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= Lccr How to Pass ) v) ® & ) > a _— = 2 o) c TT How to Pass English for Business Level 1 5"" Edition September 2013 - Reprint Januar 2015 © Copyright Logophon-Verlag GmbH All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. Das Werk ist in allen seinen Teilen urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Jede Verwendung ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzuldssig. Das gilt insbesondere fiir Vervielfaltigungen, Ubersetzungen, Mikroverfilmung und die Einspeicherung in und Verarbeitung durch elektronische Systeme. ISBN 978-3-922514-28-2 Published by: Logophon-Verlag GmbH Alte Gartnerei 1, 55128 Mainz-Bretzenheim, Germany Tel: 061 31/716 45 Fax: 061 31/725 96 E-mail: Website: OTHER BUSINESS ENGLISH TITLES PUBLISHED BY LOGOPHON VERLAG GMBH: How to Pass English for Business Preliminary Level ISBN 978-3-922514-27-5 How to Pass English for Business Level 1 ISBN 978-3-922514-28-2 How to Pass English for Business Level 2 ISBN 978-3-922514-29-9 How to Pass English for Business Level 3 ISBN 978-3-922514-32-9 How to Pass Spoken English for Industry and Commerce PRELIMINARY Level Student's Book ISBN 3-922514-33-2 Student’s Cassette ISBN 3-922514-38-3 Teacher's Book ISBN 3-922514-37-5 Picture Book ISBN 3-922514-39-1 How to Pass Spoken English for Industry and Commerce THRESHOLD Level Student’s Book ISBN 3-922514-34-0 Student’s Cassette ISBN 3-922514-41-3 Teacher's Book ISBN 3-922514-40-5 Picture Book ISBN 3-922514-42-1 How to Pass Spoken English for Industry and Commerce INTERMEDIATE Level Student’s Book ISBN 3-922514-35-9 Student's Cassette ISBN 3-922514-44-8 Teacher's Book ISBN 3-922514-43-x How to Pass Spoken English for Industry and Commerce ADVANCED Level Student's Book ISBN 3-922514-36-7 Student’s Cassette ISBN 3-922514-46-4 Teacher’s Book ISBN 3-922514-45-6 Business English Tests ISBN 3-922514-91-x More Business English Tests ISBN 3-922514-92-8 Advanced Business English Tests ISBN 3-922514-93-6 CONTENTS INO WGN OMe ns erecta at, -heantinc omer eet ee iV Examination Information COMpPulsOny VVGLO Ms EXAM sa ie ena uanstite oetaneds teoul wepaepaaeeeme e Vv Optional Soeakingkesl— <5 == sess uncut eee Vi-ix Optional EIStening: IGS sks mess Ss em te X-xil Sampie-Examination-Paper ts ccsessasasestmcnnsan eee Xili-xx Main Section SECON 1 ECUCNS— Serpe escaee) cso uh bsscaeces ee 1-8 SECON 2M SIMO S rears. cccarar Aan ree onccyes A eR 9-16 SECHOM Se ShOMeANSWEIS — seis Wiices oc gusenssvelees cas downs eee 17 - 28 SECON Sl rue/ False Os PONE Me Se Sein aa) eee 29 - 38 Section s.Formns:& Diagrams -sicenee st nok hee week 39 - 48 ROMISION Seo lenicnsc ceane saa tomiatac tna eee ct eee 49 - 54 FPS ERVGR INS Vo lhe eA UN GS Snes sanetrcscrescomtcin reer tccustnonga spaven mapa ea im Tee 55 - 68 Answers Section ANSWERS Sections (=) 40 rt), aatie Teloee © e78ce me 69 - 96 ANSWERS ;GURNERPlaGlCe = tants cence emote ceeer es 97 - 108 GIO SSA orca ees epee een ss Kenn keene ce 109 — 120 Sample Examination Paper 2 ............................8.. 121-128 ANSWERS: Sample Examination Paper 1 ................. 129-130 ANSWERS: Sample Examination Paper 2 ................. 131-132 INTRODUCTION This book is the official examination preparation book for the LCC! English for Business Level 1 examination. It uses practice examination questions to prepare candidates for the English for Business Level 1 written examination. Guidance in how to approach the questions is provided, followed by controlled practice, revision tests and further practice. Two complete examination papers are included; one at the beginning to show students what the exam looks like as a whole and one at the end to provide a mock examination which can be carried out under exam conditions. Further past papers are available from www.| or www. This book can be used either as a class book or for self-study. On the next pages you will find information about the compulsory written examination and the optional Speaking and Listening Tests. The MAIN SECTION of the book consists of 5 sections which cover the examination tasks, as follows: e Letters e Memos e Short Answers e True/False e Forms & Diagrams Each section has an introduction, which explains how to approach the task. For letters and memos there is a six-stage approach, as follows; Identify the task Layout Identify relevant information Group/order relevant information Write the answer Check your work OnhwWhd = This is followed by an example in which the six stages have already been completed. A second example is provided for the student to complete the six stages and write the answer. Following the student’s example are six further questions providing more practice material. For short answers, true/false and forms & diagrams a four-stage approach is utilised. The four stages are: 1 Identify the task 2 Before you start 3 Write the answer 4 Check your work A REVISION TEST is provided which uses material from the given examples in each section and requires the student to answer all 5 types of questions. Following the revision test is a section entitled ‘FURTHER PRACTICE.’ This provides students with 15 further questions on letters, memos, short answers, true/false and forms & diagrams. Answers to the questions in sections 1-5 can be found at the back of the book in the section entitled ‘ANSWERS: SECTIONS 1-5.’ Answers to the further practice questions can be found at the back of the book in the section entitled ‘ANSWERS: FURTHER PRACTICE.’ A ‘GLOSSARY’ section at the back of the book lists the main words used in the book. Finally, ‘SAMPLE EXAMINATION PAPER 2’ provides a complete examination which can be held under exam conditions. Answers to both examination papers can be found at the back of the book. | WRITTEN EXAMINATION THE COMPULSORY WRITTEN EXAMINATION The English for Business Level 1 written examination lasts for two hours. It consists of 4 questions and candidates must answer ALL questions. Question 1 and 2 carry 30 marks each. Questions 3 and 4 carry 20 marks each. The total number of marks available is 100. Candidates must achieve 50 marks overall to pass. Credit is awarded to candidates gaining over 65% and Distinction is awarded to candidates gaining over 75%. Question 1 involves the composition of a letter or memo, based on given information. The content of the LETTER OR MEMO should be between 150 and 200 words of simple business style communication dealing with such topics as: - retail orders - customer enquiries - requests for information - replies to complaints - reminders about tasks in hand - communications between work colleagues, etc Question 2 involves understanding and responding to a passage of business-related prose of about 300 words. The stimulus for the exercise will be: - a passage on a business-related topic in language appropriate to the level -a series of statements about the content and information in the passage. Candidates must identify whether the statements are TRUE OR FALSE, and provide supporting evidence. Question 3 involves a ‘read and think’ comprehension test, based on some graphic or numerical display, requiring very SHORT ANSWERS. The stimulus for the question will be data in the form of a table or a chart relating to, for example: - company car fleet hire charges - office accommodation agencies - conference facilities at an hotel - company branches and staffing details, etc Question 4 involves a ‘read and write’ reformulation task using data to complete FORMS OR DIAGRAMS. The stimulus for the question will be selected from: - data or information in written notes -aconversation about a business related situation - arecord of a telephone message or fax, etc An Infopack (including exam syllabus) and Past Paper Packs are available from OPTIONAL SPEAKING TEST An optional Speaking Test is available for English for Business Level 1. Candidates will be assessed by a 12 minute examination including 5 minutes preparation time. The examination consists of 2 parts. There are four criteria — fluency, lexis, grammar and pronunciation — and candidates will be assessed on their performance in both parts. The assessment tasks are as follows: ) Part 1 consists of a warm up conversation during which the candidate will be asked about, eg. study, work ambitions for the future, Part 2 requires the candidate to participate in a discussion of the topic selected by the examiner More information can be found on the next pages and a guidance document for examiners and tutorial CD is available from www.| or OPTIONAL LISTENING TEST An optional Listening Test is available for English for Business Level 1. Candidates will be assessed by a 20 minute examination consisting of 30 multiple choice questions. There are two types of tasks: Task 1 (10 questions). Candidates listen to a recorded question, which has three recorded responses (A, B, C) and candidates choose the appropriate response. Task 2 (20 questions). Candidates listen to short conversations and announcements. They then read a question about the conversation or announcement, which has four possible responses (A, B, C, D), and choose the appropriate response. More information can be found on the next pages and a guidance document for examiners and tutorial CD is available from or SPEAKING TEST THE OPTIONAL SPEAKING TEST The Speaking Test is optional. At Level 1 the Speaking Test lasts 12 minutes. There are 3 parts as follows; e Preparation 5 minutes You will be given a Topic Sheet with a picture and some questions or statements. You have 5 minutes to look at the picture, read the questions and think about what you are going to say. e Warm up 2 minutes During the warm-up the examiner will ask you about general information, eg (background, study, work, ambitions for the future) e Examination 5 minutes The examiner will ask you some of the questions about the picture. The themes will be of general interest, eg; o WORK (eg earning a living, types of work, etc) PRODUCTION and Sale of Goods (Industry, Shops, etc) TRADE (eg import/export, problems, etc) MONEY (eg payment, prices, banking services, savings, etc) TRANSPORT (eg types of transport, uses, problems) COMMUNICATIONS (eg internet, TV, telephones, newspapers, etc) EDUCATION AND TRAINING (eg your education, education systems, training, etc) TRAVEL AND TOURISM (eg methods of transport, role of travel in modern life, tourism, etc) Oo oo @ 6 68 6 You will be tested for; e Fluency e Vocabulary e Grammar e Pronunciation The grades awarded are; e Pass with Distinction (=Excellent) e Pass with Credit (=very good) e Pass e Fail Typical Warm-up Questions SPEAKING TEST SAMPLE TOPIC 1 : PRODUCTION Describe what you can see in the picture. Explain what A, B, C, D and E are. What do you think this factory produces? Why do you think this? What are the advantages of working in a factory? What are the disadvantages? Are factories necessary in modern life? Why? What problems do factories make? What advantages do they bring? Are there any factories in your home town? What do they produce? & SAMPLE TOPIC 2 : WORK ' Describe the picture. . e What are A, B, C, D and E? Is this a modern office? Why (not?) Would you like to work in an office? Why (not)? Is it better to work in a big office or a small office? Why? Why not? What is office work? Is it necessary? Is it necessary to do office work in an office? SPEAKING TEST SAMPLE TOPIC 3 : TRANSPORT Se ee ¢ What means of transport ee you ‘See? : _ Choose c one and ee a - * and ‘why you would use it? | «> -Whati is the role of each means of transport shown for the = ae individual? For industry? o What other means of transp rt | _ are there? im used most often in your country? Why? What i Is used least ¢ often? 5 ndemavran fe o , Which i is “H sthe quietest? | | eaetiies fastest? | o me Which is the most _ . So environmentally- friendly? _ - comfortable? a expensive to use? = What are the advantages seule lnalvantages: of each =e | | | s - What | means of transport i is i shown? | epee | Describe what you can see in the picture. Is training for your job important? Why? Does it depend on the type of job? What option do school-leavers have in your country? What training do the following people need in your country and where would they get it? Electrician fSecretary {Accountant % Journalist # Teacher Plumber # Forester #Waitress Engineer |Farmer %Salesperson %®Doctor SDJ # Musician viii SPEAKING TEST SAMPLE TOPIC 5 : MONEY What can you see in the picture? What are these used for? Which of these do most people in your country have in their home? Where would you buy each of these items in your country? How much does each item cost in your country? Which is the most expensive / the cheapest? How would you pay for each one? Cash? Debit Card? Credit Card? Cheque? Bank loan? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method of payment? When would you take credit? Why? SAMPLE TOPIC 6 : TOURISM — Sw Do people in your country go to the countryside for holidays? If not where do they go on holiday? Do they prefer to go to the beach? To the mountains? To cities? What advantages do tourists bring to low-income areas? What disadvantages do they bring? Does tourism bring changes to popular areas? Why? How many people in your country go on holiday abroad? Why? LISTENING TEST LISTENING TEST The Listening Test is optional. At Level 1 the Listening Test lasts 20 minutes. There are 30 questions in total. You will be given a booklet containing the questions and an answer sheet with space to mark you answers, _ like this. The Level 1 Listening Test consists of 2 parts as follows; Part 1 Question posed and correct response (10 questions) Part 2 a) Conversation and correct responses (17 questions) b) Monologue and correct response (3 questions) EXAMPLES Part 1 In Part 1 you will hear a question and then hear three possible responses. You should choose the correct response. Conversation A is correct. LISTENING TEST r 2a | | 1 Part 2a of the test there is a question in your booklet with four possible answers. You read the question and then listen for the answer in the conversation. =or example: Question: How much does one notebook cost? | A. £5 | | B. £7.50 | C. £15 | D. £2.50 Recorded conversation: rhe correct answer is A, one notebook costs £5, so candidates mark A on their answer sheet. : ‘art 2b Part 2b of the test there is a question in your booklet with four possible answers. You then listen to the monologue for the correct answer. | -or example: i | f uestion: Which gate should the passengers for Flight AT 4327 go to? A. Gate 14 B. Gate 40 C. Gate 4 | D. Gate 44 Recorded conversation: he correct answer is B, Gate 40. KE on Wi Zz = is ® ol | xii SAMPLE EXAMINATION PAPER 1 =e mILCCI Use [ay

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