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Article 2·1. Every worker aha.

U be entitled to a fair wage, job tr{lining,

health protec tion, social s e curity, a nd the welfare o! his (~mily into(ar as hi&
country' s economic development permits .

lt t h{lll be a moral obligMion o( the employer to contribute to the education

of his illiterate worke r s accor ding to h is mettns.

Any worker ma)'' participate, through his representatives, in the collective

determination of working conditions . Ail workers shall be entitled tO rest and r e .

All workers may protect their interests through trade·uni01' activities . Each
worke-r shall belong to t he t rade union representing hit particvl{lr occupat ion.

Annual vacations with pay shaU be compuh;ory.

Article 25. Capital pu,,ishmerH rna>' not be impo$ed !or nny political o!!ense
except t reason.

The crime o! treason consists in taking up arms against the Republic of H~iti,
joining avowed enemies of H<l.iti, 3.nd giving them aid and comfort.

Article 26 . Everyone has the right to express his opinion on <\ny matter and
by every means within his power.

The e x pretsion o! thought, wha.tever Corm it takes, may not be subjected to

prior censorship e xC:eJlt whtn w ar ha.s been d ecl:t. r ed .

Abuses of the right of freedom of speech shall be defined and punished by law.

A rticle 27 . All religion$ and taiths shall be e q,ua lly rccognited and !rec.
Everyone ma.y p r o!ess his r eligion and practice his faith, provided he does not dit•
turb law and o r der.

No o ne m3.y be compelled to belong to a religious organizatior\ o r to CollO\v a

r eligious teaching contra ry tO h is convictiOn$.

Article 28 . Since marriage tends to purity of morals by colttributing tO a

better organization()( the family, the Cundamcnta.l b3.sis o( society, the st;:..te shall
facilitate it and e ncourage its spread among the people, V{lrticularly in the rural
class .

In the organi zation of ma rriage, the law shall protect Haitia.n women in par -

Article Z9 . F'reedom oC education shall be exerci sed in accordance with t he

l3w, under the control and supervision of the state , which should see to the moral
a nd civi<: training o£ the young .

Public education shall be the re sponsibility o! t he state and t he communes.

P r ima r y e d ~,~catlon shall be comp1.11$o ry.

Public education shall be- free of charge a t all l e vels .

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