Topic 3

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The two approaches I will compare are the communicative approach and the total

physical response approach. These are both examples of

functional/communicative orientations that focus on the use of language for
communication and the natural acquisition of language.

This is an interesting question that requires some analysis and evaluation of

different approaches to second/foreign language teaching. I will choose two
approaches from the list of results and compare their strengths and weaknesses. I
will also state my personal preference and provide reasons for it.

The two approaches I will compare are the communicative approach and the total
physical response approach. These are both examples of
functional/communicative orientations that focus on the use of language for
communication and the natural acquisition of language.

The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning a language is a

process of developing communicative competence, which involves not only
linguistic knowledge, but also sociolinguistic, pragmatic, and strategic knowledge.
The communicative approach aims to provide learners with opportunities to use the
target language in meaningful and authentic contexts, and to develop their skills in
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The communicative approach also
emphasizes the role of interaction, negotiation of meaning, and feedback in
language learning. Some of the advantages of the communicative approach are:

 It is learner-centered and learner-oriented, which means that it takes into

account the needs, interests, and goals of the learners, and allows them to
express their opinions, feelings, and preferences.

 It is task-based and project-based, which means that it engages learners in

meaningful and purposeful activities that require them to use the language to
achieve a specific outcome or product.

 It is integrative and holistic, which means that it incorporates all the language
skills and components, and fosters the development of fluency and accuracy,
as well as grammatical, lexical, and phonological awareness.
 It is flexible and adaptable, which means that it can be applied to different
levels, ages, and contexts of language teaching, and can accommodate
different learning styles and strategies.

Some of the disadvantages of the communicative approach are:

 It can be challenging and demanding for both teachers and learners,

especially in terms of materials, resources, and assessment. Teachers need to
design and implement tasks and projects that are suitable, relevant, and
motivating for the learners, and that provide enough input, output, and
feedback opportunities. Learners need to be willing and able to participate in
communicative activities, and to cope with the uncertainty and
unpredictability of real communication.

 It can be difficult to balance the focus on form and meaning, and to provide
adequate and appropriate grammar instruction and correction. Teachers need
to find ways to integrate grammar into communicative tasks, and to provide
feedback that is timely, clear, and constructive. Learners need to be aware of
the importance of grammar, and to be able to notice and correct their own

 It can be influenced by the cultural and social norms and expectations of the
learners and the teachers, and by the power relations and roles in the
classroom. Teachers need to be sensitive and respectful of the learners’
backgrounds, beliefs, and values, and to create a safe and supportive learning
environment. Learners need to be open and tolerant of the diversity and
differences in the target language and culture, and to develop intercultural

The total physical response approach is based on the idea that learning a language is
a process of internalizing the language through physical actions and responses. The
total physical response approach aims to provide learners with comprehensible
input that is accompanied by physical movements, gestures, and commands. The
total physical response approach also emphasizes the role of listening,
comprehension, and repetition in language learning. Some of the advantages of the
total physical response approach are:

 It is fun and enjoyable, which means that it creates a positive and relaxed
atmosphere in the classroom, and reduces the anxiety and stress of the

 It is natural and intuitive, which means that it mimics the way children learn
their first language, and allows the learners to acquire the language
subconsciously and effortlessly.

 It is effective and efficient, which means that it enables the learners to retain
and recall the language better, and to develop their listening and speaking
skills faster.

 It is simple and practical, which means that it does not require much
preparation, materials, or resources, and that it can be easily implemented
and adapted to different situations and contexts.

Some of the disadvantages of the total physical response approach are:

 It can be boring and repetitive, which means that it can lose the interest and
attention of the learners, and that it can limit the variety and creativity of the
language input and output.

 It can be restrictive and limited, which means that it does not address all the
aspects and dimensions of language learning, and that it does not develop the
learners’ skills in reading, writing, and grammar.

 It can be dependent and passive, which means that it relies heavily on the
teacher’s role and authority, and that it does not encourage the learners’
autonomy and initiative.

Based on this comparison, I would say that I prefer the communicative approach
over the total physical response approach, for the following reasons:

 I think that the communicative approach is more comprehensive and

balanced, and that it covers all the areas and skills of language learning,
while the total physical response approach is more focused and narrow, and
that it neglects some important aspects and skills of language learning.

 I think that the communicative approach is more engaging and motivating,

and that it provides more opportunities and challenges for the learners to use
the language in real and meaningful ways, while the total physical response
approach is more mechanical and predictable, and that it provides less input
and output variety and quality.

 I think that the communicative approach is more learner-centered and

interactive, and that it fosters the learners’ involvement and participation in
the learning process, while the total physical response approach is more
teacher-centered and directive, and that it inhibits the learners’ autonomy and

I hope this answer helps you understand the differences and similarities between the
communicative approach and the total physical response approach, and the

advantages and disadvantages of each. Thank you for your question. 😊

One notable advantage of the TPR Approach lies in its ability to enhance memory
retention through kinesthetic involvement. By associating linguistic input with
physical actions, learners create strong memory traces, facilitating the
internalization of vocabulary and language structures (Asher, 2000). This
multisensory learning experience contributes to a more holistic understanding of
language, particularly beneficial for beginners who may find traditional, text-heavy
approaches overwhelming.

Additionally, the TPR Approach is particularly effective in the early stages of

language learning. Its kinesthetic nature reduces cognitive load for beginners,
providing a gradual and supportive introduction to a new language (Jolly & Bolitho,
2011). This method encourages learners to engage with language in a manner that
aligns with the natural process of first language acquisition, where physical actions
accompany language input.

Furthermore, TPR's emphasis on physical actions and gestures creates an immersive

and interactive learning environment. Learners actively participate in the learning
process, fostering engagement and motivation. This approach not only caters to
various learning styles but also addresses the need for a dynamic and lively
classroom setting, enhancing the overall language learning experience.
Despite its unique strengths, the TPR Approach is not without its challenges and
disadvantages. One notable drawback lies in the potential limitations of the method
for advanced language learners. While TPR is highly effective for beginners, its
reliance on physical actions and gestures may become less suitable for learners at
more advanced proficiency levels. Advanced language acquisition often involves
mastering abstract linguistic concepts and nuances that may not be adequately
addressed through the TPR Approach (Jolly & Bolitho, 2011).

Another limitation of the TPR Approach is its potential narrow focus on kinesthetic
learning, which might not cater to the diverse cognitive preferences of all learners.
Some individuals may have learning styles that prioritize auditory or visual input
over kinesthetic experiences. As a result, TPR may not fully accommodate these
preferences, potentially leading to a less optimal learning experience for certain

Furthermore, the Total Physical Response Approach may face challenges in terms
of maintaining learner engagement and interest over an extended period. While the
method is highly interactive and engaging initially, there is a risk that learners may
become fatigued or lose interest in the continuous use of physical actions as the
primary mode of language instruction. This potential decline in engagement
highlights the importance of supplementing TPR with varied and complementary
teaching methods to sustain learner interest throughout the language learning
I would say that I prefer the communicative approach over the total physical
response approach, for the following reasons:

 I think that the communicative approach is more comprehensive and

balanced, and that it covers all the areas and skills of language learning,
while the total physical response approach is more focused and narrow, and
that it neglects some important aspects and skills of language learning.

 I think that the communicative approach is more engaging and motivating,

and that it provides more opportunities and challenges for the learners to use
the language in real and meaningful ways, while the total physical response
approach is more mechanical and predictable, and that it provides less input
and output variety and quality.

 I think that the communicative approach is more learner-centered and

interactive, and that it fosters the learners’ involvement and participation in
the learning process, while the total physical response approach is more
teacher-centered and directive, and that it inhibits the learners’ autonomy and

The Communicative Approach places a strong emphasis on real-life

communication, fostering practical language skills. Unlike TPR, which
primarily involves physical actions, the Communicative Approach engages
learners in meaningful conversations and interactive activities that mirror
authentic communicative situations. This focus on practical language use
aligns with the ultimate goal of language learning: to enable learners to
communicate effectively in real-world scenarios.

Another strength of the Communicative Approach is its holistic approach to

language development. It integrates all language skills, including listening,
speaking, reading, and writing, allowing learners to develop a comprehensive
set of communicative abilities. This contrasts with TPR, which may be more
limited in its scope, primarily focusing on listening and following physical
commands. The Communicative Approach, with its broader range of
activities, promotes a more well-rounded language proficiency.

The Communicative Approach is highly adaptable to the diverse needs and

preferences of learners. It allows for a variety of activities, such as role-
plays, debates, and problem-solving tasks, catering to different learning
styles and preferences. This flexibility ensures that learners with varying
strengths and weaknesses can engage with the material in ways that suit their
individual learning preferences. TPR, on the other hand, may be more
limited in terms of accommodating diverse learning styles.

Unlike the Total Physical Response Approach, which may be more

structured and directive, the Communicative Approach encourages learners
to think critically and creatively. Through discussions, debates, and problem-
solving tasks, learners are prompted to express their opinions, negotiate
meaning, and navigate complex communicative situations. This not only
enhances language proficiency but also fosters cognitive and socio-pragmatic
skills that are valuable beyond the language learning context.

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