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1. Outline the events that may create a need for additional health and safety training
within an organization.

Events that may create a need for additional health and safety training are:

 New or revised legislation, code of practice, guidance note, etc.

 New or modified equipment.
 New or revised process or procedure.

So the following categories are in urgent need for training;

 New employees
 Employees transferred from one job to another
 Temporary workers.

2. Outline the health and safety topics to be included in an induction training for new

The main health and safety topics to be included in an induction training for new
employees are

 Introduction to company health and safety policy

 Importance of immediate reporting of faults, hazards, accidents and any
shortcommings in safety arrangements.
 Importance of using equipment in accordance with instructions.
 No go areas or jobs.

3. Outline the factors to be considered when preparing and presenting health and safety
training session.

Factors to be considered when preparing and presenting a health & safety training

 Establishing objective and contents of the training session

 Training methods to be used
 The target audience existing knowledge and skills
 The number of trainees

4. Explain how induction-training propgrams for new employees can help to reduce the
number of accident in the workplace.

 Induction training helps to increase awareness of the risk.

 Increase familiarity with procedures and system of work.
 Recognize and report unsafe conditiopns.

5. Outline the key points that should be covered in a training session for employees in
the reporting of accident/incident.

Key points that should be covered in training session for employees in the reporting
of accident/incidents.

 To explain the importance of reporting accidents and incidents (for legal,

investigative and monitoring reasons)
 The type incident required to be reported
 The lines of reporting

6. Outline the issues that should be included in a training programe for employees on
the emergency action to take in the event of fire.

Issues that should be included in a training programme for employees on the

emergency action to take in the event of fire.

 Recognition of fire alarms & how to raise the alarm

 Location of fire escape routes & assembly points.
 Requirements of safe evacuation (e.g.; no use of lifts, no running, etc.)

7. Describe the variety of trainig methods a trainer could use to improve the
effectiveness of employee training in health and safety.

The training methods are;

 Lecture: is a one-way process, usually with no feedback. The benefit from it
depends on lecturer personality.

 Manual lecture: the group is divided into smaller subgroups and a member from
each subgroup or syndicate is selected randomly to conduct a lecture for the
other subgoups.

 Lecturette: is a short lecture where limited information is to be given in a short

period of time (5-10 minutes).

 Skills training; is the best methods of trainig. Trainees are involved in seeing &
understanding what to do, doing it under supervision and practicing until the skill
is mastered.

8. Outline how health and safety training needs can be indentified.

Training is required by regulations as;

 Health and safety at work acts, 1974
 Management of health and safety at work regulation,1999

Training needs can be indentified by a risk assessment proccess to assess;

 The need for induction training for new workers or workers on new jobs.
 The need for job specific training based on workers level of knowledge, skills &

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