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The Haber is not supposed to exist.

It is not a HA chassis. It is a GMS chassis that GMS has denied

ever producing. Its design is directly responsible for six
anthrochauvinist crimes convictions at the highest level and two
applications of the death penalty for crimes against humanity by
the nascent Third Committee, and indirectly responsible for
countless deaths over the centuries since the Revolution. It was
a core component of Second Committee TBK doctrine - where the
Worldkiller was fire and brimstone, the Haber was the careful
cultivator of the graveyard, euphemistically classified into a
battlefield role of “infrastructure-preserving organic

Other, more modern mechs in the “absolute soft denial” sector are
accidents: HORUS pattern-groups centered around writhing swarms
of redwash, SSC failures of bioexperimentation, and similar. The
Haber was a clear-eyed creation of singular intent, designed for
the exclusive purpose of rendering organic environments - and
their inhabitants - into an undifferentiated slurry from which
later terraforming efforts could rebuild a planet more suited to
its new colonial inhabitants. In service of this goal, it uses a
curated library of lethal pathogens, chemicals, and psychoactives
fashioned into weapons of war.

From inside the Haber’s hermetically sealed cockpit, there is

nothing except the flickering feed of exterior cameras and the
hiss of pressurized air flowing in synchrony with your breath.

On the outside, there is nothing but a garden of poison.

Size: 2
Armor: 2
Save Target: 10
Sensors: 5
HP: 8 E-Defense: 8 There is a color to the rotting trees
Repair Cap: 4 Tech Attack: -2 and the wretched mud. There is a scent
AGILITY SP: 6 to the sludge of leaves and the
Evasion: 8 ENGINEERING sprawled, twining limbs. There is a
Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 7 sound to your own breath, your own
heart, in the wasteland of your own
TRAITS making.
ONBOARD BIOCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS This is the lesson that black is not the
When the Haber hits a hostile character with an color of iron, and white is not the
attack, it may take 1 Heat to deal additional color of snow, and red is not the color
Burn proportional to the size of the weapon of apples, and green is not the color of
(Aux: 1, Main: 2, Heavy and Superheavy: 3).
Those are not the colors of your garden
at all.
1/Round, the Haber may ignore Resistance The Final Descent
when it inflicts Burn. Active (1 CP), Quick Action
For the duration of the scene, hostile
WEAK COMPUTER characters gain an Infection token when you
deal Burn to them. Infected Characters
The Haber receives +1 Difficulty on all System automatically fail their first check to clear Burn.
saves and checks. In addition, when non-Grunt Infected
Characters take Structure damage or are
destroyed as a result of Burn, the viral particles
MOUNTS bloom into a highly infectious cloud; all other
hostile characters within Burst 2 of them take 4
Burn and become Infected.

SEEK/DEVOUR Canister Shot

2 SP, Mod, Unique, Limited 3
Main, Heavy, Superheavy
Launcher, CQB, Cannon
This Mod may not be applied to template weapons. When you attack with the weapon this mod is
applied to, you may fire an airburst viral canister instead of attacking normally. Center a Burst 1 area on
the attack's target; it and all hostile characters in the area take 2 Burn before the attack is resolved, but
the attack itself deals half damage, heat, and Burn.
The SEEK/DEVOUR Pt. IA strain was engineered in the latter days of the Second
Committee specifically for penetration and infection through hardsuit interfaces
and standard chassis air-scrubbers. However, its exceptionally swift metabolic rate
also means that it burns out rapidly in air, requiring a delivery as close to its
target and in as much saturated quantity as possible. Over extensive field testing,
an airbursting canister was deemed the most efficacious method.

CBNRN Sealing
2 SP, System, Unique
Your mech ignores Dangerous Terrain. As a Protocol, you may seal your mech completely, becoming
Impaired but gaining Resistance to Burn until the beginning of your next turn.
CBNRN (Chemical, Biological, Nanite, Radiological, Nuclear) sealing is the art of
maintaining complete lockdown of one’s mech: self-contained air supply,
anti-radiation shielding, softkill materials for nanite attacks, reinforced joints
and reactor exhaust/intake points, and so on. Given the nature of cavalry
operations, chassis not purpose-designed for near-immunity to CBNRN effects are
still somewhat vulnerable even with proper precautions - but only somewhat.


Gas Grenade Seeder

2 SP, System, Unique, Limited 4
As a Quick Action, expend a charge from this System to fire an aerosol biochemical grenade. Choose a
free space within Range 10; the first time a character moves through or adjacent to this space, they
take 2 Burn and the cloud is consumed. Gas clouds otherwise dissipate at the end of the scene.
Through an ingenious admixture of heavier-than-air and lighter-than-air components
which react with one another in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, various active
biochemical payloads can be suspended in-atmosphere indefinitely in a typical
combat environment. Lethality after four hours remains near 98.3% under standard
conditions, while noncombatant casualties after deployment often remain within
acceptable levels.

Local Sterilization Vent

3 SP, Protocol, Unique, 2 Heat (Self)
When you activate this System, you become Slowed. A Burst 1 area around your mech (which you are
unaffected by) becomes Difficult Terrain, and any hostile character entering this area - or beginning
their turn within it - takes 1 Burn and becomes Impaired until the beginning of their next turn. Attacks
made against you from outside this area treat you as having soft cover. This area disappears, and you
are no longer Slowed, at the beginning of your next turn.
//:href|1 - heat-catalyzed corrosive compound flash-synthesis library
//:href|2 - coldcore emergency to-air exhaust vents
//:href|3 - admin safety interlock disable


EA17 Special Payload Mortar

Superheavy Launcher, Arcing Ordnance Heat 3 (Self)
[15 Range] [Blast 2] [1 Explosive + 8 Burn]
Instead of attacking normally with this weapon, you may place a Blast 2 area anywhere within this
weapon’s Range. This area becomes Difficult and Dangerous Terrain which deals 4 Burn until the end
of the scene.

A pristine set of dog tags catch the light of the sun through the open cockpit,
from where they lie in an oil-slick puddle smeared across the pilot’s seat. Slowly,
with the maddening regularity of buzzing flies, water drips from the yawning hatch.
It is a muddy crimson where it soaks into the long-dead, withering grass.

“Wonderland” Neurochemical Cannon

Main Cannon, Loading Knockback 1
[12 Range] [1d6+2 Explosive Damage]
On hit: The target must make an Engineering save. On a success, they become Impaired until the end
of their next turn. On a failure, they must roll 1d20 before making any attack until the end of their next
turn; on a 5 or less, the attack automatically misses and its effects and damage (if any) are negated.

Side effects of concentrated dosage: Hallucinations (auditory, visual, tactile),

slurred speech, paranoia, hyperactivity, acute mania, audiovisual agnosia…

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