Civics F Iv Eje

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(For both School and Private Candidates)

TIME: 3:00 Hours Monday, 17th July 2023 a.m.


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of Eleven (11) questions.
2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
3. Section A carries sixteen (16) Marks, section B carries fifty four (54) Marks and section C carries thirty
(30) Marks.
4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

This paper consists of 05 printed pages

SECTION A (16 Marks)
Answer ALL questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i -x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its
letter beside the item number in the answer booklet (s) provided.

(i) Which of the following statement do you think is not true about the functions of the National
electoral commission?
A. To register Voters
B. To announce the date of election
C. To register new political parties
D. To supervise election of president and members of the parliament
E. To conduct election transparently and professionally

(ii) Always during the annual village assembly meeting the chairperson of Mtindiro village displays
the village income and expenditure report in front of its citizens. Which among of the following
democratic principles was the chairperson practicing?
A. Transparency
B. Citizen participation
C. Civic responsibilities
D. Separation of power
E Rule of law

(iii) Mateso is a Public servant in one of the government department who uses public office for
personal gains. How can Mateso be termed?
A. A creative worker
B. An intelligent worker
C. Smart worker
D. A corrupt worker
E. A genius works

(iv) The Headmaster/mistress of your school is not satisfied with the academic performance of the
school in the form four National Examinations.
Which of the following life skills will you recommend to improve the academic performance of
the school?
A. Communication skills
B. Negotiation Skills
C. Empathy
D. Forming friendship
E. Team work

(v) Mambokaleo was absent when his civics teacher was teaching about the union between
Tanganyika and Zanzibar. So which of the following is a correct set of non- union matters in the
United Republic of Tanzania will you tell him?
A. Defense, security, prison and statistics.
B. Primary education, technical education and prison.
C. External affairs, industrial license and research.
D. Higher education, research and statistics
E. Meteorology, aviation and air transport.

(vi) As a civics expert, tell us what message do Zebra crossing communicate to vehicle drivers?
A. There may be other vehicle crossing or waiting to cross the road
B. There may be pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross the road
C. To reduce speed because there is a railway crossing the road
D. There may be traffic police monitoring speed limit
E. To reduce speed because there is a nearby game reserve

(vii) Pili’s husband died and her in Laws forced Pili to Mary Jackson her late husband’s young brother.
What is the family decision demonstrating?
A. Gender blindness
B. Gender equality
C. Gender stereotyping
D. Gender mainstreaming
E. Gender discrimination

(viii) As an expert of social affairs, what advice will you give to the government of Tanzania to ensure
a healthy motherhood and manageable population growth?
A. Promote policy on national education and training
B. Promote environmental education
C. Promote reproductive health education
D. Promote immunization
E. Promote hygienic health education.

(ix) Mrs. Juma was advised by his friend to seek for the financial assistance from non-bank financial
institution. Which one among the following Mrs. Juma will attend?
A. Cooperative and Rural Development Bank
B. National Microfinance Bank
C. National Bank of Commerce
D. Mkulima Commercial Bank
E. Saving and credit cooperative societies

(x) Dual citizenship is not recognized in Tanzania but children born in Tanzania to people who are
not Tanzanian citizens acquire citizenship by birth. When does their citizenship end?
A. When they travel outside Tanzania
B. When they get married
C. When their parents leave Tanzania
D. When the children attain the age of 18 years
E. When they complete their student hood in Tanzania

2. Match the descriptions of electoral system in List A with the corresponding terminologies in List B by
writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

i. An organ responsible for supervising and A. Tolerance
coordinating general and by-elections B. Ballot paper
conducted in Tanzania C. Ink paper
ii. A system in which parties are gaining seats D. NEC
in proportion to the number of votes cast for E. Proportional representatives
them F. General election
iii. A willingness to accept an opinion that one G. E- body
may not agree with H. First-past-the-post
iv. A special paper used by voter for voting I. By-election
v. A system whereby the candidate or a
political party which obtains majority of
votes becomes the winner
vi. The election which may be held to fill
parliamentary or councilors seats which
become vacant between general elections

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this sections.
3. Few days before form four sitting for their National Examinations, the Head Master of Mlingano
secondary school decided to invite you as the guest speaker to talk with them about factors affecting
career development so as to help his students for their future. Which six factors will you consider?
4. Many youth today are engaging in smoking as their recreation. Outline six root causes of that

5. Mr. Mtangi was born outside Tanzania, he wishes to be a citizen of Tanzania by applying for
citizenship to the Minister of Home Affairs. Before the registration process started, Migration Officer
was explaining to him about the situation which may lead him to lose his right of being recognized as
a legal citizen of the United Republic of Tanzania. Do you think which situations did the Migration
Officer explain to him? Give six points.

6. “The union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar was not an overnight process but was fostered by some
motives.” Validate this contention by using six points.

7. Though informal sector faces a lot of problems, it has a significant role in economic development of
the nation. Argue for by using six points.

8. Briefly explain by giving six points on why the government of Tanzania is conducting campaigns
against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)?

SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer only two questions in this section

9. Despite the vital role played by the government in the provision of social services, some of the
Tanzanians keep on lamenting about this. For them nothing is done by government. By giving six
points argue against them.

10. Proponents of globalization argue that globalization is a catalyst of development while the opponents
contend that it is a new form of new-colonialism to developing countries. If you are in the proponent
side, elaborate the opportunities presented by Globalization to the developing countries. Give six

11. Although people are enjoying their rights from various parts of the world due to the great role
performed by their government, some of them are failing to enjoy that opportunities. What the root
causes of the said problem are


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