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Certainly, creating a comprehensive analysis in Google Sheets requires some manual

work, as not all information is readily available in one place. Additionally, certain data
points might require the use of third-party tools. Here's a step-by-step guide on how
you can gather and organize the data you're interested in:

1. Define the Websites and Keywords:

List the websites you want to analyze and choose 10 relevant long-tail keywords for

2. Gather SERP Position:

You can manually search for each keyword in an incognito window on Google and note
the position of the website in the search results.

3. Website Age:

Use a domain age checker tool like or similar to find the age of each website.

4. Backlinks:

Use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush to gather information on internal and external

5. Index Status:

Check if the website is indexed by Google and Bing by searching "" in

the search engines. Alternatively, you can use Google Search Console and Bing
Webmaster Tools.

6. MOZ Rank (DA & PA):

You can use the Moz Link Explorer to find Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority
(PA) for each website.

7. Website Speed:

Use Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to analyze the speed of each website.
8. Website Size:

Check the website size through tools like GTmetrix or Pingdom.

9. Social Signals:

For social signals, you can use tools like BuzzSumo or SocialBee to check the social
engagement of each website.

10. Compile Data in Google Sheets:

Create a Google Sheet and organize the information in columns for each of the criteria
you're analyzing.

Here's an example of how your sheet might look:

Website Keyword SERP Website Internal External Google Bing Website Website Social
Name 1 Position Age Backlinks Backlinks Index Index DA PA Speed Size Signals
5000 Keyword1 3 5 years 5000 2000 Yes Yes 80 65 4s 2 MB Likes
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Remember to adjust the metrics and tools based on the availability and relevance to
your analysis. This process may take some time depending on the number of websites

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