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Reducing Food Loss and Waste in Supply Chain Operations -

The Impact of Government Intervention and Consumer


Na Luo

A thesis submitted
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy
in Operations and Supply Chain
Management, the University of
Auckland, 2022.

The University of
Auckland 2022
Copyright © 2022 by Na Luo
All Rights Reserved


Food loss and waste (FLW) in the food supply chain (FSC) represents a significant

challenge for researchers and practitioners grappling with issues of famine and

inequitable access to food supplies. More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused

a global economic downturn and serious food crises. The combination of movement

restrictions, lockdown policies, and international trade closures makes the pandemic an

acute threat and challenge to food systems. Therefore, FLW reduction has emerged as

a critical objective for the world.

Historically, operations management scholars have paid less attention to FLW

reduction in contrast to other streams of research in FSC management. This thesis

focuses on how to reduce FLW in FSC operations. Focusing on the interactions between

consumers, food suppliers, and governments, we examine two specific issues related to

FLW reduction: reducing FLW from the food supplier end and the consumer end,

respectively. In particular, we investigate the impact of government intervention and

consumer behaviour on FLW reduction in the context of COVID-19. To analyse the

incentives that promote food suppliers to reduce FLW, we build models and employ the

approaches of case study and optimisation. To investigate how certain consumer traits

impact FLW, we conducted a qualitative and longitudinal study, spanning three periods

in New Zealand.

This thesis first constructs a conceptual framework to analyse FLW within FSCs

from the perspective of operations management. This framework helps to

comprehensively understand FLW occurrence and thus stimulate research focusing on

FLW from different perspectives. Then optimisation models are formulated to identify

the role of government interventions in preservation technology adoption and FLW

reduction by food suppliers. This work suggests concrete guidelines for an appropriate

mechanism that helps to reduce FLW. In particular, the extension models demonstrate

that unexpected price rises can harm the performance of FLW reduction. This result has

been further investigated from the consumer end in this thesis.

Four original papers have been included in the thesis. Paper I proposes a conceptual

framework to systematically examine FLW issues within FSCs, which helps to

comprehensively understand FLW occurrence in FSCs. Paper II presents a review of

research on FLW from the perspective of operations management. This research

provides insights into FLW studies from the lens of specific stages within the FSC and

from the perspective of the entire FSC, identifies overarching research themes, and

provides a projection of future research opportunities. Paper III formulates optimisation

models to identify the role of government interventions in preservation technology

adoption and food loss reduction by food suppliers. Paper IV investigates how certain

consumer traits impact household food waste, particularly in the face of external shocks,

which contributes to household FLW literature by providing a framework that integrates

external impacts, consumer segmentation to reflect on waste management, and the

possible applications of the proposed framework. Overall, this thesis provides

implications on FLW reduction in FSC operations.


To my parents and my aunties who love, support, and encourage me.

To my daughter and son who give their unconditional love to me.


Lots of emotions come to my mind at this moment, happy, thankful, and fortunate,

During the PhD study, I have gained much more than I could image.

First of all, I would highly appreciate and give my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor

Professor Tava Olsen. In my first year being PhD candidate, I had my first baby. I was

extremely stressful and afraid I could not be able to take the balance of my life and

research. During that tough period, Tava gave me very strong support and guidance

which helped me to overcome my postpartum depression. In the fourth year of my PhD

journey, I had my second baby by a surprise. I still remembered I wrote a very long

email to Tava and told her “I am pregnant”. Tava replied to me immediately with great

congratulations at that night, meanwhile, she planned everything for me, including the

extension for submission, the next research plan, and comforted me by telling me how

to balance my life and study. She is very encouraging and always supportive. Tava is

such a wonderful and brilliant supervisor, who can always find a solution for me when

I was stuck in my research. She taught me how to lead a course as an efficient tutor,

how to organise a research paper, and even how to communicate with journal editors. I

thought maybe I used up all my fortune so I could meet her. I am deeply indebted to her

for being my supervisor.

I would also like to thank Professor David Robb, my co-supervisor, who always

cares about me and provided me great helps with my life and research. He gave me lots

of valuable advice, shared his knowledge and network to me, and helped me to deeply

understand my research questions. He always encouraged me and gave constructive

feedback on my research. I am very grateful to David Robb for his guidance both in

academic and practice. I would also like to thank Dr. Subhamoy Ganguly, who spent

lots of time discussing my research and provided me creative ideas. Also, I learned so

much from being the GTA of Subh’s course.

I also thank the staff in ISOM department for their always help and support. I

sincerely appreciate the colleagues those who attend our paper discussion meetings in

the Business School, University of Auckland. Especially, I enjoy the discussions with

my colleagues also my friends and I learned a lot from them, Xiaoyan Qian, Quan Zhou,

Shandong Mou, Mojtaba Mahdavi, Mahsa Boroushaki, and Tien Nguyen. I cherish this

experience in my PhD journey.

I would particularly thank my co-authors Abraham Zhang and Zhangwei Feng who

gave me lots of valuable comments and helped me to improve my research ability.

I am sincerely grateful for the financial support from the China Scholarship Council.

Finally, I would like to particularly thank my parents Hongfa Luo and Furong Ma,

and my auntie Hongying Ma who are helping me taking care of my babies, encouraging

me, and tolerating my bad mood sometimes. I would also like to give my sincerest

appreciation to my best friends Hongyu Xu, Jiahe Wu, and Xiaolei Chen who always

encourage me and accompany with me during my ups and downs. And I would like to

thank my kids, Keqing Liu and Zimo Liu, who make me strong with their unconditional



Acknowlegement ............................................................................................................................. vi

List of Figures ................................................................................................................................... x

List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................xii

CHAPTER ........................................................................................................................................ 1

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Research Motivation ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Theoretical Background ...................................................................................................... 5

2. Literature Review and Research Directions ......................................................................... 15

2.1 Motivation ......................................................................................................................... 15

2.2 Review Methodology ........................................................................................................ 18

2.3 Sample Statistics ............................................................................................................... 20

2.4 Research Questions in FLW Studies ................................................................................. 22

2.5 Research Themes .............................................................................................................. 27

2.6 Future Research Directions ............................................................................................... 44

2.7 Brief Summary .................................................................................................................. 57

3. A Conceptual Framework to Analyse Food Loss and Waste within Food Supply Chains .. 59

3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 59

3.2 Various Types of FSCs ..................................................................................................... 60

3.3 Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of FLW ................................................... 62

3.4 FLW Occurrences and Possible Causes ............................................................................ 66

3.5 Measures to Reduce FLW in the Field of OM .................................................................. 74

3.6 Methodologies to Analyse FLW ....................................................................................... 76

3.7 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 82

4. The Strategic Preservation Technology Investment Decision to Reduce Food Loss: The
Role of Government Intervention – Basic Model ....................................................................... 83

4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 83

4.2 Relevant Literature ............................................................................................................ 88

4.3 Model Description and Assumptions ................................................................................ 90

4.4 Basic Model ...................................................................................................................... 96

4.5 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 114

5. The Strategic Preservation Technology Investment Decision to Reduce Food Loss: The
Role of Government Intervention - Extension Models ............................................................. 117

5.1 Motivation ....................................................................................................................... 117

5.2 Extension 1 – Integrated Subsidy and Carbon Emissions Tax Policy............................. 118

5.3 Extension 2 – Proportional PT Investment Decision ...................................................... 123

5.4 Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 134

5.5 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 136

6. Food Supply Chain Waste Reduction in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study of
New Zealand Consumers .......................................................................................................... 138

6.1 Motivation ....................................................................................................................... 138

6.2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................ 140

6.3 Method ............................................................................................................................ 144

6.4 Findings........................................................................................................................... 151

6.5 Implications..................................................................................................................... 163

6.6 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 166

7. CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................ 168

7.1. Summary of this thesis ................................................................................................... 168

7.2 Contributions................................................................................................................... 170

7.3 Future directions and limitations ..................................................................................... 171

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 173

A Appendix for Chapter 3...................................................................................................... 173

B Appendix for Chapters 4 and 5........................................................................................... 183

C Appendix for Chapter 6 ...................................................................................................... 184

D Appendix – Ethics Approval .............................................................................................. 185

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 187


1.1 Phases to Develop This thesis……………………………………………………..5

1.2 Food Loss and Waste Defined…………………………………………………….11

2.1 Literature Selection Process……………………………………………………....19

2.2 Count of Papers by Year…………………………………………………………..20

2.3 Distribution of Articles in the Review Pool……………………………………….21

2.4 The Distribution of Methods Employed…………………………………………..22

2.5 The Structure of the Research Themes…………………………………………....30

2.6 Studies Applying Deterministic Optimisation at the Production Stage…………...39

2.7 Distribution of the Interviewees…………………………………………………..44

2.8 Future Directions for FLW Research……………………………………………..46

3.1 A Brief Framework to Analyse FLW Problems within FSCs…………………….59

3.2 An Illustration for FSCs Categorisation…………………………………………..62

3.3 FLW Occurrences and Possible Causes in FSC Stages……………………………67

3.4 Avoidable FLW Generation Causes………………………………………………70

3.5 Traditional Mode and Possible FLW Occurrence…………………………………71

3.6 Wholesale Market Mode and Possible FLW Occurrence………………………....72

3.7 Supermarket Mode and Possible FLW Occurrence……………………………….73

3.8 Internet Retail Mode and Possible FLW Occurrence……………………………..74

3.9 Studies Applying Qualitative Research…………………………………………...77

3.10 Studies Applying Empirical Analysis…………………………………………...78

4.1 The Impact of Government Intervention on PT Investment……………………..112

5.1 The Sequence of the Events……………………………………………………..122

6.1 Consumer Segmentation Profiling and Application……………………………..141

6.2 Household FW Behaviour Analysis……………………………………………..142

6.3 A framework of Investigating Behavioural Changes……………………………148

6.4 Preliminary Conceptual Model of Consumer Segmentation…………………….151

6.5 Key Findings of Stage 2 Exploration…………………………………………….160

6.6 A Refined Conceptual Model of Consumer Segmentation………………………161


1.1 Comparison of the Terms FSC, Food Value Chain, Food System, Food


1.2 Comparison of Food Loss and Food Waste……………………………………….10

1.3 The Chapter Outline of the Thesis………………………………………..……….14

2.1 Research Questions in Specific FSC Stages……………………………………....23

2.2 Research Questions from the Perspective of the Entire FSC……………………..24

2.3 The Identified Research Themes from Text Mining……………………………....28

2.4 Measures to Reduce FLW by Process and Supply Chain Design…………………34

2.5 Root-cause Analysis……………………………………………………………... 37

2.6 Topics Identified in Studies on Distribution Channels…………………………....40

2.7 Summary of Interview Findings…………………………………………..............45

6.1 Outline of the Two Studies in This Thesis……………………………………….144

6.2 Key Findings of Stage 1 Exploration…………………………………………….153

6.3 Behavioural Change Modes of Spendthrift Consumers…………………………155



1.1 Research Motivation

Despite considerable inroads being made in the reduction of worldwide hunger, almost

690 million people, or 8.9 percent of the world’s population, were deemed

undernourished (Food and Agriculture Organisation [FAO], 2020a), and 135 million

people were identified with severe food shortages in 2019 (The World Food Program,

2020). More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant global

economic downturn and serious food crises (FAO, 2020b). The combination of

movement restrictions, lockdown policies, and international trade closures makes the

pandemic an acute threat and challenge to food systems (FAO, 2020b), particularly in

relation to the availability of, and disruptions to, food supplies and the overall

uncertainty surrounding food demand (FAO, 2020c). Amidst these increasing concerns,

“Save food” and “Moving forward on food loss and waste reduction” have been

highlighted as global initiatives (FAO, 2021).

Therefore, food loss and waste (FLW) reduction has emerged as a critical objective

for the world (Hamilton and Richards, 2019); in addition, it makes direct contributions

to achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals No.2 (zero hunger)

and No.12 (responsible consumption and production) (United Nations, 2022). Fifty-

nine international organisations are working on FLW reduction worldwide (Foodbank,

2016), and national and international agencies have made significant effort towards and

commitments to FLW reduction over the past decade. For example, in 2016, New
Zealand conducted the action – “Love Food Hate Waste” to help people reduce food

waste. In 2019, to highlight the importance of FLW reduction, the 74th United Nations

General Assembly designated 29 September as the International Day of Awareness of

Food Loss and Waste (United Nations, 2021). Italy, Japan, and China promulgated anti-

food waste laws and regulations in 2016, 2019, and 2021, respectively.

The FAO (2011) estimates that around 1.3 billion tons (valued at 1.2 trillion US

dollars) of edible food for human consumption is lost or wasted – enough to feed about

97% of the undernourished population (FAO, 2018). The United Nations Environment

Program (UNEP, 2021) estimates that around 931 million tons of food were wasted in

the downstream food supply chain (FSC) in 2019. Furthermore, lost or wasted food

consumes resources equivalent to almost one-third of available agricultural land,

freshwater, fertilisers, and pesticides used in production (FAO, 2018); it accounts for 8-

10% of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, ranking as the third emitter after

China and the U.S. if considered as a country (FAO, 2015). FLW is also regarded as an

inefficiency within the FSC (Corrado and Sala, 2018). According to Govindan (2018),

23% of FLW could be reduced by more effective FSC management methods. FLW

reduction is increasingly regarded as central to FSC management (Kourmentza et al.,


FLW occurs for many reasons, among which spoilage is a key factor (U.S.

Department of Agriculture, 2022). Worldwide, around 20% of food lost due to spoilage

occurring upstream in FSCs during production, post-harvest handling and storage,

transportation, processing, and distribution (Li et al., 2018). This spoilage accounts for

about 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions (United Nations, 2020), and over 85% of

greenhouse gas emissions from landfilled food wastage produced by FSCs (EPA, 2022).

Although perishability is an inherent characteristic of food products and widely

acknowledged to be responsible for spoilage, a shorter or limited shelf life caused by

inadequate facilities and technical malfunctions can also exacerbate the deterioration of

food products and increase food loss in the upper streams of FSCs (United Nations,

2020). FSC stakeholders are seeking to reduce food loss through innovative solutions

and the application of technologies (United Nations, 2022). In particular, preservation

technology plays a key role in reducing food loss by influencing the demand for and

deterioration rates of perishable food products, which may increase total profit (Yang

et al., 2019). The Profit Experts (2011) report that retail profit can be increased by as

much as 33% if preservation technology adoption reduces the food loss resulting from

deterioration by 20%.

Applying preservation technology to reduce deterioration rates and food loss has

been examined extensively in the perishable inventory management literature (Dye and

Yang, 2016). However, our literature review suggests that limited attention has been

given to the trade-offs between the benefits and costs of preservation technology

investment in reducing food loss in conjunction with government interventions on

preservation technology adoption to protect the environment.

Historically, Operations Management (OM) scholars have paid less attention to

FLW reduction in contrast to other streams of research in FSC management, such as

issues of traceability (e.g., Aung and Chang, 2014), network design (e.g., Yu and

Nagurney, 2013), and transportation and storage (e.g., Validi et al., 2014). However,

increasing concerns about the economic, moral, and environmental effects of FLW have

elevated the need to effectively reduce FLW by optimising the FSC and have amplified

the need to study FLW issues from an operational lens.

Finding the solutions to reduce the FLW in FSCs was the original motivation for

this research. Distinct from existing publications, my thesis focuses on the FLW issue

motivated by empirical studies (surveys and case studies). This method has been coined

as “relevance-driven” research which aims to identify practical needs and provides

insights into my studies to prove the significance of my research. Further, to develop

this thesis, three phases have been involved, shown in Figure 1.1. In phase 1, an

extensive literature has been reviewed to identify overarching research themes and

research gaps in the FLW related literature. Following the literature review, phase 2

constructs a conceptual framework to analyse FLW in FSCs which describes the

background of this thesis. . After understanding FLW in FSCs academically and

practically, studies focusing on the food waste at household level and food loss at the

food supplier end have been conducted to fill the research gaps and provide practical


Empirical research:
Survey & Case study

Motivation: The
importance of FLW

Figure 1.1: Phases to Develop This Thesis

1.2 Theoretical Background

The FLW literature uses a wide range of terms, sometimes inconsistently. For instance,

“food supply chain”, “food value chain”, “food system”, and “food chain” are all used

in the literature, sometimes synonymously (Östergren et al., 2014). Moreover, the

definition of, and the distinction between, food loss and food waste vary greatly in the

literature (Beretta et al., 2013). The interchangeable use of such terms may confuse OM

researchers undertaking work in this area. Thus, this subsection discusses the key

definitions emerged in the literature and clarifies the concepts involved.

Table 1.1: Comparison of the Terms FSC, Food Value Chain, Food System, Food Chain
Other synonymous or
Operations-based Other elements
Terms Definition Emphasis specialised terms
Activities involved
“All the activities that help Production, storage, Product, information, Cooperation between
Food ensure the delivery of transportation and and financial flows the upstream and Agri-food supply chain,
Supply finished products to the distribution, across multiple downstream, agri-business supply
Chain* consumer from the primary processing, wholesale, organisations and efficiency, chain, etc.
producer” retail, consumption customers sustainability, etc.
“A systematic structure that
Farming, processing, Agri-food value chain,
Food coordinates all Processes or activities Economic activities,
waste disposal, agro-food value chain,
Value agents and their economic by which customer value value added analysis,
packaging, marketing, sustainable food value
Chain** activities within a food is formed etc.
logistics chain, etc.
“The sum of all the diverse Agri-food systems,
Production, Resources, environment,
elements and activities agro-food systems,
processing, climate, energy, A macroscopic view,
Food which, together, lead to the sustainable food
distribution, consumer, inputs, food security,
System* production and systems, local food
preparation, outputs, processes, sustainability, etc.
consumption of food, and systems, industrialised
consumption infrastructures, etc.
their interrelations” food systems, etc.

Food supply and
Microbiological safety, A macroscopic view, distribution chain, agri-
The practices and activities processing,
Food food safety, energy, food chain crisis, food chain, fast food
from harvest to distribution,
Chain* public health, nutrition, food chain structure, chain, aquatic food
consumption preparation,
etc. etc. chain, trophic food
chain, etc.

HLPE, 2014. Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems. A report by the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome 2014.

FAO, 2015. Food system analysis versus value chain analysis: a conceptual approach for “meeting urban food needs”.

1.2.1 Food Supply Chain, Food Value Chain, Food System, and Food Chain

Table 1.1 outlines the differences between the terms FSC, food value chain, food system,

and food chain, and the elements they involve. FSC management focuses on the

operational problems and challenges in managing food product, information, and

financial flows across multiple stakeholders. It is mainly concerned with operations-

based activities including production, storage, transportation and distribution,

processing, wholesale, retail, and consumption. Given that FSC management typically

deals with multiple stakeholders, a key emphasis is on cooperation between the

upstream and downstream actors (Halloran et al., 2014; Bustos and Moors, 2018). Cost

efficiency has been a key performance measure in FSC management. In recent years,

however, FSC management has been giving more attention to sustainability

performance, for example, improving resource circularity (Farooque et al., 2019a;

Coderoni and Perito, 2020).

In contrast to FSC management, food value chain management studies the

economic activities in the FSC by which customer value is created. It is also concerned

with operations-based activities including farming, processing, and logistics. However,

relatively speaking, it has a greater interest in waste disposal, packaging, and marketing

activities, all of which can have a direct and substantial economic impact. From the

viewpoint of value creation, food value chain management focuses on processes or

activities by which customer value is formed. Consequently, management attention is

mainly on economic activities and value-added analysis.

Food system and food chain, which are often applied synonymously, are broader

concepts, involve more elements, and interface with a wider range of other systems

(HLPE, 2014). A food system is defined as “the sum of all the diverse elements and

activities which, together, lead to the production and consumption of food, and their

interrelations” (HLPE, 2014, p. 29). It involves not only operations-based activities at

a micro (firm/supply chain) level, but also other elements at the meso and macro levels

including resources, environment, climate, energy, infrastructures, among others. A

food chain includes all the stages from food harvest to consumption. It shares a

macroscopic view with the term food system but involves other elements including

microbiological safety, food safety, energy, public health, nutrition, etc.

A precise application of these terms in relation to FLW issues is important to

facilitate understanding of the occurrence, value, and root causes of FLW. For example,

FLW may occur during the transportation or storage process in a fragmented FSC with

multiple tiers due to a cooperation issue, or within a vertically integrated company that

inefficiently manages its food value chain. Interfaced with other systems, such as energy,

resource, and microbiology, FLW problems are also investigated as a key issue within

food systems or food chains. For the purposes of this chapter, which adopts an OM lens,

we focus on how FLW can be reduced by efficiently managing the FSC.

1.2.2 Food Loss and Food Waste

The terms “food loss”, “food waste”, “food loss and waste”, “food wastage”, and “post-

harvest losses” have been used interchangeably in FLW research (HLPE, 2014), leading

Garcia-Herrero et al. (2018) to contend that the lack of standard definitions is a

prominent problem for FLW studies.

Food loss and food waste have many differences when their definitions are

respectively unpacked, and these present distinct operational and managerial challenges

for OM research. One way of distinguishing between the concepts is whether the

decrease in food quantity is natural or behavioural. Another distinction involves

whether the occurrence is located at the upstream stage or the downstream stage of the

FSC. Table 1.2 summarises the key differences between the terms.

Table 1.2: Comparison of Food Loss and Food Waste

between food Possible Advantage or
Food Loss Food Waste
loss and food Limitation
Helps to identify the food waste
The stage of the Downstream
issues that are related to retailers’
food chain Upstream stages
and consumers’ behaviour, and
(Physical stages (Before (Retail or
food loss issues that are related to
occurrence at consumption) consumer
logistical and infrastructural
different stages) level)
Decrease in Decrease in
Distinguishes the "planned" and
food products food products
Usage of the food "unplanned" non-food use (animal
for human not for human
feed, bioenergy, etc.)
consumption consumption
Confusion can occur due to
Root causes of the
Behavioural or subjective perceptions of the
loss or waste Natural
voluntary meaning "behavioural" or
"voluntary" in different contexts

Some researchers have attempted to measure the quantity of food loss or waste

without focusing on the distinctions between the definitions. For instance, Bellemare et

al. (2017) define FLW as a simple measurement of the difference between the total

volume of food production and the sum of food usage in any form. Likewise, the Food
Policy Research Institute (2016) provides a new term, “Potential FLW”, which includes

pre-harvest losses and unrealised possible losses.

The terminology we apply in this thesis combines the definitions of HLPE (2014)

and Quested and Johnson (2009) (see Figure 1.2). Regardless of the intention (natural

or behavioural), which is difficult to measure, we consider whether the loss or waste

could be avoided by OM at different stages of the FSC. Our approach holds that food

loss refers to the quality and quantity decrease at upstream of FSC, from production to

distribution, whereas food waste involves a decrease at the consumption stage,

including customer consumption and retail consumption (i.e., in restaurants or similar).

Food Chain/ Food Supply Chain

Food Value Chain
Production Handling and Other stages Consumption
and Retail

Food Loss Food Waste

Food Loss and Waste (quality and quantity decrease)

Figure 1.2: Food Loss and Waste Defined

The thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter 2 presents a relevance-driven

literature review. Chapter 3 provides a conceptual framework to analyse FLW in FSC

operations. According to the literature review in Chapter 2 and the research framework

in Chapter 3, Chapters 4 and 5 formulate optimisation models in different scenarios to

identify the role of government interventions in preservation technology adoption and

food loss reduction by food suppliers. To further investigate the interaction between the

food suppliers and the consumers and understand how the consumers’ trait impacts the

food waste reduction in the downstream of the FSC, Chapter 6 conducts a qualitative

and longitudinal study. The thesis is concluded in Chapter 7. A brief synopsis of

Chapters 4, 5, and 6 is as follows.

Chapters 4 and 5 formulate a basic model and extension models, respectively, to

investigate the role of government intervention. Rather than assuming preservation

technology adoption only has a positive impact on the environment through reducing

food loss, this thesis also considers the possibility that preservation technology adoption

can generate extra carbon emissions. Therefore, the influence of an integrated subsidy

and carbon emission tax policy on the uptake of preservation technology has been

investigated. The results highlight that when market prices are exogenous, the driving

force of the food supplier for preservation technology adoption and food loss reduction

comes from high market prices. In addition, the extension models demonstrate that

unexpected rising price can discourage preservation technology investment and harm

the performance of food loss reduction in the long-term.

Chapter 6 investigates the impact of consumer behaviour on FLW by developing a

novel consumer segmentation conceptual model and conducting a longitudinal study in

New Zealand. This research combines an exploratory survey and semi-structured

interviews to investigate household food waste behaviour and behavioural changes

caused by consecutive lockdowns. This investigation spanned over a year and covered

three periods. Unlike the extant literature, this thesis reports diversified outcomes of

food waste generated at the household level, and multiple determinants are identified

as contributors to food waste generation, among which, government intervention plays

a key role in reducing food waste.

The contribution of this thesis is threefold. First, this thesis provides insights into

FLW studies from the lens of specific stages within the FSC and from the perspective

of the entire FSC. Second, this thesis complements the existing literature on FSCs and

contributes to FLW reduction literature by investigating FLW reduction from both

upstream and downstream of FSCs. Third, this thesis applies different methodologies

to examine FLW issues which provides a direction to future research. Overall, this

thesis is an effort to incorporate different impact factors into practical models and

contributes to FLW reduction in FSC operations. Table 1.3 presents chapter titles with

associated publications or manuscripts and research questions.

Table 1.3: The Chapter Outline of the Thesis
Chapter Reference Research questions
Luo, N., Olsen, T., Liu, Y., and Zhang, A. 2022. RQ1: What are the FLW topics covered in present studies in FSC?
Reducing food loss and waste in supply chain RQ2: What are the research themes and methodologies employed
Chapter 2
operations. Transportation Research Part E: in the current literature?
Logistics and Transportation Review, 162, 102730. RQ3: What opportunities are there for future research in this area?
Luo, N., Olsen, T., and Liu, Y. 2021. A
Conceptual Framework to Analyse Food Loss and RQ1: How to systematically examine FLW issues within FSCs?
Chapter 3 Waste within Food Supply Chains: An Operations RQ2: What are the types and distribution modes of FSCs where
Management Perspectives. Sustainability, 13 (2), FLW occurs?
Luo, N., Olsen, T., and Feng, Z. 2022. The RQ1: How are the key factors influencing the PT investment
Strategic Preservation Technology Investment decisions of food suppliers?
Chapters 4 and
Decision to Reduce Food Loss: The Role of RQ2: What impact do government interventions (subsidies and
Government Intervention. Will be submitted to an carbon emission tax) have on PT adoption by food suppliers and
OM journal. on FL reduction in the food industry?
RQ1. How does household FW behaviour change when trigger
Luo, N., Olsen, T., Ganguly, S., and Liu, Y. 2022.
events occur?
Food supply chain waste reduction for a CE in the
RQ2. Do these changes in household food waste behaviour differ
COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study of
Chapter 6 among consumer segments?
New Zealand consumers. International Journal of
RQ3. What are the implications for government, FSC
Logistics Management. DOI: 10.1108/IJLM-03-
practitioners, and consumers to adjust policy, strategy, and/or
behaviour to promote the CE during consecutive lockdowns?


Literature Review and Research Directions

To facilitate an in-depth understanding, in the chapter, we provide a systematically

literature review on FLW in FSC operations. This chapter is based on a paper, which has

been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

with DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2022.102730 (see co-author form).

The literature review pool includes 346 articles published in prestigious OM,

management, and prominent economics, environment, and food science journals. As the

inspiration for this literature review is driven from real-life case studies, Section 2.1

presents the motivation of this “relevance-driven literature review”. Section 2.2 explains

the theoretical background. Section 2.3 outlines the review methodology. Section 2.4

presents sample statistics. Sections 2.5 and 2.6 review the selected papers from the

perspectives of research questions and research themes, respectively. After summarising

the key studies, we discuss the knowledge gaps that remain and suggest future directions

for research in Section 2.7.

2.1 Motivation

This thesis was initially motivated by a conversation with a department director working

in the Chinese government in 2018, who approached us to seek help in relation to how to

improve FLW by managing general operations and using government interventions. We

therefore started to scrutinise the literature and identified that there were limited studies

focusing on FLW issues from an OM perspective. We reached out to operations managers,

marketing mangers, heads of cooperatives, executives, etc. from different constituents of

FSCs, including food manufactures, farmers’ cooperatives, wholesalers, importers, e-

commerce companies, supermarkets, third-party logistics providers, governments, and

non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to acquire first-hand information regarding the

FLW situation.

Thirty semi-structured interviews have been conducted with participants from both

large companies and small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), governments, and NGOs

in China. The practitioners, governments, and NGOs all noted the importance of FLW,

although their foci are slightly different. For instance, a senior director at a leading food

processing company stated that “In our company, the food loss rate is around 0.5% in the

processing stage, and 2-3% in the sales stage”. Compared with this food processing

company (overall less than 3.5% food loss), the estimation of food loss is much higher in

a farmers’ cooperative. The head of a cooperative explained that “Food loss and waste

always occurs in the sales stage because not all fruit can be sold in a timely manner. The

loss rate is around 5-10% for the ones in good appearance and size, and around 30-40% for

the suboptimal fruits (small size or/and ugly food), even when there is no quality problem.”

Another logistics manager at a leading beverage company summarised that “The food loss

and waste issue is very serious in our company because its reduction can decrease overall

costs and increase profit.” (Note, all quotes are translated from Chinese and have been

paraphrased for clarity.)

Governments and NGOs address FLW issues mainly from national and global

perspectives. An associate director from the Chinese government highlighted that “FLW as

an important activity contributing to the sustainable development and carbon neutrality

strategies has attracted more attention worldwide recently” and “In China, the average

FLW rate is considerably high in all stages of FSC. It not only impacts the revenue of FSC

stakeholders, but also China’s food security” In addition, a director at an NGO stated that

“the COVID-19 pandemic caused more customer concerns on food security and food

availability owing to the lockdown policy. The government, food industry, and society are

paying more attention to FLW reduction”.

Considering the importance and meaningfulness of FLW topics indicated in our

interactions with practitioners, governments, and NGOs, we explore the current state of

research on FLW reduction. In this thesis, we scrutinise publications focusing on FLW

reduction from an OM perspective and address three research questions:

RQ1: What are the FLW topics covered in present studies in FSC?

RQ2: What are the research themes and methodologies employed in the current


RQ3: What opportunities are there for future research in this area?

In contrast to a typical literature review paper which only considers academic research,

this chapter is developed in a distinctively different way for which we coin the term

“relevance-driven literature review”. We define a relevance-driven literature review as a

literature review that is motivated by the problems and needs in practice and informed by

insights from empirical data, especially in discussing future research directions. Such an

emerging review approach is employed by Choi et al. (2018) and Zhang et al. (2021), both

of which survey not only academic research but also implementation cases in practice to

ensure the relevance of the review works. This innovative review approach overcomes the

relevance gap between research and practice which has been widely criticised as a grand

challenge in the management research (Tranfield & Denyer, 2004).

2.2 Review Methodology

2.2.1 Literature Search

The literature review has been developed with an inductive approach, including existing

literature on FLW in OM until December 2021. Because FLW research can be found in

multiple disciplines, such as agricultural and biological sciences, environmental science,

chemistry, and engineering, and to limit our search to the OM field, as the first step, we

defined two key sources for the articles: prestigious OM journals and other related journals

adopting OM methods.

For OM-journal selection, we selected 66 journals from the “University of Texas at

Dallas 24 Journals”, “Financial Times' Journals list”, “ABDC Journal list” (ranking A*, A,

and B journals), and “AJG Journal list” (ranking 4*, 4, 3 journals). For other related-journal

selection, we added 9 general management journals (e.g., MIT Sloan Management Review),

and 13 prominent journals associated with FLW reduction in economic, environmental, and

food science (e.g., Journal of Cleaner Production). We used the Scopus, Springer Link, and

EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier databases to search for the manuscripts. In addition,

we asked for suggestions from a group of prominent OM scholars in FLW research.

The keywords we used in our literature search are related to the concept of FLW itself.

The search targeted publications titles, abstracts, and keywords. The search syntax used

was “(loss OR waste OR wastage) AND (food OR post-harvest OR agribusiness OR

durable OR perishable OR fresh OR shelf-time OR fruit OR vegetable OR meat OR fish

OR dairy OR grain OR cereal OR oilcrop OR roots OR beef OR milk). The search syntax

covered specific foods apart from general FLW. This stage found 2290 research papers. We

read their abstracts to retain the papers within the OM field by judging their research

contexts (food supply chain, food value chain, food system, food chain, food production,

food distribution, or post-harvest loss). We also manually checked the sources referenced

in each review paper and, from these, we created a list of papers within the OM field before

eliminating the review papers. We eventually selected 346 research articles in the final

sample. The literature search steps are summarised in Figure 2.1.

Search Scope
Step 1 ( Research article and review paper)

Relevant to FLW Keywords,

Reduction abstract, and title

Scopus Link &
database EBSCOhost

2 Missing OM Journals in Scopus

62 OM Journals 630 Papers (Journal: Business & Information
(Area: OM) found Systems Engineering and OR
9 Management
Journals 5 Papers 2 Inactive OM Journals in Scopus
(Area: General found (Journal: IIE Transactions, and
Management) International Journal of Flexible
Manufacturing Systems
13 Specialty Journals
(Area: Economic, 1648 Paper
environmental and found
food science ) 7 Papers found

2290 Papers

Step 2 Relevant to OM Manual


346 Papers

85 Papers 261 Papers

selected from selected from
OM journals Special journals

Figure 2.1: Literature Selection Process

2.2.2 Review Procedures

We perform content analysis (Neuendorf, 2019) to examine research questions in the extant

literature and highlight the similarities and differences in two research perspectives, namely,

the perspective of specific FSC stages vs the perspective of the entire FSC (Section 2.4).

Then, we employ text mining (Song et al., 2020) to identify the overarching research

themes (Section 2.5). This step also draws insights from clustering the research questions

in the first step. Finally, we discuss future research directions drawing insights from the

literature analyses as well as from presentations in the leading OM conferences, working

papers, and 30 semi-structured interviews with a wide range of FSC stakeholders (Section


2.3 Sample Statistics

Figure 2.2 plots the trend line for paper counts by year. Research studies on FLW were

sporadic in the first decade of the 2000s. However, research attention started to pick up in

the 2010s, with a sharp increase in publications being observed after the mid-2010s. This

is likely due to the increasing concern on FLW across the globe in recent years.

80 69 67
45 51
40 20
7 4 9 10
20 1 1 1 1 2
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Figure 2.2: Count of Papers by Year

Rather than being concentrated within a handful of journals, FLW studies in OM are

published in a wide range of journals, as shown in Figure 2.3. Journal of Cleaner

Production is the most popular outlet, publishing 132 papers in our sample. Three other

specialty journals, Waste Management, British Food Journal, and Food Policy, are also

very influential, publishing 58, 37 and 20 papers, respectively. Among the OM journals,

International Journal of Production Economics (17 papers) plays a leading role, followed

by Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (11 papers),

Annals of Operations Research (7 papers), Computers and Industrial Engineering (7

papers), European Journal of Operational Research (7 papers), and International Journal

of Production Research (7 papers).

140 132
80 58
60 37
40 20 17
20 7 1 2 2 2 11
6 3 1 1 3 7 7 2 1 7 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1
0 1 4

Figure 2.3: Distribution of Articles in the Review Pool

Extant FLW research employs a variety of methods. Figure 2.4 delineates the

distribution of articles applying different methods; around 30% of studies employ

qualitative methods to explore FLW problems. Heikkilä et al. (2016) suggest that, to

explore and illustrate unstructured phenomena, qualitative research approaches are

appropriate; although Lee (2018) argues that there are limitations in the universality and

applicability of results derived from qualitative methods. Statistical analysis and life-cycle

assessment (LCA), which are mainly used for quantitative empirical research, account for

127 and 30 papers, respectively. The remaining 81 papers in the sample involve a variety

of other quantitative methods, including multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) (8

papers), deterministic optimisation (32 papers), simulation (14 papers), stochastic

optimisation (18 papers), game theory (7 papers), and robust optimisation (2 papers).

Overall, FLW studies in the OM field are dominated by empirical methods. More

modelling works, which have a different nature from qualitative and quantitative empirical

works, may be beneficial for generating new insights for reducing FLW.

Robust optimisation 2
Game theory 7
Stochastic optimisation 18
Simulation 14
Deterministic optimisation 32
LCA 30
Statistical analysis 127
Qualitative analysis 108
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
# of article

Figure 2.4: The Distribution of Methods Employed

2.4 Research Questions in FLW Studies

To provide an overview of the topics currently discussed in FLW studies, we perform

content analysis (Neuendorf, 2019) to categorise the literature into two groups: the first

group consists of studies from the lens of specific stages within the FSC and the second

consists of studies from the perspective of the entire FSC. According to this classification,

we listed the research questions that were examined in each group (see Tables 2.1 and 2.2),

highlighting the specific research questions covered by each paper. This summary helps us

understand the differences and similarities between the research questions in each FSC

stage and along the entire chain.

Table 2.1: Research Questions in Specific FSC Stages
Stage Research Questions
Q1. What are the causes of FLW?
Q2. What are the measures taken to reduce FLW and their performances?
Q3. How to define and quantify FLW.
Production Q4. How to prevent FLW.
Q5. How to optimise or design production planning with respect to FLW
Q6. What are farmers' attitudes towards FLW?
Q1. How to improve the performance of post-harvest operations.
Q2. What policies, strategies, approaches, or interventions can help to reduce
handling and
Q3. How to balance the costs and benefits of FLW reduction.
Q1. What are the causes of FLW generation?
Q2. What are the drivers and/or barriers of FLW?
Processing Q3. What is the role of reuse and recycling in FLW reduction?
Q4. How to quantify or measure FLW.
Q5. What are the environmental, economic, and social impacts of FLW?
Q1. What is the impact of managerial attitudes and technical methods on FLW
Q2. What policies, strategies, approaches, or interventions can help to reduce
Q3. What are the drivers and barriers of FLW reduction?
Q4. What is the relationship between the practices of FLW reduction, economic
performance, and/or environmental benefits?
Q5. What is the link between innovation practices and FLW management?
Q6. What are the causes of FLW generation?
Q7. How to maximise the satisfaction of demand level considering the FLW
Q8. To what extent can inventory control reduce FLW in quantities and cost?
and retail
Q9. How to reduce FLW by optimising/planning the logistic and/or distribution
Q10. How to construct the distribution network to reduce FLW.
Q11. How does FLW management affect the efficiency of distribution?
Q12. What is the value of FLW?
Q13. What is the role of diverse distribution channels and their efficiency on
FLW reduction?
Q14. How does replenishment policy impact the FLW reduction?
Q15. What is the impact of the supply chain structure on retailers’ performance
considering waste reduction in FSC?
Q16. How to map and quantify FLW in retail trade.
Q1. What are consumers' attitudes towards FLW?
Q2. What policies, strategies, approaches, or interventions can help to reduce
Consumption FLW?
Q3. What are the factors affecting FLW behaviours?
Q4. How to quantify, classify or measure FLW.

Q5. How does FLW at the household level affect food security?
Q6. What are the impacts of consumers' or food purchasers’ decisions on FLW?
Q7. What are the drivers and barriers of FLW reduction?
Q8. What are the causes of FLW generation?
Q9. What are the possible impacts of different methods on FLW generation?
Q10. What are the territorial differences of consumers' behaviour toward FLW?
Q11. What are the economic and environmental impacts of FLW?
Q12. What are the costs and benefits of FLW reduction?
Q13. What methodologies can be used to deal with FLW and their
Q14. What is the impact of COVID-19 on consumer food waste behaviour?

Table 2.2: Research Questions from the Perspective of the Entire FSC
Research Questions
Q1. How does FLW reduction support sustainable policies?
Q2. How to manage the sustainability of FSCs by reducing FLW.
FSC Q3. How to create a sustainable FSC by using and recovering FLW.
sustainability Q4. How to optimise a competitive FSC with sustainability consideration by
reducing FLW.
Q5. How to transform to CE by reusing and reducing FLW.
Q1. How to design the supply chain while maximising profits and
minimising FLW.
Q2. How to design the logistical structure and close loops to reduce FLW.
Q3. How to design the FSC by integrating harvesting decisions.
FSC design
Q4. How to design the FSC network to manage FLW.
Q5. How to optimise the configuration of FSC to reduce FLW.
Q6. How to build a green FSC by constructing a digitised FSC to reduce
Q1. How to reduce FLW through collaboration.
Q2. What is the effect of different types of collaboration on the level of FLW?
Q3. How to determine the replenishment schedule and dynamic prices
considering FLW reduction during cooperation between the FSC
Q4. What are the optimal pricing, inventory and preservation decisions that
help to reduce FLW?
FSC cooperation
Q5. What are the optimal sourcing strategies that help to reduce FLW?
Q6. What is the optimal pricing and ordering policy in the presence of
contracts and FLW?
Q7. What are the impacts of integration on profits and FLW reduction
Q8. What is the effect of contracts on shrinking inventories and FLW
Q1. How to evaluate the FSC risk and its implication for FLW reduction.
FSC risk
Q2. What is the impact of COVID-19 on food insecurity and FLW in the

FSC surplus-to-
waste transition Q1. How does overproduction contribute to FLW along the FSC?
Q1. How to measure or quantify FLW in the entire FSC.
Q2. What is the value of FLW reduction in the entire FSC?
Q3. What is the quantity and quality of FLW along the FSC?
Q1. How to quantify and assess the environmental impact of FLW.
Q2. What are the environmental, economic, and social impacts of FLW?
Q3. How to manage food security through FLW reduction.
economic, and
Q4. How to use different management options to reduce the environmental,
social impact
economic, and social impacts of FLW.
Q5. How to manage nutrient losses through FLW reduction.
Q1. What are the critical factors and causes for FLW?
Root causes of Q2. What are the challenges inhibiting FLW in the FSC?
FLW Q3. How do different stakeholders prevent FLW while realising the root
causes of FLW?
Q1. How to manage the inventory to reduce quality degradation.
Q2. What are the mitigation strategies for expiration in emergency inventory
Impact of
technologies or Q1. How are the technologies used to reduce FLW and their performances?
policies on FLW Q2. How do policies help to manage FLW?
Q1. What are the challenges for FLW polices?
Policy design and
Q2. How to design the policy for FLW prevention.
Q3. What is the role of FLW hierarchy?
Q4. How to evaluate FLW policies.
Suboptimal food
Q1. How to manage suboptimal food products to prevent FLW.
Q2. What is the environmental impact of cosmetic standards?
Q1. How to design a sustainable supply chain using the residues/FLW.
Q2. How does a donation/recycling/redistribution policy work and to what
extent is it effective?
Q3. What are the drivers and barriers of recovery, recycling and
Q4. How to use technologies/policy/other measures to reduce FLW.
Q5. What are the factors that impact donation/ recycling/ redistribution
Recycling and
Q6. What are the benefits of recovery, recycling and redistribution
Q7. What are the challenges or motivations of non-profit organisations in the
operations of FLW reduction?
Q8. What are the values and environmental, economic, and social impacts of
recovered, recycled, and redistributed products?

Two hundred and forty-four papers were classified into different stages in the pool of

346 articles, among which around 60% of the articles centre on the consumption stage.

This finding concerning the OM literature is consistent with the trend across all fields

(Filimonau and Gherbin, 2017) in which FLW studies predominantly focus on the

consumption stage and on the downstream end of FSCs. To an extent, Table 2.1 concludes

the research questions reflecting the research focus on each stage, such as production

planning in the production stage, reuse and recycle issues in the processing stage, logistics

and distribution solutions in the distribution and retail stage, and analysis of consumer

behaviour in the consumption stage.

Rather than focusing on a specific stage, 102 papers deal with FLW issues from the

perspective of the entire FSC. As indicated in Table 2.2, the focus of these papers ranges

from supply chain design to cooperation to inventory management, etc. They reflect how

OM researchers tend to approach and analyse FLW issues within FSCs.

Comparing the research questions in these two perspectives, we can see that both

groups deal with FLW causes and measures, barriers and drivers to FLW reduction,

economic impacts, management practices, and behaviour aspects. However, studies from

the perspective of the entire FSC are comparatively more interested in the triple bottom

line (all three dimensions of sustainability, i.e., economic, environmental, and social), FSC

cooperation and collaboration, technology adoption, value recovery from FLW, and

government policy interventions. This is likely because these aspects require a more

systematic treatment in research investigations, hence a holistic supply chain perspective

is more suitable than a functional perspective.

2.5 Research Themes

As shown in Section 2.4, FLW topics are scattered across multiple areas. Even when studies

are grouped into different stages of the FSC, topics may overlap despite focusing on

different stakeholders. This creates difficulties in the comparative analysis of relevant

studies. Organising these papers into different research themes is one way of navigating

the body of FLW literature. In this section, we discuss the research themes identified from

our literature review.

2.5.1 Identified Research Themes

We employed a text mining method to search and identify a particular set of research

themes in the literature we reviewed. Although text mining has its limitations, this method

is regarded as an efficient way of selecting papers and providing a brief overview of the

research streams that emerge (Song et al., 2020). Table 2.3 describes the initial codes and

the show rate.

Applying the QDA Miner Lite software, we constructed research themes in six steps.

The steps were designed by following the works of Song et al. (2020), Wassmer (2010),

and Duriau et al. (2007). First, we imported the abstracts of selected papers, and 1,039

keywords were distilled and marked in the software system. Then, we excluded the ones

that are not applied in our coding process, for example, “literature review”, “descriptive

research”, and “case study”. This left us with 670 keywords to guide our text mining

process. Third, we created initial codes in the software (summarised in Table 2.3).

Table 2.3: The Identified Research Themes from Text Mining
Percentage Possible
Number of
Abstracts or keywords containing as a fraction Research
of all papers* Themes
Consumer behaviour 56 16% √
Consumer awareness/preference/attitude/acceptance/decision/intention/engagement/choice 29 8%
Composition 13 4%
Environmental studies (including carbon emissions, carbon footprint, greenhouse gas
46 13% √
emissions, climate impact, environmental impacts/concerns/evaluation/effects)
Economic incentive/monetary value/cost analysis/value degradation 20 6%
FSC, food value chain, food systems, food chain 88 25% √
FSC cooperation/contract management 15 4%
FSC information sharing, risk management, design, disruption management 11 3%
Measurement/quantification 41 12% √
Methodologies (including qualitative research, life cycle assessment, linear programming,
robust optimisation, mixed-linear integer programming, game theory, simulation, action
research, multi-objective optimisation, multi-objective programming, SEM, material flow 99 29% √
analysis, DEMATEL, stochastic optimisation, practice theory, exploratory analysis,
experimental analysis)
Macro-level policy (including food waste hierarchy analysis, food security, food safety, CE,
38 11% √
sharing economy, closed-loop supply chain)
Operations-based policy and strategy (including dynamic pricing policy, capacity planning,
sourcing strategy, nudge, optimal ordering policy, menu planning, replenishment policy,
discount policy, reduction strategies, technology investment decisions, food labels 61 18% √
management, shelf-life management, expiration management, lean management, sales
forecasting, harvesting patterns, education)
Operations-based activities analysis (including inventory, delivery, logistics, distribution,
transportation, storage, production, procurement, retail operations, vehicle routing, 81 23% √
packaging, process, resource allocation)

Root cause analysis 49 14% √
Recycle, reuse, recovery, donation, by-product, reverse logistics 27 8%
Sustainability (including sustainable development, sustainable consumption, sustainable
61 18% √
management, sustainable operations management)
Technology (including technological innovation, technology investment, internet of things,
intelligent container, digitisation, forecasting technology, intelligent packaging, cold chain, 20 6%
Uncertainty analysis (yield uncertainty, dynamic expiry date, food and labour supplies,
17 5%
* The BOLD percentage is highlighting the result that is greater 10%, which we consider as an important cluster.

Next, we highlighted the important clusters with the criterion that a cluster is selected

when the percentage as a fraction of all papers is greater than 10%. In the fifth step, using

hierarchical method, we adjusted our coding framework by referring to the literature

(HLPE, 2014), which classified FLW research from macro, meso, and micro levels, and

setting up the subsections according to Tables 2.1 and 2.2 explorations. Finally, we

classified the clusters into research themes (see Figure 2.5).

FLW Research

Sustainability and Food supply chain

Research Operations-based activities analysis
environmental impacts/ management

• Sustainability • Root-cause analysis

Subsections • Cooperation • Production
• Environmental impacts/
• Design and risk • Distribution
management • Consumption (consumer behaviour)
• Uncertainty management

Figure 2.5: The Structure of the Research Themes*

* Some FLW studies may cover multiple research themes.

2.5.2 Sustainability and Environmental Impacts/Studies

One hundred and eleven papers (almost one-third of our selected papers) contain

“sustainability” or “environmental impacts/studies” in the keywords list or the abstract, of

which 76 are dedicated to sustainability and environmental research.


Within FLW and sustainability, key topics include sustainable development (e.g., Liu

et al., 2018, Derqui et al., 2020), sustainable consumption (e.g., Coderoni and Perito, 2020),

sustainable supply chain management (SCM) (e.g., Liu et al., 2021), and sustainable OM

(e.g., Garcia-Herrero et al., 2018). These studies involve the investigation of FLW

reduction activities using a general operations management lens, exploring aspects such as

residual recovery, consumer packaged goods management, sustainable production

management, and sustainable business models. Three methodologies are predominantly

applied: life cycle assessment, qualitative analysis, and statistical analysis. For example,

using life cycle assessment, Salemdeeb et al. (2017a) demonstrate a sustainable business

model that includes an environmental matrix. Lam et al. (2018) construct a sustainable

FLW management method for the international airport in Hong Kong. Employing a

qualitative analysis method, Sgarbossa and Russo (2017) construct a proactive model in a

sustainable FSC. Applying statistical analysis, Garcia-Herrero et al. (2018) discuss how to

support sustainable production by reducing potential food waste.

Rather than concentrating on each FSC stage, sustainability analysis in FLW research

primarily adopts an integrated supply chain perspective. Distinct from general SCM, the

studies approach their respective challenges by considering FLW minimisation or the

evaluation of FLW (e.g., Kaipia et al., 2013, Garcia-Herrero et al., 2018).

Environmental Impacts/Studies

Fifty-seven papers consider how to quantify the environmental impact of FLW, of

which, 30 papers apply life cycle assessment to evaluate this impact from a country or

district level, including Switzerland (Willersinn et al., 2017), the United Kingdom (Tonini

et al., 2018), Norway (Svanes and Johnsen, 2019), Turkey (Cakar et al., 2020), and Europe

(Scherhaufer et al., 2018), and from specialised processes in FSCs, such as packing (e.g.,

Wikström et al., 2016), animal feed (e.g., Salemdeeb et al., 2017b), processing (Li et al.,

2020), consumption (García-Herrero et al., 2019, 2021), resource recovery (Krishnan et al.,

2020), and surplus food redistribution (Damiani et al., 2021). Sixteen papers employ

qualitative or statistical analysis methods to assess the environmental impact of FLW, from

which FLW management options are variously linked to the waste hierarchy (e.g., Eriksson

et al., 2015), the CE (e.g., Coderoni and Perito, 2020), and closed-loop supply chains (e.g.,

Sgarbossa and Russo, 2017). Ten papers consider environmental impact as one of the

constraints or variables in a multi-objective optimisation approach, using deterministic

optimisation (e.g., Cattaneo et al., 2021), stochastic optimisation (e.g., Belavina et al.,

2017), and simulation (e.g., Kuiper and Cui, 2021). One paper applies multi- criteria

decision making (MCDM) to evaluate the environmental impact of food waste (Plazzotta

et al., 2020).

Studies within these streams often assume that FLW reduction has a positive impact

on environmental improvement, and much literature follows this logic. However, the

European Commission report in 2006 suggests that, to assess all the environmental benefits

of FLW reduction initiatives, two issues should be considered: whether FLW has been

actually reduced, and whether efforts at reducing FLW negatively affect downstream stages

of the life cycle. For instance, using refrigerated facilities during transportation help to

reduce FLW but increase the carbon footprint.

2.5.3 FSC Management

One hundred and fifty-two papers contain FSC, value chain, food systems, and food chain

in their keywords or abstract, of which 102 papers investigate FLW issues from the entire

FSC. The topics within this field are various, including information sharing (e.g., Kaipia et

al., 2013), risk management (e.g., Ali et al., 2019), supply chain design (e.g., An and

Ouyang, 2016; Jonkman et al., 2018; Song et al., 2021) and cooperation (e.g., Wang and

Chen, 2017), and supply chain resilience in the COVID-19 context (Burgos and Ivanov,

2021). The following subsections focus on measures to reduce FLW in reviewing the most

relevant publications.

FSC Cooperation

The FAO (2011) highlights those improvements in cooperation between stakeholders

in a supply chain can positively impact FLW reduction. An appropriate coordination

mechanism can encourage stakeholders to reduce FLW and optimise FLW management

(Halloran et al., 2014). Ideally, appropriate cooperation leads to optimal ordering from the

retailer, strategic pricing from the supplier, and/or astute investment to increase

preservation. However, even though cooperation is a topic often examined by OM

researchers, FSC cooperation studies in FLW reduction contexts remain scant.

Game theory is an approach often applied by researchers in a bid to solve cooperation

problems in FLW reduction. Within this approach, FLW performance is usually presented

as a parameter or constraint (e.g., Yu et al., 2020). For example, Huang et al. (2018)

developed a Stackelberg game model aiming to maximise individual profits. This study

included a FLW factor by considering an investment in preservation, which reduces the

deterioration rate and carbon emissions.

Qualitative approaches in cooperation research provide a lens to examine the FLW

situation in practice and offer a theoretical basis for in-depth research. For instance,

innovative collaboration between stakeholders is considered by practitioners to have

positive effects on FLW reduction (Martin-Rios et al., 2018). Cooperation can come in the

form of improvements to, or the creation of, interorganisational relationships through

information exchange, incentive engagement, and technology sharing (Bustos and Moors,

2018). Exploratory research of this nature offers insights into how stakeholders interact

with each other and engage in FLW reduction activities.

FSC Design and Risk Management

Studies involving FSC design that take into consideration FLW tend to include

decisions on processing and storage facilities investment and pricing policies (e.g., An and

Ouyang, 2016), logistical structure (e.g., Banasik et al., 2017), harvest timing (Jonkman et

al., 2018), and interorganisational coordination (Ghinoi et al., 2020). These decisions

usually consider FSC interruptions and risk management, including short and long-term


Short-term risks can be anticipated and evaluated, such as lack of storage facilities,

non-cooperative farmers in harvesting, and inferior technologies. Long-term risks might

be mitigated by planning, monitoring, outsourcing, and controlling the FSC (Ali et al.,

2019). Consideration of risk management within FLW research remains scant in this body

of literature.

Within the FSC design literature, a subset of research has investigated how to reduce

FLW by an appropriate design of value-added processes, pricing policies, or through

improved technology. Table 2.4 summarises the literature in this area.

Table 2.4: Measures to Reduce FLW by Process and Supply Chain Design

Reference Methodology Measures to reduce FLW

(Ahumada and Deterministic
Planning design
Villalobos, 2011) optimisation
(An and Ouyang, Robust Processing/storage facilities investment
2016) optimisation and pricing policy design
(Brulard et al., 2019) Farming system design
(Beullens and Deterministic
FSC structure design
Ghiami, 2021) optimisation
(Despoudi et al., Statistical analysis Collaboration

(Fikar, 2018) Simulation Inventory and delivery strategy design
(Hafliðason et al.,
Statistical analysis Temperature control
(Herbon and Stochastic Dynamic pricing and replenishment policy
Khmelnitsky, 2017) optimisation design
(Jonkman et al., Stochastic
Supply chain design
2018) optimisation
(Janssen et al., 2018) Inventory replenishment policy design
(Liljestrand, 2017) Logistics solutions
(Mogale et al., Deterministic
Transportation and storage design
2017a,b) optimisation
(Mogale et al. 2018) FSC network desgin
(Maiyar and Deterministic
Logistics planning
Thakkar, 2019) optimisation
(Christensen et al., Qualitative
Forecasting accuracy
2021) analysis
(Orgut et al., 2016) Distribution design for food donation
(Reddy et al., 2017) Simulation Procurement optimisation, Routing design
Deterministic Food rescue pickup and delivery logistics
(Rey et al., 2018)
optimisation design
(Rijpkema et al., Qualitative
Sourcing strategy
2014) analysis
(Sheppard et al., Qualitative
Decision-support infrastructure design
2020) analysis
(Song et al., 2021) Omni-channel strategies
(Wang and Chen, Stochastic
Pricing policy design and coordination
2017) optimisation
(Widodo et al., 2006) Delivery design

2.5.4 Operations-based Activities Analysis

Two hundred and forty-four papers discuss FLW issues in different stages of the FSC and

focus on operations-based activities. A wealth of topics is discussed and covered, especially

at the distribution and retail stage (65 papers) and consumption stage (159 papers). To

provide an overview of FLW occurrence causes in each stage, we first examine the root

cause of FLW generation. Following this analysis, we discuss the research themes

identified in the distribution and consumption stages and analyse the uncertainty problems

occurring in all the stages.

Root-cause Analysis

FLW can occur at any tier of a FSC (Östergren et al., 2014). To investigate the

mechanism of FLW generation, OM researchers apply different methodologies to identify

and discuss the causes of FLW. Table 2.5 summarises the causes identified by researchers

at either each stage or from the entire FSC perspective. We observe that 68% of the papers

apply qualitative or statistical analysis to explore the key causes of FLW. The employed

empirical research methods enable researchers to gather information in practice and

explore the root causes of FLW generation. For example, Macheka et al. (2018) examine

the possible determinants of FLW generation and identify that context characteristics,

logistics operations, and quality management are the leading causes of observed FLW.

Table 2.5: Root-cause Analysis

Stage Key words Methodology

Stochastic Statistical Qualitative Game Deterministic Simulation
Causes Details
Optimisation analysis analysis Theory optimisation
characteristics, Storage facility, market price,
Production logistical infrastructure, √ √
operations, overproduction
quality control
Operating policy, policy
Post-harvest efficiency, refrigeration
handling and Operations strategy shortage, careless handling, √ √
storage exceeding volume in
Equipment defects, human
Logistical errors, experimental losses,
operations, quality cleaning losses, blackout,
Processing √
control, consumer package deformation,
demand recipient rejection, customer
demand change
packing/packaging strategy,
Distribution redistribution, market √ √
attitudes and √ √
and Retail channel, delivery scheduling,
technology investment,
replenishment policy
Regulation, Mandatory regulations,
customers’ supervision, economic
behaviour, incentives, education,
awareness and environmental awareness,
Consumption √ √
attitude, culture, income, eating / buying/
product shopping/ storage behaviour,
characteristics, religious belief, information,
marketing and sale product shelf life, household

strategy, size
Knowledge and information
Coordination, sharing, long-term solution
government monitoring, contract breach,
intervention, trust and loyalty, feasible
sustainability, intervention, sustainable
cosmetic resolution, food
specifications, characteristics, supply chain
Entire FSC √ √ √ √
infrastructure, uncertainty, market
facility, pricing and infrastructure, food policy
inventory and regulation, partnerships,
decisions, networks, operational
management capability, quality
practices management, process control,


FLW research focusing on the production stage remains scarce. Only 18 papers fell

into this category from our selected pool, of which 15 papers use qualitative analysis,

statistical analysis, and life cycle assessment to investigate FLW issues at the production

stage. The topics for this stage involve FLW measurement (e.g., Ambler et al., 2018),

product expiration reduction (e.g., Akkas and Sahoo, 2020), farmers’ behaviour (e.g.,

Bonadonna et al., 2019), farming system design (e.g., Brulard et al., 2019), overproduction

(e.g., Darlington and Rahimifard, 2007), and approaches to FLW reduction (e.g.,

Thamagasorn and Pharino, 2019). We only found three papers that apply deterministic

optimisation to discuss FLW issues, all of which apply deterministic optimisation. Figure

2.6 describes how this small analytic stream discusses FLW issues at the production stage.


Market price
Assumptions Maximise the producer’s
Products’ characteristics and type profit

Basic infrastructure (land, resources,

labour …) FLW reduction Minimise undistributed
is realised or
considered by food products
Distribution, storage, and
Constraint packing capacity
Assessing alternative
Shelf-time, decay function production options

When and how many to produce

Decisions Transportation model

Capacity allocation

Figure 2.6: Studies Applying Deterministic Optimisation at the Production Stage


Distribution problems are significant issues in FLW reduction research. In an FSC

context, they are investigated along three main aspects: maximising the distribution amount

(e.g., Orgut et al., 2016), distribution planning (e.g., Ahumada and Villalobos, 2011), and

optimisation of the distribution channel and network (e.g., Mogale et al., 2019; Chaboud

and Moustier, 2021). FLW reduction might be realised by reducing the circulation loss

during the distribution (e.g., Mangla et al., 2019), redistribution of the surplus or donated

food (e.g., Garrone et al., 2016), and optimal distribution planning incorporating quality

degradation (e.g., Ahumada and Villalobos, 2011).

Some studies focus on FLW problems without specific attention to the different

distribution channels (e.g., Irani et al., 2018). In contrast, other studies address FLW

differences between various forms of distribution channels, for instance, online retailing

and physical retailing, or different stakeholders and value-added processes in the

distribution channels. Even in the same food industry, the stakeholders or the processes

involved may be different, leading to varying results in FLW research, including FLW

measurement, environmental evaluation, and FLW causes. Table 2.6 summarises the main

topics that emerged from the work on distribution channels.

Table 2.6: Topics Identified in Studies on Distribution Channels

Reference FSC stages or Actors Objective Methodology

Production, transport and
Corrado et al. Environmental Life cycle
storage, processing,
(2017) evaluation assessment
distribution, consumption
Raw milk preparation,
Lütke Entrup fermentation, flavouring and Maximisation of the Deterministic
et al. (2005) packaging, storage and contribution margin optimisation
Halloran et Primary sector, food processor, Analysis of FLW issues Qualitative
al. (2014) wholesaler and retailer, in Denmark analysis

consumer and households,
FLW processors
Creation of a sustainable
Kaipia et al. Milk supplier, logistics service Qualitative
model of closed-loop
(2013) provider, wholesaler, retailer analysis
supply chain
Macheka et Harvesting, processing, Exploration of logistics Qualitative
al. (2017) storage, distribution and quality control analysis
Minimisation of
Mogale et al. Procurement, transportation, transportation, storage Deterministic
(2017a) distribution, sales and operational costs of optimisation
the food chain
Farmers, procurement centers, Minimisation of
Mogale et al. central warehouse, state operations-based Deterministic
(2019) warehouse, district warehouse, activities cost and carbon optimisation
fair price shops dioxide emission
Production, harvest, storage,
Redlingshöfer transport, processing, Qualitative
FLW quantification
et al. (2017) distribution, consumption, analysis
Salemdeeb at Collection, transportation, Environmental Life cycle
al. (2017a,b) anaerobic digestion, import evaluation assessment
Production, food processing,
Scherhaufer Environmental Life cycle
retail distribution,
et al. (2018) evaluation assessment
consumption, food disposal
Sgarbossa Creation of a sustainable
Farmer/livestock, production, Qualitative
and Russo model of closed-loop
distribution, sales analysis
(2017) supply chains
Song et al. Discussion on Omni- Deterministic
Retailer, consumers.
(2021) channel strategies optimisation
Farming, processing,
Tonini et al. Environmental Life cycle
wholesale and retail, food
(2018) evaluation assessment
Milk supplier, collection
Tostivint et Qualitative
points, factories, distribution FLW measurement
al. (2017) analysis
and retail
Wesana et al. Farmer cooperative, processor, Exploration of actor Statistical
(2018) wholesaler, retailer readiness to reduce FLW analysis
Widodo et al. Maximisation of the Deterministic
Farmer, retailer, consumer
(2006) demand level satisfied optimisation
Willersinn et Production, wholesaler, Environmental Life cycle
al. (2017) retailer, household evaluation assessment

Consumer Behaviour Analysis

FLW issues at the consumption stage have been widely investigated, and we yielded

143 papers focusing on this stage. The topic of consumer behaviour was highly dominant,

and it is seen as one of the critical issues driving the FLW problem in developed countries

(Jagau and Vyrastekova, 2017) while also attracting increasing scholarly attention in the

context of developing countries (Song et al., 2018). Consumer behaviour involves a range

of dimensions, including emotions, eating and shopping habits, values, and beliefs, all of

which can affect initiatives for FLW reduction. At a societal level, factors such as social

norms, culture, policies, regulations, retailing sales strategies, or education can impact

consumer behaviour.

Uncertainty Management

Uncertainties in the problem settings of the FSC seem to need more attention in OM

applications (Soto-Silva et al., 2016; Sgarbossa and Russo, 2017). In FLW studies,

stochastic programming and robust optimisation approaches are often used to capture the

uncertainties in the objective function and/or constraints; 20 papers in our pool employ

these methods to solve uncertainty problems.

Yield uncertainty is discussed as a key factor in FLW at the production stage. An and

Ouyang (2016) present a robust optimisation model with an objective of maximising the

company’s profit and minimising FLW. To deal with uncertainty, they assume that

stochastic yield varies within a pre-determined uncertainty set. They construct a three-

echelon supply chain network applying game theory under the decisions of distribution

cost and marketing equilibrium.

Deterministic demand and unlimited product shelf-life are two traditional assumptions

that are widely used in distributional design (Muriana, 2015). To relax the assumption

related to deterministic demand, Soysal et al. (2015) propose an optimisation model for

inventory routing, with the objective of minimising the costs of routing, inventory, and

FLW. They employ a deterministic approximation of the chance-constrained programming

model to solve the uncertainty in demand. To fill the gap related to unlimited shelf-life,

Muriana (2015) constructs a stochastic optimisation model under shelf-life uncertainty to

examine the effectiveness of food recovery, while assuming demand is deterministic.

Price uncertainty describes the practical situation where the prices of food products

may fluctuate, directly impacting both the profit of the entire FSC and actions taken to

reduce FLW. Zhang and Jiang (2017) propose a robust mixed-integer linear programming

model to solve FLW problems under uncertain prices. Process uncertainty is another issue

affecting FLW reduction. Variations in temperatures during transportation and storage

mean that the deterioration process is variable and uncertain.

Uncertainty and variability are applied interchangeably in some papers (e.g., Muriana,

2015); however, a group of researchers highlights the discrepancy between these two

definitions, especially in life cycle assessment studies (Menna et al., 2018) and consider

variability as an inherent characteristic in FSCs caused by human-made, internal, or

operational mistakes that are controllable, and uncertainty as an external factor that cannot

be controlled.

Rather than modelling the uncertainty, researchers often treat the variabilities as

parameters of their models to solve FLW issues. For example, Corrado et al. (2017) indicate

that the categories of avoidable, possibly avoidable, and unavoidable need to be considered

as a parameter in FLW analysis. Lam et al. (2018) include transportation distance as a

variable in their life cycle assessment study. Soto-Silva et al. (2016) recommend that OM

researchers put more effort into considering “uncertainty”.

2.6 Future Research Directions

Although the FLW literature has covered a range of topics and issues, we have identified

that many research gaps remain. We have developed future research ideas based on four

sources: our literature sample of 346 journal papers, presentations in the leading OM

conferences, working papers, and the interviews we conducted with different stakeholders

in the FSCs. The development of future research directions was informed by insights from

empirical data. Specifically, we employed a purposeful sampling approach to recruit

interviewees who were knowledgeable on FLW issues to ensure the validity of the obtained

practical insights. A diverse range of involved stakeholders (see Figure 2.7) helped us

acquire a holistic and comprehensive understanding of FLW issues. We interviewed 11

large-scale enterprises (annual revenue > 5 million RMB), seven medium-scale enterprises

(annual revenue 1-5 million RMB), and six small-scale enterprises (annual revenue < 1

million RMB). We also interviewed three associate directors from the governments and

three experts from the NGOs to understand their perspectives on FLW reduction. In total,

we conducted 30 semi-structured interviews. All the interviews were conducted online due

to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Interviews lasted between 30 and 60 minutes and the

average interview duration was around 40 minutes.

Manufactures/processors 4
Farmers' cooperatives 4
Wholesalers 4
Importers 2
E-commerce companies 2
Supermarkets 3
Third-party logistics providers 5
Governments 3
NGOs 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 2.7: Distribution of the Interviewees

Table 2.7 presents a brief summary of the interview findings from all stakeholder

groups. Apparently, different stakeholders have varying practical needs depending on the

nature of their operations. For example, farmers' cooperatives are concerned about farmer

behaviour analysis, while supermarkets are keen to explore distribution channel

optimisation and consumer behaviour analysis. Having said that, some stakeholders share

similar practical needs. Notably, government intervention, technology application, and

FSC cooperation are the three top areas.

Table 2.7: Summary of Interview Findings

Interviewee Practical needs for research

Closed loop and circular SCM, FSC
Manager (3) cooperation, demand forecasting,
Senior Supervisor (1) new technology adoption, and risk
Government intervention, demand
Head of Cooperative forecasting, farmer behaviour
Farmers' cooperatives (3) analysis, FSC cooperation, Agri 4.0
Vice President (1) application, and new technology
Vice President (1) FSC cooperation, new technology
Wholesalers General Manager (1) adoption, facility investment, and
Manager (2) government intervention
New technology adoption, FSC
cooperation, distribution system
Importers General Manager (2)
optimisation, and government
FSC cooperation, new technology
Vice President (1)
E-commerce companies adoption, and government
General Manager (1)
Head (1) FSC cooperation, demand
Customer Service forecasting, risk management, new
Supermarkets Manager (1) technology adoption, distribution
Operations Manager channel optimisation, consumer
(1) behaviour analysis, pricing strategy

Customer Service Customer cooperation for packaging
Manager (1) recycling, new technology adoption,
Vice President (2) distribution optimisation, government
Third-party logistics
Department Director intervention, and process
(1) optimisation
Operations Manager
The implementation of Anti-food
Waste Law, the effectiveness of
government intervention,
Governments Associate Director (3)
performance of new technologies,
and effective approaches for assisting
Distribution network optimisation,
Director (1)
new technology application,
NGOs SCM expert (1)
government interventions, food
Head (1)
donation, and the roles of NGOs

Figure 2.8 provides an overview of the prominent research gaps and how they were

derived from the insights from the four sources as mentioned above. Collectively,

significant research opportunities exist for OM researchers in FLW reduction. In the

following subsections, we discuss the most important research directions.

• Literature sample (346

journal papers)
• Conference presentations FLW research
• Working papers

Operations and
Sustainability FSC management
Future research technology application

• Sustainable FSCs • Cooperation • Demand forecasting

• Stakeholder • Risk management • Farmer behaviour
Check against practical needs intervention • Processing
by interviewing FSC • Distribution optimisation
stakeholders (30 interviews) • Technology application

Figure 2.8: Future Directions for FLW Research

2.6.1 Sustainability

Sustainable FSCs

A sustainable FSC, green supply chain, or closed-loop supply chain represents a

potential solution to realising sustainable operations (Sgarbossa and Russo, 2017; Ala-

Harja and Helo, 2014). In recent years, circular food supply chain has been advocated for

transitioning to a CE (Farooque et al., 2019a). Circular supply chain is a multi-dimensional

concept which encompasses closed-loop supply chain, reverse supply chain,

remanufacturing supply chain, industrial symbiosis, among others (Zhang et al., 2021). In

comparison with closed-loop SCM, circular SCM can further advance resource circularity

because it enables value recovery from waste not only in the original supply chain but also

in other supply chains (Farooque et al., 2019b; Zhang et al., 2021).

To some extent, the performance of FLW reduction in a sustainable FSC reflects the

social responsibility of the stakeholders involved (Filimonau and Gherbin, 2017). Success

in FLW reduction may positively affect stakeholders’ reputations and create potential

market value for the whole supply chain (Sgarbossa and Russo, 2017; Mangla et al., 2021).

FLW prevention encourages stakeholders to cooperate, seek solutions, and create close

connections with each other in a sustainable FSC.

Studies that offer models for a sustainable FSC are currently limited in number. What

studies that do exist include a multi-objective optimisation of sustainable FSCs (Zhang and

Jiang, 2017), a model of the distribution system in the context of sustainable FSCs using a

bi-objective approach (minimising costs and carbon dioxide emissions simultaneously)

(Mogale et al., 2019), creating a sustainable FSC through information sharing or closed-

loop supply chain development (Kaipia et al., 2013; Sgarbossa and Russo, 2017), and

sustainable FSC management for perishable food (Liu et al., 2021).

Research on traditional closed-loop supply chains often focuses on the durable goods

industry, and few quantitative modelling approaches exist which apply closed-loop supply

chains in the FSC (Banasik et al., 2017b). In the emerging circular SCM domain, research

attention is also lacking in the agri-food sector (Zhang et al., 2021).

Stakeholder Intervention

Typical sustainability studies encompass three-dimensional (environmental, social,

and economic) or four-dimensional (environmental, social, economic, and technical)

impacts. The predominant focus on the environmental impact of FLW has meant that

consideration of other dimensions remains limited. A vice president at a small vegetable

cooperative interviewed by us stated that “FLW reduction is important for us, as it

contributes to environmental friendship and may improve our revenue”; however, “We do

not have the financial capacity to invest in advanced package and pre-cooling facilities”,

and “we do hope to get help from OM researchers, especially on the topic of government

intervention”. The insights from industry reveal that many SMEs lack financial resources

to invest in FLW initiatives and they would welcome positive government interventions.

Thus, governments do have an interest to support businesses, especially SMEs. However,

they usually do not have scientific data on the effectiveness of possible policy measures.

OM researchers may well bridge the gap between the governments and businesses by

conducting research on government interventions.

As previously mentioned, researchers often posit that FLW reduction has a positive

influence on the environment and society. However, this contention is not as

straightforward as it may appear and warrants more careful investigation. For instance,

while FLW reduction may be a mechanism for alleviating hunger and improving the

availability of food products, the occurrence of FLW may not match the location of those

who are most affected by it. For example, the proportion of FLW in edible food is

comparatively high at the consumption stage in developed countries where people can

generally access food and a reduction of FLW here will not necessarily translate to an

improvement in the health outcomes of this population. This raises questions, such as the

possible roles of corporations, NGOs, and non-profit organisations in helping to construct

sustainable FSCs and what interventions could be implemented to redistribute the sources

converted from FLW into consumable products. A handful of studies have started to

consider issues around social supermarket operations (Holweg et al., 2010), donation

management (Buisman et al., 2019), and FLW conversion into by-products (Lee and

Tongarlak, 2017; Chávez et al., 2018). However, more FLW research on stakeholder

interventions for sustainability remains a pressing need.

An associate director in the Chinese government stated in our interview that “In the

context of COVID-19, almost all countries are encountering the challenge of food security.

FLW reduction is a possibly solution to relieve this situation”. The state of food insecurity

globally and the significant challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic are pushing

society and firms to seek sustainable solutions to mitigate the food crisis (FAO, 2021,

Burgos and Ivanov, 2021). Stakeholders in multiple tiers of the FSC are starting to realise

the importance of food and agricultural resources, which may encourage them to consider

more intervention measures for moving forward to a more sustainable business model.

A range of opportunities for future research in sustainability exist, including: 1) an

evaluation system for sustainable FSCs that considers FLW reduction, 2) sustainable

consumption initiatives and the impact on FLW reduction, 3) trade-offs to exercise a

sustainable FSC between stakeholders, 4) quantification of FLW in circular supply chain

models, 5) collaboration issues in the circular supply chain context, 6) government

intervention for FLW management and construction of a sustainable FSC, 7) the roles of

corporations, NGOs, and non-profit organisations for sustainable development with respect

to FLW reduction, 8) the relationship between food security/safety and FLW management,

and 9) the carbon footprint of FLW and the relationship between FLW reduction and carbon


2.6.2 FSC Management

FSC management has been widely analysed in existing publications. However, discussions

on FLW reduction that relate to the entire FSC, including FSC cooperation and risk

management, remain relatively scarce.


Nearly one-fifth of the interview questions relate to FSC cooperation, and over half of

the interviewees mentioned cooperation is one of the most important issues affecting FLW

reduction. Our interview data show that FSC cooperation helps to reduce FLW for both

large companies and SMEs. A purchasing manager at a leading food processing company

explained that “Our company strengthened the cooperation with upstream suppliers to

reduce the food loss, which has dropped around 1-2% compared with 4 years ago”, and a

head of a small cooperative indicated that “We tried hard to strengthen cooperation with

supermarkets, wholesalers, and processors, which reduced the food loss rate by around 5%

in the sales stage”. However, we identified only seven papers out of the 346 papers that

studied FLW through the lens of FSC cooperation, a reflection of the fledgling state of this

research area. Our review of the literature reveals two potential directions for future

research in relation to cooperation: FLW transmission mechanisms and coordination


We define the FLW transmission mechanism as how the FLW costs or burdens are

transmitted in the upstream to the downstream, or vice versa. In practice, improper

treatment of the food in the upstream of the FSC, including packaging, handling,

transporting, and warehousing, may cause FLW downstream. Studies could investigate

how transmission mechanisms might work to minimise FLW.

From a holistic and network perspective, cooperation has been suggested as an

appropriate strategy to reduce FLW (Halloran et al., 2014). Future studies could consider

modelling or describing different variables in coordination mechanisms relating to FLW

reduction, such as different FSC stakeholders and their roles and power in cooperation. For

instance, a chief executive officer (CEO) at a small fruit and vegetable wholesale company

explained “Our company is a small-se company, and we lack marketing power to cooperate

with upstream suppliers or downstream retailers”. Other future directions include changes

and uncertainties in the network during cooperation and different contract types and their

impacts on FLW reduction. In particular, contract management is considered to be an

effective way to reduce FLW. A manager at a leading beverage company stated that “We

gradually strengthened our cooperation with the downstream of our supply chain by

contract management and retailer management and it contributes to around 1-2% in FLW

reduction”. Possible research topics could include: 1) how the transmission mechanism

works to minimise FLW in FSCs, 2) FLW reduction performance evaluation during

cooperation between the FSC stakeholders considering different marketing power of the

stakeholders, 3) innovative cooperation between stakeholders, 4) cooperation mechanism

design in the context of multi-stakeholders, 5) the impact of rejection rate on FLW due to

unsatisfied quality in the cooperation, 6) the concept of FSC integration to increase FLW

reduction, and 7) an appropriate contract management to reduce FLW.

Risk Management

Our interview data show that many companies are working on FSC design and risk

management to reduce FLW, especially for large food processors, traders and chain retailers.

An operations manager at a vegetable trade company stated that “We are planning to invest

in risk management to reduce FLW and hope to obtain the OM researchers’ suggestions”.

While FSC risk management has been well investigated in recent publications (Behzadi et

al., 2018), we could only find one paper (Ali et al., 2019) that also considered FLW


Scholars often classify supply chain risk into two categories: disruption risks and

operational risks (Tang, 2006). The difference between these two types of risks is whether

they are caused by human-made and natural disasters or operational uncertainties.

Identification of potential risks in the treatment of FLW is important. For instance, given

specific circumstances, accepting some FLW might be economically efficient; however, if

corporations are forced to reduce their FLW with costly interventions, this might lead to

financial problems within the entire FSC. Another example relates to the redistribution of

unsaleable products. Holweg et al. (2016) suggest that even though some unsaleable

products are still edible and redistributable, there might be potential health risks involved

owing to a lack of refrigerated facilities during the redistribution. Uncertainty in customer

demand is another potential risk to consider in FLW management. For example, customers

might not accept the by-products converted from retail FLW. Potential areas of

investigation relating to risk management in FLW include the potential impact of FLW

reduction strategies on FSC disruption and uncertainties in the FLW reduction process,

which impact other food value chain stages.

2.6.3 Operations and Technology Application

Although issues relating to FLW are more frequently examined within the context of a

specific stage in the FSC, a number of research gaps still remain in operations-based

activities and technology application.

Demand Forecasting and Farmer Behaviour

A manager at a beverage company concluded that “In our company, the root-cause of

food loss is mostly owing to the inaccuracy of forecasts, which leads to over-production”,

and another purchasing manager at a food production company further explained that the

reasons for FLW are various, including “suppliers’ behaviour, learning experience, and

willingness to obey the contract”. Further exploring the literature, we identify that demand

forecasting and farmer behaviour are two possible research topics. Demand forecasting is

not only a technical problem; thus, OM methods could be productively employed to resolve

the challenges at hand. While there are studies that focus on uncertainty problems in FSCs,

there is still a need for further work in modelling yield, price, and demand to improve

demand forecasting accuracy and accordingly reduce FLW.

Farmer behaviour is another promising area of research. In practice, farmers are not

always price sensitive and their transactions may be affected by trade-offs between extra

transaction costs and the benefits from a higher selling price. In addition, farmer behaviour

may also be influenced by transaction habits rather than current conditions when making

decisions. Our search did not yield any papers that deal with FLW issues in relation to

demand forecasting and farmer behaviour.


Quantitative analysis based on qualitative research findings in the processing stage is

thought to be underdeveloped (Raak et al., 2017). We could only find three papers

investigating FLW issues in the processing stage (Raak et al., 2017; Redlingshöfer et al.,

2017; Simms et al., 2020), and all of them use qualitative methods.

In practice, we observe that processing planning, decisions on new technology

adoption, and managing material surplus can impact FLW reduction performance in the

processing stage. A head at a farmers’ cooperative stated that “We introduced new planting

technology and invested in new processing facilities, which greatly decreased the

suboptimal tomatoes. These methods reduce the rate of suboptimal tomatoes from 15-25%

to around 5%. It effectively reduced the food loss”.

These effects remain to be discussed, which provides significant opportunities for

FLW management contributions. Moreover, modelling the uncertainties during the

processing stage is also a promising avenue, for example, uncertain rejection rates. The

design of an appropriate processing plan and investment decisions around the application

of new technologies which consider the trade-offs between the investment cost and FLW

reduction performance are also research topics that beckon attention.

Distribution Optimisation

Distribution channels are quite different across different FSCs and may include diverse

stakeholders and processes. These differences could impact FLW reduction operations

(Song et al., 2021). Some studies focus on e-commerce or internet retail, while other studies

deal with physical stores such as supermarkets; there is a lack of comparative studies on

how different modes of FSCs affect FLW, and we only found two such papers. Accorsi et

al. (2014) consider a different network layout that can cause different FLW problems. Song

et al. (2021) discuss the omni-channel strategies and their impacts on FLW.

Possibly driven by technology and information availability, omnichannel distribution

has become a burgeoning practice, which changes the interaction between retailers,

manufacturers, and customers. The involvement of new distribution channels may

positively or negatively influence FSC management and FLW reduction. Consequently,

various FSC stakeholders voiced out the challenges they faced in distribution optimisation,

spanning across channel optimisation, network optimisation, and overall system

optimisation. Additional research can provide insights into omnichannel distribution, a

relatively new mode of distribution. Interesting topics in the context of FLW reduction

include studying customer choice of distribution channels and the economic value of

omnichannel options, challenges and opportunities in omnichannel operations, and the

impact of omnichannel distribution on FLW reduction performance.

Technology Application

Technology application has been mentioned by several interviewees. It is one approach

to effectively reduce FLW, with benefits that include keeping food fresh, extending the life

cycle, and changing the appearance and size of the food products. For instance, a vice

president at a vegetable company indicated that “advanced package and pre-cooling

facilities possibly reduce 10-20% of loss”. Exploring the extant literature, agricultural-

specific technologies and high-technology foods are two dimensions in Agriculture 4.0 1

(Olsen and Tomlin, 2020) that could possibly help to reduce FLW. As another emerging

technology, blockchain is considered an important tool to enhance supply chain visibility

(Rogerson and Parry, 2020; Mangla et al., 2021). The problem of tracking and tracing in

FSCs has been discussed widely (Derqui and Fernandez, 2017); however, blockchain

applications in FLW reduction are still scarce.

The application of new techniques can have a considerable impact on FSC

management and FLW reduction in that they: 1) may disrupt the traditional links in FSCs;

2) may improve production efficiencies despite increasing costs in the short-term; 3) may

reduce uncertainty in the FSC, while creating other types of risks, such as investment risk

in new techniques; and 4) may involve new recycling technology or FLW treatment

methods, while increasing disposal costs.

However, the interview result also indicates that the universal applicability of

techonology to reduce FLW are questioned and challenged in practice. Normally the large

companies could effectively control the FLW by applying technology. Whereas, counter-

intuitively, when the SMEs replicate or learn from the large companies in techonology

application, the performance in reducting FLW is sometimes unsatisfying.

Over fifty percent of the interviewees are expecting help from OM researcher in

relation to technology applications. The concerns include “being a small size wholesaler,

1 “Agriculture 4.0”, which is a reference to “Industry 4.0”, is defined as an agricultural revolution brought about by
advanced science, technologies, and devices (De Clercq et al., 2018).

we have no financial budget to pay for the technology” (a CEO at a small wholesale

company), and the different performance of technology between large companies and

SMEs. For instance, a manager at a large beverage company indicated that “RFID [radio

frequency identification] technology effectively improved the efficiency of our operations”,

whereas a vice president at a small food manufacture company said “We tried many

methods such as changing packaging and using iced-water bottles for pre-cooling.

However, these methods are not effective enough”. An associate director in the government

summarised that “In fact, large companies usually have effective methods including

technology application, while it is the contrary situation for SMEs”.

Our review did not locate any papers that discussed the trade-offs in new technologies

within the context of Agriculture 4.0 and/or blockchain contexts. As suggested by OM

researchers (e.g., Zhang and Jiang, 2017), future research into aspects of new technology

application in FLW management is needed. Interesting topics include, 1) the influence of

aesthetic grading on FLW, 2) the efficiency of government interventions on the application

of new technologies that impact the FLW performance, 3) the technical limitations that

reduce transformation for by-products, and 4) the trade-offs between adopting new

technologies and minimisation of rejection rates.

2.7 Brief Summary

This chapter provides a relevance-driven literature review of FLW studies. With

comprehensively examining the existing literature and incorporating the results of the

semi-structured interviews in the future research projection, we identify many research

gaps remain, among which, we select and include two specific topics in our thesis:

government interventions on the technology adoption that impact food loss reduction and

the impact of consumer behaviour on food waste reduction. These two topics represent

typical problems in reducing FLW in the upstream and downstream FSCs. Chapters 4 and

5 analyse the government interventions on preservation technology adoption and their

impact on food loss reduction, which focus on the key food loss issue in the upstream of

FSCs. Chapter 6 discusses the household food waste issue, which comprises a large fraction

of the FLW in the downstream of FSCs.


A Conceptual Framework to Analyse Food Loss and Waste within Food Supply Chains

According to the literature review in Chapter 2, Chapter 3 constructs a conceptual

framework to analyse in-depth FLW occurrence in FSC operations. This chapter is based

on a paper, which has been published in Sustainability with DOI: 10.3390/su13020927 (see

co-author statement).

3.1 Introduction

As mentioned in Chapter 2, FLW studies are published in multiple disciplines, including

environmental science, agricultural analysis, energy, chemical engineering, biochemistry,

social science, etc. To provide an overview of the FLW issues in FSC operations, this

chapter develops an inductive approach and presents a research framework to help

researchers identify possible methods to reduce the FLW in the field of OM and facilitate

understanding of various types and distribution modes of FSCs where FLW occurs and the

impacts of FLW. This chapter proposes a framework to identify FLW problems within

FSCs and helps to comprehensively understand FLW occurrence and stimulate research

focusing on the FLW from different perspectives. Figure 3.1 describes the structure of this

Research Scope

Various Types of FLW Measures and Methodologies

- where FLW occurs
FLW Definition Measures to Reduce
- how to identify FLW Analyse FLW Issues FLW in OM Field
within FSCs
FLW Occurrences and Methodologies to
Possible Causes Analyse FLW
- at different FSC stages,
stakeholders and distribution

Figure 3.1: A Brief Framework to Analyse FLW Problems within FSCs

In the remainder of this chapter, Section 3.2 discusses the various types of FSCs.

Section 3.3 reviews the social, economic, and environmental impacts of FLW. Section 3.4

describes FLW occurrences and causes in different FSC stages, stakeholders, and

distribution modes respectively. Section 3.5 discusses the measures to reduce FLW in the

field of OM and Section 3.6 introduces some methodologies that might be applied for FLW

reduction studies. The conclusion is presented in Section 3.7.

3.2 Various Types of FSCs

Some studies focus on FLW within FSCs without specific attention to product

characteristics (Irani et al., 2018), whereas other studies address FLW in various forms of

FSCs, such as perishable FSCs (Rijpkema et al., 2014), chilled FSCs (Tromp et al., 2016),

and sustainable FSCs (Sgarbossa and Russo, 2014).

There have been some discrepancies in naming FSCs in recent research, such as

studies using “agri-FSCs” (Ahumada and Villalobos, 2009) or “agri-business supply

chains” (Wang et al., 2014) to emphasise the importance of the agriculture sector compared

with manufacturing supply chains, or “food value chains” to evaluate the FLW from the

view of value and cost (Lee et al., 2017). These expressions of supply chains in the food

industry may or may not examine the same group of products. Generally, characteristics

and categorisation of food products are two dimensions to be considered when naming the

FSCs in different studies.

Another group of OM researchers prefer to apply commonly accepted names in their

FSC research considering specific categories, such as vegetable supply chains (Brulard et

al., 2018), grain supply chains (Mogale et al., 2017), fresh fruit supply chains (Soto-Silva

et al., 2016), and dairy supply chains (Thompson et al., 2018). Or use more specific food

products, such as beef supply chains (Mishra and Singh, 2018) and avocado supply chains

(Bustos and Moors, 2018).

To enhance the understanding of various FSCs and define the scope of the study, some

researchers classify food products into kinds of groups with different categorising methods.

For example, Shukla and Jharkharia (2013) divide the food products according to whether

they are “durable” or “perishable”; Beretta et al. (2013) enumerate the food category, such

as “fruits”, “vegetables”, “cereals”; and Behzadi et al. (2018) classify the agri-food

products into “crops” and “livestock”.

Figure 3.2 illustrates a categorisation and a circulation of FSCs including the

destination of resource flow. FSCs are used to describe activities that bring the food from

farm to fork. To address the value of FSCs, some researchers also use the expression “food

value chain”. We could not cover all kinds of FSCs, as there might be thousands of FSCs

named by specific food products without mentioning the key word – “food”. Thus, we

selected seven commodity groups, which are addressed and analysed in the FAO report

(2011) as paradigms. Meanwhile, we also considered different expressions of FSCs, such

as agri-food or agribusiness supply chain, durable-FSC, and perishable FSC. To provide a

holistic picture of circulation, we included the food use hierarchy (FAO, 2016), which

highlights the importance of FLW reduction, and indicates the preferred methods for waste



Food Supply Chains/ Value Chains

Most preferred

Agri-food/Agribusiness Supply
Recovery, recycling, and Chains
redistribution for human
consumption Durable-food Supply Chains Perishable-food Supply Chains
Short shelf-life food products
Long shelf-life food supply chains
products supply chains
Durable-food Supply Chains
Animal feed & donation Fresh-food supply chain
Grain/Cereal Oilcrop and pulse
supply chain Fruit/Vegetable Meat supply
supply chain
supply chain chain
Composting, energy
recovery, or other
Roots and Tuber Dairy
industrial uses Fish supply
supply chain supply chain

Green-food supply
Sustainable-food chain
Supply Chains
Least preferred


Figure 3.2. An Illustration for FSCs Categorisation

3.3 Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of FLW

FLW has significant impact on society, economics, and the environment (Willersinn et al.,

2017), and these three forces are identified as the impetuses behind the FLW reduction

studies in FSC operations (McCarthy et al., 2017).

3.3.1 Social Impacts of FLW

Elaborating from ethical and moral dimensions (Girotto et al., 2015), FLW reduction is

recognised to have a considerable potential to increase the food supply (FAO, 2009), and

in turn, improve the food security and alleviate global poverty (Filimonau et al., 2017).

Pinto et al. (2018) highlight this impact as a way to reduce “social inequality and

misdistribution of resources”. FLW social impacts have been discussed in several

perspectives, including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), cultural impacts, and

changes in the patterns of people’s life related to one other.

 CSR: FLW reduction reflects the CSR strategies of FSC stakeholders (Garrone et

al., 2016), and its triumph could have positive effect on stakeholders’ reputation

and create potential market value (Sgarbossa and Russo, 2017). Instead of

delivering to secondary markets, or reuse, redistribution, and recovery, food

donation is another way to demonstrate CSR and FLW management strategy

(Gokarn and Kuthambalayan, 2017). However, considering economically

efficiency, CSR may fail to motivate all stakeholders to take corrective methods

and efforts to reduce FLW, which may call for effective intervention from food

policy and regulation by governments (Muriana, 2015; Halloran et al., 2017).

 Cultural impacts: FLW reduction is deemed to have limited impacts on the cultural

changes, as certain amount of FLW is perceived to be socially acceptable (Pinto

et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018). Zhang et al. (2018) analyse this impact and

indicate that the potential cause of reduced significance of cultural impact is due

to the failing proportion of food cost in total households’ income in pace with the

development of society.

 Changes in the patterns of people’s life related to one other: FLW prevention itself

encourages FSC stakeholders to cooperate with each other, seek for solution, and

create close connection with each other (Szabó-Bódi et al., 2018). On the other

hand, from the individual level, the encouragement for implementation FLW

reduction motivates people forwarding to sustainable living style (Shearer et al.,

2017), and changing their behaviours by observing socially approved behaviour

or norm (Lee et al., 2017).

3.3.2 Economic Impacts of FLW

Even though economic impacts are discussed or mentioned in almost all research articles

related to FLW reduction, current FSC management research focusing on cost/profit

optimisation tends to overlook the FLW economic impacts (Muriana et al., 2015).

Initiatives in FLW reduction are considered to contribute to the FSC stakeholders’ profits

by providing more available products to sell (Steur et al., 2016) avoiding disposal and input

costs (Govindan et al., 2018), and specifically, the fiscal deduction from food donation

(Muriana, 2017). Given external limitations (e.g., laws and regulations, credit constraints,

and insufficient investments on infrastructure), FLW reduction operations through

internally improving the efficiency of FSC management is considered as an approach to

increase the long-term profit of the entire FSC (Koester, 2014)

In addition, there are some arguments on the economic impacts of FLW. For example,

the FAO report (2011) emphasises that the reduction of avoidable FLW has a direct and

positive impact on the income of both farmers and consumers, whereas, Koester (2014)

notes that given specific circumstance, farmers may accept some FLW to be economically

efficient. Relevant analysis on economic impacts of FLW we observe, includes but is not

limited to,

 Economic costs of FLW reduction: Due to the costs of implementing FLW

reduction would be higher than the residual value of product- self (Muriana,

2015), FLW reduction might be treated as economically infeasible under certain

conditions. In this context, it requires researchers to analyse detailed and specific

costs of FLW reduction initiatives, such as transportation, processing, and

distribution network setup costs for recovery, redistribution, and reuse (FAO,

2011) and disposal and opportunity costs of resources wasted and lost (Rutten


 Economic benefits of FLW reduction: Initiatives in FLW reduction are considered

to contribute to the FSC stakeholders’ profits by providing more available

products to sell (Steur et al. 2016), and avoiding disposal and input costs

(Govindan, 2018). From a consumption perspective, they are regarded to be

propitious to lower food prices by reducing the imbalances between food supply

and demand and save money on purchasing food (Coderoni, 2020)

3.3.3 Environmental Impacts of FLW

To not be limited to provide adequate accessible food for a growing population, improve

the economic performance, and to be identified as a sustainable solution for FSC by

reducing the environmental adverse influence (Girotto et al., 2015), FLW reduction has a

considerable potential value to be studied and tackled. Many studies are from the field of

environmental science, which is the largest subject in FLW research. Studies discussing

the environmental impacts of FLW are mainly from two streams: the wastage of upstream

production resources, such as water, land, and the waste disposal from downstream, such

as greenhouse gas emissions caused by consumption waste (Kim et al., 2013; Coderoni et

al., 2020). Proper FLW reduction operations are considered to have high potential to reduce

the environmental burden (Salemdeeb et al., 2017).

Environmental impact could be evaluated by different disposal technologies (Reutter

et al., 2017), life cycle assessment methods (Salemdeeb et al., 2017), and environmentally

extended input-output methodology (Scherhaufer et al., 2018). The numerical results show

that FLW could cause severe environmental problems, such as greenhouse gas emissions,

natural resources waste, and soil degradation. However, can the practices of FLW reduction

could definitely alleviate environmental impacts? Lam et al. (2018) indicate that proper

FLW management has a high potential to reduce the environmental burden, otherwise, it

may exacerbate environmental problems. Most articles focus on the environmental impacts

that are directly linked to the FLW disposal, but do not consider those generated during the

other steps of the FSC, for example, using chemicals to extend the product’s life which

could reduce the FLW but may harm the environment, or using storage facilities which

consume more electricity. A comprehensive assessment on environmental impacts of FLW

reduction considering both FLW disposal and FLW treatment is needed.

3.4 FLW Occurrences and Possible Causes

3.4.1 FLW at Different FSC Stages

As described earlier, FSCs are complicated networks found between food producers,

processors, distributors, and consumers, and are used to describe activities that bring the

food from farm to table, from production to consumption. Distinguished from other supply

chains, the intrinsic characteristics of FSCs, include weather-related variability, uncertain

supply and demand, limited and fluctuating shelf life, uncertain degradation process in

quality and quantity, and demand for environmental sustainability. These characteristics

make the underlying FSCs more complicated and difficult to manage. FLW can occur at

any stage of FSCs. Figure 3.3 illustrates potential FLW occurrences and causes in a typical


Post-harvest Handling Distribution and
Production Processing Consumption
and Storage Market

• Food safety regulations or

• Unsatisfied quality
• Damages caused by nature • Operational mistakes standards that cause the
• Mismatch between supply
(e.g., insects, microbes, or • Lack of proper storage and rejection of some products
and demand • Customer behaviours
weather) transportation facilities for human consumption
• Packing issues (such as over-preparation
• Operational mistakes • Damage caused by • Technical limitations that
• Expiration before and purchasing behaviors)
• Inadequate production puncture, vibration, and reduce transformation of
purchasing • Limited knowledge on
techniques compression byproducts
• Customer preference, such food storage
• Overproduction • Injuries due to technical • Rejection because of the
as size, appearance, • Lack of refrigerator or
• Farmers/Cooperatives’ limitations quality standard
freshness other storage facilities
behaviour (such as trade- • Improper packaging for • Equipment malfunction or
• Spoilage or damage • Confusions over ‘best
off between harvest costs transportation mechanical failure
• Transportation facility before’ and ‘use by’ dates
and product’s value) • Poor infrastructure • Overproduction
problems • ...
• ... • ... • Contamination
• ...
• ...

Figure 3.3: FLW Occurrences and Possible Causes in FSC Stages

We follow the descriptions of the FSC stages provided by the FAO (2018) and

summarise potential FLW occurrences and causes from Stangherlin et al. (2018), Buzby et

al. (2012), Kummu et al. (2012), and Parfitt et al. (2010).

3.4.2 FLW at Different FSC Stakeholders

There are hundreds of types or distribution channels of FSCs. In order to have a holistic

illustration of FLW occurrences within FSCs, we provide a general discussion on the

avoidable FLW at stakeholders and distribution modes, respectively. Typically, FSCs are

considered to embrace the components of suppliers, processors, and retail outlets (Banasik

et al., 2017). However, rather than a unique and standard distribution channel including all

components, the distribution channels that are associated with different categories of food

products are more likely to depend on the market structure and product characteristics in

the food sector (Nikolaou et al., 2018). Even in the same industry, different FSCs may

include different stakeholders. For example, Tostivint et al. (2017) investigate a dairy

supply chain, including milk suppliers, collection points, manufacturers, distributers, and

retailers, whereas Kaipia et al. (2013) consider that this industry includes a milk supplier,

logistics service provider, wholesaler, and retailer. In the remainder of this section, we will

discuss the avoidable FLW at different FSC stakeholders.


The FLW occurs at the initial stage of FSCs, and the reasons are varied, including:

 Overproduction. For example, due to poor forecasting (lack of technology or

experience), the food products cannot be sold entirely to wholesalers, retailers, or

customers (Koester, 2014);

 Farmers’ rational choice on the acceptance of some FLW (FAO, 2013). Farmers

may discover that the costs (e.g., harvesting and delivering) of selling their

products are higher than the benefits;

 Inadequate technologies for cultivation and harvesting (Thamagasorn and

Pharino, 2019).


In developing countries, wholesale markets are often characterised as being small

scale, crowded, unsanitary, and lacking cooling systems (FAO, 2011). Practically, not all

distribution channels include wholesalers as intermediaries. For example, online

companies may directly contract with farmers, and supermarkets have long and stable

relationships with farming co-operatives. However, the wholesale distribution channel is

an important aspect of the FSCs.

The FLW occurring at wholesalers is often related to poor distribution and storage,

and shortage of demand information (FAO, 2013). Longer distribution and storage time,

and poor facilities will reduce the quality of most agri-foods and introduce FLW.


The FLW management at retailers involves many impact factors, such as, inventory

management, quality management, and supplier management. Studies on the FLW at the

retailing level is vary and increasing. The key focuses of the FLW at retailers include,

 Demand management: variabilities in demand are one of the significant factors

that generate FLW at a retailing level. Failures, such as inaccurately forecasting

the customers’ demand, unprepared promotions, and over-qualified service level,

can result in FLW (Muriana, 2017);

 Inventory management: the literature on perishable food products using inventory

management methods is vast. Rather than setting FLW reduction as the key

objective, most studies use traditional cost minimisation or profit maximisation

objectives, and indirectly examine FLW issues (Soysal et al., 2015);

 Motivation in FLW reduction: quality management, customer satisfaction, and

economically concerns are some of the key factors that impact motivation in FLW

reduction at the retailing level. For instance, to ensure the high level of freshness

and customer satisfaction, retailers may dispose products even they are still fit for

consumption. Another example is associated with food donations. Instead of

delivering to secondary markets, or reuse, redistribution, and recovery, food

donation is a way to demonstrate CSR and FLW management strategy. However,

considering economic efficiency, CSR may fail to motivate retailers to take

corrective methods and efforts to reduce FLW, which calls for effective

intervention from food policy and regulation by governments (Muriana 2017)

 Technology limitation: Inappropriate packaging, storage, and display in retailing

level can impact the quality, deterioration rate, and the shelf-life of the food



Customer behaviour has been well examined in FLW studies. The factors, such as the

patterns of human life, the shopping habit, behaviour types, the knowledge for FLW, and

the cultures, significantly impact the FLW reduction performance (Luo et al., 2022).

Besides the key factors above, we summarise other factors coming from the literature

(e.g., Govindan, 2018; Setti et al., 2016; Despoudi et al., 2018; Filimonau and Gherbin,

2017; Gaiani et al., 2018; Gardas et al., 2018; Macheka et al., 2017; Pauls-Worm et al.,

2016; Raak, et al., 2017 Reardon et al., 2012), shown in Figure 3.4. This fish-bone frame

helps researchers to comprehensively understand the possible root-causes of FLW

generation in FSCs.

(Distribution and Processors
Market) (Processing)
Logistical Operations,
Quality Control,
Consumer Perception

(Possibly) Avoidable
FLW Generation

Distributors (Post-harvest
handling and storage)
Entire FSC Customers (Consumption)

Figure 3.4: Avoidable FLW Generation Causes

3.4.3 FLW at Different FSC Distribution Modes

From a practical and operational perspective, we identify at least four FSC distribution

modes that have co-existed, and we name them as “traditional mode”, “wholesale mode”,

“supermarket mode”, and “Internet retail mode”. We conduct a conceptual framework for

these forms of FSC and possible FLW occurrence in these modes, to provide an illustration

on how differently the FLW occurs in these four modes. We also acknowledge that, for

specific products, the stages could be significantly different, and sometime, even for the

same products, the distribution channels are co-existed.

Traditional Mode

and storage FLW

Farmers Wet Market Consumer

• Postharvest loss • Disposal due to

• Production loss • Eating and
• Operation loss • Storage loss shopping habits,
• Farmers/Cooperati • Transaction loss • Over preparation
ves' trade-offs and • ... • Storage
rational choice methodology
• ... • ...

FLW occurance
Figure 3.5: Traditional Mode and Possible FLW Occurrence

A direct and traditional FSC is characterised by a narrow distribution channel, which

is normally led by farmers and traders. Direct sales in regional and local wet markets,

corner stores, or roadside stands, is primarily located close to the production region. The

number of intermediaries is small, and Reardon (2012) describes it as “geographically

short” and “intermediationally short”. The relationships between the seller and buyer are

generally limited to simple spot transactions (FAO, 2009), and products delivered via this

FSC are low cost and mainly targeted on the lower-income, urban and rural people. Figure

3.5 describes the FSC in traditional mode and the possible FLW occurrence.

Wholesale Market Mode

A wholesale market mode is an important form of FSC. Jia et al. (2013) suggest that around

70% of vegetables and fruit, and 20% of meats are distributed to the end consumer via this

mode worldwide. The wholesaler is the key player in this mode, and it can directly deliver

the products to the final consumers, such as the suppliers to school canteens. Figure 3.6

describes the distribution channel of the wholesale market mode. To avoid repetition, we

address the possible FLW that is different from other modes.

International transportation,
storage loss,
and FLW due to products Import • Distribution loss
FLW due to
rejection • Demand management;
Operational mistakes; Wholesale
market Infrastructure
Primary Hub Cooperation problems; Storage
Wholesale Market facility
• ...

Farmers/Rural Producing Area Sale Area

Retailers Consumers
Cooperatives/Farms Wholesale Market Wholesale Market

Processor Processed product International transportation,

storage loss,
Export and FLW due to products

Figure 3.6: Wholesale market mode and possible FLW occurrence

Supermarket Mode

Figure 3.7 illustrates a brief FCS, in which, supermarkets are the core stakeholder. In this

distribution mode, food products can be supplied by wholesalers, producers, importers, or

even directly from farmers. In some cases, to ensure efficiency and quality, supermarkets,

especially hypermarkets, can have their own distribution centres and contract farms. The

FLW problems in this mode are to some extent associated with the inventory, demand,

quality, strategy, and cooperation issues.

FLW due to
• Inventory management;
Demand forecasting; Pricing,
sales, and ordering strategies;
Quality management;
Cooperation problems
Import • ...

Wholesale Market Supermarkets Consumers

Processors Processed Product

Figure 3.7: Supermarket Mode and Possible FLW Occurrence

Internet retail mode

The booming development of IT and distribution/express delivery enables the

implementation of internet retail. This mode is more complex compared with supermarket

mode, shown in Figure 3.8. However, even though it involves new stakeholder in the FSC,

this burgeoning business mode supports a platform to direct trade for different stakeholders

in FSC, and that may potentially reduce the FLW by decreasing the total transaction time

of the FSCs.

E-commerce company: Act as E-commerce company: Act as a
Payment center/Trading platform online store

FLW due to
FLW due to • Products rejection (online pictures do
• The FSC coordination not match the physical products);
• Product rejection Demand management; Quality control;
• Distribution/transportation Reverse logistics; Operational
• ... mistakes; Delivery timing
• Transportation, distribution loss
• ...


Farmers/Rural E-commerce
Wholesale Market Supermarket Consumer
Cooperatives/Farms Company

Processor Export

Figure 3.8: Internet Retail Mode and Possible FLW Occurrence

FLW performs differently in each mode, and this concern provides a lens for

researchers to investigate the FLW issues in-depth, not only considering sole distribution

mode, but multiple modes.

3.5 Measures to Reduce FLW in the Field of OM

What are the measures used in FLW reduction, and how do OM researchers demonstrate

the efficiency of their measures? Based on these questions, this section summarises the key

conclusions from the current literature in the field of OM.

3.5.1 Sustainable Business Model

The food use hierarchy (FAO, 2016) indicates that FLW prevention and management are

preferable to disposal. Compared with conventional business models, creating a sustainable

business model is considered a proactive action to get a “win-win” situation both for

economic performance and FLW reduction (Ribeiro et al., 2018). Sustainable operations

can be realised by constructing closed-loop supply chain models (Sgarbossa and Russo,

2017), specifically, adjusting the evaluations matrix for business performance (Ribeiro et

al., 2018), or improving the information sharing about the FLW situation (Kaipia et al.,


A sustainable business model that includes an environmental matrix was developed

and identified by various methods, such as exploratory case study, survey, life cycle

assessment analysis, multiple attribute decision making model, and material flow analysis.

Their results show that, through these changes, the performance of FLW reduction can be


3.5.2 Technological Innovations

Here, we consider that the “technological innovations” do not only refer to the technical

improvement of facilities, but also the innovative actions, methods, and knowledge in

practice. For instance, Shearer et al. (2017) investigate an innovative action to encourage

household recycling behaviour and prove this method can consistently reduce the FLW. Li

et al. (2017) compare the choice between a regular and active package, and discuss the

packaging decisions in the retailing interface. Pinto et al. (2018) introduce a method by

displaying posters to motivate FLW reduction in university canteens and indicate that

around 15% of FLW is reduced by this new action.

Some studies use quantitative methods instead of qualitative methods. In particular,

Haass et al. (2015) applied simulation methods to identify the advantage of using intelligent

containers to reduce FLW and carbon emissions. Grunow and Piramuthu (2013)

demonstrate the benefit of applying RFID technology in FLW reduction employing

stochastic optimisation methods. At the retailing level, Janssen et al. (2017) practice an

inventory replenishment model using simulation methods.

3.5.3 Effective FSC management

Rather than focusing on the internal structure of individual companies and technological

improvement, effectively managing the entire FSC is considered as another approach to

reduce FLW. However, even though “coordination”, as an important topic, is often

examined by OM researchers in SCM, and FAO (2016) highlights that improvement of the

coordination level between FSC stakeholders could have positive impact on FLW

reduction. We note that, despite most articles mentioning the importance of policy

improvement and government intervention on FLW reduction, only a few papers examine

this influence of external regulation on FLW reduction. For example, Katare et al. (2017)

constructs a FLW disposal tax and government incentive mechanism at the household level

and interprets the interrelationship between FLW and external cost.

3.6 Methodologies to Analyse FLW

Current FLW studies apply quantitative, qualitative, or a mixture of these methods to

address FLW questions. In this section, we introduce seven different methods that are

applied to FLW issues.

3.6.1 Qualitative Research

We use the term “qualitative research” to encompass the studies focusing on case studies,

scenario analysis, and theory development, while excluding the studies using survey and

experimental methods. Figure 3.9 lists the main topics of existing studies.

Environmental, social,
economic impacts
Case study
FLW quantification Bottom up
FSC challenges, trends, study Inductive
Qualitative and management related approach
Research to FLW reduction Cross country
study Material Flow
Approaches to reduce analysis
analysis Grounded
Root-cause analysis theory

Figure 3.9: Studies Applying Qualitative Research

Compared to quantitative research, qualitative research in FLW research not only

provides a lens to examine the FLW situation in practice, but also offers a theoretical basis

for in-depth research. We scrutinised the qualitative studies, and found some meaningful

findings as below:

 Innovative collaboration within the FSC stakeholders can positively affect

environmental, social, and economic performance (Bustos and Moors, 2018);

 Appropriate legislation and economic incentives have a positive impact on FLW

reduction at the household level (Chalak et al., 2016);

 Logistic’ solutions that are implemented at different FSC stages are interlinked,

which help to effectively reduce the FLW (Liljestrand, 2017).

3.6.2 Empirical Analysis

Empirical analysis is considered an effective method to explore and interpret phenomena,

practice, or circumstances. Studies identified to use empirical analysis on FLW topics are

shown in Figure 3.10.

Customer attitude,
awareness, and behavior
FLW quantity and

FSC challenges, trend,

and management Survey and SEM
Empirical analysis
associated with FLW Experiment
Approaches to reduce

Root-cause analysis

Figure 3.10: Studies Applying Empirical Analysis

Survey and experimental methods were used to investigate and explore the research

questions. To analyse the data from surveys or experiments, researchers employ various

analytical tools and models. Most of the studies use descriptive statistics to describe and

summarise the results of their investigations (primarily surveys); others employ regression

and SEM models, respectively, to test the relationships within factors that impact FLW;

and apply the Trial Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method to identify key factors.

Other methods including the Bayesian Belief Networks model (e.g., Song et al., 2018),

thematic-discourse analysis (e.g., Michalec et al., 2018), inverse model (e.g., Spada et al.,

2018), and fuzzy cognitive map (e.g., Irani et al., 2018) are used to further analyse the

survey results.

Both the advantages and shortcomings of the empirical analysis are obvious. As a

burgeoning research area, exploratory studies in FLW issues could help to explain

unstructured phenomena and find the key impact factors. However, due to several

limitations such as data inaccuracy and inconsistency problems, and geographical

limitations, the implications from the survey results might be questioned.

3.6.3 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Unlike other methodologies, LCA applications in FLW mainly focus on two topics:

sustainability and environmental impacts. For example, with regard to sustainability,

Salemdeeb et al. (2017) use LCA and case study methods to discuss a sustainable business

model in Portugal, and Lam et al. (2018) analyse FLW issues from the perspective of

sustainable management employing LCA methods. For the environmental impacts, the

discussions are various, such as environmental impact of FLW and an environmental

comparisons of packing alternatives. We further observe that discrepancies in geography,

FSC stages, and root causes of FLW create different values in these studies.

3.6.4 Deterministic Optimisation

OM researchers employ deterministic optimisation methods to help with decision making

in production, transportation, distribution, and other stages. To sharpen the trade-offs in

the FSC, and improve the accuracy of the decisions, we need to develop models targeting

optimal decisions or solutions both for each stage and for the entire FSC.

Distribution problems are one of the significant issues in the production stage

(Ahumada and Villalobos, 2011) Orgut et al. (2016) present a distribution model to achieve

the optimal solution for donated food considering the trade-offs between equity and

effectiveness. Differentiating from maximising the distribution amount, Lütke Entrup et al.

(2015) integrate the product’s shelf-time parameter into the price function, and Ahumada

and Villalobos (2011) consider the FLW cost in their planning and distribution model. Both

works integrate the FLW variables into the objective function and engage in maximising

the producer’s total profit. Corresponding to these decisions in production planning,

Banasik et al. (2017) develop a multi-objective deterministic model to evaluate the

production options and aim to identify an eco-efficient solution. Using deterministic

optimisation in FLW research is scarce. Delivery scheduling (Widodo et al., 2006), pricing

and inventory control (Li et al., 2017), and transportation and storage trade-offs (Mogale

et al., 2017) are the some of the identified topics using this methodology.

3.6.5 Stochastic Programming and Robust Optimisation

Stochastic programming has been applied in various FSC problems, considering different

uncertain factors, such as yield, shelf life, price, demand, and inventory. Rather than an

application of deterministic approaches in FLW reduction, which tend to integrate FLW as

a parameter into the objective function or constraints, and indirectly reflect the FLW issues,

a few studies directly focus on reducing FLW using stochastic programming. The

following representative example is given to illustrate how the decisions are made under

uncertainty, and how these decisions relate to FLW reduction performance. From a

gleaning operations perspective, Lee et al. (2017) distinguish their model from other

operations settings by considering the uncertain arrival time of donation and gleaners’

attendance. This work presents a stochastic model that aims to construct a mechanism to

improve the gleaning operations performance and minimise the FLW by considering a

trade-off between appointment capacity and gleaner capacity.

Unlike traditional assumptions that the demand is deterministic, demand uncertainty

has been discussed as a key factor to enhance the application of FSC management in

practice. Dealing with similar uncertainty issues, robust optimisation that adopts a different

mathematical formalism from stochastic programming, is also applicable in FLW

reduction problems using the min-max approach. For example, Zhang and Jiang (2017)

present a multi-objective model under the case where the price of biodiesel produced from

waste cooking oil is uncertain. Their results provide a treatment of waste cooking oil, in

turn reducing FLW. An and Ouyang (2016) employ a robust optimisation approach to

design the grain supply chain considering the trade-offs between FLW and harvest timing.

3.6.6 Simulation

The advantages of applying simulation in FLW issues are noticeable: it allows OM

researchers to quantify the effects of uncertainties and variabilities, test the different

scenarios, measure the performance of a new technology, and study the relationships

between causal factors. It also can be a useful tool to show the effectiveness of technical,

logistical, and marketing interventions.

Besides simulating the process, structure, or settings in the FSC, a simulation model

is often combined with other methodologies, such as empirical analysis and qualitative

research, to analyse FLW problems in depth. Teller et al. (2018) conduct exploratory

research on retail store operation and FLW. To detect the root causes of FLW, this work

simulates the operations process, followed by analysis with case study research, and finally

confirms the findings via the results of their investigation. Janssen et al. (2018) develop an

inventory model, and further employed simulation methods to demonstrate the

improvement of the new decision on the performance of FLW reduction. Fikar (2018)

focuses on the trade-offs between FLW reduction and minimisation of the travel distance

in e-grocery delivery. This work constructs a simulation model to optimise the performance

of the inventory and delivery operations.

3.7 Conclusions

This chapter introduces the various types of FSCs where FLW occurs, discusses the social,

economic, and environmental impacts of FLW, and summarises the FLW occurrences and

causes in different stages, distribution modes of FSCs, and the measures to reduce FLW in

FSC operations. Additionally, applicable methodologies for FLW studies have been


After an overview of the FLW occurrence in different types of FSCs and possible

solution to reduce FLW, this thesis further scrutinises existing literature in the next chapter

and provides a comprehensive literature review related to FLW reduction in FSCs.


The Strategic Preservation Technology Investment Decision to Reduce Food Loss:

The Role of Government Intervention – Basic Model

Moving on from our discussion on research gaps in Chapter 2 and following the

research framework in Chapter 3, Chapters 4 and 5 focus on food loss reduction in the

upstream of FSCs.

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Research Background

As reviewed in Chapter 3, one of the inherent features of food products, particularly,

fresh food, is their perishability. Food products spoil progressively, which leads to

quantity loss. As introduced in Chapter 1, spoilage causes around 20% of Food Loss

(FL) in the upstream of FSCs. To reduce the deterioration rate of perishable food

products and extend their shelf life, efficient preservation technologies include time-

temperature management (Mercier et al. 2017) and traceability technology (Badia-

Melis et al. 2015).

However, the adoption of Preservation Technology (PT) by food suppliers is

significantly influenced by the carbon emissions and FL reduction instruments

promulgated by governments. As shown by the literature review presented in Chapter

3, the belief that reducing FL is beneficial to environmental conservation efforts through

decreasing greenhouse gas emissions is a prevailing assumption in the FL reduction

literature. However, two important issues need to be assessed when evaluating the

environmental influence of FL reduction: 1) whether FL has been efficiently reduced,

and 2) any significant negative impacts on the environment of the technologies being

applied to reduce FL (European Commission, 2017). For example, PT such as

customised packaging and cold supply chains can reduce FL during the circulation

process, but disposal of the used packing and the carbon emissions generated by the

refrigeration facilities are damaging to the environment. Therefore, governments face a

trade-off between galvanising PT investment to reduce FL and cutting down on the

carbon emissions generated by PT adoption.

In line with the exploratory nature of this research, we conduct semi-structured

interviews to explore possible factors influencing PT investment decisions by food

suppliers. Based on the results of this empirical study, we then formulate an

optimisation model to investigate the role of government interventions in PT adoption

and FL reduction by food suppliers.

4.1.2 Semi-structured Interviews

We applied a purposeful sampling approach to recruit interviewees familiar with FL

issues to ensure the validity of our interview findings and obtain practical insights. The

FSC stakeholders we interviewed provided representation across the food sector as

follows: 11 large-scale food enterprises (annual revenue > 5 million RMB), seven

medium-scale enterprises (annual revenue 1–5 million RMB), six small-scale

enterprises (annual revenue < 1 million RMB), 30 small-scale food suppliers (annual

revenue < 10 thousand RMB), as well as three associate directors from the government

and three experts from NGOs. We conducted 60 interviews in total.

The interview findings suggest that the main preservation technologies applied in

practice include cold storage and refrigerated transportation, pre-cooling equipment,

and customised packaging. The interviewees all noted the significance of PT in

reducing FL. However, the universal application of PT was questioned and challenged

by various food suppliers. For instance, over 60% of the small-scale famer respondents

did not anticipate applying PT because:

…we note pre-cooling equipment or cold supply chains can help to extend the shelf

life of our products and reduce FL in the FSCs, however, we do not need this

technology as we do not sell our products to the distant markets.

Another noted that “yield uncertainty impedes PT adoption, and we cannot take the

risk of the associated high costs”, while the head of a cooperative stated:

…around 10-15% of our crops are lost in the circulation period. We understand

that the cold chain can help to reduce this loss, however, owing to the high cost

and the low market price, we prefer to keep a certain level of food loss.

While the small-scale food suppliers in our sample generally showed little

willingness to adopt PT, a regional distribution centre manager from a leading food

manufacturing company commented, “The cold supply chain is significant for us, with

which the quality of our products is improved, and we obtained higher profits by

increasing the price.”

Similar to the small-scale farmers and medium- and large-scale suppliers,

governments and NGOs showed mixed attitudes towards PT adoption. An associate

director from the Chinese government stated:

…on average, less than 50% of the food suppliers in China are applying PT

currently. We have published a series of policies to promote PT adoption, however,

the incentives are ineffective”.

Another associate director commented:

…more recently, we started to re-evaluate the impact of PT adoption on our carbon

footprint. We plan to reach out to the operations management researchers for

advice on how to balance FL reduction and limit the carbon emissions generated

by PT adoption.

Other reasons beyond environmental concerns have led some to reconsider PT

adoption. For instance, a director from a food import public service platform raised the

following issue:

In contrast to the shortage of PT application, over investment on PT is another

issue that has emerged recently, particularly for high-value food products.

In the interviews, stakeholders from FSCs, government, and NGOs all noted the

importance of PT adoption for reducing FL, but their foci varied. The main focus of

food suppliers is the trade-off between PT investment costs and the economic benefits

to be gained, whereas government is concerned with the need to balance reduced FL

with the carbon emissions generated by PT adoption.

Our interviews revealed two main implications:

1) the way subsidies and carbon taxes are structured by government can lead to

different PT investment decisions by food suppliers;

2) the main factors influencing PT adoption and reduced FL include market prices,

uncertain yield, PT costs, and the effectiveness of PT in reducing the rate of

deterioration of food products.

The findings from the semi-structured interviews also indicate that governments

have an interest in supporting enterprises to reduce FL by investing in PT, and at the

same time enterprises welcome positive government intervention. However, to the best

of our knowledge, these insights from the food industry have not been investigated in

the existing literature.

4.1.3 Research Questions and Contribution

Motivated by the implications of the semi-structured interview findings, we note the

lack of studies that consider the influence of government instruments on PT decisions

and other important factors affecting PT investment and FL reduction, such as market

prices, PT cost, and transportation cost.

This research therefore considers the tradeoffs between the costs and benefits of

PT investment to investigate the PT investment decision of medium- and large-scale

suppliers who prefer to sell their domestic fresh products to the distant market. Small-

scale food suppliers are not investigated in our thesis because they are unlikely to sell

their products to distant market and thereby having low incentive to invest in PT (Hu et

al., 2019). For the sake of tractability, international transportation is not considered,

which means we focus on PT adoption for domestic fresh products.

The research questions are as follows:

RQ1: How do key factors such as market price and PT cost affect the PT investment

and FL reduction decisions of food suppliers?

RQ2: What impact do government interventions (subsidies and carbon emission

taxes) have on PT adoption by food suppliers and reduced FL in the food industry?

This chapter is organised as follows. Section 4.2 presents the literature relating to

PT adoption and the effect of government intervention on PT investment decisions.

Section 4.3 presents the model description and assumptions. Section 4.4 formulates the

basic model to investigate the impact of market prices and government intervention on

PT investment and FL reduction. Section 4.5 concludes with the key findings and

discusses the remaining knowledge gaps. Extensions to the basic model presented in

this chapter are examined in Chapter 5.

4.2 Relevant Literature

The literature review in Chapter 3 addresses the importance of PT. To facilitate an in-

depth understanding on PT adoption considering the role of government intervention,

two additional streams of literature are reviewed in this section: the impact of PT

investment on FL reduction in FSC operations, and the influence of government

intervention on PT investment.

4.2.1 The Impact of PT Investment on FL Reduction in FSC Operations

As discussed in Chapter 3, perishability is an inherent feature of food products that is

difficult to manage, and which causes FL in FSCs. The high deterioration rates of

perishable food products are considered a key factor in inventory loss, which can

increase food suppliers’ costs and decrease profits (Li et al., 2018). PT investment to

reduce the deterioration rate and extend the shelf life of perishable products has

therefore been closely examined in the literature on deteriorating inventory (Yang et

al., 2019).

Hsu et al. (2010) is considered the first study to introduce PT investment decisions

into research related to deteriorating inventory. This work develops a deteriorating

inventory policy by applying a constant PT cost. Although FL reduction is implied by

the reduced deterioration rate, the authors do not explicitly discuss the impact of PT

investment on FL reduction, instead focusing on the profit achieved by adopting PT.

More studies on topics related to PT investment decisions in the context of inventory

management have followed. Li et al. (2015) investigate the PT decision problem for

non-instantaneous deteriorating items, considering pricing and replenishment policies.

They approach the FL issue by assuming PT investment can reduce the deterioration

rate, thereby reducing the inventory loss. Their key focus is identifying a global

replenishment policy for given pricing and PT investment decisions. Liu et al. (2019)

prove that an optimal PT investment decision exists in an imperfectly competitive

market. In this study, FL reduction is defined as reduced inventory loss due to PT

investment. Applying the same logic of PT investment having a positive impact on

inventory loss, Dye and Yang (2016) propose a joint pricing and PT investment model

for a deteriorating inventory system, considering the effects of reference price.

Although the PT investment decision has been widely studied in FSC operations,

most studies focus on the effect of PT investment on deteriorating inventory loss and

the tradeoffs between the cost and benefit of PT in inventory management (Dye and

Yang, 2016; Yang et al., 2019). These studies do not consider the effect of PT

investment on FL reduction in FSCs. In addition, in most studies, PT cost is assumed

as a constant and exogenous parameter and has a positive impact on loss reduction

(Yang et al., 2019). However, this cost can be related to the level of effort needed to

reduce the deterioration rate and is affected by other factors, including market price and

government intervention.

Besides its impact on the quantity of food supply, PT investment can also change

the quality of food products (Liu et al., 2015). Liu et al. (2015) therefore discuss PT

investment strategy considering quality decay.

The above studies show that PT investment can reduce the deterioration rate and/or

improve the quality of products. Therefore, a key concern is the trade-off between the

costs and benefits of PT investment.

4.2.2 Government Intervention on PT Investment

A growing stream of studies in the operations literature focuses on government

intervention in FSCs. For example, Cohen et al. (2015) investigate a government

incentive for green technology adoption, Hu et al. (2019) discuss the influence of

government policies on crop planting decisions, and Levi et al. (2022) construct a

behavioural game-theoretic model to analyse the influence of government interventions

on consumer welfare in FSCs. However, studies of the effect of government

intervention on PT adoption remain scant, particularly in FLW-reduction contexts. This

research gap is identified in Chapter 3. Applying “government intervention” and

“preservation technology” as the keywords in our literature search in the Scopus

database did not locate any studies that look at the effect of government intervention on

PT investment from the perspective of operations management.

4.3 Model Description and Assumptions

In this section, we propose an optimisation model to study the food supplier’s PT

decision to reduce FL in one type of product and in one period from postharvest until

purchase, which includes one planting and one harvest season. We first investigate how

key factors such as market price and PT cost affect the PT investment and FL reduction

decisions of food suppliers. We then discuss the role of government intervention in the

food supplier’s PT investment decision and the impact on FL reduction.

The following notation and conventions are used throughout this chapter. The

expectation operator is denoted by E, and superscript i denotes food supplier i. All

notation and parameters are summarised in Appendix B (for Chapters 4 and 5).

We model the PT investment decision of food suppliers. We assume there are M

food suppliers in the food market and all food suppliers are homogenous, meaning they
have same production and cost stucture. Further, all parameters are assumed to be

known to all suppliers. This assumption has been made for reasons of tractibility, but it

has previously been applied and justified by OM researchers in agricultural settings

(e.g., Qian and Olsen, 2020).

We assume that food supplier i plants qi acres of a single product, for i = 1, 2,

… M, and harvests qiYi (where we define Yi as a the random yield of the food

supplier i), and the food supplier can sell all the product it grows. This assumption of

unlimited demand has been applied in agricultral settings in the recent literature. For

example, Levi et al. (2022) investigate artificial shortage in agricultural supply chains

by assuming the demand for “essential” food products is stable and unlimited. Akkaya

et al. (2021) analyse the effect of government intervention on incentivising agricultural

innovation by assuming total supply matches the demand in each period. Food products

as a type of essential commodity are therefore considered with unlimited demand in our


We further assume that while the yield of food supplier Yi is affected by external

factors such as weather conditions, proficiency levels, planting skills, and other

uncertain factors, it is independent of PT adoption. This assumption is reasonable as

yield of food suppliers is mainly determined by the planting acres and natural

conditions. We further introduce a probability density function f ( y ) to describe the

distribution of uncertain yield Yi , with the mean and standard deviation denoted by µ

and σ .

4.3.1 Cost Structure of the Food Supplier with PT Investment

The objective of the food supplier is to maximise his expected profit by considering the

trade-offs between costs and benefits. The components of the costs and benefits are

described as follows.

We assume the cost structure of the food supplier comprises of the production cost,

the transportation cost, and the PT investment cost.

Production cost

Following the Alisamir et al. (2019), we assume that the cost for food supplier i

to plant qi acres is α qi2 , which represents the total cost of resources and effort needed

to plant these qi acres. This quadratic cost function captures an increasing marginal

cost of planting and has been employed in exising agricultural models (e.g., Alisamir et

al., 2019; Guda et al., 2021).

Transportation cost

In our model, we assume that if the budget permits, the supplier prefers to sell their

products to the distant market with higher demand and market prices to obtain highest

profit. This assumption was verified in our interviews. As a purchasing manager from

a leading beverage company stated, “To develop our business, we are always

approaching the distant market”.

We denote the transportation cost by T(qi) , and this is assumed to cover the

transporation post-harvest up until the point of purchase.

We assume that the cost related to distance is same for all food suppliers in our

model. While this assumption is largely made for reasons of tractibility, it can be

justified as follows. First, a USDA report in 2013 suggests that compared with different

transport patterns from field to market for imported foods, fresh domestic food products

are almost exclusively delivered by truck. Second, even though transportation costs

increase with distance, the locations of wholesale terminal markets for the same food

product are generally close (USDA, 2013). Third, fresh food growing locations

centralise to productive areas. For instance, 90 percent of U.S. tree nuts are produced

in California (USDA, 2022). Given the above three factors – same transportation

pattern, close wholesale terminal markets, and centralised growing locations for the

same food product, our research assumes the food suppliers deliver the same food

products to the same wholesale terminal market in order to focus on the effect of FL

reduction on the cost function, rather than the distance effect. Therefore, the cost related

to the distance is a constant parameter, denoted by c.

Given the assumption above, let β denote the unit transportation and storage

cost in relation to the quantity. Therefore, the transportation cost is

T (qi ) β qi E (Y ) + c .

PT investment cost

To capture the effect of PT adoption on FL reduction, we first denote λ0 as the

initial deterioration rate of the food product. Specifically, if PT has not been used, a

quantity y will become (1- λ0 )y of available product at the end of the period. PT

adoption can decrease loss through spoilage during transportation by reducing this

initial deterioration rate (e.g., Li et al., 2018; Hong and Guo, 2019); we denote the

reduction in the deterioration rate by λ . That is, if the food supplier decides to use PT

from the beginning of the period, a quantity y will become (1- λ0 + λ )y of available

product at the end of the period. We assume 0 ≤ λ ≤ λ0 , which is sensible, because the

reduced deterioration rate cannot be greater than the initial deterioration rate.

Following a number of OM researchers (e.g., Dong et al., 2016, Hong and Guo,

2019, Demirhan et al., 2007, Bai et al., 2020), we further assume that the PT investment

cost is given by I = k λ 2 / 2 , where k is the PT investment coefficient. This cost

function implies a convex increasing cost of wastage reduction, and k > 0 implies an

increasing marginal cost of the investment. The convexity of the cost function allows

for the existence of an optimal PT investment level, and further implies that over

investment in PT will reduce the efficiency of PT due to theincreasing marginal cost of

the investment.

4.3.2 PT Investment Benefits

Following Wang and Li (2012) and supported by our interviews, we assume that PT

investment can change both the quantity and quality of the food products. Based on this

assumption, we discuss the benefits of PT investment in two scenarios.

Scenario 1: PT investment leads to quantity change by reducing FL during

transport, but it does not change the quality of the food products. In this scenario, food

suppliers provide homogeneous products with no difference in quality.

Scenario 2: PT investment leads to simultaneous changes in the quantity and

quality of food products. In this situation, we assume that suppliers provide

heterogeneous products with significant differences in quality as a result of PT


4.3.3 Exogenous Market Price

A single type of product is assumed and studied in our model with an exogenous price,

which is denoted by p1(2) (subscript 1 (2) denotes the market price without (1) or with

(2) PT investment). We assume the market price is exogenous, as is the case with many

real-world food products. Food markets are often highly competitive and no single food

supplier or even a small group of food suppliers can decide the market price (Kumse et

al., 2021). All the food suppliers are paid the same or similar price for food products of

the same quality. However, wholesalers or retailers also offer differentiated market

prices for products of different quality. For instance, different market prices are paid

for low-quality and high-quality products according to the appearance and freshness of

the produce (Mookerjee et al., 2021).

In Scenario 1, we assume PT adoption can reduce the quantity loss but does not

change the quality. As mentioned above, a single food supplier or a small group of food

suppliers who are using PT cannot change the market price through the resulting trivial

increase in food supply if the majority of the food suppliers do not apply PT. Therefore,

in this case, the market price is exogenous, and the same with or without PT investment.

In Scenario 2, PT investment leads to changes in quality, with a differentiated

market price thereby being given to the food products with PT adoption. The market

price of the products with PT adoption can be higher or lower than the products without

PT investment. The justification for this assumption is as follows.

The market price of the products with PT adoption can be higher than those without

PT adoption. This assumption can be easily justified by reality. A higher market price

can be given considering the extra value added to the food products, for instance, due

to longer shelf-life or greater freshness.

However, another situation can also exist that lowers the market price of the

products with PT adoption. For example, to promote sales in the introductory phase of

products with PT investment, wholesalers or retailers may prefer to offer a lower price

to attract new consumers. In this case, in the short-term, the PT investment is non-

beneficial, however it may help to promote sales and gain extra revenue by extending

the products’ shelf-life.

4.4 Basic Model

Given the preliminaries above, in this section, we discuss the impacts of the exogenous

price and government intervention on PT investment and FL reduction.

4.4.1 The Impacts of the Exogenous Price

Let π N (qi ) denote the expected profit without PT investment (subscript N denotes the

situation where there is no PT investment), which comprises the revenue coming from

the expected yield and exogenous market price, plus transportation costs as follows.

The expected profit function for food supplier i without PT investment equals:

π N (qi ) =(1 − λ0 ) p1qi E (Y ) − α qi2 − ( β qi E (Y ) + c)

=[(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]qi µ − α qi2 − c

As discussed earlier, we focus on the optimal decision by assuming homogeneity

in types of food suppliers. Lemma 4.1 analyses the condition when the food supplier

chooses to enter the product market if no PT is available in current food markets. This

threshold is determined by expected yield, the initial deterioration rate, and

transportation cost as follows.

2 αc β
Lemma 4.1. If p1 > + , then food suppliers choose to enter the food
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0

market, otherwise, they do not enter the market. In the case where they enter the market,

the food supplier’s optimal planting decision (denoted by qN ) and profit (denoted by

π N∗ ) are given respectively by

[(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]µ [(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2
; and π N

q = = − c , where superscript * denotes
2α 4α

the optimal solution, and the subscript N denotes the scenario with no PT investment.

Proof of Lemma 4.1.

From α > 0 , we have the second-order condition of π N (qi ) over qi , which is

∂ 2π N (qi )
derived as follows: −2α < 0 , which is negative, therefore the optimal
∂ qi2

decision is the unique optimal decision. Then solving the first-order condition of

∂ π N (qi )
π N (qi ) over qi requires =[(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]µ − 2α qi =0 , which gives us
∂ qi
[(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]µ ∗
the optimal quantity qN∗ = . Further, inserting qN into π N (qi )

[(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2
renders π N∗
= −c.

To ensure qN∗ > 0 and π N∗ > 0 , requires p1 > 2 α c + β .□

µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0

Lemma 4.1 shows that in the absence of PT, only when the market price is greater
2 αc β
than a threshold price (i.e., p1 > + ) does the food suppliers prefer to
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0

enter the product market. Higher expected yield ( µ ) and lower initial deterioration rate

( λ0 ) lead to a lower threshold price. Higher planting and transportation costs ( β ) lead

to a higher threshold price.

Next, we analyse the case when there exists PT that can reduce the FL by changing

the deterioration rate. We study whether and when the food supplier chooses to invest

in PT, and after choosing to apply PT, what their optimal decisions are in relation to

planting acres and PT investment effort, as represented by a reduced deterioration rate.

As discussed in Subsection 4.3.3, the exogenous market price can be the same with

or with no PT investment under Scenario 1 ( p1 ), or it can be different with ( p2 ) or

with no ( p1 ) PT investment under Scenario 2.

In contrast to the expected profit with no PT adoption, the profit structure with PT

investment includes the cost of PT investment and the revenue from FL reduction which

is represented by a resultant deterioration rate λ0 − λ of the food product. The expected

profit with PT investment denoted by π P (qi , λ ) is as follows, where subscript P

denotes the situation where there is PT investment.

For Scenario 1 where the market price with PT or with no PT is different, let p2

denote the market price with PT investment. Scenario 1 is therefore presented as a

special case, that is, when p1 = p2 .

π P (qi , λ ) =(1 − λ0 + λ ) p2 qi E (Y ) − α qi2 − k λ 2 / 2 − ( β qi E (Y) + c)

= [(1 − λ0 + λ ) p2 − β ]qi µ − α qi2 − k λ 2 / 2 − c

Based on the expected profit function with PT investment, Lemma 4.2 discusses

the conditions when the food supplier chooses to invest or not invest in PT, and his

optimal decisions related planting acres and investment effort, as represented by a

reduced deterioration rate.

Lemma 4.2. Option I: The food supplier chooses to invest in PT, if

k[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ]2 µ 2
(1) c < min{cˆ1 , cˆ2 } , where cˆ1 = and
2[2α k − ( p2 µ ) 2 ]

[( p2 − β ) µ ]2
=cˆ2 − k λ0 2 / 2 , and

β 2α k ( p2 − β ) p2 µ 2 βµ
(2) < p2 < & < λ0 ≤ 1 − or
1 − λ0 µ 2α k 2α k

2α k ( p2 − β ) p2 µ 2
p2 ≥ & λ0 ≤ .
µ 2α k

Option II: The food supplier chooses not to invest in PT, if

(1) c is above the threshold which leads the optimal planting acres and the profit being

negative, or

(2) 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1 .
2α k

The optimal planting acres (denoted by q p ), reduced deterioration rate (denoted

by λ p ), and profit (denoted by π p ) under two options above are given respectively by
* *

 β 2α k ( p2 − β ) p2 µ 2 βµ
[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ] p2 µ 2 if < p2 < & < λ0 ≤ 1 −
 2α k − ( p µ ) 2 1 − λ0 µ 2α k 2α k
 2
2α k ( p2 − β ) p2 µ 2
=λP λ0

if p2 ≥ & λ0 ≤ ,
 µ 2α k
 βµ
0 if 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1
 2α k

 k[(1 − λ ) p − β ]µ β 2α k ( p2 − β ) p2 µ 2 βµ
 0 2 if < p2 < & < λ0 ≤ 1 −
 2α k − ( p2 µ )
2 1 − λ0 µ 2α k 2α k
 ( p − β ) µ 2α k ( p − β ) p2 µ 2
=qP∗  2 if p2 ≥ & λ0 ≤ 2 ; and
 2α µ 2α k
 ∗ βµ
qN if 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1
 2α k

 k[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ]2 µ 2 β 2α k ( p2 − β ) p2 µ 2 βµ
 − c if < p2 < & < λ0 ≤ 1 −
 2[2α k − ( p2 µ ) ]
1 − λ0 µ 2α k 2α k
[( p − β ) µ ]2 k λ 2 2α k ( p − β ) p2 µ 2
=π P∗  2 − 0 − c if p2 ≥ & λ0 ≤ 2 .
 4α 2 µ 2α k
 βµ
π N∗ if 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1
 2α k

Proof of Lemma 4.2.

We first prove the uniqueness of the optimal solution. According to the Hessian

matrix of π P (qi , λ ) over (qi , λ ) , namely,

 ∂ 2π P (qi , λ ) ∂ 2π P (qi , λ ) 
 
 ∂qi2 ∂λ∂qi   −2α p2 µ 
=H = ,
 ∂ 2π (q , λ ) ∂ 2π (q , λ )   p2 µ −k 
 P i P i
 ∂qi ∂λ ∂λ 2

we have H1 = −2α and H
= 2 2α k − ( p2 µ ) 2 . Since α > 0 , H1 = −2α < 0 ,

2α k
and if p2 ≥ , H 2 ≤ 0 . Under this condition, the Hessian matrix is nonnegative

definite, which leads the optimal reduced deterioration rate being equal to the initial

2α k
deterioration rate (i.e., λ p = λ0 ). If p2 <
, H 2 > 0 , which leads to the

Hessian matrix being negative definite. Under this condition, π P (qi , λ ) is jointly

∂π P (qi , λ )
concave on (qi , λ ) . Then, solving the first order conditions of = 0 and

∂π P (qi , λ ) k[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ]µ
= 0 , gives us the optimal values qP′ = and
∂qi 2α k − ( p2 µ ) 2

[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ] p2 µ 2
λP′ = , which may or may not be feasible. Particular, only when
2α k − ( p2 µ ) 2

β 2α k
< p2 < , qP′ and λP′ are feasible. Consider three cases: (1) As
1 − λ0 µ

previously assumed in Subsection 4.3.1, 0 ≤ λP′ ≤ λ0 requires

( p2 − β ) p2 µ 2 βµ
< λ0 < 1 − . Under this condition λP∗ = λP′ and to keep qP′ > 0 ,
2α k 2α k

requires p2 > ; otherwise, it returns to Lemma 4.1. Inserting qP′ and λP′ into
1 − λ0

k[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ]2 µ 2
π P (qi , λ ) gives the=
optimal profit π P′ − c . To keep π P′ > 0 ,
2[2α k − ( p2 µ ) 2 ]

requires c < cˆ1 . (2) If λP′ > λ0 , then λP = λ0 , inserting λP = λ0 into π P (qi , λ )
∗ *

( p2 − β ) µ [( p2 − β ) µ ]2
yields the optimal decisions qP′′ = π P′′
and = − k λ0 2 / 2 − c .
2α 4α

To keep π P′′ > 0 , requires c < cˆ2 . (3) If 1 − < λ0 < 1 , then we return to Lemma
2α k

4.1 that the food supplier prefers to not invest in PT but he has optimal planting acres

without PT adoption. □

Lemma 4.2 shows given a moderate or a low initial deterioration rate of the food

βµ ( p − β ) p2 µ 2
products (i.e., 0 < λ0 < 1 − or λ0 ≤ 2 ) and the transportation
2α k 2α k

cost is low (i.e., c < min{cˆ1 , cˆ2 } ), when p2 is in certain ranges, there exists an optimal

reduced deterioration rate λ p* that maximises the profit. However, if the market price

is low, the food supplier chooses not to invest in PT. If the market price p2 is sufficiently

large, the food supplier prefers to invest in PT but that the optimal decisions relating to
reduced deterioration rate and the planting acres stop increasing in p2 and become fixed

at the point where p2 hits the top end of the range indicated in Lemma 4.2. If the

transportation cost is too high, the food supplier will prefer not to invest in PT. The

results of Lemma 4.2 can be explained in terms of how the exogenous market price and

transportation cost influence the PT investment decision and FL reduction.

Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 respectively examine the conditions that incentivise the food

supplier to enter the market and decide whether to invest in PT. These lemmas also

show how the exogenous market price and transportation cost affect the PT investment

decision when preservation technologies are available in food market.

Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 yield Propostion 4.1, where we compare different scenarios

of market prices.

Proposition 4.1. Comparing the profits with and without PT investment, we have

discussed the following two scenarios:

2 αc β βµ
Under Scenario 1 ( p1 = p2 ), if p1 > + , λ0 < 1 − and given
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 2α k

c < min{cˆ1 , cˆ2 } , PT investment is profitable; otherwise, the food supplier chooses to not

invest in PT;

Under Scenario 2 ( p1 ≠ p2 ), we have,

2 αc β (1 − λ0 ) p2 − β 2α k β
(1) if + < p1 ≤ + (note that
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 1 − λ0 2α k − ( p2 µ ) 1 − λ0

(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β 2α k β (1 − λ0 ) p1 − β 2α k
p1 ≤ + equals to ≤ ,
1 − λ0 2α k − ( p2 µ ) 1 − λ0
(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β 2α k − ( p2 µ ) 2

β 2α k
and may leads to p1 < p2 or p1 > p2 ) and < p2 < , given c < cˆ1 ,
1 − λ0 µ

∆π > 0 . In this case, PT investment is profitable;

2 αc β ( p2 − β ) 2 µ 2 − 2α k λ0 2 β β
(2) if + < p1 ≤ + and < p2 ,
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 1 − λ0

given c < cˆ2 , ∆π > 0 , in this case, PT investment is profitable;

2 αc β β
(3) if p1 ≤ + or p2 ≤ , PT investment is not profitable.
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 1 − λ0

Proof of Proposition 4.1.

Under Scenario 1 ( p1 = p2 ), if c < min{cˆ1 , cˆ2 } , and according to Lemmas 4.1 and


2 αc β ( p2 − β ) p2 µ 2 βµ
(1) with the conditions p1 > + , < λ0 < 1 − , and
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 2α k 2α k

β 2α k
< p2 < , we have,
1 − λ0 µ

k[(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2 [(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2
=∆π −
2[2α k − ( p1µ ) 2 ] 4α

1 1 [(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2
= − } > 0 . In this case, PT investment is profitable.
( p1µ ) 2 2α 2
2α −

2 αc β ( p − β ) p2 µ β 2
(2) with the conditions p1 > + , λ0 ≤ 2 , and < p2 ,
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 2α k 1 − λ0

[( p1 − β ) µ ]2 k λ0 2 [(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2
we have, ∆π − −
4α 2 4α

( p1 − β ) p1µ 2
λ0 {[(2 − λ0 ) p1 − 2β ]µ 2 p1 − 2α k λ0 } λ0 {[(2 − λ0 ) p1 − 2β ]µ p1 − 2α k
≥ 2α k
4α 4α

λ0 µ 2 p1[(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]
≥ > 0 . In this case, PT investment is profitable.

2 αc β βµ
(3) with the conditions p1 ≤ + , or 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1 , PT investment is
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 2α k

not profitable.

Under Scenario 2, according to Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2, given c < cˆ1 , (1) with the

2 αc β ( p2 − β ) p2 µ 2 βµ
conditions of p1 > + , < λ0 < 1 − , and
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 2α k 2α k

β 2α k
< p2 < , we have
1 − λ0 µ

k[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ]2 µ 2 [(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2
∆π = π G∗ − π N∗ = − . Solving ∆π =0 leads to
2[2α k − ( p2 µ ) 2 ] 4α

(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β 2α k β
p1 + .
1 − λ0 2α k − ( p2 µ ) 1 − λ0

2 αc β (1 − λ0 ) p2 − β 2α k β
Further, if + < p1 ≤ + and
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 1 − λ0 2α k − ( p2 µ ) 1 − λ0

β 2α k
< p2 < , we have ∆π > 0 , i.e., PT investment is profitable; otherwise, we
1 − λ0 µ

have ∆π ≤ 0 .

2 αc β ( p − β ) p2 µ β 2
(2) With the conditions p1 > + , λ0 ≤ 2 , and < p2 ,
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 2α k 1 − λ0

[( p2 − β ) µ ]2 k λ0 2 [(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2
we have ∆π = π − π =
∗ ∗
G N − − .
4α 2 4α

( p2 − β ) 2 µ 2 − 2α k λ0 2 β
∆π =
Solving= 0 leads to p1 + .
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0
2 αc β ( p2 − β ) 2 µ 2 − 2α k λ0 2 β
Further, if + < p1 ≤ + and
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0

< p2 , we have ∆π > 0 , i.e., PT investment is profitable.; otherwise, we have
1 − λ0

∆π ≤ 0 .

2 αc β β
(3) with the conditions p1 ≤ + or p2 ≤ , PT investment is not
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 1 − λ0

profitable. □

In Proposition 1, we discuss two scenarios:

(1) p1 = p2 : the market price is the same with ( p1 ) or with no ( p2 ) PT investment

Food suppliers 1 and 2 provide homogeneous products without difference in quality.

(2) p1 ≠ p2 : the market prices are different with ( p1 ) or with no ( p2 ) PT investment

Under this scenario, PT investments result in different quality the products, which

means that food suppliers 1 and 2 provide heterogeneous products.

Proposition 1 proves that market price and initial deterioration rate of the food

products provide the motivation for PT investment and FL reduction, particularly,

2 αc β βµ
(1) under Scenario 1 ( p1 = p2 ), only if p1 > + , λ0 < 1 − , and
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 2α k

given the low transportation cost relating to distance, the food supplier’s willingness to

invest in PT is high;

(2) under Scenario 2 ( p1 ≠ p2 ), if p1 and p2 are both within certain ranges, and given

the low transportation cost relating to distance, the food supplier’s willingness to invest

in PT is high;

(3) in both scenarios, if the transportation cost relating to distance is high, PT

investment is discouraged, and the food suppliers choose to plant without investing in


4.4.2 Government Intervention

Following on from the discussion of the impacts of market prices on the PT investment

decision in the previous sections, this subsection analyses a second factor that impacts

PT investment: government intervention.

As identified in the literature review in Chapter 3, as well as its benefits for

reducing FL, PT adoption can also generate extra carbon emissions, but this is yet to be

addressed in the FL literature. To address this research gap and capture the effect of

government carbon emissions instruments on FL reduction and PT adoption, we assume

that the government charges the food supplier a carbon emissions fee. The fee is

denoted by te , where e is a constant parameter that denotes increased carbon

emissions owing to the PT adoption and t denotes the unit carbon tax set by

government. Here, a constant e represents a fixed amount of carbon emissions

regardless of the actual amount produced. This assumption can be justified in practice.

For example, the Chinese government charges a fixed carbon emissions fee for each

food supplier if they apply cold storage facilities. Also, this assumption has been

applied in previous studies that focus on government intervention to address carbon

emissions (e.g., Feng et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2020). In the base model, we assume

increased carbon emissions e is a constant and not influenced by the PT investment

level. This assumption is relaxed in our extension model in Chapter 5, which considers

increased carbon emissions as a function of PT investment level.

To capture the effect of integrated government policies on PT investment, besides

the carbon emissions tax, we also include a subsidy for planting food products in our

model. Let b denote the unit subsidy provided by the government with the aim of

encouraging the food supplier to produce the product. Governments use a range of

subsidy programmes, such as price loss coverage, agriculature risk coverage, and a

planting subsidy (Alizamir et al., 2019). To simply our model, we incorporate a planting

subsidy programme, which considers that the subsidy is attached to the planting acres

of the food product (i.e., the production subsidy is represented by bqi ).

In addition, given the consideration that PT investment can bring extra value to

consumers by providing off-season food products or extending the shelf-life of food

products, we further assume the government provides an extra subsidy that is attached

to food production with PT adoption. Let h denote the unit subsidy provided by the

government to incentivise food suppliers to invest PT, thereby reducing FL. In contrast

to the subsidy that aims to improve the production (i.e., bqi ), this subsidy is focused

on stimulating FL reduction (i.e., h(1 − λ0 + λ )qi E (Y) ). This type of subsidy has been

introduced in several articles using terms such as “food price subsidy” (Kaushal, N. and

Muchomba, F. M., 2015).

For the sake of tractability, we further assume the market price is the same with or

without government intervention under the assumption of PT investment. Therefore the

same notation for market price with PT investment ( p2 ) is applied in the condition

where there is government interventions. This assumption can be easily justified in

reality, because the market price of food products is mainly affected by cost and demand

rather than government intervention (Timmer C. P., 1989).

According to the above assumptions, the expected profit function of the food

supplier with government intervention comprises the revenue from FL reduction

increasing the food supply and the subsidies provided by the government, and the cost

of the carbon emissions tax and PT investment.

Let π G (qi , λ ) denote the profit with government intervention (the subscript G

denotes the situation where there is government intervention), the expected profit

function with government intervention and PT investment is as follows.

π G (qi , λ ) =(1 − λ0 + λ ) p2 qi E (Y) − α qi2 − k λ 2 / 2 − ( β qi E (Y ) + c) + bqi + h(1 − λ0 + λ )qi E (Y) − te

= [(1 − λ0 + λ )( p2 + h) − β ]qi µ − α qi2 − k λ 2 / 2 − c − te + bqi

To capture the influence of government intervention on PT investment, Lemma 4.3

discusses the optimal planting decision (denoted by qG ) reduced deterioration rate

(denoted by λG* ), and profit (denoted by π G ) with or with no government intervention,

where the the superscript * denotes the optimal decision and the subscript G denotes

the scenario given the consideration of government intervention. We further compare

the optimal planting decision and reduced deterioration rate in Lemma 4.3 with the

results from Lemma 4.2 to investigate the influence of government intervention.

Lemma 4.3. Two options have been discussed:

Option I: The food supplier invests in PT and c < min{cˆ3 , cˆ4 } , where

k{[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2 {[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2
cˆ3 −=te and ˆ
c4 − k λ0 2 / 2 − te ,
2{2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ] }


Option II: The food supplier chooses to not invest in PT.

Considering the above two options, the optimal planting acres, reduced deterioration

rate, and profit with government intervention are given respectively by

 k{[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b} if µβ − b − h < p < 2α k − h & λˆ < λ ≤ 1 − µβ − b

OptionI : 2 0 0
 2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ]2 µ (1 − λ0 ) µ 2α k
 [( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b 2α k
& λ0 ≤ λˆ0 ,
qG∗ OptionI : if p2 >
 2 α µ
 µβ − b
OptionII : qN∗ if 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1
 2α k

 µβ − b 2α k µβ − b
 ( p2 + h)qG′ µ if − h < p2 < − h & λˆ0 < λ0 < 1 −
OptionI : k
µ (1 − λ0 ) µ 2α k
 2α k
=λG* OptionI : λ0 if p2 ≥ − h & λ0 ≤ λˆ0 ,
 µ
 µβ − b
OptionII : 0 if 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1
 2α k


 k{[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2 µβ − b 2α k µβ − b
OptionI : − c − te if − h < p2 < − h & λˆ0 < λ0 < 1 −

2{2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ] } µ (1 − λ0 ) µ 2α k
 {[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2 2α k
π G*  Option I : − k λ0 2 / 2 − c − te if p2 ≥ − h & λ0 ≤ λˆ0
 4α µ
 µβ − b
OptionII : π * if 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1
 N 2α k

[( p2 + h) µ + b − βµ ]( p2 + h) µ
where λˆ0 = .
2α k

Proof of Lemma 4.3.

According to the Hessian matrix of π G (qi , λ ) over (qi , λ ) , namely,

 ∂ 2π G (qi , λ ) ∂ 2π G (qi , λ ) 
 
 ∂qi2 ∂λ∂qi   −2α ( p2 + h) µ 
=H = ,
 ∂ 2π (q , λ ) ∂ 2π (q , λ )   ( p2 + h) µ −k 
 G i G i
 ∂qi ∂λ ∂λ 2

we have H1 = −2α and H 2 = 2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ]2 . Since α >0 ,

2α k
H1 = −2α < 0 , and if p2 ≥ − h , H 2 ≤ 0 . Under this condition, the Hessian

matrix is nonnegative definite, which leads the optimal reduced deterioration rate being

2α k
equal the initial deterioration rate (i.e., λG = λ0 ). If p2 <
− h , H 2 > 0 , which

leads to the Hessian matrix being negative definite. Under this condition, π G (qi , λ ) is

∂π G (qi , λ )
jointly concave on (qi , λ ) . Then, solving the first order conditions of =0

∂π G (qi , λ ) k{[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}
and = 0 , gives the optimal values qG′ =
∂qi 2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ]2

( p2 + h)qG′ µ
and λG′ = . Consider three cases: (1) As previous assumed in Subsection

µβ − b
4.3.1, 0 ≤ λG′ ≤ λ0 requires λˆ0 < λ0 < 1 − . Under this condition, to keep
2α k

µβ − b 2α k
qG′ > 0 , requires − h < p2 < − h ; otherwise, we return to Lemma 4.1
µ (1 − λ0 ) µ

that we don’t invest in PT but we do plant. Inserting qG′ and λG′ into π G (qi , λ )

k{[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2
= the optimal profit π G′ − c − te . To keep π G′ > 0 ,
2{2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ]2 }

requires c < cˆ3 .

k[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ]µ 3 (2 p2 + h)h k[(1 − λ0 )hµ + b]

= qG′ − qP′ + >0
{2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ] }[2α k − ( p2 µ ) ] 2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ]2
2 2

( p2 + h)qG′ µ p2 qP′ µ [(qG′ − qP′ ) p2 + hqG′ ]µ

and λ=
′ ′
G − λP −= > 0 . (2) If λ̂0 > λ0 ,
k k k
then λG* = λ0 , inserting λG* = λ0 into π G (qi , λ ) to obtain the optimal decision

[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b {[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2
qG′′ = = and π G′′ − k λ0 2 / 2 − c − te . To
2α 4α

hµ + b
keep π G′′ > 0 , requires c < cˆ4 . Further, qG′′ − qP′′= > 0 . (3) If

µβ − b
1− < λ0 ≤ 1 , we return to Lemma 4.1 that we don’t invest in PT but we do
2α k


Lemma 4.3 shows that both qG∗ and λG* are increased compared with the optimal

decisions without government intervention indicating that government intervention

promotes food production and the PT investment level.

Now the influence of government intervention on the PT investment and the

optimal planting decisions has been determined in Lemma 4.3, Corollary 4.1 further

investigates the influence of carbon emissions instruments on PT investment and FL

reduction. By comparing the profit with ( π G ) and without ( π P ) government

∗ ∗

intervention, the thresholds for government subsidy b and carbon emissions tax t

can be calculated. These thresholds are determined by ignoring the realisation of the


Corollary 4.1. If b > max{bˆ1 , bˆ2 } or t > min{tˆ1 , tˆ2 } , the government carbon emission

reduction instruments can incentivise FL reduction initiative by increasing the PT

investment of the food supplier.

Proof of Corollary 4.1.

From Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3, (1) in case 1, solving π G∗ − π P∗ =

0 , we have,

1 k[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ]2 µ 2
=bˆ1 {2α k − [( p2 + h ) µ ]2
}{ + 2te} − [(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ . If
k2 [2α k − ( p2 µ ) 2 ]e

b > bˆ1 , we have π G∗ − π P∗ > 0 ; otherwise, π G∗ − π P∗ ≤ 0 . Similarly, we have

k{[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2 k[(1 − λ0 ) p2 − β ]2 µ 2

tˆ1 − and if t < tˆ1 , π G∗ − π P∗ > 0 ;
2{2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ] }e
2[2α k − ( p2 µ ) ]e

otherwise, π G∗ − π P∗ ≤ 0 . (2) in case 2, solving π G∗ − π P∗ =

0 , we have,

= 4α te + [( p2 − β ) µ ]2 − [( p2 + h) − β ]µ . If b > bˆ2 , we have π G∗ − π P∗ > 0 ;

{[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2 − [( p2 − β ) µ ]2
otherwise, π G∗ − π P∗ ≤ 0 . Similarly, we have tˆ2 =
4α e

and if t < tˆ2 , π G∗ − π P∗ > 0 ; otherwise, π G∗ − π P∗ ≤ 0 . □

Corollary 4.1 demonstrates the influence of government carbon emission reduction

instruments on PT investment. When the subsidy is sufficiently high or the tax is low,

the government subsidy can significantly impact PT investment and FL reduction (i.e.,

π G∗ > π P∗ ), otherwise, this impact is trivial. Figure 4.1 delineates how government

intervention stimulates PT adoption by the food supplier.

t π G∗ ≤ π P∗
min{tˆ1 , tˆ2 }

π G∗ > π P∗
Government intervention
promotes PT investment

max{bˆ1 , bˆ2 }

Figure 4.1: The Impact of Government Intervention on PT Investment

4.4.3 Social Welfare Function

Optimising social welfare is considered a more significant objective compared with

simply minimising the expected cost or maximising the expected profit (Bakshi and

Gans, 2010). We now move on to consider the effect of government intervention on the

PT investment decision and FL reduction when maximising the social welfare is the

objective. This chapter additionally discusses the government intervention on PT

investment decision and FL reduction by setting the objective as maximising the social

welfare. This objective is expressed by max{SW1 , SW2 } , where SW1 denotes the

social welfare with government intervention, which is defined as the sum of the food

supplier’ profit with government intervention and PT invesment ( π G∗ ) and

government’s revenue te after deducting the government susbidies bqG∗ ; and SW2

denotes the food supplier’s profit with no government intervention ( π N ). The social

welfare function is

SW max{SW1 , SW
= = 2} max{π G∗ + te − bqG∗ , π N∗ }
 k{[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]2 µ 2 − b 2 } [(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2
 case I : max{ − c , − c}
 2{2α k − [( p2 + h ) µ ]2
} 4 α
 {[( p2 + h) − β ]2 µ 2 − b 2 } [(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]2 µ 2 ,
case II : max{ − k λ0 / 2 − c,
− c}
 4α 4α

 π N∗ otherwise

2 αc β
where Case I represents the conditions p1 > + ,
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0

µβ − b 2α k µβ − b
− h < p2 < − h , and λˆ0 < λ0 < 1 − , and Case II represents the
µ (1 − λ0 ) µ 2α k

2 αc β β
conditions p1 > + , − h < p2 , and λ0 ≤ λˆ0 .
µ (1 − λ0 ) 1 − λ0 1 − λ0

According to the social welfare function above, the unique market price p̂1

satisfying π G∗ + te − bqG∗ =
π N∗ is calculated. This determines the impact of government

instruments on PT investment and FL reduction. Proposition 2 describes the price

condition as follows.

Proposition 2. The government subsidy stimulates PT investment and FL reduction

initiatives only if p1 < min{ pˆ11 , pˆ12 } (i.e., SW1 > SW2 ).

Proof of Proposition 2.

There exists a unique market price that satisfies, π G∗ + te − bqG∗ =

π N∗ , which is

given by, p1 = pˆ11 in Case 1 and p1 = pˆ12 in Case 2, where

β 1 2α k{[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]2 µ 2 − b 2 }
= + and
1 − λ0 µ (1 − λ0 ) 2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ]2

β 1
= + {[( p2 + h) − β ]2 µ 2 − b 2 } − 2α k λ0 2 .
1 − λ0 µ (1 − λ0 )

Further, if p1 < min{ pˆ11 , pˆ12 } , then π G∗ + te − bqG∗ > π N∗ , i.e., SW1 > SW2 . □

With respect to social welfare, Proposition 2 indicates the government subsidy has

a significant impact on PT investment and FL reduction initiatives only when the market

price is lower than a threshold price (i.e., p1 < min{ pˆ11 , pˆ12 } ). This threshold price can

be determined by ignoring the realization of production.

4.5 Conclusions

Based on the results of our propositions, we suggest that when government intervention

effectively and efficiently reduces FL by stimulating PT adoption, social welfare can

be improved. Therefore, even though PT adoption may have a negative environmental

impact, governments tend to prefer encouraging PT investment to reduce FL and

increase food supply. This result matches the findings from our interviews with

governments and NGOs, and answers a key question: Why do governments prefer to

increase subsidies rather carbon emissions taxes?

Governments seeking to make decisions on integrated subsidy and carbon

emissions tax policies can compare the social welfare outcomes with PT investment

( SW1 = π G∗ + ten − bqG∗ ) and with no PT investment ( SW2 = π N∗ ). Alternatively,

governments may consider the trade-off between increasing their revenue from 0 to

ten − bqG∗ or increasing the food supplier’s revenue from π N∗ to π G∗ .

Our optimisation results in the basic model indicate when the efficiency of PT

investment is high (meaning that PT adoption can significantly reduce FL and increase

food supply), governments prefer to encourage PT investment.

This chapter has studied the role of government intervention in PT investment

decisions and FL reduction initiatives. Drawing on data collected from 60 semi-

structured interviews, we firstly identified key factors that impact decisions to invest in

PT, including market price and government intervention. We then established basic

models to examine the effects of these factors. The key findings from our basic models

are as follows:

(1) The economic factors driving PT investment by the food supplier are high

exogenous market prices and reduced FL.

(2) A high subsidy or a low carbon emission tax can promote PT investment by the

food supplier and stimulate the expansion of production and action to reduce FL.


The Strategic Preservation Technology Investment Decision to Reduce Food Loss:

The Role of Government Intervention - Extension Models

Following the analysis in Chapter 4, in this chapter we relax some of the key

assumptions relating to PT investment patterns and integrated government policy.

5.1 Motivation

The optimisation results from Chapter 4 highlight that when market prices are

exogenous, the driving force for PT adoption by the food supplier and, in turn, FL

reduction, is high market prices. We presented the outcomes from Chapter 4 to the

interviewees and then conducted a second round of semi-structured interviews. The

interviewees suggest that an integrated government subsidy and carbon emission may

also drive PT adoption and FL reduction by the food supplier. In addition, they can

apply proportional PT investment strategy on food products. That is, the food supplier

can decide the proportion of food products that need to adopt PT. According to the

feedback collected from the interviews, in this chapter, we investigate two main

extensions of the basic model: (1) integrated subsidy and carbon emission tax policy;

(2) proportional PT Investment decision.

This chapter is organised as follows. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 construct extension

models by factoring in the concerns related to real-world problems, which were drawn

from the second round of interviews. Section 5.4 provides a brief discussion on the

results of extension models. Section 5.5 concludes with the key findings and discusses

the knowledge gaps that remain.

5.2 Extension 1 – Integrated Subsidy and Carbon Emissions Tax Policy

In this extension, we relax a key assumption in the basic model which assumes the

carbon emission tax is fixed. We introduce a function of carbon emissions and PT

investment represented by t λ 2 , where parameter t denotes tax level and decision

variable λ denotes the reduced deterioration rate. This assumption reflects the real-

world problem, and can be justified in reality, which implies a increasing cost of PT

investment. A number of OM researchers also apply this function to present the

technology investment, for instance Bai et al. (2020) and Demirhan et al. (2007). We

incorporate this new function related to carbon emission tax in the integrated

government subsidy and tax policies, and we define it as a new government carbon

emssion reduction instruments abbreviated by “a new tax policy”.

Following the other assumptions and notation in Section 4.4.2 the expected profit

function of the food supplier with a new tax policy comprises the revenue and cost from

the carbon emissions tax and PT investment.

Let π Gt (qi , λ ) denote the the profit with a new tax policy (where subcript G

denotes the condition where there is government intervention, and superscript t denotes

the new tax policy), the expected profit function is therefore as follows,

π Gt (qi , λ ) = [(1 − λ0 + λ )( p2 + h) − β ]qi µ − α qi2 − k λ 2 / 2 − c − t λ 2 e + bqi .

To capture influence of the new tax policy on PT investment, Lemma 5.1 discusses

the optimal planting decision (denoted by qGt ∗ ), reduced deterioration rate (denoted by

λGt* ), and profit (denoted by π Gt* ) with or without the new tax policy and PT investment,

where the the superscript * denotes the optimal decision, the superscript t denotes the

the new tax policy, and the subscript G denotes the scenario that is with government


Lemma 5.1. Option I: The food supplier chooses to invest in PT with the new tax policy,


(k + 2te){[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2
(1) c < min{cˆ5 , cˆ6 } , where cˆ5 = and
2{2α (k + 2te) − [( p2 + h) µ ]2 }

{[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2
=cˆ6 − (k / 2 + te)λ02 , and

2α (k + 2te)
(2) p2 > & λ0 ≤ λˆ02 .

Option II: The food supplier chooses not to invest in PT, if

(1) c is above the threshold which leads the optimal planting acres and the profit

being negative, or

µβ − b
(2) 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1 .
p2 + h

The optimal planting quantity, reduced deterioration rate, and profit under two

options above are given respectively by

 (k + 2te){[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b} Case I  ( p + h)q t ′ µ Case I

 2α (k + 2te) − ( p2 + h) 2 µ 2  2 G
  ( k + 2te )
 [( p + h ) − β ]µ + b 
qGt ∗ =  2 Case II , λGt ∗ = λ0 Case II ;
 2 α 
 0
qN∗ Case III  Case III

 (k + 2te){[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2
 − c Case I
 2{2 α ( k + 2te ) − [( p2 + h ) µ ]2
{[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}
=and π Gt ∗  − k λ0 2 / 2 − c − t λ0 2 e Case II ,
 4α
 ∗
π N Case III
µβ − b 2α (k + 2te) µβ − b
where Case I represents − h < p2 < − h & λˆ02 < λ0 < 1 − ,
µ (1 − λ0 ) µ p2 + h

2α (k + 2te)
Case II represents p2 > & λ0 ≤ λˆ02 , and Case III represents

µβ − b [ µ ( p2 + h) − ( µβ − b)]( p2 + h) µ
1− < λ0 ≤ 1 , where λˆ02 = .
p2 + h 2α (k + 2te)

Proof of Lemma 5.1.

We firstly prove the uniqueness of the optimal solution. According to the Hessian

matrix of π Gt (qi , λ ) over (qi , λ ) , namely,

 ∂ 2π Gt (qi , λ ) ∂ 2π Gt (qi , λ ) 
 
∂ qi2 ∂ λ∂ qi   −2α ( p2 + h) µ 
=H = ,
 ∂ 2π t (q , λ ) ∂ 2π t (q , λ )   ( p2 + h) µ − k − 2te 
 G i G i
 ∂ q i ∂ λ ∂ λ 2

we have H1 = −2α and H 2 = 2α (k + 2ten ) − [( p2 + h) µ ]2 . Since α > 0 ,

2α (k + 2te)
H1 = −2α < 0 , and if p2 ≥ − h , H 2 ≤ 0 . Under this condition, the

Hessian matrix is nonnegative definite, which leads the optimal reduced deterioration

rate being equal to the initial deterioration rate (i.e., λG*t = λ0 ). If

2α (k + 2te)
p2 < − h , H 2 > 0 which leads to the Hessian matrix being negative

definite. Under this condition, π Gt (qi , λ ) is jointly concave on (qi , λ ) . Then, solving

∂π Gt (qi , λ ) ∂π Gt (qi , λ )
the first order conditions of = 0 and = 0 , gives us the
∂λ ∂qi

(k + 2te){[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b} ( p2 + h)qGt ′ µ
optimal values qGt ′ = and λG
= ,
2α (k + 2te) − ( p2 + h) 2 µ 2 (k + 2te)

which may or may not be feasible. Particularly, only when

µβ − b 2α (k + 2te)
− h < p2 < − h , qGt ′ and λGt ′ are feasible.
µ (1 − λ0 ) µ

Consider three cases:

(1) As the previous assumption in Subsection 4.3.1, 0 ≤ λGt ′ ≤ λ0 requires

µβ − b
λˆ02 < λ0 < 1 − . Under this condition, to keep qGt ′ > 0 , requires
p2 + h

µβ − b 2α (k + 2te)
− h < p2 < − h . Inserting qGt ′ and λG′ into π Gt (qi , λ ) gives
µ (1 − λ0 ) µ

′ (k + 2te){[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2
the optimal profit π
= t
G − c . To keep π Gt ′ > 0 ,
2{2α (k + 2te) − [( p2 + h) µ ]2 }

requires c < cˆ5 . Then, qGt ∗ = qGt ′ and π Gt ∗ = π Gt ′ .

(2) If λG′ > λ0 , then λG* = λ0 , inserting λG* = λ0 into π Gt (qi , λ ) to obtain optimal
[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b
decision qGt ′′ = and

{[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2
=π Gt ′′ − k λ0 2 / 2 − c − t λ0 2 e . To keep π Gt ′′ > 0 , requires c < cˆ6 .

µβ − b
(3) If 1 − < λ0 ≤ 1 , then π Gt < 0 , the food supplier prefers not to invest in PT
p2 + h

but he could plant with no PT adoption. □

Lemma 5.1 indicates that compared with a fixed carbon emissions policy, when

the tax is linked to the amount of PT investment, the optimal planting acres, FL

reduction effort, and the optimal profit are decreased. These results can be explained

by the elasticity in the carbon emissions tax policy. Rather than a fixed carbon

emissions tax, linking the tax to PT investment effort can increase the marginal cost of

PT investment, thereby restraining PT adoption.

After examining the impacts of the new tax policy, we now further investigate its

effect on social welfare. The definition of social welfare and the significance of social

welfare optimisation has been discussed in Chapter 4.

Let SW3t ∗ denote the social welfare with PT investment given the new tax policy.

In this case, the social welfare can be expressed as π Gt ∗ + t (λGt* ) 2 e − bqGt ∗ . The function

of social welfare with PT investment and new tax policy is

π Gt ∗ t (λGt ∗ ) 2 e − bqGt ∗ .
SW3t =+

Based on the social welfare function above, Propostion 5.1 compares the social

welfare in a fixed carbon tax policy ( SW1 ) and in an integrated subsidy and carbon

emission tax policy ( SW3t ).

Proposition 5.1. When b ≥ max{bˆ3 ,1} , where b̂3 is the solution of the condition of

SW3t = SW1 in Case I, we have SW3t ≥ SW1 ; otherwise, SW3t < SW1 .

Proof of Proposition 5.1.

π Gt ∗ t (λGt ∗ ) 2 e − bqGt ∗ and Proposition 4.2, we have

From SW3t =+

(1) In Case I,

2α (k + 2te) 2 {[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]µ − b} + [2b(k + 2te) − k ][( p2 + h) µ ]2 t ∗

SW3t qG − c
2(k + 2te){2α (k + 2te) − [( p2 + h) µ ]2 }

k{[(1 − λ0 )( p2 + h) − β ]2 µ 2 − b 2 } t
and SW1 0 for b
− c . Solving SW3 − SW1 =
2{2α k − [( p2 + h) µ ] }

gives b̂3 . Further, if b ≥ bˆ3 , SW3t ≥ SW1 ; otherwise, SW3t < SW1 .

{[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}2 − 2{[( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}

(2) In Case II, SW3t
= − k λ0 2 / 2 − c

{[( p2 + h) − β ]2 µ 2 − b 2 }
and SW1
= 0 for b
− k λ0 2 / 2 − c . Solving SW3t − SW1 =

leads to 1 . Further, if b ≥ 1 , SW3t ≥ SW1 ; otherwise, SW3t < SW1 . □

Proposition 5.1. suggests that there exists a threshold subsidy, and when the actual

subsidy is less than this threshold, social welfare is increased by the new tax policy (i.e.,

SW3t ≥ SW1 ). Otherwise, the social welfare is reduced by the new tax policy (i.e.,

SW3t < SW1 )

5.3 Extension 2 – Proportional PT Investment Decision

Our basic and extension 1 model include two restrictive assumptions:

(1) all the food products need to be sold in one stage,

(2) the food supplier either invests in PT for all products or chooses not to invest

in PT at all.

Extension 2 relaxes the above assumptions by introducing three stages (growing,

sale, and extended sale), and allowing the food supplier to decide the proportion of the

PT investment.

5.3.1 Model Description

This section presents a three-stage deterministic model to examine the PT investment

decisions and FL reduction performance when proportional PT investment is allowed.

Figure 5.1 describes the sequence of events factored into the model.

the supplier decides on the supplier decides the supplier decides the
the proportion of PT quantities sold in the quantities sold in the
investment and its
Given the subsidy and second stage third stage
deterioration rate
tax level offered by
the government

The first stage The second stage The third stage

Observing the
to grow to sell Observing quantities to sell (extended)
exogenous prices
and the total yield
in the market

Figure 5.1: The Sequence of the Events

The sequence of events in this three-stage optimisation is as follows.

(1) In the first stage to grow: Given the subsidy and tax level (denoted by b and

t , repectively) offered by the government, the supplier decides on the proportion of PT

investment (denoted by γ ) and its deterioration rate (denoted by λ ) or the effort

needed to reduce FL.

(2) In the second stage to sell: Observing the exogenous prices (market prices in

the second stage p1 and p2 , and market price in the third stage p3 ), the supplier

decides on the quantities delivered to deliver to the market.

(3) In the third stage to sell (extended): the food products with PT investment can

be sold at this stage, satisfying the demand for off-season products.

In this extension, we make several additional assumptions for the sake of

tractability as follows.

(1) The products without PT investment must be sold in stage two, or they will be wasted.

Perishability is an inherent characteristic of food products. To capture this feature

and demonstrate the effect of PT investment, we assume the food products with no PT

investment can only be sold in the second stage. This assumption addresses the

perishability of food products, which distinguishes our models from models for durable

products (Wang and Li, 2012).

(2) The products with PT investment can be sold either in the second or third stage.

To better describe how the market prices affect PT investment decisions and FL

reduction, we assume that the adoption of PT can extend the shelf-life of food products,

and therefore the products with PT investment can be sold in the next stage. In practice,

this is a prevailing phenomenon as the food supplier can benefit from the trade-offs

between the PT investment cost and the increased price for off-season products.

(3) The relationship between the market prices without PT investment (denoted by p1 ),

with PT investment and being sold in stage 2 (denoted by p2 ), and with PT investment

and being sold in stage 3 (denoted by p3 ) is represented as: p3 > p2 > p1 .

The above assumption can be justified in reality because an increase in quality or

an extended shelf life can satisfy the psychological and physical needs of consumers,

and therefore push an increase in price (i.e., p2 > p1 ). The relationship between the

quality of products and price has been widely examined in the economic literature

(Stiglitz, 1987). The principle of higher quality goods fetching a higher price has been

verified by existing studies (Ding et al. 2010). In addition, PT investment provides a

solution to mitigate the seasonality of food products. Given that the supply of off-season

products is scarcer, we assume the price in stage 3 is higher than in stage 2 (i.e.,

p3 > p2 ).

(4) There exists a deterioration rate ( λ0 ) between stages 2 and 3, and this deterioration

rate is same as the initial deterioration rate. Also, a discounted rate (denoted by δ ) of

the profit in stage 3 is assumed in our model.

This assumption captures the reality that owing to the perishable characteristics of

food products, even with PT investment, a deterioration rate exists between stages 2

and 3. To simply our model, we apply the same deterioration rate as the initial

deterioration rate λ0 . This assumption will be relaxed in our later discussion.

Furthermore, to describe the trade-off between the sale of food products in stage 2

or 3, we assume a rational food supplier will prefer to obtain the profit in an earlier

stage, and therefore there is a discounted rate of profit (denoted by δ , where 0 < δ < 1 )

in the third stage. That is, in the third stage, the food supplier has the trade-off between

π 2 and δπ 3 (where π 2 denotes the expected profit in the second stage and π 3

denotes the expected profit in third stage).

(5) Food supplier’s planting plan

First, we assume that the food supplier can divide his planting acres into two parts:

planting the products with no PT investment and the products with PT investment. This

assumption related to planting plan decision has been studied in agricultural

publications (e.g., Beres et al., 2009). Also it can be justified in reality. For instance, the

food supplier chooses to plant different products that are targeted to low-end or high-

end markt (Qian and Olsen, 2021).

According to the basic model, we identify when there is assumed to no available

[(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]µ
PT, the food supplier chooses to plant qiN∗ = ; when PT is assumed to

be adopted, under government intervention, the food supplier choose to plant
[(1 − λ0 + λ )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b

qiG (λ ) = . To avoid the risk given by the uncertainty in

PT efficiency (λ) and government subsidy and tax levels, the food supplier has to make

a proportional planting decision which is denoted by γ , and the planting acres are

γ qiN∗ + (1 − γ )qiG

. Under this planting plan, if the food supplier decides to sell all the

products in the second stage, then the available food products are

(1 − λ0 ) µ (γ qiN

+ (1 − γ )qiG

) ; if the food supplier decides to sell all the products in the

third stage, then the available food products are (1 − λ0 ) 2 µ (γ qiN∗ + (1 − γ )qiG

) , where we

assume the deterioration rate from stage 1 to stage 2 is λ0 , and from stage 1 to stage 3

is (1 − λ0 ) 2 . This proportional planting decision has been justified in practice and

mentioned in existing literature. According to our semi-structured interview, food

suppliers indicate that when they made the planting decision by considering the

availability of PT, three factors would be involved to reduce the planting risk and

maximise the expected profit: the optimal planting acres with no PT investment, the

optimal planting acres with PT investment and government intervention, and the chance

they could get the government subsidy. For example, one of the food suppliers states


…Assuming I will not adopt PT, then I could choose to plant 10 hectares, whereas

I could choose 12 hectares by considering the government policy with PT adoption.

However, the government subsidy policy will only be announced around January

each year after my planting decision. Therefore, I would like to give a proportional

planting decision, for example, in my case, it is 60%*10+40%*12=10.8 hectares.

The proportional planting decision γ (in above case γ = 0.6 ) is normally

considered to stem from the food suppliers’ 'savoir faire' (Guimarães and Mourão,


In term of the above assumptions, the scenario is described in three stages as


(1) the first stage to grow

Following the notation in Chapter 4, let Yi denote the random yield of a food

supplier, Q2∗ denote the quantity that is sold in the second stage, Q3∗ denote the

quantity that is sold in the third stage, where the superscript * denotes the optimal

quantity and the subscripts 2 and 3 denote the second and third stage, respectively.

Following the same assumption in Chapter 4, which is the total supply matches the

demand, the available food supply (the total supply) in our three-stage model is

therefore presented by sum of the selling quantities in stages 2 and 3 (the total demand).

Here, the available food supply has been defined in Chapter 4, which is “at the

beginning of the period if the food supplier decides to use PT, at the end of the period,

a quantity y will become (1 − λ0 + λ ) y of available food products”According to our

basic models in Chapter 4, we have the optimal planting acres with no PT investment
[(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ]µ

qiN = , and the optimal planting acres with PT investment

[(1 − λ0 + λ )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b

qiG (λ ) = , Therefore, the expected food supply in the first

stage is presented by the sold in stages 2 and 3, as follow,

(1 − γ ) ⋅ qiN

µ + γ ⋅ qiG

) µ Q2∗ / (1 − λ0 ) + Q3∗ / (1 − λ0 ) 2

(2) the second stage to sell

Let π 2 denote the expected profit at the second stage, and π G 2 and π N 2 denote

the expected profit with ( π G 2 ) or with no ( π N 2 ) PT investment, where the subscript N2

denotes the condition where there is no PT investment in the second stage, and subscript

G2 denotes the condition where there is PT investment and government intervention in

the second stage. The expected profit at the second stage, therefore, is represented by,

2 π N 2 ((1 − λ0 )(1 − γ ) ⋅ qiN∗ µ ) + π G 2 (Q2∗ − (1 − λ0 )(1 − γ ) ⋅ qiN∗ µ )
, where,
= π N 2 ((1 − λ0 )(1 − γ ) ⋅ qiN

µ ) + π G 2 ((1 − λ0 )[γ ⋅ qiG

(λ ) µ − Q3∗ / (1 − λ0 ) 2 ])

π G 2 (qi )= {[(1 − λ0 + λ )( p2 + h) − β ]µ + b}qi µ − α qi2 − k λ 2 / 2 − c − te and

π N 2 (qi ) = [(1 − λ0 ) p1 − β ][γ qiN∗ + (1 − γ )qiG∗ ]µ − α qi2 − c .

(3) the third stage to sell

Let π N 3 denotes the expected profit in the third stage, where the subscript N3

denotes the condition that the food products with PT adoption have been sold in the

third stage. The expected profit in the third stage is represented by

= 3 π N 3 + π 2 / δ , when Q3∗ satisfies

0 ≤ Q3∗ ≤ (1 − λ0 ) 2 γ ⋅ qiG

(λ ) µ which is to ensure the available quantity in the third

stage is less than or equal the quantity that has adopted PT investment at the first stage.

5.3.2 Model Solution

Backward induction has been applied to solve the problem described in the previous

section, as discussed in the following three steps.

∂ 2π 3 1
Step 1: Because −2α [1 +
= ] < 0 , then solving the first condition of
∂qi 2
δ (1 − λ0 ) 2

2α [1 − γ (1 − λ0 )]qiG

(λ )
[(1 − λ0 ) p3 − β ]µ −
∂π 3 δ (1 − λ0 )
= 0 for qi gives Q3a (λ ) = µ .
∂qi 1
2α [1 + ]
δ (1 − λ0 ) 2

Consider three cases:

2α [1 − γ (1 − λ0 )]qiG

(λ ) β
< p3 < p3′′ , where p3′
(1) if p3′ = + ,
δ (1 − λ0 ) µ
1 − λ0

2α [(1 − λ0 ) + (1 − 2λ0 ) 2 γδ ]qiG

(λ ) β
p3′′ + , then Q3a > 0 and
δ (1 − λ0 ) µ
1 − λ0

Q3a (λ ) − (1 − λ0 ) 2 γ ⋅ qiG

(λ ) µ < 0 ,

= Q3∗ min{Q3a (λ ), (1 − λ0 ) 2 γ ⋅ qiG

=(λ ) µ} Q3a (λ ) .

(2) if p3 > p3′′ , then Q3a > 0 and Q3a (λ ) − (1 − λ0 ) 2 γ ⋅ qiG

(λ ) µ > 0 , therefore,

(1 − λ0 ) 2 γ ⋅ qiG
Q3∗ = ∗
(λ ) µ .

∂π 3
(3) if p3 ≤ p3′ , then Q3a < 0 and < 0 , therefore, Q3∗ = 0 .

 Q3a (λ ) if p3′ < p3 ≤ p3′′

Step 2: In terms of step 1, we identify Q3 = (1 − λ0 ) γ ⋅ qiG (λ ) µ if p3 > p3′′
∗ 2 ∗
 if p3 ≤ p3′
(1 − λ0 ) µ[γ qiN∗ + (1 − γ )qiG

− Q3a (λ ) / (1 − λ0 ) 2 ] if p3′ < p3 ≤ p3′′
∗ 
therefore, Q2 = (1 − λ0 ) µ[γ qiN∗ + (1 − γ )qiG

− γ ⋅ qiG

(λ )] if p3 > p3′′ .
 if p3 ≤ p3′
(1 − λ0 ) µ[γ qiN + (1 − γ )qiG ]
∗ ∗

Step 3: according to steps 1 and 2, we identify that the profit in stage 1 is given by,

π 1∗ (λ , γ ) = δ 2 ⋅ π 3∗ = δ 2 ⋅ [π N∗ 3 (Q3∗ ) + π 2∗ / δ ] , where


2 π N∗ 2 ((1 − λ0 )(1 − γ ) ⋅ qiN∗ µ ) + π G∗ 2 ((1 − λ0 )[ µγ ⋅ qiG

(λ ) − Q3∗ / (1 − λ0 ) 2 ]) .

Because we assume the food products with no PT investment have to be sold in the

second stage, the profit function must include δ ⋅ π N 2 ((1 − λ0 )(1 − γ ) ⋅ qiN∗ µ ) .

Based on the analysis above, two threshold prices, denoted by p3′ and p3′′ , are

identified for stage 3. These thresholds help understanding the conditions of the food

supplier’s selling decisions and PT investment decision in each stage. Compared with

the basic model, this three-stage model considers the function of the PT investment in

extending the shelf-life of food products, therefore affecting the PT decision. The

discussion related to the PT decisions in the second and third stage is as follows.

Corollary 5.1. If p3 ≤ p3′ , all the food products will be sold in the second stage, and

the food supplier has no incentive to invest in PT; If p3 > p3′′ , the food products with

PT investment will be sold in the third stage, and products with no PT investment will

be sold in the second stage; and if p3′ < p3 ≤ p3′′ , the food products with PT investment

will be sold in both stages 2 and 3.

Proof of Corollary 5.1.

π2 ∂ 2π 3 1
= π 3 π N 3 (Q ) + , we have

−2α [1 +
= ] < 0 , then solving
δ ∂qi 2
δ (1 − λ0 ) 2

∂π 3
the first condition of = 0 for qi gives

2α [1 − γ (1 − λ0 )]qiG

(λ )
[(1 − λ0 ) p3 − β ]µ −
δ (1 − λ0 )
Q3a (λ ) = µ . Consider three cases:
2α [1 + ]
δ (1 − λ0 ) 2

(1) if p3′ < p3 ≤ p3′′ , then Q3a > 0 and

2α qiG

(λ )
[(1 − λ0 ) p3 − β ]µ − [1 + (1 − λ0 )3 γδ ]
δ (1 − λ0 )
Q3a (λ ) − (1 − λ0 ) 2 γ ⋅ qG∗ (λ ) µ µ
= <0,
2α [1 + ]
δ (1 − λ0 ) 2

= Q3∗ min{Q3a (λ ), (1 − λ0 ) 2 γ ⋅ qiG

=(λ ) µ} Q3a (λ ) , i.e., the food products with

PT investment will be sold in both stages 2 and 3.

(2) if p3 > p3′′ , then Q3a > 0 and Q3a (λ ) − (1 − λ0 ) 2 γ ⋅ qiG

(λ ) µ > 0 , therefore,

(1 − λ0 ) 2 γ ⋅ qiG
Q3∗ = ∗
(λ ) µ , i.e., the food products with PT investment will be sold in the

third stage, and products without PT investment will be sold in the second stage.

∂π 3
(3) if p3 ≤ p3′ , then Q3a < 0 and < 0 , therefore, Q3∗ = 0 , i.e., all the food

products will be sold in the second stage, and the food supplier has no incentive to adopt

PT. □

Corollary 5.1 describes how market prices impact the PT investment decisions of

the food supplier. The higher the market price, the greater the willingness to invest in

PT. There exists a threshold price and it is only when the market price in the third stage

is higher than the threshold that the food supplier will prefer to invest in PT. This

threshold is affected by the discount rate for profits between the second and third stages,

the circulation costs, and the proportion of PT investment. This is not surprising because

both the discount rate for profits and the circulation costs can increase the marginal cost

of the PT investment. As such, higher costs need to be balanced by higher marginal

benefits. Therefore, a higher discount rate for profits and higher circulation cost lead to

higher a threshold price when considering PT investment.

5.3.3 Modelling specific situations in Extension 2

Based on recent cases in China described in our semi-structured interviews, we further

investigate three specific situations related to extension model 2, including the effect of

an unexpected price rise for fresh foods and the effect of a differentiated deterioration

rate between stages 2 and 3.

(1) Effect of unexpected price rise for fresh foods

The previous section analyses how market prices impact on PT investment

decisions, showing that the higher the price, the greater the willingness to invest in PT.

Moving on from the above discussion, we investigate a specific situation that the market

price is unexpectedly increased for fresh foods.

Let p1 and p2 respectively denote the market price for food products with no

or with PT investment and sold in the second stage. Let p3 denote the market price in

the third stage. Corollary 5.2 discusses how these prices affect PT investment and FL

reduction efforts.

Corollary 5.2. When p1 and p2 are unexpectedly increased to p3 owing to the

external factors such as food supply interruption, π N 3 (Q3∗ ) = π N 2 (Q3∗ ) and therefore

δπ N 3 (Q3∗ ) < π N 2 (Q3∗ ) .

Proof of Corollary 5.2.

If p=
1 p=
2 p3 , then π N 3 (Q3∗ ) = π N 2 (Q3∗ ) . From 0 < δ < 1 , we have

δπ N 3 (Q3∗ ) < π N 2 (Q3∗ ) . □

Corollary 5.2 proves that with an unexpected rise in market price, the food supplier

will choose not to invest in PT to achieve high profits. Although this action reduces FL

in the short term because all the products will be sold in the second stage, in the long

term the low PT investment rate may have negative impacts on FL reduction.

(2) Effect of a differentiated deterioration rate between stages 2 and 3

In the discussion above, we assume the deterioration rate between stages 2 and 3

stays the same. To relax this assumption and investigate the impact of a differentiated

deterioration rate, we introduce λ1 to replace λ0 . For this case we analyse two

situations: λ1 > λ0 and λ1 ≤ λ0 .

In terms of this relaxed assumption, we examine how the optimal delivery quantity

in the third stage and the threshold price changes, as shown in Corollary 5.3.

Corollary 5.3. The impacts of the deterioration rate are indicated as,

Q3a (λ ) ↓ if p3′ ↑< p3 ≤ p3′′ ↑

λ1 > λ0 , then we have Q3∗ =  (1 − λ0 )(1 − λ1 )γ ⋅ qiG∗ (λ ) µ ↓ if p3 > p3′′ ↑ ;

0 if p3 ≤ p3′ ↑

Q3a (λ ) ↑ if p3′ ↓< p3 ≤ p3′′ ↓

λ1 > λ0 , then we have Q3∗ =  (1 − λ0 )(1 − λ1 )γ ⋅ qiG∗ (λ ) µ ↑ if p3 > p3′′ ↓ .

0 if p3 ≤ p3′ ↓

Proof of Corollary 5.3.

If λ1 > λ0 , from 0 < γ , λ0 , λ1 < 1 , then we have

2α [1 − γ (1 − λ0 )]qiG

(λ ) β 2α [1 − γ (1 − λ0 )]qiG

(λ ) β
+ > + , i.e., p3′ ↑ , similarly,
δ (1 − λ1 )(1 − λ0 ) µ 1 − λ0 δ (1 − λ0 ) µ
1 − λ0

p3′′ ↑ , otherwise, p3′ ↓ and p3′′ ↓ . □

Corollary 5.3 discusses two types of differentiated deterioration rate between

stages 2 and 3. As mentioned by Yang et al. (2019) and Li et al. (2018), the deterioration

rate is not a constant parameter in most cases. Therefore, a differentiated deterioration

rate needs to be analysed. Corollary 5.3 provides insight into the impacts of the

differentiated deterioration rate on PT investment decisions. Compared with a constant

deterioration rate, the threshold prices change. The results indicate that when the

deterioration rate is higher than the initial rate, the threshold price for PT investment in

the third stage increases, which means that if food suppliers expect a high deterioration

rate in the third stage, they will prefer not to invest PT. This can be explained in terms

of the increase in marginal cost. Therefore, to encourage the food supplier to invest in

PT and reduce FL in the long term, the government should increase its subsidy to

increase the marginal profit.

5.4 Discussion

We have use game-theoretic model to obtain insights into the strategic PT

investment decisions of the food supplier in the presence of government intervention.

In this section, we present a brief analysis and case study based on the results of the key

propositions and corollaries.

5.4.1 Case study for a Specific Situations in Extension 2

Unexpected rising price is considered in our extension model. Our reason for including

this analysis is the emergence of a recent phenomenon in Shanghai and Beijing City,


In our second round of interviews, both government and farmer interviewees

indicated that prices have unexpected increased in recent times due to the Chinese

government’s policy of locking down entire cities with the onset of the COVID-19

pandemic. Compared with the more open policy of most countries, China remains

insistent on a zero-COVID strategy. A strict three-month lockdown commenced in

Shanghai from 1 March, compelling residents to stock up on supplies in preparation for

this lengthy period of compulsory self-isolation.

We investigated 30 consumers in Shanghai, all of whom confirmed that food prices

had sharply increased during the lockdowns. We included this situation in our extension

model, and Corollary 5.2 proves that when market prices in stages 1 and 2 ( p1 and p2 )

increase to or are greater than p3 (the price of off-season products), there is no

incentive for food suppliers to invest in PT. From the perspective of the food supplier,

the sharp increase in price can increase marginal profits and promote the selling of food

products in the short term. However, social welfare will be significantly reduced and

the levels of FLW reduction become undefined owing to possible over-purchasing and

limited consumption at the consumer end.

5.5 Conclusions

Based on the second round of interviews, we constructed extension models

incorporating future projections relating to PT application and investment. The changes

included an integrated subsidy and carbon emissions tax policy and proportional PT

investment using a three-stage model. This aim of this refinement of our basic model

was to investigate PT investment decisions and FL reduction performance in the

following situations: when government interventions prevent over investment in PT;

and when PT allows the food supplier to provide off-season products. The key findings

from our extension models are as follows.

1) To improve social welfare, the government will seek to stimulate the expansion

of food production and reduce FL.

2) The government can prevent over-investment in PT by increasing the unit carbon

emission tax, which can significantly increase the marginal cost of food products.

However, there exists a breakeven point for social welfare, in that if the tax is too high,

social welfare will be sharply reduced.

In the three-stage model, PT is assumed to contribute to the provision of off-season

products. The key conclusion from this model are as follows,

1) The demand and market price for off-season products in the third stage have a

significant influence on the incentives for food suppliers to invest in PT and reduce FL.

2) Unexpected price rising can discourage PT investment and harms the

performance of FL reduction in the long term.

Although we have considered practical concerns in our basic and extension models,

the models have some limitations. For example, we have not factored in the competition

that exists between food suppliers. Moreover, we did not model the different types of

PT costs, nor did we consider the effect of demand shock on PT investment decisions.

Extending our models to address such gaps is a challenging process that will require

involving different food suppliers and different types of preservation technologies.

These extensions are left as possible avenues for future research.


Food Supply Chain Waste Reduction in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal

Study of New Zealand Consumers

As reviewed in Chapter 3, FLW occurs both at the upstream and downstream of FSCs.

Chapters 4 and 5 investigate the trade-offs in PT investment by food suppliers, which

focus on FLW reduction at the upstream of FSCs and indicate that government

intervention has significant impact on FLW reduction. Moving on from our discussion

on FLW reduction in FSC operations, Chapter 6 investigates the key factors that impact

FLW reduction at the downstream of FSCs, mainly focusing on consumer Food Waste

(FW) reduction.

This chapter conducts a qualitative and longitudinal study, spanning three periods

in New Zealand. A preliminary model is constructed from the outcomes of a survey

with 178 participants. Then, we carry out 29 semi-structured interviews to refine the

preliminary model and adapt it to the analysis of household food waste behaviour.

The chapter is based on a paper, which has been published in International Journal

of Logistics Management. (see co-author


6.1 Motivation

As mentioned in Chapter 1, FW reduction in households is a complex problem as each

household has its idiosyncrasies when it comes to purchasing, consumption, and

wastage behaviours (Ganguly and Robb, 2022). Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, a

severe trigger-event, fundamentally altered the shopping and consumption patterns of

consumers (Roe et al., 2021). The most obvious and radical change has been to “stay

and cook at home” rather than “spend at restaurants and hotels” (Chetty et al., 2020).

Owing to the concerns and perceptions of food security and accessibility arising from

the pandemic, consumers sought solutions by adjusting their food purchasing and

consumption behaviours. Panic purchasing (Raassens et al., 2021), over-ordering, and

planned consumption are typical behaviours that occurred with the onset of COVID-19

(Roe et al., 2021). Using consumer segmentation, we explore the research questions

relating to wastage in households.

Consumer segmentation is a significant approach used in analysing consumer

behaviour in the FSCs (Gerini et al., 2016). An appropriate segmentation of consumers

shapes policy and marketing decisions, and informs consumer behaviour studies (Wang

and Scrimgeour, 2022). However, as indicated in Chapter 3, the research applying

consumer segmentation to analyse the FW problem is scant. Most Circular Economy

(CE) research focuses on high value products and there is little on food products in

circular FSC research (Zhang et al., 2021). We develop a novel consumer segmentation

conceptual model and conduct a longitudinal study to explore household FW behaviour

and behavioural changes in New Zealand. This chapter addresses three research

questions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic:

RQ1. How does household FW behaviour change when trigger events occur?

RQ2. Do these changes in household FW behaviour differ among consumer


RQ3. What are the implications for government, FSC practitioners, and consumers

to adjust policy, strategy, and/or behaviour to promote the CE during consecutive


This chapter makes three original contributions to household FW behaviour, FW

reduction in FSCs, and CE research. First, a novel conceptual model of consumer

segmentation involving a combination of two psychographic variables has been

presented. Second, applying the conceptual model, we examine how household

behaviour regarding purchasing, consumption, and FW changed in response to COVID-

19 related FSC disruptions. Third, through an understanding of the household FW

behaviour, we provide an insight into promoting CE with the application of our

conceptual model.

The remainder of this chapter is organised as follows. Section 6.2 presents a

literature review related to household FW in the pandemic and CE context. Section 6.3

introduces the methods that are applied in this research. Section 6.4 discusses the

findings, based on which a preliminary and a refined conceptual model are put forward.

Section 6.5 discusses the implications, followed by a conclusion in Section 6.6.

6.2 Literature Review

Building on the literature review in Chapter 3, which focuses on the importance of FLW

reduction at the household level, the literature review in this section concentrates on a

more detailed topic, namely, household FW in the pandemic and CE context.

Three streams of research are closely related to the work in this chapter: household

FW in the context of CE, consumer segmentation in FSCs, and household FW

behaviour analysis in the pandemic context.

6.2.1 Household FW in the Context of the CE

The concept of the CE has attracted much attention and is viewed as an implementation,

actualisation, and promotion of sustainable development (Khan et al., 2021). Kirchherr

et al. (2017) analyse 114 definitions of the CE and conclude with the 9R framework to

describe the transformation from a linear economy to a CE. Within this framework,

household FW prevention is addressed by Rethink and Reduce: Rethink how to

efficiently use food resources and Reduce FW. In the FW hierarchy (Papargyropoulou

et al., 2014), prevention is positioned at the top of the pyramid, which indicates its

significance. Various pathways can be followed for waste prevention, among which

household FW management is recognised as one of the key issues (Zokaei et al., 2006).

Only few articles focus on household FW issues in the CE context (Zhang et al.,

2021). The topics include consumer engagement in FW reduction (e.g., Coderoni and

Perito, 2020), awareness of FW (e.g., Do et al., 2021), and consumer lifestyle and

consumption behaviour (e.g., Liu et al., 2021). In contrast to the extant literature, we

investigate the impact of household FW behaviour and behavioural change based on

consumer segmentation in a chronological and situational context.

6.2.2 Consumer Segmentation

Traditional criteria to distinguish consumer segments are based on demographic or

socio-demographic characteristics (Arenas-Gaitán et al., 2022), including family size,

age, sex, income, and generations. Some scholars argue that there are limitations in the

effectiveness of traditional segmentation, and psychographic variables (e.g., emotion,

attitudes, and beliefs) should be used instead for consumer behaviour analysis (Arroyo

et al., 2021).

Although researchers noted the significance of promising and appropriate

consumer segmentation in FSC studies (e.g., Wang and Scrimgeour, 2022), we found

only one paper that uses consumer segmentation with respect to FW. McCarthy et al.

(2020) investigate the possible reduction of FW through increased consumer

acceptance of value-added surplus products, and their work segments consumers using

labels such as “status and convenience seeker” and “price and environmentally

conscious”. In contrast, our research explores key behavioural variables to segment

consumers, provides a general conceptual model of consumer segmentation, and

illustrates the application of this model in a household FW behaviour study. Figure 6.1

summarises how consumer segmentation has been used in FSC studies.

Socio-demographic Psychographic
variables variables



Application in food supply chain management

Macro-level Meso-level Micro-level

(Governments) (FSCs) (Consumers)

• Marketing strategy decisions • Consumer behavior analysis

• Regulation or policy (consumption and buying behavior)
• Products or services design
implementation in respect to • Consumer preference analysis
food quality, food security, • Consumer attitude, concerns, and
• Business development and
and food safety perception analysis

Figure 6.1: Consumer Segmentation Profiling and Application

6.2.3 Household FW Behaviour Analysis in the Pandemic Context

Household FW behaviour has been widely investigated and analysed with a goal of

reducing FW and promoting the CE (Luo et al., 2022). The extant literature examines

the factors that influence FW in the dimensions of household, for instance, consumer

attitudes (e.g., Coşkun and Özbük, 2020), preference (e.g., Kim et al., 2020), beliefs

(e.g., Mattar et al., 2018), and other demographic characteristics (e.g., Coderoni and

Perito, 2020).

We located 16 studies that discussed household FW behaviour in relation to the

COVID-19 pandemic context. According to these empirical studies, FW generally

declined during the pandemic due to changes in purchasing and consumption

behaviours, such as improvement of food planning skills and awareness of FW. Among

these, Amicarelli et al. (2021) is the only work that focused on the behavioural

distinction between groups of consumers. In contrast to their work, which investigated

the household FW behaviour during the post-pandemic period, our thesis analyses the

behavioural changes in consecutive lockdowns. Figure 6.2 summarises the key findings

according to our literature review.

Socio-demographic variables
Social media
Age, Gender, Income, Education, usage
Sex, Family size Retailers’
Retailers’ marketing decision
Impulsive buying strategy (discounted price)

Bulk purchasing and stockpiling Purchasing

Planned shopping
Household waste

Eating foods after their expiration date

Psychographic variables

Concerns about COVID 19, Risk attitude Planned consumption and cooking
and perception, Experience, Intention,

Figure 6.2: Household FW Behaviour Analysis

6.2.4 Summary of Knowledge Gaps

After scrutinising the existing literature, we identify three knowledge gaps specifically

focusing on the household FW in pandemic and CE contexts.

First, household FW behaviour has been examined from the perspective of

purchasing and consumption behaviours by using socio-demographic and/or

psychographic variables. However, we notice a lack of integrated thinking from both

purchasing and consumption behaviours and explorations of a link between them.

Second, a stream of exploratory studies has been conducted to facilitate

understanding of the impacts of COVID-19 on household FW behaviour (e.g., Babbitt

et al., 2021). However, these studies have not considered the differences between

various consumer segments.

Third, consistent household FW behaviour has been assumed in most of the

literature, even though household FW behaviour may be changed by trigger events

(such as lockdowns). Moreover, these changes may be dynamic rather than remaining

static during each period of the pandemic. Therefore, a longitudinal study is needed to

analyse the dynamic changes in household FW behaviour.

6.3 Method

In this chapter, due to the exploratory and dynamic nature, we conduct two studies: an

online survey to explore the possible actions that influence household FW reduction,

and a longitudinal study to illustrate the application of, and to test, the preliminary

conceptual model. This method of combining exploratory and confirmatory studies is

motivated by the work of Garrone at al. (2014), who constructed a model to identify

FW reduction strategies in FSCs.

In study 1, as we attempt to reach a large sample and effectively collect the data,

we applied a survey method to ensure a comprehensive understanding from a diverse

range of consumers. In study 2, to ensure in-depth understanding of the consumer

behavioural changes during successive lockdowns and to help interpret the survey

results, we conducted semi-structured interviews. The outline of these studies is shown

in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1: Outline of the Two Studies in This Thesis

Study 1- Exploratory Study 2- Semi-structured

survey interviews
Explore the key
Test the preliminary conceptual
determinants that impact
model and investigate consumer
Purpose household FW to arrive at
behavioural changes during
the preliminary conceptual
successive lockdowns
A combination of simple A combination of in-depth semi-
Survey design survey type questionnaires structured interviews and survey
and an open question type questionnaires
178 valid and complete
Sample size 29 valid and complete responses
The same pool of consumers as
People living in Auckland study 1
Data collected between Data collected at two time
Data collection
November 2019 - February points: 05 April 2020 - 15 May
2020 2020 and 20 August 2021 - 16
September 2021
Data analysis
Thematic analysis Content analysis

6.3.1 Study 1 – Exploratory Survey

Sample and Procedure

Convenience and snowballing sampling methods (Wheeler et al., 2014) were

applied to identify potential respondents. The online survey is composed of simple

survey type questionnaires and an open question.

The survey type questionnaires investigate the socio-demographic characteristics

of the consumers and ensure the diversity of the interviewees, including shopping

frequency, family size and composition, income, the base food consumption, and self-

reported levels of FW. The open question, “What are the factors that are responsible for

the wastage of fresh food in your family?” was designed to facilitate understanding of

the root cause of FW at the household level.

We sent out the survey to 510 contacts through personal networks, Facebook, and

communication software; 220 responses were received, among which 178 were valid

and complete.

Data Analysis

We conducted a thematic analysis of the data, a method which aims to capture

common concepts and systematically identify the patterns of themes (coding) across

the data set (Braun and Clarke, 2012). Thematic analysis provides a guidance to data

analysis (Aronson, 1995). Following this guidance, we used manual coding to analyse

the open-ended question, which helps to avoid misinterpretations (Kirchherr et al.,

2017). The coding process was developed in five steps.

First, we read the textual data thoroughly that had been recorded in the survey.

Second, we employed fishbone parameters as the initial coding framework to explore

the root causes of consumers’ FW behaviour, including People, Process, Equipment,

Material, Environment, and Management. Third, applying thematic analysis, we

examined the initial coding framework and added specific themes that were not

included. Next, we classified all data into the themes. Finally, we checked and ensured

that all the textual data has been identified and placed with the corresponding patterns.

Among the various possible causes, we found two overarching causes in the

“People” category: 65.36% of the total interviewees reported that they are easily enticed
by bulk foods at discounted prices, and 51.96% of the total interviewees reported that

they are not willing to eat food items that have started to deteriorate. We marked these

two variables as “threshold discount”, and “salvage from deterioration”.

6.3.2 Study 2 - Semi-Structured Interviews

Notwithstanding their limitations (Lee, 2018), semi-structured interviews are an

appropriate methodology to understand unstructured phenomena (Garrone et al., 2014).

Additionally, the nature of semi-structured interviews allows interviewers to gain an

in-depth insight into the subjects’ characteristics, and therefore helps interviewers to

adjust interview strategies based on the interviewees’ responses (Glover et al., 2013).

In this thesis, semi-structured interviews were held with the consumers responsible

for the shopping and meal planning for their households. A longitudinal panel study

interviewing the same respondents at two time points was conducted in Auckland, New


Background of the Longitudinal Study

After observing cases of community transmission, New Zealand declared the first level-

4 (most strict) lockdown policy in March 2020, under which people are strictly required

to stay at home and avoid close contact, unless necessary for essential movements. After

a five-week lockdown, the government announced a drop to alert level 3, in which some

restrictions were relaxed (e.g., customers could buy cooked food from restaurants),

although dining-in was still not allowed. Over the next few weeks, restrictions were

increasingly relaxed, and by June 2020, there were no domestic restrictions in New

Zealand. A second nationwide level-4 lockdown was declared in August 2021, when

an outbreak of the delta variant of COVID-19 was reported in Auckland. This level-4

lockdown lasted for 5 weeks in Auckland (History 2021).

Semi-structured Interviews Design

To test the preliminary conceptual model and explore the root causes of household FW

and FW behavioural changes, we use the same protocols and pool of consumers from

the exploratory survey.

A combination of in-depth interviews and survey type questionnaires is applied to

investigate household FW behaviours and behavioural changes linking to the trigger

events (the two lockdowns). This investigation covered three periods: pre-lockdown

(before March 2020), the first lockdown (25 March - 27 April 2020), and the second

lockdown (17 August - 21 September 2021). As with the exploratory survey, the

longitudinal study included the socio-demographic characteristics of interviewees, and

additionally, two variables that were identified in the exploratory survey, “Threshold

discount” and “Salvage from deterioration”, were added.

“Threshold discount” is the minimum discount rate provided by the retailers that is

sufficient to entice a consumer into buying a package that is larger than the consumer’s

regular purchase amount. Each survey participant was asked to choose between buying

their preferred quantity at full retail price or buying a larger quantity offered at a

discount A participant with a low “threshold discount” is considered to have high

“willingness to buy bulk food at a discounted price”. Conversely, participants

preferring to buy loose at full retail price, even when a substantial discount is offered,

are understood to have low “willingness to buy bulk food at a discounted price”. We

double checked this variable by using an additional question: “Do you think you are

easily attracted by the discounted price?”

“Salvage from deterioration” measures “the willingness to plan consumption”. We

designed the following question: “On a certain day, you notice 1 kg of fruit/vegetables,

which was bought a few days ago, has started to deteriorate, and will have to be thrown

away if it is not consumed in 3 days. In such a situation, how many kgs would your

household be typically willing to consume before it is thrown away?” The response to

this question reflects two aspects of consumption behaviour: a willingness to consume

deteriorating food and planned cooking by noticing the deterioration. We assumed that

consumers with salvage rate less than 30% have low willingness to consume items that

have started deteriorating. Following the investigation of our questionnaire, we

explored the possible causes of consumers’ FW and behavioural changes by having a

conversation with the consumers. A framework of the interviews was organised by open

questions, shown as Figure 6.3.

Is there any relationship

between these changes?

Purchasing Behavior Consumption

Change Behavior Change

Behavior changes
during lockdowns compared with

Yes No

 Are there any reasons that

you believe leading to food
Changes differ from the
first and second No
wastage in your household
lockdown? during the pre-lockdown, first
lockdown, and second

 What are the main differences?

 Are there any reasons that you believe leading
to these differences?
 Do you think these changes are pushed by
external shocks (e.g., COVID-19) and/or internal
changes (e.g., awareness of FW), and how?

Figure 6.3: A framework of Investigating Behavioural Changes

Data Collection

Data were collected at two time points: 05 April 2020 - 15 May 2020 (focus on pre-

lockdown and the first lockdown periods) and 20 August 2021 - 16 September 2021

(focus on the second lockdown).

The selection of our interviews followed three rules: observability,

representativeness, and replicability. As noted by Pettigrew (1988), owing to the

limitation in the number of cases in the interview, it is reasonable to choose the cases

with “extreme situations and polar types in which the process of interest is

‘transparently observable’”. In addition, the selection of multiple cases within each

classification could allow the replication of the findings within categories.

We contacted 35 families living in Auckland from our survey pool, and 29 families

agreed to be involved. The interviews comprised an in-depth face-to-face interview

(during the level-2 lockdown) and a video chat (during the level-4 lockdown). For each

family, we spent between half an hour to one hour of conversation for each period to

understand their shopping and consumption habits. A sample of n=29 (72.4% female)

individuals were drawn from different areas of the Auckland metropolitan area; the

mean (SD) age = 35.6 (9.55), and the mean (SD) weekly spend per person on food

before lock-down in NZD = 56.0 (26.42).

After interviewing these 29 families, we connected with another 2-3 families in

each district of Auckland with a brief questionnaire asking for their shopping and

consumption habits during 18 September - 23 September 2021. The general findings

from these families were similar to those from our interviews. As suggested by

Eisenhardt (1989), the search for extra cases can be stopped when “incremental learning

is minimal”. As we did not have an in-depth interview with these extra families, they

are not included in our data analysis.

Data Analysis

Before proceeding with our analysis, we sent interview notes back to the interviewees.

Following their approval, we used content analysis to organise the data. Four steps are

applied to analyse the data set.

First, we segmented consumers according to their purchasing and consumption

characteristics. Then we compared the differences between the groups of consumers

and examined the significance of these distinctions at three time points. Third, to

understand causes of household FW behavioural changes during the consecutive

lockdowns, we summarised the patterns of the changes in each consumer segment.

Finally, we referred to the existing literature to build valid themes, which include

“External nudging”, “Internal changes”, “Social demographic variables”, and

“Psychographic variables”.

6.4 Findings

According to the outcomes of the exploratory survey, we defined our classification to

arrive at a preliminary conceptual model of consumer segmentation. Subsequently, we

carried out semi-structured interviews to refine the preliminary model and adapted it to

the analysis of household’s waste behaviour.

6.4.1 Preliminary Conceptual Model

Our identification of two important variables, “threshold discount” and “salvage from

deterioration” from our literature review is also supported by the existing literature

(e.g., Amicarelli et al., 2021; Cequea et al., 2021; Babbitt et al., 2021). According to

the framework shown in Figure 6.2 and combined with the outcomes of the

exploratory survey (the identified variables), we constructed a preliminary conceptual

model of consumer segmentation, which is used to support the analysis of household

FW behaviour (Figure 6.4).

This preliminary conceptual model includes four modules: consumer

segmentation, factors that impact behavioural change, reflections on household FW,

and possible applications. We classified consumers with similar traits in their

purchasing and consumption behaviours and identified four groups: “impulsive

consumers (I)”, “rational opportunists (R)”, “spendthrift consumers (S)”, and

“economic consumers (E)”. We assume the different segments of consumers have

different actions and responses in respect to FW reduction when being influenced by

external shocks and internal changes. To test our assumption, we conducted semi-

structured interviews, and we now report on the findings of these.

The willingness to buy bulk food with discounted price

Socio-demographic variables
Impulsive consumers
Rational opportunists
Age, Gender, Income, Education, (Price-sensitive &
Sex, Family size (Price-sensitive &
planned consumption)
behavior Different
Retailers’ marketing strategy Household FW

Discounted price, Promotion, Bulk Spendthrift consumers

sales, Distribution Channel Economic consumers
(Fresh-sensitive &
(Fresh-sensitive &
Low to high

planned consumption)

Psychographic variables

Concerns about COVID 19, Risk attitude The awareness to plan consumption
and perception, Experience, Intention,
Low to high


Macro-level Meso-level Micro-level

(Governments) (FSCs) (Consumers)

• Regulation or policy
implementation in respect • Marketing strategy decisions • Consumer food waste behavior
to food waste reduction at targeting at different types of analysis by investigating different
household level considering consumers segments of consumers
consumer segmentation

Figure 6.4: Preliminary Conceptual Model of Consumer Segmentation

6.4.2 Refinement of the Preliminary Conceptual Model

Our findings from the semi-structured interviews are reported in three stages:

consumer segmentation and household FW behaviour identification, causes of

household FW and the reasons for behavioural changes, and the refinement of our

preliminary conceptual model.

Stage 1 - Consumer Segmentation and Household FW Behaviour Identification

In line with the preliminary conceptual model, we firstly segment the consumers using

two variables measured in our interviews: “Threshold discount” and “Salvage from

deterioration”. The results derived from our analysis of the patterns of collected data

reveal three key observations:

(1) In contrast to extant literature, which indicate that household FW decreased

during the lockdown (e.g., Amicarelli and Bux, 2021), our thesis reports diverse

outcomes. The influence of lockdowns on household FW is shaped not only by

segments of consumers, but also by chronological and situational factors.

(2) “Threshold discount”, “Salvage from deterioration”, and “Food cost” on

household FW have significant impacts on household FW.

(3) During lockdown periods, the mean difference in household FW according to

consumer segments (E, S, R, I) is statistically significant. During the pre-lockdown

period, this significance is slightly lower compared with the lockdown periods.

The key findings from stage 1 are indicated in Table 6.2, which will be further

discussed in stage 2.

Table 6.2: Key Findings of Stage 1 Exploration
segmentation The FW levels at different
ge FW Behavioural change
(pre- situations
The FW amount in the
(1) Some of them change their
Economical Very second lockdown is lower
purchasing behaviour by
consumers Low than pre-lockdown and the
buying bulk food products.
first lockdown period.
(1) They present more
diversified changes compared
with other consumer segments.
In most cases, the wastage
(2) Most of them start to buy
in the second lockdown is
Spendthrift Moder bulk food products and/or plan
lower than in the first but is
consumers ate their consumption which is
at a level similar to the pre-
impacted by the lockdowns.
lockdown period.
(3) Some of them behave quite
differently in consecutive
(1) The purchasing and
This stabilisation is also
consumption patterns of
reflected in the FW amount.
rational opportunists are quite
There is no significant
Rational stable.
Low difference between pre-
opportunists (2) They are price-sensitive and
lockdown, the first
proactively plan their
lockdown, and the second
consumption according to
lockdown periods.
(1) They hardly change their
Compared with the pre-
purchasing behaviour, but they
Impulsive lockdown period, the FW
High may be pushed by external
consumers declines during the
shocks to plan their

Stage 2 - Possible Causes of Household FW and Consumer Behavioural Changes

(1) Economical consumers (E)

Four cases have been classified as “economical consumers”, among which three

cases change their behaviours during the lockdowns. These changes present a similar

purchasing behaviour as rational opportunists.

Family 1 is an example of consumers changing their purchasing behaviour. Before

the lockdown, they were typical economical consumers who almost never bought bulk

products (even without impulsive purchasing), always planned their consumption, and

noticed the deterioration of food. The reasons for changing their purchasing strategy are:

--“It is the first lockdown, and we never had this experience. We thought we cannot

buy enough food”; “When I find out the food is on discount, no matter how much the

discount is, I prefer to buy it rather than considering its freshness”.

The difference between the first lockdown and the second lockdown was

described in the following way:

--“I have experience to deal with the food availability issue now [the second

lockdown]”; “I notice that food delivery is convenient, although they only provide

free delivery over $80, which may cause my over-purchasing”; “This time [the second

lockdown] I found a direct purchase from a farm, which offered a very low price but

high-quality vegetables”.

Family 24 performs a gradual change in purchasing behaviour from pre-lockdown

days through to the second lockdown period.

-- “When the government declared the [first] lockdown policy, we started to seek

available food, as usually, we did not store much food at home” and “we began to

buy bulk food when the prices are attractive”; “[During the second lockdown], I

realised that food delivery is fast, and most important, I trust our government since
they always perform well”.

Family 12 exemplifies a different change in purchasing behaviour by buying bulk

products in the first lockdown and finding an alternative solution in the second


--“[In the first lockdown] we largely reduced our frequency of purchasing, from 2.5

times to 0.5 per week, and in this case, we prefer to buy bulk food at a discounted

price. With the experience of the first lockdown, I joined a group purchase team [in

the second lockdown], which enables me to buy loose and fresh food with a frequency

of twice a week”.

(2) Spendthrift consumers (S)

Eleven cases have been categorised as “spendthrift consumers”. This group of

consumers exhibit diverse behaviour changes during the lockdowns. Two thirds of the

cases start to buy bulk food, or/and consider planning their consumption in each period.

The behavioural change modes of spendthrift consumers in the pre-lockdown, first

lockdown, and second lockdown periods are highly diverse, shown in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3: Behavioural Change Modes of Spendthrift Consumers

Modes Characteristics
Consumers do not change their behaviour, and always
S-S-S mode behave as spendthrift consumers, with FW percentages
being very stable during the different periods.
Spendthrift consumers who begin to buy bulk food during
the first lockdown, and some of them consume most of the
over-purchased food, and therefore, are classified as
S-R-S and S-I-S Rational opportunists (R). Others who fail to consume the
modes food items from their over-purchases are classified as
Impulsive consumers (I). The consumers representing
these two modes transformed back into spendthrift
consumers in the second lockdown.

Consumers who only change their behaviours in the
S-S-I and S-S-E second lockdown, either by beginning to buy bulk food
modes (classified as I consumers) or by planning their
consumption (classified as E consumers).
Consumer behaviours which change in each different
S-R-E, S-I-R, S-I-I period. This group of consumers continually adjust their
modes purchasing and consumption behaviours to adapt new
situations and the given circumstances.

S-S-S mode: Only one case shows significant increase in FW during the lockdowns

compared with the pre-lockdown period. The reason for this is:

--“I am single, and I always buy loose food rather than bulk food. Due to the

lockdowns, I choose shopping online. However, I find that the minimum delivery

value is over $80, which drives me to buy more, although I cannot eat everything”.
S-R-S and S-I-S modes: Reasons for changing their consumption behaviour to R

or I in the first lockdown, and reverting to S in the second lockdown, are as follows:

--“[In the first lockdown], I was afraid I could not get enough food”, “I try to plan

my consumption as I have no idea when level-4 will end”, “Cooking failures upset me,

and I could not force my kids to eat more”.

-- “I found out it is quite easy to get food, and I have plenty of time to order online or

go to the supermarket. I am not worrying about the food shortage [in the second

S-S-I and S-S-E modes: The following interview statements reveal some reasons

for this change:

-- “I have plenty of time to go to the supermarket [in the first lockdown]”, “[In the

second lockdown], I began to adjust my consumption, as I saw many people on

Facebook are reducing food waste, unfortunately, I did not successfully control my

waste”, “I started to buy bulk food [in the second lockdown], because I had access to

a direct sale from a farm with fresh and low prices”.

-- “The short notice from the government for level-4 lockdown [in the second

lockdown] pushed me to reconsider my shopping and eating patterns”.

S-R-E, S-I-R, S-I-I modes: When asked to explain the reasons for shifts in their

behaviour, the following responses were elicited:

-- “[In the first lockdown], I forced myself to over purchase, and eat more, because I

was afraid of food availability. This time [in the second lockdown], I explored lots of

channels where I could buy food”; “‘I was influenced by my friends [in the second

lockdown] and started to plan my consumption”

(3) Rational opportunists (R)

Seven cases were classed as “Rational opportunists”. Their behaviours are highly

stable during different periods. We noticed that the family sizes of rational opportunists

tend to be bigger compared with other segments of consumers, and this may be a possible

reason for bulk purchases and planned consumption. Conversations with these families

largely confirmed our contentions.

-- “Our family includes seven people, and we always buy bulk food”; “[In the first

lockdown], we bought more food compared with pre-lockdown period, however we

could encourage our family members to eat more”.

-- “We have a weekly budget for food, and we cannot afford more, particularly as my

partner lost his job because of the lockdown”; “The subsidies provided by the

government is not enough to remedy our loss”.

(4) Impulsive consumers (I)

Seven cases were categorised as “Impulsive consumers”. This group of

consumers prefer to buy bulk food but are not inclined to plan consumption. Three

cases did not change their behaviours during the different periods, and four cases tried

to plan their consumption during the first lockdown or/and the second lockdown

period. Key excerpts from interviews with this consumer segment are as follows and

these excerpts are preceded by our brief observations of the interviewees:

-- Family 3 is a special case in having the highest food expenses of all our interviewees

-- the expenses averaged on per person is almost 7 times more than the family with

the lowest food expense per person. Family 3 never plans their consumption, and the

percentage of wasted food is around 40%-60% in each period. They reported that

“[During the lockdown] I have to cook by myself, and I wasted lots of food”,

“Compared with pre-lockdown, the food wastage declined [in the first lockdown],

because I eat more and try to avoid waste”, “I was influenced by my friend, who asked

me to plan consumption”.

-- In comparison, Family 20 exemplifies a case of panic purchasing during the

lockdowns, spending almost twice the amount usually spent in the pre-lockdown

period. Without changing their eating habits, the FW percentage doubled during the

lockdowns. The interviewee explained that fears around a food supply shortage led to

this change in purchasing behaviour:

-- “I am afraid of food shortage”, “I heard lots of information that the FSC is

disrupted owing to the lockdowns”.

Family 10, 22, and 23 are quite similar in changing their eating habits during the

first lockdown and maintaining this change in the second lockdown. This change

significantly contributes to FW reduction.

-- “I thought the knowledge [that I gained from watching cooking video] of the

deterioration rate of each food [item] and the appropriate storage methods are quite

important for helping me schedule my consumption”, “I need a guideline to plan my


They described their purchasing behaviour in the following ways:

-- “I cannot change my shopping habit”, “I am easily attracted by food discount”, “I

feel safe and comfortable when I see my refrigerator is full of food”.

The key findings from stage 2 are indicated in Figure 6.5, which will be

incorporated into our refined conceptual model, as detailed in the next subsection.

1. Uncertainty drives the behavioral change from buying loose products to buying bulk products, which increases the FW and counters
the principles of a CE;
2. Experience in the first lockdown contributes to FW reduction and therefore promotes CE through better planned consumption and
appropriate purchasing channel;
3. Trust in the government plays a pervasive role in avoiding over-purchasing and therefore reducing FW at the household level and
promoting CE at the society level;
4. The threshold value and/or volume of free delivery matters for economical consumers and could impact food wastage. Lower
threshold of free delivery increases the households’ purchasing frequency, reduces FW at household level. However, whether it could
promote CE depends on the logistics coordination by other FSC practitioners.

1. Over half of the interviewees reported that FW declined during the two lockdowns. The reasons behind the reduction in FW include
improved skills in planning consumption, the impact of social media (like Facebook), which is a mechanism for showing people new ways of
reducing FW, communication with other people, and government nudging (for example, government rhetoric to ‘Be kind’ when shopping, and
to shop normally rather than stockpile). This mechanism helps to reduce FW and promotes CE;
2. Seventy percent of spendthrift consumers report lower FW and contributes to the CE in the second lockdown compared with the first
lockdown, and The main causes include the exploration of new distribution channels, the improvement of cooking skills, a greater awareness
of FW, and social impact (as such peer pressure to reduce FW);
3. The high threshold to qualify for free delivery of groceries (i.e., one must spend over $80) has a negative impact on FW reduction and
counters the principles of a CE;
4. Short notice from the government for lockdowns increases the uncertainty of food availability and pushes consumers to change their
shopping and eating habits. This influence may be positive or negative on FW reduction;
5. Spendthrift consumers adjust their behaviors depending on the context. Experience from the first lockdown and more time to shop enables
them to find appropriate approaches to reduce FW and contributes to the CE in the second lockdown.

1. Socio-demographic characteristics may impact their purchasing and consumption behaviors and therefore influence their awareness of a CE;
2. The hardship experienced during lockdowns led them to improve their consumption planning skills. A heightened awareness of the
importance of planning consumption was evident in interviewees in this consumer segment.

1. When the pattern of impulsive purchasing and purchases based on discounts has been established, this pattern is hard to change and counters
the principles of a CE;
2. Panic purchasing increases FW and breach the principles of a CE;
Impulsive 3. Guidelines and education may be effective in encouraging consumers to improve consumption planning skills and accordingly reduce FW
consumers and promote CE;
4. Lockdowns may drive the impulsive consumers to buy more food. Considering their consumption behavior, frequently lockdowns led the
impulsive consumers breaching the principles of a CE;
5. Stopping rumors is important in building consumer confidence in the reliability of the FSC which, in turn, helps consumers to reduce FW
and promote CE.

Figure 6.5: Key Findings of Stage 2 Exploration

Refinement of the Preliminary Conceptual Model of Consumer Segmentation

Based on the data and findings from our interviews, we refined our preliminary

conceptual model of consumer segmentation, which is presented in Figure 6.6.

Socio-demographic and
psychographic variables

Module 2 Module 4
Module 1 Interaction

External The willingness to buy bulk food with discounted price Retailers’
Nudging High Low marketing
Discounted price strategy
Impulsive consumers Diverse Purchasing Channel
(Price-sensitive & Rational opportunist
• Propagation in social Positive (Price-sensitive &
media planned consumption)
• Communication with
• Education

• Government response to Different
pandemic Reflections Household FW
• Guideline for
corresponding actions to Spendthrift consumers
(Fresh-sensitive &
Economic consumers
the onset of pandemic (Fresh-sensitive &
Low to high

• Retailers’ marketing unplanned

consumption) planned consumption)

Moderate Very Low

Internal Changes
The awareness to plan consumption
Low to high
• Awareness of FW behavior
• Confidence and trust
• Concerns of food Application
accessibility and
• Learning from experience Macro-level Meso-level Micro-level
• Uncertainty (Governments) (FSCs) (Consumers)
• etc.
Module 3
• Policy implementation in respect
to FW reduction considering • Consumer FW
• Marketing strategy decisions behavior analysis by
consumer segmentation
targeting at different types of investigating different
• Appropriate nudging to
consumers segments of
encourage positive behavioral
changes consumers
• Consumer awareness on CE

Figure 6.6: A refined conceptual model of consumer segmentation

In the refined model, we include four modules: consumer segmentation, external

and internal impacts, the possible applications of this model, and the interaction between

retailers and households. The interviews prompted us to change our initial consumer

segmentation module, having observed that the behavioural changes are distinguishable

according to different periods, and these changes could positively or negatively

contribute to FW reduction. Following this observation, we examined the possible

causes of these changes, and summarised the findings from the interviews into two

categories: “External Nudging” and “Internal Change”. Accordingly, the adjustments

we made in our identification of causes of behavioural change are used to refine our

third module: “Application”. Finally, the interviews demonstrate the significant

influence of the discounted price and diverse purchasing channels provided by retailers

on the household behavioural changes and contribute to the household FW, which has

been reflected in our fourth module: “Interaction”.

6.5 Implications

This chapter presents a conceptual model of consumer segmentation based on

consumers’ shopping and consumption habits. It analyses household FW behaviour and

behavioural change prompted by trigger events (in our case, the COVID-19 pandemic

lockdowns in New Zealand), and it incorporates the conceptual model in household FW

behaviour analysis and the interactions between retailers and households, providing

managerial insights into FW reduction and CE promotion at the downstream end of the


6.5.1 Implications for Governments

Reducing household FW and promoting the CE is a major challenge for governments,

particularly during periods of crisis. Our thesis indicates three areas that represent

opportunities for improvement by governments alike: uncertainty, trust, and quick

responses to rumours.

Chapter 6 suggests that uncertainty currently has a negative contribution to FW

reduction by prompting consumers to engage in panic purchasing or over-purchasing

behaviours. As mentioned by our consumer interviewees, lockdowns at short notice and

rumours fuelling fears of food supply shortages heighten anxieties and feelings of

insecurity in consumers. To reduce uncertainty, governments could establish a

minimum period between the announcement of a lockdown and when it comes into

effect to give people time to prepare accordingly.

Trust in the government plays a central role in avoiding over-purchasing,

promoting stability of the FSC, and therefore, in reducing FW at the household level.

Transparently sharing information and effectively implementing regulations are likely

to be effective.

Quick government responses to quash unhelpful rumours help to reduce public

concerns around food shortages during lockdowns. Pessimists want to be comforted,

and optimists want to know the truth. Appropriate and timely responses that serve to

counter panic purchasing by consumers are important in helping to reduce the pressure

on, and fluctuations in, the FSC.

6.5.2 Implications for FSC Practitioners

Marketing strategies and decisions targeting different type of consumers are important

for a sustainable operation of enterprises. How to reach out to potential consumers and

expand the market are significant questions in the context of a pandemic. Three major

concerns from consumers were raised in our interviews: distribution channels,

distribution timeliness, and delivery charges.

The pandemic has hastened the growth of online shopping. Appropriately

arranging the logistics and being able to expand the distribution channel in a short time

is a critical issue for FSC practitioners, such as FSC logistic managers, seeking to adapt

to the rapid and severe changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The trade-

off between investment in distribution channel expansion and possible obtainable

revenue needs to be reconsidered, particularly for retailers.

Accuracy and timeliness are two important factors that impact the consumers’

purchasing behaviour. To some extent, consumers are more patient in waiting during

the pandemic period in contrast with regular periods. Logistic managers in FSC could

optimise the distribution network by considering the trade-off between the consumers

satisfaction rate and the delivery costs.

The stipulation of a minimum delivery value has a significant impact on consumer

purchasing behaviour, and indirectly influences levels of household FW. Given that

different segments of consumers have different attitudes on free delivery, food suppliers

would do well to analyse their target market before making decisions with respect to

delivery thresholds.

6.5.3 Implications for Consumers

Questions around effective food management during lockdowns and post-pandemic

periods are important for consumers. Our investigation reveals that the experience of

lockdown has different impacts on different groups of consumers. This variation of

experience may either enhance or exacerbate FW in households.

Learning from other people and through social media, and understanding different

consumption behaviours including their outcomes, are all factors that play a role in

helping consumers to effectively reduce FW. In our investigation, over 70% of those

who are responsible for FW are not aware of their high levels of wastage, until they are

prompted to evaluate their levels of waste. Our conceptual model and our analysis on

consumer behavioural changes help consumers to understand their behaviours and

therefore motivate them to reduce FW.

6.6 Conclusions

This chapter combines an exploratory survey and semi-structured interviews to

investigate household FW behaviour and behavioural changes caused by consecutive

lockdowns. This investigation spanned over a year and covered three periods. Unlike

the extant literature, this thesis reports diversified outcomes of FW generated at the

household level, and multiple determinants are identified as contributors to FW


From the findings of the exploratory survey, we constructed our preliminary

conceptual model of consumer segmentation. We then conducted semi-structured

interviews, drawing from the same pool of consumers who had participated in our

exploratory survey, to gain richer insights into various causes of household FW. The

data collected from these interviews were then used to finetune our conceptual model.

We further explore the application of the conceptual model in CE promotion. We

identified that the interaction between FSC stakeholders can impact the household FW

reduction and may counter the principles of or promote a CE in a specific consumer


There are some knowledge gaps that subsequently remain, which are summarised

as follows.

(1) Our thesis is limited by the modest number of interviews we conducted. To

make a persuasive argument, future research should focus on the comparison between

different countries, including developing and developed ones.

(2) The data collected is self-reported by our participants, which may differ from

what these consumers do in practice. We attempted to decrease the issue of self-

reporting by asking open questions and asking for proof of purchases. However, around

72% of our participants had not retained their shopping invoices.

(3) This research did not consider price increases in goods during the lockdown

periods. Future studies could investigate whether there are other factors that impact

consumer behaviours, such as price increases, and how these factors influence

household wastage in the context of a pandemic or post-pandemic.

(4) Our work is limited to food wastage in households, which is just a fraction,

albeit a large fraction, of FLW in the overall FSC. Building on our work, future research

can help reduce FLW and improve profitability for entities in upper levels of the FSC,

particularly retailers. Retailers and distributors might be able to tailor offerings to

consumer segments that we have identified that helps improve their profits or manage

wastage better.

Possible topics for future also studies include whether the experience in the first

lockdown contributes to FW reduction in subsequent lockdowns, identifying social

impacts on household FW reduction, and the efficacy of guidelines, education

programme, and other initiatives to promote consumption planning skills in, and the

reduction of FW by consumers.



7.1. Summary of this thesis

FLW reduction has emerged as a critical objective worldwide due to its significance for

the environment, society, and economy. This thesis has studied the FLW reduction

problem in FSC operations, investigating how to manage the wastage happening at

different stages of the FSC, from food suppliers through to households. The literature

review undertaken for this work identified a lack of research into the factors impacting

FLW reduction, which are not well understood. Focusing both upstream and

downstream in FSCs, this thesis addresses real-world problems using a wide range of

methodologies, including empirical analysis, case study, and optimisation models.

Chapter 2 presented a review of research on FLW from the perspective of

operations management. The broad pool of literature included 346 articles published in

prestigious operations management, management, and prominent economics,

environmental, and food science journals. The review provided insight into FLW

research both at specific stages of the FSC and across the entire FSC, identifying

overarching research themes in the FLW literature to background and supplement

findings from two rounds of 60 semi-structured interviews conducted with FSC

stakeholders and provide a projection of future research opportunities.

Building on Chapter2, Chapter 3 proposed a conceptual framework to

systematically examine FLW issues within FSCs. It discussed various types of and

distribution modes in FSCs in relation to FLW, definitions of FLW, impacts of FLW,

and measures to reduce FLW in the OM field. Chapter 3 offers a comprehensive

understanding of FLW occurrence and the research motivation for examining FLW

issues applying different methodologies. As such, it provided the background for the

specific research questions addressed in Chapters 4, 5, and 6.

Chapters 4 and 5 formulated optimisation models to identify the role of government

interventions in PT investment and food loss reduction by food suppliers. Rather than

assuming PT adoption only has a positive impact on the environment through reducing

food loss, our models included the possibility that PT investment can also generate extra

carbon emissions. Therefore, the influence of an integrated subsidy and carbon

emissions tax policy on the uptake of PT was investigated. The optimisation results

highlighted that when market prices are exogenous, the driving force for PT adoption

and FL reduction by the food supplier is high market prices. In particular, high subsidies

and a low carbon emissions tax can stimulate PT investment and food loss reduction


Chapter 6 moved the research focus to the consumer end of the supply chain. A

qualitative and longitudinal study spanning three periods in New Zealand was

conducted. A preliminary model was constructed from the outcomes of a survey with

178 participants. Then, 29 semi-structured interviews were carried out to refine the

preliminary model and adapt it to an analysis of household waste behaviour. The key

findings in Chapter 6 included: 1) for government, quick responses to quash unhelpful

rumours help to reduce public concerns around FSC interruption; 2) for retailers, the

pandemic has hastened the growth of online shopping; thus, the ability to expand the

distribution channel in a short time becomes a critical issue; and 3) for consumers, the

experience of lockdown has had different impacts on different groups of consumers.

These varied experiences may either enhance or exacerbate FW in households.

7.2 Contributions

This thesis has analysed two critical issues related to FLW reduction in FSC operations:

food loss reduction by food suppliers and household food waste reduction. In contrast

to existing publications, this thesis has contributed to FLW literature as follows.

1) From the perspective of upstream FSCs, this thesis investigates the PT investment

decision of the food suppliers and its effect on food loss reduction using optimisation

models. In these models, distinct from extant literature, the role of government

intervention in promoting PT investment and food reduction was identified and

discussed, and the results reflect the trade-offs between food loss reduction and

environmental concerns by considering the carbon emissions from PT adoption.

2) From the perspective of downstream FSCs, this thesis discusses the household food

waste reduction problem using a qualitative approach. This thesis investigates how

certain consumer traits affect household food waste, particularly in the face of external

shocks which is a meaningful topic and has not yet been comprehensively investigated

in extant literature. The qualitative and longitudinal study explored the distinct response

patterns of different segments of consumers in successive lockdowns and analysed the

impact of these patterns on household FW reduction which contributes to household

food waste reduction studies.

Although the focus of Chapters 4 and 5, and Chapter 6 is different, we can identify

some consistent results that have been proven by these three chapters. For instance, one

of the key findings from the optimisation models of Chapters 4 and 5 is that the

unexpected price rises can have negative impact on FLW reduction. This result has been

further reinforced by the outcome of Chapter 6, which indicates that when market prices

are unexpectedly sharply increased, consumers may change from economic consumers

to impulsive consumers in the context of COVID-19 and thereby increasing FLW.

Chapters 4 and 5 investigate how the market price affects the food suppliers’ behaviour,

and Chapter 6 complements this impact on consumers’ behaviour. Based on the analysis

both from the supply and demand sides, we identify that unexpected price increase

harms the performance of FLW reduction in the FSC operations.

Overall, this thesis contributes to the existing FLW literature and offers practical

implications for FLW reduction by providing insights from both the upstream and

downstream of FSCs.

7.3 Future directions and limitations

Besides the future projections discussed in the literature review (Chapter 2) and at the

conclusion of each chapter, there are other directions worthy of future study. First is the

PT implementation efficiency problem. The deterioration curve may not be altered

greatly after applying new technology, or alternatively, the technology is not able to be

operated efficiently due to a lack of expertise or operational mistakes. A quantitative

study into PT efficiency is therefore called for. A second factor is non-cooperative

behaviour in the retailing stage. For instance, given customers may be price-sensitive
or freshness-sensitive, the retailer may reject products with higher quality due to the

application of PT. These promising topics are worthy of research and could benefit and

contribute to society.

Besides the research limitations mentioned in each chapter, there are some research

limitations, particularly based on our current research, that should be addressed in

future work.

First, we do not model the effect of the endogenous market price on PT investment

and food loss reduction nor the fact that competition exists between food suppliers.

Second, the effect of demand shocks on PT investment decisions and different

types of PT costs can be involved and discussed in future research.

Third, our work is limited to food loss in food suppliers and food waste in

household, which is just a fraction, albeit a large fraction, of FLW in the overall FSC.

Fourth, the competition between different food suppliers and the interaction

between governments and other stakeholders are not investigated in this thesis. Even

though the role of government intervention has been discussed in Chapters 4, 5, and 6,

applying optimisation models and semi-structured interviews, further analysis for the

trade-offs between different stakeholders in the FSCs would be an interesting topic.

These extensions are left as a possible avenue for future research. Also, we have

several working papers with the topics related FLW reduction in the FSC operations.


Appendix for Chapter 3

Appendix 1 – Summary of Interviews

Interviewee Stakeholder group Firm Interviewee Work

number size* designation experience
Regional distribution
1 Manufacturers/Processors Large over 15 years
center manager
Senior Total
2 Manufacturers/Processors Large 7-10 years
3 Manufacturers/Processors Medium Purchasing Manager 11-14 years
4 Manufacturers/Processors Large Marketing Manager 7-10 years
5 Farmers’ cooperatives Small Head 7-10 years
6 Farmers’ cooperatives Small Head 4-6 years
7 Farmers’ cooperatives Small Head 7-10 years
8 Farmers’ cooperatives Small Vice president 4-6 years
9 Wholesalers Large Vice president over 15 years
10 Wholesalers Medium Purchasing Manager 11-14 years
11 Wholesalers Medium Operations Manager 7-10 years
12 Wholesalers Small General Manager 4-6 years
13 Importers Medium General Manager 4-6 years
14 Importers Large General Manager 7-10 years
15 E-commerce companies Large Vice President over 15 years
16 E-commerce companies Medium General Manager 7-10 years
17 Supermarkets Medium Head 4-6 years
Customer Service
18 Supermarkets Large 4-6 years
19 Supermarkets Large Operations Manager 4-6 years
Third-party logistics Customer Service
20 Medium 4-6 years
providers Manager
Third-party logistics
21 Small Vice president 7-10 years
Third-party logistics Director in Strategy
22 Large 11-14 years
providers Department
Third-party logistics
23 Large Operations Manager 7-10 years
Third-party logistics
24 Large Vice President 7-10 years
25 Governments Vice Director over 15 years
26 Governments Vice Director 11-14 years

27 Governments Vice Director 7-10 years
Director of food
28 NGOs 11-14 years
import public service
29 NGOs SCM expert 11-14 years
30 NGOs Head over 15 years
*Note on firm size: Large: annual revenue > 5 million RMB; Medium: annual revenue 1-5
million RMB; Small: annual revenue < 1 million RMB.

The data collection used Chinese language and the answers were translated from Chinese to
English in this summary, which have been paraphrased for clarity.

Questions for food manufactures/processors, farm cooperatives, wholesales, importers,

and e-commerce companies, supermarkets, third-party logistics providers

1. Do you think food loss and waste is a serious problem in your company?
Yes- All the interviewees

2. How serious do you think the food loss and waste issues in your company (estimate what
percentage of food has been wasted in your company)?
The minimum food loss and waste is around 0.5 (beverage), the maximum food loss and waste
is 30-40% (fresh fruits).

The main reasons for the loss include suboptimal appearance and sizes of the fruit, financial
limitation to invest in package and pre-cooling facilities, marketing issues (e.g., incorrect
demand forecasting), operations mistakes (e.g., damage in loading/uploading operations,
transportation and storage damage), the perishability of the food, cooperation issues, and
limitation in technology accessibility.

3. Do you have effective management methods to control the food loss and waste? (If yes, could
you please indicate the improvement of food loss and waste performance after implementation
of this method?)
Yes - 18
No - 4
Yes, but not effectively - 2
Government/ NGO – 6
4. Do you learn from other enterprises to improve the performance of food loss and waste
Yes - 23
No - 1
Government/ NGO – 6

5. Are there any expectations that you might seek the helps from the operations management
researchers? (e.g., cooperation problems? Distribution problems? New technology application
problems? Government intervention problems? Demand forecasting problems?)
Yes –All the interviewees.

Practical needs: Layout of regional distribution centers, Implementation of total productive

maintenance and lean manufacturing to reduce food loss and waste, Supplier cooperation and
contract management, Consumer demand, New technology application, Government
intervention, and Demand forecasting, FSC cooperation, Location optimisation of cold storage

Among these, Government intervention, technology application, and FSC cooperation are the
three top areas. Around 50% of the interviewees mentioned these areas.

6. Did you read our literature review paper? How do you think it might help the understanding
of current food loss and waste issue? Do you think the future direction is matching your needs?
Yes –All the interviewees. Most interviewees suggest that this article helps them to
comprehensively understand the environmental, social, and economic impacts of food loss and
waste. Some of them feel interesting in customer behaviours.

All the interviewees confirmed that the future direction is matching their practical needs.

Questions for Government and NGO

1. Do you think food loss and waste is a serious problem in China?
Yes –All the interviewees.

2. Do you think it is a global problem that has been addressed recently?

Yes. Sustainable development and carbon neutrality strategies have attracted more attention
worldwide. The FLW seriously affects the revenue of FSC stakeholders. It also significant
impacts the environment, society, and food security.

3. Do you think the food loss and waste reduction are more important in the context of COVID-
Almost all countries are encountering the challenge of food security. Reducing FLW could
possibly alleviate the situation of food security and recent price increasing.

4. Do you think the food industry has effective management methods to control the food loss and
Generally, leading companies usually have effective methods, while it is the contrary situation
for SMEs.

5. China has published a law that requires reducing food loss and waste, do you think it is
necessary and helpful? Why?
China’s Anti-food Waste Law is designed to help establishing a long-term mechanism to prevent
food loss and waste. It is necessary and helpful for FLW reduction especially in the consumption
stage, where had no related regulations to restrict the behaviours of consumers and restaurants
before the promulgation of the law.

6. Are there any expectations that you might seek the helps from the operations management
researchers? (e.g., cooperation problems? Distribution problems? New technology application
problems? Government intervention problems? Demand forecasting problems?)
The interviewees indicate they want to get the helps relating to FSC cooperation, transportation
and distribution issue, cold chain system, new technology application, and government

7. Did you read our literature review paper? How do you think it might help the understanding
of current food loss and waste issue? Do you think the future direction is matching your concerns?
Yes – all the interviewees. Most of the interviewees think it helps to better understand the current
research questions related to food loss and waste. They thought the future directions address their

Appendix 2 – Selected Journals
Journal Title Field
Academy of Management Journal Management
Academy of Management Review Management
ACM Transactions on Information Systems OM
Administrative Science Quarterly Management
Agricultural Economics
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
Annals of Operations Research OM
Applied economic perspectives and policy
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Specialty
Economics Journal
British Food Journal
Business Information Systems & Engineering OM
Communication Research OM
Communications of the ACM OM
Computers and Industrial Engineering OM
Computers and Operations Research OM
Decision Sciences OM
Decision Support Systems OM
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications OM
European Journal of Information Systems OM
European Journal of Operational Research OM
European Review of Agricultural Economics
Food Control
Food Policy
Harvard Business Review Management
Health Care Management Science OM
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management OM
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems OM
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering OM
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics:
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers) OM
In: Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal
Information and Management OM
Information Processing and Management OM
Information Systems Journal OM
Information Systems Research OM
Interfaces OM
International Journal of Electronic Commerce OM

International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems OM
International Journal of Human Computer Studies OM
International Journal of Information Management OM
International Journal of Operations and Production
International Journal of Physical Distribution and
Logistics Management
International Journal of Production Economics OM
International Journal of Production Research OM
Journal of Agricultural economics
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics OM
Journal of Business Logistics OM
Journal of Cleaner Production
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management -
Journal of Food Engineering
Journal of Information Technology OM
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing OM
Journal of Management Management
Journal of Management Information Systems OM
Journal of Management Studies Management
Journal of Operations Management OM
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management OM
Journal of Scheduling OM
Journal of Strategic Information Systems OM
Journal of Supply Chain Management OM
Journal of the Operational Research Society OM
Journal of Transport Geography OM
Journal of Web Engineering OM
Logistics Research OM
Management Science OM
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management OM
MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems OM
MIT Sloan Management Review Management
Naval Research Logistics OM
Omega OM
Operations Research OM
Operations Research Letters OM
OR Spectrum OM
Production and Operations Management OM
Research Policy Management
Strategic Management Journal Management
Supply Chain Management OM
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence OM
Transport Reviews OM
Transportation OM
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice OM
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and
Transportation Research Part E OM
Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging
Transportation Science OM
Waste Management
World Wide Web OM

Appendix 3 – Consumer behaviour analysis
Refere Research
Contribution Key findings
nce Perspective
The factors of Provide a conceptual
consumer framework to study Individual’s perception of FLW
behaviour consumer behaviour impact has an impact on FLW quantity
impacting FLW on FLW
The influence of
(Coder socio- Analyse contribution of
Sustainable consumers show a
oni and demographic consumers to circular
positive purchase intention on
Perito, and economy by purchasing
waste-to-value food
2020) psychological waste-to-value food
Consumer food Intention, attitudes, food taste,
n and Test an extended theory of
waste behaviour price consciousness have positive
Özbük, planned behaviour
in restaurants impacts on FLW reduction
Consumers’ purchasing
(Diaz- Connect food-related and
discipline, waste prevention
Ruiz et Food-related waste-related behaviours,
behaviours, and levels of
al., behaviours and environmental and
materialism are useful to direct
2018) materialism
predictors of FLW behaviour
(Gaiani Customer Explore the impact of
Seven profiles are identified that
et al., attitudes and eating, shopping, and
contribute to FLW
2018) behaviours storage behaviours
(Jagau The influence of Information campaigns stimulate
Provide a practical method
and behavioural consumer awareness and
to increase customers'
Vyraste interventions encourages consumers to buy
awareness of FLW
kova, and nudging on less, but no significant impact on
2017) students FLW quantity
Establish the link of
(Katt Price consciousness,
and Shopping- environmental concern, and
and hedonic shopping value
Meixne related factors health consciousness has a
as antecedents to FLW
r, 2020) positive effect on FLW reduction
reduction behaviour
Consumers prefer targeting
Verify consumer
(Kim et Consumer views leftover-reuse behaviour, using
expectations and the
al., on food waste technology and avoiding door-
effectiveness of food waste
2020) campaigns knocking is effective campaign
(Lanfra The impact of Analyse customers'
The factors that impact FLW
nchi et customer eating behaviour considering their

al., behaviour on socio-demographic
2016) FLW characteristics
(McCar Inconsistency No significant difference in FLW
Focus on specific
thy and between behaviours between organic and
segmentation of customers
Liu, attitudes and non-organic or vegetarian and
(green customers)
2017) behaviours non-vegetarian customers
Analyse the relationship
jar- Marketing and sale strategies
Complexities of between individual habits,
Jiméne have a negative impact on the
FLW behaviour attitudes, marketing ploys,
z et al., FLW behaviour of individuals
and sales strategies
Provide a perspective to Location, employment, education
(Mattar Household
understand household level, beliefs, eating and shopping
et al., attitudes and
determinants of FLW in habits, and perceptions towards
2018) behaviours
developing countries recycling impact on FLW
Action related information
(Neubi Investigate how information significantly increases
g et al., affects consumer food waste respondents’ intention while
2020) behaviour system information has no
significant effect FLW behaviour
Combine observations of Identification of multiple
(Parize organic, recyclable, and relationships between FLW and
The dynamics of
au et garbage waste production household shopping practices,
FLW at the
al., rates to survey results of food preparation behaviours,
household level
2015) FLW-related beliefs, waste management practices,
attitudes, and behaviours attitudes, beliefs, and lifestyles
Assess the knowledge and Awareness of FLW reduction has
ato et Factors affecting
awareness of youths a positive impact on FLW
al., FLW reduction
concerning FLW reduction
(Ponis Consumer Household behaviours towards
Consider the shopping and
et al., behaviour that shopping and eating are important
eating habits in Greece.
2017) leads to FLW and should not be underestimated
The impact of Provide a practical method
students’ to increase students' Avoidable FLW can be reduced
et al.,
awareness on awareness of FLW by improving student awareness
FLW reduction
Mid-to-low income consumers
(Setti et Customer Analyse the main drivers of
purchase higher amounts of lower
al., attitude and FLW with a focus on
quality products and waste more
2016) behaviour individual income
(Setti et Measure the different The more upstream the phase, the
The relationship
al., phases of the food stronger the influence on FLW
2018) consumption cycle; identify generation in homes
consumers' food a set of consumers'
cycle and FLW behavioural patterns
erlin et Provide a food waste Considerations about suboptimal
choice on
al., reduction strategy food are divergent
suboptimal food
Territorial Demographic and socio-economic
Consider factors at both
(Secon variability; individual characteristics, and
individual and contextual
di et al., Consumer attitudinal variables are strictly
levels as potential variables
2015) behaviour associated with customers'
associated with FLW
patterns behaviour towards FLW.
(Smith Provide a method to
and Food production estimate household-specific Production inefficiency is highly
Landry, inefficiency inefficiencies in food corelated to the FLW
2021) production
Dominant types
Bódi et Investigate the impact of Higher income results in higher
of FLW and the
al., income FLW in general
impact factors
(Sheare Provide a practical method A simple behavioural intervention
The impact of
r et al., to FLW reduction (sticker has a positive and long-time
visual prompts
2017) prompts) effect on FLW reduction
Conduct an exploratory Young respondents and those
Methods to analysis of the possibilities living in large households with
e and
reduce FLW to reduce household FLW families are more open to
via nudging changing their behaviour
(Talia Identify specific factors The level of knowledge and
et al., leading to food waste in awareness about FLW is not
behaviour types
2019) rural areas satisfactory.
Low-income household shows
(Zhang Investigate the root cause of
The drivers of strong guilt for FLW, while high-
et al., FLW generation from a
FLW income consumers are concerned
2018) customer level
about the health risks


Appendix for Chapters 4 and 5

Symbol Definition
b Unit subsidy
t Tax level
c Fix cost related to the distance
Increased carbon emission for all products owing to the PT
λ0 The initial deterioration rate

pi Exogenous prices in period i , i = {1, 2,3}

β Unit transportation and storage cost
µ Expected yield
σ Standard deviation of yield
α The scaling parameter of qi

Increase in the psychological needs of consumers by off-season

products due to the adoption of PT
δ A discount rate for profits between the second and third stages
k The scale factor for PT investment
γ The proportion of PT investment
λ The deterioration rate
qi The planting quantity


Appendix for Chapter 6

Table 1: Overview of the Consumer FW in Each Segment

Min Max Average Min Max Average Min Max Average Min Max Average
Before-lockdown 0% 40% 16% 5% 40% 19% 10% 50% 28% 15% 60% 35%
Lockdown 1 5% 30% 16% 5% 30% 22% 20% 60% 34% 30% 50% 31%
Lockdown 2 0% 20% 11% 10% 40% 21% 10% 40% 29% 30% 50% 30%

Table 2: Model Summary

Std. Error of the

Period R Adjusted R Square Estimate
Pre- .638 .308 .1207
Lockdown 1 .702b .431 .1005
Lockdown 2 .779c .560 .0884
a. Predictors: (Constant), Unconsumed_before, Spend/person_before, Salvage_before,
Enticing discount_before
b. Predictors: (Constant), Unconsumed_lockdown1, Spend/person_lockdown1,
Salvage_lockdown1, Enticing discount_lockdown1
c. Predictors: (Constant), Unconsumed_lockdown2, Spend/person_lockdown2,
Salvage_lockdown2, Enticing discount_lockdown2
Table 3: ANOVAa
Sum of
Period Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Pre- Regression .044 1 .044 7.806 .005b
lockd Residual 1.943 343 .006
own Total 1.987 344
Lockd Regression 2448.837 3 816.279 8.075 .001c
own 1 Residual 2527.025 25 101.081
Total 4975.862 28
Lockd Regression 3021.669 3 1007.223 12.897 0.000d
own 2 Residual 1952.469 25 78.099
Total 4974.138 28
a. Dependent Variable: Reported Wastage
b. Predictors: (Constant), Spend/person_before, Salvage_before, Enticing discount_before
c. Predictors: (Constant), Spend/person_lockdown1, Salvage_lockdown1, Enticing discount_lockdown1
d. Predictors: (Constant), Spend/person_lockdown2, Salvage_lockdown2, Enticing discount_lockdown2


Appendix – Ethics approval for the surveys

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Dr Subhamoy Ganguly, PhD candidate Na Luo, Prof. David Robb
Graduate School of Management
Re: Application for Ethics Approval (Our Ref. 024042): Approved
The Committee considered the application for ethics approval for your study entitled
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables - Shopping Habits.
We are pleased to inform you that ethics approval has been granted for a period of
three years.
The expiry date for this approval is 12-Nov-2022.
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