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BSI (1A)
1 MAY 2024

Executive Summary:

Through the prism of teachings from the Holy Quran and Hadith, this research investigates the
advancement of women's rights in the workplace during the course of its investigation. The
necessity of guaranteeing equal pay and opportunity, creating safe and supportive work
environments, promoting work-life balance, and fostering mentorship and leadership development
for women is brought to light by this occurrence.
A clear compensation structure should be implemented by employers in order to guarantee equal
pay for equal labour. Additionally, the research emphasises the need of prioritising gender
diversity in the processes of recruiting, promotion, and leadership development. It emphasises the
necessity of establishing safe and supportive working environments by enforcing stringent
regulations against abuse and discrimination and by cultivating a culture of respect and tolerance
via diversity training so as to create a culture of respect and tolerance.
In addition, the research emphasises the need of promoting a healthy work-life balance by
providing flexible work arrangements, such as regulations for maternity leave and the opportunity
to work from home. In addition to this, it highlights the significance of mentorship and leadership
development programmes in enabling women to achieve success and promote themselves in their
professional lives.
Through adherence to these principles and the implementation of proactive measures, employers
have the ability to establish workplaces that are inclusive and equal, therefore empowering women
to flourish and contribute to the fullest extent of their potential. In addition to fostering
organisational success and creativity, this also contributes to the advancement of gender equality.
At the end of the day, the study urges employers, legislators, and society as a whole to work
together in order to protect the rights of women in the workplace and to guarantee that women are
provided with equal possibilities for career growth and professional achievement.

Executive Summary: ................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 5

Body of the Report: ......................................................................................................................... 6

Findings and Discussion: ................................................................................................................ 7

Equality and Justice:.................................................................................................................... 7

Dignity and Respect: ................................................................................................................... 7

Opportunities for Education and Employment: .......................................................................... 7

Protection from Harassment and Exploitation: ........................................................................... 7

Recommendations: .......................................................................................................................... 8

Conclusion: ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Women's Rights in the Workplace: A Perspective from the Holy Quran and Hadith


Women's rights at work have been a major topic of discussion and debate for a very long time. In
contemporary society, characterized by a fervent pursuit of gender equality, it becomes imperative
to scrutinize these rights through diverse perspectives, one of which involves religious doctrines.
The purpose of this report is to look into the lessons found in the Holy Quran and Hadith in order
to explain the basic ideas that support women's rights at work.

Surah An-Nisa (4:32):

ٌ ‫نَ ِص‬
"‫يب‬ ِ‫ساء‬َ ِ‫سبُوا ۖ َو ِللن‬ ٌ ‫ض ۚ ِل ِلرجَا ِل َن ِص‬
َ َ ‫يب ِم َّما ا ْكت‬ ٍ ‫علَ ٰى بَ ْع‬
َ ‫ضكُ ْم‬ َ ‫َّللاُ ِب ِه بَ ْع‬ َّ َ‫َو ََل تَت َ َمنَّ ْوا َما ف‬
َّ ‫ض َل‬
َ ٍ‫َّللا كَانَ بِك ُِل ش َْيء‬
‫ع ِلي ًما‬ َ َّ َّ‫ض ِل ِه ۗ إِن‬ َ َّ ‫سأَلُوا‬
ْ َ‫َّللا ِمن ف‬ َ َ ‫"م َّما ا ْكت‬
ْ ‫س ْبنَ ۚ َوا‬ ِ
Surah An-Nisa (4:32): "And do not wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed
others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they
have earned. And ask Allah of his bounty. Indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing."

Men and women have had different experiences at work throughout history, including unfair pay
and few ways to move up in their careers. Even though social norms and legal systems have
improved, these problems still exist. This means that the rights of women in religious settings need
to be looked at in detail. In Islam, the Holy Quran is seen as the holy text, and the Hadith, which
is a collection of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) sayings and deeds, are seen as the
most important forms of direction for Muslims around the world. We hope that by reading these
holy books, we can find ideas that can help us talk about women's rights at work today.

As societies try to figure out how to deal with the complicated issues of gender, religious texts
provide a unique view to look at the ideas of fairness, justice, and respect. Like the lessons of other
religions, Islam promotes ideals that are in line with modern goals for equal rights for men and
women and social inclusion. Our understanding of the rights, duties, and social standards of
working women can be greatly improved by looking at how these ideals show up in the workplace.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"‫( "أ َ ْخ َي ُركُ ْم َخي ُْركُ ْم أِل َ ْه أل أه‬Sahih Ibn Hibban)
The best among you are those who are best to their wives. (Sahih Ibn Hibban)

It is our hope that this study will assist us in gaining a more nuanced understanding of women's
rights in the workplace, one that goes beyond the conventional notions and incorporates concepts
derived from religious beliefs. We wish to promote conversation, advocate for inclusion, and make
progress towards the goal of achieving gender equality in all aspects of life, including the
professional sphere, by combining contemporary issues with values that have stood the test of time
throughout the years.

Body of the Report:

Problem Statement:

The workplace often presents challenges for women that impede their ability to fully participate
and thrive in the workforce. These challenges include unequal pay, limited opportunities for
advancement, and discrimination based on gender. Such disparities undermine women's rights to
fair treatment and equal opportunities, perpetuating systemic inequalities and hindering progress
towards gender equality.

To provide a clearer understanding of the magnitude of these challenges, let's examine some
statistical data:

Challenges Statistics
According to data from the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap
Gender Pay Gap
Report 2022, the global gender pay gap stands at 16%.
Limited Women are underrepresented in leadership positions worldwide. Only 29%
Opportunities of senior management roles are held by women.
A survey conducted by the International Labour Organization found that
Discrimination 54% of women have experienced gender-based discrimination in the

These statistics highlight the pervasive nature of the challenges faced by women in the workplace,
illustrating the urgent need for action to address these issues and safeguard women's rights.
Unequal pay is a significant concern, as it not only reflects economic injustice but also perpetuates
gender-based disparities in wealth and opportunities. The gender pay gap persists across industries
and regions, reflecting systemic biases and discriminatory practices that undervalue women's
contributions to the workforce. Addressing this gap requires proactive measures to ensure pay
equity and eliminate discriminatory practices in recruitment, promotion, and compensation.

Findings and Discussion:

Equality and Justice:

The Holy Quran places a strong emphasis on the values of equality and justice for all humans,
irrespective of their gender at any given time. The verse "And do not wish for that by which Allah
has made some of you exceed others" can be found in Surah An-Nisa (4:32). Men are entitled to a
portion of the money they have earned, and women are entitled to a portion of the money they
have earned.

Dignity and Respect:

The teachings of Islam emphasise the need of treating every person with respect and dignity that
they deserve. A statement made by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) states that "the
best among you are those who are best to their wives." This hadith emphasises the need of treating
women with dignity and respect in all aspects of life, including the workplace, and recognising the
rights that they are entitled to.

Opportunities for Education and Employment:

Islamic teachings encourage both men and women to seek knowledge and engage in
productive work. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Seeking knowledge
is obligatory for every Muslim." This includes women, who are encouraged to pursue
education and employment opportunities that align with Islamic principles.

Protection from Harassment and Exploitation:

The Quran and Hadith condemn any form of harassment or exploitation. This also
including in the workplace. In Surah An-Nur (24:30-31), it admonishes believers to lower
their gaze and guard their modesty, emphasizing the importance of maintaining
professional boundaries and respecting the dignity of all individuals.


Encourage Equal Pay and Opportunities: Employers must make sure that women get paid the
same as men for the same work and have the same chances to move up in their careers. To do this,
clear pay systems must be put in place, frequent pay checks must be done, and any differences
must be fixed. To make it easier for women to succeed and grow in their jobs, companies should
also make gender diversity a priority in the hiring, promotion, and leadership development

Provide Safe and Supported Work Environments: Making the workplace safe and supported
is important for promoting gender equality and giving women more power at work. Employers
should have strict rules against abuse and discrimination, along with strong ways to report and
look into these issues. A culture of respect and tolerance can be built by giving workers regular
training on diversity, inclusion, and polite behaviour. This way, everyone can feel appreciated,
heard, and respected.

Support Work-Life Balance: Because companies know how important work-life balance is, they
should offer flexible work plans like parental leave policies, online choices, and the ability to set
your own hours. Companies can promote gender equality in the workplace and make workers
happier, more productive, and more likely to stay with the company by helping them balance their
work and personal obligations.

Encourage Mentoring and Leadership Development: Mentoring programs and leadership

development programs are very important for giving women the tools they need to do well in their
jobs and become leaders. Companies should actively look for and teach bright women, giving them
chances to learn new skills, make connections, and move up in their careers. Organizations can
grow a pool of diverse leaders who bring new ideas and drive growth and innovation by
encouraging training and investing in the leadership potential of women.

Finally, the lessons of the Holy Quran and Hadith are very helpful for understanding the rules that
protect women's rights at work. These holy books stress how important it is to treat everyone
equally, with respect and honour, no matter what gender they are. Follow these rules and make
policies that help women get ahead in their careers and stay healthy. This way, societies can build
fair and open workplaces where everyone can do well.

In Surah An-Nisa (4:32), the Quran says that both men and women should get an equal share of
the money they make. This verse stresses the basic concept of fairness. This quote is a good
reminder that your gender shouldn't stop you from getting chances or being treated fairly at work.
Also, the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which talks about how great it is to
treat your wife with love and respect, shows how important it is to have helpful and respected
relationships in all areas of life, including work.

Because of the problems we've talked about so far, it is very important for companies, lawmakers,
and society as a whole to stick to these principles and make sure that women's rights are observed
and protected at all times at work. Because of this, policies and programmes must be put in place
to promote gender equality. These include.

• Making sure pay equity: To get rid of the gender pay gap, employers should do regular
pay checks, set up clear salary systems, and make sure that everyone gets paid the same for
the same job.
• Increasing Opportunities for Advancement: Companies should put a high priority on
diversity and inclusion programmes that try to get more women into top roles. Mentorship
programmes, leadership development programmes, and focused employment tactics can
all help with this.
• Fighting Discrimination Based on Gender: To stop gender-based abuse and
discrimination at work, employers must take action. This includes putting in place strong
anti-discrimination rules, teaching people about unconscious bias and how to behave
respectfully at work and setting up good ways for people to report problems and file
• Promoting Work-Life balance: To help women handle their work and home
responsibilities well, companies should offer flexible work hours, parental leave rules, and
help with childcare.

By following these principles and taking real steps to support gender equality, societies can make
workplaces where women are free to do their best work and share their full potential. Ultimately,
creating fair and open workplaces is not only the right thing to do, but also a smart business move
for companies that want to use everyone's skills and ideas. We can make the world a more fair,
just, and successful place for everyone if we all work together and never give up on women's

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