Class 4

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Half yearly examination

Subject : Deutsch (German)
Session: 2021-22

Time: 2 Hour 15 minutes M.M: 50


1. All the questions are compulsory to attempt.

2. Copy the question number and its subparts on your answer sheet correctly and
write it in the left margin.
3. All the answers should be written on the sheet. Name of the student, subject
and sheet number should be clearly mentioned on each sheet.
4. Please be vigilant while writing your answers in the sheet.
5. Click the clear picture of each answer sheet through phone and upload the PDF
of answer sheets in the Google form.
6. Submit the response after uploading the answer sheets.
7. No extra time will be given to any student.
F1. Unjumble the letters and find out the words. (4)

a) aloc
b) nrohsan
c) öignk
d) Efanlet

F2. Calculate and write the answer in German : (5)

a) 10 + 10 =
b) 18 – 6 =
c) 6 + 8 =
d) 22 - 9 =
e) 13 - 8 =

F3. Look at the pictures given below and write their names in German. (6)
a) b) c)

d) e) f)

F4. Match the following. (3)

a) groß i) langweilig
b) hoch ii) intelligent
c) gut iii) schlecht
d) interessant iv) klein
e) dumm v) häßlich
f) lieb vi) niedrig

F5. Conjugate the verb “sein”. (4)

a) Ich ___________ Tanja.

b) ________ du Markus?
c) Wir __________ Freunde.
d) Er ___________ nett.

F6. Write the numbers in German. (2)

a) Number of months in a year.

b) Numbers of lights in traffic light.
c) Number of seasons in a year
d) Number of days in a week.

F7. Write the expressions in German. (3)

a) Good evening!
b) Bye! (informal)
c) See you later!

F8. Write the greetings in English. (3)

a) Bis morgen!
b) Bis gleich!
c) Servus!

F9. Fill in the blanks. (4)

a) Germany is the_______ largest country in Europe.

b) _____________ is a very famous river of Germany.
c) ________ is the highest mountain of Germany.
d) Germany has _____ Federal states.

F10. Fill in the table by writing the correct day of the week. (2)

Vor (before) Tag Nach (after)

Mittwoch Donnerstag
Sonntag Montag

F11. Fill in the table by writing the correct month. (6)

Vor (before) Monat Nach (after)


F12. Write the following sentences in German. (3)

a) Happy Birthday.
b) Summer and winter are seasons.
c) I am 10 years old.

F13. Introduce yourself in German. (atleast 5 sentences) (5)

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