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Jaimini SJC

A Vedic Astrology resource based in Frederiksberg, Denmark: devoted to the teaching and practice of
Vedic Astrology.

A lecture on the functioning of Marana Karaka Sthana in a horoscope and how the destruction of life can
arise from this malignant position of a planet in the chart.
Special notes on how to predict the same using the Narayana dasa are also given.

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Posted in 2007, Basic principles, Jaimini SJC RSS 2.0

1. Gary Says:
March 6th, 2007 at 3:45 pm

Dear Visti,

There is an alternative view that MKS for Mercury should be in the 4th bhava instead of 7th. Could
you kindly shed some light on this? Thanks.

2. Visti Larsen Says:

March 7th, 2007 at 1:05 pm

हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear Gary, Namaskar
Very good question. The approach that Mercury in fourth is the Marana Karaka Sthana is not
wrong. But lets try to understand the scenario of these two types of MKS.

The fourth house is the house of Vidya and studying. It is a natural maraka to third
house/Gemini which is the house of experimenting, playing, playgrounds, etc. Here the view is
that the child (Mercury) is at his worst when he is forced to study.
This can in the best cases cause the person to finish education VERY quickly in an attempt to
get OUT of school.
Or in the worst cases deny interest in education all together.
Either way I have seen that such people HATE classrooms. Its very difficult for them to study
in a classroom setting.
This happens even when that Mercury is in own sign/exalted.
So there is a solid reason for advocating Mercuries Marana Karaka Sthana as the fourth house.
Example: Freedom Cole
Date: October 9, 1976
Time: 22:06:13
Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 75 W 01′ 34″, 39 N 29′ 10″
Vineland, New Jersey, USA
He has Gemini lagna with exalted Mercury in the fourth house (MKS). Finally when he began
his higher studies he decided to take twice the subjects that he had and finished the same in
two years time (normally it takes three years).
Because Mercury is exalted it shows that he will be put in an uncomfortable situation (MKS) in
studies but overcome it through serious efforts (exaltation).
Generally he feels uncomfortable with classroom settings, but he works hard and always puts
out a great effort… A real Mahapurusha you may say.

So indeed the MKS in fourth is applicable.

The seventh house is a MARAKA to the sixth house which is the natural house of Virgo. Virgo
relates to purity and the ability to question and research (refer dhimanath yoga) and thus the
MKS in the seventh shows how our desires (seventh house) decrease our purity (Virgo), or
how the excess senseAenjoyment can destroy our discrimination ability.
Hence the reason that planets in the seventh have the power of ruining our discrimination.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

3. Tarun Garg Says:

March 8th, 2007 at 8:06 am

Respected Visti Ji

just a comment on the example of the lady who was losing her children due to Venus in MKS. If we
try to use the vimsottari Dasa for the same case, I did the seed comparison and infact the 4th star
has 4 planets as compared to the moon. If we use the dasa started from the 4th star it clearly shows
SaAMeAVe for the first child. Sa is aspecting the 9th house, Me coAjoining venus exchanges the
antardasa results so it gives the results of venus and Venus pratyantar is the actual planet in MKS
from lagna. Fits perfectly.

The second child was lost with the advent of the rahu pratyantar dasa and that binds accurately as
Rahu is the second malefic that was aspecting the 9th house.

Just thought that I would share my observations.

But I was actually sad that you did not discuss the approach to remedy the situation or whether
there are any remedies etc. Hopefully you can have the remedies lecture soon…


Tarun Garg

4. Hari Says:
March 8th, 2007 at 5:11 pm

shucim arkair brihaspatim adhvareshu namasyata|

anaamy oja aa cake|| RV 3.062.05

Dear Visti,
I refer to your post in reply to Gary’s question on the alternative MKS definition of Mercury in 4th.
I dont think that this matter is fully resolved for the following reasons:

1. The definition in Jataka Parijata is with respect to bhavas and ergo, most explanations have
tended to explain the karakatwa which the planet is most uncomfortable in discharging. How is it
that in order to explain this alternative definition, we have to see the rasi also?

2. Even if one admits that one can invoke the rasi to explain this alternative definition, why can’t
this logic be extended to the MKS definition for the other planets? Except for Sun, Moon, Rahu, all
the other planets lord two signs and this raises further issues.

3. When I questioned Sanjay on the source of this definition, he told me to look in Jataka Tatva.
Since I dont have this book, I took a look at Jataka Parijata and I find that Adhyaya II Shloka 72
gives the following definition:
“The Moon in conjunction with Sun, Mercury in the 4th from Lagna, Jupiter in the 5th, Mars in the
2nd, Venus in the 6th and Saturn in the 7th become barren of effect”

While I admit I cannot understand this statement fully, I gather that this is hinting at some subtle
karako bhava nashya principle here. I know Sanjay opines in COVA that this refers more to the
coAmingling of charakaraka and either bhavesha or naisargika karaka roles.

best regards

5. Anna Says:
March 9th, 2007 at 6:42 am

Dear Visti,
Good ‘evergreen’ topicA just listened the tapeA
Examples you mentioned clearly show deaths of the related
persons. I am wondering if there is more to that, since I’ve seen similar chart combinations not
resulting in actual deaths. My Venus, Lord of 11th and 4th H is in 6thA my elder brother had an
accident and he went through deathAlike suffering, so did we all. My mother and brother are in
excellent shape and good health since, my mother is youngAspirited, enthusiastic, good looking
80yrs old lady, has always been the blessing of my life. Venus is Daraka in my chart and my
ex/husband is fortunately OK, too. Nothing really dramatic in that area has ever happened. Could
you pls comment?
You also spoke about the woman with aflicted 9th H who lost 2 kids and it’s scaryAIn addition to Ve
in MKS I have afflicted Ju in 9th, and would ask you please to find saving grace for my 31y.old son.
He did suffered asfiction at birth, and the Lord of his birth naks. is Sun in 8th, pretty precisely
describing that event.
His A4 is with Moon in 2nd Sagitarius, but somehow he is rarely happy with meA spoiled brat, yes,
but astrologically? opposite Sun and Me in 6th? Any suggestions, advice? Plus Visti, My son has
Scorpio lagna, and one AL/for Ketu/ is in Virgo. What would be AL for his Mars in 10th in Leo?
Sorry Visti, too many Qs.
In addition to these, my A4 is with Rahu /MK/in8th, and my mother is symbol of overall health, joy,
zest for life!

My father died prematurely though, at 72, in perfect health, during routine operation. A9 is with
Venus and Mercury in Sag, aspected by Ju and Sa from dual signs.

I always feel, at least on some level, that I am doing better than expectedA maybe higher frustration
tolerance??, only partly, though

Thanks again,

6. Anna Says:
March 9th, 2007 at 7:14 am

Dear Visti,
If Lagna Lord is Sun placed in 12th, Cancer, how would
this MKS manifest. The case I have in mind has deb.Jupiter in 6th H, thus casting aspect on Sun in
Please comment.

7. Visti Larsen Says:

March 9th, 2007 at 5:22 pm

हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear Tarun, Hari and Anna, Namaskar

Nice work. Keep it up.

I will try to resolve your questions for you.
After explaining the calculation of the Kala Chakra Dasa in the chapter of the same name,
Vaidyanath Dikshita then progresses to define the planets ruling the DEHA and JEEVA planets
of each dasa, based on the lordship of those grahas of the relevant . So here we learn the
relevance of signs. From sloka 28 he starts explaining how they cause pain and suffering when
they are: joined one, two or more malefics in which BHAVAS they will cause Marana
Sthana! (sloka 34A36).
In the last mentioned slokas he explains:
bhātṛsthānagato jīvo dārasthānagataḥ kujaḥ|
Translation: The third house occupied by Jupiter, the seventh by Mars.
tathā janmagato mando rāhurnavamarāśigaḥ||34||
Translation: The lagna (janma can also mean nakshatra of lagna) by Saturn, the ninth by Rahu.
candro’ṣṭamagrihaṁ yātaḥ sūryo riḥphagṛhaṁ gataḥ|
Translation: Moon in the eighth house, Sun in the twelfth.
budhaḥ saptamabhāvastho bhārgavaḥ śatrurāśigaḥ||35||
Translation: Mercury in the seventh, Venus in the sixth.
ityevaṁ maraṇasthānaṁ tasmin pāpayute’thavā|
pāpadṛṣṭe’rinīcasthe durbale duḥkhamāpnayāt||36||
Translation: These are the maranaAsthanas (houses of death A termed Marana ‘karaka’ sthana
as they are not related to lordship but to the planet itself thus karakatva). When these are
joined malefics, aspected by malefics, in enemy sign, debilitated or otherwise devoid of
strength the person will see sorrow.

Just prior to this sloka he mentions the effects of each planet when afflicted/in marana sthana:
agnibādhā ravau vidyāccandre jvalanabādhakam|
Translation: Sun causes trouble from fire, Moon from fevers and heat.
bhaume śastrakṛtā pīḍā vāyubādhakaraṁ budhe||32||
Translation: Mars causes hurt from weapons whilst Mercury gives air problems (could be
gurau codarabādhā syāt śukre’gnibhayamāpnayāt|
Jupiter through the stomach whilst Venus gives fear from fire.
śanau gulmena bādhā syād rāhau viṣakṛtāṁ rujam||33||
Translation: Saturn gives cholic (abdominal problems?) whilst Rahu gives deadly poisons.

There is NO doubts regarding dual lordship, there is only an issue of astrologers full of doubts.
Both lordships will be affected incase of dual lordship, but there are methods to see which sign
is supported more by a planet.

I cannot comment on the other sloka but have had a bookmark there for some time now. But
yes, its based on this sloka that the concept of Mercuries MKS in the fourth has arisen.

For everyone else reading your posts, i am posting your birthdata for their sake.
Date: January 23, 1952
Time: 16:00:00
Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 21 E 54′ 00″, 43 N 19′ 00″

Your question is really A whilst there may be suffering how to confirm the extent?
What I laid stress on in the lesson was the involvement of 2 or more malefics on the sign
whose lord was in MKS, or if the planet in MKS was further weak through debilitation or the
likes. If neither were there then we cannot say that deathAlike suffering will arise. I.e. in Tony
Blairs case the problem was financial as the Sun is exalted in rasi.

Reg. your chart we see that the eleventh and fourth lords are the same Venus. As you
mentioned Venus is placed in the sixth in Marana Karaka Sthana. Eleventh house is ONLY
afflicted by Mars, so some conflict/fight related to the eleventh house, i.e. wealth/income
(jupiter), brother/sister (mars/venus), friends (mercury), etc. can arise depending on which of
the mentioned significators are badly placed from Venus.

Fourth house is afflicted by Mars and Rahu.. this is where the REAL predicament is.

But you said Mother was fine?.. So now we go to the next step of analyzing each KARAKA
with relation to Venus.
Heres a nice list:
Moon A mother
Mars A property
Mercury A education
Venus A vehicles

Among these Venus is placed in the second from Moon A no problem (notice that i see the
position of Venus FROM the Karaka); Mercury is joined Venus which in itself is not a problem
for its Karaka, but can bring some issues; Venus is in itself in the sixth showing problems with
vehicles and Venus is placed in the third from Mars which is a bad placement as per Pachakadi
So as per this we can conclude that the suffering will be related to vehicles (Venus) and
property (Mars). A minor conflict can then happen with a sibling as per our conclusion above.

You mentioned your father was healthy and lived well until 72. So there should by definition
be nothing wrong with the ninth house as he was healthy A see that Jupiter is strong in the ninth
in own sign thus in good health… very rarely a sick day. But, there is sorrow associated with
this same father as Saturn and Rahu are aspecting Jupiter in the ninth, so this you could not

He was taken away from you and for this we analyze the ninth house and lord from the Sun.
Sun is in Capricorn and the ninth therefrom is Saturn (remember he was causing that sorrow A
he lords seventh and eight of relationships and inheritance). Now see Mercury who is directly
responsible for your personal association with your father. Mercury is joined that SAME Venus
who caused those property problems… Do you see a relation between the two issues?

Your mother is very cultured as per Rahu in your A4 A very nice lady and a good host.

Ussh.. ok enough answers for now. To calculate arudhas you can pick up any classic which will
clarify it. Keep in mind that Scorpio lagna can actually operate with TWO arudhas… each one
at a different time and this also creates two completely separate lifestyles giving a very colorful

I hope this should be adequate for you to make the right decisions based on Marana Karaka
Sthana in charts.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

8. Anna Says:
March 9th, 2007 at 7:09 pm

Dear Visti,
Thanks for your commentsA hope you’ll address other issues later.
Just a small TOB correction

January 23, 1952

Time: 4:03 /Yogi Karvaji rectification
Lo 20E35
La 43N10

9. Anna Says:
March 11th, 2007 at 1:30 am

Dear Visti,
If Saturn is in MKS in firstH, If lagna falls in Pushya Naksatra lorded by Saturn one can assume that
to be unfavourable. But, due to its deity being Brihaspati, this is considered a favourable naksatra,
Saturn somehow disappears from the picture, as far as I know/have read. Am I dwelling on
consistency too much?

10. rateesh Says:

March 12th, 2007 at 6:01 pm

resected sir

iam new to yr classes//but i admire ur teachings

i have venus in 6 house with rahu //leo lagna

moon in 2 nd house
jupiter in 4th H
mars in 5th H
sun in 7 H
mercury debiliated in 8th H
saturn debilated in 9 H
and ketu in 12th H
whats the interpretation of venus with rahu in 6th H

11. Visti Larsen Says:

March 12th, 2007 at 9:43 pm

हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear Anna and Rateesh, Namaskar

Yes thats a bit far out, but the nakshatra devata will help overcome the problems associated
with the nakshatra lord. A remedy a person can do lifelong is to worship the nakshatra lord to
have a smooth and easy life.

I see two issues of hand when looking at the details you have provided. First and foremost is
relationship problems due to curse of spouse from past life which can cause enmity from a
loved one in this life (venus afflicted by Rahu and Saturn). This can lead to durbhagya (saturn
in ninth) and delay in marriage.
Because the tenth house and arudha lagna is the same and lorded by Venus (whilst aspected by
rahu), i fear you may be suffer some illAfame due to which you may have to give up a job at
some point in time. This will be linked to a lady.
I would recommend that you wear a Red Ruby on your right hand ringer finger and begin
worshiping Sri Rudra to ensure a good career and peaceful life.
Yours sincerely, Visti.

12. aresh Says:

March 13th, 2007 at 5:05 am


Dear Visti ji, Namaste,

My question does not directly relate to Marana Karaka Sthana; When a planet is placed in the 7th
house from his lordship house why is it considered in ‘Maraka’ placement, as it aspects its own
house which is considered beneficial?



13. Swati Says:

March 13th, 2007 at 8:07 am

Hare Rama Krsna

Namaste Vistiji
Wonderful lecture..few questions i had:)
1. Does an already MKS planets from lagna create MKS to planets MKS from its position. Like in
my chart venus ak is MKS and jupiter PK is placed in 6th thus getting MKS . what significance does
it reduce of Jupiter. Does venus have strength to create MKS? Whose significations and lordships
will be felt as if they are being lost ,any order?

2. Same when mercury is MKS in 7th and its Karaka Venus is also MKS in 6th , creating MKS to
7th lord ? Again here will mercury significations and lordships will be felt to be lost first or will it be
venus ? Does that should also decide the order of remedies ?
Jai Bhole Shankara !!!

14. Visti Larsen Says:

March 13th, 2007 at 10:10 pm

हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear Naresh and Svati, Namaskar

Your real question is “why does the seventh house cause death”? It is the 12th (loss) from the
eighth house and thus causes loss of longevity. When ones intellect is focussed on seventh
house matters the longevity suffers as a result as the loss of prana occurs in the native. This is
why the sutras state that excess sexual activity actually lessens the longevity of the native.
Essentially the DESIRES are strong and this lowers the longevity. When the desires are strong
the inner essence of the bhava flourishes, and Harihara of Prasna Marga lists these indications
of each bhava. I.e. if twelfth lord associates with the fifth house the person may meditate or
focus on spirituality. But if twelfth lord is in the sixth house then the meditation breaks often
due to hunger and weaknesses.
The point Harihara is also trying to make is that a we should not only use graha dristi to see the
strength of a bhava.

We can see MKS from ANY position of planets, but this is especially important when we talk
of Chara Karakas and more importantly the Atmakaraka. We are required to see the placement
of planets from the Atmakaraka and use these MKS placements therefrom.

Example: If Atmakaraka is Rahu then see the ninth (mks) from Rahu. If planets, karakas or
lordships are placed there then they are REJECTED by the Atma. As a result the native has
trouble experiencing these significations in life.
I will save this talk for later, but the most basic remedy is to recite the Jyotirlinga mantra for
the Atmakaraka to begin with.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

15. Reema Sriganesh Says:

March 18th, 2007 at 1:12 pm

|| Hare Rama Krushna ||

Namaste Vistiji,

In your reply to Swati, you said the following:

“If planets, karakas or lordships are placed there then they are
REJECTED by the Atma.”

We should include Arudhas in the above list, too, right?

May Sri Vishnu bless us all,


16. Reema Sriganesh Says:

March 18th, 2007 at 1:18 pm
|| Hare Rama Krushna ||

Namaste Vistiji,

In your reply to Anna, it is not very clear as to how the MKS

position of Venus resulted in deaths of individuals. May be I am
missing a crucial point you made in your reply to Anna? May be
MKS position of a planet whose signs are afflicted by two or
more malefics do not always result in deaths of people around us?

Please help us understand.

Thank you.

May Sri Vishnu bless us all,


17. Reema Sriganesh Says:

March 18th, 2007 at 1:51 pm

|| Hare Rama Krushna ||

Namaste Vistiji,

One more question from your reply to Anna. Therein you

said the following:

“Venus is placed in the third from Mars which is a bad

placement as per Pachakadi Sambandha”

According to PachakAadi sambandha, a planet in the 12th from

Mars acts as a temporal vedhaka, and is very inimical to Mars.
So why do you consider placement of Venus in third from Mars
to be inimical in the statement above?

May Sri Vishnu bless us all,


18. Michal Dziwulski Says:

March 21st, 2007 at 12:45 am

[ Hare Rama Krsna ]

Dear Visti,

I have heard before that Saturn is the Karaka for Father for night births, however I have also heard
that Venus is used. When do we use what? Sun and Venus are said to be sthira karakas for father so
longevity would be the issue. It was during your recent lecture on MKS that raised this doubt in my
mind, because in the Chart of Bill Clinton Venus is debilitated amoung other things, so perhaps this
can be used to see how is Father died so early? Please clarify when we should see Venus and when
Saturn for night births.

Also in the case you gave for the Soviet Union, those three leaders died after Leo dasa (which in
any case would be giving results of Aquarius). The next dasa is of Pisces A giving the results of
Virgo whose Lord is joined Sun in MKS. So this would probably fit.


[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]

19. shiva Says:

March 21st, 2007 at 5:11 am

dear vistiji, annaji and others

I am curious to know how venus is 6th manifests in life on a social level. Does it just problems just
in sexuality or also in interpersonal relationships, with colleagues etc. Does the native not have a
refined sense of beauty, arts etc. ?


20. Sharat Says:

March 21st, 2007 at 9:58 am

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Michal,
Parashara says to also see Saturn’s placement for father for night births. Venus and Moon are seen
for mother, for day and night births respectvely, thats how Visti explained to me sometime ago.

21. Visti Larsen Says:

March 21st, 2007 at 7:21 pm

हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear Michal, Namaskar
Leo Narayana dasa was from 7th November 1982 to 7th November 1991.
The source i have states:
Brezhnev died 10th Nov 1982.
Andropov died 9th Feb 1984
Chernenko died 10th March 1985.
This data is collected from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath.

The Dasarasi itself is always important to see in charts of those who associate with the public
or in case of countries. Here we don’t reverse the point of view.

As for parents. The Sun/Venus principle is used for Sthira karakas, i.e. how long will the body
of the father last.
The Sun/Saturn principle is for Naisargika karakas and is based on the relationship we have
towards our father.
Hence Parasara uses the latter principle to ascertain where the father is at the time of birth.

So in Clintons case we wanto see both 1) the lack of association with his biological father and
2) the fathers demise prior to his birth. Both are important.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

22. Visti Larsen Says:

March 21st, 2007 at 7:26 pm
हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear Shiva, Namaskar
I have talked about this in one of the past lectures on karaka. See when the Karaka is badly
placed the native feels that they are not fully experiencing the results of the karaka. I.e. Mars
in seventh makes the person feel that they are not practicing enough purity and chastity. Thus
they feel uncomfortable in relationships. Venus in the sixth shows the opposite A they feel they
are practicing too much purity/chastity.

Yours sincerely, Visti

23. Michal Dziwulski Says:

March 21st, 2007 at 9:11 pm

[ Hare Rama Krsna ]

Dear Visti,

My mistake about the dates for Narayana Dasa. In fact it is totally precise. Though I was not aware
about ignoring the rule about taking the 7th from dasa rasi in mundane charts.

Thanks for the clarification about the karaka. So in Clinton’s case since Saturn (naisargika karaka
for night births) was afflicted he did not have a relationship with his biological father. And then
also, since Venus (sthira karaka for night births) is also afflicted the body of his father was also

For day births Sun would play the role of both naisargika and sthira karaka, and so if afflicted, could
cause either a lack of association or death of father. How could we discern between these two
scenarios? Some other factors would need to be bought into play?


[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]

24. Sharat Says:

March 21st, 2007 at 11:52 pm

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Michal,
My 2 cents…

Sthir karaka Sun when seen for father represents the physical body; whereas when its seen as
Naisargic karaka 9 th Lord from it shows the father.

Hope I got it right.


25. Visti Larsen Says:

March 22nd, 2007 at 11:02 am

हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear Michal, Namaskar
The naisargika karaka always shows MY experience. I.e. Venus shows the general experience
of relationships whilst the seventh lord from Venus is responsible for bringing the spouse.

Naisargika karaka relates to the mind/mana.
Chara karaka relates to the soul/atma.
Sthira karaka relates to the body/kaya.

So, to see exactly what is happening to the father you should check the ninth lord from Sun as
well as the ninth lord from lagna… your experience is just the karaka itself.

In case of Clinton the ninth lord from Sun is Mars who is yuti a neecha Venus in the third

I hope this answers your question.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

26. Reema Sriganesh Says:

March 24th, 2007 at 5:39 am

|| Hare Rama Krushna ||

Namaste Vistiji,

Can you please answer the questions I have posed in post # 15, 16, and 17? It will help me further
my understanding about Marana Karaka Sthana.

Thank you.

May Sri Vishnu bless us all,


27. Visti Larsen Says:

March 24th, 2007 at 9:36 am

हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear Reema, Namaskar
#15: Yes.
#16: How does a house or car die? they are jadaatmas and can be broken but not die.
#17: Yes that was a mistake i realized later, instead it is simply a trika placement.

Yours sincerely, Visit.

28. Anna Says:

March 24th, 2007 at 6:31 pm

Dear Reema and Visti,

Thanks for clarifying this for meA although I thought it was a mistake /and didn’t want to ’split the
hair’/A but is much better, of course, to be sure I didn’t miss something


29. PJ Says:
March 25th, 2007 at 4:11 am

Dear VistiAji,
How will the following person be affected by Mars being debilitated in MKS. Mars is placed with
Moon in its own house (Cancer)

DOB: 30th Nov 1977

Time:11:45 am
Place:72 E 50′ 00”, 18 N 58′ 00”

30. Visti Larsen Says:

April 21st, 2007 at 2:14 pm

हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear PJ, Namaskar.
Mars lords the fourth and eleventh houses, and among the planets badly placed from them i
count Mercury and Moon. Moon because of the conjunction showing that the mother may
have some problems, whilst Mercury shows problems with friends (11th house karaka) and
primary education (fourth house).
Since Mars itself is the karaka for property there could be some problematic property issues in
the persons life. Especially when Tula dasa comes from 2035A2036.
Yours sincerely, Visti

31. Rani Says:

May 10th, 2007 at 10:20 pm

Dear Mr. Larsen,

For a Virgo lagna… Jupiter is in 3rd house and mars is in seventh house. There is parivartan
between these two planets which are in thier marana karaka sthanas. How do I interpret this


32. Visti Larsen Says:

May 11th, 2007 at 1:53 pm

हरे राम कृ ण॥
Dear Rani, Namaskar.
You will get this answer if you read through the posts on parivartana. But, i can tell you that
the person will oscillate between good marriage and troubling fights and battles in their
personal life. Of course this depends on the position of Venus and Mercury as well.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

33. Rani Says:

May 11th, 2007 at 4:30 pm

Dear Mr. Larsen,

Thanks for the response as always. So, it is the same as parivartan yoga between 3 and 7 but the
MKS positions then add the oscillation factor to it.

It looks like the exalted venus in 7th (conjunct Mars) and unafflicted strong LL mercury in 5th
should help the situation. I will go through the responses again for a third time… because every time
I read your pages I discover new points


34. Viresh Says:

May 15th, 2007 at 12:31 pm


Dear Vistiji,namaskar

I have gone through all your lectures that u did on curses,mks and badhaka and foud concepts
useful and applicable in many charts. In fact i intend to share some charts with you that are so
hopeless to give remdedy as the planet that are supposed to remedy the curse are themselves
involved in the curse.
I will give data about those charts soon if its ok
Anyways, in my own chart there is a big problem with that Sun and i have been aware of it. It is in
MKS in 12th house, involved in curse with 3 planets and debilitated in navamsa. Its something
horrific i guess.
The question that i have is that would a simple remedy as praying Sambasadashiva would be enough
or do i need something more? You have my birth details but giving them again
Birth date 07/01/1982
birth time 09:12 a.m.
Place Mumbai
Also thanking you very much especially for the lectures that u have been giving for past two months
or so as they have cleared a lot of my doubts

35. Sharat Says:

May 15th, 2007 at 7:51 pm

||Namah Shivaya||
Dear Viresh,
If you permit me to give my humble opinion,as you have noted, Surya is neecha in navamsa in your
chart and in MKS plus also in a curse( due to Nodes and Mangal). You need to strenghten Surya by
Rameshwar Jyotirlinga worship which will also help in getting out of the curse. In addition worship
of the Lord of the 12H,as Guru Brishaspati, will also be of benefit in overcoming the curse on Surya
as Guru is well placed in kendra.
Best wishes

36. Viresh Says:

May 16th, 2007 at 6:49 am

Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Vistiji & Sharathji, namaskar

Thank you for your opinion.

I also wanted to know about how to use jyotirlinga mantra for AK.
For e.g my AK is Saturn which indicates mahakal. However Vistiji in one of his lectures mentioned
that see placement of AK in rasi and use jyotirlinga worship accordingly. Saturn in ninth house
indicates saggitarius and Vishwanath and lord and karaka is same that is jupiter. So could you
briefly explain how do we go about choosing jyotirlinga for AK.
Also forgot to mention in the earlier post that Sun is also my Istha Devata. So probably it is my Istha
Devata w3ho may cause some suffering to make me more spiritual.
Also could you tell me where can i find mantras for devi forms.
I found this mantra for tripurasundari which is devi form for mercury. is it the one that you
Om Aim Hreem Shreem Sri Lalita Tripurasundari Padukam Poojayami Namah
Thanking You

37. Sudhir Says:

May 22nd, 2007 at 7:44 am

Dear Visti ji

I am not sure if you answered about the mantra for the VarunaAAditya that is the mantra for the
Sun’s MKS. Should one also recite Matangi mantra in addition to the VarunaAaditya mantra.

Best regards

38. manju Says:

September 12th, 2007 at 9:19 am

tula lagna association of 5th lord saturn and 7th lord mars in 11th house indicate love marriage mine
upapada and darapada are same in saggitarus also indicate love marriage venus in 10th house from

39. manju Says:

September 12th, 2007 at 11:09 am

born on 21/06/1978 14.30 pm mine is tula lagna lagna lord in 10th house , association of 5th lord
saturn and 7th lord mars in 11th house indicate love marriage , venus in cancer 5th lord from venus
is saturn and 7th lord from venus is mars is associated indicate love marriage and upapada and
darapada are same in saggitarus once again love marriage . in upapada moon is there and 7th house
of upapada there is mercury jupiter and sun and 8th house of upapada is venus indicating many raja
yogas …10th house of upapada is rahu please kindly tell me my marriage is love or arrange how is
my wife look where she comes from .she is rich or not how is my marriage life

40. Swati Says:

September 15th, 2007 at 1:39 pm

Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah: Hare Rama Krsna,

Dear Vistiji,
When a planet is said to be in marana karaka sthana, it wields death inflicting powers to houses it
owns. So why do we chose to pray karak or lords where the MKS happens and not the karak of the
houses it owns or lordships of where it is the karak of!).
Say for example in venus being MKS in 6th house for virgo lagna, it is the 2nd and 9th house that
are not able to deliver, so the karak of these houses Jupiter should be strenghtened . Similarly venus
is karak of 7th house m and jupiter is lord of 7th house in virgo, so it is jupiter that should help to
strengthen and make these bhavas strong.
Also i would want to know how and what does the ghrini Surya mantra activate, the planet in MKS
or the bhava it lords ?
Om Tat Sat

41. Bijay Says:

September 15th, 2007 at 7:02 pm

Dear Visti jee,

Hari Om.

My dear wife says, some astrolger told her when she was a kid, she would have 35/36/37th year’s
are life threatning. Is it true?

Her details:

Birth A Oct 16th 1973, Time 20.35 PM

Place A Puri (Orissa) INDIA

The birth time may not be very accurate.

My details:
March 5th 1969, Time 18.15PM
Place A Vizianagaram, India

Our marriage A May 24th 1997 11.45PM

I really appreciate if you could tell me as there is no threat to her longevity.

Yours truly,

42. shishya dheena Says:

September 19th, 2007 at 7:24 am

Dear Guru ji, Namaskar.
Kindly permit me to pen down my thoughts as a reply to Swati ji,
Swati ji, Namaskar
First one should identify the route cause, like they do in Homeopathy treatment, where there is no
remedy for decease but for symptoms. Once symptoms are remedied, the decease will automatically
As per your example the route cause for the suffering (decease) of 9H and 10H is due to Venus in
MKS. Here Venus feels unsecured with little self confidence. At this juncture, we are requesting
(praying) the Karak of the 6H (in Surya vesha) to pacify and clear the Venus’s feelings or to create
an environment so that Venus will regain self confidence and feel that nothing is as like it feels and
some friendly environment is there for its survival in 6H. Thus the symptoms felt by the Venus are
relieved and the decease of the 9H and 10H were cured.
Finally one should remember that 9H or 10H is not afflicted directly, if it is so like Rahu in 9H then
we have to request Guru (9H Karak) to save the Dharma (9H) from Rahu. At this same example,
one cannot request (pray) 9H owner Venus (for Virgo Lagna as per your example) to create a
compatible environment for Rahu. If one asks so Rahu will gain more power or feel better to do
more harm because, the environment is also compatible to him to do more harm.
Nothing is greater than Guru ji’s words.
With respects to Guru ji.
shishya dheena

43. shishya dheena Says:

September 19th, 2007 at 7:41 am

Dear Guru ji, Namaskar.
Swati ji, kindly add the following thoughts to my previous one.
This is my thoughts with respect to Ghirni Surya mantra.
Remember Ramayan, You know that Ravana is Mayavi, if he is so why he had not taken the vesha
of Rama to pacify Seetha devi. There lies the secret. If he transforms himself into Rama he found
that not only his body but his heart soul and mind also transforms into Rama’s one, means
ekapathni vradha. Because of this problem only Ravana rejected this technique. May this be one of
the reasons for worshiping the respective planets in Surya vesha.
With respects to Guru ji.
shishya dheena

44. Swati Says:

September 22nd, 2007 at 8:47 am

Om Gurave Namah
Dear Dheena ji
Thanks a lot for an insightful response.

45. Vinod Says:

October 13th, 2007 at 9:08 pm

Resp. Visti Ji


Is there a remedy available for MKS?. Can you pl. suggest some remedy for this girl born in ”
Anuraadha ” Nakshatra
having a virgo lagna in rasi chart with Jupiter , Venus , Moon in 3rd house. In DA9 Moon is also
debiliatated & is in eight house with Jupiter.

Thanks Vinod

46. Shiv Says:

October 23rd, 2007 at 5:18 am

Respected Vistiji,
May I ask between MKS and debilitated planets, which is more serious.

Does strengthening a MKS Saturn make a native more tamasic or less, especially if it’s retrograde?
MKS leads to weakness of planet while retrogression leads to its strength. So what’s the way out for
making native more hardworking, agile, alert, aware etc.


47. rateesh Says:

November 27th, 2007 at 7:05 pm

Respected Vistiji

Thanks for reply to my last ques about MKS venus for leo lagna ,,the venus being in 6H…
The gal whom iam getting married to is sagg lagna and is vargottama…Jupiter and mars in 4th house
…..saturn and sun in 7th house ….

and has jupiter and rahu in MKS though no planet is MKS in raasi..WHATS THE EFFET OF

wud be greatful to your insightful comments

om namaha shivaya

om namaha shivayya

48. Hariprasad Says:

April 2nd, 2008 at 12:14 pm

Dear Vistiji, Namaskara,

I was analyzing my own Tithi Pravesha chart for the coming year and in the Navamsa divisional
chart, Mercury is in Virgo in 7th house and owns the 4th and 7th houses. It is in a own house,
exalted and also in MKS.

Could you kindly provide any comments on how to interpret this placement.

Thanks and Regards, Hari

Birth Details: 20th June 1977, 6:47AM, Bangalore, India.

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