Chapter 5 - Exercise 5.7

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EXERCISE 5.7 (homework)


EXERCISE 5.7 (homework)

Read carefully the passage entitled ‘A Fishy Business’ on page 67. Say whether the
following statements are true or false. Copy the words or phrase (NO more than 6
words) which support your answer. You will lose marks for irrelevant information.
1. Fish has only one use – as a source of food for human beings.
2. There is much less fish in the sea than a few years ago.
3. ‘Farming’ fish means catching as much fish as you can.
4. Overfishing is the only cause of the declining numbers of fish.
5. Governments now regulate the times and the amounts of fish that can be caught.
6. It is estimated that there are 200 million fishermen in the world.
7. Factory ships go to sea for short periods and bring back fresh fish.
8. More than a third of Iceland’s total income comes from selling fish to its people.
9. 50% of the people in the world live in coastal areas.
10. Raising fish prices is no help to the fisherman, because sales volume drops.


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