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110 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Data


In the realm of data science, where insights drive innovation and decision-
making, the ability to generate meaningful analyses and solutions
efficiently is paramount. Smart ChatGPT prompts have emerged as
valuable tools for data scientists, offering a versatile approach to tackling
various tasks and challenges in the field. From exploratory data analysis
and model development to report generation and presentation, ChatGPT
prompts can streamline workflows, spark creativity, and accelerate
problem-solving. Let’s explore how data scientists can effectively leverage
Smart ChatGPT prompts to elevate their work and achieve better

Understanding Smart ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science

Smart ChatGPT prompts are prompts or queries that guide the AI model
to generate responses, insights, or solutions related to data science tasks
and projects. These prompts can range from simple inquiries about data
analysis techniques to complex requests for model development or
visualization recommendations. By providing specific prompts, data
scientists can harness the power of ChatGPT to augment their analytical
capabilities and address various data-related challenges effectively.

Enhancing Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Data Cleaning

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a crucial phase in the data science

process, allowing practitioners to understand the structure, patterns, and
relationships within datasets. Smart ChatGPT prompts can aid data
scientists in conducting EDA by generating descriptive statistics,
visualizations, and insights that illuminate key aspects of the data. For
example, prompts like “Explore trends in customer purchasing behavior”
or “Identify outliers in financial transaction data” can guide the AI model
to provide relevant analyses and visualizations, facilitating deeper
insights and informed decision-making.

Accelerating Model Development and Optimization

Model development and optimization are central to data science projects,

where the goal is to build predictive models that deliver accurate and
actionable insights. Smart ChatGPT prompts can expedite this process by
generating code snippets, algorithm recommendations, and parameter
tuning strategies tailored to specific modeling tasks. Data scientists can
input prompts such as “Recommend algorithms for time series
forecasting” or “Optimize hyperparameters for neural network
classification,” leveraging ChatGPT’s expertise to streamline model
development and enhance predictive performance.

Automating Report Generation and Documentation

Effective communication of findings and insights is essential in data

science projects, enabling stakeholders to understand results and make
informed decisions. Smart ChatGPT prompts can automate report
generation and documentation by generating summaries, interpretations,
and visual representations of analysis results. By inputting prompts like
“Create a summary report of regression analysis findings” or “Generate
visualizations for presentation slides on market trends,” data scientists
can expedite the reporting process and communicate complex
information effectively to diverse audiences.

Providing Insights and Recommendations

In addition to supporting specific tasks, Smart ChatGPT prompts can
provide valuable insights and recommendations on data science
methodologies, best practices, and emerging trends. Data scientists can
→ input prompts such as “Suggest techniques for feature engineering in
machine learning” or “Provide resources for learning about deep learning

architectures,” tapping into ChatGPT’s knowledge base to expand their

expertise and stay updated on the latest advancements in the field.

Tips for Effective Use of Smart ChatGPT Prompts in Data Science

1. Be Specific: Clearly define your data science task or problem when

formulating prompts to ensure relevant and actionable responses.
2. Iterate and Refine: Experiment with different prompts and refine
them based on the quality and relevance of the generated
3. Validate Outputs: Verify the accuracy and validity of AI-generated
outputs through manual review, testing, or validation against ground
truth data.
4. Combine with Domain Knowledge: Supplement AI-generated
insights with domain expertise and critical thinking to ensure robust
analysis and interpretation.

Here are the best ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science:

Table of Contents
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Building Machine Learning Models
■ 1. Train a Classification Model
■ 2. Automatic Machine Learning with TPOT
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Data Exploration and Visualization
■ 3. Explore a Dataset
■ 4. Visualize Data with Matplotlib
■ Code Optimization and Improvement
■ 5. Improve Code Speed
■ 6. Optimize Pandas Code
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Writing and Translating Code
■ 7. Write a Regex in Python
■ 8. Translate Python to R
■ Understanding and Explaining Code
■ 9. Explain Python Code
■ 10. Explain SQL Code
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Code Debugging and Troubleshooting
■ 11. Debug Python Code
■ 12. Correct SQL Code
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Machine Learning Model Interpretation
→ ■ 13. Get Feature Importance

■ 14. Explain Model with SHAP

■ ChatGPT for Data Science Working with Time Series Data
■ 15. Time Series Decomposition
■ 16. Time Series Forecasting with ARIMA
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Deep Learning and Neural Networks
■ 17. Build a Simple Neural Network
■ 18. Transfer Learning with Pretrained Models
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Natural Language Processing
■ 19. Text Classification with BERT
■ 20. Named Entity Recognition with SpaCy
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Recommender Systems
■ 21. Collaborative Filtering with Surprise
■ 22. Content-Based Recommender
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Data Wrangling
■ 23. Clean and Preprocess Text Data
■ 24. Combine Multiple Datasets
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Data Ethics and Bias
■ 25. Identify and Mitigate Bias in AI
■ 26. Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Data Science
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Big Data and Distributed Computing
■ 27. Analyze Big Data with Dask
■ 28. Distributed Machine Learning with Apache Spark
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Data Science Career and Education
■ 29. Advice for Aspiring Data Scientists
■ 30. Best Data Science Courses and Resources
■ ChatGPT for Data Science Other Data Science Tools
■ 31. Geospatial Analysis with Python
■ 32. Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data
■ 33. Text Summarization with Machine Learning
■ 34. A/B Testing and Experimental Design
■ 35. Creating Interactive Visualizations with Plotly
■ 1. Train Classification Model
■ 2. Automatic Machine Learning
■ 3. Tune Hyperparameter
■ 4. Explore Data
■ 5. Generate Data
■ 6. Write Regex
■ 7. Train Time Series
■ 8. Address Imbalance Data
■ 9. Get Feature Importance

■ 10. Visualize Data with Matplotlib

■ 11. Visualize Image Grid Matplotlib

■ 12. Explain Model with Lime
■ 13. Explain Model with Shap
■ 14. Write Multithreaded Functions
■ 15. Compare Function Speed
■ 16. Create NumPy Array
■ 17. Write Unit Test
■ 18. Validate Column
■ 19. Explain Python
■ 20. Explain SQL
■ 21. Explain Google Sheets Formula
■ 22. Improve Code Speed
■ 23. Optimize Pandas
■ 24. Optimize Pandas Again
■ 25. Optimize Python
■ 26. Optimize SQL
■ 27. Simplify Python
■ 28. Write Documentation
■ 29. Improve Readability
■ 30. Format SQL
■ 31. Translate Between DBMS
■ 32. Translate Python to R
■ 33. Translate R to Python
■ 34. Explain to Five-Year-Old
■ 35. Explain to Undergraduate
■ 36. Explain to Professor
■ 37. Explain to Business Stakeholder
■ 38. Explain Like Stackoverflow
■ 39. Suggest Edge Cases
■ 40. Suggest Dataset
■ 41. Suggest Portfolio Ideas
■ 42. Suggest Resources

■ 43. Suggest Time Complexity

■ 44. Suggest Feature Engineering

■ 45. Suggest Ab Testing Steps
■ 46. Career Coaching
■ 47. Correct Own ChatGPT Code
■ 48. Correct Python Code
■ 49. Correct SQL Code
■ 50. Troubleshoot PowerBI Model
■ 51. Create Running Average
■ 52. Solve Leetcode Question
■ 53. Write Google Sheets Formula
■ 54. Write R
■ 55. Write Shell
■ 56. Write VBA
■ 57. Format Tables
■ 58. Summarize Book
■ 59. Summarize Paper
■ 60. Provide Emotional Support
■ Other useful ChatGPT prompts for Data Science

ChatGPT for Data Science: Building

Machine Learning Models
1. Train a Classification Model
Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a
dataset of [describe dataset]. Please build a machine learning model that
predicts [target variable].

2. Automatic Machine Learning with TPOT

Prompt: I want you to act as an automatic machine learning (AutoML) bot
using TPOT for me. I am working on a model that predicts […]. Please
write Python code to find the best classification model with the highest
→ AUC score on the test set.

ChatGPT for Data Science: Data

Exploration and Visualization
3. Explore a Dataset
Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a
dataset of [describe dataset]. Please write code for data visualization and

4. Visualize Data with Matplotlib

Prompt: I want you to act as a coder in Python. I have a dataset [name]
with columns [name]. [Describe graph requirements]

Code Optimization and Improvement

5. Improve Code Speed
Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. Please help me
improve the time complexity of the code below. [Insert code]

6. Optimize Pandas Code

Prompt: I want you to act as a code optimizer. Can you point out what’s
wrong with the following pandas code and optimize it? [Insert code here]

ChatGPT for Data Science: Writing and

Translating Code
7. Write a Regex in Python
Prompt: I want you to act as a coder. Please write me a regex in Python
that [describe regex]

8. Translate Python to R
Prompt: I want you to act as a code translator. Can you please convert the
following code from Python to R? [Insert code]
Understanding and Explaining Code
9. Explain Python Code
→ Prompt: I want you to act as a code explainer. What is this code doing?

[Insert code]

10. Explain SQL Code

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science instructor. Can you please
explain to me what this SQL code is doing? [Insert SQL code]

ChatGPT for Data Science: Code

Debugging and Troubleshooting
11. Debug Python Code
Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. This code is supposed
to [expected function]. Please help me debug this Python code that
cannot be run. [Insert function]

12. Correct SQL Code

Prompt: I want you to act as a SQL code corrector. This code does not run
in [your DBMS, e.g. PostgreSQL]. Can you correct it for me? [SQL code

ChatGPT for Data Science: Machine

Learning Model Interpretation
13. Get Feature Importance
Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and explain the model’s
results. I have trained a decision tree model and I would like to find the
most important features. Please write the code.

14. Explain Model with SHAP

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and explain the model’s
results. I have trained a scikit-learn XGBoost model and I would like to
explain the output using a series of plots with SHAP. Please write the
ChatGPT for Data Science: Working
with Time Series Data
→ 15. Time Series Decomposition

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a
time series dataset of [describe dataset]. Please perform a time series
decomposition and plot the components.

16. Time Series Forecasting with ARIMA

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a
time series dataset of [describe dataset]. Please help me build an ARIMA
model to forecast the data.

ChatGPT for Data Science: Deep

Learning and Neural Networks
17. Build a Simple Neural Network
Prompt: I want you to act as a deep learning expert. Please write code to
create a simple neural network with TensorFlow for [describe task].

18. Transfer Learning with Pretrained Models

Prompt: I want you to act as a deep learning expert. I have a dataset
[describe dataset]. Please write code to perform transfer learning using a
pretrained model from TensorFlow Hub.

ChatGPT for Data Science: Natural

Language Processing
19. Text Classification with BERT
Prompt: I want you to act as a natural language processing expert. I have
a text dataset [describe dataset]. Please help me build a text
classification model using BERT.

20. Named Entity Recognition with SpaCy

Prompt: I want you to act as a natural language processing expert. I have
a text dataset [describe dataset]. Please help me extract named entities
using SpaCy.
ChatGPT for Data Science:
Recommender Systems
→ 21. Collaborative Filtering with Surprise

Prompt: I want you to act as a recommender systems expert. I have a

dataset of user-item ratings. Please help me build a collaborative filtering
model using the Surprise library.

22. Content-Based Recommender

Prompt: I want you to act as a recommender systems expert. I have a
dataset of items with metadata [describe dataset]. Please help me build a
content-based recommender.

ChatGPT for Data Science: Data

23. Clean and Preprocess Text Data
Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a
dataset of text data [describe dataset]. Please help me clean and
preprocess the data for further analysis.

24. Combine Multiple Datasets

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have
several datasets with different structures [describe datasets]. Please help
me combine them into a single dataset for analysis.

ChatGPT for Data Science: Data Ethics

and Bias
25. Identify and Mitigate Bias in AI
Prompt: I want you to act as a data ethics expert. How can we identify
and mitigate biases in AI algorithms?

26. Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Data Science

Prompt: I want you to act as a data privacy expert. What are some
privacy-preserving techniques we can use in data science projects?
ChatGPT for Data Science: Big Data and
Distributed Computing
→ 27. Analyze Big Data with Dask

Prompt: I want you to act as a big data expert. I have a large dataset
[describe dataset]. Please help me analyze it using Dask.

28. Distributed Machine Learning with Apache Spark

Prompt: I want you to act as a big data expert. I have a dataset [describe
dataset]. Please help me build a machine learning model using Apache

ChatGPT for Data Science: Data

Science Career and Education
29. Advice for Aspiring Data Scientists
Prompt: I want you to act as a data science career coach. What advice
would you give to aspiring data scientists?

30. Best Data Science Courses and Resources

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science education expert. What are
the best courses and resources for learning data science?

ChatGPT for Data Science: Other Data

Science Tools
31. Geospatial Analysis with Python
Prompt: I want you to act as a geospatial expert. I have a dataset with
geospatial information [describe dataset]. Please help me perform
geospatial analysis using Python libraries.

32. Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a
time series dataset of [describe dataset]. Please help me identify
anomalies in the data.

33. Text Summarization with Machine Learning

Prompt: I want you to act as a natural language processing expert. I have
a large text dataset [describe dataset]. Please help me build a model for
text summarization.

34. A/B Testing and Experimental Design

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for me. I have a
dataset of user behavior [describe dataset]. Please help me design and
analyze an A/B test to optimize a specific metric.

35. Creating Interactive Visualizations with Plotly

Prompt: I want you to act as a data visualization expert. I have a dataset
[describe dataset]. Please help me create interactive visualizations using


1. Train Classification Model

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for
me. I have a dataset of [describe dataset] . Please
build a machine learning model that predicts [target
variable] .
2. Automatic Machine Learning

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as an automatic machine

learning (AutoML) bot using TPOT for me. I am working on
a model that predicts [...] . Please write Python code to
find the best classification model with the highest AUC
score on the test set.

3. Tune Hyperparameter

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for
me. I have trained a [model name] . Please write the code
to tune the hyperparameters.

4. Explore Data

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for
me. I have a dataset of [describe dataset] . Please
write code for data visualisation and exploration.
5. Generate Data

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a fake data generator. I need a

dataset that has x rows and y columns: [insert column

6. Write Regex

Prompt: I want you to act as a coder. Please write me a
regex in Python that [describe regex]

7. Train Time Series

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and code for
me. I have a time series dataset [describe dataset] .
Please build a machine learning model that
predicts [target variable] . Please use [time
range] as train and [time range] as validation.
8. Address Imbalance Data

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a coder. I have trained a

machine learning model on an imbalanced dataset. The
predictor variable is the column [Insert column name] .
In Python, how do I oversample and/or undersample my

9. Get Feature Importance

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and explain
the model’s results. I have trained a decision tree model
and I would like to find the most important features. Please
write the code.

10. Visualize Data with Matplotlib

Prompt: I want you to act as a coder in Python. I have a
dataset [name] with columns [name] . [Describe
graph requirements]
11. Visualize Image Grid Matplotlib

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a coder. I have a folder of

images. [Describe how files are organised in
directory] [Describe how you want images to be

12. Explain Model with Lime

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and explain
the model’s results. I have trained a [library
name] model and I would like to explain the output using
LIME. Please write the code.

13. Explain Model with Shap

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and explain
the model’s results. I have trained a scikit-learn XGBoost
model and I would like to explain the output using a series
of plots with Shap. Please write the code.
14. Write Multithreaded Functions

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a coder. Can you help me

parallelize this code across threads in Python?

15. Compare Function Speed

Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. I would
like to compare the efficiency of two algorithms that
performs the same task in Python. Please write code that
helps me run an experiment that can be repeated for 5
times. Please output the runtime and other summary
statistics of the experiment. [Insert functions]

16. Create NumPy Array

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist. I need to
create a numpy array. This numpy array should have the
shape of (x,y,z). Please initialize the numpy array with
random values.

17. Write Unit Test

Credit: @svpino

Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. Please
→ write unit tests for the function [Insert function] . The

test cases are: [Insert test cases]

18. Validate Column

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist. Please write
code to test if that my pandas Dataframe [insert
requirements here]

19. Explain Python
Credit: @svpino

Prompt: I want you to act as a code explainer. What is this
code doing? [Insert code]
20. Explain SQL

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science instructor. Can

you please explain to me what this SQL code is
doing? [Insert SQL code]

21. Explain Google Sheets Formula

Prompt: I want you to act as a Google Sheets formula
explainer. Explain the following Google Sheets
command. [Insert formula]

22. Improve Code Speed

Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. Please
help me improve the time complexity of the code
below. [Insert code]
23. Optimize Pandas

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a code optimizer. Can you

point out what’s wrong with the following pandas code and
optimize it? [Insert code here]

24. Optimize Pandas Again

Prompt: I want you to act as a code optimizer. Can you
point out what’s wrong with the following pandas code and
optimize it? [Insert code here]

25. Optimize Python

Prompt: I want you to act as a code optimizer. The code is
poorly written. How do I correct it? [Insert code here]
26. Optimize SQL

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a SQL code optimizer. The

following code is slow. Can you help me speed it
up? [Insert SQL]

27. Simplify Python

Prompt: I want you to act as a code simplifier. Can you
simplify the following code?

28. Write Documentation
Credit: @svpino

Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. Please
provide documentation for func1 below. [Insert
29. Improve Readability

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a code analyzer. Can you

improve the following code for readability and
maintainability? [Insert code]

30. Format SQL

Prompt: I want you to act as a SQL formatter. Please
format the following SQL code. Please convert all reserved
keywords to uppercase [Insert
requirements] . [Insert Code]

31. Translate Between DBMS

Prompt: I want you to act as a coder and write SQL code
for MySQL. What is the equivalent of PostgreSQL’s

32. Translate Python to R

Credit: @svpino

Prompt: I want you to act as a code translator. Can you
→ please convert the following code from Python to

R? [Insert code]

33. Translate R to Python

Credit: @svpino

Prompt: I want you to act as a code translator. Can you
please convert the following code from R to
Python? [Insert code]

34. Explain to Five-Year-Old

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science instructor.
Explain [concept] to a five-year-old.
35. Explain to Undergraduate

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science instructor.

Explain [concept] to an undergraduate.

36. Explain to Professor

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science instructor.
Explain [concept] to a professor.

37. Explain to Business Stakeholder

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science instructor.
Explain [concept] to a business stakeholder.
38. Explain Like Stackoverflow

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as an answerer on

StackOverflow. You can provide code snippets, sample
tables and outputs to support your answer. [Insert
technical question]

39. Suggest Edge Cases

Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. Please
help me catch edge cases for this function [insert

40. Suggest Dataset

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science career coach. I
want to build a predictive model for [...] . At the same
time, I would like to showcase my knowledge in [...] .
Can you please suggest the five most relevant datasets for
my use case?
41. Suggest Portfolio Ideas

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science coach. My

background is in [...] and I would like to [career
goal] . I need to build a portfolio of data science projects
that will help me land a role in [...] as a [...] . Can
you suggest five specific portfolio projects that will
showcase my expertise in [...] and are of relevance
to [company] ?

42. Suggest Resources

Prompt: I want you to act as a data science coach. I would
like to learn about [topic] . Please suggest 3 best
specific resources. You can include [specify resource

43. Suggest Time Complexity

Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. Please
compare the time complexity of the two algorithms
below. [Insert two functions]
44. Suggest Feature Engineering

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and perform

feature engineering. I am working on a model that
predicts [insert feature name] . There are
columns: [Describe columns] . Can you suggest
features that we can engineer for this machine learning

45. Suggest Ab Testing Steps

Prompt: I want you to act as a statistician. [Describe
context] Please design an A/B test for this purpose.
Please include the concrete steps on which statistical test
I should run.

46. Career Coaching

Prompt: I want you to act as a career advisor. I am looking
for a role as a [role name] . My background is [...] .
How do I land the role and with what resources exactly in 6
47. Correct Own ChatGPT Code


Prompt: Your above code is wrong. [Point out what is
wrong] . Can you try again?

48. Correct Python Code

Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. This
code is supposed to [expected function] . Please help
me debug this Python code that cannot be run. [Insert

49. Correct SQL Code

Prompt: I want you to act as a SQL code corrector. This
code does not run in [your DBMS, e.g. PostgreSQL] .
Can you correct it for me? [SQL code here]

50. Troubleshoot PowerBI Model

Credit: Mathias Halkjær Petersen

Prompt: I want you to act as a Power BI modeler. Here is
→ the details of my current project. [Insert details] . Do

you see any problems with the table?

51. Create Running Average

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist and write SQL
code for me. I have a table with two columns [Insert
column names] . I would like to calculate a running
average for [which value] . What is the SQL code that
works for PostgreSQL 14?

52. Solve Leetcode Question

Credit: DataLemur

Prompt: Assume you are given the tables… with the
columns… Output the following… [Question from Data
53. Write Google Sheets Formula


Prompt: I want you to act as a bot that generates Google
Sheets formula. Please generate a formula
that [describe requirements]

54. Write R

Prompt: I want you to act as a data scientist using R. Can
you write an R script that [Insert requirement here]

55. Write Shell

Prompt: I want you to act as a Linux terminal expert.
Please write the code to [describe requirements]
56. Write VBA

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as an Excel VBA developer. Can

you write a VBA that [Insert function here] ?

57. Format Tables

Prompt: I want you to act as a document formatter. Please
format the following into a nice table for me to place in
Google Docs? [insert text table here]

58. Summarize Book

Prompt: I want you to act as a technical book summarizer.
Can you please summarize the book [name] with 5 main
59. Summarize Paper

→ 

Prompt: I want you to act as an academic. Please

summarise the paper [...] in simple terms in one

60. Provide Emotional Support

Prompt: I want you to provide emotional support to
me. [Explain problem here.]


Other useful ChatGPT prompts for Data

1. Act as a data scientist and build a machine learning model for me. I
have a dataset of customer churn data. Please create a model that
predicts customer churn using features such as [insert metrics].
[Insert data set]
2. Act as an automatic machine learning (AutoML) bot using TPOT. I’m
working on a model that predicts credit card fraud. Provide Python
code to identify the optimal classification model, aiming for the
highest AUC score on the test dataset.
3. Can you help me train a [model name]? Please provide the Python
code to tune the hyperparameters and predict [parameters].
4. Please write code for [subject] data visualization and exploration,
including scatter plots, histograms, and correlation matrices.
5. I need a dataset with [number] rows and [number] columns. The
columns should include “age,” “gender,” “income,” and “purchase
history.” Please provide the dataset in CSV format.
→ 6. Write a Python regex that matches email addresses. The regex
should account for variations in domain names and handle common

email formats.
7. Please build a machine-learning model that predicts [subject] based
on historical data. Use the past year as the training period and the
most recent month as the validation period.
8. I want you to act as a data scientist and perform feature engineering
for a customer churn prediction model. The dataset contains
customer [metrics]. Please write Python code to generate new
features that could improve the model’s performance.
9. Can you help me implement a natural language processing (NLP)
model? I have a dataset of customer reviews, and I want to classify
them into positive and negative sentiment categories. Please provide
the code for text preprocessing, feature extraction, and model
10. I need a dataset for sentiment analysis with [number] rows and
[number] columns: “text” and “label” (positive/negative). Please
generate the dataset in CSV format.
11. Write a Python script to scrape data from a website. The script
should extract information such as [metrics/information] and save it
in a structured format like [formatting code language].
12. Act as a data scientist and build a recommendation system for an
ecommerce platform. The dataset contains user browsing and
purchase history. Please write in Python code.
13. Can you help me perform dimensionality reduction on a high-
dimensional dataset? Please write a structured query language
(SQL) code to apply principal component analysis (PCA) and
visualize the data in a reduced dimension space.
14. I have a dataset of customer transactions. Please write code to
calculate various customer lifetime value (CLV) metrics, such as
15. I want you to act as a programmer in [programming language].
Please simplify this code: [insert code].

Other useful ChatGPT prompts:

240 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Developers

102 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Data Analysis

65 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Ecommerce

46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Resume

80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Email Writing, Email marketing
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Advertising
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creation and Social Media
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Business
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing
21 Smart ChatGPT prompts for SEO
46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Sales
98 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Customer Service
60 Smart ChatGPT Prompts for UI/UX Design
83 Smart ChatGPT Prompts for Education and Teachers


Smart ChatGPT prompts offer data scientists a powerful tool for

accelerating workflows, generating insights, and overcoming challenges
in data science projects. By effectively leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities,
data scientists can streamline exploratory data analysis, accelerate
model development, automate report generation, and gain valuable
insights to drive innovation and decision-making. With thoughtful
integration and strategic use, Smart ChatGPT becomes an indispensable
companion for data scientists, empowering them to unlock the full
potential of data and drive impactful outcomes in various domains.

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83 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For

Education And Teachers

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, teachers are constantly

seeking innovative tools and techniques to enhance learning experiences
and engage students effectively. One such tool that has gained significant
traction in recent years is Smart ChatGPT prompts. These AI-powered
prompts offer educators a wealth of opportunities to augment their
teaching practices, foster creativity, and personalize instruction for
diverse learners. Let’s delve into how teachers can leverage Smart
ChatGPT prompts to elevate education and empower their students.

Understanding Smart ChatGPT Prompts for Education

Smart ChatGPT prompts are tailored cues or queries that prompt the AI
model to generate responses, suggestions, or solutions related to various
educational tasks and challenges. From lesson planning and content
creation to student engagement and assessment, these prompts serve as
invaluable aids for educators across different grade levels and subjects.

Enhancing Lesson Planning and Content Creation

One of the primary ways teachers can leverage Smart ChatGPT prompts
is in lesson planning and content creation. By providing prompts such as
“Develop an interactive lesson on fractions for fifth-grade students” or
→ “Create engaging learning materials for teaching Shakespearean
literature,” educators can tap into ChatGPT’s vast knowledge base to

generate ideas, activities, and resources tailored to their specific teaching

objectives and student needs.

Personalizing Instruction and Differentiating Learning

Personalization and differentiation are key principles in modern

education, allowing teachers to meet the unique needs and learning styles
of individual students. Smart ChatGPT prompts can assist teachers in
personalizing instruction by generating adaptive learning activities,
remedial exercises, or enrichment materials based on students’
proficiency levels, interests, and preferences. For example, prompts like
“Design differentiated assignments for English language learners” or
“Suggest enrichment activities for advanced math students” can help
teachers tailor instruction to address diverse learning needs effectively.

Facilitating Student Engagement and Collaboration

Engaging students in meaningful learning experiences is essential for

fostering active participation and deepening understanding. Smart
ChatGPT prompts can spark creativity and ignite curiosity, encouraging
students to explore new concepts, brainstorm ideas, and collaborate with
their peers. Teachers can use prompts to generate discussion topics,
project ideas, or creative writing prompts that resonate with students’
interests and experiences, promoting authentic learning and collaboration
in the classroom.

Providing Timely Feedback and Assessment

Effective feedback and assessment play a crucial role in driving student

learning and growth. Smart ChatGPT prompts can support teachers in
providing timely, targeted feedback on student work, assessments, or
projects. By inputting prompts such as “Generate feedback for a student’s
essay on climate change” or “Assess student understanding of quadratic
equations,” educators can receive AI-generated responses that highlight
strengths, identify areas for improvement, and guide next steps in the
learning process.
Tips for Effectively Using Smart ChatGPT Prompts

1. Start with Clear Objectives: Define your teaching objectives and

student learning outcomes before using Smart ChatGPT prompts to

ensure alignment with instructional goals.

2. Tailor Prompts to Student Needs: Customize prompts to address

specific learning needs, interests, and proficiency levels of your
3. Promote Critical Thinking: Encourage students to critically evaluate
AI-generated responses and engage in reflective dialogue to deepen
their understanding.
4. Blend AI with Human Expertise: Use Smart ChatGPT prompts as a
supplemental tool alongside your expertise as an educator,
combining AI-driven insights with pedagogical knowledge and

Table of Contents
■ Here are the best ChatGPT Prompts for Education and Teachers
■ ChatGPT Prompts For Teacher Productivity
■ ChatGPT Prompts For Lesson Planning
■ ChatGPT Prompts For Emails
■ Emails To Colleagues
■ Emails To Parents
■ Emails To Students
■ ChatGPT Prompts For Vocabulary
■ ChatGPT Prompts For Bellwork
■ Other useful ChatGPT prompts for Education and Teachers

Here are the best ChatGPT Prompts for

Education and Teachers
ChatGPT Prompts For Teacher Productivity
1. List To Tables: “Turn this list into a table.”
2. Add Emojis: “Add emojis to this text for an email.”
3. Shorten Or Simplify Text: “Simplify this text passage for a [#] grade
4. Highlight Key Information: “Underline key points of this passage.”
5. Organize Info Into A List: “Organize the following information into a

ChatGPT Prompts For Lesson Planning

1. Historical Role-Play: “Imagine you are a key figure during the

Renaissance. Write a conversation between you and another
historical figure discussing your contributions to
2. Science Mystery: “Write a short story where students follow clues
related to the scientific method to solve a mystery or uncover a
scientific discovery.”
3. Math Scavenger Hunt: “Create a list of math problems based on real-
life scenarios for a scavenger hunt activity. Each problem leads
students to the next clue.”
4. Interactive Geography Quiz: “Develop an interactive geography quiz
where students ask questions about countries, and ChatGPT
provides answers. Students guess the country and its features.”
5. Literary Character Interview: “Have students prepare questions as if
they were interviewing a character from a book. Use ChatGPT to
respond from the character’s perspective.”
6. Language Learning Simulation: “Design a simulation where students
can ‘travel’ to a foreign country and have conversations with locals in
the language they’re learning, with ChatGPT playing the role of the
7. Historical Newspaper Project: “Students write articles about key
historical events as if they were reporting in that period. Use
ChatGPT to provide additional context and quotes.”
8. Virtual Art Gallery Tour: “Create an art gallery showcasing famous
artworks. Students interact with ChatGPT as a curator, asking about
artists, styles, and historical context.”
9. Virtual Time Machine: “Build a ‘time machine’ activity where
students ask ChatGPT to transport them to a historical era. ChatGPT
describes the sights, sounds, and experiences of that time.”
10. Creative Writing Collaborative Story: “Initiate a collaborative story
where each student adds a sentence or paragraph to the narrative,
with ChatGPT guiding the story’s direction based on student input.”

Math AI Prompts:
1. “Create a lesson plan for teaching basic addition to PreK students.”
2. “Provide an interactive math activity to help Kindergarteners learn
to count.”
→ 3. “Suggest a fun way to teach fractions to 3rd graders.”

ELA AI Prompts:

1. “Share a reading activity for improving phonics skills in 1st graders.”

2. “Give me a writing prompt for encouraging imaginative stories in 2nd
3. “Suggest a lesson plan to introduce poetry to 4th graders.”


1. “Design a hands-on experiment for teaching the concept of magnets

to PreK students.”
2. “Provide a science lesson plan for exploring the life cycle of
butterflies with Kindergarteners.”
3. “Help me create a fun astronomy lesson for 5th graders.”

Social Studies:

1. “Suggest an activity to teach young children about community

2. “Create a lesson on American symbols suitable for 1st graders.”
3. “Help me plan a geography lesson for 4th graders using maps and


1. “Share an art project idea that introduces PreK students to

basic shapes and colors.”
2. “Give me a creative assignment for teaching Kindergarteners about
famous artists.”
3. “Help me design an art lesson on making collages for 3rd graders.”

Physical Education:

1. “Suggest a fun and active game to improve motor skills in PreK

2. “Create an exercise routine for Kindergarten physical education
3. “Provide a sports-related lesson plan for 2nd graders, emphasizing

ChatGPT Prompts For Emails
Emails To Colleagues

1. Professional Development Sharing: “Share insights from the recent

workshop/conference you attended and discuss how it can benefit
our teaching practices.”
2. Collaborative Project Proposal: “Propose a joint project or activity
that our classes can work on together, and outline the goals and
3. Lesson Plan Exchange: “Offer to exchange lesson plans or teaching
resources that have worked well in your classroom.”
4. Meeting Agenda and Reminder: “Outline the agenda for our
upcoming meeting and remind colleagues to review any materials
5. Congratulatory Note: “Send a note congratulating a colleague on an
accomplishment or milestone, such as a publication or successful

Emails To Parents
1. Student Progress Update: “Provide an update on your student’s
academic progress, behavior, and recent achievements.”
2. Upcoming Event Details: “Share details about an upcoming school
event, field trip, or parent-teacher conference, including dates, times,
and expectations.”
3. Homework and Assignment Summary: “Summarize the week’s
homework assignments, upcoming tests, and any important due
4. Request for Support: “Reach out to parents for volunteer support or
donations for a class project, event, or fundraiser.”
5. Positive Feedback: “Share a specific instance of your student’s
excellent performance or behavior in class to celebrate their

Emails To Students
1. Assignment Clarification: “Clarify instructions for an upcoming
assignment, providing step-by-step guidance and expectations.”
2. Study Tips and Resources: “Share study tips and additional
resources to help students prepare for an upcoming test or project.”
3. Encouragement and Motivation: “Send a motivational email to boost
→ students’ confidence and inspire them to reach their goals.”
4. Deadline Reminder: “Remind students about upcoming assignment

due dates, along with any tips for time management and staying
5. Feedback and Improvement: “Provide constructive feedback on a
recent assignment and offer suggestions for improvement.”

ChatGPT Prompts For Vocabulary

1. Word Association Game: “Provide a word, and ask students to come
up with as many related words as possible. Use ChatGPT to validate
their responses and introduce new related words.”
2. Contextual Sentences: “Give students a list of vocabulary words.
Have them create sentences using these words, and then use
ChatGPT to review and provide feedback on the sentences.”
3. Synonym and Antonym Exploration: “Present a vocabulary word and
ask students to provide synonyms and antonyms. ChatGPT can help
verify their answers and suggest additional synonyms/antonyms.”
4. Descriptive Paragraphs: “Assign students a vocabulary word and
have them write descriptive paragraphs incorporating the word.
ChatGPT can provide examples of such paragraphs.”
5. Vocabulary Stories: “Challenge students to create short stories that
incorporate a set of vocabulary words. Use ChatGPT to help refine
the stories and expand on their vocabulary usage.”
6. Word Puzzles and Riddles: “Create vocabulary-based puzzles,
anagrams, or riddles. Students solve them and then discuss the
meaning of the words with the help of ChatGPT.”
7. Vocabulary in Real-Life Context: “Share news articles, excerpts from
literature, or real-world scenarios containing target vocabulary.
Discuss the context and meaning with ChatGPT.”
8. Word Exploration Webquest: “Assign students a vocabulary word
and have them research its origins, etymology, and various
meanings. ChatGPT can provide additional insights.”
9. Vocabulary Charades: “Choose vocabulary words and have students
act them out in a game of charades. ChatGPT can assist in
generating clues for the words.”
10. Vocabulary Journal: “Assign each student a vocabulary word to
explore throughout the week. Have them keep a vocabulary journal
with definitions, sentences, and synonyms.”

ChatGPT Prompts For Bellwork

1. Word of the Day: “Introduce a new word each day and ask students
to define it, use it in a sentence, and identify synonyms and
2. Quick Math Challenge: “Present a math problem that reviews a
concept from the previous lesson. Students solve it within a time
3. Inference Exercise: “Share a short paragraph with implicit
information. Ask students to make inferences about the characters,
setting, or events.”
4. Grammar Corrections: “Provide a sentence with grammatical errors.
Have students identify and correct the errors.”
5. Vocabulary Crossword Clue: “Give a list of clues for vocabulary
words. Students complete a mini crossword puzzle with the target
6. Quick Science Fact: “Share an intriguing science fact or trivia related
to the current unit of study. Ask students to reflect on its
7. Geography Snapshot: “Display a map snippet of a specific location.
Students label major landmarks, cities, or geographical features.”
8. Historical Time Capsule: “Present a picture or excerpt from a
historical period. Students write a short paragraph imagining life
during that time.”
9. Creative Writing Prompt: “Provide the beginning of a story or a
writing prompt. Students continue the story or respond creatively.”
10. Question of the Day: “Pose a thought-provoking question about the
upcoming lesson. Students brainstorm ideas and share their

Other useful ChatGPT prompts for

Education and Teachers
1. Develop a project-based learning activity for high school students
incorporating real-world problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
2. Create a study guide for [subject] that covers all
3. Design a hands-on science experiment that demonstrates the
→ principles of [scientific concept].
4. Generate a list of 10 educational podcasts for students interested in

5. Provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to solve quadratic equations
using the quadratic formula.
6. Create a mind map that illustrates the interconnectedness of various
historical events during a specific period.
7. Suggest five strategies for promoting active learning in a large
classroom setting.
8. Design a group project for collaboration and problem-solving skills
for middle school students.
9. Create a set of [number] flashcards to help students memorize
vocabulary words in a foreign language.
10. Develop a rubric for assessing oral presentations in a public
speaking class.
11. Write a test on [subject] covering [key points]. [Insert supplemental
12. Design an interactive online course module incorporating videos,
quizzes, and interactive lessons to engage learners.
13. Create a list of 10 educational YouTube channels that cover a wide
range of subjects for self-paced learning.
14. Develop a lesson plan on [topic]for high school students, covering
topics like [topics].
15. Write a quiz with five multiple-choice questions on [topic].

Other useful ChatGPT prompts:

240 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Developers

102 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Data Analysis
65 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Ecommerce
46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Resume
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Email Writing, Email marketing
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Advertising
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creation and Social Media
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Business
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing
21 Smart ChatGPT prompts for SEO
46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Sales
98 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Customer Service
→ 60 Smart ChatGPT Prompts for UI/UX Design


Smart ChatGPT prompts offer a wealth of opportunities for educators to

enhance teaching and learning experiences, foster student engagement,
and promote personalized instruction. By leveraging the power of AI-
driven prompts, teachers can inspire creativity, facilitate collaboration,
and provide targeted support to meet the diverse needs of their students.
With thoughtful integration and effective implementation, Smart ChatGPT
becomes an invaluable companion for educators, empowering them to
create dynamic, student-centered learning environments that prepare
students for success in an ever-changing world.

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60 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For UI/UX


In the realm of UI/UX design, harnessing the power of AI-driven tools like
ChatGPT can significantly streamline the creative process, boost
productivity, and elevate the overall quality of designs. These prompts
serve as invaluable assistants, offering inspiration, generating ideas, and
providing helpful nudges in the right direction. Let’s explore how
designers can effectively utilize ChatGPT prompts to enhance their UI/UX

Understanding ChatGPT Prompts for UI/UX Design

ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI, can be leveraged to

provide prompts specifically tailored for UI/UX design tasks. These
prompts are essentially short, descriptive cues that guide designers in
generating design ideas, solving problems, or refining existing concepts.

Generating Design Ideas

One of the most valuable aspects of ChatGPT prompts is their ability to
inspire fresh design ideas. By providing a brief description or problem
statement, designers can prompt ChatGPT to generate innovative
→ solutions or suggest creative directions for their projects. For example, a
prompt like “Design a user-friendly dashboard for a productivity app” can

yield a variety of design concepts and layout suggestions tailored to the

specific requirements.

Iterative Design Exploration

ChatGPT prompts can also facilitate iterative design exploration, allowing

designers to rapidly prototype and refine their ideas. Designers can input
prompts related to specific design elements, such as navigation menus,
color schemes, or typography choices, to receive feedback and
suggestions for improvement. This iterative process enables designers to
explore multiple design iterations quickly, leading to more refined and
polished UI/UX solutions.

Problem Solving and Troubleshooting

In UI/UX design, encountering challenges and roadblocks is inevitable.

ChatGPT prompts can be invaluable in helping designers overcome these
obstacles by offering alternative perspectives and problem-solving
strategies. Designers can input prompts describing the issues they’re
facing, such as “How can I improve the onboarding experience for new
users?” or “What are some ways to optimize the checkout process?”
ChatGPT can then provide insights, recommendations, and potential
solutions to address these challenges effectively.

Enhancing User Engagement and Accessibility

Ensuring a seamless user experience and addressing accessibility

concerns are paramount in UI/UX design. ChatGPT prompts can assist
designers in brainstorming ways to enhance user engagement and make
their designs more accessible to a diverse audience. For instance,
prompts like “Incorporate interactive elements to improve user
engagement” or “Optimize the design for users with visual impairments”
can prompt ChatGPT to generate design suggestions focused on these

Tips for Effectively Using ChatGPT Prompts

1. Be Specific: Provide clear and concise prompts tailored to your
design objectives or challenges.
2. Experiment with Different Prompts: Explore a variety of prompts to
→ stimulate creativity and generate diverse design ideas.
3. Iterate and Refine: Use ChatGPT prompts iteratively to refine your

designs and address any issues or shortcomings.

4. Combine Human Creativity with AI Assistance: While ChatGPT can
offer valuable insights, remember to leverage your own creative
intuition and expertise in the design process.

Table of Contents
■ Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for UI/UX Design
■ ChatGPT Prompts for User Experience (UX)
■ Best ChatGPT prompts for UI design

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for UI/UX Design:
ChatGPT Prompts for User Experience (UX)
1. I’m designing a [type of product] for [user persona]. I’ll give you a
description of a new feature I’m working on. Generate user flows for
that feature.
The feature: [quick description of the feature]

The possibilities:

2. Generate a wireframe layout for the following user flow [example of

the user flow]
3. Suggest a color palette for [type of product] targeting [user persona].
4. Suggest typography for [type of product] targeting [user persona].
5. I’m trying to [goal] in [application and platform description]. Give me
some [goal] tips.
6. I’m designing a [element] for [type of product]. Create a checklist of
what I should consider including.
7. I need to prepare [type of workshop] for [audience]. The goal is to
[workshop goal]. The timebox is [time limit]. Recommend a sample
agenda for the workshop.
8. I’ll provide you with a product description and target buyer persona.
Please generate 10 examples of headlines for the landing page.
Product description: [1–2 sentences describing the value
→ proposition]

Target persona: [quick persona description]

9. Create a sample [type of content] [specific example] for [type of
product]. The [type of content] should be [desired length].
10. Please translate the text I’ll provide below to [desired language].
11. Recommend copywriting for [placement] that appears when
12. What are the most popular [type of product] in [market segment]?
13. Analyze the user experience of [web link]/[app store link]
14. What are the main trends in the [industry] in [market]?
15. I’m preparing a script for a user interview. The goal of the interview is
to [objective]. The product is [product category]. The target group is
[target segment]. Help me prepare a list of questions I could ask.
16. What’s the best way to [task you want to accomplish] in [design
17. Give me examples of specific resources for learning [tool] for
someone who used [similar tool] in the past.
18. What are the best practices for designing [component]?
19. I’m a [role]. I received a feedback that [feedback]. Please recommend
relevant [next steps/courses/books/conferences/etc.] to improve in
the area.
20. Help me write a [tone] [type of message] to a client. I need to [brief
description of the message]
21. Summarize the [type of content] below, focusing on [area of focus].
22. Generate a list of [number] user interface (UI) design requirements
for a [product].
23. Develop a PDF typography style guide for a web application,
including font families, sizes, and usage guidelines.
24. What are the key UI considerations I should consider when designing
a navigation menu for an ecommerce website?
25. Generate a sample usability report for a competitor’s social media
platform by analyzing this [user feedback] and identifying areas for
26. As a UX designer, what gamification techniques can I incorporate
into a [app type] app?
27. How can I design a [industry] website in a way that conveys
professionalism to potential clients?
28. What are some engaging micro-interactions to consider when
→ designing a language learning mobile app?
29. Create an interactive wireframe prototype for a [industry] platform

using a design tool of your choice.

30. Develop a user persona for a [app type] app targeting millennials and
Gen Zs.
31. What are some best practices for designing accessible forms in web
applications to ensure inclusivity for users with disabilities?
32. Create a text-based Excel sheet to collect and organize user
feedback from usability testing sessions. Assume a team of
[number] UX researchers.
33. How can I optimize the onboarding experience for a shopping app to
increase user engagement and reduce drop-off rates?
34. Generate user flows for a [app type] app, covering scenarios such as
35. Generate survey questions to understand user preferences and
needs for a new [messaging platform] for [remote teams].
36. Create a responsive checklist for [charts].
37. Help us outline the Who, Why, What, and How of our new fitness app.
We aim to address specific user pain points and would like to ensure
that our design aligns with these factors.
38. Generate a set of user interview questions aimed at understanding
the user experience of an e-commerce website. Focus on elements
like ease of navigation, search functionality, and checkout.
39. Recommend tools designed for creating high-fidelity prototypes.
Include tools that offer real-time collaboration features and are easy
to learn for beginners.
40. Please create detailed user personas for a music-streaming app.
Consider factors like age, location, musical preferences, and usage
habits. Also, focus on how to increase user engagement.
41. Recommend color schemes appropriate for a health and wellness
app. Consider factors like user mood, trustworthiness, and
42. Analyze this wireframe for our mobile travel booking app and
suggest improvements for a smoother user flow. Focus on elements
like menu placement, button sizes, and the arrangement of form
43. Could you explain the term ‘Information Architecture’ in a way that
→ anyone can understand without using jargon? Use an example to
explain thoroughly.

44. I am designing an app for a recruitment agency that wants to

evaluate potential candidates by testing their skills and knowledge.
Write down key design requirements for this app
45. Can you generate 3 personas for a blockchain game (similar to Gods
46. I am designing a blockchain trading card game for players that love
Greek mythology and want to own their digital content via the use of
NFTs. Create a user flow for the potential players who want to play
the game.
47. I am designing an app that helps users record, transcribe, and
timestamp important parts from virtual meetings so that users can
spend less time in unnecessary calls, and also increase the amount
of data gained from user interviews. Can you list the competitors for
this kind of app and perform a competitive analysis?
48. Create a user journey map in a tabular format for a chef using a
recipe app.
49. Can you list down 5 design ideas for a graphic design tool (like
50. I am designing a travel blog that will be monetized through the
combination of SEO and affiliate marketing. Write down some visual
guidelines for this website

Best ChatGPT prompts for UI design

1. Design a user-friendly checkout process for an e-commerce website
with an emphasis on reducing cart abandonment.
2. Generate ideas for interactive elements that encourage user
engagement in a fitness-tracking app.
3. Suggest color schemes and typography for a finance management
app that conveys trust and reliability.
4. Write copy for a modal telling users about a website’s cookies policy.
Write it in an approachable tone.
5. Create a user flow for onboarding in a language learning app.
Emphasize the ease of use for beginners.
6. Design a feedback form that encourages users to provide detailed
insights for a product improvement app.
7. Generate layout concepts for a minimalist portfolio website that
→ effectively showcases a photographer’s work.
8. Suggest UI elements for a clean and modern dashboard to display

sales analytics.
9. Suggest microinteraction ideas to make a social media feed more
engaging without overwhelming the user.
10. Create a checklist for UI elements for a perfect [screen/feature] in a

Other useful ChatGPT prompts:

240 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Developers

102 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Data Analysis
65 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Ecommerce
46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Resume
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Email Writing, Email marketing
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Advertising
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creation and Social Media
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Business
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing
21 Smart ChatGPT prompts for SEO
46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Sales
98 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Customer Service


Incorporating ChatGPT prompts into the UI/UX design workflow can be a

game-changer for designers looking to streamline their processes,
generate innovative ideas, and overcome design challenges effectively. By
leveraging the power of AI-driven prompts, designers can enhance the
user experience, improve accessibility, and deliver exceptional design
solutions that resonate with users. With the right approach and mindset,
ChatGPT becomes an indispensable tool in the arsenal of every UI/UX
designer, empowering them to create intuitive, visually appealing, and
user-centric digital experiences.
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240 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, creativity,

problem-solving, and efficient coding practices are paramount. As
developers strive to create innovative solutions and streamline workflows,
they often face challenges in generating ideas, troubleshooting issues,
and optimizing code. Smart ChatGPT prompts offer a revolutionary
approach to address these challenges by providing developers with AI-
generated suggestions, insights, and solutions. Let’s explore how
developers can effectively leverage ChatGPT prompts to enhance their
productivity and creativity in various aspects of software development.

1. Idea Generation:

Developers can use ChatGPT prompts to brainstorm new project

ideas, features, or enhancements for existing applications.
By providing a brief description of their project goals and
requirements, developers can prompt ChatGPT to generate
innovative suggestions and concepts to inspire their creativity.
2. Code Optimization:

ChatGPT prompts can assist developers in optimizing their code for

performance, readability, and maintainability.

Developers can input snippets of code or describe specific

programming challenges, and ChatGPT can provide

recommendations for improving efficiency, identifying potential
bugs, or refactoring code for better structure.

3. Troubleshooting and Debugging:

When faced with errors or bugs in their code, developers can turn to
ChatGPT prompts for troubleshooting assistance.
By describing the symptoms of the issue and providing relevant code
snippets, developers can prompt ChatGPT to suggest possible
causes and solutions, helping them quickly identify and resolve

4. Documentation and Technical Writing:

Writing comprehensive documentation and technical guides is

essential for ensuring the usability and scalability of software
Developers can use ChatGPT prompts to generate outlines,
summaries, or explanations for complex technical concepts, making
it easier to create clear and concise documentation for their

5. Learning and Skill Development:

ChatGPT prompts can serve as valuable learning tools for

developers looking to expand their knowledge and skills in specific
programming languages, frameworks, or technologies.
Developers can prompt ChatGPT to generate tutorials, practice
exercises, or explanations of advanced concepts, helping them
deepen their understanding and expertise in their chosen field.

Table of Contents
■ Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for Developers
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Code
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Code Review and Debugging
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Code Explanation
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Optimizing Code
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Code Improvements

■ ChatGPT Prompts for Learning New Concepts

■ ChatGPT Prompts for Design Patterns

■ ChatGPT Prompts for Syntax Help
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Code Refactoring
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Ideas
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Interview Preparation
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Learning and Using APIs
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Understanding Error Messages
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Project Management & Agile Methodologies
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Regular Expressions
■ Other useful ChatGPT prompts for Developers
■ A multi-prompt approach (prompt chaining)
■ 1. Modernize and add best practices
■ 2. Review your code for logical errors and security concerns
■ 3. Validate the recommendations (reflexion)
■ 4. Write the Code
■ 5. Create Tests
■ Re-write Prompt
■ ChatGPT prompt optimizer
■ Ask for alternatives
■ Documentation / Explaination
■ Adding Documentation
■ Write your terms and conditions
■ Produce cheat sheets
■ Generate Readme Files
■ Write detailed blogs
■ Explain Code
■ Architecture Diagram (Mermaid)
■ Entity Relationship Diagram (Mermaid)
■ Code Refactoring
■ Refactor Code
■ Modernizing Old Code
■ Code in to Multiple Methods
■ Better Performance
■ Adding a Parameter to a Function
■ Adding Coding Best Practices or Principles
■ Follow coding style guidelines
■ Detecting and Fixing Errors
■ Create Unit Tests

■ Transpiling Code

■ Responsive Design
■ Internationalization
■ Add comments to code
■ Code Generation
■ Create Functions
■ Generate a Dockerfile
■ Write a RegEx
■ Create a Class
■ Add Functionality
■ You are a world class software engineer
■ Code Review
■ Error Hendling
■ Suggest Improvements
■ Product Service Promotion
■ Generate innovative product ideas
■ Develop a unique value proposition
■ Master the art of storytelling for marketing
■ Create a successful referral program
■ Master the art of upselling and cross-selling
■ Create a viral marketing campaign
■ Develop a powerful elevator pitch
■ Create an actionable marketing plan
■ Leverage content marketing for lead generation

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for Developers:
ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Code
1. Write a function in [language] to calculate the [mathematical
2. Create a [language] function to [perform task].
3. Write a [language] program that [performs task] using [library or
4. Write a [language] script that reads from [data source] and outputs
to [data destination].
5. Can you generate a [language] code that implements [data structure
→ or algorithm]?
6. Can you provide a [language] script to parse [file format]?

7. Implement a [language] function to handle [task].

8. Create a [language] script to sort an array of [data type].
9. Write a [language] function to find the [n-th element] in a [data
10. Implement a [language] program that reads [input] and writes
11. Show me how to write a [language] function that performs [specific
12. How do I create a class in [language] with these attributes:
[attributes list]?
13. Write a [language] script to connect to a database and perform
[database operation].
14. Provide a [language] code to perform file operations like [file
operations list].
15. Create a [language] function that converts [data type A] into [data
type B].
16. Write a [language] script that interacts with [database] and performs
17. Generate a [language] class to model a [real-world object] with these

18. Create a [language] function to [perform task] with the following
inputs: [input variables].
19. Write a [language] script to connect to [database] and execute
20. Can you generate a [language] class for [object] with these

21. Write a [language] script to process [data type] and achieve [task]
with these requirements: [requirements list].
22. Develop a [language] function to perform [task] using [methodology
or library] with the inputs: [input variables].
23. Can you help me code a [language] algorithm to solve [problem]
given the constraints: [constraints list]?
24. Could you create a [language] function to [task], which takes in [input
→ variables] and returns [output], under these constraints [constraints

25. Write a [language] script to parse [file format], extract [information],

and store the data in [data structure] following these requirements:
[requirements list].
26. Write a [language] function to calculate [mathematical concept]
using [algorithm]. The function should take these inputs: [input
variables] and return [expected output].
27. Develop a [language] program to read [file type], perform [operations]
and write the results to [output format].
28. Create a [language] program that reads [input file type], performs
[operations], then writes the results to [output file type] following the
format: [format description].
29. Implement a [language] script that uses [API] to retrieve [data type]
and store it in [database].
30. Write a [language] function named [function name] that performs
[task]. The function should accept these inputs: [input variables] and
return [expected output]. Also, handle the following edge cases:
[edge case description].
31. Implement a [language] script using [library/API] that retrieves [data
type], performs [operation], and then stores it in [database] with a
structure of [database schema].
32. Implement a [language] algorithm for [task], given these input
parameters [input parameters], it should output [expected output]
and consider these constraints [constraints list].
33. Please write a [language] function named [function name] to [task],
which takes in [input variables] and returns [output], under these
constraints [constraints list].
34. Create a [language] script to parse [file format], extract [information],
and store the data in [data structure] with the following
requirements: [requirements list].
35. Implement a [language] algorithm for [task], given these input
parameters [input parameters], it should output [expected output]
and consider these constraints [constraints list].
ChatGPT Prompts for Code Review and
1. Can you identify any bugs in this [language] code snippet: [code


2. Review the given [language] code for potential scalability issues:

[code snippet].
3. Could you find potential issues in this [language] code: [code
4. Review this [language] function for errors: [code snippet].
5. Can you find any performance issues in this [language] code: [code
6. Are there any security vulnerabilities in this [language] code: [code
7. Can you spot any potential problems with this [language] class
definition: [code snippet]?
8. Can you analyze this [language] code: [code snippet] and point out
potential errors?
9. Look over this [language] script: [code snippet]. Are there any bugs?
10. Please review this [language] code for style and best practices: [code
11. Do you see any memory leaks in this [language] code: [code
12. Can you review this [language] function: [code snippet] and suggest
areas for error handling?
13. I am concerned about security issues in this [language] code: [code
snippet]. What are your thoughts?
14. Review the following [language] function: [code snippet] and provide
suggestions for error handling and potential bottlenecks.
15. Help identify any potential security issues in the following [language]
code: [code snippet] related to [specific vulnerability].
16. Help me understand why this [language] function is not working as
expected: [code snippet].
17. What are the potential issues with this [language] recursive function:
[code snippet]?
18. Can you help me debug this error message from my [language]
program: [error message]?
19. Find any potential issues in this [language] code that processes
[data type]: [code snippet].
20. Can you spot the bug in this [language] function that handles [task]:
[code snippet]?
21. What’s wrong with this [language] method for [task]: [code snippet]?
→ 22. Could you review this [language] code that performs [task] and
identify potential bugs or issues: [code snippet]?

23. Help me debug this [language] script that processes [data type] and
suggest possible fixes: [code snippet].
24. Find the memory leaks in the following [language] code and suggest
possible optimizations: [code snippet].
25. Please review this [language] code that is supposed to [task] given
the inputs [input variables] and return [output]: [code snippet].
26. Find potential bugs in the [language] script that processes [data
type] and outputs [output type]: [code snippet].
27. Identify the logic error in this [language] function intended to [task]
with these inputs: [input parameters] and expected output: [output
28. Please review the following [language] code that is supposed to
[task] given the inputs [input variables], return [output] and follows
these coding guidelines: [coding guidelines]: [code snippet].
29. Identify and fix potential bugs in the [language] script that processes
[data type], uses these resources [resources list], and outputs [output
type]: [code snippet].
30. Find the logic error in this [language] function that is intended to
[task], given these inputs: [input parameters], and expected to
produce [output description], but currently gives [incorrect output].
31. Debug the given [language] code: [code snippet]. It should perform
[expected behavior], but it’s producing [current behavior].
32. Review the following [language] function named [function name]:
[code snippet]. Please identify any potential bugs, performance
issues, and non-compliance with [coding standard].
33. Debug the following [language] code: [code snippet]. It’s expected to
perform [expected behavior] but instead, it’s producing [current
behavior] when given inputs: [input examples].
34. Please review the [language] function: [code snippet] for any
potential memory leaks or performance issues when processing
[data type] of size [data size].
ChatGPT Prompts for Code Explanation
1. Can you explain what this [language] function does: [code snippet]?
2. I’m having trouble understanding this [language] class. Can you
→ explain it: [code snippet]?

3. Could you break down this [language] loop and explain what it does:
[code snippet]?
4. Could you break down how this [language] function works: [code
5. What does this [language] recursive function do: [code snippet]?
6. Help me understand what this [language] code snippet does: [code
7. Could you explain the logic behind this [language] function: [code
8. Can you explain this [language] algorithm implementation: [code
9. Help me understand the workings of this [language] data structure
implementation: [code snippet].
10. Explain this [language] code that uses lambda functions: [code
11. Can you help me understand this [language] script: [code snippet]?
12. Explain what this [language] function does: [code snippet].
13. What does this section of the [language] code do: [code snippet]?
14. Can you walk me through the flow of this [language] script: [code
15. Please explain what the following block of [language] code does:
[code snippet] and how it interacts with [system components].
16. Can you explain the functionality of this [language] algorithm: [code
snippet] and its expected output for given inputs: [input examples]?
17. Break down this [language] class: [code snippet], and explain how its
methods accomplish [task].
18. Could you explain how this [language] function: [code snippet]
works? Especially, how it uses [specific feature] to accomplish
19. I’m struggling to understand the following block of [language] code:
[code snippet]. Could you break it down for me, especially the part
where it implements [algorithm or feature]?
20. Can you explain how this [language] code: [code snippet]
accomplishes [task] and why it uses [specific method or feature]?
ChatGPT Prompts for Optimizing Code
1. Suggest improvements to optimize this [language] function: [code
→ 2. Can you provide a more efficient version of this [language] algorithm:

[code snippet]?
3. How can I improve the performance of this [language] script: [code
4. This [language] function: [code snippet] is running slower than I’d
like. Any optimization suggestions?
5. I need to improve the speed of this [language] algorithm: [code
snippet]. What changes would you recommend?
6. How could I make this [language] data processing code more
efficient: [code snippet]?
7. The following [language] function: [code snippet] runs slower than
expected when processing [input type]. Any suggestions for
8. How can I improve the performance of this [language] function:
[code snippet] when handling [large dataset]?
9. Provide optimization suggestions for the following [language] code:
[code snippet] used to process [data type].
10. How can I optimize this [language] function: [code snippet] to
perform [task] more quickly when handling [large data size] and
maintain accuracy of [accuracy requirement]?
11. I have this [language] function: [code snippet]. It works as expected
but runs slower than I’d like when handling [specific data]. Any
suggestions for performance improvement?
12. The following [language] code: [code snippet] performs [task].
However, it seems inefficient with [data type] of size [data size]. How
can I optimize it?

ChatGPT Prompts for Code Improvements

1. How can I make this [language] function more efficient: [code
2. Suggest alternative methods or functions to improve this [language]
code: [code snippet].
3. What are some improvements I can make to this [language]
algorithm: [code snippet]?
4. Can you suggest ways to make this [language] function more
readable: [code snippet]?
5. This [language] class: [code snippet] seems a bit convoluted. Any
→ ideas for simplification?
6. How could I refactor this [language] code to use more modern

features: [code snippet]?

7. Suggest ways to refactor this [language] function: [code snippet] to
improve readability and maintainability.
8. Can you provide alternative approaches to perform [task] for the
given [language] code: [code snippet]?
9. Provide recommendations to make this [language] code: [code
snippet] more idiomatic and efficient.
10. Please review this [language] function: [code snippet]. How can it be
made more readable, efficient, and compliant with [specific coding
11. Could you suggest improvements to this [language] code: [code
snippet] to better handle [specific scenario] and follow the [best
12. How can this [language] function: [code snippet] be refactored to
improve readability, performance, and compatibility with
13. Can you suggest code improvements for this [language] function
named [function name] that accomplishes [task] with these libraries
[libraries list], inputs: [input variables], and expected output: [output]:
[code snippet]?

ChatGPT Prompts for Learning New Concepts

1. Explain the concept of [programming concept] in [language].
2. Could you explain how [library or framework] works in [language]?
3. I need help understanding the [programming paradigm] paradigm in
4. Can you explain the differences between [concept A] and [concept B]
in [language]?
5. What is the significance of [concept] when coding in [language]?
6. How does [concept] impact the way we write [language] code?
7. Explain how [concept] is used in [language] and provide a simple
code example that uses [specific features].
8. What are the key differences between [concept A] and [concept B] in
[language] and how do they affect code performance?
9. Can you explain [concept] in [language] and show me how it can be
→ used in a real-world application such as [use case]?
10. Can you explain the concept of [concept] in [language]? Also, could

you provide a code example that uses it to perform [task] with

[specific data type]?
11. I’m trying to understand [concept] in [language]. Could you explain it
with a practical example, especially in the context of [use case]?
12. Explain the difference between [concept A] and [concept B] in
[language], their performance implications, and use-cases where one
would be preferable over the other.

ChatGPT Prompts for Design Patterns

1. What is the best way to implement the [design pattern] pattern in
2. Can you explain how the [design pattern] pattern works in
3. How do I use the [design pattern] design pattern in this [language]
code: [code snippet]?
4. Could you provide an example of using the [design pattern] pattern in
a [language] project?
5. How could I apply the [design pattern] pattern to this [language]
code: [code snippet]?
6. What are the benefits of using the [design pattern] pattern in a
[language] application?
7. Provide an example of how to implement the [design pattern] in
[language] for a software component that handles [task].
8. What is the best way to apply the [design pattern] in [language] to
solve [problem] in the given code: [code snippet]?
9. Explain how the [design pattern] can be used to improve the
following [language] code: [code snippet] used in [context].
10. Could you show me how to implement the [design pattern] in
[language] for a [specific system component] while considering
[specific constraints]?
11. Explain how to apply the [design pattern] in [language] to solve
[specific problem] in the context of [application type]. Also, provide a
code example.
12. I have this [language] code: [code snippet]. How could I refactor it to
follow the [design pattern] and improve [specific aspect]?

ChatGPT Prompts for Syntax Help

1. What is the correct syntax to [perform task] in [language]?

2. How do I use [command or function] in [language]?
3. Can you show me the syntax to [perform task] in [language]?
4. What’s the correct syntax for implementing [concept] in [language]?
5. How can I use the [language feature] in [language]?
6. I’m having trouble with the syntax for [concept] in [language]. Can
you help?
7. What is the correct syntax for performing [task] using [specific
feature] in [language]?
8. I’m struggling with the syntax for [concept] in [language]. Can you
show me how to do it with a code example?
9. How do I use the [specific syntax] in [language] to perform
[operation] on [data type]?
10. I’m unsure about the correct syntax for [operation] using [specific
feature] in [language]. Could you provide an example where it’s used
in [context]?
11. Could you show me the proper syntax and usage of [feature] in
[language] to accomplish [task] with [specific data type]?
12. I need help with the syntax for [concept] in [language]. Can you show
me a code snippet that uses it to solve [problem]?

ChatGPT Prompts for Code Refactoring

1. Suggest a refactor for this [language] function: [code snippet].
2. How can I make this [language] code more readable: [code snippet]?
3. What are some ways I can refactor this [language] script for better
performance: [code snippet]?
4. I’d like to refactor this [language] code to be more object-oriented:
[code snippet]. Any suggestions?
5. Could you show me how to refactor this [language] function to be
more idiomatic: [code snippet]?
6. I’m considering refactoring this [language] script to use [concept or
feature]: [code snippet]. How would you approach this?
7. How can I refactor the following [language] code: [code snippet] to
follow the [specific coding principle or pattern]?
8. Could you show me how to refactor this [language] function: [code
snippet] to use more modern features such as [specific feature]?
9. Suggest a way to refactor the following [language] code: [code
→ snippet] to improve [specific aspect].
10. How can I refactor this [language] code: [code snippet] to improve

[aspect] and align with [specific coding standard or principle]?

11. I want to refactor this [language] function: [code snippet] to make it
more idiomatic and maintainable. Additionally, it should handle
[specific edge cases]. Any suggestions?
12. Suggest a way to refactor this [language] code: [code snippet] to
follow [specific design pattern] while improving [specific aspect].

ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Ideas

1. Can you suggest a few ideas for a [language] project involving
[technology or concept]?
2. What are some interesting features I could add to my [language]
3. I need ideas for [language] functions to add to my [project type]
4. Can you suggest some functionalities that I could add to my [type of
software] using [language]?
5. I’m working on a [language] project related to [domain]. What are
some interesting features I could implement?
6. I’m creating a [language] application for [use case]. What modules or
functionalities would be useful?
7. I’m starting a [language] project related to [domain]. What are some
key features that could make it stand out?
8. I’m creating a [language] application to solve [problem]. Can you
suggest some unique functionalities or design ideas?
9. How can I use [language] to implement innovative features in a [type
of software] project?
10. I’m planning to develop a [language] application in the [domain].
What are some innovative features I can implement considering the
latest [industry trend]?
11. I need to create a [language] project to solve [problem]. Can you help
me brainstorm some design ideas and potential challenges
considering [specific context]?
ChatGPT Prompts for Interview Preparation
1. Can you provide some common [language] interview questions?
2. I’m preparing for an interview. Could you give me some tricky
→ [language] questions and their solutions?

3. What are some challenging [language] tasks I might be asked to

code during an interview?
4. What are some common [language] problems asked in coding
interviews related to [concept]?
5. Can you provide some example tasks in [language] that are
commonly used to test [concept] in interviews?
6. I have an interview coming up for a [language] position focusing on
[specific topic]. Could you provide me with some common interview
questions and solutions?
7. What are some challenging problems in [language] related to
[concept] that are often asked in technical interviews?
8. I’m preparing for an interview that requires knowledge of [language]
and [concept]. Could you provide me some practice questions?
9. I’m preparing for a coding interview in [language]. Could you give me
an example of a common question about [topic], its optimal solution,
and an explanation of its complexity?
10. For my upcoming [language] coding interview, could you provide a
complex problem about [topic], its step-by-step solution, and an
analysis of its time and space complexity?
11. I am preparing for a [language] coding interview. Can you give me a
problem related to [topic], a sample optimal solution, and a brief
walkthrough of how it works?

ChatGPT Prompts for Learning and Using APIs

1. Can you provide an example of using the [API] in [language]?
2. Explain how to use the [specific endpoint] in the [API] using
3. How do I authenticate and make a request to [API] in [language]?
4. Can you show me how to interact with the [API] using [language] to
achieve [specific task]?
5. How would I go about making a [type of request] to [API] using
6. I’m trying to use the [API] in my [language] project. Can you help me
understand how to use [specific endpoint]?
7. I’m trying to use the [API] in my [language] project. How can I use it
→ to perform [task]?
8. Can you show me how to use [specific endpoint] from the [API] using

[language] to achieve [specific result]?

9. How do I authenticate and make a [type of request] to [API] using
10. I’m learning the [API name] in [language]. Can you explain how to use
the [specific endpoint/method] with [specific parameters] to perform
11. Could you give me an example of how to use the [API name] in
[language] to retrieve [data type], filter with [criteria], and handle
[specific error]?

ChatGPT Prompts for Understanding Error

1. I’m getting this error message when running my [language] code:
[error message]. What does it mean?
2. Can you explain this [language] compiler error: [error message]?
3. I don’t understand this [language] runtime error: [error message]. Can
you help?
4. I got this error message in my [language] code: [error message].
What could be causing it?
5. I don’t understand what this [language] error message means: [error
message]. Can you explain it to me?
6. While running my [language] code, I encountered this error: [error
message]. How can I resolve it?
7. I encountered this error message when running my [language] code:
[error message]. What does it mean and how can I fix it?
8. I received the following error message when trying to implement
[task] in [language]: [error message]. Can you explain what’s going
9. Help me understand this error message from my [language] code:
[error message] and suggest possible solutions.
10. I’m getting this error message: [error message] when I try to run my
[language] code: [code snippet]. What does it mean and how can I fix
11. Could you explain the meaning of this [language] error message:
[error message] that occurs when executing the function: [code
snippet] using [input data]?
→ 12. I encountered this error message: [error message] while working
with [language] on [task]. Could you explain what’s causing it and

suggest a way to resolve it?

ChatGPT Prompts for Project Management &

Agile Methodologies
1. Can you explain the principles of Agile in the context of a [type of
project] project?
2. What are the best practices for managing a [type of project] project
using Agile methodologies?
3. Can you explain how to apply Agile methodologies in a [language]
project with [specific conditions]?
4. What project management best practices should I consider for my
[language] project on [platform or domain]?
5. How can I apply Agile principles to manage my [language]
development project with a team of [team size]?
6. What are the benefits of using Scrum in a [language] project
developed for [industry/domain]?
7. I’m leading a [language] project with [team size] developers. Can you
provide best practices for managing the project using Agile
8. Can you explain how to implement the [Agile methodology] in a
[project type] with a team size of [number] and during [specific
9. I’m managing a [project type] using the [Agile methodology]. Could
you provide guidance on how to handle [specific challenge]
considering our team size of [number] and [specific condition]?
10. How can I adapt [Agile methodology] for a [project type] to achieve
[specific goal] while dealing with [specific challenge] and within
[specific timeframe]?

ChatGPT Prompts for Regular Expressions

1. Explain this regular expression in [language]: [regex].
2. Can you help me create a regular expression in [language] that
matches [pattern]?
3. How do I use regular expressions to [perform task] in [language]?
→ 4. Can you help me create a regular expression in [language] to extract
[specific pattern] from [type of text]?

5. How can I use a regular expression in [language] to replace [specific

pattern] in [type of text]?
6. I need a regular expression in [language] that matches [pattern] in a
[context]. Can you help me construct one?
7. Can you help me understand this regular expression in [language]:
[regex]? It is supposed to match [pattern].
8. I want to use a regular expression in [language] to replace [pattern A]
with [pattern B] in [text or code snippet]. Can you help?
9. How do I create a regular expression in [language] that matches
[pattern] in a [data type] and handles [specific edge case]?
10. I need to write a regular expression in [language] to parse [specific
pattern] from [data type]. Can you guide me on that and also explain
how it works?
11. Can you explain how to write a regular expression in [language] to
extract [specific pattern] from [data type], considering [specific

Source refer:

Other useful ChatGPT prompts for

A multi-prompt approach (prompt
can be used to update, refactor, and review a piece of code. A well-
designed set of prompts is one where each has separated concerns and
singular responsibilities.

1. Modernize and add best practices

by getting GPT-4 to re-write your code into the style you want. This step
will generally result in coherent output, in the style you want, but may
introduce errors, so we do it first.

Review the following code and re-write it to modern es6

programming standards and formatting:


[insert code here]

2. Review your code for logical errors and

security concerns
Get recommendations to improve any logical or security concerns
introduced. It’s important that we don’t ask for a refactor, just the
reasoning behind wanting the refactor.


Review your provided code 'tempFunction' for any logical or

security concerns and provide a list of recommendations.

3. Validate the recommendations (reflexion)

Validate the provided recommendations. Reflexion is a powerful
technique to improve the accuracy of the initial recommendations and try
to eliminate any hallucinations. This is not always required but it is worth
asking if you are unsure about any recommendations.


Review your above recommendations. Tell me why you were

wrong and if any recommendations were overlooked or
incorrectly added?

4. Write the Code

Combine your reviews, recommendations and feedback to get GPT-4 to
write your new function.


Re-write the 'tempFunction' function based off your review

and recommendations.
5. Create Tests
Create some simple tests that we can run locally and validate the results

→ Prompt:

Create two [ define technology ] tests for the above

'tempFunction' function. One that is expected to pass and
one that is expected to fail.

Re-write Prompt
Let’s see if we can get GPT4 to make or average prompts and turn them
into “voyage inspirant” type mastery prompts.


[your prompt]

Re-write the above text to be more verbose and include a lot of

superfluous description about each thing, use very painting language.

ChatGPT prompt optimizer


I'll provide a chatGPT prompt. You'll ask questions to

understand the audience and goals, then optimize the prompt
for effectiveness and relevance using the principle of

Ask for alternatives

If you’re not satisfied with your solution you can ask to ChatGPT to give
you alternatives


I'll provide you with a piece of code that I made and

I need you give me alternatives to do the same in other way:


Documentation / Explaination
Adding Documentation


Adding documentation requires creating clear and comprehensive

explanations of a module’s purpose, design, and implementation.

Prompt 1#:

I don't know how to code, but I want to understand how this

works. Explain the following code to me in a way that a non-
technical person can understand. Always use Markdown with
nice formatting to make it easier to follow. Organize it by
sections with headers. Include references to the code as
markdown code blocks in each section. The code:

[insert code here]

Prompt 2#:

Please add comprehensive documentation for [file or module

name], including clear and concise explanations of its
purpose, design, and implementation. Consider including
examples of how to use the module, as well as any relevant
diagrams or flow charts to help illustrate its workings.
Ensure that the documentation is easily accessible to other
developers and is updated as the module evolves. Consider
using documentation tools such as inline comments, markdown
files, or a documentation generator to simplify the process.

[insert code here]

Write your terms and conditions


Create terms and services for my website about an [AI tool]

called [name].
Produce cheat sheets

→ Write a cheat sheet for [markdown formatting].


Generate Readme Files


Generate documentation for the code below. You should

include detailed instructions to allow a developer to run it
on a local machine, explain what the code does, and list
vulnerabilities that exist in this code.

[enter code]

Write detailed blogs


Write a detailed blog on How to build a [COVID tracker]

using React with proper structuring of code.

Explain Code

Don’t spend time trying to figure out how code works, just ask ChatGPT to
explain it to you


Context: I'm starting a new position as backend developer

and I have to start to understand how some functions are
You have to: explain me the code line by line


Architecture Diagram (Mermaid)

→ Create a diagram of your architecture using Mermaid



Write the Mermaid code for an architecture diagram for this


Entity Relationship Diagram (Mermaid)


Create an entity relationship diagram using Mermaid


Write the Mermaid code for an entity relationship diagram

for these classes [INSERT CLASSES]

Code Refactoring
Refactor Code

Ask to ChatGPT to refactor your code


I have a piece of code and I need you do a refactor of it:


Refactoring code is an essential process in software development that

aims to improve the quality, readability, and maintainability of existing
code without altering its functionality. Refactoring can enhance code
efficiency, reduce errors, and make it easier to modify or extend in the
future. With ChatGPT’s help, you can effectively refactor your code and
achieve a better code structure.
Modernizing Old Code

→ By providing your old function to GPT-4 and asking it to refactor it to


modern coding practices, you can quickly modernize your code.


Refactor the following code to modern es6 programming



Code in to Multiple Methods


If you have a long function that is doing too much, you can ask GPT-4 to
refactor it into multiple methods.


Refactor the following code into multiple methods to improve

readability and maintainability:


Better Performance

If you have a function that is taking too long to run, you can ask GPT-4 to
refactor it to improve performance.


Refactor the following code to improve performance:


Adding a Parameter to a Function

Add a parameter to this function to do [FUNCTIONALITY]


Adding Coding Best Practices or Principles


Let ChatGPT rewrite the code for you according to style guidelines.


Rewrite the code below following the Google style guidelines

for javascript.


Follow coding style guidelines


If your organization or code base uses specific coding practices and

styles that you want to maintain, you can provide instructions to GPT-4 on
which particular coding practice or style you’d like it to focus on.


Review the following code and refactor it to make it more

DRY and adopt the SOLID programming principles.


Detecting and Fixing Errors


Sometimes we are unaware of the vulnerabilities or potential issues our

code can create. Having GPT-4 review and address code issues can save
you more than just time.

Prompt 1#:

Review this code for errors and refactor to fix any issues:


Prompt 2#:

I'm developing software in [INSERT YOUR TECHNOLOGIES HERE]

and I need you help me to find and

fix all the errors in my code, following the best practices.

I'll provide you my code

and you'll give me the code with all the corrections
explained line by line

Prompt 3#:

I wrote this code [CODE] I got this error [ERROR] How can I
fix it? or What does this error mean?
Debug a React component

This process typically involves identifying the source of the error,

understanding the issue, and implementing a solution to resolve the issue


Please find and fix the bug in the [component name]

component that is causing [describe the issue].


Create Unit Tests


Unit tests are automated tests that check the behavior of individual units
of code in isolation. They help catch bugs early and make it easier to
maintain the code.

Prompt 1#:

Please write unit tests for [file or module name] to ensure

its proper functioning

[insert code here]

Prompt 2#:

Create 2 unit tests for the provided code. One for a

successful condition and one for failure.


Transpiling Code

There are many reasons why you may need to convert code from one
language to another. For example, you may have found a repository with
code for one language that you need in another, you’re moving code
bases, or maybe your boss read an article on the latest front-end
framework and now you’re moving to a divisive new library.


Rewrite the following code in Rust:


Responsive Design

Responsive design adapts a website to different screen sizes and

devices, using flexible layouts, images, and CSS media queries. It aims to
provide a good viewing experience for all users


RPlease implement responsive design for the [component name]

component to ensure that it looks and functions correctly on
different screen sizes and devices. Consider using
[responsive design technique or library] to achieve this.

[insert code here]

Internationalization, also known as i18n, is the process of designing a
software application to be able to support multiple languages and
regional differences


Please implement internationalization for the [component

name] component to ensure that it can be used by users in
multiple languages. Consider using [internationalization
library or technique] to achieve this.

Add comments to code


If your code is self-explanatory but requires commenting, this can be a

huge time-saver.


Add comments to the following code:


Code Generation
Create Functions

Provide context of your software and ask directly for creating functions
you need for your software


Context: I'm creating a software to manage projects

Technologies: Go, PostgreSQL

Description: It’s a function that let me find users by its email or username.

You have to: create the function for me

Also you can add in the description what you expect to receive from your
function. If you already have an structure for the User, specify it, for


Context: I'm creating a software to manage projects

Technologies: Go, PostgreSQL

Description: It’s a function that let me find users by its email or username
and returns the structure type “Member”

You have to: create the function for me

Generate a Dockerfile

A prompt to generate a Dockerfile for a specific framework.


Write a Dockerfile for:


Write a RegEx

Write a regular expression that matches / Write a RegEx

pattern for:


Create a Class

Create a [PLATFORM] class from this JSON object

Add Functionality

→ I need a piece of code in [INSERT YOUR TECHNOLOGIES HERE] to


implement [real-time communication]

Create Boilerplate Code


Starting new projects can be painful. While GPT-4 doesn’t know your
business logic, it can be used to generate boilerplate code. This isn’t
technically refactoring, but it’s amazing and can be part of the
programming lifecycle process.


Write me a boilerplate Node.js function that will take a

variable of type User, validate that the user has the right
permissions, fetch an array of item type Posts from a
postgres database and return them. Leave comments for
business logic.

You are a world class software engineer


In this clip I show you how to drastically improve ChatGPT’s outputs for
software generation.


You are a world class software engineer.

I need you to draft a technical software spec for building the following:

Think through how you would build it step by step.

Then, respond with the complete spec as a well-organized markdown file.

I will then reply with “build,” and you will proceed to implement the exact
spec, writing all of the code needed. I will periodically interject with
“continue” to >prompt you to keep going. Continue until complete.

Code Review


Error Hendling

How can I improve the error handling in my [LANGUAGE] code?


Suggest Improvements

I'm working on a [LANGUAGE] project and I need you to review

my code and suggest improvements. [CODE]

Product Service Promotion

Generate innovative product ideas

Brainstorm creative and unique product ideas for [insert

industry or market].

Focus on solving customer pain points and providing exceptional value.

Develop a unique value proposition


Help me articulate a unique value proposition for my [insert

product or service].

Explain how this proposition differentiates my offering and appeals to my

target audience.
Master the art of storytelling for marketing

→ Teach me storytelling techniques for creating compelling


marketing content to promote [insert product or service].

Create a successful referral program


Design a referral program for [insert business] that

incentivizes customers to share and recommend our products
or services.

Master the art of upselling and cross-selling


Teach me effective upselling and cross-selling techniques to

increase revenue and customer satisfaction in [insert
business context].

Create a viral marketing campaign


Design a creative and attention-grabbing marketing campaign

for [insert product or service] with the potential to go

Develop a powerful elevator pitch


[Insert a brief description of your product, service, or


Help me create a concise and compelling elevator pitch that will

effectively communicate the value of my offering.
Create an actionable marketing plan

→ Develop a marketing plan for [insert product or service].


Include objectives, target audience, marketing channels, and tactics for

reaching my desired audience and driving sales.

Leverage content marketing for lead


Develop a content marketing strategy for [insert business]

to attract, engage, and convert leads into customers.


Other useful ChatGPT prompts:

102 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Data Analysis

46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Resume
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Email Writing, Email marketing
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Advertising
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creation and Social Media
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Business
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing
21 Smart ChatGPT prompts for SEO
46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Sales
98 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Customer Service

Conclusion: Smart ChatGPT prompts offer developers a powerful toolkit

for enhancing their productivity, creativity, and problem-solving abilities in
software development. Whether they’re seeking inspiration for new
projects, optimizing code for performance, troubleshooting bugs, or
improving their technical writing skills, ChatGPT prompts can provide
invaluable assistance at every stage of the development process. By
embracing this innovative approach, developers can unlock new
opportunities for innovation and success in their coding endeavors.
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65 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For


In the competitive world of ecommerce, crafting compelling product

descriptions, engaging social media posts, persuasive emails, and
informative blog content can significantly impact sales and customer
satisfaction. However, generating fresh ideas and content consistently
can be challenging. This is where Smart ChatGPT prompts come into
play. Leveraging AI-generated prompts can streamline content creation,
boost creativity, and enhance overall ecommerce performance. Let’s
explore how to effectively utilize ChatGPT prompts for ecommerce

1. Product Descriptions:

Generate captivating product descriptions that highlight key features,

benefits, and unique selling points.
Use ChatGPT prompts to craft descriptions tailored to different
audience segments and product categories.
Ensure consistency in tone and style across all product descriptions
to maintain brand identity.

2. Social Media Content:


Create engaging social media posts for various platforms, including

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Utilize ChatGPT prompts to brainstorm content ideas, hashtags, and
captions that resonate with your target audience.
Experiment with different formats such as images, videos, polls, and
stories to keep followers interested and engaged.

3. Email Marketing:

Develop personalized email campaigns to nurture leads, promote

products, and drive conversions.
Use ChatGPT prompts to craft compelling subject lines, body
content, and calls-to-action that encourage recipients to take action.
Segment your email list based on user preferences, purchase history,
and engagement level for better targeting and improved results.

4. Blogging and Content Marketing:

Publish informative blog posts, how-to guides, and product reviews

to establish authority and attract organic traffic.
Leverage ChatGPT prompts to generate topic ideas, outlines, and key
points for your content pieces.
Incorporate SEO keywords and optimize your content for search
engines to improve visibility and drive more traffic to your
ecommerce website.

5. Customer Support:

Provide prompt and helpful customer support through live chat,

email, and social media channels.
Use ChatGPT prompts to generate responses to frequently asked
questions, troubleshoot common issues, and resolve customer
inquiries efficiently.
Personalize your interactions with customers to build rapport and
foster long-term relationships that drive repeat business and
Table of Contents
■ Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for Ecommerce
■ Most common ChatGPT prompts for Ecommerce

■ ChatGPT prompts for Amazon sellers

■ ChatGPT prompts for affiliate marketing

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for Ecommerce:
Most common ChatGPT prompts for
1. I need to write a product description for our [type of product] that not
only informs and persuades but also includes these specific words
or phrases: [List of Words]. Make sure the description is coherent
and the words are naturally integrated.
2. I need a product description for our [type of product] that effectively
describes its features and benefits but avoids using these specific
words: [List of Excluded Words]. Make sure the description still
communicates the essence of the product.
3. Write a compelling product description for our [type of product] that
accentuates its primary features and benefits, persuading the
customer to make a purchase.
4. I want to describe our [specific product] with the finesse of an expert
copywriter. Please craft a product description that’s compelling,
captivating, and showcases superior copywriting skills.
5. I need to describe our [specific product] by adopting a [chosen tone]
tone. Draft a product description that aligns with this tone, making it
resonate with our target audience.
6. Craft a detailed description for our [specific product] that captures
its essence and features, ensuring it falls within a 150-300 word
7. Draft a product description for our [specific product] that’s rich in
keywords relevant to our niche. Ensure it’s optimized for both Google
and Amazon’s search algorithms. Use the following keywords and
weave them into the content naturally: [insert keywords].
8. Compose a product description for our [specific product] that not
only highlights its unique features but also clearly differentiates it
from competing products in the market. Here’s what makes it
→ different [insert differentiators or value prop].
9. Please provide a product description for our [specific product]

tailored for a [chosen language] audience. Ensure cultural nuances

are respected and the description resonates with native speakers
10. Draft a product description for our [specific product] that transcends
standard details and paints a vivid, imaginative picture for potential
11. Write a product description for our [specific product] that
accentuates its great value for money, showcasing its top-tier
features without the premium price tag [highlight value].
12. Write a product description for our [specific product] that’s perfectly
attuned to the [chosen industry], emphasizing elements that
resonate with industry insiders and enthusiasts.
13. Recommend complementary products that go well with a customer’s
recent purchase of [item].
14. Provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up Google Tag Manager
(GTM) to track Facebook Custom Conversion events triggered by a
callback button click using JavaScript.
15. Craft an upbeat 50-word product description for [insert product
16. Create a friendly chat message for [company name] to explain our
hassle-free return policy: [insert return policy].
17. Modify the product titles in the provided list by adding keywords
[insert keywords] where appropriate.
18. Write a persuasive email to encourage customers to sign up for our
newsletter and receive exclusive discounts, product updates, and
insider tips. [Insert supplementary information]
19. Develop a marketing campaign for [product/service], including
strategies for social media promotion, email marketing, and
influencer collaborations.
20. Write a compelling call-to-action (CTA) button copy similar to “Shop
Now,” “Add to Cart,” or “Get Yours Today!”
21. Generate a list of [number] FAQs with answers for our customer
support team.
22. Develop a loyalty program that rewards customers with points for
their purchases, referrals, and social media engagement.
23. Act as an ecommerce merchandising expert. Create product
→ collection descriptions for [brand]. [Insert brand information here]
24. Write an SMS campaign for our product [product information].

25. Craft ad copy for our product and optimize the copy for [social media
channel] ads.
26. Come up with [number] ideas for newsletter sign-up CTAs.
27. Write a list of [number] of audience demographics that might want
28. Write 10 Google Ads headline variations with only 30 characters.
29. “Write a description for a [product type] and include [product
attributes] and [keywords].”
30. “Generate a list of 20 audience demographics that would benefit
from a [product or service].”
31. “Think like an ecommerce expert and write 10 frequently asked
questions for [your website name and URL.”
32. “Think like an ecommerce SEO expert and write a meta tile for [your
brand name] in the [inser industry] industry.”
33. “Behave like an ecommerce SEO expert and write a meta tile for [
product name] from the [industry name] industry.”
34. “Write a title page for [ecommerce website URL] and include
35. “Write a meta description for [ecommerce website URL].”
36. “Craft informative content for our ecommerce About Us page.”
37. “Act as an ecommerce expert and craft a product collection
description for the [product] from [brand].”
38. “Act as an ecommerce merchandising specialist and draft a product
title for [product] from [brand].”
39. “Create an ecommerce campaign for [product, brand, or service].

ChatGPT prompts for Amazon sellers

1. “Create a compelling product description for a new fitness tracker.”

2. “Outline the steps for effective Amazon SEO.”

3. “Suggest ideas for improving customer reviews and ratings.”

4. “Offer tips for managing inventory effectively.”

5. “Generate a customer service response to a dissatisfied customer.”

6. “Create a list of potential high-demand products for Q1 2024.”

→ 7. “Design a promotional email for the upcoming summer sale.”


8. “Provide tips for improving product photography.”

9. “Create a strategy for dealing with Amazon policy changes.”

10. “Suggest methods to optimize the use of Amazon advertising.”

11. “Describe the process of effectively managing an Amazon FBA


12. “Offer ideas for an effective Amazon storefront design.”

13. “Create a comprehensive guide to winning the Amazon Buy Box.”

ChatGPT prompts for affiliate marketing

14. “Generate a list of high-converting affiliate programs in the health and
wellness niche.”

15. “Design an engaging email campaign for a new affiliate product.”

16. “Offer strategies for driving traffic to affiliate links.”

17. “Suggest methods for building relationships with affiliate partners.”

18. “Create a step-by-step guide to setting up an affiliate marketing


19. “Generate ideas for engaging blog content promoting affiliate


20. “Provide tips for optimizing affiliate marketing strategies on social


21. “Describe methods for tracking and analyzing affiliate marketing


22. “Create a strategy for handling affiliate marketing compliance and

23. “Suggest ways to improve conversion rates for affiliate links.”

24. “Provide an outline for a webinar promoting an affiliate product.”

→ 25. “Offer tips for writing persuasive product reviews.”


26. “Create a plan for scaling an affiliate marketing business.”

Other useful ChatGPT prompts:

80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Email Writing, Email marketing

43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Advertising
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creation and Social Media
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Business
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing
21 Smart ChatGPT prompts for SEO
46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Sales
98 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Customer Service


By harnessing the power of Smart ChatGPT prompts, ecommerce

businesses can streamline content creation, engage customers
effectively, and drive sales growth. Whether you’re writing product
descriptions, crafting social media posts, or responding to customer
inquiries, ChatGPT prompts can serve as invaluable tools to enhance your
ecommerce strategy and achieve sustainable success in today’s
competitive market.

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98 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For

Customer Service

With the advent of AI technology, leveraging tools like ChatGPT prompts

can revolutionize the way customer service interactions are handled.
Here’s how you can effectively utilize ChatGPT prompts to enhance your
customer service efforts:

1. Personalized Responses: ChatGPT prompts can generate

personalized responses tailored to each customer’s query. By
inputting details about the customer’s issue, preferences, or account
history, ChatGPT can craft responses that feel bespoke and
attentive, leading to greater customer satisfaction.
2. Quick Problem Resolution: Speed is of the essence in customer
service. ChatGPT prompts can swiftly generate responses to
commonly asked questions or issues, enabling agents to address
inquiries promptly. This efficiency not only enhances the customer
experience but also allows agents to handle a higher volume of
queries effectively.
3. Consistency Across Channels: Whether customers reach out via
email, chat, or social media, maintaining consistency in responses is
crucial. ChatGPT prompts ensure uniformity in communication by
→ generating responses that align with your brand voice and
messaging guidelines, regardless of the channel used.

4. 24/7 Availability: With ChatGPT, businesses can offer round-the-

clock customer support without significantly increasing staffing
costs. By deploying ChatGPT prompts on chatbots or automated
messaging platforms, customers can receive assistance at any time,
improving accessibility and convenience.
5. Empowering Self-Service: Many customers prefer resolving simple
queries independently. ChatGPT prompts can generate informative
responses to FAQs, troubleshooting guides, or knowledge base
articles, empowering customers to find solutions on their own. This
not only reduces the workload on support teams but also fosters a
sense of empowerment among customers.
6. Enhanced Multilingual Support: For businesses catering to diverse
customer bases, providing multilingual support can be challenging.
ChatGPT prompts can generate responses in multiple languages,
enabling businesses to communicate effectively with customers
worldwide and break down language barriers.
7. Data-Driven Insights: By analyzing customer interactions and the
effectiveness of ChatGPT-generated responses, businesses can gain
valuable insights into customer preferences, pain points, and
frequently asked questions. This data-driven approach allows
businesses to continually optimize their customer service strategies
for maximum impact.
8. Continuous Learning and Improvement: ChatGPT prompts can be
trained and fine-tuned based on real-time feedback and performance
analytics. By continuously refining prompts and incorporating new
learnings, businesses can ensure that their customer service AI
remains adaptive and responsive to evolving customer needs.

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for Customer Service:

Table of Contents
■ Most common ChatGPT prompts for Customer Support
■ 50 ChatGPT Prompts For Customer Support Challenges
■ General ChatGPT Customer Service Prompts
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Support Handling Product or Service
■ ChatGPT Prompts to Manage Complaints and Issues

■ ChatGPT Prompts to Assist With Billing And Payment Queries

■ ChatGPT Prompts to Help Navigate Account-Related Queries

■ ChatGPT Chatbot Prompts to Provide Technical Support
■ ChatGPT Prompts to Handle Shipping and Delivery Concerns
■ ChatGPT Prompts to Manage Cancellations and Refunds
■ AI Customer Service Prompts to Close the Conversation on A Good
■ ChatGPT Prompts Asking for Customer Feedback
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Service Dealing With a Disgruntled

Most common ChatGPT prompts for

Customer Support
1. Develop a step-by-step guide on handling angry customers, including
[number] de-escalation techniques and conflict resolution strategies.
2. Write an email response to a customer inquiry regarding product
availability, providing them with alternative options and suggestions.
Here is information about the product/service [insert information].
3. Create a customer service script for handling billing inquiries,
including how to address billing discrepancies and process refunds
if necessary.
4. Develop [number] guidelines for creating personalized customer
experiences, emphasizing the importance of active listening.
5. Write a live chat response to assist a customer named [customer
name] in troubleshooting a technical issue with [problem], providing
clear instructions and links to relevant resources.
6. Create a template to respond to customer feedback or reviews,
demonstrating appreciation for their input and outlining the steps to
address their concerns.
7. Write [number] FAQs addressing common questions and concerns
about our product or service [product/service information]. Include
answers as well.
8. Write a social media response to a customer complaint about our
[product/service]. [Insert information about the product/service].
Here is the complaint: [customer complaint].
→ 9. Create a template for proactive customer outreach for [company
name] in [industry].

10. Develop a guide on effective cross-selling and upselling techniques,

including identifying and presenting relevant product suggestions to
11. Write a script for a service phone call to assist a customer in
navigating our online ordering system.
12. Create a template for addressing shipping delays or order tracking
13. Write a response to a customer request for a refund outside of our
refund policy, offering alternative solutions such as [insert solutions
14. Create a customer satisfaction survey template, including key
15. What are cross-selling strategies I can use for this [industry]?
16. “What’s the best way to reach out to potential customers?”
17. “Generate a list of ways to improve customer service?”
18. “Create a template for an email response to customers inquiring
about [product].”
19. “Write a customer service email that addresses the following pain
20. “Generate five helpful suggestions for customers struggling with
using [product].”
21. “What are the most frequently asked questions about our [product,
service, company, brand]?”
22. “Generate a list of common issues customers have with [product
name] and provide solutions for them.”
23. “Write four personalized messages for customers asking about our
[product] in a friendly tone.”
24. “Generate 10 chatbot prompts related to our [product].”
25. “Create a help page that explains how to use [product].”
26. “List 10 phrases customer service agents can use to show empathy.”
27. “Provide a template to explain standard retail return policy.”
28. “Rewrite this paragraph to sound more friendly: [paragraph].”
29. “Chat as if you’re a customer who can’t log into their account.”
30. “Summarize the following knowledge base article to give step-by-
step instructions.”
31. “Write five questions for a customer experience survey.”
→ 32. “List the qualities of good customer service.”
33. “What are customer service mistakes companies often make?”

34. “How can I streamline the customer service process without losing
35. “What’s a friendly way to respond to this message from a customer?”
36. “Act as a customer service representative and answer the following
question: [question].”
37. “List five different ways a chatbot can greet customers.”
38. “List five ways a chatbot can say goodbye to a customer.”
39. Write a call script to build trust with a potential customer who is
interested in our products. Be informative and persuasive, but do not
sound aggressively salesy.
40. A client reaches out to us about your one particular service and asks
how it will help their business.As a customer service agent, provide
the client with relevant and satisfactory information .[Add a brief
about the service]
41. Write 5 example phrases that a customer service representative can
use to show sympathy to a customer who had a negative
42. We’re a [Industry Name]. One of our customers placed an order and
paid online but hasn’t received the product.
43. As a customer support executive, you are assisting a customer who
claims that their previous bill is still showing as due despite making
the payment last week.
44. Write a knowledge base article on “How to deal with an angry
customer as a customer service representative.” Write 10 tips for
managing difficult customers to save your customer from churning.
Provide a proper introduction, body and conclusion.
45. Create a call center script to sell a product. [product Information]
46. Due to some glitch in our website, some customers are unable to
place orders online.Please provide three examples of empathetic
scripts that can be used by our customer service agents to address
anxious and impatient customer queries regarding a specific issue.
47. A customer who recently placed an order from our online store]
contacts our customer support agent to inquire about the tracking
information.It has been over 24 hours since the order was placed,
and the customer is concerned about not receiving the tracking
details.Please provide assistance to the customer in this matter.
→ 48. We have a subscription-model business. One of our customers
wants to cancel his auto-renewal subscription.As an empathetic and

persuasive customer service agent, write a reply that helps in

retaining the customer.

50 ChatGPT Prompts For Customer

Support Challenges
General ChatGPT Customer Service Prompts
These prompts will give you solutions for general customer service

1. Generate 5 variations of call openings for customer service

representatives of [company name]. The customers call in for
various queries and issues related to our [products] they have
bought. The greetings should be polite and empathetic.
2. Act as a customer service rep in [Your Company Name]. Now share
some examples of how you would open a call/ chat to address an
irate customer.
3. Generate a call script to build rapport with a caller who is a potential
customer and is curious about our products/services. Be polite and
persuasive, but do not sound aggressively salesy.
4. Imagine you are a customer support representative at [your company
name], and a customer has called you regarding an issue with our
software subscription they have purchased. Connect with the
customer while you troubleshoot their issues, and build rapport.
5. We are a company that [enter what your company does]. Suppose
you are a customer support executive. You need to gather essential
information from our customers to suggest the most suitable
solutions [that cater to their needs]. How would you do it?

One of the prominent features of ChatGPT for customer service is that it

remembers the previous conversation with a user and builds on it. So, if
you need further info or suggestions on the answer it offered, you can ask
in the next prompt. For example, your customer may or may not like the
solutions your agent offered. You can ask ChatGPT about what it would
do in such a situation.

6. What if the customer doesn’t like the solution you provided and asks

for other options in the above scenario?

ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Support

Handling Product or Service Inquiries
7. A potential customer has called in to inquire about [Your product]
and its capabilities. [ Explain a little more about your product]. How
would you handle the call as a trained and persuasive customer
service agent? You need to try and convert the caller.
8. Act as a technical support executive in [Your company]. An existing
customer has approached you regarding [a product/service your
company offers] and shares an additional feature/idea for the
product. You cannot promise the execution of the request or make
the decision immediately, but you have to honor the customer’s
efforts. Generate an exemplary conversation.
9. Act as a customer service agent for [Company Name]. Our [Software
Product] currently has a bug that causes it to crash upon opening.
Many people who bought the product cannot currently use it. Many
want to return the product, but we want customers to wait. You, as a
customer service agent, should understand customers’ frustrations
and politely encourage them to wait as the team works on a fix. The
response should reflect empathy.
10. A customer reaches out to us to inquire about our product and asks
how it differs from other similar products in the market. As a diligent
and persuasive customer service agent, provide the customer with
relevant and satisfactory information. [add a brief about your
11. We are a service provider. We offer fixed packages with fixed pricing.
A customer wants to create their own package to make the service
suitable to their needs. As a solution-oriented customer support
agent, how would you deal with this situation? We are customer-
centric and allow personalization on special requests occasionally.

For other challenges, tweak these AI customer service prompts and

generate scripts for your agents in real time.
ChatGPT Prompts to Manage Complaints and
12. We are a [Industry name] brand. Act as a customer service

representative for us. One of our customers placed an order, and it

shows that the product was delivered. However, the customer claims
that they didn’t receive it. Assist the customer, and offer resolution.
13. Can you offer an exemplary response as a customer service agent to
a customer, who is inquiring about the benefits of our [your product]
in French? [ Explain a little about your product and its key features.]
14. Act as a customer support executive for our product-based
company. The customer contacts you and tells you that they placed
an order and paid online but haven’t received an order ID. You have to
probe the issues and offer possible solutions.
15. A customer has purchased a [Product] from our website. But they
received a damaged product. As per our policy, we entertain product
replacement or return only when it is delivered damaged and is
reported within 7 days. The customer called on the 10th day. Assist
the customer as our customer service representative. Be polite and
empathetic, and offer a solution.
16. A customer wants to speak to senior management since they have
been complaining about [state the issue clearly]. The customer is
very upset. Try to resolve the issue on your end as a customer
service rep, but if the customer is adamant, ask for contact details to
schedule a callback. Create an exemplary conversation.

ChatGPT Prompts to Assist With Billing And

Payment Queries
To create a prompt for billing and payment inquiries, brief the issue, along
with a little explanation of your company’s billing or payment policy, and
ask ChatGPT chatbot to generate a response.

17. We are a service-based company and charge [your billing model] for
subscriptions. The customer contacts our support team to inquire
about the billing cycle and the total amount that will be deducted
every month. Act as a customer service agent and assist the
18. A customer claims that their previous bill is still showing due.
However, they made the payment last week. You, as a customer
support executive, assist the customer with the bill payment history
→ and resolve the issue.
19. A Customer needs to update their payment information on their

account so that their next payment goes smoothly for their

subscription to our service. You can help the customer update their
payment information by sending them an encrypted form to fill in the
details that directly get into the system without any third-party
interference. Act as a customer service representative and assist the
20. A potential customer is interested in our product [Product Name]. We
offer [Mention the product category] products and post-purchase
services. As our customer service agent, explain to the customer our
pricing, upfront charges, and recurring fees during the course of their
using the product.

ChatGPT Prompts to Help Navigate Account-

Related Queries
ChatGPT is already aware of many general processes to solve account-
related issues.

21. Imagine you are our customer service agent who is diligent and
polite. One customer needs help setting up their account and
creating a profile on our app. Our product is [brief what your app is
about]. Guide and help the customer on call.

When you begin to type questions to ask ChatGPT, you can command the
roleplay first and then proceed to explain the scenario, like this:

22. Act as a customer service agent for [Company name]. Consider the
below scenario and generate a sample conversation where you
guide the customer:

One of our clients has purchased a team version of our software and
needs help setting up different profiles under the admin account. Our
software allows custom feature allocation to different people based on
their designation in the organization.
23. Act as a customer service agent for our software company. A client
has purchased a multiuser package of the product. However, a few
of the users have forgotten their passwords. Probe the issue and
→ guide the client with the password restoration process on the admin

24. Take the role of a customer service agent for our company
[Company name]. We run an e-commerce store [or specifics about
your company]. The username of one of our business partners has
been deactivated since they were inactive for a long time. Assist the
customer in restoring their username and reusing the account.
25. A customer calls in to report an issue with login. They are trying to
get into their account on our app. Assist the customer with their
login issue as a concerned customer support agent.

ChatGPT Chatbot Prompts to Provide Technical

You might need to brief the course of action in the prompts to let the AI
generate an actionable response.

26. One of our customers is not able to log in to their account since it is
showing some error. Ours is a software service company, and the
customer has bought a subscription to one of our apps. Act as a
technical support agent and assist the customer with their login
27. There is some glitch in our website. Due to this, customers are
unable to place orders, view recent orders, or track the order status.
Generate 3 variations of an empathetic script for our customer
service agents to deal with anxious and impatient customer queries
regarding the issue.
28. A customer needs assistance with the technical process behind how
our software works. Summarize the following knowledge base
article to give step-by-step instructions that customer service agents
can use to guide the customers. [Insert the article’s link]
29. We sell [product type] through our app and website. A customer has
reached out to complain about some technical issues with their
[product]. Act as our technical support executive and assist the
customer by troubleshooting their issue.
30. Generate a polite and clear script to guide customers toward the
self-help knowledge base and chatbot for their generic queries and
→ 31. Imagine you are a technical support agent for [Company name]. A
customer calls in and complains that one of the most important

features of the software is not working. You checked and found out
that it’s an issue on the customer’s end. Generate an exemplary
conversation where you guide and assist them in troubleshooting
the problem while maintaining empathy and patience.

ChatGPT Prompts to Handle Shipping and

Delivery Concerns
You can use customer self-service software and link it in the ChatGPT
prompt to turn it into an actionable guide for relevant queries.

32. Our company recently held a sale which led to a huge amount of
orders, due to which the order processing took time, and we could
not ship many of the orders on time. Generate script for handling
frustrated and confused customers to help them understand the
reason behind the delay and assure delivery.
33. A customer contacts us to ask for a concession in shipping charges.
We cannot reduce the shipping charges since it is an international
delivery, and charges are non-negotiable. Act as a calm and
empathetic customer service agent and convince the customer that
the charges are reasonable.
34. A customer ordered from our [e-commerce website/online store], but
didn’t receive the tracking info yet. It’s been more than 24 hours. The
customer contacts you, our customer support agent, to inquire about
the same. Please assist the customer.
35. A customer’s order was delivered, but one item is missing from the
package. The customer calls in to inquire about the same. You, a
customer service representative, assist the customer with their
issue. [If the item was shipped separately, add the info in the
36. One customer wants to return an item that was delivered recently.
Our customer service team is required to encourage exchange in
place of returns. Act as a customer service representative and probe
the reason for the return. Suggest exchanging with another item. If
the customer rejects it, assist with the return process.

ChatGPT Prompts to Manage Cancellations and

The first response to a cancellation request should always be retention.

When you write ChatGPT prompts for customer support when they are
asking for cancellation, add “try to retain” in the prompt. A subtle effort
into probing why the customer wants to cancel and offering a solution
instead, may help you keep from losing a valuable customer.

37. We are a service-based company and charge monthly for

subscriptions. The customer had set auto-renewal of subscription
every month. They want to cancel it. Act as a customer service
agent, who is empathetic and persuasive, and try to retain the
38. As per our cancellation policy, a customer has to cancel a
[purchase/subscription] before the [order is shipped/ renewal of
subscription]. A customer contacts us and asks to cancel the
product while the shipment is halfway through/ after renewal. Act as
a customer support agent and assist the customer.
39. A customer has purchased a non-returnable item. However, they
received the damaged product. The customer contacts us to request
a refund since the product is useless for them now. Proceed to
assist them in this scenario as a customer service executive
40. How will you deal if the customer is adamant about receiving a
refund? We do make exceptions if it comes to losing a loyal

AI Customer Service Prompts to Close the

Conversation on A Good Note
The conversation closing script should also make the customer feel
valued and welcomed. Furthermore, the agent’s tone must carry a hint of
excitement to leave the customers feeling happy when the conversation

41. Ask the customer if they are satisfied with the resolution provided by
you, as a customer service agent, today. If they say yes, proceed to
close the call. Generate an exemplary conversation.
42. Generate 5 variations of closing calls with customers who are not
satisfied with the solution you, as a customer service representative,
→ provided. You should sound empathetic and willing to offer further

43. Generate a few variations of personalized thank-you emails to send

to customers after a purchase. Ensure to include a coupon code as a
token of appreciation for future purchases.
44. Close a conversation with a customer on a friendly and polite note
as a customer support executive. Also, educate the customer about
our self-help resources for future reference and encourage them to
leave feedback based on their experience with customer service

ChatGPT Prompts Asking for Customer

You can use ChatGPT customer service prompts to create feedback
forms and relevant feedback questions or integrate feedback surveys
with thank-you notes.

45. What questions should be included in a customer feedback form for

their interaction with the customer service team?
46. Could you please generate 5 variations of customer feedback survey
templates to be sent to customers after their interaction with the
customer service team?
47. Please create 5 variations of a nice thank you note to be sent along
with the feedback survey form after customers’ interactions with our
customer support team.

ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Service

Dealing With a Disgruntled Customer
48. A customer’s project is hindered due to a glitch in the software they
have paid for. They are extremely angry to the point that they are
disrespecting you- a customer service representative. Be empathetic,
and patient, and handle the situation in a way that we don’t lose the
customer. You have to probe the issue and provide an apt solution
too. Generate an exemplary conversation.
49. A customer is getting angry upon being notified about the violation
of service terms. Act as a customer service agent and explain to the
customer the limitations of their package. Suggest that they upgrade
→ the plan according to their needs. Be empathetic and polite despite
the rude tone the customer may be using.

50. An irate customer calls in and is very frustrated. Instead of speaking

about the issue, they are just rambling. You are a polite and
empathetic customer service agent. You have to calm the customer
down and probe the issue. Assist accordingly.

Other useful ChatGPT prompts:

80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Email Writing, Email marketing

43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Advertising
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creation and Social Media
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Business
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing
21 Smart ChatGPT prompts for SEO
46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Sales

In conclusion, leveraging ChatGPT prompts for customer service can

revolutionize the way businesses interact with their customers. By
providing personalized, efficient, and accessible support across channels,
businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, drive loyalty, and
ultimately, achieve long-term success in today’s competitive market

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46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Sales

In the fast-paced world of sales, every interaction counts. Whether it’s

engaging with leads, nurturing prospects, or closing deals, having the
right words at your fingertips can make all the difference. That’s where
Smart ChatGPT prompts come into play, offering a powerful tool for
enhancing your sales process. Let’s explore how to effectively leverage
ChatGPT prompts for sales success.

Table of Contents
■ How ChatGPT Prompts Empower Sales Teams
■ Tips for Maximizing the Impact of ChatGPT Prompts in Sales
■ Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for Sales
■ Most common ChatGPT prompts for Sales
■ Sales enablement (onboarding)
■ Customer, product, and industry research
■ Social Selling
■ Call scripts/sales pitch refinement
■ Objection-handling and negotiation guidance
How ChatGPT Prompts Empower Sales
→ 1. Lead Generation and Qualification: ChatGPT prompts can assist

sales teams in generating high-quality leads by crafting engaging

outreach messages tailored to specific target audiences. From initial
cold emails to follow-up messages, ChatGPT prompts can help
capture attention and spark meaningful conversations.
2. Personalized Outreach: Personalization is key in sales, and ChatGPT
prompts excel in crafting personalized messages at scale. By
leveraging customer data and insights, sales professionals can use
ChatGPT prompts to tailor their communication to each prospect’s
unique needs and preferences, increasing the likelihood of a positive
3. Product Education and Demonstration: When it comes to
showcasing the value of your product or service, ChatGPT prompts
can provide valuable assistance. By generating compelling product
descriptions, demo scripts, and sales collateral, ChatGPT prompts
enable sales teams to effectively communicate key features and
benefits to potential customers.
4. Objection Handling: Handling objections is an essential skill for
sales professionals, and ChatGPT prompts can help prepare
responses for common objections. By generating persuasive
rebuttals and addressing potential concerns, sales teams can
navigate objections with confidence and finesse, ultimately moving
the sales process forward.
5. Follow-Up and Relationship Building: Building and maintaining
strong relationships with prospects is crucial for long-term sales
success. ChatGPT prompts can aid in crafting thoughtful follow-up
emails, nurturing sequences, and client communication strategies
that keep prospects engaged and interested in your offering.

Tips for Maximizing the Impact of

ChatGPT Prompts in Sales
Customize and Refine: While ChatGPT prompts provide a solid
foundation, it’s essential to customize and refine the generated
content to align with your brand voice and sales objectives. Tailor the
prompts to suit the specific needs of your target audience and sales
Experiment and Iterate: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different
→ prompts and messaging strategies to see what resonates best with
your audience. Continuously iterate and optimize your approach

based on performance metrics and feedback from prospects and

Combine with Human Expertise: While ChatGPT prompts can
automate certain aspects of the sales process, human expertise
remains invaluable. Use ChatGPT prompts to augment rather than
replace human interaction, leveraging AI-generated content to
enhance productivity and efficiency.
Stay Compliant and Ethical: When using ChatGPT prompts for sales
communication, ensure compliance with relevant regulations and
ethical guidelines. Avoid deceptive or manipulative tactics, and
prioritize transparency and integrity in all interactions with prospects
and customers.

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for Sales:
Most common ChatGPT prompts for Sales
1. Develop a compelling sales pitch for a potential customer
highlighting the unique features and benefits of our
[product/service]. Here is information about our product/service:
[insert information]
2. Write a follow-up email to a lead who has shown interest in our
[product/service], addressing any concerns they may have and
offering additional information.
3. Create a persuasive sales script for a telemarketing campaign to
generate leads for our [niche] company.
4. Develop a personalized proposal for a potential client, outlining the
specific solutions our [product/service] can provide to address their
pain points. Here are their pain points: [pain points list]
5. Generate a list of objection-handling techniques to overcome
common customer concerns during sales.
6. Write a cold email sequence for nurturing partnerships.
7. Develop a referral program for existing customers to incentivize
them to refer their contacts to our [niche] company.
8. Create a sales presentation deck highlighting the advantages and
→ ROI of our [product/service] for a [industry] client at [company

9. Write a LinkedIn message template for reaching out to prospects in

a specific industry [industry].
10. Develop a competitive analysis report comparing our
[product/service] with top competitors, highlighting our unique
selling points and market advantages. Here is a list of our
competitors with their main features [insert competitors with
11. Create a lead qualification questionnaire with [number] questions for
sales representatives to evaluate and prioritize potential prospects.
12. Write a sales script for a product demonstration video showcasing
the main features and benefits of our [product/service].
13. Develop a strategic follow-up plan for nurturing leads who have
shown initial interest but haven’t made a purchase yet for
14. Create a customer retention strategy that includes personalized
offers, loyalty programs, and proactive communication.
15. Develop a sales playbook outlining the step-by-step process, key
selling points, and objection-handling techniques for our sales team.
[Insert supplemental information]
16. “What are cross-selling opportunities available for my [type]
17. “What are some creative ways to generate leads?”
18. “Create a personalized sale email for potential customers. Include
[topic, brand name, promo offers, etc.].”
19. “What product customization would you recommend for this
customer?” Include customer details in the prompt.”
20. “List 10 keywords people might use when searching for our
21. “Create five persuasive points to encourage customers to buy our
22. “List three compelling reasons our customers should buy [product or
23. “List [number] personal branding types I can use for social selling.”
24. “What kind of content categories and topics can I create for social
selling on Instagram?”
25. “Write a sales landing page description for [product].”
→ 26. “Write a cold email to a prospective customer introducing my
[company or organization] and how it can benefit them using [selling

27. “Write a sales pitch about [product].”
28. “Act as a salesperson and market [product or service] to me.”
29. “Act as a salesperson and answer this question about [product or
30. “Write the text for a social media ad highlighting the [product or
service]. Highlight paint-point-specific questions.”
31. “Generate five buyer personas I should include in my cold outreach.”
32. “List five personal branding archetypes I could use for social selling
on LinkedIn.”
33. “Generate a script to use when cold-calling start-up founders in my
34. “Craft an answer to this sales question.”
35. “What questions should I ask potential buyers to uncover pain points
and priorities to decide if they are a sales-qualified lead for my

Sales enablement (onboarding)

1. Prompt: Create a presentation outline that includes {your company’s}
mission statement, {your company’s} target customer, the benefits of
{your product(s) or service(s)}, and how it addresses customer pain
2. Prompt: Write a 1,000-word guide on {your product or service}
including three statistics (with source) with 10 ways it/they will help
{a specific role or buyer} identify and address their challenges and
pain points.

Customer, product, and industry research

1. Prompt: Describe the key market trends and factors that influence
customer purchasing decisions for {product or service type} in
2. Prompt: Summarise the top three critiques in customer reviews for
{your product or service}.
3. Prompt: List the top three challenges for businesses in {target buyer

Social Selling

1. Prompt: Write a 50-word LinkedIn message explaining how {your

product or service} can address the challenges of {a specific role or
buyer} in {industry}.
2. Prompt: Write a friendly and engaging {social media platform}
comment in response to a message that says {copy of recent social
media post}, subtly introducing {your product or service} and offering
a unique value proposition.

Call scripts/sales pitch refinement

1. Prompt: Write a 30-second cold call sales script, designed not only
to introduce {your product or service} but also to qualify leads by
identifying and focusing on high-quality leads. Highlight three
benefits of {your product or service} for {prospect/prospect’s
company}, incorporating elements of the BANT framework to ensure
your script targets the most promising opportunities effectively.
2. Prompt: Write a three-minute video script for {title} at {prospect
company} summarising the benefits of {your product or service}. The
script should also include questions or prompts aimed at qualifying
leads, such as predicting customer behaviour and understanding
quality lead behaviour. End the video script by reminding them of an
upcoming meeting on {date and time}.

Objection-handling and negotiation guidance

1. Prompt: Act like a {title} in {industry} who is hesitant about the cost
of {your product or service}. Roleplay a conversation discussing the
value and benefits the product/service offers.
2. Prompt: Act like a {title} in {industry} who is happy with {competitor
solution}. Respond to a sales pitch that summarises the value of
{your product or service} and offers discounts for new buyers.

Other useful ChatGPT prompts:

80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Email Writing, Email marketing

43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Advertising
43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creation and Social Media
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Business
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing
→ 21 Smart ChatGPT prompts for SEO


Smart ChatGPT prompts offer a wealth of opportunities for sales

professionals to streamline their workflows, engage prospects effectively,
and drive revenue growth. By harnessing the power of AI-generated
content, sales teams can elevate their performance, build stronger
relationships with customers, and achieve greater success in today’s
competitive market landscape.

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46 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For


In today’s competitive job market, having a standout resume is essential

for securing your dream job. However, crafting a compelling resume can
be a daunting task. Fortunately, with the help of smart ChatGPT prompts,
you can create a resume that grabs attention and highlights your unique
skills and experiences effectively.

Table of Contents
■ How to Effectively Use ChatGPT Prompts for Resume
■ Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for Resume
■ Use these ChatGPT resume prompts if you’re starting from scratch
■ Use these ChatGPT prompts to tailor your resume to a job description
■ Use these ChatGPT prompts to write effective resume bullet points
■ Use these ChatGPT prompts to write a summary of your experience
How to Effectively Use ChatGPT
Prompts for Resume
→ 1. Tailored Objective Statements:

ChatGPT can help you craft personalized objective statements

that align with the specific job you’re applying for. By providing
details about your career goals, skills, and aspirations, you can
make a strong first impression on potential employers.

2. Skills and Qualifications:

Utilize ChatGPT prompts to showcase your skills and
qualifications in a clear and concise manner. Whether you’re
highlighting technical abilities, soft skills, or certifications,
ChatGPT can assist you in phrasing them effectively to catch
the recruiter’s eye.

3. Professional Experience:
Describe your professional experience in detail with the help of
ChatGPT. From outlining job responsibilities to emphasizing
accomplishments, ChatGPT can guide you in articulating your
work history in a compelling way that demonstrates your value
to prospective employers.

4. Education and Training:

ChatGPT prompts can aid in effectively presenting your
educational background and relevant training. Whether you’re a
recent graduate or an experienced professional, ChatGPT can
help you highlight your academic achievements and any
additional certifications or courses you’ve completed.

5. Keywords and Phrases:

Incorporate industry-specific keywords and phrases into your
resume with the assistance of ChatGPT. By optimizing your
resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), you can increase
your chances of getting noticed by recruiters and hiring

6. Formatting and Layout:

Receive guidance on formatting and layout options to ensure
your resume is visually appealing and easy to read. ChatGPT
can suggest professional templates and offer advice on
organizing your information for maximum impact.
7. Proofreading and Editing:
→ Use ChatGPT prompts to review and refine your resume for
grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. By ensuring your

resume is error-free, you can present yourself as a polished and

detail-oriented candidate.

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for Resume:
1. “Write a summary showcasing my skills and experiences relevant to
a Social Media Manager role.”
2. “Generate a summary highlighting my past achievements.”
3. “Craft summary demonstrating my ability to [skill].”
4. “Generate five bullet points highlighting achievements in [field].”
5. “Create bullet points about my most recent [job title] role highlighting
my achievements.”
6. “Generate bullet points showcasing my ability to [skill.]”
7. “How can I make my resume stand out against other candidates?”
8. “What are common mistakes job seekers make on their resumes?”
9. “What are some resume best practices to improve my job search?”
10. “What are common formatting mistakes I should avoid in my
11. “Copy edit my resume for any spelling or grammatical errors.”
12. “What are some [industry] resume best practices?”
13. “What resume design tools can I use to make my resume stand out?”
14. “Review my resume and suggest improvement and edits.”
15. “What are the most important keywords for applicant tracking
systems to include in my resume.”
16. “How can I make my resume more concise?”
17. “What should I include on my resume if I’m applying in [specific
18. “How do I tailor my resume to specific job postings?”
19. “How can I make my resume more visually appealing?”
20. “How can I make my resume more visually appealing?”
21. “How can I get my resume directly to the hiring manager?”
22. “How soon after submitting my resume should I follow up on a job
23. “What should I include on a marketing resume?”
→ 24. “Based on this job description, what words should I include in my

25. “How do I condense my [number] years of experience into a one-

page resume?”

Use these ChatGPT resume prompts if you’re

starting from scratch
1. Write a resume for a [TITLE] based on this job
description. [Copy/paste the job description.]
2. Write a resume based on this [TITLE] position at [COMPANY] and
include bullet point achievements that show impact and
metrics. [Copy/paste the job description.]
3. Write a tailored resume for this [TITLE] role at [COMPANY]. Don’t
include an objective statement or references, but do include a
professional summary, my past 10 years of work experience with 3-5
bullet points per role, and incorporate the most important keywords
from the job description in those achievements. [Copy/paste the job
4. Based on this job description for a [JOB TITLE] role at [COMPANY],
write a resume for my past [X] years of work experience with 3-5
bullet points per role that include metrics and the most important 10
keywords from the job description. My past titles and companies
were [X, Y, and Z]. No need to include an objective
statement. [Copy/paste the job description.]
5. Rewrite this same resume but add a [RESUME SECTION NAME – e.g,
certifications] section.

Use these ChatGPT prompts to tailor your

resume to a job description
1. Tailor my resume to this job description for a [JOB TITLE] role at
[COMPANY]. [Copy/paste your current resume and the job
2. Using the resume and job description below, showcase 10 relevant
skills I should highlight. [Copy/paste your current resume and the job
3. Take my experience as a [JOB TITLE] and identify which skills I
should highlight if I’m looking to pivot into a role as [TITLE] at
→ [COMPANY OR TYPE OF COMPANY]. [Copy/paste your current
resume; you can also try with both your resume and the job

4. Here’s my current resume. How would you rewrite it if you were
applying to this [TITLE] role at [COMPANY]? Include metrics in the
achievements. [Copy/paste your resume and the job description.]
5. Update the experience section of my resume to make it sound more
actionable. [Copy/paste your resume.]

Use these ChatGPT prompts to write effective

resume bullet points
1. Write a resume bullet for a [TITLE] position that describes impact
and uses metrics. Include at least 2 of these keywords: [A, B, C, D, E,
F]. [Copy/paste the top 5 hard and/or soft skills highlighted in Teal.]
2. Write 3 resume bullet points for a [TITLE] position that describe
impact and use metrics. Include at least 2 of these keywords: [A, B,
C, D, E]. [Copy/paste the top 5 hard/technical skills and/or soft skills
highlighted in Teal.]
3. Write 4 resume achievements with metrics based on the following
job responsibilities. [Copy/paste the job description.]
4. Write 3 bullet points demonstrating my ability to [RELEVANT SKILL
OR ACHIEVEMENT]. [Copy/paste skills highlighted for the role in your
Teal Job Tracker.]
5. Follow-up prompt: Are there any other action verbs I could use
instead of “X” and “Y”?

Use these ChatGPT prompts to write a

summary of your experience
1. Write a professional summary for my resume and keep it under 100
words. [Copy/paste your existing resume]
2. Create a compelling professional summary for a job application
using my resume and the job description below as a reference, and
keep it to 500 characters or less. [Copy/paste your existing resume
and the job description.]
3. Based on my resume below, write a professional summary that
includes metrics and total years of experience, and keep it shorter
than 500 characters. [Copy/paste your resume.]
→ 4. Based on my resume below, write a professional summary for a
[TITLE OR LEVEL]’s resume that includes metrics and total years of

experience, and keep it shorter than 3 sentences. [Copy/paste your

existing resume]
5. Create a professional summary under 500 characters that
showcases my skills and experiences relevant to a [TITLE] role in
[INDUSTRY]. [Copy/paste your resume.]
6. Create a summary that showcases my skills and experiences
relevant to a [TITLE] role. [Copy/paste your resume.]


With the assistance of smart ChatGPT prompts, you can take your
resume to the next level and increase your chances of landing your
desired job. By leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities for crafting compelling
content and optimizing your resume for success, you can stand out from
the crowd and make a memorable impression on potential employers.

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80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Email

Writing, Email Marketing

In today’s digital age, email marketing remains a cornerstone of

successful communication and engagement with customers. Crafting
compelling emails that resonate with your audience can be a challenging
task, requiring creativity, insight, and a deep understanding of your target
market. This is where AI-powered tools like ChatGPT can be game-
changers, providing valuable prompts and insights to enhance your email
marketing efforts. Let’s delve into how you can effectively leverage
ChatGPT prompts for email writing and email marketing strategies.

Table of Contents
■ 1. Understanding ChatGPT Prompts
■ 2. Crafting Compelling Email Content
■ 3. Generating Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines
■ 4. Personalizing Customer Interactions
■ 5. Optimizing Email Campaigns
■ 6. Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for Email Writing, Email
■ ChatGPT prompts for writing welcome emails
→ ■ 1. Personalized welcome email to new newsletter subscribers
■ 2. Personalised welcome email for new customers (first purchase)

■ 3. Personalised welcome email for new trial users (of an app/digital

■ 4. Welcome series for new customers with multiple emails
■ ChatGPT prompts for writing onboarding and customer engagement
■ 1. Educational emails with helpful tips or resources
■ 2. Free trial or demo emails for new products or services
■ 3. Social media integration emails for social proof or to increase
■ 4. Lead nurturing emails to guide prospects through the sales funnel
■ ChatGPT prompts for writing promotions, offers, sales and loyalty
■ 1. Promotional emails for product launches
■ 2. Birthday or anniversary emails with special offers
■ 3. Holiday greetings or special occasion emails
■ 4. Exclusive content or early access emails for VIP customers
■ 5. Reward or loyalty program emails
■ 6. Exclusive partner offer or collaboration emails
■ 7. Exclusive product launch emails for VIP customers
■ 8. Seasonal or holiday sale emails
■ 9. New feature or product announcement emails
■ 10. Time-sensitive promotion or flash sale emails
■ 11. Pre-order or waitlist emails for popular products
■ 12. Milestone or anniversary emails for loyal customers
■ ChatGPT prompts for writing cart, purchase and customer service
■ 1. Abandoned cart emails to encourage customers to complete their
■ 2. Order confirmation emails with shipment and delivery information
■ 3. Post-purchase follow-up emails with related products or services
■ 4. Upsell or cross-sell emails to increase revenue
■ 5. Customer service or support follow-up emails
■ ChatGPT prompts for writing feedback, engagements, and survey
■ 6. Feedback or review request emails after a purchase
■ 7. Monthly newsletters to keep subscribers engaged and informed
■ 8. Re-engagement emails for inactive subscribers
■ 9. Survey or feedback emails to gather customer opinion

■ 10. Testimonial or review request emails

■ 11. Referral or friend invitation email

■ ChatGPT prompts for writing events, webinars and networking emails
■ 1. Webinar or event invitation emails
■ 2. Course or Webinar Registration Welcome Email
■ 3. Follow-up emails after a networking event or conference
■ 4. VIP event or invitation-only emails
■ ChatGPT prompts for writing reminders and appointment emails
■ 1. Reminder emails for upcoming appointments or events
■ 2. Renewal or subscription reminder emails
■ ChatGPT prompts for writing charitable and non-profit emails
■ ChatGPT prompts for writing emails for other common business
■ 1. Schedule a meeting or call
■ 2. Follow up on a lead or client
■ 3. Request something
■ 4. Provide project updates
■ 5. Summarize a lengthy email
■ 6. Submit an invoice or payment reminder
■ 7. Apologize to a client or customer
■ 8. Ask for a referral or testimonial
■ 9. Request additional information as part of customer service first
■ 10. Send an acknowledgement of receipt of a ticket
■ 11. Decline an invitation
■ 12. Reject a job application
■ ChatGPT Prompts for Email Campaigns
■ Conclusion

1. Understanding ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT is an AI language model trained on vast amounts of text data,
enabling it to generate human-like text based on given prompts. By
providing ChatGPT with specific instructions or scenarios, marketers can
receive tailored responses to aid various aspects of email marketing,
including content creation, subject line generation, and customer
engagement strategies.

2. Crafting Compelling Email Content


One of the most crucial aspects of email marketing is creating content

that captures the attention of recipients and drives desired actions.
ChatGPT can assist marketers in brainstorming ideas, refining messaging,
and ensuring the tone aligns with the brand’s voice. For example, prompts
such as “Write an engaging product announcement email” or “Craft a
personalized welcome message for new subscribers” can kickstart the
content creation process.

3. Generating Attention-Grabbing
Subject Lines
Subject lines play a pivotal role in determining whether an email gets
opened or ignored. ChatGPT can offer valuable suggestions for crafting
subject lines that stand out in crowded inboxes. Marketers can input
prompts like “Create a subject line that sparks curiosity” or “Generate a
sense of urgency for a limited-time offer” to receive relevant and
impactful suggestions.

4. Personalizing Customer Interactions

Personalization is key to building meaningful connections with email
recipients. ChatGPT prompts can help marketers tailor their messages
based on recipient preferences, behaviors, or demographics. Whether it’s
addressing customers by name, recommending products based on past
purchases, or acknowledging milestones such as birthdays or
anniversaries, ChatGPT can provide personalized messaging ideas to
enhance engagement and loyalty.

5. Optimizing Email Campaigns

Continuous optimization is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of
email marketing campaigns. ChatGPT prompts can aid marketers in A/B
testing different elements of their emails, such as CTAs, visuals, or
messaging variations. By inputting prompts like “Suggest improvements
for increasing click-through rates” or “Optimize email copy for better
conversions,” marketers can refine their strategies based on AI-generated

6. Below are the best ChatGPT prompts


for Email Writing, Email marketing:

ChatGPT prompts for writing welcome
1. Personalized welcome email to new
newsletter subscribers
Prompt: “Compose a warm, personalized welcome email to greet new
newsletter subscribers. Thank them for joining and entice them with a
sneak peek into [your valuable upcoming content].”

2. Personalised welcome email for new

customers (first purchase)
Prompt: “Craft a welcome email for customers who have just made their
first purchase with [your brand or business]. Keep a balance of
appreciation and excitement, and include relevant information about their
recent order.”

3. Personalised welcome email for new trial

users (of an app/digital product)
Prompt: “Generate a friendly and informative welcome email for users
who’ve just started a trial of [your app or digital product]. Emphasize key
features and benefits, and guide them on how to make the most of their
trial period.”

4. Welcome series for new customers with

multiple emails
Prompt: “Develop a comprehensive welcome email series for new
customers, spanning multiple emails. Ensure each email provides unique
value, such as a guide to using [your product or service], explaining [your
exclusive offers], and a personal touch to build a lasting connection.”

ChatGPT prompts for writing

→ onboarding and customer engagement

1. Educational emails with helpful tips or
Prompt: “Create an engaging and informative email that provides valuable
tips and resources related to [your product or service]. The goal is to
educate users and enhance their experience, encouraging them to explore

2. Free trial or demo emails for new products or

Prompt: “Compose a compelling email promoting a free trial of [your
latest product or service]. Clearly communicate [explain the benefits,
features, and unique selling points of your product or service] to
encourage users to take the next step and try it out.”

3. Social media integration emails for social

proof or to increase followers
Prompt: “Craft an email highlighting the benefits of connecting with [your
brand or business] on social media. Make it enticing and showcase the
value of being part of our community. Include the following social proof to
inspire trust and increase followers: [testimonial or user-generated

4. Lead nurturing emails to guide prospects

through the sales funnel
Prompt: “Develop a series of lead nurturing emails for [your brand or
business] that effectively guide prospects through the sales funnel. Each
email should address [your specific pain points], offer solutions, and
gradually build a relationship, ultimately encouraging them to [take your
desired action, i.e.: making a purchase or scheduling a demo].”
ChatGPT prompts for writing
promotions, offers, sales and loyalty
→ emails

1. Promotional emails for product launches

Prompt: “Compose an attention-grabbing email to announce an upcoming
launch for [your brand or business]. Highlight [your key features and
benefits], and create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate action.”

2. Birthday or anniversary emails with special

Prompt: “Craft a personalized and celebratory email to send to customers
on their birthday. Include [your special offer or discount] as a token of
appreciation for their loyalty.”

3. Holiday greetings or special occasion emails

Prompt: “Develop a festive and heartwarming email for [your special
occasion]. Infuse the email with the spirit of [your chosen holiday] and
include [your special promotion or offer].”

4. Exclusive content or early access emails for

VIP customers
Prompt: “Create an exclusive email for our VIP customers, offering them
early access to [your new content or features]. Make them feel valued and
privileged to be part of our elite customer group.”

5. Reward or loyalty program emails

Prompt: “Write an engaging email to inform customers about our loyalty
program, emphasizing [your benefits and rewards]. Encourage them to
stay connected and earn exclusive perks.”
6. Exclusive partner offer or collaboration
Prompt: “Compose a collaborative email with [partner organization] to

announce an exclusive offer. Showcase the mutual benefits and create

excitement around the new partnership.”

7. Exclusive product launch emails for VIP

Prompt: “Craft a special email for our VIP customers, unveiling [your
exclusive product launch]. Communicate [your unique features and
benefits], emphasizing their privileged access.”

8. Seasonal or holiday sale emails

Prompt: “Develop an enticing email to promote [your seasonal or holiday
sale]. Clearly outline [your discounts or special offers], and create a sense
of urgency to drive engagement.”

9. New feature or product announcement

Prompt: “Write an informative email announcing [your new feature or
product]. Clearly communicate the value it brings and why customers
should be excited about the update.”

10. Time-sensitive promotion or flash sale

Prompt: “Compose a compelling email for a time-sensitive promotion or
flash sale for [your brand or business]. Emphasize the limited-time nature
of [your offer] and create urgency to drive conversions.”

11. Pre-order or waitlist emails for popular

Prompt: “Craft an exclusive email for customers to pre-order or join the
waitlist for [your highly-anticipated product]. Highlight the benefits of
being among the first to experience it.”
12. Milestone or anniversary emails for loyal
Prompt: “Develop a heartfelt email to celebrate milestones and

anniversaries with our loyal customers. Express gratitude, share

highlights of their journey with us, and offer [your special thank-you

ChatGPT prompts for writing cart,

purchase and customer service emails
1. Abandoned cart emails to encourage
customers to complete their purchase
Prompt: “Create a persuasive email to recover abandoned carts,
reminding customers of the items left behind and incentivizing them to
complete their purchase with [your special offer or personalized

2. Order confirmation emails with shipment and

delivery information
Prompt: “Craft a clear and informative order confirmation email, including
details about the customer’s purchase, shipment, and delivery
information. Make sure the email reassures customers about their order

3. Post-purchase follow-up emails with related

products or services
Prompt: “Write a thoughtful post-purchase follow-up email suggesting
[your related products or services] based on the customer’s recent
purchase. Enhance their experience by offering complementary items.”

4. Upsell or cross-sell emails to increase

Prompt: “Develop a persuasive email to upsell or cross-sell [your
additional products or services] to existing customers. Highlight the value
and benefits to encourage them to make an additional purchase.”
5. Customer service or support follow-up
Prompt: “Create a helpful and empathetic customer service follow-up

email, make sure that [your customer’s concern] has been addressed.

Provide additional assistance, ask for feedback, and thank them for their

ChatGPT prompts for writing feedback,

engagements, and survey emails
6. Feedback or review request emails after a
Prompt: “Compose a polite and persuasive email to request a review from
customers after their recent purchase. Encourage them to share their
experience and thoughts, highlighting the importance of their input.”

7. Monthly newsletters to keep subscribers

engaged and informed
Prompt: “Create a captivating monthly newsletter to keep subscribers
engaged and informed about [your latest updates, offers, and interesting
content]. Strike a balance between valuable information and a friendly,
approachable tone.”

8. Re-engagement emails for inactive

Prompt: “Develop a compelling re-engagement email to win back inactive
subscribers. Craft a message that reignites their interest with [your
special offer or exclusive content] and remind them of the value they can
gain by staying connected.”

9. Survey or feedback emails to gather

customer opinion
Prompt: “Write an engaging email to encourage customers to participate
in a survey and share their valuable opinions. Clearly communicate [the
purpose of your survey] and offer [your incentive] to boost participation.”
10. Testimonial or review request emails
Prompt: “Craft a sincere and appreciative email requesting testimonials
from satisfied customers. Guide them on how to share their experience
→ and thank them for their support in building trust.”

11. Referral or friend invitation email

Prompt: “Create an inviting email to encourage customers to refer friends.
Clearly communicate [the benefits for both the referrer and the referred
friend]. Keep the message friendly and emphasize the value of sharing
[your products or services].”

ChatGPT prompts for writing events,

webinars and networking emails
1. Webinar or event invitation emails
Prompt: “Craft an enticing email invitation for [your upcoming webinar or
event]. Clearly communicate [your event details], highlight [your key
speakers or topics], and include a compelling call-to-action to encourage

2. Course or Webinar Registration Welcome

Prompt: “Create a warm and informative welcome email for participants
who have registered for [your course or webinar]. Provide essential
details, set expectations, and express excitement about their upcoming
learning experience.”

3. Follow-up emails after a networking event or

Prompt: “Write a thoughtful follow-up email to attendees of [your
networking event or conference]. Express gratitude for their participation,
recap [your key takeaways], and encourage continued engagement or
4. VIP event or invitation-only emails
Prompt: “Compose an exclusive and enticing email invitation for [your VIP
event or invitation-only gathering]. Clearly communicate the exclusivity,
→ benefits of attendance, and create a sense of anticipation to encourage


ChatGPT prompts for writing

reminders and appointment emails
1. Reminder emails for upcoming appointments
or events
Prompt: “Compose a friendly and informative reminder email for [your
upcoming appointment or event]. Include essential details such as date,
time, location, and any necessary preparations. Encourage prompt
attendance and express anticipation for the meeting.”

2. Renewal or subscription reminder emails

Prompt: “Craft a persuasive subscription reminder email to encourage
customers to renew their subscription. Highlight the benefits of continued
service, provide clear instructions for renewal, and offer [your available
incentives or promotions].”

ChatGPT prompts for writing

charitable and non-profit emails
Prompt: “Create a heartfelt and compelling email requesting donations for
[your non-profit or charitable organization]. Clearly communicate the
purpose, impact, and urgency of the cause. Craft a message that
resonates with empathy and encourages recipients to contribute to our
ChatGPT prompts for writing emails for
other common business scenarios

1. Schedule a meeting or call

Prompt: “Write a concise and professional email to schedule a meeting.

Include proposed date and time options, and encourage a prompt
response for confirmation.”

2. Follow up on a lead or client

Prompt: “Craft a friendly follow-up email to [your lead or client]. Express
genuine interest, provide additional information if needed, and propose
[your next steps] to keep the conversation progressing.”

3. Request something
Prompt: “Compose a polite and clear email requesting [your specific
information, resources, or actions]. Clearly state the purpose and any
relevant details to facilitate a prompt and accurate response.”

4. Provide project updates

Prompt: “Write a concise and informative email to provide updates for
[your project]. Highlight [your key accomplishments and milestones], and
any potential challenges, ensuring stakeholders are well-informed.”

5. Summarize a lengthy email

Prompt: “Create a brief and effective summary of the following lengthy
email. Capture the main points and key takeaways to ensure recipients
grasp the essential information quickly. [Paste your lengthy email here].”

6. Submit an invoice or payment reminder

Prompt: “Craft a professional email to send a payment reminder. Clearly
outline the details, due date, and [your relevant payment instructions],
maintaining a courteous tone.”
7. Apologize to a client or customer
Prompt: “Write a sincere and empathetic apology email to [your client or
customer]. Acknowledge any issues, express regret, and outline steps
→ being taken to address and rectify [your situation].”

8. Ask for a referral or testimonial

Prompt: “Compose a polite and persuasive email asking for a referral.
Highlight the positive aspects of [your brand or business collaboration]
and explain how their endorsement would be valuable.”

9. Request additional information as part of

customer service first response
Prompt: “Craft a helpful and empathetic first response email to a
customer service inquiry with [your brand or business]. Request any
additional information needed to address the query efficiently, and assure
the customer of your commitment to resolving their issue.”

10. Send an acknowledgement of receipt of a

Prompt: “Create a prompt and courteous acknowledgment email to
confirm receipt of a customer support ticket. Set expectations for
response time and assure the customer that their concern is being

11. Decline an invitation

Prompt: “Write a gracious and tactful email to decline an invitation.
Express appreciation for the invitation, provide a brief and considerate
explanation for declining, and convey regret for not being able to attend.”

12. Reject a job application

Prompt: “Write a tactful and empathetic email to inform a candidate that
their job application has been unsuccessful. Communicate the decision
respectfully, provide constructive feedback if applicable, and express
gratitude for their interest in [your organization].”
ChatGPT Prompts for Email Campaigns
1. “Generate [number] subject lines for an email campaign about
[product or service.].”

2. “Write [number] holiday-themed subject lines about clothes

3. “What are the best subject lines to increase open rates?”
4. “What are best practices for writing an engaging email subject line?”
5. “Write 10 post-purchase email subject lines for [company].”
6. “Write the body copy for a promotional email campaign about
[company] spring sale. Write in an upbeat and friendly tone.”
7. “Write a follow-up email for [your brand] with the subject line: [your
subject line].”
8. “Write an outline for a weekly email newsletter from [brand] to [target
audience]. Include an intro, main point, conclusion, and call-to-action
in the outline.”
9. “What are best practices for writing engaging email copy for a
marketing campaign?”
10. “List five topics I should write about in my next email newsletter.”
11. “How can I avoid my emails being marked as spam?”
12. “How can I improve my sender reputation?”
13. “How can I ensure my emails are easy to read and navigate on
mobile devices?”
14. “How can I make my emails load faster on mobile devices?”
15. “How should I format my images and media to load properly on
mobile devices?”
16. “List the most common reasons emails are not delivered to the
17. “List the best practices for optimizing an email for mobile devices.”
18. “What are the most common reasons customers unsubscribe from
email lists?”
19. “What are some of the best tools to manage marketing email lists?”
20. “How can I boost email subscribers?”
21. “How can I get off the email blacklist?”
22. “How can I improve my business’ email list?”
23. “What factors can decrease email open rates?”
24. “What factors can boost email open rates?
25. “List the top five email marketing tools.”
Other useful ChatGPT prompts:

43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Advertising


43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creation and Social Media

80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Business

80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing

21 Smart ChatGPT prompts for SEO

Incorporating ChatGPT prompts into your email marketing toolkit can
elevate your campaigns to new heights by providing valuable guidance,
inspiration, and optimization opportunities. By leveraging the power of AI-
driven language generation, marketers can streamline the content
creation process, enhance personalization efforts, and ultimately drive
better results from their email marketing initiatives. Embrace the potential
of ChatGPT prompts and unlock new possibilities for engaging with your
audience through email.

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102 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Data


In the realm of data analysis, efficiency and precision are paramount.

Every insight gleaned from data holds the potential to drive informed
decisions and unlock growth opportunities for businesses. With the
emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), tools like ChatGPT are
revolutionizing the way data analysis is conducted. By leveraging smart
ChatGPT prompts effectively, analysts can streamline their processes,
uncover deeper insights, and make more informed decisions. Let’s delve
into how to effectively utilize ChatGPT prompts for data analysis.

Table of Contents
■ Understanding ChatGPT Prompts for Data Analysis
■ How to Effectively Use ChatGPT Prompts for Data Analysis
■ Maximizing the Potential of ChatGPT Prompts
■ Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for Data Analysis
■ Most Useful ChatGPT Prompts For Data Analysis
■ Data Exploration and Interpretation
■ Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
■ Statistical Analysis and Hypothesis Testing
■ Data Visualisation and Reporting
■ Coding and Scripting Assistance

■ Explaining Complex Concepts

■ Competitive Analysis
■ Market Research and Competitive Analysis
■ Customer Analysis
■ Social Media analysis
■ Sentiment Analysis
■ Generating Ideas for A/B Testing

Understanding ChatGPT Prompts for

Data Analysis:
ChatGPT prompts serve as cues that guide the AI model in generating
relevant and contextually appropriate responses. In the context of data
analysis, ChatGPT prompts can be used to perform a wide range of tasks,
including data exploration, visualization, summarization, and predictive
modeling. The key is to provide clear and specific prompts that align with
your data analysis objectives and the type of insights you’re seeking.

How to Effectively Use ChatGPT Prompts for

Data Analysis:
1. Data Exploration: Begin by providing ChatGPT with prompts that
outline the scope and objectives of your data analysis project.
Prompt ChatGPT to explore your dataset and generate insights on
key trends, patterns, and correlations. Specify any specific variables
or metrics of interest that you want ChatGPT to focus on.
2. Data Visualization: ChatGPT prompts can also be used to generate
data visualizations such as charts, graphs, and plots. Provide
prompts that specify the type of visualization you want to create
(e.g., line chart, bar chart, scatter plot) and the variables or data
points to include. ChatGPT can generate visualizations that help
communicate complex data in a clear and intuitive manner.
3. Summarization and Insights: Use ChatGPT prompts to summarize
key findings and insights from your data analysis. Provide prompts
that ask ChatGPT to distill the main takeaways from your dataset,
identify outliers or anomalies, and highlight any notable trends or
patterns. ChatGPT can generate concise summaries that aid
decision-making and inform future actions.
→ 4. Predictive Modeling: ChatGPT prompts can also assist in building
predictive models based on historical data. Provide prompts that

outline the target variable or outcome you want to predict, as well as

the features or predictors to include in the model. ChatGPT can
generate code snippets or algorithms for predictive modeling
techniques such as regression, classification, or time series
5. Data Quality Assessment: ChatGPT prompts can help assess the
quality and integrity of your data. Provide prompts that ask ChatGPT
to identify missing values, outliers, or inconsistencies in the dataset.
ChatGPT can generate recommendations for data cleaning and
preprocessing steps to ensure the reliability and accuracy of your

Maximizing the Potential of ChatGPT Prompts:

Provide Clear and Specific Prompts: Clearly define the desired
outcome or objective when providing prompts to ChatGPT for data
Review and Refine Outputs: Review the insights generated by
ChatGPT and refine them as needed to ensure accuracy and
Experiment and Iterate: Test different prompts and approaches to
uncover new insights and validate findings.
Maintain Ethical Standards: Use ChatGPT responsibly and ethically,
ensuring that data analysis processes comply with privacy
regulations and ethical guidelines.

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for Data Analysis:
Most Useful ChatGPT Prompts For Data
1. I need to perform an analysis on [data set] to uncover [desired
2. I’m looking for ways to visualize [data set] in order to gain insights on
[desired outcome].
3. I need to develop a predictive model that can forecast [desired
→ outcome] based on data from [data set].
4. I’m looking for a way to segment [data set] into different groups

based on [criteria] and analyze the differences between them.

5. I need to identify correlations between [two data sets] and use this
information to make informed decisions.

Data Exploration and Interpretation:

You can use ChatGPT to quickly summarise and interpret datasets,
providing an initial understanding of data patterns and outliers.

1. “Summarize the key characteristics of this dataset. Include

information on data types, missing values, and basic statistics.”
2. “Generate a concise summary of this dataset that can be easily
understood by non-technical stakeholders.”
3. “Provide insights into the distribution of numerical variables in this
dataset. Identify any significant skewness or outliers.”
4. “Detect outliers in the ‘sales’ column of this dataset and provide a
brief explanation of their impact on the analysis.”
5. “Examine the time series data and identify any seasonality or trends
present. Provide a summary of your findings.”
6. “Calculate and interpret the correlation matrix for numerical
variables in this dataset. Highlight any strong relationships.”
7. “Assess the data quality in this dataset, focusing on missing values,
duplicate records, and data entry errors.”
8. “Identify anomalous patterns or data points in the ‘user_activity’ log
and suggest possible causes.”

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing:

ChatGPT can assist in identifying and suggesting methods for handling
missing data, outliers, and other data quality issues.

1. “Suggest methods and best practices for cleaning and

preprocessing this messy dataset.”
2. “How can I effectively handle outliers in the ‘sales’ column to ensure
they don’t skew the analysis?”
3. “Provide code examples in Python or R for handling missing values
in a dataset.”
4. “How can I extract meaningful features from datetime columns, such
→ as day of the week or month?”
5. “Recommend approaches to identify and remove duplicate records

from the dataset.”

Statistical Analysis and Hypothesis Testing:

As an analyst you can seek assistance from ChatGPT in formulating
hypotheses, selecting appropriate statistical tests, and interpreting the

1. “Help me design a hypothesis test to determine if there’s a

significant difference in conversion rates between two website
2. “Calculate the correlation coefficient between ‘advertising spend’
and ‘sales revenue’ in our dataset. Is the relationship significant?”
3. “Perform a t-test to compare the means of two independent groups
in our data. What are the findings?”
4. “Conduct a linear regression analysis to predict ‘sales’ based on
‘advertising spend.’ Interpret the coefficients.”
5. “Calculate the required sample size for a hypothesis test with a
specified power and effect size.”

Data Visualisation and Reporting:

ChatGPT can help generate code for data visualizations and provide
suggestions for creating informative reports and dashboards.

1. “What type of chart or graph is most suitable for displaying this

2. “Generate a bar chart to visualize the distribution of product sales by
3. “Create a line graph to show the trend in website traffic over the past
4. “Suggest the most appropriate type of chart or graph for
representing the relationship between customer age and purchase
5. “Which visualization method is best for displaying geographic
distribution data?”
6. “Generate a heatmap to visualize the correlation matrix of numerical
→ variables in our dataset.”
7. “Generate Python code to create a bar chart using Matplotlib to

visualize product sales by category.”

8. “Create R code to generate a scatter plot to visualize the relationship
between two numerical variables.”
9. “Produce a box plot to display the distribution of employee salaries
in our organization.”
10. “Visualize the distribution of customer ages using a histogram.”
11. “Create a heatmap to show the concentration of website clicks
across different time periods.”
12. “Generate a time series plot to show the daily stock prices of a
selected company over the past year.”
13. “Create a calendar heatmap to visualize employee attendance
14. “Illustrate the breakdown of marketing campaign expenses by
channel using a pie chart.”
15. “Compare the distribution of website traffic sources with a donut

Coding and Scripting Assistance:

ChatGPT can provide code snippets and solutions for coding tasks
related to data analysis in R, Python, SQL, and other languages. It can also
significantly improve your code and also help in troubleshooting,
interpreting, optimising and summarising scripts:

1. “Suggest ways to make my R script more efficient”

2. “Optimize this SQL query for better performance.”
3. “Review my Python script for data cleaning and suggest
improvements to adhere to best coding practices.”
4. “I’ve written an R function for data transformation. Can you provide
feedback on code readability and style?”
5. “I’ve been given a Python script that I need to understand. Can you
help me interpret its overall functionality and purpose?”
6. “Provide a Python code snippet to read a CSV file into a DataFrame
using Pandas.”
7. “Write an R script to perform linear regression analysis on a dataset
and display the results.”
8. “Help me write an SQL query to retrieve the top 10 customers by
→ total purchase amount.”
9. “Create an SQL query to join two tables and calculate the average

order value.”
10. “Provide a regular expression pattern in Python for extracting email
addresses from text data.”
11. “Explain how to authenticate and use the Twitter API in R.”
12. “Help me troubleshoot and fix an error in my Python code related to
indexing a list.”
13. “Explain how to extract information from multiple pages of a website
using web scraping.”

Explaining Complex Concepts:

You can use ChatGPT to simplify and explain complex statistical or
technical concepts to non-technical audience.

1. “Provide a simple analogy or metaphor to explain linear regression

and its purpose.”
2. “Create a concise explanation of the difference between correlation
and causation using real-world examples.”
3. “Explain A/B testing and its significance for improving website user
experience to a non-technical team.”
4. “How can I introduce the concept of machine learning to business
executives without using technical jargon?”

Competitive Analysis:
You can use ChatGPT to help you with competitive analysis by using
prompts like these:

1. “List potential competitors in our industry and provide a brief

overview of each.”
2. “Provide insights into our top competitors’ market share, strategies,
and customer demographics.”
3. “Compare our market share with that of our top three competitors
over the past year.”
4. “Compare the features and functionalities of our product with those
of a key competitor.”
5. “Provide a sentiment analysis of customer reviews for our product
→ and a major competitor. Are there any insights to be gained?”
6. “Analyze the digital marketing strategies (e.g., SEO, PPC, content) of

our competitors. What keywords are they targeting?”

7. “Examine the website of a major competitor and identify areas of
improvement or best practices.”
8. “Compare our sales and revenue growth with those of a top
competitor over the last five years.”
9. “Analyze how our competitors are expanding into new markets or
geographic regions.”

Market Research and Competitive Analysis:

Analysts can discuss market research strategies, competitor analysis,
and trends with ChatGPT to gather insights.

1. “Summarize current trends and emerging opportunities in our

industry based on recent market research.”
2. “Can you provide information about emerging trends in the fashion
3. “What are the latest consumer trends, and how can we align our
marketing strategies with them?
4. “Help me estimate the total addressable market (TAM) for our
product or service in a specific region.”
5. “Explain the factors influencing consumer behavior in our target
market. How do demographics impact purchasing decisions?”
6. “Give an overview of the demographics (age, gender, income, etc.) of
our target market.”
7. “Identify seasonal marketing opportunities and recommend
campaigns or promotions.”
8. “Provide insights into how our brand is perceived in the market and
suggest strategies for brand improvement.”
9. “Recommend effective ways to segment our customer base for
targeted marketing efforts.”
Customer Analysis
1. “Create detailed customer personas based on data analysis. What
are their pain points, preferences, and motivations?”
→ 2. “How can we tailor our marketing messages to resonate with

different customer personas?”

3. “Calculate customer lifetime value (CLV) and suggest strategies for
increasing CLV.”
4. “How can we engage and retain high CLV customers effectively?”

Social Media analysis

1. “Analyze social media engagement metrics. Which posts or content
types receive the most likes, shares, and comments?”
2. “Conduct sentiment analysis on social media mentions related to our
brand. How do customers perceive our products or services?”
3. “Identify sentiment shifts over time and key factors influencing
4. “Recommend social media strategies to boost engagement and
brand awareness.”
5. “Analyze the performance of our recent social media posts. Which
posts received the highest engagement, and what can we learn from
6. “Identify trends in the type of content (videos, images, infographics)
that resonate most with our audience.”
7. “Provide insights on our social media audience segments. How can
we tailor content to better engage each segment?”
8. “Suggest strategies for expanding our reach to new and relevant
audience segments.”
9. “Evaluate the effectiveness of the hashtags we use in our social
media campaigns. Which hashtags drive the most engagement and
10. “Recommend trending or niche hashtags to incorporate into our
content strategy.”
11. “Assess the best times and days to post content on each social
platform based on engagement data. How can we optimize our
posting schedule?”
12. “Provide insights on potential influencers in our industry or niche.
How can we collaborate with them to boost engagement?”
Sentiment Analysis
AI tools can help you extract insights from customer reviews, social
comments, and customer surveys. You can use them to learn how people
→ feel about your brand or products, and even those of your competitors.

Make sure to have the data available (either in a form of csv, Excel, or a

1. Overall Sentiment Analysis: “Analyze the overall sentiment of these

social media comments. Are they mostly positive, negative, or
neutral? Provide a summary and examples. Use the attached dataset
to carry out the analysis.”
2. Analyze Public Perception of YouTube Video Topic: “Based on the
attached YouTube comments, utilize sentiment analysis to evaluate
the public’s perception of the topic discussed in the YouTube video.
Focus on identifying common themes, overall sentiment (positive,
negative, neutral), and any significant shifts in opinion throughout
the comments. Summarize the findings to capture the audience’s
reaction to the video content.”
3. Pinpoint Specific Concerns or Praise: “Are there any specific
concerns or repeated compliments mentioned in these comments?
Extract and list them”.
4. Identify Key Themes and Topics: “What are the most common
themes and topics discussed in these comments? Categorize them
and provide examples for each category.”

Generating Ideas for A/B Testing:

ChatGPT can brainstorm ideas for A/B tests, experiment designs, and
hypotheses to optimize marketing campaigns or product features.

1. “Suggest A/B test ideas to optimize our homepage for improved user
engagement and conversion rates”
2. “Generate A/B test variations for our call-to-action (CTA) buttons to
increase click-through rates.”
3. “Propose A/B test experiments to enhance our product pages for
better conversion and sales.”
4. “What are some A/B test ideas to improve the navigation menu’s
usability and effectiveness?”
5. “Provide ideas for A/B testing different types of content (e.g., videos,
infographics) on our website.”
6. “What A/B tests can we conduct to compare user behavior and
→ conversions between mobile and desktop users?”
7. “Generate A/B test ideas for optimizing our email capture popup’s

timing, design, and messaging.”

8. “What A/B tests can we conduct to optimize site speed and reduce
page load times for better user experience?”
9. “Provide A/B test ideas for improving the search functionality on our
website to enhance user satisfaction.”


Smart ChatGPT prompts offer analysts a powerful tool for streamlining

data analysis processes and uncovering valuable insights. By leveraging
ChatGPT effectively and focusing on data analysis objectives, analysts
can extract actionable insights from data and drive informed decision-
making. Embrace the potential of ChatGPT prompts and unlock new
possibilities for data-driven success in your organization.

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43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For


In the ever-evolving world of advertising, staying ahead of the curve is

essential for reaching and engaging target audiences effectively. With the
advent of artificial intelligence (AI), businesses now have access to
powerful tools that can revolutionize their advertising strategies. One
such tool that’s making waves is ChatGPT—an AI model developed by
OpenAI that generates human-like text based on prompts provided by
users. By harnessing the power of smart ChatGPT prompts, businesses
can elevate their advertising efforts to new heights. Let’s explore how to
effectively use ChatGPT prompts for advertising success.

Table of Contents
■ Understanding ChatGPT Prompts for Advertising
■ How to Effectively Use ChatGPT Prompts for Advertising
■ Maximizing the Potential of ChatGPT Prompts
■ Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for Advertising
■ 1. Keyword research
■ 2. Ad creatives and copywriting
■ 3. Defining the target audience
■ 4. Campaign strategy
■ 5. Generate product descriptions and names

■ 6. Landing page optimization

Understanding ChatGPT Prompts for

ChatGPT prompts serve as cues that guide the AI model in generating
relevant and contextually appropriate responses. In the context of
advertising, ChatGPT prompts can be used to brainstorm ad copy, create
compelling headlines, draft social media posts, and even generate ideas
for ad campaigns. The key is to provide clear and specific prompts that
align with your advertising objectives and target audience.

How to Effectively Use ChatGPT

Prompts for Advertising:
1. Ad Copy Generation: Crafting compelling ad copy is crucial for
capturing the attention of your audience and driving conversions.
Use ChatGPT prompts to generate ad copy that highlights the key
features, benefits, and value propositions of your product or service.
Provide prompts that convey the desired tone, messaging, and call-
to-action for your ads.
2. Headline Creation: A captivating headline can make all the
difference in grabbing the viewer’s attention and enticing them to
learn more. Use ChatGPT prompts to brainstorm headline ideas for
your ads, focusing on keywords, emotional triggers, and curiosity-
driven hooks that resonate with your target audience.
3. Social Media Ads: Social media platforms offer a powerful
advertising channel for reaching and engaging audiences. Use
ChatGPT prompts to draft social media ads that are tailored to each
platform’s audience and format. Provide prompts that specify the
platform, ad objectives, target audience, and desired messaging for
your ads.
4. Ad Campaign Ideas: Developing creative and impactful ad
campaigns requires innovative thinking and strategic planning. Use
ChatGPT prompts to generate ideas for ad campaigns, focusing on
themes, concepts, and storytelling angles that align with your brand
identity and marketing goals. Provide prompts that outline the
→ campaign objectives, target audience, and desired outcomes.
5. A/B Testing Variations: A/B testing is essential for optimizing ad

performance and maximizing ROI. Use ChatGPT prompts to generate

variations of ad copy, headlines, and messaging for A/B testing
purposes. Provide prompts that specify the variables to test, such as
different value propositions, calls-to-action, or audience segments.

Maximizing the Potential of ChatGPT

Provide Clear and Specific Prompts: Clearly define the desired
outcome or objective when providing prompts to ChatGPT.
Review and Refine Outputs: Review the ad copy generated by
ChatGPT and refine it as needed to ensure accuracy, relevance, and
alignment with your brand.
Experiment and Iterate: Test different prompts and ad variations to
identify what resonates best with your audience and drives the
desired results.
Maintain Brand Consistency: Ensure that the ad copy generated by
ChatGPT aligns with your brand voice, values, and messaging.

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for Advertising:
1. Keyword research
Keywords – the initial starting point of any Google ads or Bing (now
Microsoft) ads search campaign.

ChatGPT can assist in generating keyword ideas and providing insights on

search intentions, competition, and relevance, helping advertisers identify
the most effective keywords for their PPC campaigns.

These prompts can supercharge your PPC keyword strategy:

1. Suggest relevant keywords to advertise this landing page: [URL to
the landing page].
2. List [number] keyword ideas to advertise about [product name].
→ 3. I’m running a [platform and ad format] campaign about [few details
about your campaign]. Find keywords similar to this one [keyword or

list of keywords].
4. Generate the most popular keywords for the topic of [topic].
5. I’m running an ad campaign about [product or service with few
details]. My target audience is [your audience]. Brainstorm negative
keywords for the topic of [topic].
6. Group the following list of keywords in categories by search intent
and category:

7. Create [number] ad groups for the following list of keywords:

View full: 21 Smart ChatGPT prompts for SEO

2. Ad creatives and copywriting

With information about your product or service, campaign goals, intended
audience, etc, ChatGPT can help you create compelling ad copy

Here are the most effective prompts to use for generating your ad copy:

1. I’m creating a Google search ad for [product, service, or topic]. I

need you to create [number] suggestions for the ad headline and
2. I’m running a [type of your PPC ad] about [product or
service] with [targeted keyword] as the main keyword. I’m
targeting [describe your ad group audience] with this ad: [ad copy].
Adapt this copy for the ad group of [describe your new ad group
3. With the ad copy below, I’m targeting [audience group and
→ description]. Generate 10 similar variants in which the Call to Action
(CTA) will be shorter, stronger, and more concise: [ad copy], CTA to

be edited: [CTA].
4. I need to create a Meta video ad for a story as placement
about [describe your product or service]. My target audience is [few
words to describe the target audience]. Please suggest creative
ideas about the video and the description.
5. I’m currently running a responsive search ad on Google
about [describe your product or service], and the target audience
is [description of your audience group]. Based on the headline and
description I currently use, please suggest other variants to target
different pain points of this target audience for an A/B test.
The current ad creative:
6. Create an advertising campaign about [product/service] targeting
[target audience]. Include [number] messages and slogans and
choose the best promotional media channels based on our product
offering. [Insert supplemental information]
7. Develop a comprehensive advertising campaign strategy for
launching a new product in the market. Here’s our product
information: [insert product information]
8. Create a catchy slogan for a [industry] brand that encapsulates their
brand identity and motivates potential customers. Here are their
brand voice guidelines [insert brand guidelines].
9. Write a persuasive 30-second radio script for
[product/service/brand], highlighting their current promotions.
[Insert information about product/promotion]
10. Propose creative ideas for a viral marketing campaign that
generates buzz and engages users on social media platforms.
11. Develop a storyboard for a TV commercial that showcases the
benefits and usage of [product/service] targeting [target audience].
12. Provide descriptions for a series of online banner ads for an
ecommerce website, promoting their seasonal sale with compelling
visuals and call-to-action messages. [Insert supplemental
13. Create a targeted advertising strategy to reach and engage a
→ specific demographic for [product/service].
14. Write a script for a YouTube pre-roll ad that grabs viewers’ attention

within the first five seconds and drives them to take action. [Insert
supplemental information]
15. Propose innovative influencer marketing collaborations for a
[product/service] to increase brand awareness and customer
16. Develop a buyer persona for a [interest] enthusiast who enjoys
attending [event type].
17. Suggest [number] strategies for lead generation in [market] and
18. Write a 15-second advertisement script about [product/service].
19. List common challenges faced by [insert buyer persona
20. Write a script for a YouTube post-roll ad that ends with a compelling
CTA for [product/service].

3. Defining the target audience

Even if you already have clearly defined your “ideal” buyer persona, don’t
limit your audience possibilities.

ChatGPT can provide guidance on audience segmentation and

demographics, helping you identify or refine your customer profiles for
precise targeting. Check the prompts below for this step:

1. I’m running a [type of ad campaign] for [product/service]. Suggest

audience groups that I can target based on [criteria].
2. I’m running a [type of ad campaign] for [product/service]. My target
audience is [audience specifics]. I need you to identify the most
common pain points of this audience group associated with [your
product/service] and generate [number] of ad copy suggestions
based on this.
3. I’m running a [type of ad campaign]. My target audience is [audience
demographics, interests, etc.], and I’m targeting with these
keywords [targeted keywords]. Generate hypotheses about what
factors might affect the performance of my campaign.
4. Act like you are an experienced PPC expert. I want to run Google
ads for [describe your business and product or service with its
specifications]. Create an ideal audience for this ad.

4. Campaign strategy

ChatGPT can offer strategic advice on campaign goals, budget allocation,

bidding strategies, and ad scheduling. This will help you come up with
better-informed decisions to maximize campaign ROI.

Leverage these prompts to design winning PPC campaigns:

1. I want to run a creative display ad on social media for [product or

service]. Suggest the best placements and platforms I should
consider to attract potential customers.
2. I’m preparing a PPC campaign for [short business and
product/service description]. Act as an experienced PPC strategist
and suggest ad platforms, placements, and format combinations so
I can set up multiple campaigns.
3. I’m preparing a Google search ad campaign about [describe your
product/service]. Please suggest ad groups with ad copy and
headlines for each of these keywords

. Group them in a table format.

4. I’m running a PPC campaign about [product/service description]. My
target audience is [describe your audience] on the following

. Suggest a budgeting strategy per platform.

View full:

80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing

43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creation and Social Media
80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Business

5. Generate product descriptions and names

Let’s face it: many PPC experts claim that creativity is not their strongest
skill, and crafting unique and engaging product descriptions for your
advertised products requires a touch of artistry and linguistic finesse.
With these prompts, you can let ChatGPT generate product names and
descriptions that are engaging and informative:

1. Please craft a compelling product description about [describe your

product]. It needs to address the following USPs (Unique Selling

Propositions) [drop your defined USPs].

2. I’m running a PPC campaign about [describe your product]. My
target audience is [describe your audience]. Please generate 2
product descriptions and names for A/B testing that address the
audience’s pain points.
3. Please provide a product description for [Product Name]. This
product is [Product Category] that [Main Feature/Benefit]. It is
designed for [Target Audience] and is [Product
Specification]. Source.
4. Please write a [number] words engaging product description with a
catchy name about [your product]. Focus on these main product
features [product features] and use [type of tone of voice, e.g.,
casual, enthusiastic, etc.] tone of voice.

Search Engine Land suggests that you can use existing Excel
spreadsheets with your list of products to generate product descriptions
with ChatGPT. Check out their article about this and see how you can
utilize it to generate even better product descriptions and names.

6. Landing page optimization

Yes, with the right prompts, ChatGPT can help you optimize the final
destination your audience should land on.

It can suggest ways, for example, to enhance the user experience by

providing information on website usability, navigation, and personalization
to increase conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Follow these landing page optimization prompts:

1. Suggest best practices on how to optimize my landing page

about [product type]. The main target audience is [target audience].
2. I’m running a PPC campaign about [product description]. Suggest
ideas on how to optimize its landing page with pain points relevant
to [target audience].
3. Suggest optimal CTA (Call to Action) to optimize my landing page
about [type of product] for better conversions.
4. Suggest creative ideas on how to optimize the design on my landing
→ page about [product type]. It should be relevant for [target
audience] to motivate them to take the next step.


Smart ChatGPT prompts offer businesses a powerful tool for enhancing

their advertising efforts and driving results. By leveraging ChatGPT
effectively and focusing on advertising objectives, businesses can unlock
new opportunities for creativity, engagement, and conversion. Embrace
the potential of ChatGPT prompts and embark on a journey of advertising
success in the digital age.

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43 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For

Content Creation And Social Media

In today’s digital age, content is king, and social media is its kingdom.
Businesses striving to stand out in a crowded digital landscape are
increasingly turning to innovative tools to streamline their content
creation processes and elevate their social media presence. One such
tool that’s gaining traction is ChatGPT. By leveraging ChatGPT prompts
effectively, businesses can unlock a wealth of possibilities for content
creation and social media marketing. Let’s delve into how you can
harness the power of ChatGPT prompts to fuel your content and social
media strategies.

Table of Contents
■ Understanding ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation and Social
■ How to Effectively Use ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation and
Social Media
■ Maximizing the Potential of ChatGPT Prompts
■ Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for Content Creation and Social
■ Content Creation
■ Social Media Marketing


Understanding ChatGPT Prompts for

Content Creation and Social Media:
ChatGPT prompts serve as guiding cues that prompt the AI model to
generate relevant and contextually appropriate responses. When it comes
to content creation and social media, ChatGPT prompts can be used to
generate ideas, draft posts, create captions, and even engage with
followers. The key is to provide clear and specific prompts tailored to your
content objectives and target audience.

How to Effectively Use ChatGPT

Prompts for Content Creation and
Social Media:
1. Idea Generation: Stuck in a content rut? Use ChatGPT prompts to
brainstorm fresh ideas for blog posts, articles, videos, and social
media content. Provide a prompt related to your niche or industry,
and let ChatGPT spark your creativity with new concepts and angles.
2. Content Drafting: Writing compelling content can be time-
consuming, but ChatGPT can help speed up the process. Provide a
brief outline or topic suggestion, and let ChatGPT generate a draft
for your blog post, article, or social media post. You can then refine
and polish the content to align with your brand voice and messaging.
3. Social Media Captions: Crafting engaging social media captions is
essential for capturing your audience’s attention and driving
engagement. Use ChatGPT prompts to generate catchy captions for
your posts, ensuring they are relevant, engaging, and optimized for
each platform.
4. Content Personalization: Personalized content resonates with
audiences on a deeper level. Use ChatGPT prompts to tailor content
to specific segments of your audience based on factors such as
demographics, interests, and behaviors. Provide prompts that
highlight key audience segments or personas, and let ChatGPT
generate personalized content recommendations.
5. Engagement Responses: Engaging with your audience on social
→ media is crucial for building relationships and fostering community.
Use ChatGPT prompts to generate responses to comments,

messages, and inquiries from your followers. Ensure that the

responses are timely, relevant, and reflective of your brand voice and

Maximizing the Potential of ChatGPT

Provide Clear and Specific Prompts: Clearly define the desired
outcome or objective when providing prompts to ChatGPT.
Review and Refine Outputs: Review the content generated by
ChatGPT and refine it as needed to ensure accuracy and alignment
with your brand.
Experiment and Iterate: Test different prompts and approaches to
discover what resonates best with your audience and drives
Maintain Brand Consistency: Ensure that the content generated by
ChatGPT aligns with your brand identity, values, and messaging.

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for Content Creation and Social Media :
Content Creation
1. Write an introduction for a blog post on [topic] using the following
keywords: [keywords].
2. Develop a step-by-step tutorial video on [topic] for our YouTube
channel. Include the following info: [insert additional information
3. Craft a content calendar with [number] blog post ideas, including
these keywords [insert keywords]. Spread the blog posts out across
3 months.
4. Create a checklist for conducting market research before launching
a new product or service.
5. Generate a list of 10 thought-provoking discussion questions for a
blog post about [topic].
6. Write a script for a podcast episode discussing the benefits of
→ [topic].
7. Develop a whitepaper on [topic]. Keep it under [number of words].

Here is the information to help: [insert additional information here].

8. Write a series of email newsletters providing tips and tricks for
9. Rewrite this bulleted list to start with the same [part of speech].
10. Rewrite this paragraph as a bulleted list.
11. Summarize this expert interview. [Insert interview]
12. Write a short DM to [creator/business] that persuades them to
partner with me for [topic]. Include two to three reasons why it
makes sense for us to partner together. Here is information on this
creator: [insert information]
13. Trim this content down to fewer than [X
14. Rewrite this paragraph for clarity.
15. For WordPress: Write HTML hyperlinks for these header 2s [insert
headers] with header tags.

Social Media Marketing:

1. Structure an attention-grabbing Instagram carousel post highlighting
[insert brand/product features].
2. Create a Twitter thread featuring tips and tricks for [insert topic].
Include this information: [insert information].
3. Write a Facebook post inviting followers to share [topic].
4. Craft a short LinkedIn post about [topic/keyword]. Use this
supplementary information: [insert a paragraph here].
5. Create a Pinterest pin description dedicated to [topic] and [features].
6. Create [number] LinkedIn polls about [insert topics].
7. Write a short social media post for [social media channels]
explaining our holiday hours are [insert times] but letting people
know they can shop online.
8. Generate [number] post ideas for [social media platforms] for a
[company industry] company, focusing on [company-related topics].
Create [number] Pinterest board ideas for a [company type]
9. Write a [social media channel] post sharing this inspiring customer
success story and how our [product or service] made a positive
impact: [insert customer story].
→ 10. Develop a series of LinkedIn posts sharing industry insights and
thought leadership on emerging marketing trends in [topic]. Here’s a

list of trends to get started [trends list].

11. Write a TikTok biography for my company. Here’s information about
my company [insert information here].
12. Create a TikTok video idea demonstrating [topic].
13. Write a LinkedIn post promoting our new ebook about [topic].
Describe this in [word count] words or less and include this URL:
[website URL].
14. Rewrite this blog post section as an Instagram caption: [insert
15. Structure an attention-grabbing Instagram carousel post highlighting
[insert brand/product features].
16. Create a Twitter thread featuring tips and tricks for [insert topic].
Include this information: [insert information].
17. Write a Facebook post inviting followers to share [topic].
18. Craft a short LinkedIn post about [topic/keyword]. Use this
supplementary information: [insert a paragraph here].
19. Create a Pinterest pin description dedicated to [topic] and [features].
20. Create [number] LinkedIn polls about [insert topics].
21. Write a short social media post for [social media channels]
explaining our holiday hours are [insert times] but letting people
know they can shop online.
22. Generate [number] post ideas for [social media platforms] for a
[company industry] company, focusing on [company-related topics].
Create [number] Pinterest board ideas for a [company type]
23. Write a [social media channel] post sharing this inspiring customer
success story and how our [product or service] made a positive
impact: [insert customer story].
24. Develop a series of LinkedIn posts sharing industry insights and
thought leadership on emerging marketing trends in [topic]. Here’s a
list of trends to get started [trends list].
25. Write a TikTok biography for my company. Here’s information about
my company [insert information here].
26. Create a TikTok video idea demonstrating [topic].
27. Write a LinkedIn post promoting our new ebook about [topic].
Describe this in [word count] words or less and include this URL:
→ [website URL].
28. Rewrite this blog post section as an Instagram caption: [insert


View full: 80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing

ChatGPT prompts offer businesses a powerful tool for streamlining

content creation and enhancing their social media presence. By
leveraging ChatGPT effectively and focusing on content creation and
social media objectives, businesses can unlock new opportunities for
creativity, engagement, and growth. Embrace the potential of ChatGPT
prompts and embark on a journey of content innovation and social media

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80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For


In today’s fast-paced business landscape, efficiency and innovation are

key to staying ahead of the competition. With the emergence of artificial
intelligence (AI), businesses now have access to powerful tools that can
revolutionize operations and drive growth. One such tool gaining traction
is ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art AI model developed by OpenAI. By
harnessing the power of ChatGPT prompts effectively, businesses can
unlock new opportunities, streamline processes, and achieve greater

Table of Contents
■ Understanding ChatGPT Prompts
■ Effective Use of ChatGPT Prompts in Business
■ Best Practices for Using ChatGPT Prompts
■ Below are the best ChatGPT prompts for business
■ Business optimization
■ Market Research
■ Content Creation and Keyword Research
■ Marketing – View full 80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For Marketing
■ Miscellaneous

Understanding ChatGPT Prompts:

ChatGPT operates on a simple yet powerful principle: it generates human-

like text based on prompts provided by users. These prompts serve as
instructions or cues that guide ChatGPT in generating relevant and
contextually appropriate responses. In the context of business, ChatGPT
prompts can be utilized in a variety of ways to improve productivity,
enhance communication, and drive innovation.

Effective Use of ChatGPT Prompts in

1. Content Generation: ChatGPT can assist businesses in generating a
wide range of content, including reports, proposals, emails, and
marketing materials. By providing specific prompts related to the
desired content type and objectives, businesses can quickly
generate high-quality materials that align with their brand voice and
2. Data Analysis and Insights: ChatGPT prompts can facilitate data
analysis by generating queries, summarizing findings, and extracting
insights from large datasets. Businesses can prompt ChatGPT to
perform tasks such as trend analysis, sentiment analysis, and
predictive modeling, enabling them to make data-driven decisions
and identify opportunities for growth.
3. Customer Support and Service: ChatGPT prompts can enhance
customer support and service by providing quick and accurate
responses to common inquiries and issues. Businesses can deploy
ChatGPT-powered chatbots on their websites and messaging
platforms to handle routine customer queries, freeing up human
agents to focus on more complex tasks and providing customers
with a seamless support experience.
4. Strategic Planning and Decision-Making: ChatGPT prompts can aid
businesses in strategic planning and decision-making by generating
ideas, conducting scenario analysis, and assessing potential risks
and opportunities. Businesses can prompt ChatGPT to help
brainstorm new product features, evaluate market trends, and
develop business strategies, enabling them to stay agile and
→ responsive in a rapidly changing environment.
5. Training and Development: ChatGPT prompts can support employee

training and development initiatives by generating training materials,

quizzes, and interactive learning experiences. Businesses can
prompt ChatGPT to create customized training modules on various
topics, such as product knowledge, sales techniques, and
compliance training, empowering employees to acquire new skills
and knowledge effectively.

Best Practices for Using ChatGPT

Provide Clear and Specific Prompts: Clearly define the task or
objective you want ChatGPT to perform and provide relevant context
to guide its response.
Review and Refine Outputs: Review ChatGPT-generated content
carefully and refine as needed to ensure accuracy and relevance.
Maintain Ethical Standards: Use ChatGPT responsibly and ethically,
ensuring that generated content complies with legal and ethical
guidelines and aligns with your business values.

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for business:
Business optimization
1. “What are the top trends in [your industry] for 2023?”
2. “What are the most important metrics to measure the success of our
3. “List ways to reduce cost and increase profitability.”
4. “How can we use social media to increase brand awareness?”
5. “How can we improve search engine optimization for our business?”
6. “How can we improve our customer service experience?”
7. “What are some ways we can boost productivity and employee
8. “What are the best tools for budgeting?”
9. “How can A/B testing improve our website’s performance?”
10. “How can we use automation to simplify our marketing and sales
→ tactics?”
11. “List the ways we can use a webinar to increase brand awareness

and leads.”
12. “What are the best practices for creating a strong company culture?”
13. “Generate ways to use virtual tours to showcase products and
14. “List the benefits of using a digital asset management tool to
organize and share company assets.”
15. “List the benefits of using a customer journey mapping tool to
improve the customer experience.”
16. “Generate different ways to use augmented reality to enhance our
[product or service].”
17. “How can blockchain technology improve business processes and
boost security?”
18. “List the different ways we can implement a customer loyalty
program to increase sales and retain customers.”
19. “How can we use customer testimonials to boost our brand’s trust
and credibility?”
20. “What are some customer onboarding best practices?”
21. “What are some employee onboarding best practices?”
22. “What are common mistakes start-up companies often make?”
23. “How can I boost employee retention?”
24. “What are best practices in maintaining high morale within your
25. “What are best practices for start-up businesses?”

Market Research
1. Tell me the top 5 competitors in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
2. What differentiates the top 5 competitors in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
3. What are the pros and cons of [INSERT COMPETITOR SERVICE] in
4. Help me to find a gap in the market in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
5. Compare the pricing models of the top 5 competitors in [INSERT
6. Create three customer personas in [INSERT INDUSTRY] who’d buy
7. Estimate the market size for [INSERT PRODUCT] in [INSERT REGION]
→ 8. What are the best marketing channels for my brand to reach [INSERT

9. Conduct a SWOT analysis for my business’ webpage [INSERT TEXT]

10. Help me identify my brand’s value proposition [INSERT
11. Give me a summary of 5 industry trends that might affect my ability
12. List the top 5 books on market research for entrepreneurs
13. How could I improve [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE] to increase sales
14. Tell me how I could upscale [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE] to serve
more customers
15. Give me three features I could add to [INSERT PRODUCT] in [INSERT

Content Creation and Keyword Research

1. Give me 10 blog post ideas I can use for a blog on [INSERT TOPIC]
2. Create a content calendar for the next three months covering
3. Generate five engaging headlines I can use for a blog post on
4. List trending topics I could write a blog on in [INSERT INDUSTRY]
5. Tell me what tools I can use to automate and/or improve my content
creation process
6. Write me a meta description for an article on [INSERT TOPIC]
7. Give me a list of SEO keywords I can use for a blog on [INSERT
8. Create a blog post template I can use for future articles
9. Produce an image I can use as the header for a blog post on [INSERT
10. Give me a list of keywords I can use that are relevant to my website
11. List SEO keywords pertinent to [INSERT TOPIC]
12. Suggest some long-tail keywords for an article on [INSERT TOPIC]
13. Optimize the following text for SEO with the keyword [INSERT
14. Tell me some SEO best practices I can use to improve my content’s
→ ranking
15. Proofread the following text for spelling and grammar errors [INSERT


View full: The best ChatGPT prompts for SEO

Marketing – View full: 80 Smart ChatGPT

Prompts For Marketing
1. Give me a list of five tools I can use to automate or improve my
2. Write me an outreach email I can use to promote my service, a
3. Write me a Tweet I can use to announce the launch of [INSERT
4. Provide me with a list of 10 ideas for a social media post on [INSERT
5. Write me a double-line space LinkedIn post on [INSERT TOPIC]
6. Create a bio I can use to promote [INSERT
7. Give me a list of the top 5 books on marketing for entrepreneurs
8. Give me a script I can use for a YouTube video on [INSERT TOPIC]
9. What are the 5 best books on social selling and social media
10. Give me a template I can use to write a Twitter/X post?
11. Create a pitch presentation I can use to promote [INSERT
12. Generate a logo I can use to represent my business, [INSERT NAME,
13. Create me an image I can use to illustrate a slide on [INSERT
TOPIC/TREND/DATA POINT] in a PowerPoint presentation for
→ 14. Draft me copy for a landing page promoting [INSERT

15. Write a caption for a YouTube video on [INSERT TOPIC]

1. Write me a 30-second elevator pitch for [INSERT
2. Help me create a value proposition for [INSERT PRODUCT/SERVICE]
3. Give me a list of the 10 best books on how to start a business?
4. Provide me with some general tips on how I can cut costs when
running my business.
5. Give me a list of five tools that can help me to manage my business
6. What are five mistakes that most entrepreneurs make when starting
a business?
7. Run an audit of my current business model consisting of [INSERT
PRODUCT/SERVICE] in [INSERT INDUSTRY] and give me a list of pros
and cons, and highlight areas for improvement
8. What are some cybersecurity best practices and tools I can use to
protect my data?
9. Show me how to create a basic invoice template in Excel
10. How could I address this customer feedback [INSERT


In conclusion, ChatGPT prompts offer businesses a powerful tool for

driving innovation, efficiency, and growth. By leveraging ChatGPT
effectively, businesses can streamline operations, enhance
communication, and unlock new opportunities for success. As AI
technology continues to advance, integrating ChatGPT into business
processes will be essential for staying competitive and thriving in an
increasingly digital world.
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80 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For


Unlock the potential of your marketing strategy with smart ChatGPT

prompts. Discover how AI-driven prompts can revolutionize your
campaigns, from crafting compelling copy to generating data-driven
insights. Elevate your marketing efforts with ChatGPT’s innovative
capabilities today.

7 Tips for Effectively Using Prompts with AI ChatGPT

Below are the best ChatGPT prompts

for Marketing:
1. Develop two promotional emails for a conference on digital
marketing trends. Cover the following topics: emerging technology,
automation, personalization, and data-driven decision-making.
2. Explain the marketing segments for [INSERT INDUSTRY]. Outline the
potential opportunities within each segment and recommend which
one we should target first.
3. Write a thirty-second TikTok script for a healthy snack brand. The
video script should be funny and appeal to a Gen Z audience.
4. Write three Google Ad headlines to take people to this landing page
5. Re-write this email to appeal to social media marketers [INSERT
6. Re-write this Instagram post for Twitter. Keep the post to 250
characters. [INSERT POST].
7. Summarize this white paper into bullet points for an Instagram
8. Explain the biggest pain points a buyer in enterprise social media
management software has before making a purchase. Follow up
with tips for addressing these pain points in our product.
9. Write a title tag and meta description for a blog post titled [INSERT
10. Generate four title options for a blog post about [INSERT TOPICS
HERE], use the following keywords in the title [INSERT KEYWORDS].
11. Write a social media post about the launch of our new product
12. Write a personalized landing page headline that speaks to our ideal
13. Develop three unique product pitch ideas for a webinar on the topic
14. Create four different email subject lines to promote our upcoming
webinar on the topic of [INSERT TOPIC].
15. Generate five ideas for creating content on Instagram around the
topic of [INSERT TOPIC].
16. Write three compelling call-to-action messages to use on a landing
page for our new product [INSERT PRODUCT DETAILS].
17. Develop four unique copywriting headline ideas related to our latest
product launch.
18. Write five promotional taglines that will attract customers to our
website and products.
19. Write a chatbot script for a virtual assistant to help customers with
product inquiries.
20. Write a chatbot script for a customer service representative to
handle frequently asked questions and concerns.
21. Generate a list of keywords for an SEO campaign related to our latest
product launch. Include long-tail keywords and low-competition
22. Write a script for a video ad that promotes our newest product
23. Develop three ideas for content to include in an email drip campaign
for new customers.
24. Generate four possible titles and descriptions for an Instagram post
about our company’s brand values, those are [INSERT VALUES].
25. Create five pieces of compelling copy that will encourage customers
to sign up for our email list.
26. Write an Instagram caption for a new iced matcha latte drink our
coffee shop is launching for summer.
27. Develop four unique concepts for Google ad campaigns that will
target customers in the following locations [INSERT LOCATIONS].
28. Write a script for an explainer video about our company’s products
and services.
29. Create a three-month social media campaign outline for a new
flavored sparkling water beverage.
30. Develop a sales funnel for a new home security system. Include
emails, ads, and landing pages that will convert leads into paying
31. Write an email to thank customers for purchasing our product during
the holiday season.
32. Write a compelling intro to a blog post about the best bathing suits
for every body type. Include the following keywords [INSERT
33. Write a two-minute script for an online course about digital
marketing for small businesses.
34. Outline the customer journey for a new subscription box service,
including emails, ads, and landing pages.
35. Develop four ideas for content to include in an email drip campaign
for customers who have been inactive for six months.
36. Generate five possible titles and descriptions for a LinkedIn post
about our company’s mission and values.
37. Create two website banners that promote our spring break sale.
Include information about the following products: [INSERT PRODUCT
38. Write an Instagram ad promoting a new line of cosmetics,
highlighting the natural ingredients and long-lasting wear.
39. Develop three ideas for encouraging customers to leave reviews and
ratings about our products on Amazon.
40. Create an email template to send to influencer partners, asking them
to promote our products and services on their channels.
41. Write a Twitter post about an upcoming holiday [INSERT HOLIDAY]
and explain why it matters to our brand [INSERT BRAND VALUES].
42. Build an email funnel for the [INSERT INDUSTRY] industry that will
nurture and convert leads into paying customers.
43. Create a marketing email that promotes our holiday sale.
44. Write a persuasive email to convince customers to sign up for our
loyalty program.
45. Develop three ideas for content to include in an email nurture
campaign for existing customers.
46. Create a series of automated emails that will inform customers
about new products or services and encourage them to purchase.
47. Write four subject lines and pre-headers for a promotional email
about our company’s upcoming event [INSERT EVENT INFO].
48. Generate three examples of a Facebook ad headline that will drive
more clicks and conversions to our online shop.
49. Write an engaging blog post about the advantages of using our
products compared to other solutions in the market. [INSERT
50. Generate five ideas for YouTube videos around the topic of _____
51. Write a compelling press release about our latest product launch,
emphasizing the benefits of the new features.
52. Develop a series of automated emails that will inform customers
about upcoming discounts and offers.
53. Create five pieces of compelling copy that will encourage customers
to download our mobile app.
54. Write four subject lines for an email campaign introducing our
company’s products and services.
55. Create a series of four blog topics per month, for a period of six
months, on the topics of digital marketing, SaaS products, and online
56. Give me five Google Ad headlines and descriptions for an interior
design company.
57. Write a full YouTube script introducing a new online course about
SEO for marketers.
58. Create an Amazon product description for an eco-friendly electric
kettle that has a sleek, modern design.
59. Build a product page for a new electric bike. Include a headline,
description, and two hundred words of body copy that explains the
bike’s battery power and range.
60. Create a series of social media posts promoting our upcoming
webinar and explain why it matters to our industry.
61. Generate five possible titles and descriptions for a YouTube video
showcasing our company’s latest innovations in the mobile phone
space. Include the following details [INSERT DETAILS].
62. List the marketing channels that have the best ROI for mining
63. Write a customer profile for a luxury car buyer. Provide examples for
both male and female buyers. Include details like age, location, job,
interests, what social media channels they use, and more.
64. Create a LinkedIn post template for a CEO of a SaaS company who
wants to establish themselves as a thought leader.
65. Build a six-month social media calendar for a vegetarian restaurant
in New York City. The restaurant is present on Twitter, Facebook, and
Instagram. Include special events, holidays and regular posts that
will engage customers.
66. Create a LinkedIn post under 150 words using this [insert copy here].
67. Create an Instagram carousel with [number] slides using this [insert
68. Write persuasive Google Ad copy for a campaign targeting [keyword],
focusing on our product [product name], using this [insert
information about the product or campaign].
69. Craft an email to customers for [company] who haven’t purchased
from us in [number of months]. Include this offer [offer details].
70. Write [number] CTA messages about [insert material here]. I want
[number] combinations of one header and one subheading.
71. Write a 60-second YouTube script for [product or service name]
using [insert information here] about the company.
72. Write my weekly newsletter, including [number] headings and
[number] two-to-three-sentence paragraphs about [insert content
73. Come up with [number] YouTube video ideas for [company] about
74. Turn the data below into a case study with the following format: (1)
Challenge (2) Solution (3) Result. Data: [paste data]
75. Create a landing page copy for a limited-time discount on [product or
service]. Use [number] header combinations with the following
product features [insert product feature list].
76. Propose a referral program to incentivize existing customers to refer
our [product or service] to their networks.
77. Suggest [number] compelling taglines for a new brand campaign for
[product] targeting [specific demographic].
78. Design a lead magnet or downloadable resource to attract potential
customers to our website [website URL]. Here is information about
our product to help you: [insert product information].
79. Create the structure for an infographic highlighting the key benefits
of our [product or service]. Here is information about our product to
help you: [insert product information].
80. Come up with [number] Instagram Story ideas for [company name]
relevant to [target audience] using a brand voice that is [brand voice].

In conclusion, leveraging Smart ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing offers a

multitude of benefits in crafting compelling and engaging content across
various platforms. By utilizing these prompts effectively, marketers can
streamline their content creation process, generate innovative ideas, and
optimize their messaging for different marketing channels. From crafting
catchy headlines and persuasive ad copy to developing engaging social
media posts and informative email campaigns, Smart ChatGPT Prompts
empower marketers to enhance their marketing strategies and drive
better results. With the right approach and creativity, Smart ChatGPT
Prompts can be a valuable tool in achieving marketing success and
connecting with target audiences in meaningful ways.

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21 Smart ChatGPT Prompts For SEO

In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO),

leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT can be a game-
changer. By effectively using prompts with ChatGPT, you can streamline
your SEO efforts and achieve better results. In this comprehensive guide,
we’ll explore how to harness the power of ChatGPT prompts for SEO

To get started, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of using

prompts effectively with ChatGPT. Whether you’re optimizing meta
descriptions, generating FAQs, crafting subheadings, or implementing
schema markup, ChatGPT can be a valuable ally in your SEO toolkit.

Let’s dive into some practical examples of how you can use ChatGPT
prompts to elevate your SEO strategy.
Below are the best ChatGPT prompts
for SEO:
1. Write a 150-character max meta description on [topic]. (Copy
and paste the article’s introduction so ChatGPT can pull from
2. Write five FAQs with answers using these keywords [insert
3. Write 10 subheadings for a blog post titled [title].
4. Write schema markup with JSON and HTML code for the
following [questions/topics/recipes].
5. Generate a list of at least 20 keywords related to [topic].
6. Summarize this article about X and link to it. [Insert article].
7. Create a keyword list for my SEO agency around [topic word or
phrase] and cluster the list based on the sales funnel, from top
to bottom of the funnel keywords.
8. Create a list of high-authority websites in [industry].
9. List all the long-tail queries related to [keyword].
10. Create an outline for an article about [topic]. The brand voice is
[description]. Start with [first section idea], then go into [second
section idea], then finish with [last section idea].
11. Generate hreflang tags for a web page targeted to [country] in
12. Create an XML sitemap including these urls [URLs].
13. Create a code to use the Google Search Console API to index all
of my webpages, not just a sample of 1,000.
14. Generate a RegEx in RE2 syntax to [description] for Google
Search Console.
15. Suggest five blog post title ideas for the primary keyword
[keyword] for [targeted audience].
16. Describe search intent for this query [KEYWORD]
17. Make this content more helpful [TEXT] for my target query
18. Read this page [URL], and suggest keywords we should be
targeting in PPC and SEO
19. Extract SEO keywords this content is optimized for [TEXT]
20. This is my competitor’s content: [TEXT] Create semantic
analysis of this content
21. Analyze this article [TEXT] and come up with Q&A, takeaways,
and comparison table I could add to it to improve it

By leveraging ChatGPT prompts effectively, you can supercharge your

SEO efforts and stay ahead of the competition in today’s competitive
digital landscape. So why wait? Start incorporating ChatGPT into your
SEO strategy today and unlock new possibilities for success!

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