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Topic: Work Done, Energy, and Power

Session Duration: 2 Hours

Objective: The objective of this tutoring session is to provide a comprehensive understanding of
the concepts of work done, energy, and power in physics. By the end of the session, students should
be able to:

 Define and differentiate between work done, energy, and power.

 Calculate work done, energy, and power in various scenarios.
 Apply these concepts to solve practical problems.

Session Outline:
1. Introduction to Work Done, Energy, and Power (15 minutes)

 Overview of the topics to be covered: work done, energy , and power.

 Understand that work is a scalar.
 Importance and relevance of understanding these concepts in physics.
 Brief explanation of the relationship between work done, energy, and power.

2. Understanding Work Done (30 minutes)

 Definition of work done and its significance in physics.

 Calculation of work done using the formula: W=F×d×cos(θ).
 Examples and illustrations to demonstrate positive, negative, and zero work done.
 Practice problems to reinforce understanding.

3. Exploring Energy (30 minutes)

 Introduction to different forms of energy: kinetic energy, potential energy, and mechanical
 Calculation of kinetic energy KE=1/2×m×v2 and potential energy PE=m×g×h.
 Conservation of mechanical energy in various systems.
 Real-life examples and applications of energy concepts.
 Practice problems and exercises.

4. Understanding Power (30 minutes)

 Definition of power and its significance in physics.

 Calculation of power using the formula: P=W/t.
 Relationship between work done, energy, and power.
 Examples illustrating power in mechanical systems, and human activities.
 Practice problems and exercises.

5. Application and Problem-Solving (30 minutes)

 Application of work done, energy, and power concepts in solving physics problems.
 Solving numerical problems involving these concepts.
 Strategies for problem-solving and critical thinking.
 Review of key concepts and principles.

6. Conclusion and Recap (15 minutes)

 Summary of key points covered during the session.

 Addressing any remaining doubts or questions.
 Guidance on further practice and study.
 Encouragement and motivation for continued learning.

Additional Resources:

 Recommended textbooks and reference materials.

 Online resources and interactive simulations.

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