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Principals of Molly Bang in

Bell Hooks’ Chris Raschka’s

“Happy to be Nappy”
Ananya Mohan & Riza Arshi
Molly Bang
1 2 3
According to her, how We can easily use geometrical How we percieve shapes also depends
composition, shapes, sizes and shapes as psychological precepts. on the context of the picture; like
colours, make us FEEL the picture. What also matters is the alignment how we will feel about a traingle on a
of these shapes; like how an ship or a shark fin. The same goes
upright rectangle makes us feel with colour. Red may make us feel
secure while a diagonal rectangle frightened but at the same time
makes us feel vulnerable sensual; it depends on context
Use of Colours
Throughout the book we can see bright shades of
yellow, orange, green have been used behind the
children’s heads to draw attention and keep a sense of
constant. But in this illustration dull colours are used
with the line saying “ take the gloom away,” and
bright colours are used around the child’s hair, round,
symmetrical shapes have been used in bright colours.
Principal 1
Smooth, flat, horizontal shapes give us a sense of
stability and calm.
Principal 2
Vertical shapes are more exciting and more active.
Vertical shapes rebel against the earth~ gravity. They
imply energy and a reaching toward heights or the
Principal 6
White or light backgrounds feel safer to us than dark
backgrounds because we can see well during the day
and only poorly at night.
Principal 7
We feel more scared looking at pointed shapes; we feel
more secure or comforted looking at rounded shapes
or curves.

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