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9 Breaking news

UNIT OBJECTIVES 1 someone who used to be a social media influencer
2 one
TOPICS: the media, celebrities 3 one text

GRAMMAR: reported speech 3 Ask students if they remember any tips on how best to
VOCABULARY: media, noun suffixes approach this task before reading through the Quick
steps with the class. Elicit the key words in question 1
READING & USE OF ENGLISH PART 7: focusing on key
to check that the whole class understands the concept,
words and then let students continue the underlining on their
PART 3: internal spelling changes own. With a weaker class, check the underlining before
students do the exam task by following the Quick steps.
WRITING PART 2: report, recommending and
suggesting Read through the Exam tip before checking answers.
Encourage students to read out the part of the text
LISTENING PART 4: predicting content
which gave them the answer to each question. If
SPEAKING PART 2: giving extended answers students make mistakes, encourage others to explain
why their answer is incorrect using information from the
Reading and Use of English
STARTER 1 wishing, change, sooner
Write social media on the board. Brainstorm any words 2 unable, resist, buy
that students associate with it. A lot of the English terms 3 brands, no, trusting
are used in other languages too, but you should be able to 4 identify, influencers
5 avoid, sensitive
elicit follower, like, YouTubers, platform, tweets, influencers, 6 competition, tougher
accounts, fake news, etc. If students are slow to start, use 7 delighted, statistic
some sentence starters such as a message you publish on 8 effects, products, consumers
Twitter is called a …; a person who makes and appears in 9 mistake, easy, make money
10 increasing investments, companies
videos on YouTube is called a …; someone who chooses to see Exam task answers
another person’s messages on social media is called a …, etc. 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 C 7 A 8 B 9 B 10 A

1 Draw attention to the photos and ask students if they 4 Point out that the letter in brackets refers to the
recognise the people or can say what they do. Then put paragraph in the reading text where students can
students into pairs to ask and answer the questions. find the answer. Give them a few minutes working on
Feed back as a class by comparing answers. their own to note down the answers. Go through them
with the class and, if time allows, elicit more example
Answers sentences with each word or phrase.
1 Someone who is paid by a company to show and describe
its products and services on social media, encouraging other
people to buy them.
1 over the moon
2 boomed
Part 7 3 spot
4 foreseen
5 myth
2 Ask one or two students to tell the class everything they 6 convincing
remember about Reading and Use of English Part 7 and 7 constructive
ask others to add anything that is missing. Then allow a 8 losing faith in
few minutes for students to quickly scan the exam task 9 well-meaning
10 get you down
and answer the questions. Remind students that the
format of the task is always the same. There is one overall 5 If necessary, go over the first sentence with the class,
question which is completed by each option (in this reminding them of the rules for direct to reported
example ‘In which section does the writer mention …?’) speech. Then put students in pairs to complete the task.
Check answers as a class.


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