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Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage

Whats Happening Around Town

Answers to Questions on the Ranch

Weve spent the week thinking about our many blessings and giving God the praise! Im convinced a thankful heart in all circumstances A: The elementary Christmas concert is tentais the key to a life of joy, contentment, and tively scheduled for Monday, December 5 at peace, and as we have given thanks this week, 6:30 p.m. More information will come later weve experienced just such a life! about how students are to dress for the conWe wrapped up our unit on Community Help- cert. The PTF Christmas Store will be open to ers this week, and we are now turning our atten- students December 7th - 9th so they can buy tion toward studies on the history of the United gifts for siblings, friends, and you! If you are States of America. We will be learning about interested in serving as a Christmas store helpChristopher Columbus, the Mayflower, the Piler, please sign up outside of the office on the grims, and the Indians, and in the weeks to come, Christmas Store poster! In my opinion, it is we will focus on famous individuals, landforms, one of the neatest Christmas activities we do and symbols. here at ACA, and I look forward to sharing We have finally come to the very end of our more details in the days to come! introduction to the letters of the alphabet and will be finishing up with letters P, Q, X, and Z! In math, we continue to review numbers in the A: I love the Christmas season and try to take ones, teens, twenties, thirties, and forties famias many opportunities as possible to slow lies, and we will soon begin work on addition! down and be still! I hope to do this with the It always amazes me how seamlessly God can students each day using a book entitled mesh less topics together, which has been the as well as the case with our community helper material on farm- Bible and other good books that help us reers, chefs, and grocers and our science material flect on who Jesus is and what He has done on plants and animals! He even weaves our math for us. The advent book has a variety of neat, lessons on money and time in with it as well! Tru- little activities to choose from each week, and ly, our God is the All-Wise One and the awesome I am hopeful it will be a tremendous blessing Creator God! How marvelous He is to us! for us! I would be grateful for any help you Thanksgiving week has arrived! If you plan on might be able to provide in donating a couple heading out early for break, please let me know of supplies for our Christmas activities, so I so I can get everything ready for your child! will put some Post-it! notes outside our room Thanks so much! on the Giving Tree if you could help! Thanks! Miss Hult

A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week Monday: (Ruth 2 and Deut. 24:19-22) Boaz was a successful farmer. He had much land, hired hands and animals. He noticed a woman picking up the grain that was left over after the harvesters had been through the field. He instructed the harvesters to be generous and leave extra grain for the woman. He did not even know that she was a potential wife. God chose to bless the generosity of Boaz by giving him the young, beautiful woman as his wife. Boaz was just being generous not expecting anything in return for his kindness but God chose to bless Boaz with a wife. God promises to reward generosity (Proverbs 14:21). Tuesday: (Mt. 20:1-16) God wants us to be content with what we have rather than complaining and looking at how generous He has been to others. As long as we are comparing what we have to what others have, we will never be content. Wednesday: Review!

Upcoming Lessons and Skills - Ruth, Letter O Bible Verse - Letters P and Q - Christopher Columbus, Pilgrims, and Indians - Twenties family; telling time to the hour; pennies; forming numbers in ones, teens, twenties, thirties, and forties families - Letters P and Q

Quick Glimpse Calendar Monday, Nov. 22 - Wednesday, Nov. 24 - Introduction to letter P; Bible verse O Wednesday, Nov. 24 - Noon dismissal! Happy Thanksgiving! Thursday, Nov. 25 - No school! Happy Thanksgiving! Praise God for His goodness! Friday, Nov. 26 - No school! Happy Thanksgiving!

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