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EP Social Media and Mental Health

Research Question: How does long-term exposure to social media impact

children’s behavior and psychological well-being?
Brief background: Definition of mental health and social media
American Academy of Pediatrics 5-18 ages recommended 2 hour (Dylan et al.,
Tiktok (social media app) January 2018-August 2020, monthly active users rose by
800%, 100 million in the USA and over 1 billion globally users - 25% are from 10
to 19 years old.
(Fung & Wong, 2023)
Rationale: why is it important
Important to prevent from potential harm
Age group: 4-12
Thesis position:This essay will argue that social media have psychological impact
on children’s behavior
The influence of social media on user's health has become a crucial topic in today's
digital era. It is crucial for adolescents aged between 5 and 12 to adhere to the
American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendation of limiting their social media app
usage to a maximum of 2 hours per day. (Dylan et al.,2021)

Social media is a communication tool that is used between all age of groups

The influence of social media on user's health has become a crucial topic in
today's digital era. Social media is a communication tool that is widely used, and
the most common ones are TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. Between January
2018 and August 2020, TikTok had a remarkable 800% increase in monthly active
users, with over 100 million in the USA and over 1 billion globally. A quarter of
these users are between the ages of 10 and 19, highlighting the need to understand
the potential psychological effects and harms of social media (Fung & Wong,
2023). Early years of child development are crucial to explore for parents and
society overall, and this research aims to examine the significance of investigating
the link between social media and mental health in younger age groups,
particularly those aged 4 to 12. This paper will argue that social media can
psychologically impact children's behavior and that prolonged exposure to social
media negatively affects children's mental health.
1st Body Paragraph
There is evidence that excessive use of social media has been causing sleep
disturbances among the youth. Children might not realize the severe concerns
provoked by this digital tool at that young age. Research by Hadjipanayis et al.
(2019) reveals that as per a systematic review's findings investigating the
correlation between screen time and sleep effects in school-aged children and
adolescents, approximately 90% of the studies reported an unfavourable
connection between social app use and sleep outcomes. The primary sleep
disruptions identified encompassed reduced sleep duration and a postponed sleep
schedule. Furthermore, social media use can disrupt the circadian rhythm (CR), the
body's fundamental internal clock that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Mahadir et
al. (2020) have found that such disruptions to the CR are linked to an increased
risk of psychiatric diseases. The irregular sleep patterns brought about by social
media usage can contribute to mood disorders, anxiety, and other mental health
issues in children. Children’s addiction towards entertaining apps leads to less
amount of sleep. The presence of blue light impact sleep-wake cycle and causes
delay in the process of production melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep. (Hale
& Guan, 2015). In conclusion, the available evidence suggests that long-term
exposure to social media negatively impacts children's sleep, leading to a host of
behavioral and cognitive consequences.
2nd body paragraph
Another concerning effect of long-term social media exposure on children is the
reduction in their attention span. Good concentration in the early age of human
development shows that they are mentally healthy and academically enhanced.
Constant usage of social apps and notifications from them distract the human mind
and contributes to problem of FTF(face-to-face) attention and concentration was
caused by viewing of screen time (social media, tv shows, internet) in 26% of 653
children aged 5 years (Niiranen et al., 2021). Furthermore, the format of content on
certain social media platforms exacerbates this issue. TikTok, known for its short
and attention-grabbing videos, has been linked to a shorter attention span, as
highlighted by Qin et al. in 2023. The rapid nature of TikTok's content encourages
users to switch rapidly from one video to another, conditioning their brains to seek
constant stimulation and instant gratification. This can erode the ability to sustain
attention on more extended tasks or activities. To conclude, the negative effects of social
media on attention span are becoming increasingly apparent, with reduced concentration and
the design of platforms like TikTok contributing to this decline. Recognizing these challenges is
crucial in fostering a healthier relationship with technology and promoting mental well-being in
the digital age.

This essay argued that social media poses significant risk to the well being of
children’s behavior affecting it In light of the evidence presented, it is clear that long-term
exposure to social media poses significant risks to the behavior and psychological well-being of
children aged 1 to 12. The negative impact on sleep patterns and attention span should not be
underestimated. To address these concerns, it is essential for parents, educators, and
policymakers to take proactive measures. This includes setting reasonable limits on screen time,
promoting healthy sleep habits, and fostering environments that encourage sustained attention
and critical thinking. By prioritizing the well-being of our children, we can mitigate the adverse
effects of social media and promote healthier development in this digital age.

Like a child who is fed by junk food

Paragraph One:
Topic: Negative impact of social media to children’s mental health
Claim: Causes sleep disruption leading to health issues
Evidence one: Sleep deprivation
sleep disruption in 90% of school-aged children- (Hadjipanayis et al., 2019)
Evidence two:
CR(circadian rythm) disruption-psychiatric diseases. (Mahadir et al., 2020)
Evidence three:
blue light impact sleep-wake cycle (Hale & Guan, 2015)
Sleep plays significant role in humans mental health and social media constantly
There is an evidence that excessive use of social media has been causing sleep
disturbances among the youth. At that young age children might not realize serious
concerns caused by this digital tool. Research by Hadjipanayis et al. (2019) reveals
As per the findings of a systematic review investigating the correlation between
screen time and sleep effects in school-aged children and adolescents,
approximately 90% of the studies reported an unfavorable connection between
social apps use and sleep outcomes. The primary sleep disruptions identified
encompassed both reduced sleep duration and a postponed sleep schedule.
Furthermore, social media use can disrupt the circadian rhythm (CR), which is the
body's natural internal clock governing the sleep-wake cycle. Mahadir et al. (2020)
have found that such disruptions to the CR are linked to an increased risk of
psychiatric diseases. The irregular sleep patterns brought about by social media
usage can contribute to mood disorders, anxiety, and other mental health issues in

Paragraph two:
Topic: Negative effects of social media
Claim: Attention span being affected by social media
Evidence 1: Reduced concentration
good concentration = mentally healthy
Problem of FTF(face-to-face) attention and concentration was caused by viewing
of screen time (social media, tv shows, internet) in 26% of 653 children aged 5
years (Niiranen et al., 2021)
Evidence 2:
Tik tok short videos = attention span shorter (Qin et al., 2023)

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