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TIME: 3 Hours March 2023

1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions
2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C
3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries 54 marks and section C carries 30 marks
4. Non-programmable calculators may be used
5. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room
6. The following constants may be used
 Atomic masses: H=1, C=12, N=14, O=16, Na=23, S=32, Ca=40, Cu=63.5, Zn=65, Al =
27, Pb=207
 GMV at s.t.p=22.4dm3
 1Faraday=96500 Coulombs
 Standard pressure=760mmHg
 Standard temperature=273K
 1Litre=1dm3=1000cm3
 Chemical equivalent of copper= 3.290x10-4gC-1

SECTION A (16Marks)
1. For each of the items (i)-(x)choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the
item number in the answer sheet provided
i. A rapid chemical reaction that release energy in form of light and heat is called:
A. Neutralization ` B. Combustion
C. Decomposition D. Precipitation
E. Displacement

ii. Which of the following is not a component of first aid kit?

A. Goggles B. A pair of scissors
C. Gloves D. Dropper
E. Razor blade

iii. What type of fire occurs in vapour air mixture over the surface of flammable liquids?
A. Class B B. Class A
C. Class D D. Class E
E. Class F

iv. What is the IUPAC name for H2SO4?

A. Sulphuric acid B. Hydrogen sulphate
C. Dihydrogen sulphate D. Hydrogen tetrasulphate
E. Sulphuric (VI) sulphate

v. What does the random movement of pollen grains suspended in air demonstrates?
A. Matter is lighter in nature B. Matter is solid in nature
C. Matter is particulate in nature D. Matter is gaseous in nature
E. Matter is wave in nature

vi. What is to be considered when choosing the best method to extract a particular metal from its ore?
A. How it react with other materials
B. Its availability in an area
C. The metal shininess
D. The metal’s ore impurities
E. The metal’s economic value

vii. Which energy source can be reused after being exploited?

A. Combustible source B. Non-renewable source
C. Renewable source D. Synthetic source
E. Natural source

viii. Alcohol react with carboxylic acid to form a group of organic compounds called
A. Alkynes B. Esters
C. Haloalkanes D. Alkanes
E. Alkenes

ix. The reaction between iodine and hydrogen is represented by the following equation;
I2 (g) + H2 (g) 2HI (g) H = -xkJ/mol

The reaction is:

A. An endothermic reaction
B. A displacement reaction
C. Neutralization reaction
D. An exothermic reaction
E. A thermal decomposition reaction

x. What volume of hydrogen gas will be produced when 1.3g of zinc granules react completely with excess
dilute sulphuric acid at s.t.p?
A. 130cm3 B. 224cm3
C. 440cm3 D. 220cm3
E. 448cm

2. Match the apparatus in List A with the respective Uses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response
besides the item number in the answer booklet provided
i. Measuring syringe A. Titrating chemicals
B. Produces non-luminous flame used for heating
ii. Electronic balance
C. Placed above Bunsen burner with a wire gauze during heating or boiling
iii. Bunsen burner
D. Measuring mass of chemicals in the laboratory
iv. Thistle funnel E. Holding liquids and solid during experiment
F. Sucking in and measuring volume of liquids
v. Tripod stand
G. Adding reagents into flasks with small opening during experiment
vi. Watch glass
H. Holding, heating, and estimating the volume of liquids
I. Holding substances that are being weighed or observed

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section
3. (a) Giving an example for each, give six uses of matter in daily life
(b) Why are chemical symbols useful in chemistry? Give three reasons.

4. (a) Calculate the percentage composition of lead in the compound Pb(NO3)2

(b) Give five physical properties of water

5. (a) Distinguish empirical formula from molecular formula

(b) An organic compound contains 26.70% carbon, 2.20% hydrogen and 71.10% oxygen. If its vapour density
is 45 determine
i. Empirical formula
ii. Molecular formula

6. (a) State Faraday’s First and second law of electrolysis

(b) A current of 10,000 A is passed through an electrolytic cell for purifying copper for 12 hours
i. What mass of copper is deposited at the cathode?
ii. What mass of aluminium would be deposited if the cell was changed to refine aluminium?

7. (a) Explain how the factors below may affect the rate of chemical reaction
i. Concentration
ii. Surface area
iii. Temperature
(b) Give the name of the oxide for each of the statement below
i. An oxide which is yellow when hot and white when cold
ii. An oxide which is reddish brown when hot and reddish brown when cold
iii. An oxide which is reddish brown when hot and yellow when cold

8. (a) State four physical characteristics of metals

(b) 25cm3 of a molar solution of sodium hydroxide is diluted to 85cm3. Calculate the concentration of the
solution after dilution. (Give your answer in two decimal places).
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer two (2) questions from this section
9. Carbon is the one of the elements that has allotropes. Explain how the allotropes of carbon differ from each

10. Describe the uses of metal oxides with the aid of chemical equations or examples (give five points).

11. Explain six effects of water pollution in Tanzania


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