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Round 1: Technical Assessment

App Module Integration and Process Automation:

How would you approach integrating the User, Consultant, and B2B entity modules into a
unified app architecture while ensuring seamless communication and data flow between
Can you outline your strategy for automating key processes within the app to enhance
efficiency and user experience, particularly in areas such as appointment scheduling, data
management, and notification systems?

I would start with identifying the use cases, actors and relations between them. Then I would design
the database tables by identifying the primary and foreign keys and relations between the fields. I
will use Django events triggering feature for notifications. Based on the use-cases, i will go for
event-driven or data driven architecture and design REST API’s.

Strategy for automating key processes :

1. Frontend pages shall use optimal fields ,
2. Avoid unnecessary requests to the server
3. All requests are REST API based
4. Pre-populate fields as necessary so that user need not type fully.
5. UI widgets be designed user-friendly and easily recognizable.
6. Give correct response/error messages.
7. Use a event-driven or data driven notification system.

B2B Events Integration:

What solutions would you propose for integrating features for B2B events within the app,
including event scheduling, attendee management, and resource allocation?
How do you plan to design and implement functionality to facilitate smooth collaboration
between our platform and B2B entities hosting events, ensuring a seamless user experience for
event participants?

Afer studying the system, I would identify if B2B API’s are availabe or else if we can connect to
their sysem somehow(scraping) or manual entry through admin panel by giving the staff a
seperate user account.

If possible, I would write a program to fetch B2B entity for events, attendees and resources. (Also
avaiable through admin panel). This program is run periodically to ensure sync between both the
systems.Once we have the systems in sync, identified use cases & non-functional requirements
development takes of further integrations to ensure seamless experience.

AI Integration and Trend Awareness:

How do you envision leveraging AI technologies to enhance the app's capabilities, such as
providing personalized recommendations for users or optimizing system performance?
Can you discuss your approach to staying informed about emerging trends and advancements
in AI, and how you would incorporate relevant innovations into our app development strategy
to maintain competitiveness in the market?

I would use an artificial intelligence recommendation engine(AI) to provide personalized

recommendations to users. Such a system uses machine learning algorithms that analyze user data,
such as search history, demographic information, and preferences, to predict what products a user is
likely interested in. By analysing logs, we can get analytics about system performance and make
better informed decisions.

I would join AI groups , subscribe to AI forums in LinkedIn, Tech Crunch to stay informed about
latest trends in AI and AI companies. I would study the AI use cases and find out best fit model in
relevant to our app development.

MVP Development Strategy:

What steps would you take to prioritize feature development and iterate on the creation of
Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) for new app features or modules?
How do you plan to gather user feedback and iterate on MVPs to ensure rapid deployment
and continuous improvement while minimizing time to market?

I would start with identifying the most important use-cases / features that should be present in the
MVP. Once the initial set of users are chosen, and app is set to use, I would put tight feedback loop
in place so that further iterations are done fast and released to the users immediately.

For gathering user feedback, I would use app ananytics, crash-analytics & collect user feedback.
Once we get insights , we can close the loop and re-release to market immediately. Django ensures
Rapid Application Development and tightly coupled with CI/CD.

Tech Stack Selection and Scalability Planning:

How would you go about selecting the appropriate technology stack for the app development
process, considering factors such as scalability, security, and compatibility with our business
Can you outline your strategy for ensuring the scalability and performance optimization of
the app, particularly as we anticipate growth in user base and feature expansion?

I would choose such a technology where there is good community support, huge library base, good
resources available, things like scalable or not, how secure it is, is it open -source or closed-source
and the design, complexity and architecture of our app is supported by the technology/framework
and its popularity. I will gor for Python, Django and React.

For scalability , I would ensure Modular Architecture,Horizontal Scaling, Vertical Scaling,

Leverage Cloud Computing (AWS), Implement Caching Mechanisms (memcache, REDIS, etc)
Database Scaling Strategies, query optimization, etc.

For performance optimization , I would use CDN, Optimize the size of images, Reduce the number
of plugins, minimize the number of JavaScript and CSS files or minify them, caching,
Use prefetching techniques, etc.

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