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Jl. Perintis Utama No. 02 Tanah Merah Kab. Indragiri Hilir Hp 08127546970
E-Mail Kode Pos 29271


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa inggris lintas minat
Kelas / Program : X IPS 1 & 2
Waktu : 90 Menit
TahuanPelajaran : 2022/2023

Text 1 for question number 1 to 3

Surya Mentari Street no. 45, Jakarta
Guest Reservation Form

Last name Prastawa

First name Dhyaksa
Adress Melati Raya Street no
17 Surabaya
Phone 6289897878
Date of arrival October 9th
Date of departure October 12th
Room Number 315
Room Type Single bed room VIP
Total price Rp 420.000,00
Payment By Cash Card

1. The social function of the text is...

a. To announce a hottle room.
b. To give detailed information of the hotel.
c. To advertise and promote the hotel.
d. To give detailed information of a guest.
e. To persue someone to stay in hotel.

2. From the text we know that...

a. The receptional name is Dhyaksa Prastawa.
b. The guest reserved a double bed room.
c. The guest paid the payment by cash.
d. The guest stayed in the hotel for four days.
e. The total price the guest should pay is Rp 315.000,00

3. the following isn’t needed to be in a form like this, except ...

a. Guest’s parents’ name. d. Guest’s education
b. Guest’s card number. e. Guest parent’s address.
c. Guest’s children name.

4. during – navigating – will – the ship – Mr. Salman – the voyage – be

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The best arrangement is …
a. 6-3-7-2-5-1-4 d. 5-3-7-2-6-1-4
b. 4-3-7-2-5-1-6 e. 5-3-7-4-1-2-6
c. 5-3-7-2-4-1-6
5. should – Sandia – she – the books – returned – borrowed – have
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The best arrangement is …
a. 2-1-7-4-5-3-6 d. 2-1-7-5-4-3-6
b. 2-1-5-4-3-7-6 e. 2-1-7-6-4-3-5
c. 2-1-6-4-3-7-5

6. We use …… to state our predication.

a. simple present tense d. past perfect tense
b. simple past tense e. present progressive tense
c. future lense

7. I should have (arrive) at home by 11 p.m.

a. arrive d. arriving
b. arrives e. arrival
c. arrived

8. Writing a name in a form should be except ……

a. spelied correctly d. hardly seen
b. in capital letters e. using a black pen
c. in bold letters

Text for no. 9-10.

Library of Senior High School 1 Tanah Merah

Jln Perintis Utama No 2 Tanah Merah


Name : Mahadika

Class :X1

Year : 2016

Date Of Birth : Feb, 14-2002

Address : 54 Lily Streeet, Block A, Flower residence

Email :

Intereses (indicate by chack ()

   
Literature Sciences History Education

September 21, 2016

Mahardika Purnomo

9. Who fills the form?

a. A librarian d. A graduate
b. A student e. A member
c. A teacher

10. What kind of form is it? It is a/an ….

a. job aplikation form d. transfer form
b. subscription form e. order form
c. registration form

11. We can find the form in a …..

a. library d. reading club
b. bookstore e. publisher
c. book rental
12. How old is Dika when she fills the form?
a. 17 years old d. 14 years old
b. 16 years old e. 13 years old
c. 15 years old

13. Whick book does Dika like to read?

a. Novels d. Encyclopaedias
b. Science books e. All of above
c. History books

14. I should be …… over my little sister.

a. watch d. watching
b. watches e. had watched
c. watched

15. The sun will be …… when we arrive at the beach tomorrow.

a. rise d. risen
b. rises e. rising
c. rose

16. Which one is not the expression of stating obligation?

a. you have to study hard d. you should follow the rules
b. you must not forget about it. e. you should be standing there
c. you don’t have to attend the technical meeting.

17. You usually should fill a form to ……

a. apply for a job d. opening a new bank account
b. register yourself e. all of above
c. transfer money from a bank

Dialogue for no. 18-21.

Situation : Rian, Toni, and their friends had just finished their mid semester examinations. They will have
seven days-off next week.
Rian : We should do something during the school break. We cantnot just stay at home for a whole week
Toni : You’re right, but, what should we do?
Rian : How about going to my villa? We can stay there for some days.
Toni : That ssounds like fun! But remember, we have to do all the homework too.
Rian : Oh, right! I almost forget that we have plenty! What should we do? Should we cancel the plan? But our
holiday must be so boring.
Toni : Well … we must do our duties, indeed, but we should have fun too. How about inviting our classmates and
spend the holiday together by having something like … a homework stay in our villa? We can do all the
homework together. Some of us who have understand the lessons can explain to the others who haven’t.
how about that?
Rian : Good idea! Should we invite Mr. Rahman too? We need a guardian, right?
Toni : That’ll be great. As our class mentor, I think he will agree to join us.

18. Who firstly comes up with the idea on how to spend the holiday?
a. Rian d. Mr. Rahman
b. Toni e. Toni’s mentor
c. Rian’s friend

19. The underlined sentence is an expression of ……

a. asking obligation d. stating necessity
b. stating obligation e. stating suggestion
c. asking necessity

20. where will they spend their holiday?

a. in the mountain d. on the beach
b. in the campsite e. at home
c. in a villa

21. How long will they have the holiday?

a. A week d. Two days
b. Two weeks e. A month
c. A day
22. Which one cannot be used to express necessity/obligation?
a. should d. must
b. have to e. all of above
c. can

Text for no. 23-25.

To : Melissa
My brother is coming back home from London so I should go back home ASAP. He
should be flying from Jakarta to Solo right now. I know I should’ve told you directly but my
mom’s waiting outside and I don’t want to interrupt your important meeting. I’m sorry I can’t
go with you to the bookstore today.
I should be going now. I’ll call you later.


23. Who sends the text?

a. Melissa d. Sarah’s brother
b. Sarah e. Sarah’s mother
c. Melissa’s brother

24. What did the girls plan to do together?

a. Thay will go home together d. They will go to the bookstore
b. the will meet Sarah’s brother e. They will talk to each other
c. they will have an important meeting

25. Which one is the expression of stating progressive action that needed to be done?
a. I should go back home ASAP d. I should be going
b. I should meet my mother e. I should call you
c. I should’ve told you directly.

26. We are … going to the movies … the restaurant. You have to choose one.
a. both;and
b. neither;or
c. neither;nor
d. not only;but also
e. either;or

27. … Shinta … Arina will be on the game. They hurt their legs.
a. either;or
b. both;and
c. neither;nor
d. both;or
e. not only;but olso

28. Jason was … tired … hungry when he arrived home after the hiking.
a. neither;nor
b. both;and
c. not only;or
d. either;or
e. neither;or

29. We have free time. We can … play some games … rest for a little bit
a. Both;or d. either;nor
b. neither;nor e. either;or
c. not only;but olso

30. It is – is called – a medium – because – the meat – rare – nor – neither – well done
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The best arrangement is …
a. 5-2-8-6-7-9-4-3-1
b. 5-2-3-6-4-1-8-7-9
c. 5-6-3-2-4-1-8-7-9
d. 5-2-3-4-1-8-6-7-9
e. 5-9-2-4-3-8-6-7-1
The dialogue is for number 1 and 2
Santi : … (1)
Dika : I will have a football practice later. What about you?
Santi : … (2) There will be three tests tomorrow.

31. a. What are you doing here?

b. What will you do now?
c. Do you have a football practice?
d. What will you practice?
e. What will you do later?

32. a. I will practice the football

b. I will be studying for the test
c. I don’t know
d. I will have finished practicing
e. I will be studying the practice

Mother : When will you have finished your task?

Virna : ……

33. a. I will have studied the task

b. I will do it at 7 o’clock
c. I will be studying when you finish
d. I will have finished it at 7 o’clock
e. I will not finish it.

34. My mother will be … the dinner when we … home

a. cook;get d. cook;getting
b. cooks;getting e. cooking;getting
c. cooking;get

35. The children are going to … under the rain, but their mothers … them.
The best arrangement is …
a. play;forgive
b. playing;prohibit
c. play;permit
d. playing;permit
e. play;prohibit

Richard Byard was an American explorer. He made his first trip arround the world when he was 12 years
old. He went into the Navy and then to flight school. He became a navigator, a person who gives the pilot directions.

Byard first traveled north to the arctic. He called the land the explored Mary Byrd Land in honor of his wife.
On May 9, 1926, he became the first oerson to fly over the north pole.

In 1929 he traveled south to antarctica. He then became the first person to fly to the South Pole. He made
many trips over the next few years to explore different parts of the continent. One time he spent five months alone in
a hut to study the temperature. It got as cold as -76 degrees Fahreinheit.

In 1956 he made his final flight over the South Pole. He died the following year and was declared an
international hero.

36. When did Richard Byrd make his first trip around the world? When he was ...

A. 9 years old. D. 16 years old.

B. 12 years old. E. 18 years old.
C. 14 years old.

37. .Where was Byrd first traveled?

A. Arctic. D. North pole

B. Antarctic. E. America
C. South pole.
38. .When did he was considered as the first person to fly over the North Pole.

A. 1926 D. 1942
B. 1929 E. 1962
C. 1941

39. When did he die?

A. 1956 D. 1957
B. 1965 E. 1975
C. 1967

40. What kind of the text above.

A. Narative text
B. Descriptive text
C. Biografical recout text
D. Explanation text
E. News item text


Read the text and answer the questions!

Tamara and her family are going to have a tour to Bali next week. They are joining a travel agency. They
will start their journey on Thursday morning. They will leave Solo at 10 o’clock. In the evening, they will be having
dinner on Surabaya. They will be crossing Bali strait in the midnight. They agent had planned that they will have
reached Denpasar in the afternoon. They will have a little resting time and continue the journey to visit the tourism
objects in the morning. Tamara’s family will be staying at Bali for three days. They will have arrived to Solo on
Tuesday morning.

1. What event will happen in the text?

2. When will they start the trip?

3. What will happen in Friday afternoon?

4. How many days will the trip be held?

5. Mention the future tense sentences in the text!

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