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Reviewer /Notes on MAPEH:

Romantic Period (Opera and Vocals):
- Inspired from poetry and landscape
- Mood is began by piano intro and ends with piano postlude
- Subjects were traditional myths, legends and folklore that usually deal with
supernatural, grotesque and less ordinary
- Requires singer to perform a greater range of tone, color, dynamics & pitch
• Opera Composers of the Romantic Period:
1. Franz Peter Schubert
• Himmelpfortgrund, Austria
• His songs are called “lieder” or songs in german
• His inspo is Poetry, Last in Classical Composers and First Romantic Composer
- Famous Works: Gretchen and Spinnrade, Erlkonig, Ellens Gesang III (Ave Maria)
and Schwanenge Sang (Swan Song) as well as Simphony no. 8 in B Minor
(Unfinished Symphony)

2. Giuseppe Verdi
• Parma, Italy
• His characters are ordinary people
• He wrote operas w/ political overviews & for middle audience and His Works are seriously
love story with bad endings; Expressive Vocal Melody
• He completed 25 Operas throughout his Cancer Journey
• His first opera was “Oberto”, perfomed in La Scalla in Milan, Italy.
- Famous Works: La Traviata, Rigoletto, Falstaff, Otello, Aida… and All the world’s a
joke (He did this all for the opening of Suez Canal)

3. Giacomo Puccini
• Lucca, Italy
• Studied at the Milan Conservatory and belonged in a group of stressed realism
• His draw his work from everyday life, rejecting heroic themes from mythology and history.
- Famous Works: La Boheme, Tosca, Madame Butterfly, Turandot

4. Richard Wagner
• Leipzig, Germany
• Was inspired by Beethoven and introduced new ideas in harmony and form including extremes
and chromaticism. He also explored the limits of the traditional tonal system that paved the way
for atonality in 20th Century
• He is and advocate of a new form of opera called “Music Drama”
- Famous Works: Tristan and Isolde, Die Walkyrie, Die Meistersinger, Lord of the
Rings, Tamhauser, Parsifal, Harry Potter

5. Georges Bizet (Alexandre-Cesar-Leopold-Bizet)

• Paris, France
• His most famous opera is “Carmen” which was criticized by the public at first but was a smash
hit in Vienna, Austria after 4 months.

• Components of and Opera

- Libretto: Text of an Opera
- Score: Book that composers read to play (Musical Sheet)
- Recitative: Different Types of Notes ( Soprano, Alto, etc.)
- Aria: Solo Part of a Main Character or Villain

• Choir Equivalence With Opera and Vice Versa:

Choir: = Opera:
Soprano - Soprano
Alto - Mezzo Soprano (Highest), Contralto (Middle), Counter Tenor (Lowest)
Tenor - Tenor
Bass - Baritone (Low Form), Bass (Lowest Form)

• Female Voice:
Coloratura – Highest Soprano Voice
Lyric - Bright and full sound
Dramatic - Darker full sound
Acts – Main divisions of an opera

• Dynamics and Vocal Embellishment:

Acapella – One/more singers performing w)/o musical accompaniments
Cantabile - in a singing style
Capo - head, the beginning
Coda - closing section appended to a movement or song
Dolce - sweetly
Falsetto – weak and airy voice in high pitched voice
Glissando – sliding quickly between 2 notes
Passagio - parts of a singing voice where register transitions occur
Rubato – slight speeding up or slowing down of the tempo of a piece at the discretion of the
Tessitura – the most comfortable singing range of a singer
Vibrato – Rapidly repeated slight pitch vibration during a sustained note to give a richer, varied

•Opera Composers in the Philippines:

1. Francisco Balagtas – Author of Florante at Laura
2. Severino R. Reyes – Father of Tagalog Zarzuela, and One of the Founders of Liwayway;
Creator of Walang Sugat

Western Classical Plays and Opera:
•Opera vs. •Musical Theater
- All is Sung Including the Dialogue - Some are sung, some are spoken
- Music is Important than the Story - Microphone isn’t used, Story > Music
(Music > Story)

Theater – “Place of Seeing”

• Greek Theater (First Recorded Opera):

- 700 B.C., Was created for the honor of Dionysus, The God of Wine
- European started at Ancient Greece
- Theatron: Large with Three Main Parts (Skene[Backstage], Orchestra and Audience)
- Parados: Entrance and Exit of Theatron
- Types of Drama Play: Tragedy, Comedy (Komoidia), and Satyr ( Tragic Trilogy w/
Happy Ending)
•Roman Theater:
- Triumvir Pompey: First Permanent Theater in Rome
- 3rd Century B.C.
- Themes are all about Chariot (Horse) Race, Gladiators and Public Execution

•Medieval Theater:
- Minstrels (Non-Sacred or Secular Music Players) used to play in Public Markets, Etc.
- Involves Puppeteering
•Renaissance Theater:
- Supported By Elizabeth I
- Major Forms of Drama (Started in Italy)
- Types of Drama Play: Tragedy, Comedy and Pastoral (Countryside Stories)
- One of the Artist in this Era is William Shakespeare who created Romeo and Juliet and
many more.
• Baroque Theater: Ropes, Pulleys and Machineries are now present
• Neoclassical Theater:
- “Limelight” or Spotlight is presented in this Era
- Concept of Decorum (Proper Audience Behavior Exists)

Physical Education:
Week 1: Game of the Generals
- A Psychological War Game created in the Philippines
- Invented by Sofronio H. Pasola Jr. in August 1967
- It was pushed publicly in October 21, 1972 by Iking Gonzales
• Objectives and Equipments
- Capture the other flag to win
- Payers will be given w/ 21 pcs each.
- 8 rows, 9 columns
- Once a flag challenges another flag, the flag challenges will capture the other flag and
- Arbiter must be silent
- Minimize Noise as Possible
- Spy can Eliminate all stronger officers except Private
- (Dagdagan niyo nalang HAHA)
• Game Pieces (Highest to Lowest)
- 5-Star General
- 4-Star General
- 3-Star General
- 2-Star General
- 1-Star General
- Colonel
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Major
- Captain
- 1st Lieutenant
- 2nd Lieutenant
- Sargent
- Private
- Spy
- Flag
Week 2: Camping
Camping is an outdoor activity involving overnight stays away from home in a shelter, such
as a tent or a recreational vehicle

• Types of Camping
1. Glamping Camping – Camping just outside your House/Veranda/Terrace; In Short,
Camping inside your Comfort Zone
2. Tent Camping – Camping Ouside with Sufficient Equipment
3. Survival Camping – Camping with using only your Survival Skills
4. Backpack Camping – Hiking Campings
5. RV/Van Camping – Camping outside with your Van or RV and venture around with it
6. Canoe Camping – Camping in a Canoe
(I forgot the others..)

√ 7 Principles of Leave No Trace:

•Plan and Prepare
•Travel and Camp on Durable Surface
•Dispose of Waste Properly
•Leave What You Find
•Minimize Campfire Impacts
•Respect Wildlife
•Be Considerate of Others

Intentional Injuries: Injuries resulting from violence

• Can be divided to two…

1. Self Inflicted – When someone harms themselves intentionally
2. Assault – People harms other people
-Self Inflicted Injuries:
•Suicide – Itentional taking of one’s life
- Warning signs of Suicide:
• Telling abt being hopeless/alone
• No Reason to Live
• Writing Farewell Letters or Giving Valuable Materials to Others
• Looking ways to Self-Harm
• Reckless Behaviors
• Uttering Rage
• Dramatic Mood Swings
• Talking Suicide as an Escape
• Domestic Violence – Physical, Secual & Verbal Abuse
• Bullying – Unwanted Aggressive Behavior
– Behavior is repeated overtime
- Types of Bullying: - Verbal Bullying (Words), Social Bullying (Embarrassment in
Public), Physical Bullying (Physically Hurting), Cyber bullying (Online)
• Stalking – Patterns of behavior that makes you feel scared/in danger or Someone that keeps on
Contacting or Following You
• Extortion – Forces or Threats someone to Hand Their Belongings
• Gang – Group of young people that are Retarded
• Kidnapping – Helding someone Captive/Abducting
• Terrorism – Public Threats
• Verbal Abuse – Cruelty Involving Words
• Sexual Abuse:
- Molestation: Sexually Objectifying someone
- Incest: Sexual Relationship w/ a Blood Relative/Fam Members
- Rape: Sex W/O consent

• Protective Factors Related to Intentional Injuries:

A. Individual Protective Factor
• Intolerance attitude towards deviance
• High IQ
• High Educational Aspirations
• Positive Social Orientation
• Highly Developed Social Skills/Competencies
• Religious Beliefs

B. Family Protective Factors

• Connectedness to Family/Outside Family Adults
• Good Communication w/ Family
• Frequent Shared Activities w/ Parents

C. Peers and Social Protective Factors:

• Having Positive Relationship w/ Strong, Close and Prosocially Oriented People.
• Committed to School
• Close Relationship w/ non-deviant peers
• Involvement in Prosocial Activities

D. Exposure to School Climates w/ the Following Characteristics:

• Intensive Supervision
• Clean Behavior Rules
• Firm Disciplinary Methods
• Engagement of Parent & Teachers.

Reviewers and Notes on Enhanced Science:

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