Mechanisms of Brittle Material

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M echanism s o f b rittle m aterial erosion associated w ith

high-pressure abrasive w aterjet processing: A m odeling and
application study

Zeng, Jiyue, P h.D .

University of Rhode Island, 1992

U - M - I
300 N. ZeebRd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48106

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D issertation Com m ittee

Major Professor




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An introduction on the developm ent history and the state-of-the-art of abrasive

waterjet technology is presented. An intensive review of literature is given on th

published experim ental and theoretical studies of both ductile and brittle material

erosion. The review is presented in a tabular format for quick referencing. A study

using scanning electron microscopy (SEM ) is conducted to give the first-hand informa­

tion on the erosion m echanism s associated with abrasive waterjet processes. It reveals

that the erosion m echanism s of brittle materials include plastic flow at the imm edi­

ate impact site and a surrounding crack network. For polycrystalline ceramics, the

cracking occurs along grain boundaries. Based on this observation, an elasto-plastic

theory is used to m odel the brittle material removal applied to abrasive waterjet pro­

cess. By analogy to the damage patterns by small detonation, the network cracking

phenom enon is attributed to fractures caused by impact induced stress waves. A

crack network m odel to evaluate the fractured volum e is derived in terms of the input

stress wave energy and the required fracture surface energy. The stress wave energy is

expressed w ith a modified H utchings’ equation for normal incidence and with an equa­

tion derived in this study for low incidence, respectively. The crack network model

combined w ith B itter’s deformation wear model gives the total material removal for

a single particle im pact at normal incidence, and, combined with Finnie’s m icrocut­

ting m odel, gives the total material removal for low incidence im pacts. Observations

on the abrasive waterjet cutting front reveal that the cutting process is associated

with abrasive particle im pacts at glancing angles. The energy dissipation phenomena

in abrasive waterjet cutting are characterized. Consequently, the individual particle

removal m odel for low incidence im pacts, combined with the analytical results from

the energy dissipation study, is used to derive an equation which predicts the depth

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of cut. By analogy to this theoretical equation, an empirical equation is also derived

which narrows the gap between the theories and applications. Based on this empirical

equation, a new m aterial parameter, called “M achinability Num ber”, is defined. The

“M achinability Number” is applied to the parameter prediction of abrasive waterjet


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First of all, I would like to thank m y parents for giving m e wisdom and teaching

me of striving for success and being patient, w ithout which I would not be able to

face any failure. I would also like to thank my wife for her love, encouragement and

understanding. Besides, I want to say a “Thank Y ou” to m y little boy who, though

not yet spoke, m ade m e happy when I was upset. A very special thank is given to

Dr. Thomas J. Kim, m y advisor in m any aspects. His wise guidance and friendly

attitude become driving forces for me through the course of this investigation and

are unforgettable in m y life. My gratitude is extended to Dr. Arun Shukla and Dr.

O tto J. Gregory for serving on my com m ittee, to Dr. David G. Taggart, Mr. Ray

McLaughlin, Mr. Manuel Merril, Mr. Rodney W . Knight and Miss Minnie Sagar

for their m any essential helps, to Mr. R. Heines, Mr. R. J. Wallace and Miss H.

A. Costantino for conducting some of the experim ents. Finally, I thank my labm ate

Shaoyan for his support and friendship. I wish a good luck for his future.

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LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIG URES ........................................................................................................................ ix

NO M EN CLA TU RE .................................................................................................................. xvii

C H A PTER 1 IN T R O D U C T IO N .............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Introduction of Abrasive Waterjet Technology 1

1.1.1 H istorical Review 1

1.1.2 Abrasive Waterjet Technology State of the Art 5

1.2 Statem ent of the Problem 18

1.3 Approach of the Study 18


2.1 D uctile M aterial Erosion 20

2.2 B rittle M aterial Erosion 22

2.3 Sum m ary 58

CH A PTER 3 A SEM ST U D Y ON AWJ EROSION M ECHANISM S .................... 63

3.1 AW J Erosion Experiment Descriptions 63

3.2 SEM Observations 66

3.2.1 Erosion by Sweeping 66

3.2.2 Erosion by Grooving 77

3.2.3 Erosion by Cutting 84

3.3 Conclusions and Discussions 92


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4.1 An E lasto-P lastic M odeling Approach Applied to Brittle M aterials 97

4.2 A Crack Network M odel 103

4.3 Normal Impact M odeling 106

4.3.1 Stress W ave Energy Evaluation 106

4.3.2 M aterial Removal M odel 110

4.3.3 Verification with Erosion Experim ents 111

4.3.4 Sum m ary 115

4.4 Low Incidence M odeling 117

4.4.1 Stress Wave Energy Evaluation 117

4.4.2 M aterial Removal M odel 128

4.4.3 Verification w ith Erosion Experim ents 130

4.4.4 Discussions 131

4.5 Summary 134


5.1 Characterization of Energy Dissipation Phenom ena 135

5.2 Critical Jet Exit Angle 143

5.3 Summary 147


6.1 Equation for D epth of Cut 150

6.2 Verification w ith C utting Experim ents 155

6.3 Summary 156


7.1 Governing Equation of M echinability 160

7.2 An Empirical M odel 162

7.3 M achinability Num ber and Its Applications 176

7.4 Summary 184


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Program 1 Numerical Solutions of the Integrand Poles 193

Program 2 Numerical Evalution of the First Integral 194

Program 3 Numerical Evalution of the Second Integral 196

Program 4 Numerical Evalution of the Third Integral 198

Program 5 Numerical Evalution of the Fourth Integral 200

Program 6 M utiple Regression Analysis 202



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Number Page

2.1 Erosion m echanisms of ductile materials ..................................................................... 21

2.2 Erosion parametric studies of ductile materials ............................................................32

2.3 M aterial removal modeling of ductile materials ......................................................... 38

2.4 Erosion m echanisms of brittle materials...... ................................................................... 43

2.5 Erosion parametric studies o f brittle materials ......................................................... 51

2.6 M aterial removal modeling of brittle materials ......................................................... 56

3.1 Parameter settings of erosion tests .................................................................................. 65

4.1 Properties of alumina ceramics .................................................................................... 112

4.2 Poles of the integrands ..................................................................................................... 126

4.3 Numerical results of j3\ - j3^ ...............................................................................................126

4.4 Numerical results of /35, /36, & 0 ................................................................................... 129

5.1 Experim ental data of the kerf width and taper ......................................................... 136

5.2 Cutting test parameters ................................................................................................... 139

5.3 Curve-fitting data of striation marks ............................ 141

5.4 C utting test parameters and the critical jet exit angles ........................................ 146

6.1 Values of f(0,.) ................................................................................................................... 154


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Number Page

1.1 Historical review of waterjet technology ...................................................................... 3

1.2 A survey on the papers presented at the 1st - 10th International Sym posium of

Jet Cutting Technology — D ivision of waterjet areas ........................................... 4

1.3 A survey on the papers presented at the 1 st - 10th International Sym posium of

Jet C utting Technology — D iversity of WJ applications ..................................... 6

1.4 A survey on the papers presented at the 1st - 10th International Sym posium of

Jet C utting Technology — Diversity of AWJ applications ..................................... 6

1.5 Diagram of an AW J s y s t e m ...............................................................................................8

1.6 Diagram of an intensifier pump .................................................................................... 9

1.7 Diagram of a nozzle a s s e m b ly .........................................................................................10

1.8 Direct pum ping abrasive slurry jet circuit ................................................................ 12

3.1 Experim ental configurations used in sweeping and grooving erosion tests .. 64

3.2 Experim ental configuration used in cutting tests ................................................. 64

3.3 A cutting m echanism dom inates the material removal process of SS 304. (x 95,

im pact angle = 20°) .............................................................................................................67

3.4 A typical crater observed on the SS 304 sam ple, (x 310, im pact angle = 20")

..................................................................................................................................................... 67

3.5 A typical crater observed on the SS 304 sam ple, ((a) x 125 and its enlarged

view (b) x 1900, im pact angle = 20°) ........................................................................ 68


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3.6 Two partially overlapped craters observed on the SS 304 sample, (x 310, im pact

angle = 20 °) ..............................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................... 69

3.7 A raised lip at the exit end of the crater observed on the SS 304 sample. (x l9 0 ,

im pact angle = 20°) .......................................................................................................... 69

3.8 An enlarged view of the raised lip shown in Figure 3.7. (x 310, im pact angle =

2 0 ° ) .............................................................................................................................................70

3.9 An enlarged view of the m essy crater shown in the center of Figure 3.7. (x 1260,

im pact angle = 20°) .......................................................................................................... 70

3.10 M ajority of the craters on the SS 304 sample were created by an indentation

action, (x 430, im pact angle = 90°) ........................................................................... 72

3.11 A typical indentation crater observed on the SS 304 sample, (x 190, impact

angle = 90") ........................................................................................................................ 72

3.12 An indentation crater on the SS 304 sample shows inward grooving traces and

raised m aterial, (x 1900, im pact angle = 90°) ....................................................... 73

3.13 An indentation crater on the SS 304 sample shows evidence of ductile fracture,

(x 310 and x 1900, impact angle = 90°) ................................................................... 73

3.14 A plastic im pression on the SS 304 sample due to a longitudinal im pact, (x 190,

impact angle = 90°) ......................................................................................................... 74

3.15 An indentation crater on the SS 304 sample with particle fragments em bedded,

(x 310, im pact angle = 90") ......................................................................................... 74

3.16 Overall appearance (a, x 490) and a partially enlarged view (b, x 2500) of a

typical crater observed on the AD 99.5 sample, (im pact angle = 20") ........ 75

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3.17 Overall appearance (a, x 240) and a partially enlarged view (b, x 970) of a

crater due to an erasing action, observed on the AD 99.5 sample, (im pact angle

= 20°) ................................................................................................................................... 76

3.18 Overall appearance (a, x 500) and a partially enlarged view (b, x 1500) of a

crater observed on the AD 99.5 sample, (impact angle = 90°) ...................... 78

3.19 Overall appearance (a, x 340) and a partially enlarged view (b, x 990) of a

crater observed on the AD 99.5 sample, (im pact angle = 90°) ...................... 79

3.20 Tw o fractured craters (a) &; (b) observed on the A D 99.5 sample (x 490, impact

angle = 90°) ....................................................................................................................... 80

3.21 Top view (a, x 33) and side view (b, x 40) of the groove created on the AD 99.5

sam ple, (im pact angle = 90°) ......................................................................................... 81

3.22 General m orphology of the groove surface on the AD 99.5 sample, (a, x 1500,

& b, xlOOO, im pact angle = 90°) ................................................................................. 82

3.23 Some isolated craters and semi-craters observed on the edge of the groove of

the A D 99.5 sample, (a, x 290 & b, x 860, im pact angle = 90°) .................... 83

3.24 General damage pattern on the centered area (a, x 160) and the exit edge (b, x

40) of the eroded AD 99.5 sample, (im pact angle = 20°) ................................ 85

3.25 Two individual craters observed on the AD 99.5 sam ple, (x 840, impact angle

= 20°) 86

3.26 The top (a), middle (b) and bottom (c) areas on the vertical groove of the cut

SS 304 sample, (x 200) ................................................................................................... 87

3.27 A chip formed by a cutting action observed on the cut SS 304 sample, (x 500)

.................................................................................................................................................. 38


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3.28 The vertical groove on the cut AD 99.5 sample, (a) The whole view (x 1.5); (b)

The upper portion (x 5 0 )................................................................................................. 88

3.29 The top (a ), m iddle (b) and bottom (c) areas on the vertical groove of the cut

AD 99.5 sam ple, (x 500) ............................................................................................... 89

3.30 (a) Evidence of integranular cracking (area A ), transgranular cracking (area B ),

and scratching trace (area C) on the cut AD 99.5 sam ple, (x 500); (b, x 1400)

& (c, x 4500) show enlarged views of area C ............................................................ 90

3.31 The very top edge of the vertical groove of the cut AD 99.5 sample, (x 500) 91

3.32 Steps (indicated by arrows) formed on the profile of the cutting front of the cut

AD 99.5 sam ple, (x 2 0 ) ...................................................................................................93

3.33 The entire cutting front is impacted by the original jet or the deflected jet at

glancing angles..................................................................................................................... 93

3.34 A hypothesis for the step formation in AWJ cutting processes ...................... 95

4.1 Scanning electron micrograph of isolated im pact site on sintered alumina (No.

46 grit, 75 m /s). (A ) bar = 45 /rm, (B ) bar = 15 /im . (after Ritter et al., 1984)

.................................................................................................................................................. 98

4.2 Circumferential cracks outside a central undamaged zone produced by the im ­

pact of a compressible projectile, (a) Interference reflected light micrograph,

(b) polarized reflected light micrograph, (after Evans et al., 1978) .............. 98

4.3 Optical reflected light micrographs of orthogonal sections through ZnS targets

im pacted by WC and glass projectiles, (a) The extent of the radial and lateral

fracture (parallel to the surface) for a WC projectile target; (b) the same im pact,

but highlights the formation of lateral cracks from radial cracks (e.g. at arrowed

location); (c) the extent of the radial and lateral fracture for a glass projectile


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impact; (d) the same as (c) but indicating the zone of microfracture (arrowed)

beneath the center of im pact, (after Evans et al., 1978) ................................. 100

4.4 Dam age from a DIAjet particle im pact on glass, (x 1000) (after Summers et

al., 1991) ............................................................................................................................ 100

4.5 Fractures in a ‘Perspex’ cone produced by 0.4 g of lead azide. (actual size)

(after Kolsky, 1963) ....................................................................................................... 100

4.6 Stress wave pattern and energy partition, (after W oods, 1 9 6 8 ) ..................... 102

4.7 Idealized crack network m odel..................................................................................... 105

4.8 Erosion ratios for alum ina ceram ics........................................................................... 114

4.9 Comparison of normalized erosion ratios for six alumina ceram ics...................114

4.10 Scanning electron micrograph of hand-m ade fracture surface of AD 85. (x 800)


4.11 Correlation of the grain size and fracture energy with the erosion ratio. .. 116

4.12 Idealized picture of an abrasive grain removing m aterial by scratching and net­

work cracking..............................................................................................................................


4.13 Approxim ation of 0 values ......................................................................................... 129

4.14 Comparison o f the elasto-plastic m odel and the experim ental results 132

4.15 Grain size and fracture energy are the two major m aterial param eters. .. 132

5.1 Striation marks on an Al 6061-T6 sample cut by an A W J.................................. 136

5.2 Tapered kerfs on an alumina (AD 85) plate cut by an AW J............................ 136


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5.3 Kerf width vs stand-off distance.................................................................................. 137

5.4 Kerf w idth vs traverse speed.......................................................................................... 137

5.5 Kerf w idth vs water pressure........................................................................................ 137

5.6 Kerf w idth vs exit nozzle diam eter............................................................................. 137

5.7 Taper vs stand-off distance............................................................................................ 138

5.8 Taper vs traverse speed...................................................................................................... 138

5.9 Taper vs water pressure.................................................................................................. 138

5.10 Taper vs exit nozzle diam eter....................................................................................... 138

5.11 Striation curves.................................................................................................................. 139

5.12 Normalized striation curves........................................................................................... 141

5.13 Characterization of striation curves........................................................................... 142

5.14 Jet exiting the bottom of workpiece........................................................................... 144

5.15 Effect of water pressure on the criticla jet exit angle........................................... 148

5.16 Effect of orifice/nozzle diameter on the critical jet exit angle.............................148

5.17 Effect of abrasive flow rate on the critical jet exit angle.................................... 148

5.18 Effect of workpiece m aterial on the critical jet exit angle................................. 149

5.19 Effect of workpiece thickness on the critical jet exit angle................................... 149

5.20 D ata of critical jet exit angles for 38 mm thick workpieces.............................. 149

6.1 Depth of cut for different alumina ceramics ......................................................... 157

6.2 Depth of cut versus water pressure............................................................................. 157


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6.3 Depth of cut versus traverse speed........................................................................... 158

6.4 D epth of cut versus abrasive flow rate....................................................................... 158

6.5 Depth o f cut versus water flow rate......................................................................... 159

6.6 Depth of cut versus nozzle diam eter....................................................................... 159

7.1 Depth of cut versus water pressure for different traverse speed....................... 163

7.2 D epth of cut versus water pressure for different abrasive flow rate............... 163

7.3 D epth of cut versus water pressure for different orifice diam eter...................... 164

7.4 Depth o f cut versus water pressure for different nozzle diam eter................... 164

7.5 Depth of cut versus water pressure for different m aterials................................ 165

7.6 Depth of cut versus water flow rate for different traverse speed..................... 165

7.7 Depth of cut versus water flow rate for different abrasive flow rate.............. 166

7.8 Depth o f cut versus water flow rate for different water pressure..................... 166

7.9 Depth of cut versus water flow rate for different nozzle diam eter.................. 167

7.10 Depth of cut versus water flow rate for different m aterials............................... 167

7.11 Depth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different traverse speed....................... 168

7.12 Depth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different water pressure................... 168

7.13 Depth o f cut versus nozzle diameter for different abrasive flow rate 169

7.14 Depth o f cut versus nozzle diameter for different water flow rate.................. 169

7.15 Depth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different m aterials.............................. 170

7.16 Depth of cut versus traverse speed for different water pressure...................... 170


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7.17 Depth of cut versus traverse speed for different abrasive flow rate...................171

7.18 Depth of cut versus traverse speed for different water flow rate..................... 171

7.19 Depth of cut versus traverse speed for different nozzle diam eter...................... 172

7.20 Depth of cut versus traverse speed for different m aterials................................ 172

7.21 Depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different traverse speed............ 173

7.22 Depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different water pressure........ 173

7.23 Depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different water flow rate...........174

7.24 Depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different nozzle diam eter 174

7.25 Depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different m aterials...................... 175

7.26 Correlation betw een the predicted depth of cut from the empirical model and

the measured values from experim ents..................................................................... 175

7.27 Normalized depth of cut versus water pressure for different materials. . . . 177

7.28 Normalized depth of cut versus water flow rate for different materials. . . . 177

7.29 Normalized depth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different materials. .. 178

7.30 Normalized depth of cut versus traverse speed for different m aterials 178

7.31 Normalized depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different materials. 179

7.32 M achinability numbers of various engineering m aterials..................................... 181

7.33 Cut surfaces of AD 94 (a) and an unidentified steel plate (b )....................... 183

A .l Effect of water pressure on orifice efficiency and compressibility coefficient. ..

............................................................................................................................................... 189

A .2 M omentum transfer efficiency in abrasive waterjet nozzles............................. 189


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A loaded area

Aj one face area of a fractured surface

a grain size or flaw distribution parameter

as curve-fitting coefficients

b width of particle cutting face

b„ curve-fitting coefficients

C coefficient of impact efficiency

c constant

Ci, = ( E / p ) 1/ 2, velocity of longitudinal waves in a thin rod

Ci velocity of dilatational (longitudinal) waves

Cn see Equation 4.49

C2 velocity of distortional (traverse) waves

C \.i see Equation 4.49

Cp representing the parabolic striation curve

Cn velocity of Rayleigh (surface) waves

C, scale factor

c, curve-fitting coefficients

Cv orifice efficiency

C,j compressibility coefficient

D focusing nozzle diameter

d diameter of particle

Dc crack density function

dj effective jet diameter

E modulus of elasticity of target material


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Ep m odulus of elasticity of im pacting particle

e coefficient of restitution

/ = /e/uM proportional factor

F0 peak value of transient force pulse

fe empirical coefficient related to e

f(t) transient force pulse

fw fraction of stress wave energy utilized in crack formation

f ( 9 n) see Equation 6.15

f i ( 9 c) see Equation 6.8

f ‘i(Oc) see Equation 6.13

jF(£) see Equation 4.47

Fo(£) see Equation 4.68

g see Equation 4.18

Gf, real part of Yk

G„ real part of Yv

G( () see Equation 4.54

G0(£) see Equation 4.69

h depth of cut

Hd dynam ic hardness

see Equation 4.55

■ffu(£) see Equation 4.70

I\ see Equation 4.76

I2 see Equation 4.77

Ii see Equation 4.78

/i see Equation 4.79

K threshold im pact velocity at which the elastic limit is just reached

Kj ratio of vertical to horizontal force com ponent


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kl see Equation 4.48

k2 see Equation 4.48

m ( 47r / 3 )7'pPP, mass of im pacting particle

Mo m agnitude of the transient force pulse

M linear m aterial removal rate

m abrasive flow rate

771 water flow rate

N number of grains within the fractured volum e of a crater

Tlfj regression coefficient

Til regression coefficient

71'2 regression coefficient

n-s regression coefficient

n.\ regression coefficient

n-r, regression coefficient

Nm m achinability number

V porosity of target m aterial

Vi the third pole of the integrands of I\ - U

m transient pressure pulse

Phi) peak value of horizontal com ponent of loading pulse

m horizontal com ponent of loading pulse

Pv0 peak value of vertical com ponent of loading pulse

m vertical com ponent of loading pulse

p„ water pressure

Q total m aterial removal rate along the cutting front

9 quality level parameter

R ratio of abrasive/w ater m ass flow rates

wave travel distance from the source

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rj radius of the im pacting circular disk

Re erosion resistance, see Equation 7.1

rp radius of im pacting particle

r3 half width of the strip

S total curve length of the cutting front

T = 7r /u lo a d in g contact tim e

t tim e

u surface displacement

u mean surface displacement

ux superposed mean displacement in the horizontal direction

uxh horizontal displacement caused by horizontal force component

uxh mean value of uxh

uxhr uxh in the form of Fourier transform

uxv horizontal displacement caused by vertical force component

uxv mean value of uxv

uxvF uxv in the form of Fourier transform

uz superposed mean displacement in the vertical direction

uzh vertical displacement caused by horizontal force component

uzh mean value of u

u zhF Uzh in the form of Fourier transform

u zv vertical displacement caused by vertical force component

u zv mean value of uzv

u zvf u zv in the form of Fourier transform

V total volum e removal by a single impact

v particle velocity at im pact

Vf volum e removal due to fractures in a single im pact

Vp volume removal due to plastic flow in a single impact


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W stress wave energy transm itted into the target

Wc fracture surface energy required to form a crack network

Wi work done by the vertical force component over the superposed vertical

displacem ent

W2 work done by the horizontal force component over the superposed

horizontal displacement

x horizontal deviation of striation curves

Yh com plex ratio of m ean horizontal displacement rate to the applied

horizontal force

Yv com plex ratio of m ean vertical displacement rate to the applied

vertical force

z depth coordinate in the workpiece

Zn m axim um indentation depth on the target

a im pact angle

a (e ) dim ensionless function of e

8 see Equation 4.105

0i see Equation 4.95

/32 see Equation 4.96

/?3 see Equation 4.97

/3.1 see Equation 4.98

/8s see Equation 4.103

06 see Equation 4.103

7 fracture energy per unit area of target material

e energy required to remove unit volume by deform ation wear

( ( 1/) dim ensionless quantity related to u

77 m om entum transfer efficiency

7 (y) dim ensionless function of 17 see Equation 4.30


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e angle of slope of the cutting front

6c critical value of 9, at which the m axim um depth of cut is reached

K see Equation 4.105

A parameter of a parabolic curve

Ar ratio o f stress wave energy versus total input energy

P see Equation 4.71

V P oisson’s ratio of target m aterial

P oisson’s ratio of im pacting particle

i variable of Fourier transform

p density of target material

pp density of im pacting particle

Pw water density

°7 target m aterial flow stress

elastic load limit

T dimensionless function of t/, see Equation 4.21

l/, ratio of the depth of contact I to the depth of cut z t

U! angular frequency, see Equation 4.40

Wo angular frequency of the force pulse in purely elastic impact

O/i see Equation 4.28

0/e angular frequency of half force pulse of elastic unloading

wp angular frequency of half force pulse in perfect plastic loading

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1.1 Introduction of Abrasive W aterjet Technology

1.1.1 H istorical R eview

The idea o f cutting w ith water could be as old as the Chinese phrase “dripping

water penetrates rock”. In the modern waterjet technology, the “dripping w ater”

is replaced by a high velocity water stream, which can penetrate a rock in seconds.

The modern waterjet technology was initiated by Dr. Norman C. Franz in 1968,

who was awarded with the first patent for a high pressure waterjet cutting system .

Based on this idea, the first commercial waterjet cutting system was developed to cut

lam inated paper tubes in 1971. In the following year, the First International Sym po­

sium on Jet C utting Technology was held in England to bring together the leading

investigators and manufacturers to discuss both the state-of-the-art and prospects

of waterjet technology. Since then, waterjet technology has experienced a prosper­

ous growth. During the following decade, significant im provem ents were m ade on

the overall reliability of the high pressure system with em phasis on extended ser­

vice term, simplified m aintenance, and reduced costs. M eanwhile, research interests

were greatly expanded, which led to the m eeting of the first American Water Jet

Conference in 1981. The rapid advance of autom obile industry, m aterial science and

space technology in 70’s and 80’s demanded and also stim ulated the outgrowth of

new ideas and novel technologies in manufacturing. In 1983, the idea of entraining

abrasive into the water stream was patented and was im m ediately followed by the

development of the first commercial abrasive w aterjet(A W J) system . After several

years of efforts from both academia and industry, abrasive waterjet technology has

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grown from being a showcase technology to becoming a viable tool for various in­

dustries. The abrasive waterjet technology branched out in 1984 with an alternative

technique, i.e., the so-called premixed abrasive slurry jet(A S J) technique. ASJ used

the idea of cutting w ith abrasive/w ater mixture in a different way. Instead of entrain­

ing abrasive into a high velocity water stream and then producing an abrasive/water

m ixture jet through a mixing tube as found in a conventional AW J system , an ASJ

is produced by injecting a premixed abrasive/w ater slurry through a single nozzle.

The primary potential commercial application for this technique was for offshore and

subsea applications. Recent advantages have m ade it an alternative cutting technique

com petitive with the conventional AWJ. Figure 1.1 shows the important historical

events in the developm ent of waterjet technology.

To obtain a clear picture of the progress in waterjet technology, a thorough litera­

ture survey was conducted based on the papers published in the proceedings from the

first through the ten th International Sym posium on Jet C utting Technology, spon­

sored by the BH R Group of UK and held every two years since 1972. The first task in

this survey is to categorize the work (including research, system design, applications)

into six categories: (1) waterjet (W J), including continuous and discontinuous jets;

(2) cavitated waterjet (CW J); (3) conventional i.e., entrainm ent) abrasive waterjet

(AW J); (4) abrasive slurry jet (ASJ); (5) waterjet assisted processes (W JAP); (6) oth­

ers. The percentage of the number of papers in each category is shown in Figure 1.2.

Plain waterjets were predom inantly used during the early years. It is interesting to

note the steady emergence of the conventional abrasive waterjets since 1982 and the

abrasive slurry jets since 1986. At the 9th Sym posium (1988), the number of papers

on abrasive w aterjets(both AW Js and ASJs) started to surpass that of plain waterjets

and by 1990 (the 10th Sym posium ), abrasive waterjets had became dominant. Figure

1.2 also shows a trend of research and developm ent works on the cavitated waterjets

as well as the waterjet assisted processes.

with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission
Patent on ttie
c o n c e p t of
w aterjet cutting

1st com m ercial
1972 waterjet cutting
1st Int. Symp. on system
Je t Cutting

1st American
W ater Je t
C onference 1983
1st com m ercial
abrasive w aterjet
cutting system

1st commercial
abrasive slurry jet
cutting system

1st Asian Conf. on
R ecent A dvances
of Jetting Tech.

Figure 1.1 Historical review of waterjet technology.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

t) 70
50 m WJAP
> 30
5 □ CWJ
20 □ WJ
(S ■*+ NO oo o <N CO o
r- r-- r- r" 00 00 00 00 00 ON
•a •C *£ JZ •C
c T2 •*—*
in <o
CN cn ON

International Syposium of Jet Cutting Technology

Figure 1.2 A survey on the papers presented at the 1st - 10th International Sym posium

of Jet Cutting Technology — Division of waterjet areas. (Note: WJ - waterjet, CWJ

- cavitated w aterjets, AWJ - conventional (i.e., entrainm ent) abrasive waterjet, ASJ

- abrasive slurry jet, W JA P - waterjet assisted process)

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
This survey also reveals the application diversity of waterjets and abrasive wa­

terjets. The applications are generally divided into three catogeries: (1) machining,

including cutting, drilling, m illing, and turning of various m aterials for metalworking,

construction, rock excavation, food processing, etc.; (2) cleaning, including decoating

and descaling; (3) m ining, including tunneling. M achining overwhelm ingly dominates

the waterjet and especially abrasive waterjet applications (Figures 1.3 &; 1.4).

1.1.2 A brasive W aterjet T echn ology State o f th e A rt


W hen water is pressurized to a high pressure (upto 414 M Pa or 60,000 psi) and

discharged from a small orifice, the velocity of the water stream can reach as high as

800 m /s. Im pingem ent of such a water stream causes damage to materials such as

rocks, plastics, woods, or even some metals by shearing, cracking and delamination. A

long-chain polymer is som etim es used to enhance the j e t ’s cutting efficiency (Franz,

1972). A dram atic increase of the cutting power is achieved by adding abrasive

particles into the high velocity water stream. In this case, water serves primarily as

an accelerating m edium while the abrasive particles take over the role of material

removal. M ixing and acceleration of abrasive particles in the water stream can be

achieved in different configurations. A review of these configurations can be found

in H ashish’s paper (Hashish, 1982, p465). A conventional configuration is to entrain

abrasive into the water stream upon its exit from an orifice. The abrasive particles

is mixed with and accelerated by water through a m ixing tube (also called focusing

nozzle). Another popularly used configuration is to directly pressurize a premixed

w ater/abrasive slurry through a single nozzle in which both water and abrasive are

accelerated. The jet obtained by the conventional configuration is usually called

“abrasive waterjet”, or AWJ in short. The other configuration is called “abrasive

slurry (or suspension) je t” , or ASJ.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
^ □ Mining

O H Cleaning

o 3 E=3 Machining

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
International Symposium o f Jet Cutting Technology

Figure 1.3 A survey on the papers presented at the 1st - 10th International Sym posium

of Jet Cutting Technology — D iversity of WJ applications.

B Cleaning


o Machining


International Symposium of Jet Cutting Technology

Figure 1.4 A survey on the papers presented at the 1st - 10th International Sym posium

of Jet Cutting Technology — Diversity of AWJ applications.

Reproduced with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

AWJ System: A conventional abrasive waterjet system typically consists of six

component parts. T hey are a high pressure pum p, a nozzle assembly, an abrasive

delivery system , a catcher system , a m otion system , and a control unit (see Figure


The first stage of the high pressure pump is a hydraulic radial displacement pump,

which is driven by a 20-100 hp electric motor, pressurizing hydraulic oil of up to 20.7

M Pa (3,000 psi). The pressurized hydraulic oil is then fed into and drives an intensifier

pump (Figure 1.6), which in turn pressurizes the water. T he output water pressure is

equal to the oil pressure m ultiplied by the area ratio of the two ends of the intensifier

piston (usually 20:1). The water supply to the intensifier pump is required to be

filtered to 0.5 micron and m aintain a stable pressure o f 0.45-0.55 M Pa(66-80 psi)

which can be provided w ith a booster pump. A typical arrangement also includes an

attenuator on the water outlet of the intensifier to absorb pressure fluctuation.

The main functions of the nozzle assembly (Figure 1.7) are to house the waterjet

orifice and the m ixing tube and to provide an o n /o ff control of the high pressure

water. For convenient alignment of the orifice and the m ixing tube, an adjustment

m echanism is helpful. Abrasive is fed, by vaccum suction, into the mixing chamber

located between the orifice and the m ixing tube. The key parts of the nozzle assembly

is the orifice and the m ixing tube. The orifice is usually m ade of sapphire or diamond.

A sapphire orifice could last up to 200 hours while a diam ond orifice lasts ten times

longer (Burnham , 1990). The mixing tube is typically m ade of tungsten carbide,

which gives a nozzle life less than four hours. A new nozzle m aterial (com posite

tungsten carbide) has been recently developed to extend the nozzle life 10 to 100

times longer (Jablonowski, Sept., 1989).

The abrasive delivery system consists of an abrasive hopper, a metering valve

and a delivery hose. The metering valve turns o n /o ff the abrasive flow and controls

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High P r e s s u r e P u m p A b r a s iv e D e liv e r y S y s t e m


A b ra siv e
In te n s if ie r Hopper

E le c tric
Motor Pump

N o z z le
A sse m b ly

T an k C a tc h e r
S e ttlin g
T ank

C o n tro l U n it M o tio n S y s te m C a tc h e r S y s te m

Figure 1.5 Diagram of an AWJ system .

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Low P ressure High Pressure
Oil O u t Oil In

W a te r
P ressure
W a te r
O ut

Figure 1.6 Diagram of an intensifier pum p.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
W ater J e t
O n/Off Control

High Pressure
W ater Inlet

W ater J e t

Mixing 23 A brasive
C ham ber Inlet

M echanism


Figure 1.7 Diagram of a nozzle assembly.


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the flow rate. The delivery hose transports abrasive from the metering valve to the

abrasive inlet on the nozzle assembly.

The catcher system serves the functions of dissipating the residual energy of the

jet as well as collecting the waste. It could be a tank catcher or a point catcher,

depending on the m otion configuration. Steel balls (preferably stainless steel) or

alumina balls are norm ally used for energy dissipation. The wastes including water

and abrasive are pum ped into a settling tank, where the solid wastes are settled for


The choice of m otion control system is very much application-dependent. For

general cutting applications, a mechanical manipulator such as a CNC X-Y-Z table,

or a high precision robot is desirable. There are several options to accomplish the

relative m otion between the nozzle and the workpiece. The combination of a moving

nozzle and a fixed workpiece usually requires a tank catcher. A fixed nozzle combined

with a m oving workpiece can be accommodated with a point catcher. In a more

complicated configuration, seen in some X Y cutting system s, both the nozzle and

the workpiece m ove in perpendicular directions. This configuration is best used for a

continuously fed workpiece such as plate glass and paper.

The control unit encompases the overall system control including the cutting mo­

tion, water and abrasive on/off controls and emergency protection. Normally the

water and abrasive control can be integrated into the m otion control system . The

control procedure of a cutting operation is usually programmable.

ASJ System: An abrasive slurry jet system distinguishes itself from an entrainment

abrasive waterjet system in its nozzle assembly and abrasive delivery and m ixing

operation. Figure 1.8 shows a simplified abrasive delivery and mixing circuit. The

restrictor creates a small bypass flow, which is fed into the abrasive slurry vessel. The

slurry is then discharged into the water flow down stream of the restrictor. The final

slurry exits a single nozzle to form a jet. The configuration of the nozzle is designed to


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A brasive Slurry
Supply H opper

A brasive
V essel wmmmmam

W ater


Figure 1.8 Direct pumping abrasive slurry jet circuit.


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focus the abrasive particles into the central line of stream to prevent excessive nozzle

wear. W hile the pressurized slurry vessel is discharging, slurry supply is drawn in

from an adjacent open slurry hopper, where dry grit abrasive is fed in and fluidized.


An AWJ cutting process can be controlled by at least 16 parameters. The major

parameters are water pressure, waterjet orifice diam eter, abrasive type, abrasive size,

abrasive flow rate, m ixing tube diameter, nozzle stand-off distance, traverse speed,

cutting angle and the erosion resistance of target m aterial.

The effects of water pressure on an AWJ cutting process are m ainly reflected on

the velocities of waterjet and abrasive particles. Theoretically, the velocity of waterjet

is proportional to square root of the pressure. However, since the compressibility of

water and the orifice efficiency loss increase with the pressure, so does the loss of the

actual waterjet velocity. On the other hand, increase of the water pressure yields a

favorable effect on the abrasive m ixing efficiency. All these effects are included in an

expression (Hashish, 1989, p221) for the abrasive particle velocity at the nozzle tip:

_ vCy j 2 P w . .
v ~ T + r \Iw ( , )
where Pw is water pressure, p w water density, R ratio of abrasive/w ater mass flow

rates, tj m om entum transfer efficiency, Cv orifice efficiency and C v compressibility

coefficient. Values of 77, C„ and Cv are given in A ppendix A. The overall effect of

water pressure on the depth of cut is nearly a linear relation.

The size of waterjet orifice combined with the water pressure, determines the water

flow rate which directly affects the performance of AWJ cutting. As a general rule,

the depth of cut increases as the water flow rate increases. Therefore, for a given

constant water pressure, a large orifice size usually results in a deeper cut. However,

since the water flow rate is lim ited by the pump capacity, the size of water orifice is

often within the range of 0.23 - 0.56 mm (0.009 - 0.022 inch). In addition, the size


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of orifice must be selected such that it is compatible to the size of the m ixing tube.

An oversize water orifice will result in water accum ulation in the m ixing chamber

and w etting the abrasive delivery hose while the jet formed by an undersize orifice

may not be well focused by the relatively large m ixing tube. Normally, the ratio

of orifice diam eter to m ixing tube diameter is chosen w ithin the range of 0.3 - 0.4.

Typical orifice/tub e com binations are 0.229 m m /0.762 m m (0.009 in /0 .0 3 0 in ), 0.381

m m /1.016 m m (0.015 in /0 .0 4 0 in ), 0.457 m m /1.270 m m (0.018 in /0.050 in).

T he typ e of abrasive used in AWJ process is also an im portant parameter. Com­

m only used abrasives include garnet, alumina, silicon carbide, silica sand, steel grit,

glass bead. Since different com binations of abrasive/target m aterial have distinct

interaction and m aterial removal m odes, a certain typ e o f abrasive m ay behave very

differently for different target materials. For exam ple, garnet abrasive and alumina

abrasive have alm ost equal cutting power when cutting ductile m aterials. However,

alumina abrasive is much more effective than garnet abrasive when cutting brittle

m aterials. This phenom enon is still not well understood.

The abrasive size in the ordinary range of mesh 50 - 120 has a minor effect on AWJ

cutting efficiency, but it is critical to the surface finish. Oversize grit abrasive reduces

the m ixing efficiency while undersize grit tends to cause clog in abrasive delivery line.

Small grit abrasive is usually used to produce finer surface finish.

Abrasive flow rate is another major parameter. Increasing abrasive flow rate

increases the cutting depth. However, this relation is nonlinear. Since excessive

abrasive flow will reduce the m ixing efficiency, a flow rate larger than 7.6 g /s (1

lb /m in ) usually doesn’t produce proportional cutting power. Often it can clog the

delivery line, interrupting the cutting process.

The effect of the m ixing tube diameter is relatively small. A larger diameter

mixing tube usually produces a wider kerf and a smaller depth of cut. In terms of

material volum e removal, the effect of the mixing tube diameter is minimal.


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Variation of the nozzle stand-off distance within a sm all value, say, 3 mm, has

little influence on the cutting performance. However, in some situation such as pocket

m illing, a large stand-off is used such that a spread jet is produced and the depth of

cut is more easily controlled.

Traverse speed is the m ost critical parameter. Theoretically, the depth of cut is

inversely proportional to the traverse speed. Due to its significance to the depth of

cut and its ease o f control, the traverse speed is often used as the sole control variable

to be adapted to the change in workpiece m aterial as well as the thickness while the

other parameters are fixed.

Cutting angle is referred as the angle between the jet and the top surface of

workpiece. Norm ally it is set to be 90 degrees. A recent investigation (M atsui et

al., 1990) recom m ended that an angle slightly less than 90 degrees in the opposite

direction of the traverse direction is ideal to com pensate the curvature change of the

cutting front and, therefore, the kerf w idth variation.

The erosion resistance of target m aterial is not a well defined parameter, since no

single defined m aterial property can be used to characterize the erosion resistance.

For ductile m aterials, the erosion resistance is closely related to the hardness. For

brittle m aterials, more m aterial parameters are involved, such as fracture toughness,

grain size, flaw distribution parameter, etc.. It has been suggested by the author that

a new m aterial param eter, called “Erosion R esistance” , is defined (see Chapter 7 for

details). Prior to the introduction of such a m aterial parameter, some general trends

on the effect of target material on the cutting performance can be noted: (1) for

ductile m aterials, the depth of cut increases as the hardness decreases; (2) for brittle

m aterials, the depth of cut increases as the fracture toughness decreases.

T he parameters in an ASJ process are basically the sam e as those in an AWJ

process. However, current ASJs use a much higher abrasive flow rate (up to 180

g /s) combined with a low water pressure (less than 100 M Pa). ASJ does not use a


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m ixing tube. Instead, it introduces a new parameter, the suspension concentration.

The suspension in the slurry vessel contains about 50% abrasive by weight. The final

suspension at the nozzle contains about 10% abrasive by weight.


Though abrasive waterjet technology is still in its infancy stage of developm ent,

it has been widely adopted by various industries such as aerospace, defense, foundries,

glass, autom otive, fabrication, hazardous environment, etc.. For exam ple, LTV Aerospace

and Defense C o.’s Aircraft division (Dallas) has em ployed a robotic AWJ system

to trim oversized com posite parts for B-2 bomber (Ashley, 1991). Rockwell Inter­

national’s North American Aircraft Operations Division (Colum bus, Ohio) used an

AWJ system to cut titanium components of B-1B bomber (H itchcox, 1986). A d­

vanced Technology System s, Inc.(M onroeville, Pennsylvania) has dem onstrated the

practicality of applying AWJ to cut gas well in underground mining environment

where sparking is prohibited (Agbede, 1990). The foundry industry uses abrasive

waterjets for cutting gates and risers off cast parts or removing burned-in sand from



Abrasive waterjet technology offers the following advantages as compared to many

other traditional and non-traditional machining technologies:

Thermal distortion free: Since the im m ediate machining zone is contacted by a

high velocity water stream, any heat generated is im m ediately carried away by the

water. As a result, tem perature rise in the workpiece is less than 60°C. This rep­

resents an improvement over not only traditional machining techniques, but also

m any non-traditional ones such as laser, plasma arc, electron beam , flame, electri­

cal discharge(EDM ). This characteristic is critical when the workpiece m aterial is

heat-sensitive such as superalloys, advanced ceramics.

High machining versatility: Since abrasive waterjet em ploys erosion mechanisms


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in the m achining process, given appropriate abrasive selection, virtually any kind

of material can be m achined. Abrasive waterjet is particularly effective in m achin­

ing m any “difficult-to-m achine” m aterials. Titanium , high strength ceramics, glass,

com posites of any m atrix m aterial, and honeycom b structures are just a few good


Small m achining force: The force applied on the workpiece by the jet in a typical

kerf cutting operation is less than 10 New ton (Burnham & Kim, 1989). This small

force allows m achining of fragile or deformable materials and structures such as glass

and honeycom b structures. Turning a long rod dem onstrates another advantage since

the vibration and deformation problems caused by the large force in traditional turn­

ing or grinding process are elim inated (Hashish, 1991, p43). It also elim inates the

need for strong and bulky fixtures.

High flexibility: Characteristic of all point cutting tools, abrasive waterjet cutting

is om ni-directional. W hen used in conjunction with a m echanical m anipulator, com ­

plicated cutting operations can be performed. For exam ple, abrasive waterjet contour

cutting has been widely used. Since the energy carrier is fluid, the cutting head and

the pum ping system can be flexibly connected. Therefore, it can be applied in re­

m ote, hazardous, or space-lim ited environments such as subsea, tunneling, nuclear


Like all other m aterial removal processes, abrasive waterjet m achining has its

lim itations:

Energy dissipating characteristics: Unlike traditional processes such as drilling,

where the cutting edge continually receives energy com pensation during the entire

machining process, an abrasive waterjet continually loses its energy due to dissipation

along its path. Therefore, in a typical abrasive waterjet kerf cutting process, the

cutting power of the jet decreases from the top of workpiece to the bottom , leaving

a tapered kerf and striation marks on the lower portion of the cut surface. This


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phenom enon has also been observed in other beam cutting processes such as laser,

electron beam , plasm a arc, flame, etc.. Decreasing the traverse speed can minimize

this energy dissipating phenom enon. Other m ethods, such as slightly inclining the jet

in a direction opposite the traverse direction (M atsui et al., 1990), have been proposed

to com pensate for the energy dissipation.

High initial capital cost: Primary investm ent of an abrasive waterjet system will

require $50,000 - $500,000, depending on power and com plexity (M ason, 1989). Oper­

ating/m aintenance cost is estim ated to be $10 - $30 per hour (M ason, 1989). However,

this high cost is often justifiable.

1.2 S ta tem en t of th e Problem

Abrasive waterjet is becoming a very promising non-traditional machining tool,

especially for difficult-to-machine materials. Unfortunately, the fundamental aspects

of this technology remain a m ystery to the world. W ith the m otivation of advancing

this new technology, this study will investigate the erosion m echanism s, energy dis­

sipation, m achinability and parameter prediction associated with abrasive waterjet

m achining of brittle m aterials, with particular attention to advanced ceramics.

1.3 A pproach o f th e Study-

M aterial removal m echanism s are the key to understanding any machining process.

Abrasive waterjet technology is no exception. Since AWJ m achining is generally

understood to be a rapid erosion process, investigation of the erosion mechanisms

becomes the main concern and the first step of this study. Chapter 2 will present

a comprehensive review on the existing erosion theories, including both ductile and

brittle m aterial erosion studies. A SEM (scanning electron m icroscopy) study is then


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conducted (Chapter 3) on AWJ eroded samples to disclose the m aterial removal modes

in individual im pact events or m ultiple im pact processes such as cutting. Based on

the interpretation on the m aterial removal m echanism s, Chapter 4 is devoted to an

extensive erosion m odeling study for brittle m aterials, ■which leads to m athem atical

m odels of single particle m aterial removal under the conditions of AWJ impact at

large or sm all incidence angles. A preliminary study is conducted in Chapter 5 to

reveal and characterize the energy dissipation phenom ena in an AWJ cutting process.

Chapter 6 uses the results of Chapters 3, 4 and 5 to derive an equation for depth

of cut applied to an AWJ kerf cutting process. This is followed by an experim ental

parametric stu dy (Chapter 7), in which the derived kerf cutting m odel is verified

and modified. AWJ m achinability of various engineering m aterials is evaluated based

on the justified kerf cutting model. These results are used to develop a parameter

prediction m ethod for AWJ kerf cutting processes. Chapter 8 summarizes the major

conclusions of all these studies and proposes recom m endations for future studies.


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Erosion caused by solid particle im pact is a very com m on phenomenon. In many

fields such as particles (or slurry) transportation, equipm ent protection in a dusty

environm ent, turbine engineering, etc., prevention of particle erosion is the task. In

other applications, it is used as a tool for desirable m aterial removal, surface clean­

ing, controlled destruction. Numerous studies on this subject have been conducted

by researchers from m any disciplines including physics, m aterial science, mechanics,

m anufacturing, standardization, etc.. Summaries of some earlier studies can be found

in the book by Engel (1976) and articles by Tilly (1979), Evans (1979), and Ruff and

Wiederhorn (1979).

To provide a comprehensive view of the problem of erosion by solid particle im­

pact, a review is conducted based on the literature collected on the subject of erosion

by solid particle im pact. The reviewed works are sorted into two sections (ductile m a­

terial erosion and brittle material erosion) and three categories (erosion mechanism,

parametric studies, and material removal modeling). For easy reference, a tabular

format is used.

2.1 D u ctile M aterial Erosion

Tables 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 present the erosion m echanism s, parametric studies and

material removal models of ductile materials, respectively.

2.2 B rittle M aterial Erosion

Tables 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 present the erosion m echanism s, parametric studies and

material removal models of brittle materials, respectively.


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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2.1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials

E rosion Erodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

T arget
Erodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
(m/s) (deqroe)
M ethod

5 0 0 jim T illy
H46 ste e l 244 SEM A chip was cut out.
q u artz (1973)

6 . 3 mm d i a . 147 C u ttin g a c tio n s occurs at

chrom ium sabat in
m ore p o s i t i v e ra k e a n g le s .
an a ir
ste e l rod, 161, How ever, the chips rem ained
gun 164,
shaped to attach ed because of
SEM o n W inter
c u ttin g 167 ro llin g of the p a rtic le . &
rake angles s e c t ion
m ild 25 H u tchings
cu ttin g ste e l 2 .1 mm (1974)
s ta r io n ary c ra te rs C u ttin g actio n s are sim ilai
p la te glass p art icle 100, to th o se by s te e l
shaped to im pacted p r o j e c t i l e s . H ow ever, the
c u ttin g by m oving 169 chips are rem oved by the
rake an g les specim ens frac tu red p a rtic le s
4 mm d i a . & H. S .
m ild ste e l 194 A diabatic shear band plays W inter &
5 mm l e n g t h photo­ an im p o rta n t r o le in the
25 H u tchings
flat-en d ed 120, graph ch ip detachm ent.
titan iu m (1975)
s te e l rod 175 & SEM
The p a rtic le ro ta te d back­
w ork- 186 30
8 x 8 x 1.5 H. S. w ard and rem oved a chip at
hardened sabat in
(mm) square photo­ rake an g les of -15° & -7°. H utchings
low carbon an a ir 152 20
hard tool graph At a m ore negative rake (1977)
ste e l gun an g le, th e p a r tic le ro ta te d
ste e l
153 30 fo rw ard and form ed a l i p .
q u artz
low carbon 420- 130 C u ttin g and plow ing H u tchings
500 25 SEM (1979)
m ild ste e l glass
|im 142 plow ing p. 59
1100 |im C u ttin g changed to rid g in g F innie
1100-0 10, 30 stereo
d i a . SiC 67 when im pact an g le changed et a l .
alum inum 60, 90 SEM
p a rtic le from 10 to 90 degrees. (1979)
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T able 2.1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m ate ria ls (continued)

E rodent Im pact Im pact
E rosion T arget R esearch
E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod (m /s) degree)
SEM, TEM M aterial is plow ed to form
50 | ^m Ives &
20, E lectro - a lip ,w h ich is su scep tib le
copper ang ular a ir 20 R uff
cu ttin g 60 D eposi­ to com plete rem oval by
alu m in a (1979)
tio n subsequent im p acts
70 pm 9.1 ,
1080 N itrogen C u ttin g m echanism is Sharm a
an g u lar 18.3, 30 SEM
ste el gas d o m in an t. (1984)
alum ina 61
irre g u la r C rater length due to c u tt­ S hida &
A rgon ing mode in creases w ith the
304 ste e l s ilic a 120 20 SEM Fujikaw a
gas tem p eratu re of ta rg e t.
p a rtic le s (1985)
150 pm M aterial is extru d ed to
chrom ium T illy
irre g u la r a ir 104 30 form rid g es th a t are vulner
steel (1969)
q u artz ab le to subsequent im p acts.
P a rtic le o rie n ta tio n is
m ore im p o r ta n t th a n im p in g ­
410 50 pm S m eltzer
em ent a n g le and t a r g e t
sta in le ss irre g u la r e t a l .
a ir 152 30 SEM m aterial p ro p e rties. A f la t
ste el alum ina (1970)
ex tru sio n fa ce im pact cau ses l i t t l e
damage and a co rn er-o rien te i
im pact form s rid ge.
23 mm d i a .
6061-T0 ste e l shot M aterial is strain ed by S heldon
N itrogen 20
alum inum & 3 mm d i a . 232 & the ad van cin g p a rtic le to & K anhere
allo y g lass shot the degree of breaking o ff. (1972)
6 . 3 mm s t e e l
Sabat in 149 A sm all ridge was form ed.
rod shaped
an a ir 175 SEM o n A lip was form ed.
lead t o plowing W in ter &
rake angles gun sectio n
210 A lip was form ed & rem oved. H u tch in g s
angular s t e e l stationary ZD through
123 (1974)
p articles particle c ra te rs
128 R idges w ere form ed.
m ild ste e l oriented to im pacted by
- 7 0 r a k e angl< m o v i n g s a mp l e 200
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T able 2 .1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials (continued)

E rodent Im pact Im pact
E rosion T arget R esearch
E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O bserv atio n s & C o n clu sio n s R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod (m/s) (doq rcc)

3.1 WC 120 S E M, D isplaced m aterial form ed a

H u tchings
mm Sapph­ 25 S ect ion lip at and around the front
233 et a l .
m ild ste e l b all ire thro u g h of the c ra te r. The lip was
9.5 mm h a r d the lip detached alo n g a shear
141 30 of c ra te r d efo rm atio n band.
ste e l b a ll
The p a rtic le ro ta te s fo r­
work ward and form ed a lip at
8 x 8 x 1 .5 H igh
hardened sabat in
speed rake an g les of -35° and H utchings
(mm) square an a ir
low c a r b o n 30 -50°. At m ore p o sitiv e rake (1977)
hard to o l 153 photo­
ste e l gun
ste e l graph an g les, the p a rtic le rotate<
backw ard and rem oved a ch ip
an g u lar A high d islo c a tio n d en sity Ives &
310 sabat in
50 alum ina 20, SE M, zone was found surrounding R uff
bO sta in le ss an a ir
g lass 59 90 TEM the c ra te r in analogy to
CO |im (1977) &
ste e l gun
sphere hardness in d en tatio n . (1978)
ex tru sio n P a rtia lly m eltin g due to
ad iab atic shear lo c a liz a ­ Shewmon
7075-T651 4 .76 mm 35, tio n com bined w ith in e rtia l
143 (1979)
alum inum b a ll a ir gun force caused lip d e ta c h m e n t •C h r i s t m a n
allo y b earings 185 For norm al i n c i d e n c e , c r a t ­ & Shewmon
90 er o v erlap p in g produces (1979)
m aterial rem oval.
Increase of d u c tility red ­
1100-0 1 1 0 0 ( 1m uces erosio n ra te since i t Levy
pure SiC a ir 67 30 SEM allow s g re a te r energy abs­ (1979)
alum inum P a rtic le o rp tio n & av o id s fra c tu re .
S E M, TEM A h ill-a n d -v a lle y top o g ra­
Brown &
sin g le 7 0 i^m S ection phy. M aterial is pushed
E dington
c ry stal g lass 133 90 th r. the from v alley to form h ills .
copper sphere subsurface Subsurface dam ages include
of crater p. 377)
voids, crack & shear.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2.1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials (co n tinu ed)

E rodent Im pact Im pact
E rosion T arget R esearch
E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod ( m/ s ) (dcqree)
R idges w ere form ed for R ickerby
1 . 5 8 mm fa llin g 50 0 - 9 0
p o ly cry sta­ sin g le im p acts. M ultip le &
d iam eter p a rtic le s SEM im pact led to the
llin e WC-6% C o M acM illan
im pacted 10 -
alum inum 30 form ation and d etachm ent (1982)
spheres by m oving 130 of th in p la te le ts .
specim en
Soft m aterial (12 HRC) was
A1SI 1060 rem oved m ainly by shear lip
100 15, H ein &
ste e l, heat Ilel ium d etach m en t, hard m aterial
4.76 mm 30, Shewmon
treatm en t gas gun SEM ( 6 0 HRC) b y in te rse c tio n of
WC s p h e r e s 60, (1983)
ex tru sio n 200 a d ia b a tic sh e a r bands and
to 12, 45,
60 HRC m edium h a r d m a t e r i a l (45
HRC) bv both m odes.
A d efo rm atio n map was con­
stru c te d fo r d iffe re n t type:
100 of c ra te rs su b jected to W alley
4 mm SEM
polypropy­ a range of im pact v e lo c ity et a l .
d iam eter gas gun H igh
len e and a tta c k a n g le s . R aised (1984)
s te e l 0 - 9 0
Speed l i p s w ere found f o r th e
spheres photo­
250 v elo city range of 100-250
graphy m /s and w ith som e p re fe r­
ence on larq e im pact an q les

350-450 pm 30, L ip form ation and lip Reddy &

copper, Sundara-
d iam eter N itrogen 60, fra c tu re w ere responsible
Cu - 6% A 1 40 SEM
ste e l 90 for m ate ria l rem oval for ra jan
allo y gas
spheres a ll th ese im pact an g les. (1986,
V. Ill)

S train hardened subsurface

343 pm SEM K eiser
alum inum was observed, but there
d iam eter a ir gun 2 8.5 P ro filo - (1988,
allo y 30 was no ev id en ce of
WC b a l l s m eter V. 124)
so fte n in g .
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T able 2 .1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials (co n tin u ed )

Erosion T arget Erodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod (m/s) (deqree)
54 90 R ickerby
1 . 5 8 mm fa llin g O v erlap p ed im p acts produced
p o ly cry sta­ &
d iam eter p a rtic le h ig h ly s tr a in e d reg io n s
llin e 50 0-90 SEM M acM illan
WC-6%Co im pacted w here th in p la te le ts
alum inum (1980,
spheres by m oving 10- sp alled o ff.
30 1982)
specim en 130
In d en taio n , plow ing, and
sm ear ty p e s o f c r a t e r s w ere
form ed no m a tte r th e im pact
m icro - an g le was sm all or large. B ellm an &
flaking D uring the c ra te r form ation
(deform ­ 600 pm 30 process, a com bined fo rging
A1 1100-0 (1981)
atio n SiC -ex tru sio n m echanism pro­
a ir SEM
Is5 wear) 30 duced sm all p la te le ts w hich
Cn A1 7075-T6 p a rtic le s Levy &
w ere knocked o ff by sub­
C hik
90 sequent im p acts. W ork hard­
ening due to the heat gene­
rated by a d ia b atic shear
defo rm atio n enhanced the
p la te le t form ation.
M aterial was e x tr u d e d b e t­
70 & 200 pm ween the p a rtic le and the Brown
p o ly cry sta­ 61 30,
glass SEM strain -h ard en ed surface to e t a l .
llin e a ir 90
spheres form th in lip s w hich w ere (1981)
a-F e 122
rem oved b y o v e r l a p p e d im pac :s .
M a t e r i a l was l o s t by f l a k e
SEM fragm entation fo r norm al
70-30 B rass 3 mm 25, im p acts and by lip fragm en­ N aim &
diam eter im pact
(7 0%Cu, gas gun 120 ta tio n for o b liq u e im pacts. Bahadur
ste e l 90 over­
30%Zn) These flak es and lip s have (1984
b a lls lap pin g
m u ltilay ered stru c tio n due V. 94)
- - t o —r e p e t i t i v e - i m p a c t s
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2 .1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials (co n tin u ed )

Erodent Im pact Im pact R esearch
E rosion T arget
E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O bserv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T ech n iq u e
(m/s) (deqree)
M ethod
2 1 0 p. m P la te le t form ation due to E m ilian i
T i-6A 1-4V SEM,
sp herical g as-b last o verlap p ed im pacts is the & Brown
titan iu m 61 90
rig EDS p rim ary erosion m echanism (1984,
s ilic a
allo y
part ic le s in steady sta te erosio n . V. 94)
f 1a k i n g ste e ls
(deform ­ 1018-1020,
P la te le t form ation
atio n 4340, 200 me s h Levy &
m echanism , i.e ., forging-
w ear) 2J C r - J2 Mo , coal Yau
kerosene vary ex tru sio n m echanism ,
_L p a rtic le 13 SEM (1984,
b C r - 2 Mo occurred sim ila rly as in
slu rry V. 98)
g a s-so lid p a rtic le erosion.
SS 304, 321,
V enkatara-
com m ercial 6 . 3 5 rnm
SEM M aterial was lo st in the man & Sun-
p u rity diam eter free fa ll 5.5 90
form of flak e fra c tu re . d ararajan
copper WC b a l l s
( 1 9 8 9 . vl35>
P a rtic le broke up on im pact
S E M, The frag m en ts im pacted the
T illy
area around the prim ary
7 0 0 )lm high (1973)
H46 ste e l in d en tatio n and produced
q u artz 244 speed
a d d itio n al m aterial rem oval
secondary photo­
S e c o n d a r y e r o s i o n may i n c r ­
erosion graphy
eases w ith p a r ti c l e s iz e .
sta tio n a ry A lip form ed in the early
S E M, W in ter &
p a rtic le s stage of im pact may be
an g u lar 150, sectio n H u tchings
im p acted 25 rem oved by th e fra g m e n ts of
m ild ste e l g lass 169 th ro u g h (1974)
by m oving the o rig in a l p a r tic le .
p a rtic le s c ra te r
specim en
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2.1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials (co n tin u ed )

E rodent Im pact Im pact
E rosion Target R esearch
Erodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod (m/s) (doqroe)
A co rn ered -o rien ted im pact
4 3 - 7 4 ( 1m
S E M, heated up the lo calized S m eltzer
T i-6A 1-4V A rizona a ir 198 60
TEM zone to its m eltin g p oint e t a l .
road dust
and e je c t the m o lten d eb ris (1970)
m elting & M aterial was m olten and
Brown &
sp latterin g G allium , e je cte d during the im p act.
250 pm E d in g to n
200 90 SEM The lo cal tem perature was
s ilic a (1981,
Indium found to be at lea st 1 5 6 c C,
spheres v 7 2)
the m eltin g point of Indium
L o calized m eltin g is caused
S E M, by sm earing a th in lay er of Brown &
sin g le 210 pm
133 30 EDS, m aterial betw een the p a r ti­ E d in g to n
c ry sta l g lass
T EM, cle and the embedded frag ­ (1981,
copper beads
rep lica m ents w hich are le ft by a v 7 3)
p rev io u s im p act.
D uring the th resh o ld perio d Brown &
p o ly cry sta­ 250 pm SE M,
of erosion, m aterial is E d in g to n
llin e s ilic a T EM,
lo st by 3 m echanism s: m elt­ (1981,
alum inum p a rtic le s rep lica
ing, dust & sheet form ation . v77)
The p a rtic le is frac tu red
and p art of i t is bonded to S m elt z e r
43-74 pm
T i-6A l-4V the ta rg e t su rface. The
198 90 e t a l .
A rizona a ir SEM embedded p a rtic le is sub­
at 4 0 0 °C (1970)
em bedding road dust seq u en tly d etach ed and some
b o n d e d m e t a l mav b e rem oved
50 pm S E M, TEM, P a r t i c l e e m b e d d in g fo r m s an Ives &
20, e le c tro - em b rittled surface layer,
copper an g u lar a ir 90 R uff
60 d e p o s i t i o nw hich is fractu red away.
alum ina (1979)
4 mm SEM & H . S The s te e l b a lls w ere alm o st W alley
d iam eter gas gun 370 60 photo­ co m p letely subm erged in the e t a l.
lene graphy
ste e l b alls ta rg e t surface. (1984)
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2 .1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials (co n tin u ed )

E rosion Target E rodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C o n clu sio n s Re f e r e n c e
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
Met h o d ( m/ s ) (deqroo)
300 |lm d i a . R ip p les w ere observed. B itte r
silv e r
cast iron jet 60 M aterial is lo st in the (1963,
p late
p e lle ts form o f ch ip d etach m en t. P5
com m erciall} R ip p les w ere observed. A F innie &
pure sand 30 theory was d eriv ed to K abil
alum inum ex p lain t h is phenomenon. (1965)
Surface r i p p le s w ere o b s e r ­
45" ved on th e 45° b an d a n g le M ill &
m ild ste el 230 Pm photo­
rip p le band a r e a . On t h e b e n d s e r o d e d
pipe bend sand a ir 32 graphy M ason
form ation an g le by 7 0 jj.m s a n d , step s at a (1977)
and la rq e r scale w ere seen.
m acro- R ipple phenomenon w ere
flak in g observed and ex p lain ed :
30 Pm (1) O verlapped c ra te rs form
LO a random netw ork of depre­
GO irre g u la r
ssio n s & ridges by a pro­ C arter
alum ina
sand cess of p la s tic flow ; (2) e t a l .
p a rtic le s SEM
copper 300 5-90 (1980)
b la ste r In terferen ce of neig h b o rin g
75-125 Pm m o b ile c re sts causes phase
glass lockin g of rip p le p a tte rn s;
spheres (3) M aterial is lo st from
th e w ork-hardened and em br­
ittle d wave c re sts .
A ISI 1020 250 m SiC R ip p les and ra ised lip s G reen et
ste e l p a rtic le s a ir 150 30 SEM a l. (1981)
w ere observed.

R ip p le s w ere form ed a f t e r
a p e r io d o f e r o s i o n . T hin
poly­ 70 & 200 61 Brown
30, torq u es form ed on the
cry stallin e pm glass a ir SEM e t a l .
dow nw ind side of rip p les
a-Fe spheres 122 90 <1981,
ruptured ev en tu ally and
caused m aterial lo ss.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2 .1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials (continued)

E rosion E rodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

T arget
E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod (m/s) (deqree)

R ipple form ation process:

(1) O verlapped im pacts c r e ­
a te th in lip s; (2) T h i n n i n g
SEM and fo ld in g of lip s by su r­
face shear; (3) Short rid ­ Brown &
sin g le 2 1 0 |lm sectio n ges are form ed by f o r tu it­ E d ington
c ry sta l glass a ir 133 30 through ously sid e-b y -sid e im p acts; (1982,
copper sphere rip p les (4) M aterial is p ile d up to v 7 9)
rip p le
form long rip p les; (5) T hin
form ation
tonques are form ed tow ards
the dow nw ind side of rip p le
m acro-
(6) T hin tonques are d e ta ­
ched bv 45° shear crack in g .
to C o n cen trical rip p les w ere
form ed on th e j e t - c r e a t e d
60 6 1 - T 6 5 1 1 2 0.8 pm
122 p i t . T onques on th e c r e s t Rao
alum inum sp h erical S E M,
a ir jet 90 were observed. M aterial is et a l .
allo y & glass EDS
130 rem oved by flake detachm ent (1983)
pure copper beads
by d ire c t im pact and o u t­
flow ing p a rtic le ab rasio n.

A h i ll & v alley topography

70 & 210 pn was observed. M aterial is
s ilic a rem oved m ainly by flak in g
1100 Brown
spheres, SE M, from v a lle y s. F rig ile p a r­
alum inum a ir 122 90 (1983)
TEM tic le s in crease v alley f la ­
allo y 210 pm king, and an g u lar p a rtic le s
an g u lar produce ad d itio n al erosion
qu artz by c u ttin g the h ills .
p a rtic le s
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2.1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials (co n tin u ed )

E rodent Im pact Im pact
E rosion T arget R esearch
Erodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C o n clu sio n s R eference
M echanism s M aterial T ech n iq u e
M ethod ( m/ s ) {deqroo)
R ipples w ere observed. The
top lay er of surface has a
6 0 6 1 —T 6 , & lam inar stru c tu re and co n t­
212-250 pm
6061-0, & ains embedded p a rtic le f r a ­
1100 gm ents. D uring the subse­ Cousens
495-600 pm
alum inum 30 &
quent im p acts, the re la tiv e
g lass beads
allo y s a ir 90 SEM so ft bulk m aterial is back­ H utchings
60 (1983)
ward ex truded to the su rf­
rip p le
ro ll-b o n d ed ace at the weak p o in ts of
form ation 600-700 prn
alum inum the top layer and is beaten
and iron shots
com posites in to p la te le ts . The d etach ­
m acro-
m ent of these p la te le ts
causes m aterial lo s s .
O C o n c e n tr ic a l r i p p l e s w ere
30 p m
o b s e rv e d on th e j e t - c r e a t e d Rao et al.
6061-T6511 crushed 41 S E M,
p it. The rip p le form ation (1983,
alum inum g lass 90 E DS
A rgon m echanism is b eliev ed to be v92)
a llo y p a rtic le 87 sim ilar to th a t d escrib ed
bv F innie & K abil (1965) .

u n treated & Surface rip p le s and p la te ­

N itrogen le ts on the tr a ilin g edge

70 pm Sharm a
N itrogen of rip p les w ere observed on
gas & Argon s ilic a 61 30 SEM (1984)
gas tre a te d gas u n treated 1080 ste e l, but
ste e ls not on the n itro g en and
arqon aas tre a te d ste e ls .
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2.1 E rosion m echanism s of d u c tile m aterials (continued)

Erodent Im pact Im pact R esearch
E rosion T arget
E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O bserv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod (m/s) ( duq r o e )
P a rtic le ham m ering actio ns,
com bined w ith the force of
slu rry of
flu id , causes p la s tic flow .
30 wt % o p tic a l N aerheim
M aterial is p ile d up in to
8 8 - 1 5 0 (.im m icro ­ (1985,
N i (200) slu rry 30 30 rip p le s. At a c e rta in ridge
g lass beads scope & vl05)
h eig h t, m aterial is pushed
i n 1M SEM
over the c re st in to tonques
and co n seq u en tly to rn o ff.
r .i p p l e R ip p les w ere w ell
form ation 30 Reddy &
350-450 pm Sundara-
and R ipples w ere not so
copper diam eter N itrogen 40 ra jan
m acro- 60 SEM
p ro m in en t.
ste e l gas (1986,
f 1a k i n g No rip p le s .
spheres 90 v lll)

No rip p les at tem perature

below 5 3 8 °C. At 649°C and
above, rip p le p a tte rn s w ere
AISI 446, observed, e sp e c ia lly appa­
S te llite 6B rent on A ISI 446 and MA754.
Inconel, 12 p m T hin sh eets of m etal w ere
gas S trin g er
MA 7 5 4 ang ular 36 30 SEM form ed on c re sts tow ards
stream & W right
P22 alum ina the dow nw ind sid e. It is
at 204-760° b eliev ed th at rip p le s are
form ed due to the develop­
m ent of an in tr in s ic e q u il­
ib riu m s tr u c tu r e ra th e r
than p a rtic u la r ero sio n
m icro m ech an ism s.

1 ................... ..
T able 2.2 P aram etric stu d ies of Dv i c t i l e M aterials

Erodent Im pact Im pact R esu lts

Para­ Target R ef.
Erodent A ccel. V el. A nglea (R: N orm alized
m eters M aterial (m /s) (degree)
M ethod p r o sio n r a te )

10 Finnie
alum inum , m esh 60 R
76 (1958)
SAE 1 0 2 0 S i C
ste el
0 a 90

alum inum ,
copper, 3 0 0 |1
3AE-1055 cast
(as iron
10 B itte r
received) p e lle ts
0 a 90 (1963,
Im pact 90 pi 6y )
A ngle mesh 60
p a r ti­
SAE-1055 R
(fu lly
0 a 90

210 P
alum ina N eilsen
p a rti­ 79 10 &
alum inum c les, a ir G ilch rist
475 P 150 90 (1968)
0 a 90

Al allo y ,
chrom ium T illy
pm 10
steel, R (1969)
q uartz a ir 104
p a r ti­ 90
p ylene,
nylon 0 a 90

2024 A l, 50-60 P
ri-6 A l-4 V alum ina 152 S m eltzer
410 SS dust 20 R
et a l .
a ir
17-7 PH 0-210 P
s t a in l e s s A rizona 198 0 a 90
steel R d.D ust

H46 T illy
11% 135 Pm R (1973)
366 90
chrom ium quartz
ste e l
3 a 90


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T able 2.2 E rosion param etric stu d ies (continued)

Erodent Im pact Im pact R esu lts

Para Target
Erodent A ccel. V el. A nglea (R: N orm alized R ef.
m ete M aterial
M ethod (m/s) (degree) erosion rate)

304 ste el 10 Young

5 0 Jim CO2
at 2 5 °C 30 & Yee
alum ina gas
5 0 0 °C 90 (1977)

a 90

F innie
1100-0 280- 10
e t a l.
alum inum 3 5 0 Jim 78
SiC 90

Im pact
a 90
A ngle rree-
1.58 mm f a i l i n g
R ickerby
coarse­ d ia . p article 10
g rain ed WC-
im pact­ 50
M acM illan
alum inum Swt%CO e d b y 90
s p h e r e s m oving
soecim er a 90

several Levy
kinds of m esh coal- 10 15 & Yau
ste e l & 120 kerosene (1984,
tain less coal slurry 30 90 v98)
ste el
a 90

23 &
w ind S hayler
50 Jim 130 20
AISI 303 tunnel & Yee
ste el 4 sand (1984,
p a r ti­ 310 90
b la ste r v98)
a 90

1 2 0 Ji m
kinds of Shida 4
s ilic a Argon 15
steels Fujikaw a
p a r ti­ 120
at 300 gas (1985)
cles 90
650°C a 90

M orrison
37-270 4
304 Jim 10
S catter-
s t a in l e s s alum ina 100 good
steel p a r ti­ 90
cles v l l l )


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T able 2.2 E rosion param etric stu dies (continued)

Erodent Impact Impact R esu lts

Para­ Target Anglea Ref.
Erodent A c c e l . Vel. (R: N orm alized
meters Material (m /s) (degree)
Method prn;ion rate)

alum inum

a 90

ro lled 5wt%
1020 150
steel g rit Lin &
quartz 10
Im pact 47.1 Shao
w ater
sand &
Angle (1991,
w ater 90
high slu rry
chrom ium
iro n


m esh 46 120- velocity exponent Finnie

SAE 1020 20
250 = 2 (1953)
steel SiC

3 mm
Al 6061- glass
TO w o r k shot
hardened 2.3 mm
steel 2.80
impact shot
velo­ 20
3 mm
city Al glass 2.52
120 velocity Sheldon
6061-TO shot exponent
gun &
annealed 2.3 mm 363 Kanhere
surface steel 2 .34
Al 3 mm
6061-TO glass 2.41
work shot
hardened 90
& 2.3 mm
steel :.19
an n ealed
surface shot


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T able 2.2 E rosion param etric stu dies (continued)

E rodent Im pact Im pact

Para­ T arget
^ Erodent A ccel. V el. A ngleo R esu lts R ef.
m eter = M ateria.
M ethod ( m/ s ) (degree

25 &
11% 61 T illy
125 p m 90 v el. exp. = 2.3
chrom ium (1973)
q u artz
steel 610

9.5 mm 180 H utchings

m ild
ste e l 30 v e l. exp. = 2 . 9 et a l.
b a lls 400 (1976)
45 2 .9 Young &
304 5 pm C02
35-65 V ti • t a
steel alum ina gas
90 3 .4 (1977)
270 pm
20 2.2
shot 70 2.1
27 0 pm Ma j i &
alum inum h a rd en e c 10 20 2 . 2 - 2 .4 S h e l d o n
^ gas v el. exp.
6061-T6 ste el (1979)
80 70 2 . 1- 2 .4
270 pm
hardene< 1 20 2.7

im pact 70 2.5
g rit
v elo ­ f r e e
c ity 1.58 mm
p olycry­ f a l l l i n g
R ickerby
WC- p a r t i c l e
s ta llin e &
6w t % C o 90 v el. exp. = 3.3
im p a c te d
alum inum M acM illan
spheres b y m o v in g 200
s p e c im e n

0) 70 30 4.07 Brown
p olycry­ to n
61- & et a l.
to <D p ir 90 3.07
sta llin e G a ir v el. exp.
r~ 1 Q. 200 122 30 2.7 (1981,
a-Fe tjl CO
p m 90 2.86
f r e e
R ickerby
1.58 mm f a l l l i n g
30 2.98
coarse 10 &
p a r t i c l e
g rain WC- M acM illan
im p a c te d

alum inum
6w t % C o 150 (1982,
D y m o v in g
90 3.3
spheres v 7 9)
s p e c im e n

hot -Cerosene 20 2.01 Levy &

ro lled mesh 10 Yau
-30 wt % 50 2.12
1018 200 v el. exp. (1984,
toal 60 1.71
steel coal 30 v98)
slu rry 90 1.62
2.3 & w ind
A ISI 303 5 pm tunnel 110
v el. exp. = 2.5 & Yee
ash par & sand 35
steel (1984)
- t i d e o laster 300
3 04steel S hida &
120 Urn 40-
A rgon v el. exp. = 2.8 F ujikaw a
at 300 & 120 20
SiC gas
650 cC (1985)


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T able 2.2 E rosion param etric stu d ies (continued)

Erodent Impact; Im pact R esu lts

Para­ T arget
^ Erodent A ccel. V el. A nglec1 (R: N orm alized R ef.
m eter s M ateria.
M ethod (m/s) (degree erosion rate)

R decreases as
qu artz
82 45 the value of CpAl
vario u s sand
in c re a se s. H utchings
(C: sp ecific heat (1975,
m etals SiC
p: d en sity , AT: v35)
p a r ti­ 136 20 tem p, rise above
cle the m eltin g D t.)
plain car­
bon steel 2 5 0 |xm
R slig h tly G reen
under diff SiC
erent heat a ir 158 30 increases w ith e t a l.
p a r ti­
treatm ent hard ness. (1981)
S p ecific erosion
various energy is propor­
SiC 20 M alkin
target pure 137 tio n a l to the sp­
m at­ m etals e c ific m elting
e ria l q u artz 82 45 energy.
prop­ AISI 4140
steel R increases w ith
e rtie s
in creasin g hard­ A m brosini
under a ir
1 25 flm &
various b la s t­ 50 ness & ultim ate
SiC 30
heat stren g th & decr­ Bahadur
treatm ent easin g d u c tility . (1987)
a) The ag in g or
w ork-hardening
several treatm en t has no
70-200 e ffe c t on R of
|1 m a ir h i. tem p, allo y s;
re sistan t 30,
q u artz, N inham
allo y s & b la s t­ 60 b) D ifferent hi.
60, (1988)
SiC ing tem p, allo y s have
high tem - 90
p a r ti­ only sm all d if f ­
D erature
c le erence of R;
a llo y s
c) A b rasiv e-resis­
tan t allo y s exhi­
b it higher R than
h i. tem p, allo y s.
A new p a r a m e t e r t|
S rosion E fficiency t
ls d efin ed as the
ratio of the vol- Sundara-
ime rem oval to the ra jan
any any
vary 90 ;olum e d i s p l a c e d . e t a l .
kind kind
q = 2EvH /u2 (1990,
E : vol. lo s/u n it v!40)
m ass of erodent
H: hardness
u: im pact v el.)


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T able 2 .2 E rosion param etric stu d ies ( c o n tin ued)

Erodent Im pact Im pact R esu lts

Para­ T arget R ef.
Erodent A c ce l. V el. A nglea (R : N o r m a liz e d
m eters M aterial (m /s ) (d e g re e )
M ethod e r o s io n r a t e )

T illy
H46 0-200 R
128, //^ u ^ 2 4 4 (1973)
11% pm 244, 90
chrom ium q u artz 305
ste e l 0 200
d ( p m)

ent M isra &
copper, SiC R
size Finnie
copper abra­ 120 20
single sive
cry stal 0 250
d (pm)

M orrison
37, 63,
304 &
10 R S catter-
sta in ­ 270 pm
100 good
less alum ina
90 (1986,
ste el p a rti­
0 300 v lll)
d (pm)

hot 150 10 R L in &
q u artz
ro lled g rit Shao
sand- 47 . 1
1020 quartz 90 (1991)
w ater
ste el sand
slu rry 0 300
d (Um)

chalk, — * < 1 ^ - — '----------- M isra &

C60M glass, H '/Ha Finnie
R / — >1
ste e l C60H, A H (1981)
of flin t (ref. to
hardness garnet, W eiiinger
0 H 300C
750 corun­ et a l .
erod­ Ha (kgf/m m 2 )
kgf/m m 2 dum,
target hardness
Wear, vl,
SiC 1958, p225)
hard­ Ha : abrasive hardness
ness 180-250 a=30°
Levy S
A ISI R Chik
ap atite, 30,
1020 a ir 80 / ^ a = 9 0° (1983,
sand, 90
ste e l v89)
alum ina,
32 700 3000
silico n
Hv (kgf/m m 2 )


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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2 .3 M aterial rem oval m odeling of d u c tile m aterials

Im pact
E rosion T arget E rosion E quation
E rodent ^ngle u Com m ents R eference
M echanism s M aterial ( d e g r e e
(R: s i n g l e p a r t i c l e m a t e r i a l r e m o v a l'

R = ( ^ ) n w 2 (sin 2 a - 3 sin 2« ) , u s 18.5° V alid fo r low in c id ­

d u c tile irre g u la r \|> a f 2 ence an g les, but not F innie
c u ttin g rig id sm all (1958)
m aterials fo r larg e incidence
abrasive R = (c o s ex), u > 18.5° an g le s.
l|XTj' 6

1) For a s a 0 ,
p _ m (v s in a - K )
2e W ell c o rre la te d w ith
2 m C ( v s in a - K ) 2 C (v sin a - K )2 , t h e ero sion trend s of
+ ------------ ---------------------------- ---(vcos a — -----------------------------—
both d u c tile and
vvsin a vvsin a
cu ttin g b r i t t l e m ate ria ls.
wear d u c tile 2) For B itte r
& 0 <x > cxq, The ero sion ra te of
& (1963,
CO d efo rm atio n e la s tic p m ( v s in a - K ) 2 d u c tile m aterials is
oo b r ittle p5 & pl69)
wear sphere 90 2 e
peaked a t a low
m aterials 3 in cid en ce an g le w hile
m (v 2c o s 2 cx - K i ( v s i n cx - K ) t . th a t of b r ittle
m a te ria ls is peaked
E: sp e c ific energy of defoxrm ation a t norm al in cidence.

w ear, g: sp e c ific energy of c u ttin g

w ear, cxo: co n stan t re la te d to

m aterial p ro p e rtie s & im pact
v e lo c ity . K & K l: ta r g e t/p a rtic le
c o n sta n ts.

fra c tu re R « d 3 v 3 ' ’ l>’

S heldon &
due to rig id 3 V alid fo r re la tiv e ly
alum inum 90 H v2 K anhere
over sphere low im pact v e lo c ity .
stra in in g
Hv: V ickers hardness
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T able 2 .3 M aterial rem oval m odeling of d u c tile m aterials (co n tin u ed )

Im pact
E rosion T arget E rosion E quatio n
E rodent A ngle u Com m ents R eference
M echanism s M aterial (R: single p a rtic le m aterial rem oval)
(deg ree
tw o-stage
R = e , m ( - V )2 [1 - ( ^ r . ) o K ]2 + r 2 m F j , v( ^ ) 2 W e l l c o r r e l a t e d w ith
d u c tile fra g ile experim ental d ata in T illy
due to 90
m aterials p a rtic le tl and E2 : sp e c ific energy of th e term s of p a rtic le (1973)
p a rtic le
1s t & 2nd stage ero sio n . F d,v: size and im pact
fragm enta­
p a rtic le frag m en tatio n co n stan t, v e lo c ity .
tio n
d th r: th resh o ld d. V r: te s t v elo city

R = (sin 2 a - 4sin 2 a ) + l ^ l l Y 2s i n l a
4 r p (o3
w here /ap|> K |b The o v e rall v e lo c ity

irre g u la r
0) = V m e x p o n e n t was found
to be g re a te r than 2. F innie &
cu ttin g d u c tile
sm all T his ex pression is only v a lid fo r
m aterials rig id E xperim ental v e r if i ­ MaFadden
the case of non-zero h o rizo n tal
abrasive c atio n was not (1978)
v e lo c ity component as th e p a r tic le
p ro v id ed .
e x its th e su rface. For th e o th er
case, a m ore c o m p lic a te d f o r m u la t io n
can be found in th e o rig in a l paper.

R _ Ae 2 « rm p v 2
er C ay E xperim ental v e r if i­
low cycle irre g u la r A lp: p la s tic s tra in in tro d u ced per H u tchings
d u ctle c atio n was not
rig id 90 (1979)
fatiq u e p ro v id ed .
m etals cy cle. Ef: fa ilu re s tra in . H r: ratic
p a rtic le
of deform ed volum e to in d en ta tio n

volum e, tly: u n iax ial y ie ld s tre s s .

p la te le t -- g Ec: c r itic a l P re d ictio n of v e lo c i­

rig id « rinnp,T vJ
form ation ty exponent of 3 is H u tchings
m etals sp h erical 90 R = 0.033— — - - - - - s tra in . Hd:
at c r i t i ­ c o rre la te d w ith (1981)
p a rtic le _ 2u ~ dynam ic hard-
cal stra in Ec H a l ex perim ent.
n e s s .
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T able 2 .3 M aterial rem oval m odeling of d u c tile m ate ria ls (co n tin u ed )

Im pact
E rosion T arget E ro sio n E quation
E rodent 'V n g le a Com m ents R eference
M echanism s M aterial (R: single p a rtic le m aterial rem oval)

0 .0065m v2-5pp 25
R ~ -------------------- -—
p la te le t r tO.75i_jO.25
' -' P 1 111 IIs W ell c o r r e l a t e d w ith
form ation rig id
m etals 90 Tm: t a r g e l t a r g e t t h e r m o p h y s i c a l 3 u n d a r a r a j a r
Cp: t a r g e t s p e c i f i c h e a t .
a t c r i t i ­ p a rtic le m e ltin g p o i n t. Hs: s t a t i c hardness. p ro p e rtie s . (1983)
cal s tra in
T h is i s a s i m p lif ie d e q u a tio n . See
th e o r i g in a l p a p e r fo r com plete
fo rm u latio n .
The liq u id drag force is considered
irre g u la r in ad d itio n to the ta rg e t m aterial
rig id r e s i s t a n t f o r c e in th e m o tio n eq u - E xperim ental B en ch aita
d u c tile t i o n o f th e p a r t i c l e . The d e r iv e d
c u ttin g p a rtic le sm all v e rific a tio n was e t a l .
m etals fo r m u la tio n f o r t h e m a t e r i a l rem oval
o in a not provided for (1983)
liq u id re q u ire s n u m erical e v a lu a tio n . In
ero sio n r a te . B en ch aita
stream t h i s m o d e l , R cc v2-5 . B u t t h e e f f e c t
of p a r tic le siz e is not in cluded.
a) P a rtic le e x its m aterial (txcixo)
m ( ) n ° - 25 v 2-5 ______
R = 0 .564( — ----------------)sin 2uv,sin a
a rL 25 R r a 7 5
b) P a rtic le h o rizo n tal v e lo c ity Y |,= ()
w hile th e p a rtic le is p ro p elled E xperim ental v e r if i­
irre g u la r 0 H ashish
c u ttin g d u c tile c atio n was not
rig id outw ard (ao<cx<ai) (1987)
m etals p ro v id ed .
p a rtic le 90 r = _my2. cos 2 a ( i + R « - a o Um2 (x)
2Rsa f «i-cx0
c ) Vh = 0 w hile th e p a rtic le is s t i l l

m oving inw ard, (cxxxi)

(R f, R s: p a r ti c l e
R = sin2cx(2 - + - 1 — ) shape param eters)
2af 90 - «i Rstan <x
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T able 2.3 M aterial rem oval m odeling of d u c tile m ate ria ls (con tin u ed )

Lmpact E ro sio n E quation

E rosion T arget
E rodent \n g le a Com m ents R eference
M echanism s M aterial (R: single p a rtic le m aterial rem oval)

p _ ^ 2 llC m v 2 s i n 2 a F ( t ) j f j ]
p la te le t nCp
W ell c o rre la te d w ith
form at!on rig id j ( n + l ) ( n / n c ) ( 2 - n / n c) c? Sundararajar
m etals 90 ta rg e t therm ophysical
a t c r i t i ­ p a rtic le (1983)
p ro p e rtie s .
cal stra in 4(l+A .)tan2a F ( t )

The liq u id drag force is considered

irre g u la r in ad d itio n to the ta rg e t m aterial
rig id re s is ta n t force in the m otion equ- E x p erim ental B en ch aita
d u c tile tio n of the p a rtic le . The d eriv ed
c u ttin g p a rtic le sm all v e rific a tio n was e t a l .
m etals fo rm u la tio n f o r th e m a t e r i a l rem oval
in a not provided for (1983)
liq u id re q u ire s num erical e v a lu a tio n . In
erosio n ra te . B en ch aita
stream th is m odel, R oc v ~ 5 . But th e e ffe c t
of p a rtic le siz e is not included.
a) P a rtic le e x its m ate ria l (OKOCo)
111P ^ - 2 5 y 2 . 5
R = 0 . 5 6 4 ( — — --------------- ) s i n 2 t x V s i n cx
a ( . 1. 2 5 R f 0 . 7 5

b) P a rtic le h o rizo n tal v e lo c ity ''],

w hile the p a rtic le is p ro p elled E xperim ental v e r if i­
irre g u la r 0 H ashish
c u ttin g d u ctle catio n was not
rig id outw ard ( ( Xo <t x<CXl ) (1987)
m etals p ro v id ed .
p a rtic le 90
R = c o s2« ( l + R f - - —' Uurcx)
2 R so f < jq-(x0
c ) V], = 0 w hile the p a rtic le is s t i l l

m oving inw ard. ((XXXI)

(R f, Rs: p a r t i c l e
R= m v 2 sin2a ( 2 - )0 ’ H + 1 ) shape param eters)
2of 90 - a i R stnn2 a
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T able 2 .3 M aterial rem oval m odeling of d u c tile m ate ria ls (co n tin u ed )

E rosion T arget E rosion E quation
E rodent \n g le a Com m ents R eference
M echanism s M aterial (R: single p article m aterial rem oval)
;d e g r e e

0 .2nCmv2sin2a F (l). , .
R = ( ~ ){1 +
nCp T his model is ab le to
( n + l ) ( ) i / p c) ( 2 - p / p c) ex p lain th e ero sio n -
L | - e2} a n g le r e l a t i o n , w hich
p la te le t irre g u la r 4(l+X )lan2cxF(t) is stron g ly dependent
form ation or 0 n: strain -h ard en in g exponent
m etals on p. & X . T h e p r e d i c ­
a t c r i t i ­ sp h erical F (t ): num erical c o n sta n t
ted v e lo c ity is g re a ­ S undararajar
c al stra in p a rtic le 90 C: a can stan t c h a ra c te riz in g
te r than 2. I t supp­ (1991)
th e tem perature dependence
o rts the ob serv atio n s
of flow s tre ss.
t h a t ( 1) the lin e a r
|.l: c o e ffic ie n t of fric tio n re la tio n bew teen R &
hardness; (2) R i s
|.lc: c r itic a l c o e ffic ie n t of
to in se n sitiv e to ta rg e t
fric tio n
stren g th .
X: p a rtic le shape c o e ffic ie n t
e: c o e ffic ie n t of r e s titu tio n
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2 .4 E rosion m echanism s of b r i tt l e m aterials

E rodent Im pact Im pact
E rosion T arget R esearch
E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C o n clu sio n s R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod ( m/s) (deq r e e )
1 5 0 |lm T illy
glass a ir 104 90 L ateral & ra d ia l crack in g .
quartz (1969)
A cen tral p la s tic im press­
400 pm 130 ion su rro u n d ed by ra d ia l,
WC s p h e r e s la te ra l and m edian cracks.
ch em ically speed
860 M aterial is rem oved by
photo­ Evans &
exp 1o d i n g la te ra l cracks. A d d itio n al
graphy, W ilshaw
dep o sited to il
50 0 pm 302 m inor ch ip p in g damages were (1977)
ZnS tech n iq u e 90
nylon opt ica l observed for g lass spheres
co n ica 1, (a window
spheres 1000 m icro ­ due to im p acts of fractu rec
rad ial, glass)
scopy & pa r t i c l e s .
& la te ra l
1000 Pm C ircu m feren tial crack seg­
crack 160, SEM
glass m ents w ith in a damage annu-
CO system 350
spheres l u s . No m a t e r i a l lo s s .
qlass 125 C onical & r a d ia l cracks.
Cone & ra d ia l cracks form ec
boro- during loading. L ateral
s ilic a te cracks form ed during
ste e l C haudhri
a ir gun 160 u nloading. The cone crack
glass 1 mri h igh &
or experiences an o p en-close-
dia . speed W alley
p ro p elled 90 open o sc illa tio n .
photo­ (19/0)
by sm all graphy Cone & ra d ia l cracks form ec
d eto n atio n during loading. The end of
soda-lim e glass 140
cone crack curved up durinc
glass u n lo ad in q .
R ad ial & la te ra l cracks
ste e l 2 00
seen but not cone cracks.
PPG flo a t o p tic a l A c en tral p la s tic im press­
3 mm d i a . 50 K irchner
g lass plate m icro ­ ion, co n ical, ra d ia l & l a t ­
glass gas gun 90 G ruver
heated to scope e ra l cracks. Some im pact
spheres 125 (1978)
44Q-770°C & sen .. __si.tes w ere c r u s h e d --------
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T able 2 .4 E rosion m echanism s of b r ittle m aterials (co n tin u ed )

E rosion T arget Erodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C o n clu sio n s R eference
M echanism s M aterial T ech n iq u e
M ethod ( m/ s ) Idegree)

WC s p h e r e s A c e n tra l p la s tic im press­

io n surrounded by ra d ia l,
co n ical and la te ra l crack.
MgF an g u lar SiC
A ngular p a rtic le s tend to
ang u lar ex ploding < 1 00 0 o p tic a l produce asym m etric frac tu re
Mg O Evans
q u artz fo il or m icro ­ p a tte rn . L ateral cracks o f­
90 et al.
gas stream scopy & ten in itia te at ra d ia l or
WC s p h e r e s (1978,
m ethod SEM co n ical cracks. A zone of
ZnS glass m icro fractu res occurs ben­
spheres e a th th e c e n tra l im p ressio n

1000 |im g l ­
h.p - S i 3 N4 500 No frac tu re.
ass sphere
4^ T? 3 mm d i a .
4^ CO 0 9 4% glass
co n ical, G 70 K irchner
0 rH alum ina sphere
rad ial, ■P Q, H ertzian cone cracks. &
r\j (X
& la te ra l 90 G ruver
crack Z CO
h .p . 1 .59 mm (1978,
S to
sysLem 0 S i 3N 4 dia. WC 50 p25)
o M
o p sphere
«H (0

3 mm d i a . up to No v isib le damage. G lass

glass sphere 124 spheres crushed at 124 m /s.
1 . 5 9 mm d i a up to No v i s i b l e damage. S teel
transform a­ 198 o p tic a l sheres fla tte n e d at 198 m /s
s t e e l sphere K irchner
tio n m icro ­ In d e n ta tio n s.
9 et a l .
toughened 90
1.59 mm scopy & In d en tatio n , circu m feren ­ (1979,
Z irco nia 71. 4
dia. WC SEM t ia l cracks, ra d ia l cracks. p 4 9)
sphere > 71.4 L ateral vent cracks ex ten d
up to to surface lead in g to ch ip ­
140 p ing betw een ra d ia l cracks.
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T able 2.4 E rosion m echanism s of b r ittle m aterials (co n tin u ed )

E rosion T arget E rodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

Erodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C o n clu sio n s R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod (m/s) ^degree)
corning 10 & 30 |lm M aterial is lo st by the Sargent
7740 Pyrex alum ina a ir 65 form ation and in te ra c tio n e t a l .
90 SEM
glass p a rtic le of la te ra l cracks. (1979)
Z inc 3 mm d i a . In d en tatio n s, H ertzian cone R ichard &
su lfid e g lass 68.7 90 SEM cracks, ra d ia l cracks and K irchner
p late s sphere la te ra l vent cracks. (1979)
A c e n tra l p la s tic im p ress­
o p tical
hot-pressed 2 7 3 Ji m ion w ith ra d ia l & la te ra l
m icro ­ G ulden
MgF qu artz a ir cracks. L ateral cracks are
190 90 scopy (1979)
(Irtran ) p a rtic le responsible fo r the m ajo ri­
ty of m aterial rem oval.
conical, so d a-lim e A ll im p acts produced
rad ial, s ilic a glass la te ra l ch ip p in g .
& la te ra l Some im p acts => chip p in g ;
Cn crack W iederhorn
sapphire o p tical Some im pacts => p la s tic
system 150 Jim &
a ir m icro ­ im p ressio n only.
90 90 M ore p la s tic im p ressio n ; Hockey
abrasive stream scopy
h .p . S i 3N4 (1983,
& SEM Less b r ittle c h ip p in g .
g rain
C racks a rre ste d w ith in the p766)
h .p .
alum ina, so lid . Subsequent im p acts
h .p . S i 3N4 are needed for m aterial
rem oval.
soda-lim e 4 0 0 Ji m S i C slin g er L ateral and ra d ia l cracks R itte r et
37.5 90 SEM
glass abrasive type cause surface sp allin g . a l. (1984)
AD 9 0 & L ateral & ra ­
Sm all g rain
AD 9 9 . 7 d ia l cracks.
37 => la te ra l &
alum ina

In terg ra n u la r R itte r
AD 99.5 1 0 1 6 Ji m slin g er ra d ia l cracks
90 crack in g . et a l .
SiC type Large g rain
In terg ran u lar (1987)
CR6 & abrasive => in te rg ra ­
106 & som e ra d ia l
CR30 nular cracks
crack in a
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T able 2.4 E rosion m echanism s of b r i tt l e m aterials (continued)

E rosion T arget E rodent Im pact Im pact Research

Erodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C onclu sio n s R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod (m/s) (degree)

la te ra l, m edian & H ertzian

sin g le 40-94 pm cone cracks w ere observed. Johansson
slin g er S E M,
cry stal ang u lar 47 90 M aterial lo ss can be caused e t a l .
type TEM
Si (001) alum ina by any kind of these cracks (1987)
or th e ir co m bination .
30 S cratch in g .
S i 3 N4
300 P a r t ic l e embedded. A flake
(9S) 710 pm
of m aterial was diqqed up.
an g u lar
glass 100 L ateral cracks.
KP-95 L ateral cracks. Wada &
alu ­ A p la s tic -im pression lik e a W atanabe
c o n ic al, 80
m ina A -482 a ir SEM k n i f e e d g e . No la te ra l and (1987)
rad ial, ra d ia l cracks.
& la te ra l SiC Als 03 300 M elting of p a rtic le an d /o r
crack glass glass targ e t occurs fo r a ll these
system S i 3 N 4 (Ml) glass cases due to the lo calized
S i 3N4 ( 9 S ) a i 2o 3 h e atin g .
A 1 20 3 ( A—4 8 2 : SiC

AD 9 9
alum ina

360 & 1300 o p tic a l B reder

AD 9 9 . 7 m icro­ R ad ial cracks form ed in
pm SiC a ir gun 181 90 e t a l .
CR 6 a ll alum ina sam ples.
p a rtic le scopy (1988)
CR 3 0
3 kinds of 500 p m SiC Wada &
Z r02 c e ra m ic abrasive a ir stream 80 SEM L ateral crack in g . W atanabe
(1 9 8 8 .o 5 8 7 )
hot-pressed SiC
In terg ra n u la r crack in g .
A l 2 O, A12 0 Wada
250- E la s tic -p la s tic in d en tatio n
500 pm a ir stream SEM et a l .
h ot-pressed SiC 300 80
w ith l a t e r a l c rac k in g . (1988,
A 1 20 3 - SiC
S cratch in g & p la s tic inden­ p ll3 )
co m posite A l 20
ta tio n w ith l a t e r a l crac k s.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2 .4 E rosion m echanism s of b r ittle m aterials (co n tin u ed )

E rosion T arget E rodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

E rodent A ccel. V el. Angle O b serv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
(m/s) (degree)
M ethod
scouring •—i P a rtic le /
PA1 <0
sin tered m ark g tn ta rg e t
405 pm E17
alu m in a p en etratio n 0) G
A lundum 1> -H re la tiv e
PA3 rd M S riniva-
co n ical, reg io n -(o hardness
p a rtic le
punched-out m san
rad ial, a ir O H is an
cham pion Z O &
& la te ra l b lastin g 80 90 SEM reg io n im portant
S catter-
crack L ateral & ra d ia l fa c to r in
system sintered P A 1 crack in g . L ateral the tra n ­
4 0 5 |lm (1988)
alu m in a cracks p ro pagate s itio n of
a long g rain boun­ frac tu re
cham pion d aries . p a tte rn .
In terg ra n u la r ch ip p in g w ith
R itte r
no ev id en ce of ra d ia l or
sin tere d 90 e t a l .
l a t e r a l crack in g fo r both
-a alum ina (1984)
400 pm tu b u lar 23°C and 1000°C.
AD 9 9 . 5 R itte r
SiC ro to r 75 SEM For 23°C, i n t e r g r a n u l a r
in te rg ra ­ a t 23°& (1985)
p a rtic le ch ip in g w ith th e p i ts elo n
nular & 1000°C R itte r
15 g ated in th e im pact d i r e c t ­
tran sg ra- et a l .
ion. For 1000°C, p l a s t i c
n ular (1986)
wear scars w ere observed.
c rack in g
F ractu res w ith grooves or
23-270 pm 15 M orrison
60- p la s tic shear zones.
m u llite alu m in a SEM et a l .
1 00 T ransgranular and
p a rtic le 90 (1985)
in te rg ran u la r c ra c k s.
AD 9 0 & L ateral & ra ­
S m all g rain
AD 9 9 . 7 d ia l cracks.
37 => la te ra l &
In terg ra n u la r R itte r
1016 pm slin g er ra d ia l cracks
AD 9 9 . 5 90 et a l .
crack in g .
SiC type Large g rain
In terg ran u lar (1987)
CR6 & abrasive => in te rg ra ­
106 & some ra d ia l
CR30 nular cracks
c r a c k i n g ________
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T able 2 .4 E rosion m echanism s of b r ittle m aterials (co n tin u ed )

E rosion T arget E rodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

Erodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod ( m/ s ) (degree)
hot-p ressed SiC
In terg ra n u la r crack in g .
Al? Al? O - Wada
250- E la s tic -p la s tic in d en tatio n
5 0 0 |lm a ir stream SEM et a l .
hot-p ressed SiC 300 80
w ith la te ra l crack in g . (1988,
A12 0 3 - SiC
S cratch in g & p la s tic inden­ p ll3 )
co m p o site a i 2o3
ta tio n w ith la te ra l cracks.
In terg ra n u la r crack in g &
99.5% sp a lla tio n . Pores around
in te rg ra-
alum ina g rain b o u n d aries are im por­
nular &
tan t fo r crack in itia tio n .
tran sg ra-
reactio n The binder m aterial was
bonded SiC w ater eroded p re fe re n tia lly .
co n tain in g C obalt b inder was p referen ­ Graham
a trip le x
38 |lm tia lly rem oved by a com bin­ & B all
plunger 245
WC-Co sm all SEM (1989)
q u a rtz ite pump ed actio n of erosion and
cement p a rtic le co rro sio n , leading to the
exposure and eventual
rem oval of WC q r a i n s .
The nickel m atrix shows a
high re sistan c e to the ero ­
cem ent
siv e-co rro siv e co n d itio n .
3 mm d i a . A m ain ring frac tu re s u rr­
liq u id jet ounded by many circum feren­ Bowden
ring com m ercial &
90 SEM t ia l fra c tu re s, w hich are
fractu re p late glass lead slug 210 F ield
produced by stre ss w aves.
12.1 mm A ring fra c tu re . No short (1964)
steel b all c ircu m feren tial frac tu res.
125- A I 2O 3 80 Sm oothed and rounded in Shipw ay
sin tere d
m icro 1 50( Jr r s i l i c ; a ir 98 appearance. M aterial &
boron 90 SEM
ch ip p in g 6 0 0 - 8 5 0 |lm b lastin g rem oval may occur by m inor H utchings
carbide 50
silic a ch ip p in g . (1991)
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2 .4 E rosion m echanism s of b r ittle m aterials (continued)

E rosion E rodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

T arget
Erodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O b serv atio n s & C o n clu sio n s R eference
M echanism s M aterial T ech n iq u e
(m/s) (degree)
M ethod
E vidences of m eltin g at the
alum ina & im pact s ite w ere observed.
m u llite The low er therm al conducti­
Yust &
at room SiC v ity of ceram ics favors the
gas 24.4 90 SEM C rouse
tem perature p a rtic le g en eratio n of lo c a lly elev ­
and at ated tem p eratu res. E rosion
47 0 °C damages in c lu d e b r i t t l e
fra c tu re and p la s tic sh ear.
P la stic flow co n trib u tes to
23-270 pm R outbort
com m ercial the ero sio n of nom inally
an g u lar 54- e t a l .
reactio n SO SEM b r i t t l e m a te ria ls though
alu m in a 151 (1980)
p la s tic bonded SiC th e damage i s p re d o m in an tly
p a rtic le
deform atior b r ittle frac tu re.
& m eltin g 405 Pm E -17 P l a s t i c p u n c h -ty p e damage M urugesh &
sapphire alum ina 90 90 SEM w ithout crack in g or S cattergood
p a rtic le frag m en tatio n . (1990)

125 -150 m 30 E tc h ed sam ple: U netched

an g u lar 98 S cratch in g but sam p le:
s ilic a 90 no crack in g . som e la te ­
(a s ilic a te Some crack in g . ra l crack.
125 -150 Pm gas
glass 30, M ajo rity of th e im pact
rounded b lastin g 44 Spark &
ceram ic) 90 SEM site s showed p la s tic
s ilic a H utchings
etched & defo rm atio n only.
u n etch ed 125 -150 pm G eneral damages are shallow
30, d isc -lik e p la s tic im p ress­
g lass 87
beads 90 ions. Some frac tu res occur
at 90 and above 87 m /s.
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T able 2 .4 E rosion m echanism s of b r ittle m aterials (co n tin u ed )

E rosion T arget E rodent Im pact Im pact R esearch

E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle O bserv atio n s & C onclusions R eference
M echanism s M aterial T echnique
M ethod (m/s) degree)

R ip p les.
alum inum
to o l ste e l
(Rc 64)
m olded
120 m esh B rittle erosion.
g rap h ite
SiC No r ip p le s .
p a rtic le
rip p le MgO

form ation 99.5%

alum ina
s ilic a
Sheldon &
o p tic a l F innie
1100-0 152 30 (1966)
m icro­
R ip p les.
alum inum scopy
Tool s te e l and s ilic a g lass
to o l ste e l
sa m p le s show ed t r a n s i t i o n
(Rc 64)
from b r i t t l e to d u c t i l e
s ilic a
1000 mesh b e h av io r.
g lass
96.5% SiC

MgO p a rtic le

99.5% No rip p le s .
alum ina
m olded
g rap h ite

P la stic i n d e n t a ti o n accom ­
Wada &
m ixed mode 7 1 0 |im p an y in g l a t e r a l crack in g ,
alum ina a ir SEM W atanabe
damage SiC 300 80 c ru sh in g and in te rg ran u la r
abrasive crack in g .
T able 2 .5 P aram etric studies of B rittle M aterials

E rodent Im pact Im pact R esu lts

Para­ Target A nglea R ef.
Erodent A ccel. V el. (R : N o r m a liz e d
m eters M aterial (m /s ) (d e g re e )
M ethod e r o s io n r a t e )

to o l
ste e l
Rc 64

d en sity
1 2 7 [izn

im pact
angle S heldon
m olded |I m a ir 152
F innie
g rap h ite an g u lar 90 (1966,
127 [1/7? p387)

d en sity
alum ina

p late

[1 m
glass 96.3
|l m
N eilson
79.2 40-90
)I m
G rich rist
a ir

297 [Xm
g rap h ite 128
alum ina


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T able 2.5 P aram etric studies of B ritt le M aterials (cont;in u e d )

E rodent Im pact Im pact R esu lts

Para­ Target R ef.
E rodent A c ce l. V el. A nglea (R: N o r m a l i z e d
m eters M aterial ( m/ s ) (degree)
M ethod erosion rate)

N eilson
20 &
210 pm R
a ir 128 G ilch rist
perspex alum ina
90 (1968)

3 a 90

glass, pm 10 T illy
fib re - irreg u ­ a ir (1969)
glass la r 90
im pact 0 a 90
a n g le ■

30 p m
an g u lar R
alum ina

co rn in g Sargent
20 0 a 90
7740 et a l .
a ir
pyrex (1979)
10 p m
an g u lar 84
alum ina

0 a 90

reactio n 10 R outbort
23 p m slin g er R
bonded ang u lar type 151 et a l .
SiC 90 (1980)
alum ina

0 « 90

15 M orrison
270 pm slin g er R
m u llite 80 e t a l .
alum ina type
90 (1985)

0 « 90

500 - Wada &

850 p m a ir R W atanabe
SiC 300
alum ina (1987)

0 a 90


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
T able 2 .5 P aram etric stu d ies of B rittle M aterials (continued)

Erodent Impact Impact Results

Para­ T arget Ref.
Erodent A c c e l . Vel. Angle ct (R: N orm alized
m eter: M aterial (m/s) (degree)
Method erosion rate)

590 - 30
alum ina 7 6 0 urn
(KP-95) an g u lar 90
g lass Wada &
a 90
W atanabe
im pact
angle (1987)

500 -
8 5 0 Jim
S i 3N4 alum ina
( 9S)
a 90

glass 3.0

125 & 2.74

250 61
g rap h ite 2.69
jj.rn Sheldon
angular 183
velo city 2.53 &
steel,R c64
SiC a ir 90 exponent F innie
alum ina 2.62
282 & 4.37 p393)
glass 38.1
4 1 9 jim 2.73
MgO ste e l
shot 2.67
g rap h ite
corning 30 2.2 Sargent
7740 )lm v el. exp. et al.
a ir 90
Pyrex 10 2 .7 (1979)
im pact 58-84
glass Mm
v elo ­ R outbort
reactio n 2 7 0 Jim v e l. ex p.
c ity slin g er 54- e t a l .
bonded angular 10-90 = 2.02 - 2.46
type 151 (1980)
SiC alum ina
23 3.4
37 S catter-
single slin g er 32 good &
Mm v e l. exD.
cry stal 130 type R outbort
silic o n 151 (1981)
MaO 2 5 ° C
CO w ieder-
03; 1 5 0 Jim horn &
a ir 37 2.5
i— ( 25 SiC Hockey
a cp 90 v ei. exp.
•h n3; p a r ti­
i—I CJ
500 cle p 7 6 6)
03 *H 3.5
TJ - I
O -H °C


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Table 2 . 5 Parametric studies of Brittle Materials (continued)

Erodent Impact Impact Results

Para­ Target Anglea R ef.
Erodent A c c e l . Vel. (R: N orm alized
meter: Material (m/s) (degree)
Method erosion rate)
3 2.9
Om 25°C
a) o
U -H 500
■U H 3.0
> CO

o 2 .3
a> 25 C
•H 500
JZ 2.4
CO 1000 3.3
2 5 °C
a> (0 500
u c 2.8
a) -h
.u £
♦aH Hd
1000 2.7
CO 03 W ieder-
° C 1 5 0 |I m
37 horn &
co SiC air
o 2.3 Hockey
im pact o 25 C parti­ stream 90 vel. exp.
co (1983,
velo ­ co cle 94
CD (0 500 2.1 p 7 66)
4-> D 2.3
O *H 1 0 0 0
.C <0 ° C
2 5 °C
o 500
o 3.3
•H °C
CO 1000 3.4
H .P. o 1.8
SiC 25 C

V o 2.1
<D 25 C
(I) 500 2.5

1000 2.4
O -H
37 15 2 . 84 M orrison
p. m slin g er 31-90 2.80 et a l .
60- vel. exp.
m u llite 15 2 . 97
270 type 100 (1985)
dm 31-90 2 .23

A l20 ; 2.9
a ir 2.7 &
sin tere d SiC 40-
b la s t­ 90 ve x . exp. Hutchings
b4 c silica
120 9.4
ing (1991)
600-850 2.8
JU- 1:


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T able 2.5 P aram etric stu d ies of B rittle M aterials (continued)

Erodent Impac t Im pact R esults

Para­ T arget
^E rodent A ccel. V el. A ngle** (R: N o r m a l i z e d R ef.
m eter £ M a te ria
M ethod ( m/ s ) (degree
^ erosion rate)
R is in v ersely
13 kinds p ro p o rtio n al to
Wada &
of 710 pm the sp e c ific g ra­
air 300 80 W atanabe
alum ina SiC v ity , co n ten t of
ta rg e t ceram ics A l2 03 and V ickers
m at­ hardness.
e ria l 6 k i n d s ol
R in creases as
prop- alumina:
the ta rg e t hard­ S riniva-
N orton
e r t i e : M l, a ir ness decreases. san &
PA2, E17
b la s t­ 80 90 T ran sitio n occur, S catter-
PA3, Alundun
PA4, ing as targ et/ero d en t good
405 pm
Ch a mp i o n , hardness ra tio (1988)
Desussa approaches u n ity

glass 4.25
21. 6 & 3 . 95
a oAO
u 91
g rap h ite Jim 3.78
ang u lar 152
steel,Rc64 erodent 3.58 £
SiC air 90 diam eter
alum ina Finnie
exponent (1966,
glass 282 - 5.12
45.7 p 3 93)
940 pm
MgO - 3.3 9
ste e l
g rap h ite shot 3.1 4

reactio n 270 pm R outbort

slin g er 53 .8 - erod. dia . exp.
bonded an g u lar 4 0 , 90 et a l .
type 107. 6 = 0 . 7 - 0 .95
SiC alum ina (1980)
Erod­ 23-270 30, eroa. d ia. exp. S catter-
ent p m slin g er 50, = 0.667 fo r large good £
cry stal 90
size a n g u la r type 100, dia. and 2.0 for R outbort
silico n
alum ina 151 sm all d i a .. (1981)

23-270 T here e x i s t s a M arshall

p m 107 th resh o ld size et a l .
silico n 90
alum ina (= 2 7 p m ) (1981)
M orrison
p m slinger erod. dia . exp.
m u llite 100 15-90 et a l .
angular type = 0.68 - 0.83
alum ina
f AI 2 C 2 30
d t h sa me 100
E rod­ A l2° 3, s R is p ro p o rtio n al
ize Wada
ent 80 to the frac tu re
•5mm) &
Prop­ S i 3N4 , ha r a n e s s J toughness of the
erty bu t 30 erodent p a rtic le .
glass 3 ?nn


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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2.6 M aterial rem oval m odeling of b r i tt l e m ate ria ls

Im pact
E rosion T arget E rosion E quation
E rodent 'in g le a Com m ents R eference
M echanism s M aterial (R: single p article m aterial rem oval)
a) For sp h e rica l p a rtic le
( 3 m \ /2.4m\
R — k q l p m _2 V m _2
sp h erical sm all
Some c o rre la tio n fo r
H ertzian or b) For an g u lar p a rtic le S heldon
b r ittle the v e lo c ity exponent
cone an g u lar /3.6m-. / 2.4m-, & F in n ie
m aterials and p a rtic le rad iu s
crack in g rig id R = k 5 f p ( m- 2 >v( ni-2 * (1966)
ex p o n en t.
p a rtic le
m: ta r g e t m a te ria l flaw
d is tr ib u tio n param eter.
K4, K5: co n stan ts.

T h is equation was
r p‘l G 0 l V i | , l, 1-2
d eriv ed fo r low
Evans &
la te ra l K d 1 5 H d 0 *5 v e lo c ity erosion.
Cn b r ittle so lid W ilshaw
Oi cracking 90 Lack of s u ffic ie n t
m aterials p a rtic le G: shear m odulus of ta rg e t (1976)
experim ental
Kd: dynam ic fra c tu re tou g h n ess
v e rific a tio n .
Hd: dynam ic hardness

r 3 . 7 v 3 . 2 n 0.25
R oc FP V PP
la te ra l Some c o rre la tio n Evans
b r ittle so lid
90 K i: 1 3 II.s0 2 5
w ith experim ental e t a l .
crack in g m aterials p a rtic le
Kc: fra c tu re toughness d a ta . (1978)
Hs: q u a s i-s ta tic hardness

la te ra l b r ittle „ p l.2 H s0.11 E xperim ental v e r if i c ­ R uff &

so lid
90 a tio n by W iederhorn W iederhorn
crack in g m aterials p a rtic le
K c 1 3 & Hockey (1983) (1979)
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

T able 2 .6 M aterial rem oval m odeling of b r i tt l e m ate ria ls (co n tin u ed )

Im pact
E rosion T arget E ro sio n E quation
E rodent ^ngle a Com m ents R eference
M echanism s M aterial (R: single p a rtic le m aterial rem oval)
In teractio n
C o m p licated fo rm u latio n was o b tain ­
of H ertzian
ed. See the o rig in a l paper fo r
cone cracks sph erical M ehrotra
b r ittle 90 d e ta ils . A sim p lified equation is : Poor c o rre la tio n
due to t r i - rig id e t a l .
m aterials fo r n.
p let(3 cone p a rtic le R oc ( v 4 ' 5 - v04/5)n ( 1979)
Vo: th resh o ld p a rtic le v e lo c ity
form ation
n: co n stan t

p „ rp3.9v2.8pp1.4Hs0.48 O b ta in e d from dim en­ W iederhorn

b r i tt l e so lid
90 s io n a l a n a ly s is and & Hockey
m ate ria ls p a rtic le
K c>-9 e m p iric a l exponents (1983)
T h is m odel was o b t a i ­
R oc a t m £ ned by assum ing th e
Y c ra te r siz e is prop-
in te rg ra - so lid R itte r
ceram ics 90 a: g rain size tio n a l to th e p a rticle
n u lar p a rtic le (1985)
k i n e t i c e n e r g y . Good
cracking y: g rain boundary fra c tu re toughness
c o rre la tio n w ith
experim ental d ata.

la te ra l
crack in g p p D°-22Ea 6 7 v2-4d0-67
R = (l - f)Y4 P
h 0 56k 1c>-33
sp allin g Johansson
+ l z P ii” ME v -d In su ffic ie n t
due to b r i tt l e so lid
experim ental e t a l .
m ate ria ls p a rtic le 90
co n ical (1987)
I10 3 3 K ic2 v e r if ic a tio n .
in te ra c ­ f: fra c tio n
tio n Y4, Z4: g e o m e t r i c a l and s ta tis tic a l
facto rs
2.3 Sum m ary

The erosion m echanism s of ductile materials have been classified into seven cat­

egories: cutting, extrusion, micro-flaking (or deformation wear), secondary erosion,

m elting Ik splattering, em bedding, ripple formation & macro-flaking. In the event

of cutting, the im pacting particle displaces, along its trajectory, a portion of target

m aterial into a chip by shearing. This mechanism is usually associated with erodents

with sharp edges and relatively small im pact angles. For erodents with rounded edges

or large im pact angles, an extrusion mechanism is usually induced, where the target

m aterial is displaced to form a lip (or ridge). These lips (or ridges) remain attached

to the target surface, but are vulnerable to subsequent im pacts. In some cases, even

sharp erodents im pacting at small angles may result in ridges instead of chips (e.g.,

Tilly, 1969) due to the particle orientation. Impact by the flat face of a particle causes

little dam age (e.g., Smeltzer et al., 1970). A particle oriented with a large negative

rake angle tends to produce a lip while one with a positive or less negative rake angle

tends to produce a chip (e.g., H utchings, 1977). Therefore, both cutting and extru­

sion m echanism s often exist in a m ultiple particle erosion process. On the other hand,

the extrusion m echanism observed for single particle im pacts often transforms into

a micro-flaking (or so-called deformation wear) m echanism in the event of multiple

particle erosion, especially at large im pact angles. This is because overlapped impacts

produce highly strained regions where thin platelets spall off from the target surface

when a critical strain is reached (e.g. Rickerby & M acM illan, 1980). Some less signifi­

cant m aterial removal m echanism s include secondary erosion, m elting and splattering

and particle em bedm ent. Secondary erosion m echanism is due to th e secondary im­

pacts of particle fragments (e.g., Tilly, 1973). This mechanism becomes significant

when fragile and large size particles are used for erodent. A m elting and splattering

m echanism is caused by the local high temperature in the im m ediate impact zone.


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where the target and/or the particle material is m olten and m olten debris are ejected

(e.g. Smeltzer et al., 1970). Particle embedment produces m aterial removal only

when the em bedded particle is subsequently detached so that some bonded material

is removed (e.g., Smeltzer et al., 1970) or when the em brittled surface layer by the

particle em bedm ent is eventually fractured away (e.g., Ives & Ruff, 1979). Ripple for­

m ation is a very im portant erosion phenomenon. Ripples are often formed when the

erosion conditions include a relatively soft target m aterial (e.g., Stringer & Wright,

1987), a relatively small impact angle (e.g., Reddy & Sundararajan, 1986, v l l l ) or

a large stream impact angle with tangential flow com ponent (e.g., Rao et al., 1983).

A typical m aterial removal m echanism in a ripple form ation process is the forma­

tion and detachm ent of macro-flakes (torques) at the ripple crests (e.g., Brown et al.,

1981, v70). Formation of these macro-flakes (torques) is usually attributed to surface

plastic flow (e.g., Naerheim, 1985).

Parametric studies of ductile materials have been focused on the effects of these

five erosion parameters: impact angle, impact velocity, target m aterial properties,

erodent size, and erodent hardness. Various studies on ductile m aterial erosion have

shown a consistent trend in which the variation of erosion rate versus impact angle

is peaked at a relatively small impact angle (e.g., Finnie, 1658). This phenomenon

has been treated as a representative erosion behavior of a ductile material. As the

ductility of the target m aterial decreases, the angle associated with the peak erosion

rate shifts toward 90° (e.g., B itter, 1963, pl69; Lin & Shao, 1991). The effect of impact

velocity is usually represented by an exponential relation in which the erosion rate is

proportional to the impact velocity raised to a n-th power (n = velocity exponent).

T he values of the experim ental velocity exponent scatter within the range of 1.5 - 4.0.

The data collected in Table 2.2 give a mean value of 2.46 w ith a standard deviation

of 0.7. Different aspects of the effects of target m aterial properties on the erosion rate

have also been studied. Some general trends are that (1) the erosion rate increases


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with increasing target material hardness and decreasing ductility (e.g., Ambrosini &

Bahadur, 1987); (2) the erosion rate decreases as the value of the product C p A T (C:

specific heat, p: density and AT: tem perature rise above the m elting point) increases

(e.g., H utchings, 1975). A new parameter “Erosion Efficiency” , defined as the ratio

of the volum e removal to the volum e displaced, has been proposed by Sundararajan

et al. (1990, v l4 0 ) to account for the overall erosion resistance of the target material.

Studies on the effect of erodent size have revealed that the erosion rate increases with

increasing erodent size and there probably exists a transition erodent size at about

100 pm (e.g., Tilly, 1973). The trend of the erosion rate as a function of the erodent

hardness also exhibits a transition point where the ratio of target/erodent hardness

approaches unity and the erosion rate increases dram atically w ith increasing erodent


The m aterial removal models listed in Table 2.3 can be classified into two cat­

egories: cutting m odel and deformation wear m odel (failure at critical strain). All

the cutting m odels have been originated from or similar to F in n ie’s m odel (Finnie,

1958). The concept of deformation wear was first used by B itter (1963). Its physical

meaning was clarified in the subsequent modeling studies (e.g., H utchings, 1981; Sun­

dararajan, 1983). The cutting m odels are associated with sm all im pact angles while

the deformation wear models are associated with large im pact angles (m ost of them

with 90°). B itter’s model (1963) combined both the cutting and deformation wear to

give a better representation of the erosion trend for the im pact angle varying from 0

to 90°. All of these models give the values of the velocity exponent between 2 and

3. Target m aterial properties were included in the cutting m odels in terms of plastic

flow stress. In the deformation wear models, they are included in terms of specific

energy (e.g., B itter, 1963), hardness (e.g., Sheldon and Kanhere, 1972), critical strain

(e.g., Hutchings, 1981), and thermal properties (e.g., Sundararajan, 1983). Erodent

geometric parameters and erodent material properties were included in some models


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(e.g., H ashish, 1987), but neglected in the others (e.g., Finnie, 1958).

The erosion process of brittle materials is m ore com plex than that of ductile ma­

terials. The erosion m echanism s observed in the existing brittle m aterial erosion

studies have been classified into seven categories: (1) conical, radial and lateral crack

system , (2) intergranular and transgranular cracking, (3) ring fracture, (4) microchip-

ping, (5) plastic deform ation and m elting, (6) ripple form ation, and (7) m ixed mode

dam age. The conical, radial and lateral crack system is the m ost commonly ob­

served im pact dam ages on brittle m aterials. Its general appearance usually displays

a central plastic impression surrounded by conical, radial and lateral cracks though

some o f these dam ages are som etim es missed. It has been revealed that the conical

and radial cracks form during the loading period of th e p article/target interaction

while the lateral cracks form during the unloading period (e.g., Chaudhri and Walley,

1978). M aterial rem oval is usually due to lateral cracking. Such damages have been

primarily observed for normal (90°) im pacts. The m ajority of the target materials

used in these tests are glass or fine grain ceramics. Various erodent materials, sizes,

and types (angular or spherical) have been used in these tests. The impact velocity

was ranged from 37 m /s to 1000 m /s. Intergranular and transgranular cracks have

been observed on ceramics, especially coarse grain alum ina ceram ics (e.g., Ritter et

al., 1984). T hey have been observed for both large and sm all im pact angles. Ring

fracture dam age includes a m ain ring crack and m any short circum ferential fractures

(Bow den and Field, 1964). This type of damage is associated with impacts by softer

erodents. P lastic deformation has also been observed in m any im pact events of brit­

tle m aterials, involving both angular and rounded erodents. Ripple phenomenon was

absent in m ost erosion tests of brittle materials, but an exception was found on a

silica glass sam ple eroded by 1000 mesh SiC particle (Sheldon and Finnie, 1966).

E xisting param etric studies of brittle materials have revealed that the erosion rate

of brittle materials tends to peak at a large im pact angle. However, this behavior may


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change, under appropriate erosion conditions, into a typical ductile erosion behavior,

i.e., the erosion rate peaks at a small impact angle. Sheldon and Finnie (1966) have

provided such evidence, e.g., the erosion rate of a glass sample peaks at almost 901'

when using 127 iim SiC particles, but when 9 /im SiC particles were used, the peak

occurs at about 25°. In some cases, twin peaks have been observed on the erosion rate -

im pact angle curve (W ada and W atanabe, 1987). This m ay be due to a combination

of ductile and brittle erosion behavior. The velocity exponents listed in Table 2.5

give a m ean value of 2.66 with a standard deviation of 0.63. Very few parametric

studies have been conducted to study the effects of target m aterial properties of brittle

m aterials. In one recent study, Srinivasan and Scattergood (1988) disclosed that the

erosion rate increases as the target hardness decreases. The effect of erodent size has

been represented by an erodent diameter exponent. The data provided by Sheldon

and Finnie (1966, p393) give the mean value of the erodent diam eter exponents to be

3.45 with a standard deviation of 1.33. Other investigations have presented smaller

values of the erodent diameter exponents. The effect of erodent properties has been

studied by W ada (1991). Wada concluded that the erosion rate is proportional to the

fracture toughness of the erodent particle.

The brittle m aterial erosion models can be roughly classified into three types:

conical crack m odel, lateral crack model, and intergranular crack m odel. The Hertzian

cone crack m odel of Sheldon and Finnie (1966) was derived by evaluating the volume

of a spherical cap which is fractured by many Hertzian cone cracks. The critical step

in deriving the lateral crack models is to determine the depth of the lateral fracture

and the impression radius (e.g., Evans et al., 1978). The intergranular crack model of

R itter (1985) is an over-simplified m odel, which directly assumes the proportionality

between the crater size and the particle kinetic energy.


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T he m aterial removal process by a high pressure abrasive water jet is known as

a rapid erosion process. Although the information derived from the literature review

covers a board range o f erosion conditions and m aterials, no one has system atically

investigated the erosion process involved in a high velocity (up to 600 m /s ) abrasive

water jettin g condition. This chapter will present such an investigation.

3.1 A W J Erosion E xperim en t D escription

The experim ents were conducted in the University of Rhode Island Waterjet Lab­

oratory. A high pressure abrasive waterjet was generated with a 9X W A TER N IFEr'u

dual intensifier high pressure pump and a PA SER TA/ abrasive waterjet system . An

ASEA industrial robot was used to perform the traverse m otion. A 9 mm thick

sintered alum ina (A D 99.5) plate and a stainless steel (304) plate were used as the

target m aterials, respectively representing brittle and ductile m aterials. The erodent

particle was garnet abrasive (Barton Mine) of m esh No. 50 and 80, which has an

average diameters of 300 and 180 /tm, respectively. Three different erosion conditions

(sweeping, grooving and cutting) were used to generate the eroded surfaces. In the

sweeping and grooving tests two different configurations of the jet impingement an­

gles, 20° and 90° with respect to the target surface, were used as shown in Figure

3.1. In the cutting tests, the jet was set perpendicular to the sample surface (Figure

3.2). The cutting process was instantaneously interrupted to retain the cutting front,

which appears as a vertical groove on the side of the sam ple. The parameter settings

for these three erosion conditions are listed in Table 3.1. The differences of traverse


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AWJ Nozzle

T raverse
d irection


Figure 3.1 Experimental configurations used in sweeping and grooving erosion tests.

Figure 3.2 Experim ental configuration used in cutting tests.


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Table 3.1 Param eter settings of erosion tests.

E rosion C ondition Sw eeping G rooving C utting

T arget M aterial AD 9 9 . 5 SS 304 AD 99.5 AD 99.5 SS 304

Im pact A ngle (degree) 20 90 20 90 20 90 90

W ater Pressure ( MP a ) 241 207 241

O rifice D iam eter (mm) 0.457 0.457 0 .457

N ozzle D iam eter (mm) 3 .175 1.575 1.575

T raverse Speed (mm/s) 800 20 0.3 2

S tand-off D istance (mm) 1.5 1.5 1.5

A b rasiv e(g arn et) 180

300 (mesh 50) (m esh 80) 300 (mesh 50)
S ize ( pm)

A brasive Flow R ate (g/s) 3 7.56 11.34

W ater Flow R ate (g/s) 4.784 4.432 4.784

E stim ated P article

539 457 491
V elocity (m /s)*

* see A ppendix A.


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speed and abrasive flow rate should be noticed for these three erosion conditions. The

eroded sam ples were coated with carbon and then exam ined w ith a scanning electron


3.2 SEM O bservations

3.2.1 E rosion by Sw eeping

SS 304 Sam ple at 20° Impact Angle

A general im pression, given by Figure 3.3, is that a cutting mechanism dominates

the m aterial removal process. Figures 3.4 and 3.5 show two typical craters by cutting

actions. A partially enlarged view of the crater in Figure 3.5 (a) is shown in Figure

3.5 (b), indicating clear evidence of plastic flow and m elting (notice the string-like

frozen m etal). Sm all lips are seen on the side edges of the crater shown in Figure

3.4, im plicating a plowing action. However, absence of lips at the exit end of the

crater strongly suggests that majority of the crater m aterial is removed by a cutting

action. Figure 3.4 also shows som e micro-craters distributed around the main crater,

supporting the secondary erosion m echanism caused by the secondary impacts of

abrasive fragm ents. However, it appears that these micro-craters make negligible

contribution to the global m aterial removal as compared to that of the main crater.

Some abrasive fragm ents are evident in Figure 3.5. T hey adhere to the surface, but

not em bedded. Figure 3.6 shows two partially overlapped craters. Existence of the

the first crater (on the left) does not change the cutting action of the second im pact.

The upper portion of Figure 3.7 and an enlarged view in Figure 3.8 show a raised lip

at the exit end of the crater, indicating existence of an extrusion m echanism , probably

caused by a rounded face of an abrasive particle. T he center of Figure 3.7 and its

enlarged view (Figure 3.9) show a m essy crater. Its dam age m echanism s are probably

due to the im pact of a severely fractured abrasive particle on an existing crater.


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Figure 3.3 A cutting mechanism dom inates the m aterial removal process of SS 304.

(x 95, im pact angle = 20°)

Figure 3.4 A typical crater observed on the SS 304 sample,

(x 310, impact angle = 20")


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Figure 3.5 A typical crater observed on the SS 304 sample, ((a) x 125 and its enlarged

view (b) x 1900, im pact angle = 20°)


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Figure 3.6 Two partially overlapped craters observed on the SS 304 sam ple,

(x 310, im pact angle = 20°)

Figure 3.7 A raised lip at the exit end of the crater observed on the SS 304 sam ple.

(x l9 0 , im pact angle = 20")


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Figure 3.8 An enlarged view of the raised lip shown in Figure 3.7.

(x 310, im pact angle = 20°)

Figure 3.9 An enlarged view of the m essy crater shown in the center of Figure 3.7.

(x 1260, impact angle = 20°)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
SS 304 Sample at 90° Impact Angle

Figure 3.10 shows that m ajority of the craters were created by an indentation

m echanism . Shown in Figure 3.11 is a conventional indentation crater. No m ate­

rial removal is resulted. However, overlapping of such damage m ay eventually cause

m aterial loss in the form of flaking (deformation wear) when the critical strain is

reached. T he upper left portion of Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.12 show another inden­

tation crater. Some grooving traces remaining on the left hand side of the crater

evidences inward m otion of the im pacting particle. On the right hand side, it can be

seen that a large portion of m etal has been raised. In some situations, such raised

portions might have been fractured away (See the two craters at the lower portion of

Figure 3.10, also Figure 3.13). An enlarged view of area A in Figure 3.13 shows some

small dimples (indicated by an arrow), characteristic of ductile fracture. Shown in

Figure 3.14 is a plastic impression created by a particle oriented at its longitudinal

dim ension. Particle em bedm ent is a very common occurance. Figure 3.15 shows an

exam ple. Besides, Figure 3.15 shows that the edge of the crater has been fractured

away. Secondary erosion is also evident in Figures 3.10 and 3.14.

AD 99.5 Sample at 20° Impact Angle

A typical crater is seen in Figure 3.16. It appears that the particle was sliding on

the surface. Many fragments are observed around the crater. This m ay be traced back

to the specimen preparation process which includes grinding and polishing. These

processes tends to yield a top layer of the target surface with some crushed grains.

The im pact of the particle caused loosening of these crushed grains. Some grain

boundary cracking also accompanies the im pact. An interesting feature of this crater

is the feather-like surface marks forming an array on both sides of the crater with a

unique angle. A closer look of these surface marks (Figure 3.16 (b )) suggests that

they were caused by plastic flow. Shown in Figure 3.17 (a) and (b) are another impact

site and its enlarged view, respectively. Surface fragments are observed. They may


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Figure 3.10 M ajority of the craters on the SS 304 sample were created by an inden­

tation action, (x 430, impact angle = 90°)

Figure 3.11 A typical indentation crater observed on the SS 304 sam ple,

(x 190, impact angle = 90°)


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Figure 3.12 An indentation crater on the SS 304 sam ple shows inward grooving traces

and raised material, (x 1900, im pact angle = 90°)

Figure 3.13 An indentation crater on the SS 304 sample shows evidence of ductile

fracture, (x 310 and x 1900, im pact angle = 90°)


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Figure 3.14 A plastic impression on the SS 304 sam ple due to a longitudinal im pact,

(x 190, im pact angle = 90°)

Figure 3.15 An indentation crater on the SS 304 sample with particle fragments

em bedded, (x 310, impact angle = 90°)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Figure 3.16 Overall appearance (a, x 490) and a partially enlarged view (b, x 2500)

of a typical crater observed on the AD 99.5 sample, (im pact angle = 20°)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.


Figure 3.17 Overall appearance (a, x 240) and a partially enlarged view (b, x 970) of

a crater due to an erasing action, observed on the AD 99.5 sample.

(im pact angie = 20°)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
be caused by an erasing action, in which the im pact particle slides over the surface,

loosening and rolling the crushed grains on the top layer of the surface. Since this

sample is covered with a top layer of crushed grains due to the polishing process

in sam ple preparation, the observations here m ay not be true for the body material

erosion where whole grains are exposed.

AD 99.5 Sample at 90° Impact Angle

An impact crater is shown in Figure 3.18. A piece of m aterial was dug out, which

is com posed of small or crushed grains. At the bottom of the crater, as shown in

Figure 3.18 (b), clear evidences of plastic flow and m elting are observed. Another

such exam ple is shown in Figure 3.19. Figures 3.20 (a) and (b) show two other impact

sites, where plastic flow is not observed, but pieces of small (or crushed) grains are

still evident. Similarly, the small (or smashed) grain phenom enon observed on this

sample m ay not be applicable to the body m aterial erosion. However, the information

on the impact induced plastic flow is of interest.

3.2.2 Erosion by G rooving

AD 99.5 Sample at 90° Impact Angle

Grooving tests were done on AD 99.5 samples only. A traverse speed much lower

than that in sweeping tests was used. A shallow groove, as shown in Figure 3.21 (a)

and (b), was formed on the eroded sample. The general m orphology of the eroded

surface is shown in Figure 3.22 (a) and (b). The “rock-eandy” appearance suggests

that the grain boundary cracking is the failure m echanism (T he cracks appearing on

the grain facets in Figure 3.22 (b) are cracks on the carbon coating). Also shown is

some m essy material, which is probably deformed grains. Individual craters are not

distinguishable on the groove surface due to overlapping of craters. However, some

isolated craters and semi- craters are evident on the edge of the groove (Figures 3.23

(a) and (b )), which support the intergranular cracking m echanism .


with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Figure 3.18 Overall appearance (a, x 500) and a partially enlarged view (b, x 1500)

of a crater observed on the AD 99.5 sample, (im pact angle = 90")


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Figure 3.19 Overall appearance (a, x 340) and a partially enlarged view (b, x 990) of

a crater observed on the AD 99.5 sam ple, (im pact angle = 90°)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
( b)

Figure 3.20 Two fractured craters (a) & (b) observed on the AD 99.5 sample

(x 490, impact angle = 90°)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Figure 3.21 Top view (a, x 33) and side view (b, x 40) of the groove created on the

AD 99.5 sam ple, (impact angle = 90°)

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Figure 3.22 General m orphology of the groove surface on the AD 99.5 sam ple,

(a, x 1500, k b, xlOOO, im pact angle = 90°)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Figure 3.23 Some isolated craters and semi-craters observed on the edge of the groove

of the AD 99.5 sample, (a, x 290 & b, x 860, im pact angle = 90°)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
AD 99.5 Sample at 20° Impact Angle

Figure 3.24 (a) shows the general damage pattern on the central area of the eroded

surface, where numerous pits are randomly distributed. Figure 3.24(b) shows that the

distribution density of pits is fading towards the exit edge of the groove. Figures 3.25

(a) and (b) reveal that these pits are actually individual craters. Again, the failure

was caused by intergranular cracking. Some deformed grains are also present. The

craters have approxim ately semi-spherical shape and the num ber of grains forming a

crater is of the order of 5. It is interesting to note that these craters do not elongate

along the projected particle im pact direction or any other directions.

3.2.3 Erosion by C u ttin g

SS 304 Sample

Figures 3.26 shows the eroded surface on the top (a), m iddle (b) and bottom area

(c) of the vertical groove on the SS 304 sample. T hey uniquely dem onstrate cutting

action due to abrasive particles im pacting at a glancing angle in respect to the eroded

surface. A chip formed by a cutting action can be seen in Figure 3.27.

AD 99.5 Sample

The overall appearance of the vertical groove on the AD 99.5 sample is shown

in Figure 3.28 (a) (whole view ) and (b) (upper portion). B y scanning through the

groove, similarly, it was found that the surface m orphology appears identical for ma­

jority of the groove, as evident in Figure 3.29. The erosion mechanism is primarily

intergranular cracking, accompanied by some transgranular cracking and some plas­

tically deforming actions. Figure 3.30 (a) exhibits all of these features. Area A is

obviously due to intergranular cracking while an isolated transgranularly fractured

grain is seen in area B. Area C and its enlarged view in Figures 3.30 (b) and (c) show

a scratching trace, where plastic flow and m elting are evident. Figure 3.31 shows

the very top edge of the groove, where more grain facets are exposed, indicating


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:'■ '.. " j : -- ■ *> • ' , - y A

v - ■ ' ■ .■ : - •■ • •> ^

> 0 i- 040k / 250F


Figure 3.24 General damage pattern on the centered area (a, x 160) and the exit edge

(b, x 40) of the eroded AD 99.5 sample, (im pact angle = 20°)


Reproduced with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission
Figure 3.25 Two individual craters observed on the A D 99.5 sam ple,

(x 840, impact angle = 20°)


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
(c )

Figure 3.26 The top (a), m iddle (b) and bottom (c) areas on the vertical groove of

the cut SS 304 sam ple, (x 200)


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Figure 3.27 A chip formed by a cutting action observed on the cut SS 304 sample.

(x 500)

0 5 0k % ge& F

Figure 3.28 The vertical groove on the cut AD 99.5 sample, fa) T h e whole view (x

1.5); (b) The upper portion (x 50)


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(c )

Figure 3.29 The top (a), m iddle (b) and bottom (c) areas on the vertical groove of

the cut AD 99.5 sample, (x 500)


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(b) (c)

Figure 3.30 (a) Evidence of integranular cracking (area A ), transgranular cracking

(area B ), and scratching trace (area C) on the cut AD 99.5 sam ple, (x 500); (b, x

1400) & (c, x 4500) show enlarged views of area C.


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29 . 0 V 49 6

Figure 3.31 The very top edge of the vertical groove of the cut AD 99.5 sample,

(x 500)


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dom ination of intergranular cracking due to large angle im pacts.

H ashish’s(1988, p l5 9 ) visualization experim ents revealed that sequential steps

were developed on the cutting front, which distinguish the upper zone as a steady-

state cutting zone and the lower one an unsteady-state cutting zone. To verify this

phenom enon, the AD 99.5 sample obtained under the cutting condition was cut into

halves along the cutting front. Figure 3.32 shows that steps, indicated by arrows, do

exist on the cutting front.

3.3 C onclusions and D iscu ssion s

D uctile m aterials such as stainless steel 304 exhibit primarily a cutting m echanism

for low im pact angles. Other mechanisms such as plowing, extrusion, secondary

erosion by particle fragm ents occur on a minor scale. Under large impact angles,

surface dam age includes indentation, edge fracture, particle em bedm ent and some

secondary erosion. The m aterial removal is probably caused by flaking at a critical

strain (deform ation wear) or instantaneous edge fracture.

The m ost pronounced im pact damage on ceramic m aterials such as AD 99.5 is

intergranular cracking, applicable to both cases of normal im pacts and low incidence

im pacts. Transgranular cracking occurs in some individual grains, which does not

affect the dom ination of intergranular cracking m echanism . P lastic flow and m elting

occur at the im m ediate im pact site.

The steps observed on the cutting front of the AD 99.5 sample resemble those

observed by H ashish(1988, p .159) on glass, Lexan and Lucite samples. However,

H ashish’s conclusion that these steps lead to large angle im pacts is questionable. To

explain this point, a typical jet/ta rg et interface is illustrated in Figure 3.33. Direct

impact of the original jet only covers the top portion of the cutting front, below

which secondary and tertiary im pacts of the deflected jet occur. Therefore, the entire


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Im p ac t

steps Tertiary
Im pact

Figure 3.33 The entire cutting front is

im pacted by the original je t or the

deflected jet at glancing angles.

Figure 3.32 Steps (indicated by arrows) formed on the profile of the cutting front of

the cut AD 99.5 sample, (x 20)


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cutting front is im pacted by the jet at low incidence angles, except the very top

edge where, as the jet advances into the material, im pacts at large angles occur, as

shown in Figure 3.31. The existence of the steps slightly changes the local curvature

of the cutting front. However, impacts at these steps are clearly not due to large

angle incidence. Actually, this step phenomenon is very sim ilar in form to the ripple

phenomenon observed by Finnie and Kabil(1965, p .60) and m any others. Both the

steps and the ripples develop under low incidence erosion conditions. They both move

downstream as erosion proceeds. Although most of the ripple phenomena have been

observed for ductile m aterials, this does not eliminate the possibility of its occurrence

for brittle m aterials under appropriate conditions. For instance, according to Sheldon

and Finnie(1966), ripples were observed on silica glass eroded by 1000 mesh SiC

particle. T he m echanism of ripple formation has been m ainly attributed to plastic

flow of surface m aterial(Brown & Edington (1982, v. 79), Naerheim (1985, v. 105),

Carter et al. (1980), which is obviously not the case for most brittle materials. Finnie

and I<abil(1965, p .60) proposed that ripples are initiated from a surface with random

roughness. This surface can be described by an infinite series of sinusoidal waves for

which an optim um wavelength corresponding to the m axim um growth rate exists.

The wave with this optim um wavelength eventually grows and produces a ripple

pattern. This theory is based on a ductile material removal m odel and thus may not

be applied to brittle materials.

Based on Figure 3.32 and the results of Hashish’s visualization experim ents, the

following hypothesis (illustrated in Figure 3.34) is developed to explain the step phe­

nomenon in abrasive waterjet cutting. As the jet advances into the workpiece from

the right angle edge, a sm ooth cutting front is developed and continuously grows

in size until the rear side of the jet arrives on the edge of workpiece (Figure 3.34

(a)). During this stage, the entire cutting front is directly im pacted by the origi­

nal jet. This stage corresponds to the so-called “steady-state” interface observed by


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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Jet Traverse Direction


a . Sm ooth cutting b . S u d d en c h a n g e c. The ste p grow s a n d d . Next cy c le of e. Next ste p forms

front Im p a c te d of curvature m oves d o w nstream . curvature a n d m oves
by th e original d u e to different c h a n g e starts. d o w nstream
Jet. erosion ra te - again.
Initiation of step.

Figure 3.34 A hypothesis for the step form ation in AWJ cu ttin g processes.
H ashish(1988, p. 159). As the jet moves inward further, the area behind the rear

side of the jet is exposed to the secondary im pact by the deflected jet, resulting in a

sudden change in the material removal rate. As a result, the curvature of the cutting

front also has a sudden change (Figure 3.34 (b )). This is the initialization of a step.

Then, the step tends to grow because the inner-most layer of the jet is deflected away

by the front side of the step and becomes a protecting layer for the rest of the step.

However, as the step grows into a certain height, it is exposed to a greater flux of

erosive m edium and its top side begins to erode. B y then, a m ature and stable step is

formed. As the m aterial on the front side o f the step is rem oved, the step appears to

m ove downstream (Figure 3.34 (c)). During the process of step growth and m oving

downstream , another cycle of curvature change will start trailing the jet (Figure 3.34

(d )). However, the next step does not im m ediately follow the previous one. The

reason for this is probably due to the “gouging” effect which often occurs in a pipe

bend. Since the jet is confined by the larger curvature of the step, similar to the bend

profile, the region at the front of the step experiences an optim um erosion condition,

which elim inates the possibility of curvature change. As the step m oves downstream

for a certain distance, far enough to isolate the optim um erosion condition, another

cycle of curvature change starts and leads to the formation of another step, which

again grows and m ove downstream (Figure 3.34 (e)).

Based on the SEM observations and the analysis above, it is concluded that the

AWJ cutting condition is associated with abrasive particle im pacts at glancing angles,

regardless of the type of the target materials. M icrocutting is the sole erosion m ech­

anism for ductile m aterials. Ceramic material removal is due m ainly to intergranular

cracking and plastic flow. Sequential steps are formed on the cutting front trailing the

directly im pacted region by the original jet. However, these steps do not significantly

change the im pact angles and thus the low incidence erosion m echanisms continue to

dom inate.


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4.1 A n E la sto -P la stic M odeling Approach A pplied to B rittle M aterials

As revealed in Chapter 3, the erosion mechanisms o f polycrystalline ceramics are

due to intergranular cracking and plastic flow. Usually, ceramics have much higher

resistance to plastic deformation than most metals because much fewer slip planes

exist in ceramics than in m etals. However, in the event of a high velocity im pact, the

localized pressure at the im m ediate impact site reaches a very high value so that even

a ceramic will exhibit certain degree of plasticity. Furthermore, the heat generated

from initial plastic deformation is confined to the local zone because of the poor

conductivity of ceramics, which, in turn, produces a softening or even melting effect

and encourages plastic flow.

The cause of intergranular cracking is not so apparent. A large quantity of studies

on solid particle im pacts of brittle materials in the literature have revealed impact

damage in the form of Hertzian cone, radial and lateral cracks, which resembles the

quasi-static indentation or scratching damage. The existing m aterial removal models

for brittle m aterials have been derived based on quasi-static assumptions. However,

another typ e of im pact dam age has also been reported. Intergranular chipping with­

out evidence of radial or lateral cracks for alumina ceramics has been observed by

Ritter et al. (1984), Ritter (1985), Ritter et al. (1986), Ritter et al. (1987, p 55-l),

Wada et al. (1988, p l l3 ) , Graham & Ball (1989), as evident in Figure 4.1. High

velocity im pacts by deformable projectiles such as lead, nylon, liquid produce a dam­

age m orphology such as that shown in Figure 4.2, characteristic of many short and

discrete circum ferential fractures (Bowden & Field, 1964, Evans & Wilshaw, 1977,


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Figure 4.1 Scanning electron micrograph of isolated impact site on sintered alumina

(N o. 46 grit, 75 m /s). (A ) bar = 45 fim, (B) bar = 15 fim. (after Ritter et al., 1984)

Figure 4.2 Circumferential cracks outside a central undamaged zone produced by the

im pact of a compressible projectile, (a) Interference reflected light micrograph, (b)

polarized reflected light micrograph, (after Evans et al., 1978)


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Evans et al., 1978). Figure 4.3 shows orthogonal sections through ZnS targets im ­

pacted by W C and glass projectiles (Evans et al., 1978). Though the conical, radial

and lateral cracks are similar in form to the traditional quasi-static indentation dam­

ages, the fractures are more intense and these cracks tend to intersect and form a

network. A subsurface microfracture zone is also present. Figure 4.4 (after Summers

et al., 1991) shows a crater formed on a glass target by a particle entrained in an

abrasive w aterjet (directly pum ped). The appearance of the fracture surface is dif­

ferent from the lateral chipping morphology. It is probably formed by coalesce o f a

number of discrete fractures. All these phenom ena strongly suggest the existence of

a m echanism in which discrete fractures occur sim ultaneously in the vicinity of the

impact site. T hese discrete fractures m ay eventually coalesce to form a crack network

and thus result in material removal.

This typ e of im pact damage resembles the dam age in an explosive loading condi­

tion. Figure 4.5 (after Kolsky, 1963) shows that the fracture pattern in a “Perspex”

cone produced by detonation of 0.4 g lead azide. A surface crater was formed at

the site of detonation (the center of the cone base) while the tip of the cone was

fractured off. It has been indicated that if the specim en is large enough, the surface

crater will be the only damage. The surface crater consists of a very large number of

m inute hair-like cracks radiating from the seat of the charge. This damage has been

attributed to stress pulses. Since the duration of the stress pulses is so short, any

cracks formed will not be able to propagate, and, instead of running cracks, a large

number of discrete fractures occur and coalesce to form a continuous but irregular

fracture surface, which is analogous to cavitation in a liquid.

Due to the similarity of the network-type im pact dam age and explosive dam age,

connection of the network-type im pact damage m echanism to the stress wave induced

fractures is natural. Elastic half-space theory has proven the existence of three types

of elastic w aves, compressive wave (P-w ave), shear wave (S-w ave) and Rayleigh wave


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400 um :' / ' ■ '••'o 4
i^ Y ,- i

8 0 0 fim

Figure 4.3 O ptical reflected light micrographs of orthogonal sections through ZnS
targets im pacted by WC and glass projectiles, (a) The extent of the radial and lateral
fracture (parallel to the surface) for a W C projectile target; (b) the same im pact, but
highlights the formation of lateral cracks from radial cracks (e.g. at arrowed location);
(c) the exten t of the radial and lateral fracture for a glass projectile impact; (d) the
same as (c) but indicating the zone of microfracture (arrowed) beneath the center of
im pact, (after Evans et al., 1978)

Figure 4.4 Dam age from a DIA jet

particle im pact on glass, (x 1 0 0 0 )

(after Summers et al., 1991)

Figure 4.5 Fractures in a ‘Perspex’ cone produced by 0.4 g of lead azide. (actual size)

(after Kolsky, 1963)


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(R-wave) in the event of a dynam ic point loading on a half-space. The P-wave and

S-wave propagate radially outward from the source along hemi-spherical wave front

while the R-wave propagates radially outward on a cylindrical w avefront. The P-wave

is a longitudinal (or dilatational) wave and the S-wave is a transverse (or distortional)

wave. The wave w ith the highest velocity is the dilatational. Its velocity is expressed

as (Kolsky, 1963, p60):

Cl C° \ l ( l + v ) ( l - 2 v ) (4-1)
where C„ is the velocity of longitudinal waves in a thin rod and is expressed as:

Co = J - (4.2)
The velocity of the distortional waves is given by (Kolsky, 1963, p60):

a‘ = ci w ^ ) ( 4 -3 )

There is no an explicit expression that describes the exact solution for the Rayleigh

wave velocity. An approximate expression is given as (Graff, 1975, p326):

= y * (4.4)
l + v
For Poisson’s ratio v = 0.2, it is obtained that C-y/Cy — 0.612, C n / C 2 = 0.912,

and for v = 0.25, C2/ C x = 0.577, C R/ C 2 = 0.920.

As they propagate outward, the waves encounter a rising volum e of material and

therefore, the energy density as well as the displacement am plitude decrease as the

travel distance (r) increases. The energy density as a function of travel distance is

called geometrical damping law, which is 1/r for P-waves or S- waves and l / y f r for

R-waves (W oods, 1968).

The partition of energy among these three types of waves have been computed by

Miller and Pursey (1956) and well illustrated by W oods (1968) in Figure 4.6.


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circular footing

/v \

SHEAR WAVE r ela tiv e a m p litu d e

> £ £ ^ p RESS10N
w indow

Figure 4.6 Stress wave pattern and energy partition, (after W oods, 1968)


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The P-wave arrives before the S-wave and R-wave. Since it passes as a compressive

pulse (p ositive), it only causes fracture under certain condition (such as when the

wave front expands rapidly causing radial tensions). In contrast, since tensile pulse

(negative) is associated with the wave front of the S-wave and R-wave, these two

types of stress waves have greater destructiveness.

A photoelastic experim ent on an explosively loaded glass specim en, conducted by

Bowden Sz Field (1964), has revealed that fractures are in itiated closely behind the

S- wave, probably on the arrival of the R-wave.

In summary, the proposed elasto-plastic model applied to im pact erosion of brittle

materials includes two com ponents of material removal. One of them is caused by

plastic flow at the im m ediate im pact site. The m aterial removal com ponent due to

plastic flow (P),) can be evaluated with existing ductile erosion m odels. The other

component o f m aterial removal is due to network cracking caused by impact induced

stress waves. T he material removal component due to network cracking (V/) will be

evaluated w ith a crack network m odel derived in the following section. The total

material removal due to a single impact (V ) is thus expressed as:

V = Vp + Vf (4.5)

4.2 A Crack N etw ork M odel

The stress wave energy is dissipated in two ways: fracture and internal friction.

The partition of the stress wave energy between these two dissipating mechanisms is

still not known. In this study it is assumed that a constant fraction /,„ of the stress

wave energy is converted into the fracture energy in the process of forming the crack

network. It is further assumed that the crack network is formed by separate fractures

aiong the grain boundaries, and is modeled by a cluster of cubic ceils of size a (a =


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grain size or flaw distribution param eter) as shown in Figure 4.7. T he total surface

area of fractures, 2 A j , can be calculated from:

2 A f = (6 a2) N (4.6)

where N is the number of grains w ithin the fractured volum e. The cubic cellular m odel

of crack network can then be analyzed by introducing a “Crack D ensity Function” :

D* = <4 J )

where Vj is the fractured volum e due to a single impact w ith the cubic network model

expressed as:

Vf = a:iN (4.8)

From Equations 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8:

Dc = - (4.9)


2A j = - V f (4.10)

The fracture energy required to form a crack surface of 2 A f can then be expressed


W c = 2 A n = — Vf (4.11)

where 7 is the fracture energy per unit area of target material.

The total fracture surface energy is assumed to be a fraction (/,„) of the total

stress wave energy (W ). Thus, the volum e removal due to fractures is solved to be:


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Figure 4.7 Idealized crack network m odel.


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where the total stress wave energy (W ) needs to be determined. The stress wave

energy will be evaluated in the following two sections for the two cases of normal

im pact and low incidence im pact.

4.3 N orm al Im pact M odeling

4.3.1 Stress W ave E nergy E valuation

The total energy absorbed by the target during impact can be expressed in terms of

the plastic deformation energy, stress wave energy, and residual energy. The plastic

deformation energy is dissipated in plastic work transferring into heat and stored

energy in the form of residual strain. The stress wave energy transm its into the

body of the target m aterial and is dissipated by fractures and internal friction. The

residual energy is the balance of the total input energy. It is partially dissipated

by the fragmentation of the particle and the rest becomes the kinetic energy of the

rebounding particle or particle fragments.

The propagation of stress waves in an isotropic elastic half space due to a point

load was first investigated by Lam b(1904). In a subsequent investigation, Miller

and Pursey(1954, 1956) studied wave propagation in: (a) an infinitely long strip of

finite width vibrating normal to the free surface; (b) an infinitely long strip of finite

width vibrating parallel to the free surface and normal to the axis of the strip; (c) a

circular disc of finite radius vibrating normal to the free surface; (d) a circular disc

of finite radius rotating about its central axis on the free surface. Utilizing Miller

and Pursey’s result for case (c), Hunter(1957) derived the elastic stress wave energy

produced by a normal particle impact on a half space. H unter’s equation was modified

by H utchings(1979, p 1819) to include the elasto-plastic im pact. Cole and Huth(1958)


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derived the stresses and displacem ents produced by a m oving line load over an elastic

half-space. Eringen and Sam uels(1959) extended the investigation to a slightly curved

elastic half space. A three-dimensional stress wave propagation m odel was derived

by Chao(1960) for the cases of a tangential and by Chao et al. (1961) for a vertical

point load on an elastic half space. The radiation patterns induced by a horizontally

applied stress on an elastic half-space was studied by Cherry(1962).

The stress wave energy derivations for normal im pact by Hunter (1957) and by

H utchings(1979, p l8 1 9 ) are reviewed in this section. In H unter’s m odel, it was as­

sum ed that a circular area of radius 7V is uniformly acted by a transient pressure

pulse of arbitrary profile P (t). The stress wave energy was equated to the work done

by P (t) and calculated with the integral:

W = (4.13)

The expression for surface displacement u, derived by Miller and Pursey (1954),

was applied to evaluate the m ean surface displacement u.

For a pulse of the form of:

m = j|j I I fc (4.14)

the integral above was evaluated to be:

* = ( 4 - 1 5 )

where £(i/) is a function of the P oisson’s ratio (i/). Its value is 0.5324 for v = 1 /4 and

0.415 forv = 1 / 3 (Hunter, 1957). Co is the velocity of longitudinal waves in a thin

rod, as expressed in Equation 4.2.

The Hertz theory of impact was applied to derive the approximate expression of

the pressure pulse for the case of a particle of mass m im pacting on an infinitely large

specim en, yielding:


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t(t\ - / ~™-Z0u 20 cosu;0t, |t| < t / 2 u „
m ~ I 0, |(| > ir/2w0 <U 6 >

_ .15 . 2^5 1 —v 2 1 —v 2
~ i6 m ii’ g = ~ E ~ +- ^ r (4ir)

lu0 = 1 .068^ - (4.18)


W ith Equation 4.14 replaced by Equation 4.16, the stress wave energy transm itted

into the specim en was obtained to be:

( - )

r = 1.068=(1 + „ ) ( i - j £ ) i ( l ? ) l c ( „ ) (4.20)

Equation 4.19 was further expressed as the ratio of stress wave energy vs total

input energy, i.e.:

W , 2 t v ~’
. 2 = = , , . (4-21)

Equation 4.21 is valid when the Love criterion is satisfied, i.e., (v j C „ y ^ < < 1 .

For im pacts at a velocity high enough to cause plastic deform ation, as pointed out

by H utchings (1979, p l8 1 9 ), the pressure pulse will not accurately represented by

H ertz’s equation. Hutchings derived a new expression for the pressure pulse in the

case of elastic/p lastic im pact, based on the assum ption that the loading phase of the

im pact is perfectly plastic while the unloading phase is purely elastic. The half pulse

of the perfect-plastic loading was expressed by:


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f ( t ) = F0sinujpt, 0 < t < tv / 2 u p (4.22)


“' =7vlr
r p V 2 Pp (4'24)
Since the force level must be continuous at the point of transition from loading

to unloading and, as proven by Hunter(1957), the elastic force history can be ap­

proxim ately expressed by a sinusoidal function of tim e, the half pulse of the elastic

unloading was assum ed to be:

/( « ) = F„cosw,(t - £ - ) , < i < | ( - i + i ) (4.25)

where u;R = u p/ e .

T he pulse expressions 4.22 and 4.25 were used in evaluating the integral 4.14,



1+ e

a (e ) is a dim ensionless function of the coefficient of restitution (e) and has been

num erically evaluated by Hutchings (1979, p l8 1 9 ).

Based on Equation 4.26, the ratio of stress wave energy vs total input energy was

determined as:

4 / \ >/ w 1 + v 1 - V 2 • 47TV/6 P p ,H d 3 / A rt o \
Ar = a e ) C ( v ) — - ( - ----- — — )2 ( 4 -2 8 )
1+ e 1 - Iv L* p pp


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Since the im pact velocity associated with the present study is high enough to

produce plastic deformation, H utchings’ equation will be used in the m odel proposed

in this investigation with the following modifications:

(1) An empirical coefficient f e is introduced here to account for the effect of e in

H utching’s equation.

(2) A function of Poisson’s ratio 77( 1/) is defined as:

tj( u ) = CM (1 + (4.29)

(3) The relation C0 = y E / p is used.

Finally Equation 4.28 can be rewritten as:

J L = Ar = / „ , M ( ^ ) * ( § ) t (4.30)
“ 7TIV pp L

4.3.2 M aterial R em oval M odel

The volum e removal due to plastic flow for normal incidence is evaluated with

B itter’s m odel(Bitter, 1963, p5 & p l6 9 ),

v, = (4.3D

where K is the threshold impact velocity at which the elastic lim it is just reached. It

is expressed as:

( 4 -3 2 )

The volume removal due to fracture is evaluated by introducing Equation 4.31

into 4.13, yielding

_ (4.33)
127 pp £/


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The total volum e removal for a single impact at normal incidence is obtained as:

= p , Hd a m(v - K f
27 KE ' 2e v ‘ '

4.3.3 V erification w ith Erosion E xperim ents

In order to verify Equation 4.34, a group of sintered alumina ceramics, AD 99.9,

AD 99.5, AD 96, AD 94, AD 90, and AD 85 are used as the target materials. The

m echanical and physical properties of these ceramics are listed in Table 4.1.

The erosion experim ents are conducted with the abrasive water jet system at the

University of Rhode Island Waterjet Lab. W ith a water pressure of 241 M Pa and

a jewel orifice of 0.457 mm in diameter, a water flow rate of 95.9 g /s is generated.

Garnet abrasive particles of mesh no. 50 (pp = 4000 k g / m 3) are entrained into the

w aterjet with a flow rate of 16.2 g /s . The velocity of the entrained abrasive particles

is estim ated to be 479 m /s (see Appendix A). The abrasive water jet exits from a

tungsten carbide nozzle of 1.575 mm in diameter, which is set up to be normal to the

specimen with a stand-off distance of 1.5 mm.

Prior to the abrasive erosion experim ents, a plain water erosion experiment is

conducted, to determ ine the effect of plain waterjet on the m aterial removal. The

same experim ental conditions as those for the abrasive erosion are set up except no

abrasive feeding. The plain water jet impinges on the specimens with a traverse

speed of 20 m m /s. The weight losses of the specim ens are determined by means of

a weighing scale w ith resolution up to 0.001 gram. The cutting tim e is calculated

by measuring the traverse speed and the cutting length on the specimen. Then the

water consum ption in the cutting period can be calculated with cutting tim e and the

water flow rate. The ratio of the specimen weight loss to the water consumption is

defined to be the erosion ratio. The resulting erosion ratios from the water erosion

experiment are listed in Table 4.1. It appears that water alone can hardly erode the


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Table 4.1 Properties of alumina ceramics.

A lu m in a C e r a m i c s AD85 AD90 AD94 AD96 A D 9 9 .5 A D 9 9 .S R e f.

Density P (kg/m3 ) 3410 3600 3700 3720 3890 3960 [1]

Range 2-12 2-1 0 2-25 2 -20 5 -50 1 -6 [1]

G ra in S i z e a
(pm )
A verage 6 4 12 11 17 3 [1]

M o du lus of Elasticity E (GPa) 221 276 303 303 372 386 [1]

P o i s s o n ’s R a tio v 0 .2 2 0.2 2 0 .21 0.21 0 .2 2 0 .2 2 [1]

H ardness, Knoop 1000g (G P a) 9 .4 1 0 .4 1 1 .5 1 0 .7 14.1 1 5 .2 [1]

T e n s il e S t r e n g th (Mpa) 155 221 193 193 262 310 [1]

C om pressive S t r e n g th (MPa) 1930 2482 2103 2068 2620 3792 [1]

[4 1
F r a c tu re T o u g h n e s s K (M P a m) 2 .9 8 3 .0 6 3 .0 9 [2 ] 3.31 4 .0 8 4 .4 4 [3 ]

F ra c tu r e E n e r g y Y (J/m 2 ) 1 7 .0 1 5 .8 1 8 .1 2 2 .4 2 5 .5 *
20 .1

W at. E ro s.(x 0 .00001) 0 .2 2 1.6 4 3 .5 4 0 .6 5 1.84 0 .2 5

9 0 d e g . Abr. Eros.1 5 .2 7 0 .2 4 1.81 1.4 4 2 .1 2 0 .2 7

E r o sio n
9 0 d e g . Abr. Eros. 2 5 .1 0 0.51 2 .3 2 1 .6 2 2 .3 8 0 .1 3
R atios

2 0 d e g . Abr. Eros.1 1 .9 7 6 0.2 6 6 1 .5 6 7 0 .7 3 4 1.8 7 2 0.0 9 6


(X 0 .001) 2 0 d e g . Abr. Eros. 2 2 .1 8 9 0.4 9 5 1.4 7 8 0 .8 9 3 1.8 4 0 0 .0 8 0

0 .1 347f 0.31 90f 3.3 5 1 1 f

9 0 d e g . Model 0 .0 5 9 2 f
0 .0961 f 3 .2 3 0 9 f

2 0 d e g . Model 1 .2 4 6 3.0 2 1 3 .2 4 8
0.8 8 9 2 .1 8 7 0 .5 4 8

' T h e v a l u e s of t h e fracture e n e r g i e s a r e d e t e r m i n e d from t h e v a l u e s of K 1c and E

with t h e re la tio n 2
y = K 1 c / 2E

[1] Material Property Standard 990, Coors Ceramic Co., January, 1989.
[2] Bertolotti, 1973.
[3] Swanson, 1972.
[4] Barker, 1978.


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alumina ceramics. However, it is anticipated that water plays an im portant role in

washing away the fractured m aterials.

To verify the repeatability of the erosion experim ent, two abrasive erosion ex­

perim ents are conducted by varying the traverse speed. T he first experim ent uses a

traverse speed of 20 m m /s and the second, 15 m m /s. The erosion ratio is defined

as the ratio of the specim en weight loss to the abrasive consum ption. T he latter is

determined w ith the cutting tim e and the abrasive flow rate. Since, theoretically, the

erosion ratio is independent of the traverse speed, these two experim ents should give

identical results. The experim ental results, plotted in Figure 4.8, clearly indicate the

consistency of these two experim ents.

Since the m aterial removal by plastic flow is m inim al for normal im pingem ent and

for hard target m aterials, the predicted volume removal neglects the contribution by

the plastic flow. Therefore, Equation 4.33 is used to represent the predicted volume


Let / = f ef w to be a proportional factor, which is determ ined experim entally.

Then the volum e removal per gram of abrasive can be expressed as:

The mass removal per gram of abrasive, i.e. the erosion ratio is:

< « • >

The results from the second experim ent are chosen to compare with the analytical

erosion m odel. Since the results of the erosion m odel contain an empirical coefficient

f, a direct comparison of the m agnitudes of results betw een the derived m odel and the

experim ent is not appropriate. Therefore, the erosion ratios from both the derived

model and the experim ent are normalized with their respective average values so that

the trends can be observed for both approaches. T he norm alized values of erosion


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o - 0 ----- EXPERIMENT 1


2 -

AD85 AD90 AD94 AD96 AD995 AD999

Alumina Ceramics

Figure 4.8 Erosion ratios for alumina ceramics.



AD85 AD90 AD94 AD96 AD995 AD999
Alumina Ceramics

Figure 4.9 Comparison of normalized erosion ratios for six alum ina ceramic


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ratios are plotted in Figure 4.9 against the different types of alumina ceramics.

Considering the complication of the erosion process as well as the omission of the

other minor effects such as the porosity and the plastic deform ation, the consistency

of the trends arising from the theoretical and the experim ental results is surprisingly

good. A large discrepancy occurs at the data point for A D 85. One of the reasons for

this discrepancy might be the omission of porosity in the calculation of the derived

m odel. A previous study with scanning electron microscope on a hand-m ade fracture

surface of AD85 has indicated the existence of a large am ount of pores in the AD85

microstructure as shown in Figure 4.10. The pores tend to enhance the erosion process

by reducing the actual amount of fully dense material to be removed. In addition,

the water trapped in the pores may generate local fracture network due to the water

wedge effect and it increases the total material removal significantly. The derived

m odel fails to incorporate these effects.

One interesting phenomenon arising from the trend of the erosion ratio versus the

alumina type is that there exist a strong correlation between the erosion ratios and

the grain sizes as well as the fracture energy. The erosion ratio, the grain size and

the ratios of grain size to fracture energy ( a / 7 ) are normalized with their respective

average values and plotted in Figure 4.11 for the purpose of comparison. It appears

that the larger the value of a / 7 , the larger the erosion ratio.

4 .3 .4 S u m m a r y

The modified H utchings’ equation has been used to evaluate the stress wave en­

ergy. The crack network model has been applied to predict the relative erosion ratio

among different types of alumina ceramics eroded by the normal impact of an abrasive

water jet. Good correlation with experim ental results is observed. A strong correla­

tion also exists between the erosion ratio and the grain size as well as the fracture

energy of alumina. It is also found that erosion of aiumina ceramics by water alone


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Figure 4.10 Scanning electron micrograph of hand-made fracture surface of AD 85.

(x 800)

</) 3 i- a/ y

o “0 -

AD85 AD90 AD94 AD96 AD995 AD999

Alumina Ceramics

Figure 4.11 Correlation of the grain size and fracture energy with the erosion ratio.


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is very small compared to erosion by abrasives.

4.4 Low Incidence M odeling

4.4.1 Stress W ave E nergy E valuation

The proposed elasto-plastic m odel for a low incidence im pact is illustrated in

Figure 4.12. The top layer of m aterial is removed by a cutting action through plastic

flow. The stress waves transm itted into the vicinity cause fractures along the grain

boundaries, which form a network of cracks. Evaluation of the stress wave energy

first requires the determ ination of the loading forces.

Since the plastic flow occurs in the im m ediate vicinity of an im pact site, Finnie’s

m odel (Finnie, 1958; Finnie & M nFadden, 1978) gives the im pact loading pattern as:

Pv(t) = Pvosinu>t, P/i{t) = Phosinwt (4-37)


Pvo = m u jv s i n a , (4.38)

Pho = (4.39)

» = (4.40)

where ay flow stress of target material, b w idth of particle cutting face, if; ratio of the

depth of contact I to the depth of cut y t, and K f ratio of vertical to horizontal force

com ponents.

The total stress wave energy radiated by the im pact is the sum of the work done

by the vertical and horizontal force com ponents over the corresponding superposed

displacem ents, respectively


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e.g .

Figure 4.12 Idealized picture of an abrasive grain rem oving material by scratching

and network cracking.


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IF = Wy + W 2 = ~ P 2voG v + j Pa
20Gh (4.41)

where T is the loading contact tim e, T = 7r/u/, and G„ and (?/, is the real part of the

radiation adm ittance Yvand 1/,, defined as a (com plex) ratio of m ean displacement
rate to the applied force (Miller & Pursey, 1956). They are expressed as:

n - r» = p t , (« •« >
PvoC1 Piloe

where ux and u z are the superposed m ean displacements in the horizontal and vertical

direction, respectively.

Since the traverse distance of the m oving load corresponding to the abrasive tra­

jectory is very small, it is assumed that the stress energy radiated by a stationary

load applies to the present case, provided that the loading history is equivalent. W ith

reference to cases (a) and (b) in Miller and Pursey’s work (1956), the displacement

components corresponding to a vertical load and a horizontal load can be, thus, ex­

pressed in the form of Fourier transform as: (Note: Equations (49) and (50) in Miller

& Pursey’s (1954) can not be used because of some calculation errors in derivation of

these two equations.)

u „ F -- - A rW - - (<4 - 2 { J) e - ' V ^ I (4.43)

<-4u-c (,?;

W = 2y^ ^ -1 (* § -

c „ ( m

«=,.f = + (fe; - (4.46)


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n o = w - k i f - 4? v p - h ^ e - k i (4 .4 7 )

h = J -§ ^ , k2= u i S z ’ <4-48>

- (i-M ti-W = w h > - <4 -49>

r, is the half width of the strip. At the abrasive and target m aterial contact surface(i.e.

z = 0 ), the displacem ent com ponents are expressed as:

_ 2i G j Q s i n t r ,
xvF ~ c , 4f ( o (4-50j

2 kn \M'2 — k%3in£r3

- - W ( 0 ( 4 -5 1 )

w = * ± J g ( 4. 52)

2 z fT (fl« n fr a
(7 , ^ ( 0 ( 1

<?(£) = 2 y J ? - k * y / p - k % - (ft| - 2^2) (4.54)

# ( 0 = 2 ^ £ 2 ~ *?v ^ 2 - + (\> - 2£2) (4-55)

Using inverse Fourier transform, one can obtain the displacem ent functions at z

= 0 as:


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_ _1_ r 2 i G { t ) s i n t r s ,.g
2tt J .oc (7,^(0 *
—2 z*00 G(
= ~ r~ / f ? 7 \ 3 in ( r s s i n i x d i (4 .5 6 )

kC ^ J o f'(S )

(N oticing that the first term is odd function and the 2nd term is even function.)

1 /■» 2 y ^ 2 ~ kl kl s i n i r * icX J ,

= * L c ^ m ‘ *
2 r°° \ / Z 2 — k 2k 2
~ n ~ / ~s i n Z r ° c o s ( x d Z (4 -57)
TrC^iJo ? ^ (?)

2 ^ 2- - 4 f ) iJ 7 i( r 3
Uzv = J- [ ' ■
2 tt j — < 7 ^ (0

— — ------ a i n c ^ r 3 c o s c , x d c , (4.58)
ttG. 14 -/o

1 2ifT( 0 « n ^ r a _if
"*A = ^ L ~ C ^ W ~ ?

= - 7 ^- [ ^ ^ -sin ir.ain ixdi (4.59)

7 T G 4 4 ,/u r j

Since the pressure distribution is assumed to be uniform, the m ean displacement

over the loaded area is obtained by:

uTV = — f uxvdx = f - § f ^ ainrs i - C°^r-^ d( (4.60)

r„ Jo t C. u J o F{Z) r 3(

1 f T‘ 2 y-oc sjC~ s i n b 3i Jt UR^

Uxh~ r . J o Uxh> irCAJ o £F(t) r,i * ( }

1 r> 2 /■“ yC- - H 2) s i n 2r 3£

u- = v3 L u - dx = ^ c z J o — z m (4-62)


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- 1 f r3 j H ( 0 ■ >1 — c o s r J ,
v-zh = — / uzhdx = —— / — —•.szn7\,£ -------- -----------------------(4.63)
r 3 Jo trC.,4 -/u F (£ ) r a£ ' K '

Changing the intergration variable from £ to yields:

-2 f°° Go( 0 . , , 1 - cosr3k ^

u xv = / -ir77T 5 m 7’s«iC---------- -i-------d£ (4.64)
TrC+^r yu - ^ ( 0

2 f°° \ / f 2 — u 2u2 s i n 2r 3k i ( 1A,

uxh = J / 4.65
TT^fcf y0 £F0(£)

2 Z*00 V^ 2 — l ^ 2 — 4^2) s i n 2r 3k{£

Uzv = /
r C Mk 22i -/o — —
^o(0 4 -66

_ —2 H0{£) . , . 1 — cosr3k[£
“ '/i = ~ 7 ; To / p / f \ s in r 3ki£ - (4-67)
TrC'.i.iAr ./u ,F0(£) r\,£


£ > ( 0 = (2 T - /'j 3 - - M2 (4.68)

<?„(fl = ~ »*2 - (^2 - 2f!) (4.69)

ft(0 = - l ^ 2 - <*2 + (/•" - 2f ) (4.70)

Cu h 2(1 - v ) , „ ,
^ — fe7 — V 1 - 21/ ( )
Therefore, for the loading P„(i) = Pv0e>ul and P/,(t) = P/,0e!“( applied over the

contact area A,

—2r3I \ P voelult
« « = " T tTtAO,,
W " (4 -72)

_ _ 2r3I 2Pi:0elu;t ,.
“ ** ~ TrA^M ( }


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2 r sI 3Pvoe"‘
U,„ = (4.74)
k AC, ii

- 2 r J . tPhoeiut
= * A C .U (4’75)

r cosrak xi ^ 3& tA ^
/ i = y„ m (~ ^ r )( t m w ( 6)

Jo /' 0(4J (4-77)

/, = (4.78)
Jo ^o(?) T*a«iC

I i = /» w (^ r )( r .* ,« )<i? (4-79)
The superposed displacements on the horizontal and vertical coordinates are, re­


Ux — Uxu T Iti/i

= — — { —[-Re(/!) + i I m { I \ ) \ P V0 + [Re(L>) + i l m ^ P ^ P h o } ^ ' (4.80)


u z = U 2„ + U z h

2r’ {[R e( I3) + i / m ( / 3)]P „0 - [£e(J.,) + Z7 m (/,)]P /lo} e 1"' (4.81)


From Equations 4.42,

2 r3zw - [ R e ( I i ) + i I m ( I i ) ] P vo + \Re(I2) + i I m ( L ) ] P h„ , .
n = ^ ftT ( 4 ' 8 2 )


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2raiuj [Re(I3) + i I m ( I 3)\PV0 - [Re(I4) + i I m { I A)\Pho fA ooN
= ^ jr (4-83)

The real parts of Y/, and Yv are:

2rsu I m ( I i ) P m - I m ( I 2)Pho
G‘ = T Z c Z K (4 '84)

2r3uj I m ( I A)Pho - I m ( I 3)Pvo

G " = T a c Z ---------------K , (4 '85)
Substituting Equations 4.84 and 4.85 in 4.41 yields:

W = - I m ( h ) - / m ( / 2) ( ^ ) 2} (4.86)
± vo *vo

For r 3k\ < 1 (e.g., r 3kx = 7.85 x 10 - 3 for mesh 50 abrasive and AD 99.5 target),

it can be approximated:

s i n r 3k [£ ss r 3k i£ (4-87)

1 — cosr3k i ( % ^ 3 (4.88)


(4 J 1 )

T'ski f x £2H o( 0
L = % (4.92)
I Fo( 0


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These integrals can be num erically evaluated using the approach described by

Miller & Pursey (1954). The poles of the integrands in Iy - Iy occur at the zeros of

.F0(£) and are determ ined as solutions of the equation

( 2 e - v 2y = m i ( e - m 2 - v 2) ( 4 .9 3 )

After elim inating the term 16£3 on both sides, this equation is reduced to a cubic

equation of £2. Using a commercial software (M athC A D ) and Program 1 in Appendix

C, this equation is num erically solved for the range of Poisson’s ratio 0. 1 < v < 0.49.

The solutions are listed in Table 4.2. It is assumed that principal values of the radicals

are used in integrals Iy - Iy. Therefore, the only significant zeros of F 0(£) are those

for which £ is real and |£| > |p|, i.e. those corresponding to the 3rd poles (p;)).

Equation 4.86 indicates that only the imaginary parts of these integrals areof

interest. Since only the range 0 < £ < /x and the small semi-circle path above the

pole produce imaginary values, the following expression can be applied to evaluate

the im aginary parts of Iy - R : (for details, see Appendix B)

I m f <j)d£ = I m f 4>d£ + I m f (f}d£ — TrRESIDUE{<j}(ps)} (4.94)

Ju Jo JI


<4 -9 5 >

A = /m f « ( 4 ' 9 6 )

0 (- W
= I m t™ r i( (4,98)


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Table 4.2 Poles of the integrands.

P o isso n ’s
1st Pole 2nd Pole 3rd Pole
Ratio v
0.1 1.500 0.674 1.000 1.680
0.15 1.558 0.715 0.999 1.727
0.2 1.633 0.771 0.996 1.793
0.21 1.651 0.786 0.994 1.808
0.22 1.669 0.802 0.992 1.825
0.25 1.732 0.866 0.975 1.884
0.3 1.871 0.975 ± 0.1 OOi 2.017
0.333 2.000 1.027 ± 0.147i 2.145
0.35 2.082 1.061 ± 0.171i 2.226
0.4 2.450 1.218 ± 0.253i 2.600
0.45 3.317 1.605 ± 0.400i 3.495
0.49 7.141 3.375 ± 0.947i 7.485

Table 4.3 Numerical results of (3\ - /3,t.

P o isso n 's (33 (34

R atio v
0.1 4.107 -3.203 1.423 -1.037
0.15 3.600 -2.890 1.342 -0.943
0.2 3.239 -2.607 1.257 -0.853
0.21 3.173 -2.554 1.241 -0.836
0.22 3.112 -2.503 1.226 -0.819
0.25 2.940 -2.356 1.178 -0.770
0.3 2.712 -2.136 1.100 -0.695
0.333 2.606 -2.007 1.047 -0.651
0.35 2.572 -1.947 1.021 -0.631
0.4 2.584 -1.791 0.943 -0.590
0.45 2.991 -1.665 0.864 -0.612
0.49 5.688 -1.587 0.801 -1.034

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The M athCAD software and Programs 2-5 in Appendix C are used to numerically

evaluate the integrals 0 i - 04 for the range of 0.1 < v < 0.49. The results are listed

in Table 4.3.

Equations 4.89 - 4.92 are rewritten as:

I m ( I i ) = ^ r sk\0i, I m ( I 2) = fa (4.99)

I m ( I 3) = 0 3, Im{I.i) = ^ r 3k x0 A (4.100)

Equation 4.86 can thus be rewritten as:

^ = j4.Cz.J4 2 * VO + ( j* V
rO)2]] (4'101)

Introducing A = 2r sb and substituting Equations 4.38-4.40 & 4.49 in 4.101 yields

‘3 t ( f t + | )) ( 4 ' 1 0 2 )


ft - f + = V ( i + ' k i - 2. ) - <4 ' 103>

The values of 0$ and 0 6 are calculated for the range 0.1 < u < 0.49 and listed in

Table 4.4.

To sim plify Equation 4.102, it is assumed that 2r 3 = b and b is a fraction of rp.

As observed in the SEM photos, this fraction is in the order of 10- 1 . Therefore,

2ra = b = 0.1rp was used as the preliminary assumption. According to Finnie (1958),

both of the values of 0 and K j are estim ated to be 2 for small angle im pingem ents.

Therefore, Equation 4.102 is rewritten as:


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W = m v 2s i n 2a ( — )^( - - ) ? [k + 2/?(— ) z (— ) 5] (4.104)
pp t p crj


s = 0.0309 ( f t + f t ) f t , (3 = - f t f t ( f t + 4 f t ) . (4.105)

The values of k and (3 are calculated and listed in Table 4.4.

In general, the m agnitudes of pp and p are in the same order and E > 0 7 . There­

fore, the value of k is negligible compared to the 2rd term of Equation 4.104. This

implies that the contribution of the uxv and uzh on W is negligible. The expression

of the stress wave energy is approximated as:

w= (4.106)

where the value of (3 can be approximated as(Figure 4.13):

/3 = 14.33 - 6.25sin2.8v (4.107)

4.4.2 M aterial R em oval M odel

The volum e removal due to plastic flow (4p) is evaluated with the modified Finnie’s

model (Finnie & M acFadden, 1978), considering only the case where the particle is

not imbedded. The volum e removal for a single impact can, then, be expressed as:

bv2 . 2 15Trbvls i n la
VD = —- ( s m 2 a — 4sin a ) -j ----- ------ (4.108)
u;2 4rpur

For V> = 2, K j = 2, b = 0.1 rp,

2 f
V„ — ( si n 2 a — 4 s i n 2a + 38.12 v s i n 3a. — ) (4.109)
407 y <t/


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Table 4.4 Numerical results of j3$, 0a, k , & 0.

P o isso n ’s P5 p6 K P
Ratio v
0.1 1.088 1.011 0.027 12.526
0.15 1.119 1.028 0.025 11.749
0.2 1.138 1.054 0.022 11.002
0.21 1.140 1.061 0.022 10.857
0.22 1.142 1.068 0.021 10.718
0.25 1.141 1.095 0.021 10.305
0.3 1.120 1.160 0.020 9.678
0.333 1.089 1.224 0.020 9.303
0.35 1.066 1.267 0.021 9.135
0.4 0.956 1.464 0.023 8.707
0.45 0.745 1.948 0.031 8.402
0.49 0.360 4.137 0.046 8.264


P = 14.33 - 6.25 sin2.8 v




8 Real Values
-«— - Approx. Values

6 ------- 1-------- ,-------- j--------,-------- 1-------- .--------r

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

P o isso n 's R a tio

Figure 4.13 Approxim ation of 0 values.


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The volum e removal due to fractures ( V j ) is obtained by substitutin g 4.106 in

4.12, yielding

= M a < r j T n f 8 in*a
1 37 E K' ’
The total volum e removal by a single im pact is, therefore,

f wf3a(rfmv23in2a
37 E
9 7
77X17** IO
4 ( si n2 a — 4 s in 2a -f 38.12v s i n 3a j — ) (4.111)
4 <rf V °7

4.4.3 V erification w ith Erosion E xperim en ts

The experim ental conditions are similar to those described in Section 4.3.3. The

two sets of erosion test results are plotted in Figure 4.14 in terms of “erosion ratio” .

Consistency of these two experim ents is observed.

The theoretical erosion ratio is expressed as:

pVf C f wf3acrfpv s i n 2a
m 37 E

— [sin 2a — 4 sm 2a + 38.12 v s i n 3a . f ^ - ) (4.113)

m 4c/ v °7

pV = PvL + e v!, }
m m m

where C is an efficiency coefficient, which accounts for the energy loss due to particle

m utual im pacts and particle fragmentation.

For these experim ental conditions, P w = 241 M P a , tj = 0.9, C v = 0.918, Cu =

0.978, R = 0.176, the particle velocity prior to im pact (v), according to Appendix

A, iscalculated to be 477 m /s. The value of flow stress is estim ated with twice the

m aterial hardness (Vickers hardness)(Benchaita, 1980).


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To estim ate the coefficient C, a similar erosion test is conducted on a target m ate­

rial of SS304, which has a Brinell hardness of 149 ( “Sourse Book” , 1978) (equivelent

Vickers hardness 156 kg/ m m 2) and a density of 8027 k g /m m 3. Its flow stress is esti­

m ated to be twice the Vickers hardness, i.e., 1529 M Pa. Since the m aterial removal

m echanism on a ductile material is solely due to plastic flow, Equation 4.113 is used to

calculated the total theoretical erosion ratio, which yields 0.1503C g /g . B y equating

this value to the experim ental erosion ratio, 0.01563 g /g , it is determined that C =

0.104. To estim ate the value of the data for AD 99.5 is used in equation 4.112 to

give f w = 6.65 x 10- '1.

Using the values C = 0.104 and f w = 6.65 x 10 1, the total theoretical erosion

ratios for the six aluminas are calculated and plotted in Figure 4.14 to be compared to

the experim ental results. A good correlation betw een the elasto-plastic m odel and the

erosion experim ents is observed. As shown in Figure 4.15, the normalized grain size

correlates the erosion data trend for all ceramics tested except AD 85. In addition,

plotting the ratios of a / 7 in Figure 4.15 shows an even better correlation. Therefore, it

appears that the grain size and fracture energy are the two major material parameters

controlling the erosion process of polycrystalline ceramics.

4 .4 .4 D iscussions

The theory of Miller and Pursey on the elastic response of normal and tangential

loads on an elastic half space has been used to derive the stress wave energy. The

obtained expression of the stress wave energy has been incorporated into the crack

network m odel, leading to an expression for the single particle material removal due

to intergranular network cracking. Finnie’s m icrocutting model has been used to eval­

uate the volume removal due to plastic flow. Combining these two m aterial removal

com ponents yields a complete elasto-plastic model for a single impact at low incidence

angles. This model has been verified with erosion experim ents. Good correlation is


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Water Pressure: 241 MPa Water Flow Rate: 4.784 1pm
Orifice/Nozzle Diameter: 0.457 mm/1 ..575 mm
Abrasive: mesh no. 50 garnet, 16.9 g/s
5 -
Traverse Speed: 15 and 20 mm/s
o Stand-off Distance: 5 mm
o' Incidence Angle: 20 degrees
X! 4 -
"cS • ----- Model
3 - □— Experiment 1 ( 1 5 m m / s)
a n- - Experiment 2 (20 mm/s)

A D 85 A D 90 A D 94 A D 96 A D 995 A D 999

Alumina Ceramics

Figure 4.14 Comparison of the elasto-plastic model and the experim ental results.

-o — Norm. Grain Size

fid 4 - -•— Norm, a/ y
oU Norm.E. P. Model
a -n - - Norm. Exp. 2



£ 0 ----

AD85 AD90 AD94 AD96 AD995 AD999

Alumina Ceramics
Figure 4.15 Grain size and fracture energy are the two major m aterial parameters.


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In a study on the erosion dam age of several ceram ics, Ritter (1985) proposed an

analytical m odel based on the assum ption of grain boundary cracking, which was

described as:

V oc-- ------ (4.115)
This m odel was recently modified by W ata and W atenabe (1987, p5) incorporating

the effect of m aterial hardness. The modified analytical m odel is:

a H vm v 2
V oc (4.116)
where Hv = Vickers hardness.

However, they were unable to find a correlation betw een this m odel and exper­

im ental results. Therefore, an empirical model was proposed for alumina ceramics



The two analytical models, i.e. Equations 4.115 and 4.116 are very similar to the

expression of the volume removal due to fracture derived in this study, i.e. Equation

4.110. It isinteresting to note that the inverse proportionality of the m aterial hardness

in the empirical model( Equation 4.117) is analogous to the F innie’s m odel, i.e.,

Equation 4.109. Therefore, it can be ascertained that combining the contribution of

both brittle fracture and plastic flow, the proposed dynam ic m aterial removal model

is more representative.

Although the study by Wada and W atanabe did not dem onstrate a correlation be­

tween the grain size and the erosion rate, the proposed m odel shows a good correlation

between them.


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4.5 Sum m ary

The cause of intergranular cracking has been related to fractures caused by im ­

pact induced stress waves. An elasto-plastic m odel is proposed to incorporate the

m aterial removal effects of both the fractures and plastic flow. The fractured volume

due to a single im pact is m odeled by a cluster of cubic cells which is equivalent to

individual grains or fragm ents. A crack network m odel is thus derived by relating

the fracture surface energy required for the network form ation to the input stress

wave energy. The elasto-plastic m odel has been applied for evaluating the material

removal of single particle im pacting at normal incidence or low incidence. The stress

wave energy is expressed with a modified H utchings’ equation for normal incidence

and with an equation derived in this study for low incidence, respectively. The crack

network m odel com bined with B itter’s deform ation wear m odel gives the total ma­

terial removal for a single particle impact at normal incidence, and, combined with

Finnie’s m icrocutting m odel, gives the total m aterial removal for low incidence im ­

pacts. The obtained expressions of material rem oval have been verified by erosion

experim ents. Good correlation is observed. It is also found that the erosion rate is

strongly correlated w ith the grain size and fracture energy of target materials.


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5.1 C haracterization of E nergy D issip a tio n P h en om ena

Energy dissipation is a phenomenon com m only seen in abrasive waterjet cutting

as well as other beam cutting processes such as laser, plasma arc, flame cutting,

etc. A typical AWJ cut workpiece displays striation marks on the cut surfaces as

shown in Figure 5.1, and a tapered kerf such as those in Figure 5.2. To characterize

these energy dissipation phenomena, two sets of AWJ kerf cutting experim ents are

conducted and described as follows.

Experim ent 1. Kerf W idth and Taper Variation

T he objective of this experim ent is to provide some information on the kerf width

and taper angle variation in AWJ cutting. A 6.09 mm thick alumna (AD 85) plate

is used as the workpiece. Stand-off distance, traverse speed, water pressure and

orifice/nozzle diameters are fixed. The resulted kerf widths and taper angles are listed

in Table 5.1 and are displayed in Figure 5.3 - 5.10. The general trends are that (1) the

kerf w idth is directly proportional to the exit nozzle diameter and stand-off distance

w hile increasing water pressure and decreasing traverse speed also slightly increase

the kerf width; ( 2 ) the taper angle increases with stand-off distance, exit nozzle

diam eter and the traverse speed, but remains relatively constant with variations in

w ater pressure.

Experim ent 2. Striation Marks

A series of cutting tests is conducted using four different types of m aterials repre­

senting both ductile and brittle categories. These materials with different thickness

are cut by varying the cutting parameters as shown in Table 5.2. The striation marks


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Figure 5.1 Striation marks on an Figure 5.2 Tapered kerfs on an alumina

A1 6061-T6 sample cut by an AW J. (AD 85) plate cut by an AWJ.

Table 5.1 Experimental data of the kerf w idth and taper.

Traverse S tan d -o ff K erf Taper

W ater O rifice/
V a riab le D istan ce W id t h , D e
P ressure N o z z l e Dia. R a t e
P a ra m e te r (degree)
(ksi) (MPa) (inch) (mm) (in/m) (mm/s) (inch) (mm) (inch) (mm)
.037 .940 .050 1.270 3.35
S ta n d -o ff .018' .457 4.660 .063 1.600 5.00
D istan ce 35 241 .047" 1.194 1.1E .50
.330 8.380 .075 1.905 6.19

.12 .05 .054 1.372 1.66

.59 .25 .052 1.321 3.23

T raverse .01 .457
.037 .940
35 241 .047" 1.194 1.18 .50 .050 1.270 3.35
R a te
1.89 .80 .049 1.245 3.46
.050 1.270 3.46
30 207
W ater .011 .457 .50 .037 .940 .050 1.270 3.35
35 241 1.1E
P ressure .0 4 7 ' 1.194
.054 1.372 3.58
40 276
.009 .229 .040 1.016 2.74
.031 .787
.018" .457 .050 1.270 3.35
N ozzle 35 241 1.11 .50 .037 .940
047" 1.194
D ia m e ter .457
.018 .070 1.778 4.52
.062 1.575

N ote! Workpiece Thickness: 0.240’ (6.09 mm)

Cutting Angie: 90 degree
Abrasive Size: Mesh No. 120
Abrasive Material: Barton Garnet
Workpiece Material: Alumina AD85
Exit Nozzle Material: Tungsten CarDide
Abrasive Flow Rate: 0.5 ib/min (3.8 g/s)


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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

2.0 2.0

1 .8 -

(m m )
1.6 -


0 2 4 6 8 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
S ta n d -o ff D is ta n c e (m m ) T raverse R a te (m m /s)

Figure 5.3 K erf w idth vs stand-off distance, Figure 5.4 K erf w idth vs traverse speed.
w 2. 0 -t----------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0

1. 8 -


1 .2 -

•) o -J------------------ 1------------------ j-------------------■------------------

200 250 300 0. 6 0. 8 1. 0 1. 2 1.4 1.6 1.8
W ater P re ss u re (ksi) E x it N o z z l e D i a m e t e r ( m m )

Figure 5.5 Kerf w idth vs water pressure. Figure 5.6 K erf w idth vs exit nozzle diam eter.
7 7
lission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

6 6

T aper(degree)
0) 5 5
4 4
© 3 3
2 2

1 1
2 4 6 8 10 0. 0 0. 2 0.4 0.6 0. 8 1.0
S ta n d -o ff D is a n c e (m m ) T raverse R a te (m m /s)

Figure 5.7 Taper vs stand-ofF distance. Figure 5.8 Taper vs traverse speed.
OO 7

Q) 5

T aper(degree)
H 3

200 250 300 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
W ater P r e s s u r e (ksi)
E x it N o z z l e D i a m e t e r ( m m )
Figure 5.9 Taper vs water pressure. Figure 5.10 Taper vs exit nozzle diam eter.
Table 5.2 C utting test parameters.


(mm) (9/s) (mm/s)
(Mpa) (mm/mm) (mm)
Plexiglas 1 5 5 .3 5 .4 5 7 /1 .1 6 8 Barton # 8 0 1 1 .4 2 .5

Plexiglas 2 6 3 .3 6 .4 5 7 /1 .1 6 8 IGE 1 1 .4 1 .0
Maine 1 .0
Marble 1 5 1 .0 6 .4 5 7 /1 .1 6 8 1 1 .4
Marble 2 4 2 .4 4 .4 5 7 /1 .1 6 8 # 60 1 1 .4 1 .0
241 1 .5
A I6061-T 6 1 3 8 .2 .3 5 6 /1 .1 6 8 1 1 .4 1.5

A I6061-T 6 2 9 .6 7 .3 5 6 /1 .1 6 8 Barton 7 .6 1 0 .5

A I6061-T6 3 8 9 .3 .3 5 6 /1 .1 6 8 # 80 7 .6 0 .4

Polypropylene 39 .1 . 3 5 6 /1 .1 6 8 7.6 5 .2 5


Q 2-

0 20 40 60 80 100
Depth in workpiece (mm)

Figure 5.11 Striation curves.


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are etched and plotted in Figure 5.11 in terms of the depth in the workpiece and

the deviation referred to the depth coordinate. For a qualitative comparison of these

curves, each curve is normalized with respect to the workpiece thickness (Z maT) in

the z direction and the m axim um deviation (X max) in the x direction, and plotted

linearly and logarithm ically in Figure 5.12 (a) k (b ), respectively. Interestingly, all

of these curves are nearly parabolic. Curve-fitting the data w ith parabolas yields the

correlation coefficients between 0.990 and 0.999. The curve-fitted equations and the

corresponding correlation coefficients are listed in Table 5.3. Therefore, the striation

marks can be characterized in terms of a simple functional expression as:

x = a3(z — b3Y + c, (5-1)

where x is the horizontal deviation of the curve, 2 is the depth in the workpiece and

a3, b3, c, are the coefficients to be determined.

This type of generalization can be used as a first approxim ation for quantifying the

geometric nature of the striation. It is noticed that the curve-fitted expression 5.1 for

striation curves is not applicable in the neighborhood of the top of workpiece, where

x should vanish at z = 0. If the m athem atical expression in this region is needed,

an improved curve-fit is achieved by combining a straight line for 0 < z < b and

Equation 5.1 for z > b. Since energy dissipation is insignificant for small values of 2 ,

Equation 5.1 is used in this study. For a group of preset waterjet cutting parameters,

the striation curves are parallel as shown in Figure 5.13. Therefore, a continuous

cutting process can be m odeled as a curve (parabola) m oving with a constant speed

of u. Considering an infinitesimal tim e change A t, the tw o parallel cutting fronts, as

shown in Figure 5.13, are related by Aa; in the horizontal direction and A h in the

direction perpendicular to the curve. The Aa: and A h have a relation:

A h = AxcoaO (5.2)


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.01 10

N o r m a liz ed d e p th in w o r k p ie c e , X /X m a x

Figure 5.12 Normalized striation curves.

Table 5.3 Curve-fitting data of striation marks.


PLexiglas 1 Y = 2.489 x 10' 3 (X -2.069)2 - 0.0032 0.999

Plexiglas 2 Y = 2.038 x 10 ' 3 (X - 11.51 )2 - 0.1037 0.994

Marble 1 Y = 2.112 x 1 0 ' 3 ( X - 7.311)2 - 0.0629 0.998

Marble 2 Y = 2.115 x 1 0 ' 3 (X - 7.023)2 - 0.0692 0.998

Aluminum 1 Y = 5.414 x 1 0 ' 3 (X - 5.806)2 - 0.0157 0.997

Aluminum 2 Y = 3.072 x 1 0 ' 2 (X - 1.657)2 - 0.0259 0.995

Aluminum 3 Y = 1.352 x 1 0 ' 3 (X - 16.60)2 - 0.0069 0.990

Polypropylene Y = 4.444 X 10' 3 (X -2.495) 2 + 0.0654 0.998


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AWJ Cutting Head





Figure 5.13 Characterization of striation curves.


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where 0 is the angle of slope of the cutting front, d x / d t is the traverse speed (u) and

d h / d t is defined as the linear m aterial removal rate ( M ). Therefore,

M = ucosB (5.4)


— = , 1 (5-5)

The linear displacement rate u is the desired cutting speed. The linear material

removal rate M is the actual local cutting speed. The ratio M / u represents the cutting

efficiency at the localized zone. Equations 5.4 & 5.5 explicitly indicate the trend that

the cutting efficiency decreases as the angle of slope (9 ) or the depth z increases.

W hen the cutting efficiency is reduced to a certain degree, the abrasive entrained

jet stream becom es unstable and a striation mark starts to develop. The cutting

efficiency eventually reaches a critical point at which the jet stream significantly loses

its cutting power and is “kicked-back” by the target material. This critical point is

associated w ith the m aximum cutting depth for a given cutting condition.

5.2 C ritical J et E xit A ngle

The angle between the vertical coordinate and the jet exiting the bottom of the

workpiece (see Figure 5.14) is the so called "‘jet exit angle”. This angle will increase

with the traverse speed provided that the other parameters remain constant. As the

traverse speed increases to a critical value, the jet will not be able to cut through

the workpiece and the jet exit angle suddenly becomes very large and unstable, i.e.,


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Figure 5.14 Jet exiting the bottom of workpiece.


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the jet is “kicked back”. The jet angle beyond which a “kicked back” phenomenon

occurs is defined as the critical jet exit angle ( 6C). From a series of cutting tests,

it is onserved that the value of the critical exit angle (9C) nearly remains constant

regardless of the variation of cutting parameters or workpiece materials.

To verify this hypothesis, a series of cutting experim ents by abrasive waterjet is

conducted. Five different test materials, Aluminum 6061-T6, Polypropylene, Plexi­

glass, 901 Tool Steel and W hite Marble, are chosen to include a group of materials

from both ductile and brittle categories. In addition to m aterial properties, the cut­

ting process is also tested by varying waterjet parameters such as: traverse speed,

water pressure, abrasive flow rate, orifice/nozzle size, workpiece thickness, and abra­

sive type and size. The traverse speed is chosen to be the major controlling parameter.

For each of the three m aterials, Aluminum 6061-T6, Polypropylene and W hite Mar­

ble, four sets of cutting tests are conducted. In each set of cutting tests, one of the

four param eters, water pressure, abrasive flow rate, orifice/nozzle size, and workpiece

thickness, is varied while the others are held constant. The values o f these parameters

are listed in Table 5.4.

For each test cut, the cutting speed is started at zero and then increased gradu­

ally until the critical point of deflection (kick- back) is reached. At this point, the

cutting speed is im m ediately decreased slightly until the cutting is resumed. Several

photos are taken of the exiting jet with a camera equipped with a telephoto lens and

positioned just far enough from the cutting area to avoid the cloud of water vapor

and dust created during the cutting process. A pressurized air nozzle is also posi­

tioned near the cutting area so as to disperse this cloud and increase the clarity of the

photographs. The critical jet exit angle can be measured directly from these pictures

as shown in Figure 5.14. However, this m ethod serves only as an indication of the

feasibility of m onitoring the exit angle during the cutting process. For the purpose

of analysis a simpler m ethod for obtaining the exit angle is used by simply etching


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Table 5.4 Cutting test parameters and the critical jet exit angles.


(mm) ( 0 /s)
(Mjpa) (mm/mm) (mm/s)
(mm) (degrees)
Al 6061-T6 2.0 23 .8

Plexiglas 3.5 18.3

Polypropylene 38.1 241 .3 56/1.168 7.6 525 15.2

901 Tool S leel 0.2 2 1 .8

White Marble 3.75 2 4 .0

9.5 10.5 3 5 .4
38.1 241 .356/1.168 7.6 2 .0 2 3 .8
88.9 0 .4 17.2
172 1.3 25.0
38.1 207 .356/1.168 7.S 1.6 17.8
241 2.0 23.8
AJ 6061-T6
.229/.7S 7 0 .7 16.5
38.1 241 .356/1.168 7.6 2.0 2 3 .8
.457/1.575 1.6 16.0
3.8 1.6 19.8
38.1 241 .356/1.168 7.6 2,0 ......... 2 3 .8
11.4 1.5 23.5
9.5 27.0 23.7
38.1 241 .356/1.168 7.6 5.25 15.2
88.9 0.5 10.2
172 2 .5 17.6
38.1 207 .3 56/1.168 7.6 3.0 18.1
241 5.25 15.2
Polypropylene 17.5
,229 /.7 8 7 2.7

38.1 .356/1.168 7.6 5.25 15.2

.457/1.575 7.0 21.9
3.8 3.0 15.3
38.1 241 .356/1.168 7 .6 5.25 15.2
11.4 4.5 26.9
9.5 24.0 3 0 .7
38.1 241 .3 56/1.168 7.6 3.75 24.0
B8.9 1.0 17.6
172 2.3 2 4 .9
38.1 207 .356/1.168 7.6 2.5 21.0
241 3.75 2 4 .0
Marble .229/.7S 7 2.0 24.4

38.1 .356/1.168 3.75 24.0

241 7.6
.457/1.575 3.0 2 8 .9
3.8 2 .0 17.2
38.1 241 .356/1.168 7 .6 3.75 24 0
11.4 3.5 19.2


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the cut surface onto a piece of paper and then m easuring the angle from the etching.

T he results are listed in Table 5.4 and plotted in Figures 5.15 - 5.20.

From Figures 5.15 - 5.19, it appears that the only param eter which exhibits a

significant trend in its relationship w ith the critical jet exit angle is the workpiece

thickness (see Figure 5.19). The curves in Figures 5.15 through 5.18 shows that the

critical angles for the m ajority of the samples lie in a band betw een fifteen and twenty-

five degrees. This can be seen more clearly in Figure 5.20, which is a plot of all the

data obtained from the 38 mm thick workpieces. The m ean value and the standard

deviation of these data are found to be 20.4 degrees and 4.08 degrees, respectively.

T he deviation includes m easurem ent inaccuracy since the values of the exit angle are

measured when the cutting speed had been reduced by a sm all, but varying amount

from the critical point. The instability of the critical cutting condition should be

another im portant factor which makes the jet exit angle fluctuate.

5.3 Sum m ary

The energy dissipation phenom ena in AWJ processes such as striation marks and

tapered kerfs have been docum ented. It is found that the striation marks on the

abrasive jet cut surface can be characterized by parabolic curves. A simple analysis

indicates that the cutting efficiency depends solely on the slope of the striation curve.

A preliminary experim ental study reveals that the critical jet exit angle at the condi­

tion of kick-back decreases as the workpiece thickness increases while its dependence

on the other parameters is insignificant.


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80 - 6 0 6 1 -T6 ALUMINUM
S’ 70 *

40 -

30 -


160 180 200 220 240 260


Figure 5.15 Effect of water pressure on the criticla jet exit angle.

80 6 0 6 1 -T6 ALUMINUM
a 50
< 40
O 30
EC 20

.2 2 9 /.7 8 7 .3 5 6 /1 .1 9 4 .4 5 7 /1 .5 7 5

Figure 5.16 Effect of orifice/nozzle diameter on the critical jet exit an

80 - 6 0 6 1 -T6 ALUMINUM

50 -
2 40 -
< 30 -
b 20 -
O 10 -

2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 5.17 Effect of abrasive flow rate on the critical jet exit angle


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Figure 5.18 Effect of workpiece m aterial on the critical jet exit angle.

o 10-

0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 5.19 Effect of workpiece thickness on the critical jet exit angle.

80 - • 6061-T6 ALUMINUM



0 5 10 15 20 25


Figure 5.20 Data of critical jet exit angles for 38 m m thick workpieces.


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6.1 E quation for D ep th o f C ut

In a visualization experim ent of AWJ cutting processes conducted by Hashish

(1984, p249 & 1988, p l5 9 ), it was observed that the total depth of cut is divided

into two distinct zones associated w ith different m odes of abrasive/target interaction.

In the upper zone, material is removed by abrasive particle im pacting at shallow

angles. In the lower zone, sequential steps are formed which lead to large angle

im pacts. A modeling study (Hashish, 1984, p249) characterized the upper zone as

a cutting wear zone and the lower one a deformation zone. F in n ie’s m icrocutting

m odel (Finnie, 1958) and B itter’s deformation wear model (B itter, 1963, p5 & p l6 9 ),

respectively, were used to evaluate the material removal in the cutting wear zone

and deform ation wear zone. A global cutting equation was then derived for AWJ

cutting of ductile materials. More recently, Hashish (1987, p 6 6 -l) im proved Finnie’s

m odel by incorporating the effects of particle size and shape, resulting in a change

in the particle velocity exponent from 2 to 2.5, which provides better correlation

w ith experim ental values. A corresponding modified version of the cutting equation

was obtained (Hashish, 1989, p l5 4 ) in terms of several non-dim ensional parameters.

Good correlation between the modified equation and cutting experim ents with various

m etal samples was reported.

The step phenomenon was also observed in the SEM study described in Chapter

3. However, in contrast to H ashish’s conclusion that these steps lead to large angle

im pacts, Chapter 3 concludes that the entire cutting front is im pacted by the original

jet or the deflected jet at glancing angles and the existance of the steps slightly changes


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the local curvature of the cutting front, but does not affect the low incidence cutting

mode. Therefore, the elasto-plastic model for the low incidence im pact, derived in

Section 4.4, applies to the individual particle removal during the cutting process.

The equation for depth of cut is derived by relating the m acro material removal

rate on the cutting front to the accumulated effect of m icrocutting by individual

abrasive particles entrained in the jet. According to Section 5.1 on curve-fitting the

striation marks (traces of the cutting front), a parabola can be used to approximately

represent the striation curve, and thus the curve of the cutting front. The local cutting

efficiency along the cutting front is defined to be the ratio of the linear m aterial

removal rate (M ) to the traverse speed (u ), which is a cosine function of the angle of

slope (6) on the cutting front (Equation 5.4).

The total m aterial removal rate along the cutting front can be calculated by


Q = / Mdjds (6.1)

where dj is the effective jet diameter. As the cutting efficiency decreases from top to

bottom along the curve of the cutting front, the jet diam eter is also reduced. It is

assumed that the effective jet diameter is related to the focusing nozzle diameter and

the cutting efficiency by:

dj = DcosQ (6.2)

where D is the jet diameter at the top of workpiece which is assumed to be equal

to the focusing nozzle diameter. The variation of the effective jet diameter causes

variations in the w idth of the cutting front.

Introducing Equations 5.4 and 6.2 into 6.1 yields


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= Du J cosddz (6-3)

since dz = dscosO.

For a parabolic curve such as x = \ z 2,

t and = x' = 2Az (6-4)


dz — —----- — . (6-5)

Substituting Equation 6.5 into 6.3 and integrating along the parabolic curve with

6 as the integration variable, the following expression isobtained:

/ 7u
7/ trVc riH
dc dO
Q = 2 i L ^ = m )D n k (6-6)

A= ^ (6.7)


f L( 0c) = - 2 — l n ( 1 + 3™ d c ) (6.8)
t andc cos9c

The total m aterial removal rate along the cutting front can also be interpreted as

the accum ulated effect of individual particle removal. Since the individual abrasive

particles in the jet im pact on the different locations of the cutting front, differences in

the distance that individual particles travel prior to impact lead to a loss in efficiency.


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B y incorporating an average efficiency into the idealized volum e removal of single

particle, the accum ulated material removal is expressed as:

Q = — ( 4 / c os 9ds) V (6.9)
771 *5 JCp

where V is the idealized volum e removal by individual abrasive particle, m the mass

of single abrasive particle, m the abrasive flow rate, and the term within the brackets

stands for the average efiiciency(S = total curve length of the cutting front).


[ cosOds = f dz — h (6.10)
Jc p Ju


= / ds = f
Jcp Jo cosd
= — j
2A Jo cos3 9
tanOe .1 + si n9c
2t an9c cos9c + M I'l ' i r )1»
cos9c (6-n )

it can be shown that

Q = f2(0c)(~)V (6.12)


M V = ^ («-W)
cosOc 'r “ H cosOc )
Combining Equations 6.6 and 6.12 yields:

i = (6.14)
Du v !



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2 ta n 2Qr
m ) = rtanOj (6.15)
Lc o sO (

In Equation 6.14, 8C is the only undetermined parameter. E xperim ental results in

Section 5.2 indicate that the value of Bc is nearly constant regardless of variations in

workpiece m aterial, water pressure, orifice/nozzle size as well as abrasive flow rate,

except that it slightly decreases with increase in workpiece thickness. In any event,

the value of 6C doesn’t exceed 50 degrees. In the range of 0 < 8C < 50°, the variation

of f ( 8 r:) given by Equation 6.15 is less than 2% (see Table 6.1). Therefore, the value

of f ( 8 c) is taken to be constant, i.e., f ( 9 c) = 1.

Table 6.1 Values of f ( 8 c)

9C, deg. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
m 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.998 0.993 0.981 0.953 0.891 0.752 0.053

Equation 4.111 is used to calculate the volum e removal by individual particle.

C f m(3ao'fmv2s i n 2a
C m v 2, . „ . . n „ . rp7>\
4 ------------ ( s i n 2 a — 4 sin a + 3 8 .1 2 u .s z 7 t a. — ) (6.16)
4oy V crf

The contributions of the secondary and tertiary impacts are assum ed to be propor­

tional to the m aterial removal of the primary im pacts. They are incorporated into

Equation 6.16 with a coefficient of im pact efficiency (C ), which also accounts for the

efficiency loss due to particle m utual im pacts and particle fragm entation. Since the

incidence angle a is considered to be very small, thus, s i n a « a , and the 2nd and third

terms in the bracket are negligible compared to the first term. It is further assumed

that the variation of the incidence angle along the cutting front is sm all. Therefore,

the value of a is taken to be constant. W ith these sim plifications, Equation 6.16

reduces to


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+ {en)

with the velocity v calculated w ith Equation 1.1, Equation 6.17 is rewritten as:

_ , r?C'»C'v . 2 C mP , L. . 2 f w/3a<rja2
1 -f R pm Z'yE cf

Substituting Equation 6.18 into 6.14 yields the final equation for the depth of cut:

L ( t] C v C ,j v2 C m P w 2 f wf3acrf a 2 a ,
4 = ( t t r ] + { ]

6.2 V erification w ith C u ttin g E xperim ents

A series of kerf cutting tests is conducted on a group of alumina ceramics (AD

99.9, AD 99.5, A D 94, AD 90 and AD 85). The theoretical values of depth of cuts

are predicted w ith Equation 6.19. To apply Equation 6.19, the coefficients need to

be determ ined. According to A ppendix A, the orifice efficiency C v varies from 0.932

to 0.911, the com pressibility coefficient Cy from 0.985 to 0.974 and the momentum

transfer efficiency rj from 0.805 to 0.936 within the usual water pressure range, 150

- 300 M Pa. The product of these three coefficient TjCvC y varies between 0.739 and

0.831. For sim plicity, the average value of 0.79 was taken. The stress wave energy

coefficient f w was determ ined to be 6.65 x 10--1 in Section 4.4.3. W ithout losing

generality, the value of the average incidence angle a is taken to be 10 degrees, or

0.175 rad. Correlation of Equation 6.19 with the experim ental result gives a coefficient

of impact efficiency (C) of 0.6, instead of 0.104 determ ined in Section 4.4.3. The higher

value of the coefficient of im pact efficiency is probably due to each abrasive particle

interacting more than once with the target material along the cutting front. W ith

these coefficients, the predicted depth of cut is calculated using Equation 6.19 and is

compared with the experim ental results in Figures 6.1 - 6.6.


Reproduced with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
As shown in Figure 6.1, the derived m odel qualitatively predicts the relative re­

sponse of the five different alum ina ceramics. Figures 6.2 - 6.6 indicate that, although

certain discrepancies exist, generally good correlation between the m odel and exper­

im ental results in the general trends of depth of cut as a function of the five major

process parameters is observed. The m odel over estim ates the effect of increasing

abrasive flow rate. As abrasive flow rate increases, the probability of particle mutual

impingem ent also increases, which is not taken into account in the present study.

Usually, an abrasive flow rate exceeding 11.34 g /s (1.5 lb /m in ) does not produce ad­

ditional m aterial removal, as evident in Figure 6.4. W ith the abrasive flow rate below

this value, the derived model provides close estim ates. A large discrepancy is found

in Figure 6.6 for small nozzle diam eters, which is probably caused by the om itted ef­

ficiency loss in the case of excess flow passing through a small focusing nozzle. Again,

this indicates that an optim um range of nozzle diameters should be used to reduce

the efficiency loss. W ithin this range, the model becomes applicable.

6.3 Summary

B y relating the macro m aterial removal rate along the AWJ cutting front to the

accum ulated micro m aterial removal rate due to individual particles, the equation for

depth of cut is derived. This equation has been verified by kerf cutting experim ents.

It is concluded that the derived kerf cutting m odel correlates well with experim ental

results although certain lim its are required in the selection of certain process param­



Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
w ater pressure: 207 MPa
orifice/nozzle diam eter: .457 m m/ 1.27 mm
traverse speed: 0.8 and 1.2 mm/s
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
16 -
abrasive: mesh 80 garnet, 7.56 g/s
w ater flow rale: 4.432 1pm
u = 0.8 ram/s Model
u = 1.2 mm/s Model
u = 0.8 mm/s Exp.
u = 1.2 mm/s Exp.


4 -

1 , ,-- 1----
AD 85 AD 90 AD 94 AD 99.5 AD 99.9

A lum ina C eram ics

Figure 6.1 Depth of cut for different alumina ceramics.

target material: AD 99.5
orifice/nozzle diam eter: .457 m m /1.27 mm
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 80 garnet, 7.56 g/s
traverse speed: 1.2 mm/s

4 -

q. _ - Exp.
2- D Model

100 150 200 250 300

W ater Pressure (MPa)

Figure 6.2 Depth of cut versus water pressure.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
target m aterial: AD 99.5
w ater pressure: 207 MPa
orifice/nozzle diam eter: .457 m m /1.27 mm
sta n d -o ff distance: 1.5 mm
15 abrasive: mesh 80 garnet, 7.56 g/s

CJ 10-

5 -

♦ - ' Exp.

— i---------- 1-----------1-----------1----------- 1-----------1---------- 1---------- 1-----------1-----------1----------- 1—

0 .0 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5 2 .0 2 .5 3 .0

Traverse Speed (mm/s)

Figure 6.3 D epth of cut versus traverse speed.

target m aterial: AD 99.5
w ater pressure: 207 MPa
orifice/nozzle diam eter: .457 m m/1.27 mm
7 - stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
traverse speed: 1.2 mm/s y^
abrasive: mesh 80 garnet
6 -
/ S*---------------- •
s ' y
£ / yy
3 5-
O y r '
/ /
S* 4- / /
a / /
/ -----♦ — Exp.
{ ------H----- Model
3 -

2 - -------- 1-------- 1--------- 1---------1---------1-------- 1---------1---------i-------------------

4 6 8 10 12 14

Abrasive Flow Rate (g/s)

Figure 6.4 Depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate.


Reproduced with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
target m aterial: A D 99.5
w ater pressure: 207 MPa
orifice diam eter: .228, .305, .356, .406, .457 mm
8- nozzle diam eter: 1.27 mm
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 80 garnet, 5.67 g/s
traverse speed: 1.2 mm/s

—- —
*■ — - Exp.
ta Model

W ater Flow Rate (LPM)

Figure 6.5 Depth of cut versus w ater flow rate.

target m aterial: AD 99.5
w ater pressure: 207 MPa
orifice diam eter: .305 mm
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
8- abrasive: mesh 120 garnet, 3.78 g/s
traverse speed: 0.8 m m /s

«■ — Exp.
m B—— Model
4 -

— i---------- 1-----------1----------- 1-----------1---------- 1-----------1-----------1-----------> 1 '

0 .6 0 .8 1 .0 1 .2 1.4 1 .6 1.8

Nozzle Diameter (mm)

Figure 6.6 Depth of cut versus nozzle diameter.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.


In the past years, abrasive waterjet technology has gone from being a showcase

technology to becom ing commercially used in various industries. As the capabilities

of AWJ have grown, so have the needs for improved machining processes. In an age of

“space-age” m aterials which demand precision manufacturing, people who once were

astonished by the fantastic cutting edge of AWJ now demand even better control of

the process. A survey report of industrial needs for waterjets(K lavuhn & Baker, 1989)

indicates that the top priority is to establish performance standards and a complete

cutting database. As a preliminary effort to address these needs, this chapter presents

a quantitative evaluation of AWJ m achinability and provides a parameter prediction

m ethod. T heoretical and experim ental studies(K im & Zeng, 89; Zeng &: Kim, 89,

90, 91, 92; Zeng et al., 91; Zeng et al., 92; Hashish, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89) provide a

better understanding of the AWJ process which is applied in this investigation. A

pilot study(Z eng &; Kim, 1989) which used the concept of “M achinability Num ber”

to compare the AW J m achinability of porous materials and fully dense materials

provided encouraging results.

7.1 G overning E quation o f M achinability

M achinability is a quantified kinetic response of a workpiece material subjected

to certain m achining operations and conditions. In this study, the kerf cutting test is

used as a representative process of abrasive waterjet m achining. The results of this

study can then be extended to various other abrasive waterjet applications including

cutting, drilling, m illing, turning, and aeburring. The primary response in an AWJ


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kerf cutting operation is the depth of cut. The machinability of a certain material is

established by the relation between depth of cut and the preset AWJ parameters as

well as the m aterial properties such as hardness, flow strength, fracture toughness,

density, etc..

The kerf cutting m odel described in Equation 6.19 relates the depth of cut to the

material properties of workpiece and the five major process parameters in a simple

manner. The way the m aterial properties appear in this equation makes it feasible

to define a single parameter to account for the combined effects of several material

parameters. This material characteristic parameter is nam ed “Erosion Resistance”

( Re), which has a dimension the same as that of stress. It is formulated as:

Rp = \ -------- (7.1)
2fu, Satrra- , _a_ ' 7
3~/E (Tj
The value of R e can be determined using Equation 7.1, granted that all the m ate­

rial properties are known, or more practically, by conducting erosion or kerf cutting

tests and using the inverse equation:

p _ f 7l ^ ' v Cy ^ Cr h Pw /-m
R e - {T T R ) ' ^ M (7’2)
If the value of R P is determined, the following kerf cutting model becomes appli­


= Thml Pw
2670(m + m w)2D u R e
where metric units should be used for all the variables,i.e., k g / s forabrasive mass

flow rate (m ) and water mass flow rate (ni,v ), pa for water pressure (Pw) anderosion

resistance (J2e), m for nozzle diameter ( D ) and depth of cut (h), and m / s for traverse

speed (u).

The inverse of R P represents the machinability of target material in an AWJ

cutting process.


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7.2 A n E m p irica l M o d el

To verify the m odel given by Equation 7.3, an empirical m odel is proposed. As the

first step, a large number of AWJ kerf cutting tests are conducted to generate the data

trends of depth of cuts in terms of the five major process parameters: water pressure

(Pw), water flow rate (rhw), focusing nozzle diameter (D ), traverse speed (u) and

abrasive flow rate (m ). W hile the target material evaluated is primarily Aluminum

6061-T6, other materials such as nylon, granite, stainless steel (316L) and alumina

ceramics (A D 99.5) are also tested. These tests are conducted at the University of

Rhode Island Waterjet Lab, equipped with a dual intensifier pump and a P a s e r

abrasive waterjet system . The test results are presented in Figures 7.1 through 7.25.

In Figures 7.1-7.5, water pressure is not the only parameter which is varied, though

it appears so, since the water flow rate is a function of water pressure for a given

orifice diameter. In Figures 7.6-7.10, the water flow rate is regulated by using orifices

of different sizes while m aintaining a constant pressure.

Similarity is found among the data trends for each of the process parameter.

To quantify this observation, the test data with Aluminum 6061-T6 as the target

materials are analyzed with a m ultiple regression m odel based on Equation 7.3. The

effect of each parameter on the depth of cut is represented in exponential given as

^ 7 7 /» Pn^7 7 7 ,nW2 7lf1,

777 13 {rj

D n1no­

where n(J, n,[, no, 7x3 , 7z_i, 715 are regression coefficients.

A computer program( Appendix C, Program 6 ) is written to perform the regression

analysis. The following regression coefficients are obtained: n„ = 0.0234, rzj = 1.25,

n 2 = 0.687, 7x3 = 0.343, tx .| = 0.618, 7x5 = 0.866. The correlation coefficient is 0.954

and the determ ination coefficient is 0.911. The correlation between the m odel and

the test data is shown graphically in Figure 7.26.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
u = 2 mm/s
u = 3 mm/s
40- u = 4 mm/s
u = 5 mm/s
u = 6 mm/s
30 -

o 20 -


10- orifice/nozzle: .381 m m /1.27 mm

stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: m esh 80 garnet, 7.56 g/s
target m aterial: A L 6061-T6
100 150 20 0 250 300

W ater Pressure (MPa)

Figure 7.1 D epth of cut versus water pressure for different traverse speed.

■0----- m = 5.67 g/s
m = 7.56 g/s
■tt m = 9.45 g/s
30 tit = 11.34 g/s
<--s m = 13.23 g/s

•o 20


10 orifice/nozzle: .381 m m /1.27 mm

traverse speed: 4 m m/s
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 80 garnet
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6
0 --------- 1---------- 1----------r-

100 150 200 250 300

W ater Pressure (MPa)

Figure 7.2 D epth of cut versus water pressure for different abrasive flow rate.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
nozzle diameter; 1.27 mm * Do is orifice diam eter
traverse speed: 4 mm/s
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
50 abrasive: mesh 80 gam et, 7.56 g/s
target m aterial: A L 6061-T6
Q' — Do = .229 mm*
40 - • Do = .305 mm
Do = .356 mm
Do = .406 mm
u 30 - Do = .432 mm

20 -

10 -

100 200 300

W ater Pressure (MPa)

Figure 7.3 Depth of cut versus water pressure for different orifice diameter.

orifice diam eter: .305 mm
traverse speed: 4 mm/s
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
50 -
abrasive: mesh 120 gam et, 3.78 g/s
target m aterialL: AL 6061-T6

40 -
D = .762 mm* * D is nozzle diam eter
D = 1.016mm

30 - D = 1.270 mm
D = 1.524 mm
D = 1.778 mm
20 -


04 —I— —l—
100 150 200 250 300

W ater Pressure (MPa)

Figure 7.4 D epth of cut versus water pressure for different nozzle diameter.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
------a ---- • Nylon orifice/nozzle: .457 m m /1.27 mm
stand-off distance: l.S mm
" —• — • Granite
abrasive: m esh 80 gam et, 7.56 g/s
------ 1— ■ AL6061-T6 traverse speed: 8 m m /s(N ylon),
■ SS316L 1.2 mm/s(AD 99.5), 4 mm/s for others
------ ■— ■ AD 99.5

40 -



100 150 200 250 300

W ater Pressure (M Pa)

Figure 7.5 Depth of cut versus water pressure for different materials.

w ater pressure: 207 MPa

orifice diam eter: .229, .305, .356, .406, .457 mm
nozzle diam eter: 1.27 mm
50 stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 80 gam et, 7.56 g/s
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6

— 40

u 30
=> 20
2 mm/s

u = 5 mm/s
6 mm/s
1 2 3 4 5

W ater How Rate (LPM)

Figure 7.6 D epth of cut versus water flow rate for different traverse speed.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
w ater pressure: 207 MPa m = 3.78 g/s
orifice diam eter: .229,
m = 5.67 g/s
.305, .356, .406, .457 mm
5 0 - nozzle diam eter: 1.27 mm m = 7.56 g/s
traverse speed: 4 mm/s m = 9.45 g/s
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
m = 11.34 g/s
40 - abrasive: mesh 80 gam et
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6

o 30-
a 20 -

10 H

W ater Flow Rate (LPM)

Figure 7.7 Depth of cut versus water flow rate for different abrasive flow rate.

orifice Diameters: .229, .305, .356, .406, .432 mm
nozzle diam eter: 1.27 mm
P = 138 MPa
traverse speed: 4 mm/s
5 0 - stand-off distance: 1.5 mm P = 173 MPa
abrasive: mesh 80 gam et, 7.56 g/s P = 207 MPa
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6 P = 242 MPa
40- P = 276 MPa

30 -

a 20 -

10 -

—.--- —I------- ■
------ 1----
2 3

W ater Flow Rate (LPM)

Figure 7.8 Depth of cut versus water flow rate for different water pressure.


Reproduced with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
w ater pressure : 207 M Pa
orifice diam eter: .229, .305, .356, .406, .457 mm
traverse speed: 4 m m /s
50 -
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 120 gam et, 3.78 g/s
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6
D = .762 mm*
D = 1.016 mm
* D is nozzle diam eter
u 30 D = 1.270 mm
D = 1.524 mm
D = 1.778 mm

10 -

W ater Flow Rate (LPM)

Figure 7.9 D epth of cut versus water flow rate for different nozzle diameter.

water pressure: 207 M Pa
orifice diam eters: .228, .305,
Granite .356, .406, .457 mm
AL6061-T6 nozzle diam eter: 1.27 mm
S S 3I6L stand-off distance; 1.5 mm
60 -
abrasive: mesh 80 g a m e t, 5.67 g/s
AD 99.5
traverse speed: 8 m m /s(N ylon),
1.2 mm/s(AD 99.5), 4 mm/s for others

cj 40 -

20 -

----- ,--------- ,--------- ,---------1---------,--------- j--------- 1------

1 2 3 4 5

W ater R ow Rate (LPM)

Figure 7.10 Depth of cut versus water flow rate for different materials.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
u « 2 mm/s
w ater pressure: 207 M Pa
u = 3 mm/s orifice: .305 mm
50 u = 4 mm/s stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 120 gam et, 3.78 g/s
u = 5 mm/s
target m aterial: A L 6061-T6
u = 6 mm/s

<-> 30 B-

a 20


0 .6 0 .8 1 .0 1.2 1 .4 1 .6 1 .8

N ozzle D iam eter (mm)

Figure 7.11 D epth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different traverse speed.

orifice diam eter: .305 mm
traverse speed: 4 m m /s
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
50 - abrasive: mesh 120 gam et, 3.78 g/s
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6

40 - P = 138 MPa
P = 173 MPa
P = 207 MPa
u 30 - P = 242 MPa
P = 276 Mpa

20 -

10 -

■’ 1 1 1 1 1 > 1 1 1 1
0 .6 0 .8 1 .0 1.2 1.4 1 .6 1

N ozzle D iam eter .'mm)

Figure 7.12 D epth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different water pressure.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
w ater pressure: 207 MPa
orifice diam eter: .305 mm
traverse speed: 4 mm/s
50 - stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: m esh 120 garnet
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6
40 -
5 ------a — m - 1.51 g/s
Sm ..- • ■■■■■ m - 3.02 g/s
u 30
....■— ■ m = 4.54 g/s
o m = 6.05 g/s
o. m - 7.56 g/s
a 20 -

10 -

— ,--------, , 1 1 1 . 1 . 1------ 1—
0 .6 0 .8 1.0 1.2 1 .4 1.6 1.8

Nozzle Diameter (mm)

Figure 7.13 D epth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different abrasive flow rate.

w ater pressure: 207 MPa
traverse speed: 4 mm/s
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
50 - abrasive: mesh 120 gamet, 3.78 g/s
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6

40 - o— m w = 1.109 LPM
• ----- m w = 1.968 LPM
■— mw = 2680 LPM
30 - 1 '0 — mw = 3.501 LPM
b mw = 4.432 LPM

10 -

-i 1---- 1---- 1---- 1---- 1---- 1---- !---- 1---- 1---- ■—

0 .6 0 .8 1 .0 1.2 1.4 1 .6 1.8 2 .0

Nozzle D iam eter (mm)

Figure 7.14 D epth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different water flow rate.


Reproduced with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
80 -
w ater pressure: 207 MPa
orifice diam eter: .305 mm
70 - stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: m esh 120 gam et, 3.78 g/s
60 - traverse speed: 8 m m/s(Nylon),
.8 mm/s(AD 99.5), 4 mm/s for others
3 50 -
1,1 1Q----- Nylon

40 - ------ ■----- AL6061-T6

£ ------ o----- SS316L
| 30- ------ ■----- AD 99.5

20 - ' ♦

10 -

0 4 -------,------- j------- .------- j------- ■-------1------- »------- 1------- r-6-----|------- 1----- *1

Nozzle Diameter (mm)

Figure 7.15 D epth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different materials.

P = 138 MPa
P = 173 MPa
P = 207 MPa
40 -
P = 242 MPa
P = 276 MPa

30 -

20 -

10 -
orifice/nozzle: .381 mm/1.27
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 80 gam et, 7.56 g/s
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6

T raverse Speed (mm/s)

Figure 7.16 Depth of cut versus traverse speed for different water pressure.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
m = 5.67 g/s
m = 7.56 g/s
m = 9.45 g/s
m = 11.34 g/s
m = 13.23 g/s


w ater pressure: 207 MPa

orifice/nozzle: .381 mm/1.27 mm
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 80 gamet
target m aterial: A L 6061-T6

Traverse Speed (m m/s)

Figure 7.17 D epth of cut versus traverse speed for different abrasive flow rate.

water pressure: 207 MPa
■O m w = 1.109 LPM
nozzle diameter: 1.27 mm
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm -* m w = 1.968 LPM

50 « ----- mw = 2.680 LPM

■»— mw = 3.501 LPM

« ----- mw = 4.432 LPM


o 30 -

20 -

10 -

abrasive: mesh 80 garnet, 7.56 g/s

target m aterial: AL 6061-T6

Traverse Speed (m m/s)

Figure 7.18 Depth of cut versus traverse speed for different water flow rate.


Reproduced with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
a— D = .762 mm
♦— D = 1.016 mm
■----- D = 1.270 mm

30 - *— D = 1.524 ram

E D = 1.778 mm

o 20-

w ater pressure: 207 MPa
orifice: .305 mm
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 120 gam et, 3.78 g/s
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6

Traverse Speed (m m /s)

Figure 7.19 D epth of cut versus traverse speed for different nozzle diameter.

w ater pressure: 207 MPa

orifice/nozzle: .457 m m /1.27 mm
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 80 garnet, 7.56 g/s
60 -

u 40 -

20 - Granite
AL 6061-T6
SS 316L
AD 99.5

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Traverse Speed (m m/s)

Figure 7.20 D epth of cut versus traverse speed for different materials.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
— -o — ■ u - 2 mm/s w ater pressure: 207 M Pa
■ u - 3 mm/s orifice/nozzle: .381 m m /1.27 mm
50 ■» ■
—• u = 4 mm/s stand-off distance: l.S mm
abrasive: m esh 80 gam et
• u - 5 mm/s
target m aterial: A L 6061-T6
■■■ » • u- 6 mm/s

o -*■
t) -*
20 -

10 -

4 6 8 10 1122 14

A brasive Flow Rate (g/s)

Figure 7.21 D epth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different traverse speed.

P = 138 MPa orifice/nozzle: .381 m m /1.27 mm
P = 173 MPa traverse speed: 4 mm/s
50 - P = 207 MPa stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 80 gam et
P = 242 MPa
target m aterial: AL 6061-T6
P = 276 MPa
40 -

u 30 -


10 -

—r~ —T-
10 12 14

Abrasive H ow Rate (g/s)

Figure 7.22 D epth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different water pressure.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
w ater pressure: 207 MPa
riiw = 1.109 LPM
orifice diam eter: .229,
mw = 1.968 LPM .305, .356, .406, .457 mm
mw = 2.680 LPM nozzle diam eter: 1.27 mm
mw = 3.501 LPM traverse speed: 4 mm/s
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
mw = 4.432 LPM
40- abrasive: mesh SO garnet
target m aterial: A L 6061-T6

o 30-
u 20 -

10 -i

Abrasive Flow R ale (g/s)

Figure 7.23 D epth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different water flow rate.

w ater pressure : 207 MPa
orifice diam eter: .305 mm
traverse speed: 4 mm/s
50 stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
abrasive: mesh 120 garnet
target m aterial: A L 6061-T6
0 40
13----- D = .762 mm
• - D = 1.016 mm
^ 30 ■ D = 1.270 mm
0 o D = 1.524 mm
o, H D = 1.778 mm
Q 20


0• T T
0 2 4 6 8

Abrasive Flow R ale (g/s)

Figure 7.24 Depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different nozzle diameter.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
-a - — Nylon water pressure: 207 MPa
Granite orifice/nozzle: .457 m m /1.27 mm
stand-off distance: 1.5 mm
-+ ----- AL 6061-T6
traverse speed: 8 m m /s(N ylon),
60- ----- SS316L 1.2 mm/s(AD 99.5), 4 mm/s for others
-* ----- AD 99.5 abrasive: m esh 80 garnet

40 -

20 -

10 12 14

A brasive Flow Rate (g/s)

Figure 7.25 Depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different m aterials.


ex p

n 60
th e

N o te : h is t h e m e a su r e d d e p t h o f c u t (mm)

h is t h e p r e d ic te d d e p th o f c u t (mm)
th e

Figure 7.26 Correlation between the predicted depth of cut from the empirical model

and the measured values from experim ents.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
To evaluate the validity of Equation 7.4 for target materials other than 6061-T6,

the data shown in Figures 7.5, 7.10, 7.15, 7.25 are normalized and reproduced in

Figures 7.27-7.31. The data trends for the different target materials are compared

to the norm alized values from Equation 7.4. A general similarity among these data

trends is observed. Therefore, Equation 7.4 can be applied to other engineering ma­

terials if an appropriate material characteristic param eter is included. This material

characteristic param eter is called “M achinability N um ber”, N m, which resembles the

inverse of the “Erosion R esistance” i?e in Equation 7.3 or the constant n0 in Equation

7.4. The value o f a m aterial’s “M achinability Num ber” is determined experim entally

w ith an AW J kerf cutting test and the following inverse relation:

= n z, r)U.si8u
,, 0.866
m p 1 .2 5 ^ 0 .6 8 7 ^ 0 .3 -1 3 '

where the constant Ca is a scale factor chosen to give N m values within a preferred

range. Since the “M achinability Num ber” N rn is designated to be dimensionless, the

constant C„ has a nom inal unit to balance the dim ension. The values of (7., are given

for the following tw o unit systems:

Parameter Metric System Inch System

Depth of cut, h mm inch
Nozzle diam eter, D mm inch
Traverse speed, u m m /s in ch /m in
Water pressure, P w M Pa kpsi
Water flow rate, m w lpm (litre/m inute) gpm (gallon/m inute)
Abrasive flow rate, rh g /s lb / m in
ca 8800 14071

7.3 M achinability N u m b er and Its A pp lications

The establishm ent of an AWJ cutting database requires that the “Machinability

Numbers” for all engineering materials be determined. As a preliminary attem pt, a

total of 27 m aterials are selected from the entire spectrum of engineering m aterials,


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1.6 - AL6061-T6
SS 316L
3 AD 99.5
1.2 -
0.8 -

0 .4 -

100 15 0 200 250 300

W ater Pressure (MPa)

Figure 7.27 Norm alized depth of cut versus water pressure for different materials.

..Q. Nylon
SS 316L
AD 99.5

0.8 -

0 .4 -

0 1 2 3 4 5

W ater R ow Rate (1pm)

Figure 7.28 Normalized depth of cut versus water flow rate for different materials.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
SS 316L
3 AD 99.5
o Model

0.8 -


0 .4 -

0. 6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Nozzle Diameter (mm)

Figure 7.29 Normalized depth of cut versus nozzle diameter for different materials.

10 -
CJ SS 316L
AD 99.5


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

T raverse Speed (mm/s)

Figure 7.30 Normalized depth of cut versus traverse speed for different materials.


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------e — Nylon
----- Granite
—* - — AL 6061-T6
----- SS316L
— AD 99.5
------a ----- Model
M---------- B
X •m

£ jf!£ rJ ll4 r “•■a

v /

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Abrasive Flow Rate (g/s)

Figure 7.31 Normalized depth of cut versus abrasive flow rate for different m aterials.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
varying from very soft to extrem ely hard m aterials. To determ ine the “M achinability

Num ber” for each selected m aterial, three test cuts are m ade and the process param ­

eters are substituted into Equation 7.5 to calculate the value o f N m. The average

values of N m determined by the tests are plotted in Figure 7.32.

The m achinability number can be used in various applications. The most im por­

tant application is in the selection of optional AWJ process parameters for kerf cutting.

In a typical AWJ kerf cutting operation, the workpiece m aterial and thickness are

readily determ ined. Typically, m ost process param eters are set using rule-of-thumb

values with the traverse speed used as the variable to be adapted to the given m a­

terial and thickness. The optional traverse speed is determ ined using the following


J\T p i.25 ■0.687^0.3-13

u = ( m w w ----- V-15 (7.6)
V C sq h D » ™ ’ K ’

where q is defined as a quality level parameter. The value of q can be chosen between

1 and 5, depending on the desired quality level. Exam ination of the wall surface of a

separation cut (i.e. maxim um depth of cut = workpiece thickness) has revealed that

striation marks are initiated at about 1/3 distance, m easured from the top, of the

total depth. Therefore, to estim ate the traverse speed required for a sm ooth cut, 3

times of the workpiece thickness should be substituted into Equation 7.6 for the value

of h, i.e. q = 3. The values of q for five different quality levels are defined as follows:

Quality Description
q = 1 Criteria for separation cuts. Usually, q > 1.2 should be used.
q = 2 Rough surface finish with striation marks at the lower half surface.
q = 3 Sm ooth/rough transition criteria. Slight striation marks may appear.
q = 4 Striation free for m ost of engineering m aterials.
q = 5 Very sm ooth surface finish.

It should be always kept in mind that selection of a high quality level results in


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Hot P r e s s e d S i3N 4 11.1
AD 9 9 .9 223 1.6
B 4C ' 77 7 7 7 7 7 % 4.2
Ti3B 2 m m & 4.3
AD 9 0 '/77/77777777777X10.3
SiC w zm zzzzm 12.6
AD 9 9 .5 7/7/777/7/7777^7777 13.1
AD 9 4 7777777777777777777!?,1 17.3
AD 8 5 777777777777777777m17.3
Oil H a r d e n e d S te e l 777777777777777777777//777777777A so.4
S S 304 7////77/7/77/7/7/777777777777777A 81.9
S S 3 1 6L 77/77//777777777777777777////7777X83.1
ASTM A 36 S te e l W ////////////7 ///7 7 7 ///7 ///////A VJ&
C opper 77//77777777777Z////7////////7/7m 110
T itanium v/?///7/////7//7/////77/////mm\ 115
Z incalloy 777//77777777/7////////////////777Z7\ 1 3 6
AL 6 0 6 1 -T6 213
G ra n ite Z///////////////Z77/77////7//7///Z?V/m77\2Zl
A sp h alt C o n c re te V/////////////7//7777777777777ZZZmZZ!m 461
L ead 7////7/////////7/////7////////7//////////Z////A 490
W hite M arble '77777777777777777777777777777777//////////////A 5 3 5
Nylon W /777777777777777777777777777777777777777777A5 3 8
G la s s V///////////////////////////////////7Z/////77/77A^
P le x ig la s 690
G ra p h ite 7/////Z///7///77777//////////7/77777777//777/7777AW
P o ly p ro p y len e 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777A9 8 5
P in e W ood 77777777777777777777777777777//////////////7//////////7//77A 2 6 3 7
1 10 100 1000 10000
M a c h in a b ility N u m b e r s

Figure 7.32 M achinability numbers of various engineering m aterials.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
slow cutting speeds, and therefore increases cost. Selection of a value of q greater

than 5 is unnecessary.

For general cutting purposes, the following rule-of-thum b parameter settings are

suggested: water pressure 242 M Pa (35 kpsi), water flow rate 3.32 1pm (0.877 gpm)

(i.e. orifice diam eter 0.381 m m (0.015”), nozzle diameter 1.016 m m (0.040”) and abra­

sive (garnet) flow rate 7.56 g / s ( l lb /m in ). In this case, Equation 7.6 reduces to

„ = (7.7)

where c = 2 for the M etric unit system and 24.7 for the Inch unit system .

Equation 7.7 has been successfully applied in the following two case studies:

(1) C utting a 12 mm thick ceramic (A D 94) plate

As shown in Figure 7.32, the value of N m for AD 94 is 17.3. Using the rule-of-

thum b values for all th e other process parameters, the traverse speed is determined

w ith Equation 7.7 to be 0.69 m m /s for a separation cut and 0.19 m m /s for a smooth

cut(quality level = 3 ) . As shown in Figure 7.33 (a), the cut quality is as expected.

(2) Cutting an unidentified steel plate with a thickness of 26.8 mm.

The workpiece m aterial is suspected to be some kind of stainless steel. Thus,

the appropriate N m is estim ated to be 82. Equation 7.7 yields a 1.63 m m /s traverse

speed for a separation cut and 0.46 m m /s for a sm ooth cut. These cuts are also very

successful(see Figure 7.33 (b) ).

Equations 7.6 k. 7.7 have not incorporated the effects of stand-off distance, abra­

sive type and abrasive size. As a general trend, the depth of cut is reduced as the

stand-off distance increases. However, variation of the stand-off within a small dis­

tance, say, 3 mm, does not cause significant changes in the depth of cut. On the

other hand, variation o f the stand-off distance is usually unnecessary. A stand-off

distance of 1.5 mm can thus be used as a rule of thum b. Simila.rly, as indicated by

H ashish(1986, p297), variation of abrasive size within the ordinary range (mesh aG -


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Figure 7.33 Cut surfaces of AD 94 (a) and an unidentified steel plate (b).


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150) has little effect on the attainable m aximum traverse speed.

The abrasive type is an important parameter. Different types of abrasive may

result in great difference in depth of cut. The derived m odel has not incorporated

this effect because (1) the effect of abrasive type on the material removal m echanism

is not well understood and (2) the abrasive type is difficult to quantify and therefore

to incorporate into an analytical equation. However, Equations 7.6 and 7.7 are still

reliable when abrasives other than garnet are used. For instance, a recent study(K im

et al., 1993) has revealed that, in cutting a brittle m aterial, e.g. AD 85, alumina

abrasive produced 5 tim es the depth of cut as that achieved with garnet abrasive,

but when cutting a ductile m aterial such as AL 6061-T6, little difference between

these two abrasives was observed. Therefore, as a preliminary estim ation, Equations

7.6 and 7.7 can be directly applied for a ductile material cut with alumina abrasive.

Otherwise, the equations can be modified slightly by m ultiplying N m by a factor of 3

- 5 to account for the greater power of alumina abrasive in cutting brittle materials.

For other abrasive m aterials, the following m odification procedure can be used: (1)

Conduct a few cutting tests with the given abrasive material; (2) Calculate the value

of N m using Equation 7.5; (3) Divide the new value of N m by that given in Figure

7.32, leading to a correction factor for this specific abrasive; (5) M ultiply Nm by the

correction factor in Equations 7.5-7.7.

7.4 Sum m ary

An empirical m odel for AWJ kerf cutting has been form ulated using m ultiple re­

gression analysis based on a large quantity of experim ental data. This model success­

fully relates the depth of cut to the major AWJ process parameters. A “M achinability

Number” has been defined to characterize the m achinability of different materials by

AWJ cutting processes. Proper application of the “M achinability Number” greatly


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simplifies the param eter selection procedure and elim inates or at least minimizes

tim e-consum ing and som etim es unaffordable trial cuts.


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The SEM study on the AWJ eroded samples of stainless steel 304 and alumina

(A D 99.5) has led to the conclusions that (1) Ductile m aterials are eroded by a cutting

mechanism at low incidence im pacts and by a deformation wear m echanism at nor­

mal impacts; (2) Erosion m echanism s of brittle m aterials, especially polycrystalline

ceramics, are due to a com bination of plastic flow and network cracking (intergranu-

lar cracking for polycrystalline ceramics); (3) AWJ kerf cutting process is associated

with abrasive particle impacts at glancing angles; (4) Steps exist in the AWJ cutting

front, but their existence doesn’t significantly change the particle impact angles.

The network cracking has been attributed to stress wave induced fractures. An

elasto-plastic m odel has been proposed to include the material removal by both the

fractures and plastic flow. A crack network model has been derived to evaluate the

fractured volum e by relating the required fracture surface energy to the input stress

wave energy. T he stress wave energy for a normal im pact has been evaluated w ith a

modified H utchings’ equation. T he stress wave energy for a low incidence impact has

been derived in this study. The crack network m odels for these two cases are thus

obtained. A com plete elasto-plastic m odel for a single im pact at normal incidence

includes the crack network m odel and B itter’s deformation wear model. For a low

incidence im pact, it includes the corresponding crack network model and Finnie’s

m icrocutting m odel. The obtained elasto-plastic m odels have been verified by erosion

experim ents. Good correlation has been achieved. It is also found that the erosion

rate is strongly correlated with the grain size and fracture energy of target materials.

The study of the AWJ energy dissipation phenom ena concludes that (1) The

striation marks can be characterized by parabolic curves; (2) The cutting efficiency


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along the cutting front is a function of the slope of the striation curve; (3) The critical

jet exit angle decreases as the workpiece thickness increases while its dependence on

the other parameters is insignificant.

An equation to predict the depth of cut for AWJ cutting operations was derived.

This equation correlates well w ith AWJ kerf cutting experim ents provided that process

parameters are selected within practical limits.

The application study in Chapter 7 successfully extends the theoretical results to

practical applications. The empirical m odel provides a relation between the depth

of cut and the major AWJ process parameters. The “M achinability Number” intro­

duced in this stu dy provides a means to quantitatively evaluate the m achinability of

engineering m aterials by AWJ cutting, which also greatly simplifies the parameter se­

lection procedure and eliminates or at least minimizes tim e-consum ing and som etim es

unaffordable trial cuts.

Although these studies have yielded informative and useful results, further studies

are recommended for more accurate m odels and better m ethodology. Chapter 3 has

revealed th at, under the AWJ condition, erosion of the target material (AD 99.5)

includes contributions from intergranular cracking and plastic flow. However, the

proportionality between these two m aterial removal com ponents needs to be quanti­

fied. The im pact damage on brittle materials other than AD 99.5 also needs to be

investigated. The steps formed on the AWJ cutting front has been noticed. Yet the

mechanism of step formation remains a hypothesis, which requires modeling efforts

and experim ental verification. The cause of network cracking has been attributed

to impact induced stress waves. However, this hypothesis has not been supported

by direct evidences. It is recommended that small detonation experim ents be con­

ducted using the same target material and the dam age m orphology be compared to

that caused by the particle impact under the AWJ condition. Photoelastic technique

may also be used on a transparent polvcrystalline ceramic to verify the stress wave


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propagation and interaction with grain boundaries during the event of particle im­

pact. The derived elasto-plastic model does not incorporate the effects of the type

and shape of the particle. The effects of the water droplet impact are also neglected.

To refine this m odel, these factors should be considered. Further m odeling efforts are

also needed to extend the current m odel to cover the cases where the im pact angle has

an interm ediate value (e.g., 45°). For non-crystalline brittle materials such as glass,

a m aterial flaw distribution parameter needs to be defined to replace the grain size

in the current model. The energy dissipation phenom ena in AWJ cutting have been

characterized in terms of the striation marks. Characterization of the tapered kerf

phenom ena is also neccessary. The striation marks are related to the instability of the

AWJ cutting process, which can be the topic of an extensive investigation. Although

the derived equation for depth of cut has been primarily applied to brittle materials,

it can be extended to cover ductile materials. The empirical equation for depth of

cut can be expanded to incorporate the effects of the typ e and size of abrasive. The

definition and application of the “Machinability Num ber” can be also extended to

other AWJ machining processes such as turning, piercing, milling, etc..


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According to Equations ( 8 ) and (10) in the reference by Hashish (1989, p221), the

particle velocity in an abrasive waterjet can be calculated by:

1 + R V Pw

where Pw is water pressure, pw water density, R ratio of abrasive/w ater mass flow

rates, 77 m om entum transfer efficiency, Cv orifice efficiency and C y compressibility

coefficient. The values of 77, C„ and C v can be obtained from Figures (A .l) and (A.2)

(after H ashish’s Figures 2 and 9).

0 99 -

0.94 -

0.92 -

0.9 7 *

0 .9 6 -
0.9 5 - 0.6 ft -
c 0.84-
0.94 -

0.9 2 - E

0.91 •
0.76 •

0.74 -

0.89 0.72

50 150 250 350 450 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 160 260 320

ProMur* (UPa) Pro**** (UPo)

Figure A Effect of water pressure Figure B M om entum transfer

on orifice efficiency and efficiency in abrasive waterjet

com pressibility coefficient. nozzles.


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Following the procedure described by Miller & Pursey (1954), the integrals in

Equations 4.95 - 4.98 can be represented by a general form:

/= f° W (B.l)

The integrand <f> has singularities at the points £ = 1 , /i and p;), which are such

that 1 < (i < p-i. The range of integration is divided into six parts such that

M rn 'P a -« rp:\+° n
ii = / (j>dZ,i2 = / <j>d£,i3. - / <j>d£,iA = / (f>d£,i5 = / <j>d£,i6 = <$>d(
J (J *1 •'A* vp3—<5 ''P3+(5 •'I

where 5 is a sm all, F a large positive number. Each of the com ponent integrals is

evaluated along the real axis with the exception of F[, for which the path is chosen to

be a small sem i-circle above the pole £ = p3. (The contributions from the semi-circle

paths above the branch-points £ = 1 , fi vanish as the semi-circles shrink to zero.)

To evlauate i.\, is expanded into Laurent series in the neighborhood of if = p;;,


m = Z M ( - nT + 1 t t z Jz m (B-3)
rc=0 »=1 P^J

A “ = i2tti
r - Jcp
I (<z — p.t) + dz (B A )

c n = —- f (z - p3)"-1 4>{z)dz (B.5)

ZTVZ J c p


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where cp represents a closed path.

For n > 1 , (z —pi)"~l <j}{z) is analytic so that

[ (z - p 3)n~l4>(z)dz = 0
J cp

Therefore, C n = 0 for n > 1 such that

m = £ M ( - » )” + 7 % (S-6)
n=0 Z - P3

i, = /
m i i = n=(J
£ -*» / ( f
- + C, / -
Jar £ —
~~ ( B .7 )

The clockw ise semi-circle path above £ = p,3 is represented by the equation £ =

p.3 + <$ell! so that

r d£ i5e‘l . o\
L i ^ r r L ( B -8 )

/ (t-nT tt = f {6e"fi(Se'1) ( B .9 )
= -------- [1 — cos(n + 1W] (B.10)
n + 1

= 25, (B .U )

If the terms 0 ( £ ) are neglected, it is obtained

i , = 26 A a - triCi ( B . 12 )

Using the Residue Theorem, C\ — RESI DU E{( j> {p i)} . Since 26A„ is a real

number, therefore

= - ir R E S I D U E { < j) { p 3)} (B .13)

It can be shown that = I m ( i 6) = 0 such that


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/•OO fl ft*
I m / (f)d£ = I m / <j)d£ + I m / <j)d£ — irRESIDUE{(j>[p:j)} (B .14)
Jo Jo J 1


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Program 1 N u m erical Solutions o f th e Integrand P oles

T h is i s a s a m p le MathCAD p r o g r a m , w h ic h s o l v e s t h e f o l l o w i n g
e q u a tio n f o r a s o l u t i o n o f S t o b e r e a l and S > u ,
c o r r e s p o n d in g t o P o i s s o n 's r a t i o = 0 .2 2 .

For <? : = 0.22 (P o is s o n 's r a tio )

2 - (1 - o )
V- :z i.e . ^ = 1 .6 6 9 0 4 6
1 - 2 -cr

G iv e n a g u e s s v a l u e S .‘ = 1 . 1

g iv e n

to l := 0 .0 0 0 0 0 1 (to le r a n c e )

2 2 4 2 2 2"
,2 ' s " F * 16- S • S - 1 s - V- .

(e q u a tio n t o b e s o lv e d )

S := f i n d ( S )

S = 1 .8 2 5 2 8 2 (s o lu tio n )

C h eck

r 2 2i
[2 -3 - n J = 2 2 6 . 074142

4 f 2 I f " 2 2
16- S • [S “ 1J • Ls ~ ^ = 2 2 6 .0 7 4 1 4 2


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P ro g ra m 2 N u m e r ic a l E v a lu a tio n o f th e F irst In teg ra l

T h is i s a s a m p le MathCAD p r o g r a m , w h ic h e v a l u a t e s t h e
f o l l o w i n g i n t e g r a l f o r P o i s s o n ' s r a t i o = 0 .2 2

For <7 := 0 .2 2 (P o is s o n 's r a t io )

1 - <7
2 - ------------- i.e . jx = 1 .6 6 9
1 - 2 • <7

p := 1 .8 2 5 3 ( th e in te g r a n d p o le )

2 2 2 2
2 -i s - 1- > s - jx - jx - 2 •S J_
l := ds
2 2 2 2
_1_2- s - jx 4- s • s - 1- s - |X .

(T h e 1 s t te r m o f t h e i n t e g r a l )

i = - 0 .2 4 9 3
2 2 2
2- s - 1- s - jx — |jx - 2 'S _
l := ds
2 2 2 2
2•s - jx 4- S s - l-> s - jx J

(T h e 2nd te r m o f t h e i n t e g r a l )

i = - 0 .2 0 9 8 + 0 . 1 7 9 2 i


Reproduced with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
2 2
DO : = U 2 V ] -4 . P - i - 'j P " V- .

2 2 2 2
NU : = P ' _2-->|p - 1-r p - |X - t a - P ,

RES : =
i.e . RES = - 0 . 9 3 3 6 ( r e s i d u e a t p = 1 .8 2 5 3 )

:= Im "i + Im - ir- RES


p = 3 .1 1 2 2 (s o lu tio n )


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P rogra m 3 N u m e rica l E v a lu a tio n o f th e S eco n d In teg ra l

T h is i s a s a m p le MathCAD p ro g ra m , w h ic h e v a l u a t e s t h e
f o l l o w i n g i n t e g r a l f o r P o i s s o n ' s r a t i o = 0 .2 2

For <7 : = 0 .2 2 (P o is s o n 's r a tio )

1 - <7
[a : = 2 - ------------- i.e . (j. = 1 .6 6 9
1 - 2-cr

p := 1 .8 2 5 3 (th e in te g r a n d p o le )

2 2 2
s - jx
d s

2 2 2 2 2
S - (A j 4- s s - 1- s - p. J

(T he 1 s t te r m o f t h e i n t e g r a l )

l = 0 .8 1 6 3 1

2 2 2
s - n -|A
i := ds
2 2 2 2 2
2 -s - p. 4- s s - 1- s - n JJ

(T he 2n d te r m o f t h e i n t e g r a l )

i = - 0 .4 5 2 3 + 0 .1 1 4 1 i


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
p "
[ 2 2' 2 2 2 2
DO : = .[2 -P ~ F . - 4 - p •\ p - l-> P “ F .

2 2 2
NU : = WP - F 'F J
RES : =

i.e . RES = - 0 . 0 9 4 ( r e s i d u e a t p = 1 .8 2 5 3 )

p : = Im + Im - ir-RES

p = 1 .2 2 5 8 (s o lu tio n )


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P ro g ra m 4 N u m e rica l E v a lu a tio n o f th e T h ird In te g ra l

T h i s i s a s a m p le MathCAD p r o g r a m , w h ic h e v a l u a t e s t h e
f o l l o w i n g i n t e g r a l f o r P o i s s o n ' s r a t i o = 0 .2 2

For o := 0.22 (P o is s o n 's r a tio )

l ~ o
2 ------------- i.e . (A = 1 .6 6 9
1 - 2-0

p := 1 .8 2 5 3 (th e in te g r a n d p o le )

4- s s - 1

4- s ^

(T h e 1 s t te r m o f t h e i n t e g r a l )

i = 0 .1905i

2 2 2
ja - 4- s s - 1

2 2
4- s ■\ s - 1-

(T h e 2n d te r m o f t h e i n t e g r a l )

i = - 0 .1 6 0 3 - 0 .3836i


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DO : = - 4- p • > p - 1- P "

DO = - 2 1 . 8 9 2 1

2 2
NU I* - 4- P J p - 1

RES := —

i.e . RES = 0 .7 3 5 3 ( r e s i d u e a t p = 1 .8 2 5 3 )

p := I m f i 1 + Im fi "1 - ir- RES

3 . 1 J L 2 J

p = - 2 .5 0 3 (s o lu tio n )


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P rogra m 5 N u m erica l E v a lu a tio n o f th e F ou rth In teg ra l

T h is i s a s a m p le MathCAD p r o g r a m , w h ic h e v a l u a t e s t h e
f o l l o w i n g i n t e g r a l f o r P o i s s o n ' s r a t i o = 0 .2 2

F or <? : = 0 . 2 2 ( P o is s o n 's r a tio )

1 - cr

- :: 1 - 2-<7
i.e . [J. = 1 .6 6 9

p := 1 .8 2 5 3 ( th e in te g r a n d p o le )

2 2 2 2 2 2
s • s - 1- s - n + JJL - 2 s

2 2 2 2 2
2•s - [X 4- s ^ s - l - \ s - [x .

(The 1 s t te r m o f t h e i n t e g r a l )

i = - 0 .0 0 3 4

2 2 2 2
s • s - 1- s -fx + [jx - 2- s _
d s

2 2
S - l-> s - jx j j

(T he 2nd te r m o f t h e i n t e g r a l )

i = - 0 .3 6 5 3 - 0 . 0 4 4 3 i

20 0

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2 2 2 2
DO := — [, P - M - 4- p • > p - 1 m P - N

r *


NU := p • 2 ’ ' p - l - i p - n + jx - 2- p JJ

RES : =

i.e . RES = 0 .2 4 6 7 ( r e s i d u e a t p = 1 .8 2 5 3 )

p : = Im + Im fi - 1T- RES
4 M L2

p = - 0 .8 1 9 3 (s o lu tio n )


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P rogram 6 M u ltip le R e g r e ssio n A n a ly sis

This is a Ma t hCAD p r o g r a m , which p e r f o r m s the

m u l t i p l e r e g r e s s i o n a n a l y s i s .

LH := READPRN(LH) ( r e a d i n g exp. d a t a of
dept h of c u t s )

X := READPRN( LMATRI X) ( r e a d i n g d a t a of the

p a r a m e t e r s e t t i n g s )

- 1
b : = ( X T ’ X) • ( XT - LH) ( co mpu t i ng the m u l t i p l e
r e g r e s s i o n c o e f f i c i e n t s )

H := 249 (number of d a t a s e t s )

b = 0.618 ( c o mp ut i n g r e g r e s s i o n
0.866 c o e f f i c i e n t s )

= 1 0 = 0.0234

= b = 1.25
( r e s u l t s of

= b = 0.687 r e g r e s s i o n

c o e f f i c i e n t s )
= 0.343

= - b = 0.618

= - b n = 0.866


Reproduced with permission o f the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
<1> <2> <3> <4> <5>
T HL H : = b + b •X + b ‘X + b -X + b ' X + b •X
0 1 2 3 4 5

( c o m p u t i n g t h e p r e d i c t e d v a l u e s of dep t h of c u t s
in the l og. form)

SSE = Z :[< ( LH - THLH) MS E : =
N - 2

MS E = 4 . 1 2 2 - 1 0

i : = 0 . . N - 1 2"
SST : = 'l h - mean(LH)
. i _

SSTO : = 2s ST
RS Q : = 1

RS Q = 0. 911 ( c o e f f i c i e n t of d e t e r m i n a t i o n )


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