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University of the Philippines

College of Science

Physics 71
Set A
Final Exam
Second Semester, AY 2016–2017

Name: Instructor:

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Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer to each of the following questions. To
change your answer, erase neatly your old answer and simply shade the new one. Any form
of cheating in examinations or any act of dishonesty in relation to studies, such as plagiarism,
shall be subject to disciplinary action.
1. Road trip sa midyear. A car accelerates at a constant rate from rest until speed of 10. m/s
in 2.0 s. What is the acceleration of the car?

A. 5.0 m/s2 C. 2.0 m/s2

B. 10. m/s2 D. 9.8 m/s2

Solution: a = (vf - vi)/t

2. Pong Pagong. A turtle is running on a race with constant acceleration of 0.0010 m/s2 .
What is the distance traveled by the turtle in 2.0 minutes if the turtle starts from rest?

A. 0.06 m B. 3.6 m C. 7.2 m D. 14 m

Solution: soln:
x = 0 + 0 + 1/2(0.001)(120s)2 = 7.20m

3. D2. R2D2 has a position → −

r = 3.0 mî + 4.0 m/s2 t2 ĵ + 5.0 mk̂. What is its instantaneous
speed at a time t = 1.0 s?

A. 2.0 m/s B. 4.0 m/s C. 8.0 m/s D. 16 m/s


4. Ghost in a shell. A shell is fired with a horizontal velocity in the positive x-direction from
the top of an 80.00-m high cliff. The shell strikes the ground 1330. m from the base of the
cliff. What is the speed of the shell as it hits the ground?
A. zero
B. 39.62 m/s
C. 329.3 m/s

Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

D. 331.7 m/s

Solution: Get the initial horizontal velocity first:

h = gt2
you will get t = 4.03855 s. The horizontal speed is therefore: v = d/t = 329.32 m/s.
Now, get the final speed (you can use COE):
v 2 = v02 + 2gh
and you will get 331.7 m/s
NOTE: I used g = 9.81

5. Mulan. If you walk towards the mirror at a speed of 1.0 m/s, what is the velocity of your
image relative to you?

A. 1.0 m/s towards you C. 1.0 m/s away from you

B. 2.0 m/s towards you D. 2.0 m/s away from you

Solution: Let toward mirror be the positive direction. Given vY |M = 1 and vI|M = −1.
We need to solve for vI|Y = vI|M + vM |Y = −1 + −1 = −2. Hence, 2.0 m/s towards
you! If you answered otherwise, then your reflection is someone you do not know!
“Why is my reflection someone I don’t know?” -Mulan

6. May the 4th. As your final test, you need to push Obiwan away. Obiwan (mass = 80.0 kg)
is standing at a frictionless surface and is being pushed to the left with a force of 50.0 N.
What is the magnitude and direction of the force that you need to apply for Obiwan to have
an acceleration of 2.00 m/s2 to the right?
A. 160. N to the right
B. 80.0 N to the left
C. 40.0 N to the left
D. 210. N to the right

let Right: positive, Left: negative F = ma = 80.0kg(2m/s2 ) = F − 50N .
Therefore the (dark side) of the force is F= 210 N to the right.

Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

7. Elementary, My Dear Watson. Dr. Watson is pulling

an elementary book on a rough table as shown. If the ten-
sion force is greater than the kinetic friction force, which
is the correct free-body diagram of the book?


Solution: FBD

8. Wrecked. A large wrecking ball is held in place by two

light steel cables as shown. If the weight of the sus-
pended wrecking ball is w, what is tension TA ?
A. 2.73w
B. 3.35w
C. 4.83w
D. 6.29w

Solution: Apply Newtons 1st law of motion

Fnety = 0
−TA cos60 + TB sin45 = w
Fnetx = 0
TA sin60TB cos45 = 0
Adding these two resulting equations,
TA = sin60−cos60 = 2.73w

Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

9. Tied down. A force of 15. N is applied on the box having

a mass of 2.0 kg as shown in the figure. Another box of
mass 1.0 kg is placed on top. There is friction between
the two boxes, and between the lower box and the floor.
What is the acceleration of the heavier box?

A. 3.8 m/s2 C. 9.6 m/s2

B. 7.7 m/s2 D. 4.8 m/s2

Solution: ΣFx = T − ftop − ff loor = ma

ftop = µNtop = µ(1kg)g
fbottom = µN = µ(1kg + 2kg)g

10. No rest. A 5.0- kg object is initially moving to the right at 9.0 m/s. A constant 2.0- N force
to the left is then applied on the object. From the moment when the force is applied, how
long will it take before the object comes to rest?

A. 4.5 s B. 23 s C. 0.90 s D. 9.0 s

vf − vo
F = ma = m (1)
m(vf − vo ) 5(0 − 9)
t= = = 22.5 (2)
F −2

11. V3 made me mad. I push The Book away with a constant force of F = 100 Nî − 200 Nĵ.

If The Book moves a displacement d = 2 mî, how much work did I exert on The Book?

A. 400 N · m C. 600 N · m
B. 200 N · m D. 300 N · m

Solution: W = F · d

Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

12. Descartes. A little red cart with mass 7.00 kg slides to the right in a straight line on
a frictionless surface. It has an initial kinetic energy of 56.0 J and then is pushed by a
constant horizontal force of 10.0 N, also to the right. What is the speed of the cart after it
is displaced by 3.00 m?

A. 4.96 m/s C. 4.00 m/s

B. 2.72 m/s D. 24.6 m/s

Solution: W = K2 - k1

13. Hindi ako babagsak! A 2.00- N store signage

dropped a certain height H as shown. Luck-
ily, the signage fell directly onto the spring,
compressing it by a maximum compression of
0.400 m. If the spring has force constant of
125 N/m, what is height H?
A. 3.80 m
B. 12.0 m
C. 5.00 m
D. 2.25 m

Solution: conservation of energy

14. Binding gravity. A 1.00- kg block is connected to a

2.00- kg block through a vertical rope that passes over
a light frictionless pulley. The masses are held from rest
at the same height from the floor and then released. What
is the speed of the 2.00- kg block after it has descended
by 0.500 m?
A. 1.80 m/s
B. 2.21 m/s
C. 2.55 m/s
D. 3.13 m/s

Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

Solution: Para madali, set the initial elevation to be y = 0. Tapos let h = 0.500 m.
Yung bababa, negative. Yung tataas, positive:
(m1 + m2 )v 2 + m1 gh − m2 gh = 0
2 s
2(m2 − m1 )gh
m1 + m2

15. Conservative. Which of the following statements are ALWAYS TRUE about the work
done by a conservative force?
I. It changes the total mechanical energy of the object.
II. It is independent of the path taken by the body and depends only on the initial and final
III. When initial and final points are the same, the total work is zero.

A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. All of the above

Solution: by definition

16. Toy Story. Each of two toy cars (A and B) goes on head-on collision with a brick wall.
The time of contact between car A and the wall is twice as large than that of car B and the
wall. If the impulse on both cars are equal, which of the following statements is true about
the impact force (FA and FB ) on cars A and B?

A. FA = 2FB B. FA = 12 FB C. FA = 4FB D. FA = 14 FB

Solution: soln:
J = Ft

17. coLIED. A block of mass m1 = 10.0 kg is moving with a velocity of v1x = +5.00 m/s
towards a stationary block of mass m2 = 25.0 kg in a horizontal frictionless surface. What
is the velocity of m1 if m2 moved with a velocity of v20 x = +2.60 m/s after the collision?

Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

A. +1.50 m/s B. −1.50 m/s C. 11.5 m/s D. −11.5 m/s

m1 v1 −m2 v20
Solution: v10 = m1 = −1.50m/s

18. You and I. Particles U and I collide in a perfectly inelas-

tic manner. Initially, U is moving at 20.0 m/s, 45.0◦ NE,
while I at 50.0 m/s, 30◦ SW, as shown in the figure. After
the collision, the composite body moves toward North. If
the mass of U is 50.0 kg, how fast are U and I moving af-
ter the collision?

A. 4.52 m/s C. 32.8 m/s

B. 14.3 m/s D. 16.8 m/s

Solution: Along x: mu vu cos 45 − mi vi cos 30 = 0

Along y: mu vu sin 45 − mi vi sin 30 = (mu + mI )v
From along x, mI = mvuivu cos 45
cos 30 = 16.3kg
Substituting this to along y,
mu vu sin 45 − mi vi sin 30
v= = 4.52 m/s (3)
mu + mi

19. Bouldering. A boulder rolls up a hill without slipping, slowing down at a constant angular
acceleration of 0.35 rad/s2 . At time t = 0, it has an angular speed of 4.6 rad/s. At what
time will the boulder momentarily stop?
A. 9.0 s B. 11 s C. 13 s D. 15 s

ω = ω0 − αt = 0
t = 13s .

Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

20. Mary Go-Round. Mary is resting on a circular platform with radius 2.0 m which is rotat-
ing about its center at a constant angular velocity of 3.0 rad/s. What is the tangential speed
of Mary if she is located along the circumference of the platform?
A. 1.5 m/s
B. 3.0 m/s
C. 6.0 m/s
D. 12 m/s

Solution: v = ωR

21. Smile because. A deathstar is composed of a solid sphere (mass

M = 1.00×103 kg and radius R = 1.00×103 m) and a point parti-
cle (mass m = 100. kg) that is situated from the sphere’s center.
What is the moment of inertia of this deathstar when rotated about
an axis passing through the center of the sphere perpendicular to
the center-point particle line? Icm,sphere = M R2
A. 2.90 × 108 kg · m2 C. 4.25 × 108 kg · m2
B. 4.00 × 107 kg · m2 D. 4.500 × 105 kg · m2

Solution: I = 2/5M R2 + m(R/2)2

22. Na ano ang bola?A 2.00 −kg ball is suspended from the
free end of a wire that is wrapped around the outer rim
of a pulley as shown. The pulley is uniform disk w/ mass
10.0 kg and radius 0.50 m and turns on frictionless bear-
ings. If the system is released from rest, what is the mag-
nitude of acceleration of the ball? (Icm = 12 M R2 )

A. 2.80 m/s2 C. 8.90 m/s2

B. 9.80 m/s2 D. 1.43 m/s2

Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

Solution: Use a constant acceleration equation to find a for the ball.

y − y0 = v0y t + 12 ay t2
12.6m = 12 ay (3.00s)2
ay = 2.80m/s2
Apply Fnet = ma to the ball and τz = Iαz to the pulley
mg − T = ma
T R = 12 M R2 α = 12 M R2 ( Ra )
T = 12 M a
Combining these two equations to eliminate T gives
m = M2 ( g−a ) = ( 10 2.8
2 )( 9.8−2.8 ) = 2.00kg

23. RT Energy. Which of the following demonstrates a non-zero rotational and translational
kinetic energy?
A. A spinning top at a stationary position
B. A box sliding down on a frictionless inclined plane
C. A ball rolling upward in a rough incline
D. A wheel spinning on a stationary axle

Solution: A ball rolling has both rotational and translational kinetic energy.

24. Sliding ball. A uniform rod with mass M and length L

rotates about one of its end with angular speed ω0 . A ball
(considered as point particle) with mass M/3 is initially
located halfway the rod rotates with the rod as shown in
the figure. What will be the new angular speed of the rod-
ball system if the ball moved to the end of the rod away
from the axis? (moment of inertia for a rod rotating about
its end is M L2 )
4 5 8 3
A. ω0 B. ω0 C. ω0 D. ω0
3 8 5 4

A – 10
Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

1 M L 1 M
Solution: M L2 ω0 + ω0 = M L 2 ω + (L)2 ω
3 3 2 3 3

25. Parang Physics 71.1 lang. Two standard masses of 20. g each are attached 10. cm and
20. cm from the left end of a uniform meter-stick beam. If the meter-stick has mass of
2.0 × 102 g, where should you put the fulcrum of this beam-mass system so that it is in

A. 36 cm from the left end

B. 62 cm from the left end
C. 28 cm from the left end
D. 44 cm from the left end

Solution: soln:
pivot at the fulcrum yields: net T = 0
(20g)(x − 10) + (20g)(x − 20) = (200g)(50 − x)
solve for x
20gx − 200gcm + 20gx − 400gcm = 10000gcm − 200gx
40gx + 200gx = 10000gcm + 600gcm
x = 10600gcm/240g = 44cm

26. V4 will make me madder. A wire of length 0.15 m and cross-sectional area 1.0 × 10−5 m2
is pulled on one of its end with a tension of 350 N. If it stretches by ∆l = 1.0 × 10−4 m,
what is its Young’s modulus?

A. 2.3 Pa C. 5.3 × 1010 Pa

B. 2.3 × 1010 Pa D. 5.3 Pa

Solution: Y = A∆l

A – 11
Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

27. Moana. What is the gauge pressure at the bottom of a 0.347- m high column of oil whose
top is open to the atmosphere? (ρoil = 7.98 × 105 kg/m3 )

A – 12
Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

A. 2.77 × 105 Pa C. 2.81 × 106 Pa

B. 2.71 × 106 Pa D. 2.25 × 107 Pa

Solution: M = OANA where M is the Measure of the gauge pressure, O is the density
of the Oil, A is the Acceleration due to gravity and NA is the Numerical Assignation of
the depth of the fluid.

28. Jedi trick. Two identical Jedi boats are placed fresh water and salt water respectively
(ρboat < ρf reshwater < ρsaltwater ). If the buoyant force exerted by the saltwater and fresh
water on the boat are equal, which of the following statements are true?
I. The volume of saltwater displaced is less than the volume of fresh water displaced.
II. The weight of saltwater displaced is greater than the weight of fresh water displaced.
III. The Jedi boat will float both in freshwater and saltwater.

A. I and II only C. II and III only

B. I and III only D. I, II and III

Solution: I is true because a bouyant force is the same and density of saltwater is less
than freshwater
II is false, from definition of buoyant force, the weight of displaced water should be
III is true because the boat’s density is less than the fresh and salt water

29. Bern’s tube. Bern creates a pipe as shown in the figure and
uses it to redirect a fluid of unknown density. At point A, the
pressure is 3.03 × 105 Pa and the speed of the fluid is 2.00
m/s. At point B, the pressure is 2.93 × 105 Pa and the speed
is 4.00 m/s. If the height difference between A and B is 0.500
m, what is the density of the fluid?

A. 1.02 × 104 kg/m3 C. 9090 kg/m3

B. 917 kg/m3 D. 1.69 × 103 kg/m3

A – 13
Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

1 2
P A − PB = ρv2 − 1/2ρv12 + ρg(y2 − y1 ) (4)
ρ = 1 2 2
= 917kg/m3 (5)
2 (v2 − v1 ) + g∆y

30. Basic gravity. In an outer space experiment, you are asked to put a marble between a 1.00-
kg block and a 5.00-kg block such that the net gravitational force acting on the marble is
zero. Where should you put the marble? Ignore the effect of your gravitational force on
the marble.
A. At the exact center.
B. Closer to the 1.00-kg block.
C. Closer to the 5.00-kg block.
D. No location will give you a zero net gravitational force.

m1 m2
Fg = G
Therefore B!

31. Sea Eve . What is the ratio of the escape speed of a rocket launched from sea level to the
escape speed of one launched from Mt. Everest (an altitude of 8.8500 km)? Neglect the
effects of air resistance and use 6.3800 × 106 m as the radius of the Earth.

A. 1.0007 C. 0.9986
B. 1.0014 D. 0.9986

vsealevel RE +h
Solution: vmt.eve = RE = 1.0007

32. Simple Lang. Which of the following shows simple harmonic motion?
A. A pendulum bob attached to a massless string swinging at large angles
B. A block attached to a horizontal spring moving on a rough surface
C. A stationary bob attached to a massive string

A – 14
Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

D. A block attached to a horizontal spring moving with small displacements on

a frictionless surface

Solution: A block moving between two springs on smooth horizontal surface

33. Simple force. An object with mass 2.0 kg undergoes a SHM described by the equation

x(t) = 1.3 m cos 2.1 s−1 t + 1.1

What is the maximum net force that the object experienced?

A. 11. N B. 5.5 N C. 5.7 N D. 2.6 N

Solution: F = ma = mAω 2

34. Paulit-ulit. A 0.1000 kg mass, attached to a spring is moving back and forth in simple
harmonic motion with an angular frequency of 34.65 rad/s and amplitude of 0.1000 m.
What is the position of mass at an instant when its speed is 0.8000 m/s?
A. 0.6000 m
B. 0.1900 m
C. 0.3600 m
D. 0.09700 m

p soln
ω = k/m
k = ω 2 ∗ m = (34.65rad/s)2 (0.10kg) = 120N/m
ET = 1/2kA2 = 0.6J
1/2mv2 + 1/2kx2 = 0.6J
Ans : 0.097m

35. It’s so easy it hertz. A wave on a string is described by the function

y(x, t) = (2.1) cos[(6.1)x − (4.9)t]
(in SI units). What is the frequency of the wave?

A – 15
Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

A. 0.78 Hz C. 4.9 Hz
B. 1.3 Hz D. 3.6 Hz

Solution: From the function, the coefficient of t is ω = 2πf . So

ω 4.9
f= = = 0.78 Hz
2π 2π

36. Wiggle wiggle. You wiggle one end of a wire and produce a traveling wave with wave-
length λ. What is the new wavelength if you pulled the wire with tension that is four times
as large as before? Assume that you wiggle the rope with the same frequency.

A. λ/4 C. 2λ
B. λ/2 D. 4λ

v = F/µ wave speed will be doubled. Same frequency, faster wave, then wavelength
must also double.

37. Class Standing. Which of the following statements are true about standing waves on a
I. Standing wave pattern does not appear to move in any direction.
II. Standing wave is a result of superposition of two waves traveling in the same direction
III. Nodes of standing waves are position where the displacement is always zero.

A. I and II only C. I and III only

B. II and III only D. all of the above

Solution: conditions for standing wave

38. Is it long? A string fixed in both ends is plucked producing a 3rd harmonic (n = 3)
frequency of 12 Hz. If the wave speed is 24 m/s, how long is the string?
A. 2.0 m
B. 6.0 m

A – 16
Final Exam Second Semester, AY 2016–2017 Physics 71

C. 0.67 m
D. 3.0 m

f3 = 3f1 = 3 (6)
f3 = 3 (7)
L = =3 (8)

39. Screaming potato. A potato at rest screams (dont ask how) at frequency of 450. Hz. An
annoyed carrot runs away from potato at speed of 200. m/s. At what frequency will the
carrot hear the scream? (vsound = 340. m/s)

A. 185. Hz C. 450. Hz
B. 715. Hz D. 100. Hz


Solution: fL = 1 + fS

40. Maling akala. A stationary siren emits sound of frequency 1000. Hz and wavelength
0.3430 m. Which of the following is true about the frequency f and wavelength λ measured
by an observer moving towards the siren?
A. f > 1000. Hz and λ > 0.3430 m.
B. f > 1000. Hz and λ = 0.3430 m.
C. f > 1000. Hz and λ < 0.3430 m.
D. f = 1000. Hz and λ < 0.3430 m.

Solution: a

A – 17

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