurement Administration and service-wide activities RDT&E DTRA basic research initiative WMD defeat technologies Proliferation, prevention, and defeat WMD defeat capabilities Small Business Innovation Research Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) High-Productivity Computing Systems Novel Sensors for Force Protection Sleight of HAND (High Altitude Nuclear Detonations) Total Total Department of Defense Budget (excludes supplemental costs for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan) Percentage nuclear weapons-related

1,277.318 3,687.035 270.703 30.361 33.263 17.118 39.144 42.038 6.777 31.121 20.191 295.945 583.317 19.406 58.533 11.756 4.471 38.279 8.710 18.370 512.400 4.368 18.583 125.839 3.149 395.310 580.892 276.120 34.545 212.142 33.100 19.610 25.800 74.200

www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-070.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-070.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-070.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-070.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-070.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-070.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-070.pdf, p. 809-810 www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-071.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-059.pdf, pp. 203, 205, 208 www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-061.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-061.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-061.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-061.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-062.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-062.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-062.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-062.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-062.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080130-062.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-085.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-085.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-085.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-085.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-085.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-085.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-085.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-081.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-081.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-081.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-083.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-083.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-083.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-083.pdf www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-080204-083.pdf

B-1, B-2 and B-52s inc.uded but not disag ICBMs (and helicopter support), ALCM, AC How much is nuclear-related?

Includes START, INF, CFE, CWC and Open Nuclear bases not identified or disaggrega

$65.629 requested for FY 2009.

$4.069 requested for FY 2009. "MEECN systems provide assured commu $4.320 requested in FY 2009. What percen What percentage is nuclear-related? Could also support nuclear force operation What percentage is nuclear-related?

For Minuteman items and transporter tract

What percentage is nuclear?

$1,718.043 requested in FY 2009. How much is nuclear-related? $676.140 was allocated in FY 2007. How m

$600,000 for the Nuclear Planning and Exe How much is nuclear-related? How much is nuclear-related?

90.424 www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-070209-046.pdf, pp. 129-132

This is the FY 2008 request (FY 2009 budg

369.786 www.asafm.army.mil/budget/fybm/FY09/rforms/vol2.pdf. pp. 898-906 7.253 www.asafm.army.mil/budget/fybm/FY09/rforms/vol2.pdf. pp. 907-913 180.052 www.asafm.army.mil/budget/fybm/FY09/rforms/vol3.pdf, pp. 21-22 81.023 81.023

85.720 www.asafm.army.mil/budget/fybm/FY09/omng-v1.pdf, pp. 140-141

9.271 www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/MPN_Book.pdf, p. 18 0.422 www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/MPN_Book.pdf, p. 18 1.517 757.938 150.319 1.790 7.642 969.413 592.326 www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/OMN_Vol1_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/OMN_Vol1_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/OMN_Vol1_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/OMN_Vol1_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/OMN_Vol1_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/OMN_Vol1_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/OMN_Vol2_book.pdf, p. 18

For select officers who complete nuclear p Up to $20,000 for individuals accepted into

Figure is 16 percent of total ($9.479). How much is nuclear-related? Covers pers 67% of total ($223.268 million) per formula 67% of total (2.658 million per formula for D 67% of total ($11.351 million) per formula f For FY 2009, includes $10.3 million for air s

1,048.200 www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/WPN_BOOK.PDF, p. N-3 238.700 www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/SCN_BOOK.pdf, p. 8-1 40.217 www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/SCN_BOOK.pdf, p. 8-5 42.500 www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/SCN_BOOK.pdf, p. 9-1 9.993 65.300 6.300 1.600 136.900 3.790 52.772 6.694 7.147 10.165 34.009 3,364.081 1.833 67.758 79.253 5.816 14.455 23.582 31.138 724.771 www.finance.hq.navy.mil/fmb/09pres/OPN_BA1_BOOK.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/fmb/09pres/OPN_BA1_BOOK.pdf http://www.finance.hq.navy.mil/fmb/09pres/OPN_BA2_BOOK.pdf http://www.finance.hq.navy.mil/fmb/09pres/OPN_BA2_BOOK.pdf http://www.finance.hq.navy.mil/fmb/09pres/OPN_BA4_BOOK.pdf http://www.finance.hq.navy.mil/fmb/09pres/OPN_BA5-7_BOOK.pdf http://www.finance.hq.navy.mil/fmb/09pres/OPN_BA5-7_BOOK.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA1-3_BOOK.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA1-3_BOOK.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA5_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA5_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA5_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA6_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA7_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA7_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA7_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA7_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA7_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA7_book.pdf www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/09PRES/RDTEN_BA7_book.pdf

Counted in MFP 1?

Includes advance procurement beginning i Counted in MFP 1?

Program is estimated to cost $475.3 million

For both Kings Bay and Bangor.

$4.039 requested in FY 2009.

Was $41.863 million in FY 2007. $23.346 million requested for FY 2009.

How much to allocate to nuclear?

261.387 Analysis of the DOD FY2009 Cooperative Threat Reduction Budget Request (PGS) 90.652 www.partnershipforglobalsecurity.org/Publications/Congress%20and%20Budget/index.asp 2.233 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/budget_justification/pdfs/01_Operation_and_Maintenance/O_M_VOL_1_PARTS/x%200134%20CTR%20FY%2009%20PB%20OP-5.pdf 45.516 37.700 47.986 10.000 8.000 19.300 8,655.300 www.mda.mil/mdalink/pdf/budgetfy09.pdf, p. 36 1,534.500 1,408.200 650.000 243.400 653.700 2,054.000 736.000 983.700 391.800 773.872 313.782 63.581 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/budget_justification/pdfs/01_Operation_and_Maintenance/O_M_VOL_1_PARTS/DTRA%20OP-5%20FY%202009%20PB.pdf, p. 477-484. 82.940 27.631 133.750 5.880 4.593 4.593 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/budget_justification/pdfs/02_Procurement/Vol_1_Other_Defense_Agencies/DTRA_PDW_PB09.pdf, p. 3 455.497 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/budget_justification/pdfs/03_RDT_and_E/Vol_5_Other_Defense_Agencies/DTRA%20PB09%20RDTE.pdf, p. 2 10.831 211.325 215.609 15.296 2.436

Is any of this duplicated in DTRA?

Some non-nuclear programs included. Some non-nuclear programs included.

$257.7 for theater (exclusive of "Future Cap At least $48.9 for theater (exclusive of "Sen Impossible to disaggregate given level of b

Total reduced by an estimated $15.756 mil

Excludes $11.440 million in non-nuclear pr Total reduced by an estimated $15.756 mil Includes CBRN and high explosives Total is split between nuclear forces and nu

Lack of clarity between FY 2008 request an

47.243 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/budget_justification/pdfs/03_RDT_and_E/Vol_1_DARPA/DARPA%20PB09%20RDTE%20Part%201.pdf, pp. 44-45 7.071 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/budget_justification/pdfs/03_RDT_and_E/Vol_1_DARPA/DARPA%20PB09%20RDTE%20Part%201.pdf, pp. 131-132 12.710 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/budget_justification/pdfs/03_RDT_and_E/Vol_1_DARPA/DARPA%20PB09%20RDTE%20Part%202.pdf, pp. 316-317 33,897.835 480,000.000 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2009/Supplemental/FY2009_Global_War_On_Terror_Bridge_Request.pdf, pp. 4-5 7.062%

Not counted due to inablity to estimate nuc Not counted due to inablity to estimate nuc

Nuclear forces and operational support Deferred environmental and health costs Environmental management and cleanup Victim compensation (Nuclear Test Personnel Review) Missile defense National missile defense Theater missile defense National and theater missile defense Nuclear threat reduction Prevention/securing Elimination Nonproliferation Nuclear incident management Emergency preparedness Incident response

22,495.652 1,069.007 1,053.251 www.denix.osd.mil/portal/page/portal/content/environment/ARC/FY2007/04_FY07DEPARC_App_B_EM_Budget_final.pdf 15.756 www.defenselink.mil/comptroller/defbudget/fy2008/budget_justification/pdfs/operation/O_M_VOL_1_PARTS/19_DTRA.pdf, pp. 532-533 9,187.509 4,210.000 2,701.686 2,275.823 982.422 724.503 92.885 165.034 163.245 115.548 47.697

Estimate (based on Atomic Auditcalculatio Figure is 29 percent of estimated 2008 Def Included in DTRA's "WMD Operations and

Department of Energy Program National Nuclear Security Administration Office of the Administrator Weapons Activities Defense Programs Directed Stockpile Work Weapons Dismantlement and Disposition Science Campaign Engineering Campaign Inertial Confinement Fusion and High Yield Campaign Advanced Simulation and Computing Campaign Pit Manufacturing and Certification Campaign Readiness Campaign Readiness in Technical Base and Facilities Secure Transportation Asset Nuclear Weapons Incident Response (includes NEST) Facilities and Infrastructure Recapitalization Program Environmental Projects and Operations Defense Nuclear Security Cyber Security Congressionally Directed Projects Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Nonproliferation and Verification Research and Development Proliferation Detection Nuclear Detonation Detection Supporting Activities Construction Nonproliferation and International Security Dismantlement and Transparency Global Security Engagement and Cooperation International Regimes and Agreements Treaties and Agreements International Emergency Management and Cooperation International Nuclear Materials Protection and Cooperation Navy Complex Strategic Rockets Forces/12th Main Directorate Rosatom Weapons Complex Civilian Nuclear Sites Material Consolidation and Conversion National Programs and Sustainability Second Line of Defense Core Programs Second Line of Defense Megaports Program Elimination of Weapons-Grade Plutonium Production Seversk activities Zheleznogorsk activities Crosscutting and technical support activities Fissile Materials Disposition U.S. Plutonium Disposition U.S. Uranium Disposition Supporting Activities Construction Russian Surplus Fissile Materials Disposition Global Threat Reduction Initiative HEU Reactor Conversion Nuclear and Radiological Material Removal Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) U.S. Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel (FRRSNF) Emerging Threats and Gap Materials U.S. Radiological Threat Reduction Nuclear and Radiological Material Protection Kazakhstan Spent Fuel Global Research Reactor Security International Radiological Threat Reduction (IRTR) International Nuclear Fuel Bank Congressionally Directed Projects Naval Reactors Operations and Maintenance Program Direction Construction Environmental Management Defense Environmental Cleanup Closure Sites Hanford Site Idaho National Laboratory NNSA Sites Oak Ridge Office of River Protection Savannah River Site Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Program Support Program Direction Safeguards and Security Technology Development and Deployment Congressionally Directed Projects Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund Oak Ridge Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Uranium/Thorium Licensee Reimbursements Defense Nuclear Waste Disposal/Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Defense Nuclear Waste Disposal Other Defense Activities Health, Safety, and Security Health and Safety Security Nuclear Safeguards and Security Security Investigations Program Direction Legacy Management Nuclear Energy Fuel Cycle Research and Facilities Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facilities Program Direction Defense Related Administrative Support (Nuclear forces and operational support, est.) (Deferred environmental and health costs, est.) (Nuclear threat reduction, est.) Total Total Department of Energy Budget Percentage nuclear weapons-related FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Sources Comments

www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, p. 24-443 379.997 6,297.466 4,989.315 1,266.577 134.675 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, p. 91 287.624 169.548 470.206 574.537 213.831 158.088 1,637.381 211.523 158.655 179.991 8.592 765.233 100.287 47.232 1,657.996 387.196 224.445 132.484 5.495 24.772 149.993 45.700 50.912 44.444 3.879 5.049 624.482 13.268 121.912 79.114 54.188 19.488 69.632 266.880 130.845 179.940 19.400 159.140 1.400 66.235 0.000 66.235 0.000 0.000 0.000 193.225 33.819 67.759 38.896 9.887 5.466 13.510 91.647 43.098 3.557 13.510 49.545 7.380

Excludes congressionally directed projects. Sp Subcomponents do not match total due to use $5,249.143 requested for FY 2009. $1,675.715 requested for FY 2009. $323.070 requested for FY 2009. $421.242 requested for FY 2009. No funds requested for FY 2009. $1,720.523 requested for FY 2009. $221.936 requested for FY 2009. $40.587 requested for FY 2009. Part of Safeguards and Security Part of Safeguards and Security

www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, pp. 451-542$1,247.048 requested for FY 2009. $1,247.048 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, pp. 467-476$275.091 requested for FY 2009. $275.091 $50.000 is for homeland security-related det Also used for Tactical Warning/Threat Assessm

www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, pp. 477-492

www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, pp. 493-506$429.694 requested for FY 2009. $429.694

www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, pp. 507-515$141.299 requested for FY 2009. $141.299

www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, pp. 517-525 Was $57.415 in FY 2007 Was $86.898 in FY 2007 Was $14.960 in FY 2007 Was $310.789 in FY 2007 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, pp. 526-538

$116.621 requested for FY 2009, including $39

www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, pp. 539-540No funds requested for FY 2009 or beyond. No www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, pp. 541-542

123.950 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume1a.pdf, p. 547 732.374 32.403 9.909

$774.686 is total for FY 2008. $828.054 reques Total figure is 16 percent of overall naval reacto

$5,298.365 requested for FY 2009 5,349.325 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume5.pdf, p. 11 42.050 $851.787 requested for FY 2009 886.498 $432.124 requested for FY 2009 508.358 $245.084 requested for FY 2009 290.264 $237.670 requested for FY 2009 190.540 969.540 $1,206.425 requested for FY 2009 1,131.202 234.585 32.844 306.941 259.332 21.194 17.195 13 622.162 http://www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume5.pdf, pp. 11, Estimate percentage that is weapons-related? $184.230 requested for FY 2009 282.181 115.614 202.549 19.818

255.352 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume5.pdf, p. 536

Includes $199.171 for defense waste and 30 pe

424.471 60.457 265.867 228.374 37.493 99.137

www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, p. 11 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, p. 29 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, p. 29 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, p. 53 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, p. 53 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, p. 67

Covers all DOE programs Subcomponents do not match total due to use

See also S&S crosscut, pp. 412-421; $1,267.45

188.833 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, p. 79 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, pp. 105-109 179.353 278.789 35.835 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, p. 107 98.104 www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/09budget/Content/Volumes/Volume2.pdf, p. 145 0.785 85.841 11.478 15,892.623 23,884.824 66.539%

$101.065 was for Rocky Flats Site. Total includ Biggest expense ($127.338) is for pension and

44 percent of Nuclear Energy total

"This budget offsets Departmental Administrati Category comprises .8 percent of costs covere Category comprises 11.7 percent of costs cove Category comprises 87.5 percent of costs cove

Nuclear forces and operational support Deferred environmental and health costs Environmental management and cleanup Defense nuclear waste disposal Nuclear threat reduction Prevention/securing Elimination Nonproliferation Nuclear incident management Incident response

6,569.325 6,501.513 6,242.727 258.786 2,663.130 1,087.262 947.935 627.933 158.655 158.655

Includes reduction of $86,514 to reflect NNSA u

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Program Annual budget Total Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Budget Percentage nuclear weapons-related FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Sources Comments

23.872 www.dnfsb.gov/budget/budget_fy2009.pdf, p. iiFigure is outlays; BA is $21.909. 23.872 100.000%

Nuclear forces and operational support Deferred environmental and health costs

11.936 11.936

Department of Homeland Security Program Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Management and Administration Research, Development, and Operations National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center Systems Acquisition Radiation Portal Monitor Program Securing the Cities Human Portal Radiation Detection Systems Program Total DNDO Science and Technology Directorate Laboratory Facilities Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Area 300 Customs and Border Protection International Cargo Screening (formerly Container Security Initiative) Federal Emergency Management Agency Mt. Weather Capital Improvement Plan (Mt. Weather Emergency Operations Center) Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program National Continuity Programs FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Sources www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/budget_fy2009.pdf, pp. 37, 2591-2727 31.500 308.500 15.000 129.750 90.000 30.000 9.750 469.750 Comments

Excludes National Technical Nuclear Forensics

Requested $157.700 for FY 2009. Was $162.000 in FY 2007. Requested $20.000

Was $615.968 in FY 2007. Requested $563.800

15.000 15.000 www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/budget_fy2009.pdf, p. 2489 (S&T R&D 93)

Total budget is $103.814. Utilizes DOE national Works on radiological detection and analysis, d

156.130 www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/budget_fy2009.pdf, pp. 77-80

10.413 www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/budget_fy2009.pdf, pp. 1161-1162 Focused on emergency planning zones for com 24.922 www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/budget_fy2009.pdf, pp. 1267-1285 www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/budget_fy2009.pdf, pp. 1104-1105, 1520-1521, 1535 $157.770 in FY 2007. Although not exclus Was 215.552

Total Total Department of Homeland Security Budget Percentage nuclear weapons-related Nuclear threat reduction Prevention/securing Nuclear incident management Emergency preparedness Incident response

906.767 52,915.102 1.714% 625.880 625.880 280.887 250.887 30.000

Department of State Program Diplomatic and Consular Programs Under Secretary for Arms Control Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation Office of the Legal Adviser Bureau of Intelligence and Research International Organizations International Atomic Energy Agency International Affairs (Function 150) Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining, and Related Programs Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund Export Control and Related Border Security Assistance Global Threat Reduction International Atomic Energy Agency Voluntary Contribution Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty International Monitoring System Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism Total Total State Department Budget (includes $29,093.738 for International Affairs) FY 2008 Appropriations (millions), est. Sources Comments

All figures are State Dept. estimates, not appro 2.102 40.286 17.843 1.489 5.618 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100326.pdf, p. 106 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100326.pdf, pp. 117, 121-123 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100326.pdf, pp. 125, 134 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100326.pdf, p. 162 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100326.pdf, p. 173, 178-181

Excludes several non-nuclear line items Excludes several non-nuclear line items Budget for Nonproliferation and Verification onl Figure is 10 percent of total budget ($56.175)


Figure is 64.9 percent of total budget ($96.476)

11.242 15.209 28.465 33.153 23.806 0.000 241.826

www.state.gov/documents/organization/100014.pdf, p. 82 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100014.pdf, p. 82 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100014.pdf, p. 82 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100014.pdf, p. 82 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100014.pdf, p. 82 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100014.pdf, p. 82

Figure is one-tihird of total budget ($33.725) Figure is one-tihird of total budget ($45.627) Figure is half of total budget ($56.930) Figure is 64.9 percent of total budget ($51.083) $13.5 million expended in FY 2007 $5 million requested for FY 2009

39,845.952 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100326.pdf, p. 7. State Department alone is $10,752,214. www.state.gov/documents/organization/100014.pdf, pp. 1-4 241.826 20.827 28.465 192.534

Nuclear threat reduction Prevention/securing Elimination Nonproliferation

Department of Justice Program Federal Bureau of Investigation National Security Branch Counterterrorism Division Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate Science and Technology Branch Radiation Exposure Compensation Program (RECP) Trust Fund FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Sources Comments

568.102 Estimated amount attributable to nuclear weap Figure is one-fifth of total budget ($2,759.251) 551.850 www.justice.gov/jmd/2009justification/pdf/fy09-fbi.pdf, p. 4-15 Figure 16.252 www.justice.gov/jmd/2009justification/pdf/fy09-fbi.pdf, pp. 6-14--6-15Figure is one-third of total budget ($48.756) Cannot locate budget Does not cover administrative costs 40.000 http://www.justice.gov/jmd/2009justification/pdf/fy09-aeca.pdf www.justice.gov/jmd/2009summary/pdf/estimate-comparison.pdf, p. 2 www.usdoj.gov:80/civil/torts/const/reca/index.htm, pp. 20-21 See also ttp://www.usdoj.gov:80/civil/torts/const/reca/index.htm 3.400 www.justice.gov/jmd/2009justification/pdf/fy09-civ.pdf, p. 24 611.502 6,657.689 www.justice.gov/jmd/2009justification/office/fy09-presidents-budget.xls 24,178.002 www.justice.gov/jmd/2009summary/pdf/estimate-comparison.pdf 8.533% Figure is for FY 2007

RECP administrative expenses Total Total FBI Budget Total Department of Justice Budget Percentage nuclear weapons-related (FBI)

Deferred environmental and health costs Victim compensation Nuclear threat reduction Prevention/securing

43.400 43.400 568.102 568.102

Department of Commerce Program Bureau of Industry and Security Counter-Proliferation Initiative Total Department of Commerce Budget FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Source Comments

Figure 11.760 www.osec.doc.gov/bmi/budget/09CBJ/BIS%20FY%202009%20Congressional%20Justification.pdf, p. BIS-51 is one-third of FY 2009 request ($35.280 7,606.730 Budget Authority (outlays are $8,156.478)

Nuclear threat reduction Nonproliferation

11.760 11.760

Department of Labor Program Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) Total Department of Labor Budget FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Sources Comments

17 581.980 www.dol.gov/dol/budget/2009/PDF/CBJ-2009-V2-07.pdf, pp. 5-6, Includes $49.387 in program expenses and an See also www.usdoj.gov:80/civil/torts/const/reca/eeoicpa.htm See HHS for additional program expenses 49,798.246 This site (www.whitehouse.gov/omb/expect

Deferred environmental and health costs Victim compensation

581.980 581.980

Health and Human Services Program Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Operations (Estimated amount for nuclear/radiological terrorism) Centers for Disease Control National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) Total Total HHS Budget FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Sources Comments

" 632.703 www.hhs.gov/budget/09budget/budgetfy09cj.pdf, pp. 290-296All hazards" approach, little specific nuclear-related activity (see subsequent pages for details on BioShield) 63.270 (10 percent of total amount)

Was funded through Department of Labor until FY 2009 55.358 www.cdc.gov/fmo/PDFs/FY09_CDC_CJ_Final.pdf, pp. 17, 311 118.628 715,790.000 www.hhs.gov/budget/09budget/2009BudgetInBrief.pdf, p. 1 Total includes Medicare payments.

Deferred environmental and health costs Victim compensation Nuclear incident management Emergency preparedness

55.358 55.358 63.270 63.270

Environmental Protection Agency Program Homeland Security and Forensic Support Programs Air and Toxics Quality Radiation: Protection Radiation: Response Preparedness Superfund Cleanup Federal Facilities Federal Facilities Enforcement Total Total EPA Budget FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Sources Comments

14.882 www.epa.gov/ocfo/budget/2009/2009ap/2009_annual_plan.pdf, pp. 160, 222-223

12.144 www.epa.gov/ocfo/budget/2009/2009ap/2009_annual_plan.pdf, p. 227 6.561 www.epa.gov/ocfo/budget/2009/2009ap/2009_annual_plan.pdf, p. 228

Excludes $2.342 million to support Superfund p

18.868 www.epa.gov/ocfo/budget/2009/superfund1.pdf, pp. 600-603 5.836 www.epa.gov/ocfo/budget/2009/superfund1.pdf, pp. 530-531 58.291 7,472.344 www.epa.gov/ocfo/budget/2009/2009bib.pdf, p. D-2

Assumes 60 percent of total program cost attrib Assumes 60 percent of total program cost attrib

Deferred environmental and health costs Environmental management and cleanup Nuclear incident management Emergency preparedness Incident response

24.704 24.704 33.587 14.882 18.705

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Program Homeland Security (cross-cut; includes reactor licensing and oversight, fuel facilities, nuclear materials users, spent fuel storage and transportation) FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Sources Comments

$11.2 million was allocated for "International Ac 72.100 www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/staff/sr1100/v24/sr1100.pdf, p. 115 www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/staff/sr1100/v23/sr1100.pdf, p. 130 FY 2008, including work on registering and re in radioactive sources; $2.2 million of this was cou homeland security. These are bilateral and mult activities, some of which involve the IAEA. Cate included costs associated with Yucca Mountain 72.100 926.100 www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/staff/sr1100/v24/sr1100.pdf, p. 5 7.785%

Total Total NRC Budget Percentage nuclear weapons-related

Nuclear threat reduction Prevention/securing

72.100 72.100

Department of the Interior Program Office of Insular Affairs Compact of Free Association/Assistance to the Marshall Islands Trust Fund Rongelap Resettlement Kwajalein Lease Payment Enewetak - Section 103 (f)(2)(c)(i) Total Total Interior Budget FY 2008 Appropriations (millions) Source Comments

9.714 0.000 16.190 1.403 27.307

Excludes $8.344 million for Office of Insular Affa www.doi.gov/budget/2009/data/greenbook/FY2009_OIA_Greenbook.pdf, p. 19 www.doi.gov/budget/2009/data/greenbook/FY2009_OIA_Greenbook.pdf, p. 19 Was $1.760 in FY 2007 www.doi.gov/budget/2009/data/greenbook/FY2009_OIA_Greenbook.pdf, p. 19 Supports both nuclear forces and missile defen www.doi.gov/budget/2009/data/greenbook/FY2009_OIA_Greenbook.pdf, p. 19

16,883.844 www.doi.gov/budget/2009/09Hilites/A001.pdf, p. A16

Nuclear forces and operational support Deferred environmental and health costs Victim compensation

16.190 11.117 11.117

Intelligence spending cross-cut Department Defense Energy Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement Transportation Security Administration U.S. Secret Service-Protective Intelligence Activities State Justice (FBI) Total NOTE: This information is for background use only and is not reflected in any of the data. FY 2008 Appropriations (millions), est. Classified Classified 633.365 52.146 523.515 57.704 56.175 1,148.779 Source Comments


Overall National Intelligence Program budget in was $47.5 billion in FY 20 Last available figure was $39.823 million for FY 2004.

www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/budget_fy2009.pdf, p. 28 www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/budget_fy2009.pdf, p. 29 $926.000 requested for FY 2009. www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/budget_fy2009.pdf, p. 31 www.state.gov/documents/organization/100326.pdf, p. 173, 178-181 www.justice.gov/jmd/2009justification/pdf/fy09-fbi.pdf, p. 4-1 FY 2009 request is $1,356.720 billion

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