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Ladybug Slipper Crochet Pattern

This slipper crochet pattern will get a special spot in any little one’s wardrobe!


Ladybug Slipper Crochet Pattern

This fun footwear features eye-catching colors, a bright bug motif

and whimsical wiggle eyes.

Worsted-weight yarn—1-1/2 ounces of dark green and 1/2

ounce of red
scraps of black sport-weight yarn
size G/6 (4.25mm) crochet hook or size needed to obtain
correct gauge
size D/3 (3.25mm) crochet hook
four 6mm glue-on wiggle eyes
washable craft glue
8-inch square of 7-count clear plastic canvas for inner lining of
permanent marker (for tracing on plastic canvas)
yarn or tapestry needle


GAUGE: With size G/6 (4.25mm) hook, 6 dcs and 4 rows = 2 inches. To save time, take time to check gauge.

DIRECTIONS: Before you begin, refer to gauge, techniques/stitches used, etc.

SOLE (make 4):

1. Rnd 1: With dark green and larger crochet hk, ch 20, [hdc in third ch from hk] 5 times (ch 3 and 5 hdcs
made), hdc in each of next 10 chs, dc in each of next 6 chs, [dc in last ch] 6 times; working on other side of
beg chs, dc in each of next 6 chs, hdc in each of next 10 chs, join with a sl st in top of beg ch-3: count 44
2. Rnd 2: Ch 3 for first ch, dc in same st, work 2 dcs in each of the next 5 hdcs, dc in each of the next 10
hdcs, dc in each of the next 6 dcs, work 2 dcs in each of the next 6 dcs, dc in each of the next 6 dcs, dc in
each of the next 10 hdcs, join with a sl st in top of beg ch-3: count 56 sts.
3. Rnd 3: Ch 2, sc in same st, sc in each remaining st around, join with a sl st in top of beg ch-2: count 56
scs. Fasten off.


1. U-Row 1: With red and larger crochet hk, ch 17, leaving an 8-inch length of yarn for sewing, sc in second
ch from hk and in each remaining ch across: count 16 chs.
2. U-Rows 2-7: Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc across: count 16 scs.
3. U-Rows 8-12: Ch 1, turn, sc next 2 sts tog, sc in each remaining ch across to last 2 scs, sc last 2 scs tog:
count 6 scs at end of Row 12. Fasten off.

HEAD (make 2):

1. H-Rnd 1: With black and smaller crochet hk, ch 4 for first dc, work 11 dcs in fourth ch from hk, join with a
sl st in top of beg ch-4: count 12 dcs.
2. H-Rnd 2: Ch 2, sc in same st and in each remaining st around, join with a sl st in beg sc: count 12 scs.
Fasten off, leaving a length of yarn for sewing head to upper section.

SPOT (make 8): With black and smaller crochet hk, ch 3 for first hdc, work 8 hdcs in fourth ch from hk, join with a
sl st in top of beg ch-3: count 9 hdcs. Fasten off, leaving a length of yarn for sewing spot to upper section.


For a pattern, lay a crocheted sole onto plastic canvas. Trace around sole with marker onto plastic canvas
two times. Cut out each sole shape from plastic canvas, cutting 1/4 inch inside traced lines.
Stack two crocheted soles with wrong sides together and edges matching. Slip a plastic canvas sole
between the two crocheted soles.
Thread tapestry or yarn needle with dark green yarn. Whipstitch outer edges of soles together, catching
one lp only of each st around.
Referring to photo below for position and using the long yarn ends on the heads and spots, whipstitch a
head and four spots to each upper section. Using black yarn, backstitch a straight line from center top of
each head to straight edge of upper section.
Place an upper section right side up on the toe end of each sole with curved edges matching. Using the
long yarn ends on the upper sections, whipstitch an upper section to toe end of each sole, catching the
remaining lps of the toe end of the sole.
Glue two eyes onto each head where shown in photo. Let dry.§

FINISHED SIZE: Slippers are about 3 inches wide x 7-3/4 inches long.


ch(s) chain(s)
dc(s) double crochet(s)
hdc(s) half double crochet(s)
hk hook
sc(s) single crochet(s)
sk skip or skipped
sp space
sl st slip stitch
tr(s) triple crochet(s)
beg beginning
lp(s) loop(s)
rep repeat
rnd(s) round(s)
RS right side
sl slip
st(s) stitch(es)
tog together
WS wrong side
yo yarn over
* or [ ] Instructions after * or between brackets are repeated a given number of times.
( ) Instructions in parentheses are all worked in one stitch or space as indicated.

Ladybug Slipper Crochet Pattern from Andrea Lauber of Brigham City, Utah

© RDA Enthusiast Brands, 2015

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