Nur - Cloud Computing

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More questions:

1. Explain the essential characteristics of Cloud Computing. (5)

2. Briefly discuss the various technologies that Cloud Computing relies on.
3. Discuss the critical vulnerabilities in Cloud Computing. (5)
4. Discuss five security/privacy issues in Cloud environments. Explain the
threats to cloud integrity. (10)
5. What is Cross VM attack? How does the NoHype architecture prevents
Cross VM attack? (10)
6. Discuss how AWS provides services to NASA and Netflix. What’s the
difference between AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud? (10)
7. Which kind of service model Google App Engine is using? Justify your
answer with suitable example. (5)
8. What are the challenges in cloud computing? (5)
9. Differentiate between parallel computing and distributed computing. (5)
10.What is a SIMD architecture? (5)
11.What is the use of Virtualization in Cloud computing environments?
Explain the different types of virtualizations. (10)

1. Explain the essential characteristics of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a model for delivering computing services over the internet, providing access
to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (such as servers, storage, networks,
applications, and services). The essential characteristics of cloud computing are:

1. On-demand self-service: Users can provision computing resources, such as server time
and network storage, automatically as needed without requiring human interaction with
service providers.
2. Broad network access: Cloud services are available over the network and can be
accessed through standard mechanisms from a variety of devices, such as laptops,
smartphones, and tablets.
3. Resource pooling: The provider's computing resources are pooled to serve multiple
consumers using a multi-tenant model, with different physical and virtual resources
dynamically assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand.
4. Rapid elasticity: Computing resources can be rapidly and elastically provisioned and
released, allowing for scale-out and scale-in to meet fluctuations in demand. This enables
users to quickly scale up resources as their computing needs grow and then scale down
again as demand decreases.
5. Measured service: Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use by
leveraging a metering capability at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of
service (e.g., storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts). Resource usage
can be monitored, controlled, and reported, providing transparency for both the provider
and consumer of the utilized service.

These characteristics enable cloud computing to provide a range of benefits, including cost-
efficiency, scalability, flexibility, and accessibility.

Briefly discuss the various technologies that Cloud Computing relies on.
Cloud computing relies on a variety of technologies to provide its services. Some of the key
technologies include:

1. Virtualization: This technology allows multiple virtual instances of operating systems to

run on a single physical machine, enabling better utilization of hardware resources and
providing flexibility in deploying and managing applications.
2. Networking: Cloud computing relies heavily on networking technologies to connect
users and data centers. Technologies such as virtual private networks (VPNs), software-
defined networking (SDN), and content delivery networks (CDNs) are used to ensure
reliable and efficient communication.
3. Web services: Cloud computing uses web services to provide access to its resources over
the internet. Representational State Transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP) are commonly used protocols for communication between cloud services and
4. Storage technologies: Cloud computing relies on various storage technologies to store
data, ranging from traditional disk storage to more modern technologies like object
storage and distributed file systems. Technologies like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage,
and Azure Blob Storage are commonly used for storing data in the cloud.
5. Automation and orchestration tools: Cloud computing uses automation and
orchestration tools to manage and control the provisioning and deployment of resources.
Tools like Kubernetes, Docker, and Ansible are commonly used for automating the
deployment and management of applications in the cloud.
6. Security technologies: Security is a critical aspect of cloud computing, and various
technologies such as encryption, identity and access management (IAM), and security
monitoring tools are used to ensure the security of data and applications in the cloud.

These technologies work together to enable the scalability, flexibility, and reliability of cloud
computing services, making them an essential part of modern computing infrastructure.

Discuss the critical vulnerabilities in Cloud Computing.
Cloud computing, like any technology, is susceptible to various vulnerabilities that can
compromise the security and integrity of data and services. Some critical vulnerabilities in cloud
computing include:

1. Data breaches: Unauthorized access to data stored in the cloud can lead to data
breaches, resulting in the exposure of sensitive information such as personal data,
financial information, or intellectual property.
2. Insecure interfaces and APIs: Insecure application programming interfaces (APIs) and
interfaces can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to cloud services or
to manipulate data.
3. Insufficient authentication and access control: Weak authentication mechanisms or
inadequate access controls can allow unauthorized users to access or modify sensitive
data and services.
4. Data loss: Data stored in the cloud can be lost due to accidental deletion, hardware
failure, or malicious activity. Lack of proper data backup and recovery mechanisms can
exacerbate this vulnerability.
5. Account hijacking: Attackers can gain unauthorized access to cloud accounts through
phishing attacks or by exploiting weak credentials, allowing them to manipulate data or
launch further attacks.
6. Insufficient security configuration: Improperly configured cloud services can leave
them vulnerable to attacks. For example, leaving storage buckets open to the public can
lead to data exposure.
7. Inadequate data encryption: Data stored in the cloud should be encrypted to protect it
from unauthorized access. However, inadequate encryption practices can leave data
vulnerable to theft.
8. Shared technology vulnerabilities: Cloud providers often use shared technology, such
as hypervisors and virtual machines, to host multiple tenants. Vulnerabilities in these
technologies can be exploited to compromise the security of the entire cloud
To mitigate these vulnerabilities, organizations should implement robust security measures, such
as strong authentication mechanisms, encryption, regular security audits, and employee training
on security best practices. Additionally, working with a reputable cloud service provider that
prioritizes security can help mitigate many of these risks.

Discuss five security/privacy issues in Cloud environments. Explain the threats to cloud integrity.
Security and privacy issues in cloud environments can have significant impacts on data integrity
and confidentiality. Here are five key issues:

1. Data breaches: Data breaches in the cloud can result in unauthorized access to sensitive
information, such as personal data or intellectual property. This can lead to financial loss,
reputational damage, and legal consequences.
2. Insufficient data protection: Inadequate data protection measures, such as weak
encryption or improper access controls, can leave data vulnerable to unauthorized access
or theft.
3. Compliance challenges: Cloud environments must comply with various regulations and
standards, such as GDPR or HIPAA. Failure to comply can result in fines, legal action, and
damage to reputation.
4. Data loss: Data stored in the cloud can be lost due to accidental deletion, hardware
failure, or malicious activity. Proper backup and recovery measures are essential to
mitigate this risk.
5. Shared resource vulnerabilities: Cloud environments often share resources among
multiple users. Vulnerabilities in shared resources, such as virtual machines or storage,
can be exploited to compromise the security of the entire cloud environment.

Threats to cloud integrity include:

1. Data tampering: Attackers may attempt to modify data stored in the cloud to
manipulate or corrupt it. This can lead to data loss, misinformation, and damage to the
organization's reputation.
2. Service interruptions: Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks or other disruptions to cloud
services can result in downtime, impacting the availability and integrity of data stored in
the cloud.
3. Insecure APIs: Insecure application programming interfaces (APIs) can be exploited to
gain unauthorized access to cloud services or to manipulate data, compromising the
integrity of the cloud environment.
4. Insider threats: Malicious insiders or employees with access to cloud resources can
abuse their privileges to compromise the integrity of data stored in the cloud.
5. Lack of transparency: Limited visibility into the security practices of cloud providers can
make it difficult for organizations to assess the integrity of their data in the cloud.

Mitigating these risks requires implementing robust security measures, such as encryption, access
controls, regular security audits, and employee training on security best practices. Additionally,
organizations should carefully evaluate cloud providers' security practices and compliance with
relevant regulations to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of their data in the cloud.
What is Cross VM attack? How does the NoHype architecture prevents Cross VM attack?
A Cross VM (Virtual Machine) attack, also known as a VM escape or guest-to-host escape, is a
type of security vulnerability where an attacker exploits a flaw in a virtualization hypervisor to
gain unauthorized access to the host system from a virtual machine. Once the attacker has access
to the host system, they can potentially access other virtual machines running on the same host,
bypassing the security boundaries between virtual machines.

The NoHype architecture is a hardware-based approach to virtualization that aims to prevent

Cross VM attacks by providing strong isolation between virtual machines and the hypervisor. It
achieves this through several key mechanisms:

1. Direct hardware support: NoHype uses hardware extensions to provide direct support
for virtualization, allowing virtual machines to run with minimal interference from the
2. Secure isolation: NoHype enforces strict isolation between virtual machines, ensuring
that even if an attacker gains control of one virtual machine, they cannot escape to other
virtual machines or the host system.
3. Reduced attack surface: By minimizing the code running in the hypervisor and using
hardware-based isolation, NoHype reduces the attack surface available to attackers,
making it harder to exploit vulnerabilities.
4. Hardware-enforced security policies: NoHype uses hardware mechanisms to enforce
security policies, such as preventing direct access to host resources from virtual machines.

Overall, the NoHype architecture aims to provide strong security guarantees against Cross VM
attacks by leveraging hardware support for virtualization and enforcing strict isolation between
virtual machines and the hypervisor.

Discuss how AWS provides services to NASA and Netflix. What’s the difference between AWS,
Azure, and Google Cloud?
1. AWS Services to NASA and Netflix:
 NASA: NASA uses AWS services for a variety of purposes, including storing and
processing large amounts of data collected from space missions, running
complex simulations, and hosting websites and applications. AWS provides NASA
with scalable and reliable cloud infrastructure, enabling them to focus on their
mission of space exploration without having to manage the underlying IT
 Netflix: Netflix relies heavily on AWS for its streaming services. AWS provides
Netflix with the scalability and reliability needed to deliver high-quality streaming
content to millions of users worldwide. Netflix uses AWS for storing and
processing video content, as well as for managing its global content delivery
network (CDN) to ensure fast and reliable streaming.
2. Difference between AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud:
 AWS (Amazon Web Services): AWS is the oldest and most widely used cloud
computing platform, offering a wide range of services, including computing
power, storage, databases, machine learning, and more. AWS has a large global
infrastructure, with data centers located in many regions around the world.
 Azure (Microsoft Azure): Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing platform,
offering similar services to AWS but with a focus on integration with Microsoft's
existing products and services. Azure is known for its strong support for
Windows-based applications and its hybrid cloud capabilities, allowing
organizations to seamlessly integrate on-premises and cloud-based resources.
 Google Cloud Platform (GCP): GCP is Google's cloud computing platform,
offering a wide range of services, including computing, storage, databases,
machine learning, and more. GCP is known for its expertise in data analytics and
machine learning, as well as its global network infrastructure, which provides low-
latency access to cloud services from anywhere in the world.
Key Differences:
 Market Share: AWS is the market leader in cloud computing, with the largest
share of the market. Azure is the second-largest cloud provider, followed by
Google Cloud.
 Services: While all three providers offer similar basic services (compute, storage,
networking), they differ in their specialized services and focus areas. For example,
AWS is known for its broad range of services, Azure for its integration with
Microsoft products, and GCP for its expertise in data analytics and machine
 Global Infrastructure: AWS has the largest global infrastructure, with data
centers in more regions than Azure and GCP. This can be important for
organizations that require data residency or low-latency access to cloud services.
 Pricing: Pricing structures vary between providers, and it's important to compare
pricing for your specific use case. Generally, AWS, Azure, and GCP offer
competitive pricing, with discounts available for long-term commitments and
reserved instances.

In conclusion, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud each have their strengths and are suitable for
different use cases. Organizations should evaluate their specific requirements and choose a cloud
provider that best meets their needs.

Which kind of service model Google App Engine is using? Justify your answer with suitable
Google App Engine (GAE) uses a Platform as a Service (PaaS) service model. In a PaaS model, the
cloud provider manages the infrastructure and platform, allowing developers to focus on building
and deploying applications without the need to manage underlying hardware or software.
In the case of Google App Engine, developers can write and deploy applications using languages
such as Python, Java, PHP, and Go, and Google handles the underlying infrastructure, including
scaling, load balancing, and monitoring.

An example to illustrate this is a web application that needs to scale based on user demand. With
Google App Engine, developers can simply deploy their application and let Google handle the
scaling automatically. As user traffic increases, App Engine will automatically allocate more
resources to the application to ensure performance and scalability.

Overall, Google App Engine's PaaS model simplifies the development and deployment of
applications, making it an attractive option for developers looking to focus on building
applications rather than managing infrastructure.

What are the challenges in cloud computing?
Cloud computing offers many benefits, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Some of
the key challenges in cloud computing include:

1. Security and Privacy: Security is a major concern in cloud computing, as sensitive data is
stored on third-party servers. Ensuring data privacy, protection against unauthorized
access, and compliance with regulations are critical challenges.
2. Compliance and Legal Issues: Cloud computing involves storing data across multiple
jurisdictions, which can lead to compliance and legal challenges related to data
protection, privacy laws, and industry regulations.
3. Data Management: Managing large volumes of data in the cloud can be complex,
including issues such as data storage, backup, retrieval, and synchronization across
multiple locations.
4. Cost Management: While cloud computing can be cost-effective, managing costs can be
challenging, especially as usage scales. It's important to monitor and optimize resource
usage to avoid unexpected costs.
5. Performance and Reliability: Ensuring consistent performance and reliability of cloud
services can be challenging, especially during peak usage periods or in the event of
hardware failures or network issues.
6. Vendor Lock-in: Moving data and applications between cloud providers can be difficult
and costly, leading to vendor lock-in. It's important to consider portability and
interoperability when choosing a cloud provider.
7. Limited Control: Cloud computing involves relinquishing some control over
infrastructure and services to the cloud provider, which can be challenging for
organizations with specific security or compliance requirements.
8. Integration Complexity: Integrating cloud services with existing IT infrastructure and
applications can be complex, requiring changes to existing systems and processes.
9. Lack of Standards: The lack of industry standards for cloud computing can lead to
interoperability issues and make it challenging to migrate between different cloud
providers or platforms.
10. Data Sovereignty: Data stored in the cloud may be subject to the laws and regulations
of the country where the data is located, raising concerns about data sovereignty and

Addressing these challenges requires careful planning, implementation of best practices for
security and compliance, and ongoing monitoring and optimization of cloud resources.

Differentiate between parallel computing and distributed computing.
Parallel computing and distributed computing are two related but distinct concepts in the field of
computing. Here's a brief differentiation between the two:

1. Parallel Computing:
 Definition: Parallel computing involves using multiple processing elements to
perform computations simultaneously, with the goal of speeding up the
execution of a single task.
 Architecture: In parallel computing, multiple processors or cores are tightly
coupled and share memory, allowing them to work together on a single task.
 Communication: Communication between processors is typically fast and low-
latency, as they share memory and can communicate directly.
 Example: A single program running on a multi-core processor, where each core
executes a different part of the program simultaneously, is an example of parallel
2. Distributed Computing:
 Definition: Distributed computing involves using multiple computers or nodes to
work together on a task, with each node having its own memory and running its
own operating system.
 Architecture: In distributed computing, nodes are loosely coupled and
communicate with each other over a network, often using message passing.
 Communication: Communication between nodes is typically slower and higher-
latency compared to parallel computing, as it involves network communication.
 Example: A web application running on multiple servers, where each server
handles a different part of the application's workload, is an example of distributed

In summary, parallel computing focuses on using multiple processing elements to speed up the
execution of a single task, while distributed computing focuses on using multiple computers or
nodes to work together on a task, often involving coordination and communication over a

What is a SIMD architecture?
SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) is a type of parallel computing architecture that performs
the same operation on multiple data points simultaneously. In SIMD architecture, a single
instruction is executed on multiple data elements in parallel, allowing for significant performance
improvements in tasks that can be parallelized.

Key features of SIMD architecture include:

1. Vectorization: SIMD instructions operate on vectors or arrays of data, rather than

individual elements. This allows for efficient processing of large datasets by applying the
same operation to multiple elements in a single instruction.
2. Parallelism: SIMD architecture enables parallelism at the instruction level, where multiple
data elements are processed simultaneously using a single instruction.
3. Data-level parallelism: SIMD exploits data-level parallelism, where operations are
performed concurrently on multiple data elements, increasing throughput and
4. Example: In a SIMD operation, if a processor supports SIMD instructions, it can add two
arrays of numbers by adding corresponding elements together in a single instruction,
rather than adding each pair of elements sequentially.

SIMD architectures are commonly used in multimedia processing, scientific computing, and other
applications where large amounts of data need to be processed in parallel. Examples of SIMD
instruction sets include SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) in x86 architecture and NEON in ARM

What is the use of Virtualization in Cloud computing environments? Explain the different types of
Virtualization plays a crucial role in cloud computing environments by enabling the efficient use
of physical hardware resources and providing flexibility in deploying and managing virtual
machines (VMs) and applications. Some key uses of virtualization in cloud computing include:

1. Resource Optimization: Virtualization allows multiple VMs to run on a single physical

server, maximizing the utilization of hardware resources and reducing costs.
2. Isolation: Virtualization provides isolation between VMs, ensuring that each VM operates
independently of others, improving security and preventing interference between
3. Flexibility and Scalability: Virtualization enables rapid provisioning and deployment of
VMs, allowing for scalability to meet changing demand.
4. Disaster Recovery: Virtualization enables easy backup and recovery of VMs, making it
easier to recover from hardware failures or other disasters.
5. Testing and Development: Virtualization provides a cost-effective way to create and test
new applications or software configurations in isolated environments.

Types of virtualization in cloud computing include:

1. Server Virtualization: This is the most common type of virtualization, where a physical
server is divided into multiple virtual servers, each running its own operating system (OS)
and applications.
2. Network Virtualization: Network virtualization abstracts the physical network
infrastructure, allowing multiple virtual networks to operate on the same physical network
3. Storage Virtualization: Storage virtualization abstracts physical storage devices into a
single virtual storage pool, making it easier to manage and allocate storage resources.
4. Desktop Virtualization: Desktop virtualization allows multiple virtual desktops to run on
a single physical machine, providing flexibility and centralized management of desktop
5. Application Virtualization: Application virtualization separates applications from the
underlying OS, allowing them to run in isolated environments without conflicts with other

Overall, virtualization in cloud computing enables efficient resource utilization, flexibility, and
scalability, making it an essential component of cloud computing environments.

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