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(Đề thi gồm có 06 trang) Đề dành cho học sinh lớp 10 CHUYÊN ANH
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Giám thị 1: ……………..……..….................. Giám thị 2: ………...….….…..……………..…
I. Multiple choice questions
Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences. (20 pts)
1. There is a new ______ of classical musicians, led by the likes of Russell Watson and Vanessa Mae,
who have achieved the status of rock stars.
A. line B. breed C. species D. pedigree
2. High-level sportspeople must maintain a high level of fitness ______ run the risk of suffering
injuries that cause permanent damage.
A. on account of B. either C. or else D. besides
3. Our company often ______ special leaves to employees with newborn babies and small children.
A. grants B. retrieves C. donates D. requires
4. Since the information was already in the public ______ the newspaper felt free to public it.
A. area B. domain C. eye D. awareness
5. Nobody, even the best doctor, expected Frank’s ______ to be so quick and successful after so severe
an accident.
A. renewal B. resumption C. recuperation D. remuneration
6. One of the hazards that electronic media like the television, radio or computers ______ these days is
the decline in book reading.
A. denote B. play C. arise D. pose
7. Why do you say the project should be changed even more? Personally, I cannot see the ______ of
introducing so many alterations.
A. point B. reason C. clue D. ground
8. It’s no wonder that the children felt disappointed because first their parents promised to take them to
Disneyland and then they ______ on their words.
A. played down B. drew out C. came off D. went back
9. If the professor hadn’t ______ any hints, nobody would have found out the correct answer.
A. cast B. dropped C. threw D. flung
10. To his own great ______, Professor Howard has discovered a new method of bulimia treatment.
A. reputation B. name C. fame D. credit
11. After the power failure last night, the washing machine started to ______, so I had to wash the
clothes by hands.
A. make noise B. malfunction C. operate D. work
12. A: Do you think the match will be on TV later? B: ______
A. I can’t agree with you. It’s so dull. B. Yes, I’m a big fan of soap opera.
C. Yes, of course. It’s being shown live on BBC1. D. No, I don’t mind watching it.
13. Jenny: “You must have found reading my essay very tiring.” Peter: ______
A. Not in the least. B. Just in case C. At all costs D. You are welcome.
14. Mark: “Let’s collect information and then create the PowerPoint Slides.” Jenny: Oh ______
A. Good idea. B. I don’t C. I need it D. Why is that?
Circle letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word (s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences
15. Launched by the federations and foundations, Group’s bands find local expression through the
promotion of social solidarity and culture.
A. teamwork B. identity C. division D. unity
16. Cultural changes in identity can be stressful and result in problems with self-esteem and mental
A. anxiety B. confidence C. dissatisfaction D. modesty
17. Globally, farmers encroach on forestland to grow crops.
A. leave B. invade C. make road to D. intrude

Circle letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word (s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences
18. Online Business School also offers interest free student loans to UK students.
A. no extra fee B. no limited time C. no repayment D. no interest payment
19. A.I techniques help medical doctors to discover subtle interactions between medications that put
patience in jeopardy because of their serious side effect.
A. at risk B. in reality C. under control D. under pressure
20. When applying for a certain job, you’ll be at an advantage if you have hands-on experience.
A. relevant B. prior C. practical D. considerable
II. Complete each sentence with one suitable particle or preposition. (10 pts)
1. There are rumors that the ministers have tried to cover _________ the news of the recent affair so as
not to lost face with the public.
2. We were forced to work _________ the clock because our manager wanted this plan to be ready by
the following day.
3. Jack, I remind you that you are two months _________ with your essays. Deliver them by next
Friday or I’ll have to contact your parents.
4-5. _________ my part, it doesn’t interest me _________ the least whether you keep this money or
give it away.
6. Doctor Carter will be standing _________ for doctor Smith in the maternity ward during February.
7. Everyone put Mr. Spark’s success _________ to his extraordinary cleverness at persuading people
to entrust their money with him.
8. It hasn’t been decided yet who is going to represent our country in the international competition.
The whole matter is still _________ consideration.
9. Cindy despairs _________ ever seeing her boyfriend again, but it doesn’t seen to be very likely.
10. I’m sorry to have crumpled your magazine. I didn’t do it _________ purpose.
III. There are ten mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. Write your answers in
the space provided below. (10 pts)
Gender bias and poverty
line 1 Inequality amongst men and women results in poorer health for children and greater poverty
line 2 for the family, according to a new study. The UN agency Unicef found that in places where
line 3 women are included from family decisions, children are more likely to suffer from
line 4 malnutrition. There would be 13 million fewer malnourished children in South Asia unless
line 5 women had an equal say in the family, Unicef said.
line 6 Unicef surveyed family decision-making in 30 countries around the world. Their chief
line 7 finding is that equality between men and women is vital to reduce poverty and improving
line 8 health, especially that of children, in developing countries. The conclusions are contained in an
line 9 agency's latest report. This report points to a greater lack of opportunities for girls and women
line 10 in education and work which contributes to inferior position and poverty. Where men control
line 11 the household, fewer money is spent on health care and food for the family, that results in
line 12 poorer health for the children.
line 13 An increase in employment or income-earning opportunities for women would increase their
line 14 household power, the report said. For example, the agency found that whoever has the greatest
line 15 share of household income and property decides weather those resources will be used for
line 16 family needs.
Your answer:
Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction

IV. Read the text below and fill in the blanks with one suitable word for each. (10 pts)
Newspaper publishers estimate that nearly six out of ten adults in the United States and Canada read a
newspaper every day, and seven out of ten read a paper each weekend. By the time they see
newspaper, most people have already learned about (1) ________________ news stories on television
or radio. Readers rely on newspapers to provide detailed background information and analysis, (2)
________________ television and radio newscasts rarely offer. Newspaper not only inform readers
that an (3) ________________ happened but also help readers understand (4) ________________ led
up to the event and how it will affect the world around them.
The staff of a large newspaper works under the constant (5) ________________ of deadlines to bring
news to readers as quickly as human energy and technological devices permit. Reporters,
photographers, artists and editors compile articles and graphics – sometimes in just a few hours. Page
designers assemble articles, photos, illustrations, advertisements and eye-catching (6)
________________ into page layouts, then rush their work to the printer. Printing technicians may
work (7) ________________ the night operating presses that can churn out more than 60,000 copies
per hour.
Newspapers trace their roots to handwritten newssheets posted daily in the public marketplaces of (8)
________________ Rome. The first printed newspapers appeared in China during the Tang dynasty
(AD 618-907). These (9) ________________ were printed from caved wood blocks. Precursors to
modern papers first appeared in Venice, Italy, in the middle of the 14 th century. Newspapers as (10)
________________ known today, complete with advertising and a mixture of political, economic, and
social news and commentary, emerged in Britain in the mid-18th century.
V. Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets. (10 pts)
Free your inner voice

The woman twists and contorts her body, wheeling and spinning (1) __________ SPECTACLE
across the room. Her voice rises in (2) ___________ whoops and yells, then ECSTASY
drops to mournful moans and grunts before she collapses in a heap on the floor.
And then it’s my turn.
I came seeking a brief escape from the stresses of modern life. But right now my
(3) ___________ stress-fight response is in full throttle and urging me to sprint INSTINCT
for the door, anything rather than stand up and perform (4) ___________ singing SPONTANEITY
and dancing in front of a rather forbidding (5) ___________ of complete SORT
strangers. But there is no (6) ___________ way out. And something about the GRACE
trance-like beat of the American drums, the soothing candle-lit glow of the room
and the serene (7) ___________ of our teacher compels me to stay put. ASSURE
This is natural voice therapy. The workshops are meant to release hidden
emotions (8) ___________ and promote relaxation and mental healing. Using a ANXIOUS
(9) ___________ of mantra, Sanskrit chanting, Indian scales and pure (10) MIX
___________ the aim is to “free your inner voice”. IMPROVISE

VI. Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. (10 pts)
Too much on your plate? Waste not, want not!
Recent research (1) ______ in Ireland amongst chefs and consumers found that 48% of people
admitted to regular over-odering in restaurants. A campaign has been launched as a result, calling for
the food-service industry to join (2) ______ with chefs and consumers to address the issue of food
To bring the research findings to (3) ______, the owner of a restaurant in Dublin is creating a “Great
Irish Waste” menu, reconsidering food ingredients that have been thrown away, rejected or (4) ______
inedible and turning them into imaginative dishes that are both appetising and of a suitable (5) ______
to serve his customers. He says that while there will always be some (6) ______ of waste in the
kitchen, due to elements such as bones or fat trimmings, there’s an opportunity to (7) ______ wastage
in the restaurant itself (8) ______ better communication. “Even though so much food comes back on
customers’ plate and goes in the bin, the majority of diners aren’t aware of the environmental or cost
(9) ______ of that waste. Without consumers shifting their mindset, restaurants will struggle to reduce
food waste significantly.”
Tackling this problem as a consumer is straightforward. Ultimately, it (10) ______ smart shopping,
clever cooking and shrewd storage.

1. A. carried out B. put across C. taken over D. caught up

2. A. arms B. parts C. forces D. roles
3. A. fruition B. life C. action D. book
4. A. held B. deemed C. said D. regarded
5. A. model B. equivalent C. measure D. standard
6. A. degree B. scale C. margin D. quantity
7. A. shorten B. discount C. minimize D. abbreviate
8. A. over B. through C. throughout D. on
9. A. expectations B. associations C. regulations D. implications
10. A. comes down to B. sets off against C. lives up to D. gets over with

VII. Read an article and choose the sections from A to D in which the given statements are
mentioned. Write your answers beside the questions. (10 pts)

1. ______ a cautious reaction to some information.

2. ______ the reason for the decrease in the amount of movement made by people.
3. ______ the solution to a problem in carrying out some research.
4. ______ information from which it was initially hard to draw a conclusion
5. ______ a gradual acceptance of the connection between movement and health
6. ______ something widely acknowledged but not acted upon
7. ______ proof that not everyone regarded an idea as ridiculous
8. ______ a finding that pleased the person who made it
9. ______ a history of taking an unusual approach to research
10. ______ a view that could be regarded as too extreme

In 2006, James Levine, a scientist based at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, conducted a very
strange experiment. He wanted to measure something, which goes by cumbersome title of Non-
Exercise Activity Thermogenesis- or NEAT. Essentially, this examines how people move about
during an average day – not when they’re exercising, but when they’re making no special effort to
keep fit.
The big problem was just how to do the measuring – and here Levine hit upon a radical plan. He
decided to put his volunteers into specially sensored underwear. This would measure their every
waking and sleeping moment. Levine, incidentally, is no stranger to weird experiments. Aged 10, he’d
placed 15 pond snails in a glass tank and tracked their movements every hour across a piece of wax
paper. Twelve months and 200 wax paper trials later, he came to the same conclusion that he reached
23 years later in his sensored underwear experiment. All creatures have a biological imperative to
move – and movement, perhaps more than anything else, is good for us.
By the same token, lack of movement is very bad indeed. The NEAT experiment revealed that
lean people burn around 350 more calories a day just by fidgeting, pacing about, or walking to the
coffee machine. As for the non-lean ones — or fatties as they used to be known – they just sat there,
getting ever more bloated and unfit. Sitting down, Levine concluded, is not just bad for people – it’s a
killer. This may seem a bit drastic, but Levine isn’t the only scientist who reckons that being sedentary
offers an accelerated route to an early grave. However, the vast majority of us move about less and
less. As labour-intensive jobs disappear, we live in an increasingly sedentary world, spending our
working lives stuck in a chair and ever larger amounts of our leisure time too. We know that exercise
is good for us and that sitting on our bums all day isn’t – we just choose to ignore it.
Soon after the end of the Second World War, a British health researcher called Jerry Morris set
up a study to examine why record numbers of people were dying of heart attacks. The first results
Morris got in were from London busmen. Immediately, he saw that there was a striking difference:
drivers were twice as likely to suffer a heart attack as conductors. To begin with, this didn’t make
sense. After all, they were much the same age, ate much the same food and so on. There was only one
key difference. Whereas the drivers spent their days behind the wheel, conductors spent theirs running
up and down the stairs. Morris thought he might be on to something, but it was still too early to say: he
had to wait for other data to arrive. Then came the figures for postal workers. These were strikingly
similar to the bus drivers: the postmen who delivered the mail by bike and on foot had markedly fewer
heart attacks than the ones who served behind counters. His paper, “Coronary Heart-disease and
Physical Activity of Work”, was published in The Lancet in 1953 – and greeted with hoots of derision
by his peers. But Morris, as people slowly began to concede, was onto something.
Two hundred years ago, people may have led much less sedentary lives, but they still had an
inkling that sitting down wasn’t doing them any good. No one seems to know exactly when the
standing desk was invented, but by the mid 19th century, they were a regular fixture in the offices and
homes of the rich. But if people could get used to working standing up, could they go one step further?
One evening in 2007, Levine was in his office at the Mayo Clinic thinking about the relationship
between exercise and fitness when he had an idea. Instead of people nipping off to the gym and then
coming back to slump at their desks, maybe they could exercise at the same time as working. Sliding a
hospital tray on top of a treadmill, Levine set it to a modest 2mph. To his surprise, he found he could
work perfectly easily while he was walking along. He could type, make phone calls and do almost
everything that he normally did sitting down. Yet after an hour, he’d burned off more than 100
calories. It was, as he admits, an eccentric invention. “There was a notion floating about that I had
completely flipped.” But television stations began doing news reports, and all at once people didn’t
think he was so nutty after all. Soon, the treadmill desk, or Walkstation as it was called, had gone into
commercial production

VIII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (10 pts)
1. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove _________________________________________________________________________
2. Were Mike not so affluent a man, Ann wouldn’t be dating him.
But _______________________________________________________________________________

3. It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced climber or not, mountaineering can still be
However __________________________________________________________________________
4. My precious life was saved by the lifeguard.
I owe _____________________________________________________________________________
5. I was strongly determined to complete my dissertation by the end of the month.
I had _____________________________________________________________________________.

IX. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the
word given. (10 pts)
1. He knew nothing of his wife’s impending promotion. ABOUT
Little ___________________________________________ to be promoted.
2. He can’t possibly have said anything like that. MISHEARD
You really must _____________________________________completely.
3. Brian was offended when the teacher accused him of being disruptive. BEING
Brian took __________________________________ disrupting the lesson.
4. Initially, everybody believed his story but now they think he was lying. UP
He is now __________________________________ the story
5. I don't mind where we decide to go for our family holiday this year. DIFFERENCE
It doesn't__________________________________ where we decide to go for our family holiday this
That’s the end of the test!
Good luck to you!

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