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Situational Analysis

The Pandemic of Covid-19 had a huge influence on worldwide economies as well

as people of all ages and backgrounds. Around the world social media and virtual

meetings have become the the “New Normal” as individuals struggle to preserve

normalcy in their lives in the middle of pandemic restriction. (Arreola, 2020).

A memorandum dated March 27, 2021 approving the recommendation of the

inter-agency task by Covid-19 Pandemic was released by the executive secretary, many

firms had closed and were affected by the worldwide pandemic, and this also affected the

jobs of many individuals producing financial problems.

The fact that many brick-and-mortar stores have closed for the time being is no

news, and shoppers are opting to stay in their homes to reduce their risk. To get the things

they need and want, more people are turning to internet shopping. One of the most widely

utilized media for convenient buying is online shopping. It is, in fact, a popular means of

shopping among the internet community (Boyrlakis et al.,2018). Some people,

particularly college students who have been struggling financially for their studies or

fundamental needs in everyday life, have turned o online selling as a solution to cope

with their financial troubles.

No matter what clothes, electronics, or pets, the online shopping trends is

becoming more popular with each passing day. Hundreds of websites and applications

are being created and deployed every year to meet this rising demand for comfortable

shopping friends. (Bashir et al.,2017).

Consumers are even more attracted to online shopping due to their attitude with

regards to saving time, price flexibility, and availability of various products as well as a

range of products on one platform (Ferri et al.,2018).

Online shopping has been growing in popularity for some time because more and

more consumers have began trusting online commerce and have moved a significant part

of their shopping online (Lixiandroiu, 2017).

The Philippines e-commerce industry has a lot of opportunities for progress and

groth. This is mainly motivated by Filipino customers who like a very digital lifestyle.

Even after the pandemic, around 73% of Filipino consumers are likely to sustain or

increase their online shopping activities.

Either at home, in office, on in another country, online shopping is becoming a

convenient way to make a purchase. People can easily communicate about incentives like

cash on delivery and special discounts on internet perchase, people are shopping online

from the comfort of their own homes.

With the increase in online sales and business activities, the government is

attempting to remind online sellers of their tax obligations to the BIR and RMC and as a
result, many online sellers are having difficulty in every situation they face because of the

extra tax they must pay to legally sell the products they own digital phenomenon for

online shopping even more. E-commerce websites, Mobile applications such as Lazada

and Shopee are at the forefont of these online shopping platforms with expected surges in

sales revenues in millions of pesos. Technology has already transformed online business

transactions into an infinite marketplace where conducting business has become more

convenient marketplace a more obvious necessity.

With this surge in online sales and business activities, the government looks to

remind online sellers of their tax obligations, with the Bureau of Internal Revenue's (BIR)

issuance of Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 60-2020 entitled "Obligations of

Persons Conducting Business Transactions Through any Forms os Electronic Media and

Notice to Unregistered Businesses." The circular basically mandates all buisiness owners

who are engaged in an onlind business platrform in any form, whether digital or

electronic, to register their businesses with the BIR and pay taxes on their sales.

Under this RMC, online business entities and constituents are encouraged to

register their businesses memorandum order later July 31, 2020 to avoid penalties for late

registration. In addition, they are encouraged to voluntarily declare their past transactions,

and pay the taxes due thereon, without corresponding penalties if the declaration is done

no later than July 31, 2020. The above circular is explicit that it covers not only partner

sellers, but also other stakeholders, such as the payment gateways, delivery channels,

Internet service providers, and other facilitators. If the online seller are already registered
with the BIR but were not previously doing business online, these online seller should

revise their certificates of registration (with the BIR), to include "online selling".

In the Municipality of Bauang, similar memorandum exists indicating that online

sellers should register their business and secure business permit from the office of the

Mayor and pay necessary taxes for their business. Aside from paying taxes which adds to

the burden of online sellers, there are others challenges that they are facing before and

after they sell the products. To mention some are the availability of the products, delivery

of the products, and marketability of the products. These observations prompted the

researchers to conduct a study on the challenges faced by online sellers of Bauang, La

Union that could help them to give solutions to these challenges.

Significance of the Study

This study entitled Lived Experiences of College Students Online Sellers of La

Union Colleges of Science & Technology Inc., amidst the COVID19 Pandemic:

Municipality of Bauang, La Union. This study will help the Municipality in

giving guidance and assistance to the College Students online sellers on what experiences

they encounter.

College Students The result of the study will determine how to address their

experiences in lives of online selling during the pandemic.

Online Sellers. This study will benefit the online sellers specially the students.

Researchers. This study will serve as a guide on how to help the College

Students online sellers La Union Colleges of Science and Technology Inc.

Future Researchers. The outcome of the study will serve as a point if reference

as they go along researching. This study will guide them to create new research or study

that will soon be helpful in the world of Online-Selling industry.

Theoretical Framework

Based Theory

One of the theories that this research used was Based Theory. Based on the

experiences of college students online sellers in la union colleges os science and

technology inc. amids thebcovid 19 pandemic, the gap between customer expectation and

their satisfaction that can be measure after the purchase, customer satisfaction can be

identified (James, 2017). Customer's perception about each factor contributes in order to

measure satisfaction from the customer's perspective. According to Swan and Combs

(1976) it is very important to know the customer perception of each attributes. Therefore,

it is equally important which factors or attributes have a significant impact on the

assessment of the customer satisfaction after purchasing. As previous authors have

mention that technology acceptance factors website's quality service are the important

factors for measuring customer's satisfaction towards online shopping. Hence, these two

factors have been considered for this study.

Expectation and Confirmation Theory

This study has been adapted of the expectation-confirmation theory by Oliver

(2018). Oliver (2018) stated the opposite term of disconfirmation that is confirmation,

compares' satisfaction with their expectations towards products and service before and

after they have been than customers' expectations, positive discrepancies or confirmation
occurs. In contrary, when product performance is worse than expectations, negative

discrepancy or disconfirmation occurs. Hsu, Chang, and Chuang (2017) mentioned that

confirmation is cognition-based that is significantly related to the measurement of

customer satisfaction. Hence, this study has selected the factors namely; technology

acceptance factors and website service quality that are regarded as the crucial factors for

identifying customer satisfaction. The current study also selects another construct that is

also considered.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the Lived Experiences of College who are engaged

in online selling activities specifically, the researchers will ask the question “what are the

lived experiences of college students who are engaged in online selling activities during

the COVID-19 pandemic?” Further more, the researcher will expand their knowledge on

the study and will make it a part of their lives as researchers;

1. What are the challenges by the College students who are engaged in online selling

activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

2. How do the key informants cope with the challenges they experience?

3. What are the reflection drawn by the key informants from their experiences?

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this research report, the following terms are

operationally defined:
Challenges - refers to the problem that the online sellers experience during pandemic.

College students – refers to the srespondents of this study.

Kinds of products they are selling - refers to the kind or nature of the products the

respondents are selling online.

New way of mark - refers to the modern way of selling during the pandemic.

Online sellers - refers to the person who is selling goods/services online.

Online Selling - refers to the mode of marketing using social media platforms.

Mine – refers on how the customer will buy the item/product.

SSD – it refers that the seller confirms the reserved item of customer.

COD – refers to the mode of payment booking of the product.

Financial – refers to the income that they earn.



Research Design

This study utilized the qualitative method of research, specifically the

transcendental or psychological phenomenology (or the Husserlian type of

Phenomenology) whose goal is to describe the situations and or experiences of the

research participants.

The qualitative method of research is to be for this study as it suits the intent of

the research providing a straight forward description of an experience and presentation of

the findings using the participants’ own words to be easily understood by the targeted

audience, in this study, the College Students online Sellers of La Union Colleges of

Science & Technology Inc. Bauang, La Union (Sandelowski, 2017). Qualitative research

is popularly used in the Social Sciences and allied disciplines. (Auriacombe & Mouton


Sources of Data

The study was conducted in La Union Colleges of Science & Technology Inc.

during the second semester of the School Year 2021-2022. The researchers were select 10

key informants using purposive sampling since the researchers set an inclusion criteria

choosing the participants of the study; College Students who are engaged in online

selling activities.

Instrument and Data Collection

This research was conduct an In-depth interview. The study aims to view the

participants’ perspective and situations during COVID-19 Pandemic. First, the

researchers asked permission to the particular key informants in order to get their

agreement to be interviewed before conducting an interview. The researchers explained

to the participants what the research is all about. Appointment was scheduled for

individual In-depth interviews with the College Students online sellers in the said school

who decided to participate in the research. Only the participants who signed the inform

consent were the key informants of this study.

This research was consist of semi-structured interview. It was a question that

might be answered in a variety of ways. The interviewer has a specific plan in mind for

the interview’s emphasis and objective, which is what makes it structured. In the end the

cenral question was “what were the lived experiences of college students who were only

used as propmts to elict more information about the phenomenon, which was “Lived

experiences of College Students Online Sellers at La union Colleges of science and

Technology Inc. amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Throughout each of the interview, the researchers must build trusting relationship

with the participants showing them respect, listening attentively to what they say, and

clarifying issues that are not clear. Key Informants are allowed to use emic language, the

language they are comfortable in using: English, Tagalog or Iloko was used by the

participant on sharing their answer on the given question. The researchers were using

smart phone for recording and with its pictorial during and after the interview session.

The researchers must make sure that all needed information was been gathered from the

The oral contents of the recorded interviews were transcribed. The researchers

listened to the audio records for several times during the transcription in order to get the

information shared by the participants clearly and accurately. After the transcription, the

texts were shown to the individual participants in order to get their approval that the

information captured is accurate. This is in order to establish trustworthiness of data.

Figure 2 shows the steps followed in gathering data of the study.

Ask permission
Identify the to the particulat Transcribe the
Conduct an
participants of key informants recorded
to the local interview
the study interview

Fig. 1. The Process of Data Collection

Analysis of Data

In the analysis of data, the researchers will be bracketing their own experiences

regarding the online sellings in order to ensure objectivity. According to Colaizzi (2017)

bracketing means that the researcher separates him from the text and suspends his/her

own understanding in a reflective mode in order to cultivate curiosity on the extended

texts. After bracketing, the researchers were provide cool and warm analysis. Cool

analysis involved reading the extended texts for general understanding. Warm analysis

involved reading for reduction of information, which means that significant statements

are identified. Moustakas (2017) calls it as horizontalization. Also involved in the warm

analysis is the grouping of statements into themes. Moustakas (2017) calls it as

clustering of meaning. After Horizontalization and clustering of meaning, the researchers

developed the textural descriptions of the participants’ experiences (what the participants
experience, and the structural descriptions of the participants’ experiences (how the

participants experienced the phenomenon in terms of conditions, situations, or contexts).

Finally, the researchers wrote a composite description (or essential, invariant structure)

that presents the “essence” of the phenomenon.

Developing the
Reducing the
Combination of textual
information statements into
Bracketing of description and
to significant themes (cluster the structural
one’s statements or of meaning description of
experience quotes grouping the their
(horizontaliza statements into
tion) themes
and a
combination of

Fig. 2. The process of Data Analysis



From the cool and warm analysis of the key informant verbalizations of their lived

experiences as college student online seller: 1) What are the challenges by the College

students who are engaged in online selling activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic?2)

How do the key informants cope with the challenges they experience? 3) What are the

reflection drawn by the key informants from their experiences? To ensure the research

ethics, the researcher blur the pictures of the key informants and remain the anonymity of

them during the defense and publication of this study.

Despite the challenges they have encountered and their difficult situations as college

student online seller during the Enhanced Community Quarantine, they see hope that one

day they will surpass all the challenges bestowed to them by God.

Challenges: The Delightful Dilema

Relating to their experiences, majority of the key informants spoke about their

problems, pressure, doubts, and stress about their experiences as an online seller student

and how they cope with this challenges that they faced. As much as these initiatives are

found to be appropriate to address, it has also given a tough experience to the college

students who have been doing online selling while they are studying during in this time

of COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, the purpose of this small scale research study was to

explore the lived experiences of college student’s online seller amidst the COVID-19

Challenges regarding the Price increasing

Selling your procuct correctly is a delicate balancing act. A low price isn’t

always the best option, as the product may generate a steady stream of sales without

making a profit. When product’s price is high, the seller may notice less sales and “price

out” more budget conscious buyers, losing market position.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed online shopping behaviors,

consumemers in emerging economies have made the gratests shift to online shopping,

with the growth of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the spike in item prices, many

customers are finding it difficult to shop online owing to price increases, and they are

frequently having financial difficulty.

As a result, it is difficult for college student online sellers to locate customers to

buy their product, as their target customers are also struggling to make ends meet now

that the pandemic has struck. Further more, the key informants stated that their sales have

slowed as a result of the fact that not everyone has the financial means to purchase the

product that they sell.

As one key informants shared:

“Ahhh… kwan medyo matumal kase ahh diba mahirap ung magkaroong pera ngayon

kaya nahihirapan sila bumili ng mga tinitinda naming.”

And the other respontentd olso commented:

“Nahihirapan mag benta ng aking producto minsan kulang sa budget minsan may utang

ganun tapos minsan may late dumating.”

This is related to the article cited by (Anne L. R & Raj S., 2020) that this

pandemic has cause havoc on people’s lives and the global economic. While the long
term implementation of COVID-19 Pandemic was unknown, its immediate impact on

retail is substial. Essencial goods retails, such as those selling food, groceries, and

healthcare, are seeing rising demand for serving customers at home, despite issues with

inventory, supply chain management, delivery, and maintaining a safe atmosphere. Non-

essential goods shops, such garments and footware, are seeing dramatic reduction in sales

and are being forced to find new ways to connect and engage clients who are buying from

home to stay afloat.

Challenge: The struggles of online sellers to the bogus buyers

Bogus buyers are one of the major challenge that an online seller would

experience in the middle of the pandemic, acourding to GMA News Online, The

Department of trade and Industry (DTI) warned Wednesday, that buyers found

accountable for tricking internet sellers might face jail time, as customers turned to the

internet shop due to the COVID-19 out-break. Here are some of the verbalized answers

of the key informants during the in depth interview.

Here are the verbalize answer of the key informants:

“Ay yun… madami din nangbobogus, tapos yung magseset ng date kung kelan ang meet

up tapos hindi sisispot ganon”

Another key informant stated:

“Ay yon! Yun nga sa, saakin maramirami na scam mga ganon, yon mahirap din sakin

kahit, kahit magaling ka dumiskarte kung marami rin scam yon parang lugi ganon”

The other key informant also said:

“Ay oo yon ung mga Bogus Buyer”

According to the key informant, bogus buyers are one of the problem in online

selling that they encountered.

“Hindi madali maging online seller kasi kwan hindi naman natin masususre na

pagnagbenta ka ng isang product pagnagmine sila makukuha agad nila kase di naman

natin sure na siyempre may sometimes na mga ano natin sa mga pinagbebenta rin di

namna nila sure na kukunin nila ung procust kahit nagmine sila.”

The advance new digital era nowadays has led the increasing cases of cyber scam.

These technologys have offered both opportunities and challenges, depending on the

purpose of the customers. (Mohd Ezri Saad. 2018)

Challenges relate to product delivery delay

One of the most important factors to consider is delivery time and delivery delay,

significant issues influencing the consumer experience. Transpostation delivery delays

are sporadic and infrequent. However, they always raise prices, reduce customer

satisfaction, and undermine the confidence of supply chain subcontractor. Some of the

most common causes of fault or late deliveries are misspelled addresses, improperly

filled out forms, and insufficient information.

Here are some of the vervalized answers of the key informant:

“Nahihirapan magbenta ng aking product minsan kulang din sa budget minsan din may

utang ganon tapos meron di late kung dumating”

According to the key informant, one of the issue they confront in online selling is

the lack of funding and a delay in product delivery

“Ano sa delay ng sa, delay ng pagdeliver ng mga item naming ng bale yung

pinagkukuhanan naming ng mga benta.”

Cited by ( Delayed deliveried can badly damage the reputation of

the resellers/ online seller reputation and ruin its customers’ trust. While no online retailer

wants to experience a delivery delay, it is sometimes inevitable.

Challenges in selling the product during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 is the main problem of the online sellers now a day, Througout 2020,

online seller’s sacreambled to adapt on the run to the increasingly challenging

environment. One of the greatest concerns of today’s online sellers is their personal

safety, as they have no way of knowing when they will become infected with the Corona

virus when interacting with their consumers.

Here are some of the statement of the key informant:

“Ahmm una pwede kang mahawaan sa mga buyers’ mo siyempre pandemic ngayon

pwede kang maka-get ng mga viruss ganon, tapos pangalawa nahihirapan kang

maghanap ng customers’ kase pandemic nga naman nagyon walang mga… madaming

taong naghihirap uyun.”

“Nailalarawan ko to bilang ay parang kwan mahirap pero oag may diskarte ka ah,

makakayanan mo ito kahit sa gitna ng pandemic”

“ay yung experience kase yung nagkapandemic parang yun yung ano way para kumita

ako ng pera pag-oonline ganun, kaya doon parang mas nakatulong ako kaysa dati”

“Madali ah… Madali ay noon nahihirapan ako siyempre wala pang experience pero

nung pre-pandemic ngay kut di na ko nahihirapan kase kailangan talaga.”

“Para saakin nakakatulong kase ngayn nas kalagitaan parin tayo ng pandemic eh.

Kailangan natin dumiskarte kaya ang ginagawa ko nag online selling ako, nagbenta ako

ng mga damit para ano… pambili ng mga pagkain gamin”

The global pandemic not just affect the lifestyle of the collge student online


This study explores the college online sellers experience during the pandemic

through the lens of social cognitive theory incited by (Ivana Kursan Milakovic.2021).

This study also aims to fill in the gaps in the understudied effect of the COVID-19

Pandemic on the vulnerability, resilience, and adaptability of the college student’s

behavioral processes in terms of customer happiness and repurchase.

Challenges they face in school while online selling

Working and studying from home has become the new normal as a result of the

Covid-19 outbreak and the resulting lengthy lockdown. Though the concept of online

learning existed prior to the outbreak, it has surely reached a new level of importance and

intensity in these hard times.

“Amm… ano mahirap kase… ammm as a student parang ang husle ah… am…

andaming, andaming mong activities homework tapos iniisip mo kung paano mo…

paano mo maisasabay ung pagtitinda mo at pagaaral mo ganon.”

And one respondents also said:

“As student kase mahirap, Hindi madaling mag-adjust lalo na unang subok ng modular

or online class ngayon nagaadjust ka sa pagaaral mo tapos kelangan mo din humanap

ng pagkakakitaan diba… ahmmm siguro sa pagoonline selling ko ang problema ko lang

ung mga customer na bogusganon.”

Coping Mechanism: staying strong while the things gets tough

Despite the challenges encountered by the key informants due online selling while

pursuing their studys, they still remain determined while the things gets tough. This

means that they are coping well despite the challenges they need to get through.

The term “coping” refers to the investment of one’sown conscious effort, to solve

personal and interpersonal problem, in order to minimize or balance stress. Based coping

suggests that you have a little control of the situation and unable to find the root of the

problem which is why you sometimes seek help from your friends, suppress negative

thoughts or avoid thinking about the problem ( McLeod, 2015)

The key informant shared:

“ Hmmm ano lang pa.. dapat magaling ka sa diskarte dap.. kase sa online selling hindi

naman parating malakas ka, dapat magaling ka sa diskarte para maipalabas lahat ng

item mo”

“ah kwan pinopost ko din para mabenta”

“ Ano binebenta ko nalang ulit ung inang nabobogus ganon pinopost ko ulit”

“ Ah… kwan medyo diskarte lang talaga yun lang ung pinaka unang kailangan para

malagpasan ganin”

“ Ano binebenta ko nalang ulit ung ibang nabobogus ganon pinopost ko ulit.”

“Paa saakin ano ahh… wala nagtitiwala lang ako sa sarili ko basta yun lang hindi ko

pinapansin ung mga iba”

Another key informant expressed:

“ Kwan parang kasjayen ading hmmm gamin syempre adda met anak ko nga bassit

kailangan met nga agbirok ngamin no add aka lang jya balay nga syempre siyak
agawawirak pambahay ak tapos hmmm pinadas ko met garud agonline seller ading

tapno kasjay adda met ti maikwak dagijay annak ko ti maigatang ti kwa da.”

“Para saakin ahem… iniisip ko yung baby ko kase if ako hindi ako hindi naman ako

magoonline selling syempre ano pumaposok kailangan ko rin ng … hmmm extra budget

extra para sa baby ko kinakaya ko mag online selling kahit minsan puyat”

Lesson and Reflection

In this research, lesson difened as something that you learn from life, an event, or

an experience you gained and a words of wisdom. Meanwhile reflectios has to do with a

thing that is a consequence of or arises from something else. In the extended text or

transcriptions it shows that lesson the key informants learned and their philosophical

outlooks in their lives.

A key informants reported:

“Parang din ung una ung first, mahirap madaming.. madami kang kaadaw ganon,

madami kang, tapos nawawalan ka ng mga viewers damil sa marami nang nag lilive.”

“Basta un na ung sinabi ko bilang online seller kase nagdidiskarte ako yun,dahil yun

nga pandemic.”

“Ah ano… ano nakakatulong siya saakin kase ganon talaga ang buhay kailangan mo
talagangmakaranas ng hirap bago kwan ma… makamit ang tagumpay, kaya mas
masasabi koi tong nakakatulong saakin.”
“Magagamit mo yan araw araw yung mga nangyayari sayo na kunwari may mga hindi
maganda nangyayari hindi ma… hindi siya magandang nangyare sa business mo
magagamit mo yun parang magiging motivation yun na dapat na wag kang sumuko…
yun lang naman.”
“ahemm… Ahm siguro mailalarawan ko na mahirap siya pero at the same time kinakaya
eh, kinakaya kase kelangan kayanin at nakakatulong din naman kaya yun kaya ok lang



This study aims to explore the Lived Experiences of College students who are

engaged in online selling activities specifically, the researchers will ask the question

“what are the lived experiences of college students who are engaged in online selling

activities during the COVID-19 pandemic?”

This study utilized the qualitative method of research, specifically the

transcendental or psychological phenomenology (or the Husserlian type of

Phenomenology) whose goal is to describe the situations and or experiences of the

research participants.

The qualitative method of research is to for this study as it suits the intent of the

research providing a straight forward description of an experience and presentation of the

findings using the participants’ own words to be easily understood by the targeted

audience, in this study, the College Students online Sellers of La Union Colleges of

Science & Technology INC. Bauang, La Union (Sandelowski, 2017). Qualitative

research is popularly used in the Social Sciences and allied disciplines. (Auriacombe &

Mouton 2017).

The following ar the salient findings of study:

1.) The key informants’ experiences are expressed in this study through many themes.

This research uncovers a number of themes. The key informants’ experience, challenges
they encountered in similar ares such as online selling, school, coping mechanism, and

lessons and reflection.

2.) Since then, the key informants have faced challenges in a variety or ares as a result of

the abrupt change in study methods, including time management issues between online

selling, household duties, and proving for their family.

3.) Despite their difficulties, they continiue to cope well because of various coping

mechanism such as family, friends, and of course God.

4.) Despite the challenges they they’ve experience, they’ve evolve coping mechanism to

help them to get through the problems especially the quick changes brought by the

COVID-19 Pandemic.

5.) Some of the online seller college students discussed their experiences as college

student online sellers, including their experience in online selling, interactions with

customers, and dealing with delayed items or products. Some of them claimed that online

selling helps them cope with expenses during the pandemic, while others stated that it is

difficult for them to adjust to how they lived prior to the pandemic.

6.) Finally, the key informants shared their thoughts of being an online seller college



Based on the findings, the conclusion below is forwarded:

1. College Student Online Sellers in La Union Colleges of Science and

Technolgy inc. shares the same problem and some ways of coping

2. They maybe experience lots of challenges but they find a way to cope up with

it, and in their case online selling is one of the coping mechanism they do to

cope up with financial matters they faced.

3. As a College Students it’s hard for them to adjust in their new way of living

since the COVID-19 Pandemic hits.

4. Finally, in order to improve the circumstances of these online selling college

students, they are all very determined to overcome the obstacles they have

faced in life, even if the only thing they have is their family.


1. A positive perception and understanding to the experiences and hard work of the

college student online sellers should be more recognized by many.

2. The Municipality of Bauang La Union should pay more attention to students who

engage in online selling or even the working students in order to assist them with their

academic or professional demands.

3. Connect with your customers in a multi- or omnichannel way, understanding that the

same customer may, on different days, shop on Amazon, another online store, or come to

your business in person.

4. Be transparent. If you're experiencing difficulties due to shortages, rising costs of

certain items, or delays due to supply chain issues, be open with your customers. Keep

them informed about the latest developments and don't try to hide problems.

5. Be flexible. During and, most likely, after the pandemic, customers appreciate having

as many choices as possible when it comes to customer service, shipping, payment

options, and every aspect of a transaction. For example, if you began offering home

delivery service while you were forced to shut down, you might consider continuing this

policy even when your doors are open.

6. Study your data. It's important for you to know which platforms and channels are

bringing you the best results. You can also collect valuable information from customers

directly through polls, customer service interactions, and monitoring social media

comments and reviews.

7. More research is needed to shed light on other aspects that may concern the college

student online sellers’ experience.


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Electronic Reference:
Annex A

Interview Guide Map

This research is intended to examine the lived experiences of college students’
online sellers in La Union Colleges of Science and Technology Inc. Amidst the COVID-
19 Pandemic Specifically, this study wil focus on the central question “What are the
Lived Experiences of College Students Online Sellers in La Union Colleges of Science
and Technology INC. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?”

Concept Defenition Reference A Priori Code Interview

A new or A difficult Q1: How will
you describe
Challenges difficult task Oxford circumstances your live
experiences as
that tests Dictionary being faced by online sellers
during the
someone’s an employee in pandemic?

ability and their work

Q2. What are
skill. during Enhance the challenges
Merriam Community encountered in
online selling
A difficult task Webster Quarantine during the
or problem: pandemic?
something that (ECQ)
is hard to do
Coping Coping (EB Algorani Strategies and Q3. How did
you cope with
Mechanism mechanism is 2020) practices that the challenges
you have
defined as the you do to cope experienced?

thoughts and up with the

behaviors problems you

mobilized to encountered.

manage the

internal and

external and




(Good Therapy
The strategies 2018)

people often

use in
Lessons and Lessons
adjusting is toa Cambridge Something you Q4. How will
Reflection you reflect on
period of time Dictionary have learned the experiences
in which a from challenges encountered as
an online seller
person is in your work. during the
taught about a

subject or how

to do

Collins Something that

Dictionary you want to
Reflection is express in this
something that situation.
comments or
writings that
ideas about it.

Aide Memoire

(Salutation) Good day to you sir/ma’am We are the Grade 12 students

of_________________________________ We are conducting our research study entitled
“The Lived Experiences of College Students Online Sellers inX SCHOOL amidst the
COVID19 Pandemic.”

(Purpose) As a vital part of the academic endeavor, We are inviting you for a one-on-one
interview session or group discussions that that will capture your own experience of the said
phenomenon. This activity will be audio-recorded, take down notes also (if possible) and it
will be conducted in any language you are comfortable with.

(Motivation) Your participation in this study will be very useful in exploring understanding
of the lived experiences as a person with disabilities in this Municipality.

Data Aspect Accounts

I. Introduction (Consent) Before we start, I would like to ask for your
consent if you are willing to take part on this study.
- Explain the consent form and sign.
(Time) This activity will take 30-45 minutes on the
average. Do you have any questions or concerns? Are you
now ready to answer some questions?

Concept Interview Questions

II. This part of the interview will account for a reconstruction of your experiences,
struggles and challenges of medical frontlienrs as part of the society. To facilitate
this reconstruction, I would like us to focus on your lived experiences as person with
disabilities in this municipality.

Questions during the Q1: How will you describe your live experiences as online
Interview Proper
sellers during the pandemic?

Q2. What are the challenges you encountered in online

selling during the pandemic?

Q3. How did you cope with the challenges you have

Q4. How will you reflect on the experiences you

encountered as an online seller during the pandemic?

B. Closing
Feedback: Finally, before we end this activity, is there anything else you feel we should
know about your experiences as graduate students that you have recognized from your
Summary: ______________________________________________
Remarks: We already have the accounts needed our study. Thank you very much for your
time and active participation.

Communication Letter

President/ Chairwoman

Thru: ____________________________
Principal/ Executive Vice President


The undersigned researchers are currently undertaking to the fulfillment of their research
project subject leading to the degree; Humanities and Social Sciences at La Union Colleges of
Science & Technology Inc. The study is about “The Lived Experiences of College Students
Online Sellers amidst the Pandemic.”

In this regard, the undersigned would like to seek permission to interview and gather data
in the school premises to 10 College students’ online sellers of the said learning institution.

The interview will lasts 30 to 45 minutes, and the convenience of the study participants
will be taken into consideration when scheduling the interview. Participation in this interview is
entirely voluntary, and there are no known expected risks for the participants in this study. All
information provided is considered strictly confidential. The names of study participants will not
appear in the abstract or publication.

Thank you in advance for your positive response to this request.

Very respectful yours,

(SGD). Barotas, Jesica

Diaz, Mc Lain
Federico, Mitchiko
Hipol, Jorge
Veneracion, Sean
Orfano, Franz

Noted by: Approved by:

Research Adviser Principal/ Executive Vice President


Designated Position

Dear Ma’am;


We, the undersigned are Grade 12 – Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) of ______________________________________, Inc. undertaking a research
study entitled

With your expertise, we humbly ask your permission to validate the

attached researcher made survey questionnaire for the study using the
attached rating tool and statement of the problem of our study.

We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive
response. Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully Yours,

Noted by:

Research Adviser


Informed Consent Form for the Research Participants

This informed consent is for the participants whom we are inviting to participate in our
research entitled “The Lived Experiences of College Students Online Sellers of La Union
Colleges of Science & Tecnhology Inc. amidst the COVID19 Pandemic”.

Principal Investigator:
Barotas, Jesica
Diaz, Mc Lain
Federico, Mitchiko
Hipol, Jorge
Veneracion, Sean
Orfano, Franz

Part I: Information Sheet

Good day! We are the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of La
Union Colleges of Science and Technology Inc. We are conducting our research study
entitled “The Lived Experiences of College Students Online Sellers of La Union amidst
the COVID19 Pandemic” as part of the final requirements of Grade 12

We are going to give you information and invite you to be part of this research.
You do not have to decide today whether or not you will participate in the research.
Before you decide, you can talk to anyone you feel comfortable with about the research.
This consent form may contain words that you do not understand. Please ask us to stop as
we go through the information and we will take time to explain. If you have questions
later, you can ask me.

Type of Research Intervention

If you decide to participate, you will be asked to answer questions using a
structured interview guide and it means you are giving us the chance to return to you to
validate your responses throughout the research study. Furthermore, a cellphone recorder
may be used to record your responses.

Participants Selection
You are being invited to take part in this research because we feel that your
experience as a online sellers can contribute much to our understanding and knowledge
of your present situations. Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. It is
your choice whether to participate or not. If you choose not to participate, there will be no
consequences or penalty.

During the interview, we will sit down with you in a comfortable place. If it is
better for you, the interview can take place in your home or a friend’s home. No one else
but the researchers will present unless you would like someone else to be there. The
information recorded is confidential and no one else except the researchers and our
adviser will have an access to the information documented during your interview. The
entire interview will be recorded, but your name will not be identified on the tape. The
tape will be kept in a locked filing system. All information collected from the interview
will be kept with a unique code number or pseudonym will be assigned to identify taped
interview. The study data will be stored for five (5) years following completion of the

The research takes place over two (2) months in total. Data gathering and
interview will be conducted on February to March 2022. The interview will last for more
or less than 30-45 minutes.

There is a minimal risk involved in participating in the study. You may feel
uneasy about volunteering some information requested. We will minimize these risks by
ensuring that your participation in the study remains voluntary, anonymous, and

There will be no direct benefit of this study to you but the possible benefit is the
knowledge that you are contributing to a study that may describe and explore the lived
experiences of persons with disabilities in this Municipalities. This study may help the
medical practitioners for development of future policies in the government as well as in
the private sectors too.

The result of this study may be published and/or presented without naming you as
a participant. Likewise, aggregate results will be published so that your identity will not
be revealed in any reports or publications. Although your rights and privacy will be
maintained, my adviser will have access to the study records. All information collected
from your interview will be kept completely confidential.

Part II: Certificate of Consent

We have been invited to participate in this research entitled “The Lived
Experiences of College Students Online Sellers of La Union amidst the COVID19

We have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me We had the
opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions we had received satisfactory
responses to the questions we had posed. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this

Printed Name of Participant ______________________________

Signature of Participant ___________________

Date ___________________________
Month/ Day/ Year
Part III: Statement by the Researchers/Person taking consent

We have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and
to the best of my ability made sure that the participant understands the contents of this
consent. We confirm that the participant was given opportunity to ask questions about the
study, and all the questions asked by the participant have been answered correctly and to
the best of our ability. We confirm that the individual has not been coerced into giving
consent, and the consent has been given freely and voluntarily.

Printed Name of Researcher: __________________________

Signature of Researcher: ______________________________

Date ___________________________
Month/ Day/ Year
Transcriptions/ Sample Extended Text
Date: Feb 26-28, 2022
Principal Investigato: FRANZ MAXINE ORFANO

Ref Verbatim Code Remarks

1 I. Hello Good Morning ma’am pwede po ba naming kayong
mainterview saglit para sa research namin? Mayroon po
kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong sasagutin lamang
madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito sa sarili niyong
experience sa online selling ngayong pandemic. May
hinanda din po kaming concent form na may authorize na
pirma ng school principal at research advicer po namin na
inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na kayo po ay pumayag
na makiparticipate sa aming interview. At habang/
pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po tayo ng
picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na rin ng
aming research.
2 K1: Sige ok lang.
3 I: ok let’s start na po, first question, Paano mo nailalarawan
ang iyong karanasan bilang online seller ngayong may
4 K1: Am…ano mahirap kase… am as a student parang ang
hussle anAmm…andaming, andami mong Activitys, CHALLENGES
homeworks tapos iniisip mo kung paano mo… paano mo
maisasabay ung pagtitinda mo at pagaaral mo ganon.
5 I. Ano ang mga pagsubok na iyong nararanasan sa online
selling ngyaong mayroong pandemic?
6 K1: Ano mmm… ano ung mga pagbaba sa viewers ganon,
siyempre ngayong crisis amm… ano parang lahat andami CHALLENGES
nang nag lilive selling, tapos feeling mo wala ka nang
7 I. ah ok po next question, paano mo nakakayanang lagpasan
ang mga pagsubok na iyong nararanasan?
8 K1: Ano.. magtiwala sa sarili mo kase ahmm… kahit iisa COPING
man or kahit walo mga viewers’ mo atleast meron paring MECHANISM
nag… bumibili sayo ganon.
9 I. Next po, paano mo isasalimin ang mga karanasang
nararanasan mo bilang isang online seller sa panahon ng
10 K1: Ano?
11 I. Paano mo po maisasalamin ang mga karanasang iyong
naranasan bilang isang online seller sa panahon ng
12 K1: parang din ung una ung first, mahirap madaming. LESSON
Madami kang kaadaw ganon, madami kang, tapos REFLECTION
nawawalan ka ng mga viewers’ damil sa marami nang nag
13 I. for follow up question lang po, ano ung mga productong
binebenta mo online?
14 K1: Mga ukay bale’s, men tees, denim shorts ganon.
15 I. Yon lang po ma’am thank you po sa pag participate.

16 K1. Ok thank you.

17 I. I. Hello Good Morning ma’am pwede po ba naming
kayong mainterview saglit para sa research namin?
Mayroon po kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong
sasagutin lamang madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito
sa sarili niyong experience sa online selling ngayong
pandemic. May hinanda din po kaming concent form na
may authorize na pirma ng school principal at research
advicer po namin na inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na
kayo po ay pumayag na makiparticipate sa aming interview.
At habang/ pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po
tayo ng picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na
rin ng aming research.
18 K2: Good Morning din sige ok lang.
19 I:Ok po let’s start, unang tanong po , paano mo
mailalarawan ang iyong karanasan bilang isang online seller
ngayong mayroong pandemic?
20 K2: Ano?
21 I: Paano mo nailalarawan ang iyong karanasan bilang isang
online seller ngayong mayroong pandemic? Nakakatulong
po ba ito sainyo o nahihirapan po ba kayo?
22 K2: Madali ah…Madali ay noon mahirapan ako siyempre
wala pang experience pero nung middle pre pandemic ngay CHALLENGES
kut di na ako nahihirapan kase kailangan talaga.
23 I: Ano ang mga pagsubok na iyong naranasan bilang isang
obline seller ngayong pandemic?
24 K2: Am nahirapan?
25 I: opo ung mga pagsubok na nararanasan niyo po?
26 K2: Ay oo ung mga Bogus buyer. CHALLENGES
27 I: Next question po, Paano ninyo nalalagpasan ang mga
pagsubok na inyong nararanasan?
28 K2: Ah ung bogus?
29 I: Opo yon po.
30 K2: Ah kwan pinopost ko din para mabenta COPING
31 I: next question, paano mo isasalamin ang mga karanasang
nararanasan mo bilang isang online seller ngayong may
32 K2: Hehe..Mmm... Nakakatulong sa pagmemeryenda. LESSON
33 I:Ok follow question lang po ung mga productong binebenta
mo niyo online?
34 K2: Mmm kwan… KTW”s mga damit tas mga DV items.
35 I: I. Hello Good Morning sir pwede po ba naming kayong
mainterview saglit para sa research namin? Mayroon po
kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong sasagutin lamang
madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito sa sarili niyong
experience sa online selling ngayong pandemic. May
hinanda din po kaming concent form na may authorize na
pirma ng school principal at research advicer po namin na
inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na kayo po ay pumayag
na makiparticipate sa aming interview. At habang/
pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po tayo ng
picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na rin ng
aming research.
36 K3: Ok sige.
37 I: Ok first question, Paano mo nailalarawan ang iyong
karanasan bilang online seller ngayong payroong pandemic?
38 K3:paano ko nailalarawan?
39 I: Opo nahihirapan po ba kayo?
40 K3: Para saakin nakakatulong kase ngayon nasa kalagitnaan
parin tayo pandemya eh. Kailangan nating dumiskarte, kaya CHALLEGES
ang ginagawa ko nag oonline selling ako, nagbebenta ako
ng mga damit para ano.. pambili ng mga makakain ganon.
41 I: Ah ok po next na po, ano ang mhga pagsubok na iyong
nararansan bilang online seller ngayong mayroong
42 K3: Mga pagsubok? Paanong pagsubok?
43 I: Tulad po ng mga customer na bogus ganon po.
44 K3: ay yon? Yun nga sa, sa akin marami-rami naman na
scam amga ganon, yon kahit mahirap din saakin kahit, kahit CHALLENGES
magaling ka dumiskarte kung marami rin scam yon parang
lugi ganon
45 I: Ay ok po so next question naman po, Paano mo
nakakayanan ang mga pasubok na iyong nararanasan sa
online sellinh/
46 K3:Para saakin ano ahh… wala nagtitiwala lang ako sa COPING
sarili ko basta yun lang hindi ko na pinapansin ung mga iba. MECHANISM
47 I:Susunod naman po, paano mo maisasalamin ang iyong
karanasan bilang online seller ngayong may pandemic.
48 K3: Basta un na ung sinabi ko bilang online seller kase LESSON
nagdidiskarte ako yun,dahil yun nga pandemic. REFLECTION
49 I: For follow up question , ano ung ga produktong mga
binebenta mo?
50 K3: Mga damit mga branded mga ganon, mga sapatos.
51 K3: Yun lang po thankyou po sa pagparticipate sa aming
52 I: I. Hello Good Morning sir pwede po ba naming kayong
mainterview saglit para sa research namin? Mayroon po
kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong sasagutin lamang
madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito sa sarili niyong
experience sa online selling ngayong pandemic. May
hinanda din po kaming concent form na may authorize na
pirma ng school principal at research advicer po namin na
inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na kayo po ay pumayag
na makiparticipate sa aming interview. At habang/
pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po tayo ng
picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na rin ng
aming research.
53 K4: Oo naman sure.
54 I: Ok let’s start na po tayo, first question po paano mo
nailalarawan ang iyong karanasan bilang isang online seller
ngayong mayroong pandemic?
55 K4: Nailalarawan ko to bilang… ay parang kwan mahirap
pero pag may diskarte ka ah.., makakayanan mo ito kahit sa CHALLENGES
gitna ng pandemya.
56 I: Ano ang mga pagsubok na iyong nararanasan bilang
online seller ngayong mayroong pandemic?
57 K4: Ahh… kwan medyo matumal kase ahh diba mahirap CHALLENGES
ung magkaroon ng pera ngayong pandemic.
58 I: next po paano mo nakakayanan ang mga pagsubok na
iyong nararanasan bilang online seller ngayong mayroong
59 K4: ahhh kwan dinidiskartehan lang talaga yun lang ung COPING
pinaka unang gawin para malagpasan ganon. MECHANISM
60 I: Susunod na tanong naman po ay, paano mo maisasalamin
ang iyong karanasan bilang isang online seller sa panahon
ng pandemic?
61 K4: Ah ano… ano nakakatulong siya saakin kase ganon
talaga ang buhay kailangan mo talagangmakaranas ng hirap LESSON
bago kwan ma… makamit ang tagumpay, kaya mas REFLECTION
masasabi koi tong nakakatulong saakin.
62 I: Ah ok po so last na po ung question na yon pero for
follow up question lang po, ano ung mga produktong
binebenta ninyo?
63 K4: Amm mga damit mga bracelet mga kasuotan na pang
pasyal o kahit ano.
64 I: So yun na po tapos na po ang interview natin salamat po
sa pagparticipate sa research interview naming.
65 I: I. Hello Good Morning sir pwede po ba naming kayong
mainterview saglit para sa research namin? Mayroon po
kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong sasagutin lamang
madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito sa sarili niyong
experience sa online selling ngayong pandemic. May
hinanda din po kaming concent form na may authorize na
pirma ng school principal at research advicer po namin na
inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na kayo po ay pumayag
na makiparticipate sa aming interview. At habang/
pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po tayo ng
picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na rin ng
aming research.
66 K5: Sige ok lang
67 I: ok start na po tayo, uan po paano mo mailalarawan ang
karanasan bilang online seller ngayong pandemic?
68 K5: ahmm….
69 I: Kung ano lang po ung experience niyo po.
70 K5: Ah ano mas malakas siya ngayon kaysa dati, ngayong CHALLENGES
pandemic mas marami kaming nabubudol na bumili
71 I: Sunod po ,Ano po ung mga pagsubok na nararanasan niyo
sa online selleing ngayong mayroong pandemic?
72 K5: Ano sa delay ng pagdeliver ng mga items naming ng CHALLENGES
bale yung pinagkukuhanan naming ng mga benebenta.
73 I: Next question po, paano mo nakakayanan ang mga
pagsubok na inyog nararanasan bilang online seller?
74 K5: Hmm… ano lang pa, dapat ka sa diskarte dap… kase sa COPING
online selling hindi naman parating malakas ka, dapat MECHANISM
magaling ka sa diskarte para maipalabas mo lahat ng item
75 I: Last question po , paano mo isasalamin ang mga
karanasang nararanasan mo bilang isang online seller
ngayong mayroong pandemic?
76 K5: Magagamit mo yan araw araw yung mga nangyayari
sayo na kunwari may mga hindi maganda nangyayari hindi LESSON
ma… hindi siya magandang nangyare sa business mo REFLECTION
magagamit mo yun parang magiging motivation yun na
dapat na wag kang sumuko… yun lang naman.
77 I: For follow up question lang po ano po yung mga product
na benebenta niyo po ngayon?
78 K5: bali mga damit yon.
79 I: So yun lang po thankyou po sa pag-cooperate sa research
interview namen.
80 I: I. Hello Good Morning ma’am pwede po ba naming
kayong mainterview saglit para sa research namin?
Mayroon po kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong
sasagutin lamang madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito
sa sarili niyong experience sa online selling ngayong
pandemic. May hinanda din po kaming concent form na
may authorize na pirma ng school principal at research
advicer po namin na inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na
kayo po ay pumayag na makiparticipate sa aming interview.
At habang/ pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po
tayo ng picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na
rin ng aming research.
81 K6: saglit lang ba yan?
82 I: Opo saglit lang po ma’am mga 5mins lang po.
83 K6: ok sige ano ba yan?
84 I: Sige po strat na po tayo, first na tanong po ay ano po ang
inyong karanasan bilang online seller ngayong may
85 K6: Kwa ak met lang gamin adding tatta bago ak pay lang CHALLENGES
gamin ag online selling tatta ak lang umuna nga umay agala
pindas ko met narigat ti ag-kwa tatta garud nga kwa ti covid
covid ahehehe…
86 I: May mas madami po ba kayong nabebentahan compare
dun sa walang or pareho lang po?
87 K6: Adda met bassit ading ta syempre tatta ak lan gamin CHALLENGES
bago nga ag online selling.
88 I: ay ok po next na tanong na po tayo, ano naman po ung
mga pagsubok na nararanasan niyo bilang online seller
ngayong may pandemic?
89 K6: Awan pay mut ti kwa ading ta amin gamin nga maalak CHALLENGES
ditoy maideldeliver ko met tapos jay lang narigas ti ado… ti
ado ti makuwam ta dakkel ti Tf na.
90 I: Hmm Next po… paano mo nakakayanan ang mga
pagsubok na iyong nararanasan bilang online seller ngayong
mayroong pandemic?
91 K6: Wen parang kasjayen ading kelangan ng fenencial
hmmm… gamin siyempre adda met anak ko nga bassit
kailangan met nga agbirok ngamin nu add aka lang jay COPING
balay nga siyak agawawirak pambahy ak, tapos hmmm…. MECHANISM
Pinadas ko mut garud agonline seller ading tapno kasjay
adda met ti maikwak kadagijay annak ko maigatang ti kwa
92 I: ohh ganon po ba, last question nalang po, paano mo
naisasalamin ang inyong karanasan bilang online seller
ngayong myroong pandemic?
93 K6: Sanay na rin ading siyempre masasanay ka nalang LESSON
talaga na kastoy. REFLECTION
94 I: I. Hello Good Morning ma’am pwede po ba naming
kayong mainterview saglit para sa research namin?
Mayroon po kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong
sasagutin lamang madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito
sa sarili niyong experience sa online selling ngayong
pandemic. May hinanda din po kaming concent form na
may authorize na pirma ng school principal at research
advicer po namin na inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na
kayo po ay pumayag na makiparticipate sa aming interview.
At habang/ pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po
tayo ng picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na
rin ng aming research.
95 K7: Pakibilis lang ading ah.
96 I: Opo ma’am mabilis lang poi to.
97 K7: ok sige
98 I: ok start na po tayo since online seller po kayo, paano niyo
mo mailalarawan ang iyong karanasan bilang isang online
seller ngayong mayroong pandemic?
99 K7: Hindi madaling maging online seller kase kwan hindi
naman natin nasu-sure na pag nag bent aka ng isang product CHALLENGES
pag nag mine sila makukuha agad nila kase di natin sure na
kukunin nila ung product kahit nagmi-mine sila
100 I: Hmmm next question po, Ano yung mga pagsubok na
nararanasan mo bilang isang online seller ngayong
mayroong pandemic?
101 K7: Nahihirapan ako magbenta ng aking product minsan CHALLENGES
kulang sa budget minsan may utang ganun tapos meron din
late dumating.
102 I: ohh ok po next po paano mo nakakayanan yung mga
pagsubok na nararanasan mo bilang isang online seller
ngayong may pandemic?
103 K7: Para sakin ahemm… iniisip ko yung baby ko kase if
ako hindi naman ako mag oonline selling syempre ano COPING
pumapasok kailangan ko rin ng… hmmm extra budget extra MECHANISM
income para sa baby ko kinakaya ko magonline selling kahit
minsan puyat.
104 I: Hmmm last question na po, Paano mo isasalamin ang
iyong karanasan bilang isang online seller ngayong
mayroong pandemic?
105 K7: Magagamit mo yan araw araw yung mga nangyayari
sayo na kunwari may mga hindi maganda nangyayari hindi LESSON
ma… hindi siya magandang nangyare sa business mo REFLECTION
magagamit mo yun parang magiging motivation yun na
dapat na wag kang sumuko… yun lang naman.
106 I: ok yun lang po ma’am thankyou po sa pagpayad na
mainterview naming.
107 I: I. Hello Good Morning ma’am pwede po ba naming
kayong mainterview saglit para sa research namin?
Mayroon po kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong
sasagutin lamang madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito
sa sarili niyong experience sa online selling ngayong
pandemic. May hinanda din po kaming concent form na
may authorize na pirma ng school principal at research
advicer po namin na inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na
kayo po ay pumayag na makiparticipate sa aming interview.
At habang/ pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po
tayo ng picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na
rin ng aming research.
108 K8: Wen ading ok lang.
109 I: ayun sige po start nap o tayo sa questions, unang tanong
po , Paano mo mailalarawan ang iyong karanasan bilang
isang online seller ngayong mayroong pandemic?
110 K8: Ay yung experience, kase nung nagka-pandemic parang
yun yung way para kumita ako ng pera pago-online CHALLENGES
ganun… kaya yun mas nakakatulong ako sa pamilya ko
ngayon kesa nung walang pandemic.
111 I: ah sunod po ano ung mga pagsubok na naranasan niyo
bilang online seller ngayong mayroong pandemic?
112 K8: Ay yun nga madami din nabobogus, tapos yung CHALLENGES
magseset ng date kung kelan ang meet up tapos hindi sisipot
113 I: ahhh ok po next po, Paano mo nakakayanan ang mga
pagsubok na iyong nararanasan bilang isang online seller
ngayong mayroong pandemic?
114 K8: Ano pag may nabogus binebenta ko nalang ulit COPING
pinopost ko nalang ulit ganon. MECHANISM
115 I: Hmmm last question nap o tayo, Paano mo naisasalamin
ang iyong karanasan bilang isang online seller ngayong
mayroong pandemic?
116 K8: Nakakatulong ito saakin kase may pandagdag gastos LESSON
117 I: So yun lang po ma’am salamat po sa pag payag na
mainterview ka naming.
118 I: I. Hello Good Morning ma’am pwede po ba naming
kayong mainterview saglit para sa research namin?
Mayroon po kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong
sasagutin lamang madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito
sa sarili niyong experience sa online selling ngayong
pandemic. May hinanda din po kaming concent form na
may authorize na pirma ng school principal at research
advicer po namin na inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na
kayo po ay pumayag na makiparticipate sa aming interview.
At habang/ pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po
tayo ng picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na
rin ng aming research.
119 K9: wen sige lang
120 I: Sige po simulant na po natin, unang tanong po ‘Paano mo
mailalarawan ang iyong karanasan bilang isang online seller
ngayong mayroong pandemic?
121 K9: ahmm ano mahirap siya kase syempre kase diba pag
online selling ka tapos pandemic ngayon, mahirap CHALLENGES
maghanap ng customer kase ung iba mahihirap din, mahirap
basta mahirap.
122 I: ahh ok next po, Ano ang mga pagsubok na iyong
nararanasan bilang isang online seller ngayong mayroong
123 K9: Pagsubok na nararanasan? Ahmmm una pwede kang
hawaan sa mga buyers mo siyempre pandemic ngayon
pwede kang maka-get ng mga viruses ganon, tapos CHALLENGES
pangalawa mahihirapan kang maghanap ng mga customers
mo kase pandemic nga naman ngayon walang mga…
madaming taong naghihirap yun.
124 I: Next Question, Paano mo nakakayanan ang mga
pagsubok na iyong nararanasan bilang isang online seller
ngayong mayroong pandemic?
125 K9: Ano, lagi lang ako nag pra-pray tapos huhihingi ng
guidance ni, kay god ganon tapos lagi kong sinasabi sa sarili COPING
ko na never give up kase challenge to eh, kase pagsinabeng MECHANISM
pandemic challenge to saating lahat kaya wala tayong ibang
pwedeng gawin kundi pray lang, magask ng support at
guidance kay Jesus Crist.
1226 I: Ah omk next naman po, Paano mo isasalamin ang iyong
karanasan bilang isaang online seller ngayong may
127 K9: Ano nakaka-benefit saakin kase since pandemic
mahirap ang pamumuhay, kapag online seller ka kase
makakatulong ka sa mga parents mo sa mga financial needs LESSON
mo ganon , so yun nakakabenefit siya saakin. REFLECTION
128 I: Ahmmm follow up questions lang po, ano ung mga
produktong benebenta niyo/
129 K9: Cosmetics Rebranding
130 I: Paano naman po nakakaapekto ung online selling sa
pagaaral niyo? Since college student po kayo?
131 K9: Sobrang hirap lalo na sa pagbabudget ng time siyempre
student ka may g-meet ka may kailangan kang ipasa na
deadline, pag online CHALLENGES
seller ka kailangan mag multitask ka, kailangan…kailangan
mability ka na mapagsabay mo ung dalawang yun.
132 I: Ahmm last follow up question nalang po, Ano po ung
kadalasang age group na gusto niyong targetin na bumili ng
produkto niyo?
133 K9:Ang target customers ko is syempre students, alam mo
naman pag students mahilig sa pagpapaganda, tapos
pangalawa mga nanay syempre ganon mga adults na
gumagamit ng cosmetics, pero ang pinaka target customer
ko talaga students talaga yun lang.
134 I: So ok yun lang po salamat sa oras niyo at sa pag payag na
mainterview po naming kayo.
135 I: I. Hello Good Morning ma’am pwede po ba naming
kayong mainterview saglit para sa research namin?
Mayroon po kaming hinandang mga tanong na inyong
sasagutin lamang madali lang naman po ito base lang po ito
sa sarili niyong experience sa online selling ngayong
pandemic. May hinanda din po kaming concent form na
may authorize na pirma ng school principal at research
advicer po namin na inyong pipirmahan patunay lang po na
kayo po ay pumayag na makiparticipate sa aming interview.
At habang/ pagkatapos ng interview po ay kukuhanan po
tayo ng picture ng kagupo ko para po sa documentation na
rin ng aming research.
136 K10: Sige ok lang met.
137 I: Sige po first question na po tayo. Ahmm Paano mo
mailalarawan ang iyong karanasan bilang isang online seller
ngayong may pandemic?
138 K10: Ahhh siguro…siguro masasabi ko na mahirap siya pag
hindi ka nagikaw at hindi ka naniwala sa sarili mo, pero CHALLENGES
saakin kase sakto lang kinakaya kase nakakatulong naman
ang pagoonline selling ko sa pagaaral ko ung mga
babayaran sa school ganon.
139 I: oh ok next question po, Ano ung mga pagsubok na
nararansan mo bilang isang online seller ngayong may
140 K10: As a student kase mahirap, hindi madaling mag-adjust
lalo na unang subok ng modular or online class ngayon CHALLENGES
nagaadjust ka sa pagaaral mo tapos kelangan mo din
humanap ng pagkakakitaan diba… ahmmm siguro sa
pagoonline selling ko ang problema ko lang ung mga
customer na bogus ganon.
141 I: Next na tanong po, Paano mo nakakayanan ang mga
pagsubok na iyong nararanasan bilang online sellenr
ngayong may pandemic?
142 K10: Ginagawa kong motivation ung ano… ung pamilya ko
ganon , ung pagaaral ko kase pag hindi ako humanap ng COPING
pagkakakitaan hindi ko din matutulungan pamilya ko na MECHAMISM
mabawasan ung gastusin lalo na pandemic ngayon mahirap
kumita ng pera.
143 I: ahmm ok po next po, Paano mo maisasalamin ang iyong
karanasan bilang isang online seller ngayong mayroong
144 K10: ahemm… Ahm siguro mailalarawan ko na mahirap
siya pero at the same time kinakaya eh, kinakaya kase LESSON
kelangan kayanin at nakakatulong din naman kaya yun kaya REFLECTION
ok lang din.
145 I: ok po followe up question lang po ano, ahmm paano mo
napagsasbay ung pagaaral at pag oonline selling?
146 K10: Time management lang un ung pinaka una pati
motivation mo sa sarili mo na kaya mo ganon
147 I: ok last nap o na follow up question, ano ung mga
produktong binedenta mo ngayon?
148 K10: iba iba eh merong bale na mga ukay, merong liptintd
149 I: So un lng po ma’am thankyou po sa pag cooperate at pag
share ng experience niyo salamat po uli.

Annex G

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