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Tech POC : ABC University Alumni Portal

1. Objective:

● Develop a modern, user-friendly website for AACEG University to provide

information, resources, and services to students, faculty, and staff.

● Provide a centralized platform for students, faculty, and staff to access information
about the university.

● Improve communication and collaboration within the university community.

● Showcase the university's programs, events, and achievements.

2. Key Features:

● User Authentication: Implement a secure authentication system for students,

faculty, and staff to access personalized content and services.

● Information Pages: Create dynamic pages for departments, courses, faculty profiles,
and administrative resources.

● Events Calendar: Display upcoming events, seminars, and important dates for the
university community.

● Announcements Section: Showcase news, announcements, and updates from the

university administration.

● Responsive Design: Ensure the website is mobile-friendly and accessible on various

devices and screen sizes.

● Job Postings: Employment opportunities for students and alumni.

● Alumni Contribution: Donations, Membership, Mentorship, and Networking.

● Student Connect: Online forums and peer support.

● Governance: Transparency in policies and decision-making.

● Amenities: Campus facilities and services.

3. Technology Stack:

● Frontend: React.js for building the user interface.

● Backend: Node.js with Express.js for server-side logic and API development.
● Database: MongoDB for storing user data, website content, and event information.

● Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure user authentication and

4. Architecture Design:

● Client-Server Architecture: Separate frontend and backend layers for better

scalability and maintainability.

● RESTful APIs: Design API endpoints for CRUD operations on user data, content
management, and event handling.

● Single Page Application (SPA): Implement a SPA architecture using React.js for
seamless navigation and better user experience.

5. Prototype Development:

● Frontend Development:

● Set up React.js project structure and components.

● Implement user interfaces for login, registration, dashboard, and

information pages.

● Integrate responsive design principles for mobile responsiveness.

● Backend Development:

● Configure Node.js with Express.js framework.

● Set up MongoDB database and define schemas for user data, content, and

● Implement authentication middleware using JWT for protected routes.

● Develop API endpoints for user authentication, content management, and

event handling.

● Integration:

● Connect frontend and backend components using RESTful API calls.

● Test integration for data retrieval, user authentication, and CRUD


6. Testing and Validation:

● Conduct unit tests for frontend components using Jest and React Testing Library.

● Perform integration testing for API endpoints using tools like Postman.

● Test website usability and responsiveness across different devices and browsers.

● Validate user authentication and authorization mechanisms for security and access

7. Documentation:

● Document project requirements, design decisions, and technical specifications.

● Provide API documentation for frontend developers consuming backend services.

● Capture test cases, test results, and any issues encountered during development.

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