14 Working Above Ground Level

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1. Prepare a checklist for the safe use of suspended access equipment, such as a
window-cleaning cradle.

Checklists for the safe use of suspended access equipment as a window-cleaning

cradle are:
 Condition of cables.
 Condition of pulleys.
 Safety of platform boards (SWL).
 Presence of guard rails

2. Outline the circumstances in which it would be inappropriate to carry out work at

height from a ladder.

The circumstance in which it would be inappropriate to carry out work at height from a

 Inappropriate task (e.g. where two hands are needed or where the work area is
 The equipment or materials to be used are heavy and awkward.
 Work at excessive height.

3. In relation to safe access for construction work above ground level.

a). Identify by means of a labeled sketch, the component parts of an independent

tied scaffold.

b). Outline the precautions that should be taken when using a ladder as a means of
access to the scaffold.

INDEPENDENT TIED SCAFFOLD: is not totally independent and must be tied to the
building where it is sited, to give it stability and to prevent any possible movement of
the scaffolding.

a). The following are the main components of independent tied scaffold.
 Upright poles.
 Diagonal poles
 Bracing (transverse & longitudinal).
 Sole plates & base plates.
 Working platform.
 Guard rails
 Toe board.
 Ledger & transoms

Types of Independent Tied scaffold:

 Light duty: where one platform is used at any one time e.g.: for painting.
 General purpose: where up to four platforms can be used. Example for
general maintenance.
 Heavy duty: where two heavy duty and two light duty platforms are used.
Example for masonry work.

b) Precautions that should be taken when using a ladder as a means of access to

the scaffold:
 Ensuring suitability of the ladder (regarding type, length, free from damage,
 Securing the ladder.
 Use of the ladder on a firm and level ground.
 Safe position of the ladder (e.g.: away from traffic routes).
 Correct height to base radio 4:1

4. Outline FIVE factors that may contribute to the collapse of an independent tied

The factors that may contribute to the collapse of an independent tied scaffold are:

 Incorrect design or assembly.

 Unstable foundations (unconsolidated ground, close proximity to excavations,
inadequate sole plates & base plates).
 Unauthorized alterations (e.g.: removal of ties).

5. Outline precautions that could be taken to prevent materials falling from a scaffold
whilst work is being carried out.

Precautions that could be taken to prevent materials falling from a scaffold whilst
work is being carried out are:

 The close boarding of platforms.

 The provision of toe boards, brick guards, nets, etc.

6. What are the main hazards associated with the use of ladders at work and how to
avoid these hazards.

The main hazards associated with the use of ladders at work are:
 Falling hazards: due to slipping or due to insecure ladder (on top and / or
 Falling materials over passers by (due to no guarding of area, no signs, etc.).
 Electrical hazards: due to placing metallic ladders or wet wooden ladders near
power lines.
 Collision of ladders by vehicles: if the area is not guarded.

How such hazards may be avoided:

 Before using ladder be sure it is free from slippery substance.
 Guarding of the work area & the use of signs & markings.
 Make sure ladder is firmly secured (tied at top, secured at bottom or footed by a
second person if no more than 3 meters height access is required).
 Ensure correct slope of ladder (with 75 angles) corresponding to a ratio of 4:1.
7. Describe the features that you would look for in properly erected scaffolding.

The features that you would look for in properly erected scaffolding are:

 Correct design with adequate load bearing capacity, adequate foundations,

 Structures should be erected by competent persons,
 All working platform edges should be adequately protected. (by toe boards, nets,
handrails, etc.),
 Safe stacking of all materials resting on platforms,

8. What is meant by “INDEPENDENT SCAFFOLDING”?

INDEPENDENT SCAFFOLDING: is scaffolding independent of the structure to which

access is required. It has many types:

 INDEPENDENT TIED SCAFFOLDS: which are tied to the structure for stability
(for example to a window).

 INDEPENDENT MOBILE TOWERS: which are towers formed with scaffold tube
and mounted on wheels. They have single working platforms with handrails and
toe boards all around.

9. Outline the precautions to be taken when contractors are carrying out work on a
fragile roof.

The precautions to be taken when contractors are carrying out work on fragile roof

 The use of roof ladders or crawling boards: As an absolute minimum, two

ladders or boards are needed. (Never step onto a fragile roof).

 The fragile area is to be covered and the cover should extend minimum of one
meter up the roof.

10. Describe the precaution necessary for the safe use of a mobile access tower.

Precaution for safe use of mobile towers:

 Erection should be in accordance with manufacturers recommendation.
 Erection, alternation & dismantling to be done by competent persons.
 It should stand on firm level base.
 Scaffold tubes to be free from defects e.g.: bent sections
 Proper bracing to prevent twisting and collapse.
 Toe boards & guardrails to be provided to prevent falls of workers / and or
 Ladders or stepladders should not be placed on the platform to gain extra height
for working.
 On using a mobile tower, make sure the caster wheels are locked.
 Toe boards & guardrails are to be provided for a platform of more that two
meters height. The guardrails should be 3 feet above the platform.
11. Outline the precautions that may be needed when carrying out repairs of the flat roof

 Provision of safe access to the roof: by scaffolding and / or ladder.

 Edge protection: to prevent falling of people and / or materials.
 Barriers around the area below the roof to prevent access to the area.
 Netting under the roof is sometimes required
 Means of transporting materials to and from the work area.
 Protecting workers from weather conditions as sun, rains, winds, etc.

12. Woodwork on the exterior of a two-story office building is to be repaired during July
this year. Preparation work will be carried out from a mobile tower scaffold using
blowlamps, scrapers and an electrical hand-held sander.

a). Identify the measures that should be adopted in order to protect against the
dangers of people and / or materials falling from the scaffold.

b). Outline the practical measures to reduce the risk from electricity when using the
portable sander.

a). The measures that should be adopted to protect against the dangers of
people / materials falling from the scaffold are:

 Erection of scaffold should be in accordance with the manufactures

 Erection of scaffold to be done by competent persons.
 Barriers (by tape for example), warning sign and flash light around the work
 Scaffold should be rest on firm level ground.
 Scaffold tubes to be free from defects.
 Proper bracing to prevent scaffolding collapse.
 Caster wheels to be locked while working.
 To tie the mobile tower if there are winds or if using heavy materials or
 To be of a safe height: not to exceed: 9.75 meters for mobile tower & 12
meters for tied towers.

b). The practical measures to reduce the risk from electricity when using
portable sander.
 Use certified suitable sander free from any defects.
 Check the cable condition and connections.
 Use double insulated cable with impact proof cover / water proof cover.
 Use low voltage (110V).
 Fit protective device as residual current breaker (RCB) or fuse.
 If possible use battery powdered equipment (to avoid electrical risks).
13. Doing repainting work using tower scaffold, outline:

a). The likely hazards of this operation.

b). The required control measures to avoid risks from this operation.

Tower scaffolds are towers made with scaffold tubes and having a single working
platform accessible by a ladder. It is commonly used for painting and simple
maintenances jobs on buildings. It can be used mobile as it is or tied to the building.

a). The likely hazards are:

 Health hazards due to exposure to paints, leading to dermatitis, asthma,

effects on central nervous system, dizziness, etc. Also lead hazards due to
removal of old paints.
 Ergonomic hazards: due to awkward postures & movements during
 Manual handling hazards: due to carrying heavy cans & other instruments.
 Heat hazards: due to working under the Sun.

b). The precautions:

 Erection of the tower scaffold should be in accordance with manufacturers

 Erection, alternation and dismantling of tower scaffold to be done by
competent persons.
 Tower scaffold should stand on firm level base.
 Scaffold tube to be free from defects.
 Proper bracing to prevent twisting & collapse.
 Base dimensions to height should not exceed: 1:3 in External use & 1:3.5
in Internal use.

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