Term Papert of Project Management 21

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Term Paper

A Project on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman Digital University Campus
Infrastructure Development.

Course Name: Project Management

Course Code: BUS 4403

Submitted To

Rabeya Basri
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital

Submitted by
ID: 1801021
Faculty of Cyber Physical System
Department of Internet of Things and Robotics
B.Sc. in Internet of Things and Robotics

Date of Submission: 16-05-2024

table of content

1. Introduction.............................................................................6
1.1. Project Management.......................................................6
1.2. Initiation Phase:..............................................................6
1.3. Planning Phase:...............................................................6
1.4. Execution Phase:.............................................................7
1.5. Monitoring and Control Phase:.......................................8
1.6. Closing Phase:................................................................9

2. Objectives.............................................................................10
2.1. Create Modern Academic Facilities..............................10
2.2. Establish Digital Infrastructure.....................................10
2.3. Enhance Research Capabilities.....................................10
2.4. Provide Quality Housing..............................................10
3. Project Scope........................................................................12
4. Project Life Cycle.................................................................14
5. Project Budget.......................................................................17
6. Potential Risks......................................................................19
7. Project Tender Documentation.............................................21
1. Request for Proposal (RFP):............................................21
2. Scope of Work:................................................................21
3. Technical Specifications:.................................................22
4. Bill of Quantities (BOQ):................................................22
5. Drawings and Designs:....................................................22
6. Contract Terms and Conditions:......................................22
7. Evaluation Criteria:..........................................................22
8. Submission Guidelines:...................................................22
8. Conclusion............................................................................23

This project focuses on the development of campus infrastructure for Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University (BDU). The objective is to create a state-
of-the-art educational environment that supports digital learning, innovation, and
research. The infrastructure plan includes the construction of modern academic
buildings, advanced IT facilities, smart classrooms, research centers, student housing,
and recreational amenities. Emphasis is placed on sustainable design, incorporating
green building practices and renewable energy sources. The development aims to
foster a collaborative and inclusive atmosphere conducive to learning and
technological advancement, positioning BSMRDU as a leading institution in digital
education. Key components of the project encompass high-speed internet
connectivity, digital libraries, and extensive support for e-learning platforms, ensuring
that the university meets global standards. The project not only enhances the physical
infrastructure but also integrates advanced digital tools and resources, facilitating a
comprehensive educational experience for students and faculty alike.

1. Introduction
The Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University Campus Infrastructure
Development project aims to establish a cutting-edge educational environment that
supports digital learning, innovation, and research. This ambitious plan involves
constructing modern academic buildings, advanced IT facilities, smart classrooms,
research centers, and quality residential and recreational amenities. Emphasizing
sustainability and the integration of digital tools, the project seeks to create a
comprehensive and inclusive campus that meets global standards, fostering a thriving
academic community.

1.1. Project Management

The Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University (BDU) Campus

Infrastructure Development project will be managed using the Project Management
Institute's (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) framework. A
dedicated project manager will be appointed to oversee the entire project lifecycle,
coordinate with stakeholders, and ensure timely completion within the allocated

1.2. Initiation Phase:

This phase will involve defining the project goals, objectives, and scope. The primary
goals of the project are to enhance the academic and research facilities at BDU, create
a conducive learning environment, and provide modern infrastructure to support the
university's digital initiatives. The objectives include renovating existing buildings,
constructing new state-of-the-art facilities, upgrading campus utilities, developing
recreational areas, and implementing sustainable and energy-efficient solutions.

During the initiation phase, a project charter will be developed, outlining the project's
purpose, scope, stakeholders, and high-level requirements. Key stakeholders, such as
the university administration, faculty members, student representatives, and relevant
government authorities, will be identified and consulted to ensure their needs and
expectations are incorporated into the project plan.

The project sponsor, typically a senior administrator or a designated committee from

the university, will formally authorize the project and allocate the necessary
resources, including the project budget of 2 crore taka (20 million BDT).

1.3. Planning Phase:

In the planning phase, a detailed project management plan will be developed,

encompassing various subsidiary plans and documents. The project manager, in
collaboration with the project team and stakeholders, will create the following plans:

1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): The WBS will outline the hierarchical
decomposition of the project into manageable work packages, tasks, and

2. Project Schedule: A comprehensive project schedule will be developed,
incorporating all project activities, their durations, dependencies, and
milestones. This schedule will serve as a roadmap for the project's execution
and will be regularly updated to reflect any changes or adjustments.
3. Resource Management Plan: This plan will identify the required human
resources, materials, equipment, and facilities necessary for the successful
completion of the project. It will also outline strategies for acquiring,
allocating, and managing these resources effectively.
4. Risk Management Plan: Potential risks associated with the project will be
identified, analyzed, and documented in the risk management plan. This plan
will outline strategies and contingency measures to mitigate or respond to
identified risks.
5. Communication Plan: A comprehensive communication plan will be
developed to ensure effective and timely communication among all project
stakeholders, including the project team, university administration,
contractors, and relevant authorities.
6. Quality Management Plan: This plan will define the quality standards,
metrics, and processes to be followed throughout the project lifecycle to
ensure that the deliverables meet the specified requirements and expectations.
7. Procurement Plan: The procurement plan will outline the processes and
procedures for acquiring goods, services, and works required for the project. It
will include strategies for vendor selection, contract management, and
compliance with relevant procurement regulations.
8. Cost Management Plan: This plan will detail the processes and procedures
for estimating, budgeting, and controlling project costs, ensuring that the
project remains within the allocated budget of 2 crore taka.
9. Change Management Plan: A change management plan will be developed to
establish a structured process for requesting, evaluating, and implementing
changes to the project scope, schedule, or other aspects, while minimizing
disruptions and maintaining control over the project.

During the planning phase, the project team will also conduct feasibility studies, site
assessments, and other necessary analyses to ensure the project's viability and identify
potential challenges or constraints.

1.4. Execution Phase:

The execution phase will involve the implementation of the project plan and the
execution of various construction and renovation activities. This phase will
commence with the procurement of materials, equipment, and services according to
the established procurement plan.

Construction and renovation activities will be carried out in accordance with the
project schedule and work breakdown structure. Regular progress meetings and site
inspections will be conducted to monitor the project's progress, address any issues or
challenges that may arise, and ensure compliance with quality standards, safety
regulations, and environmental requirements.

The project manager will coordinate and oversee the work of the project team, which
includes civil engineers, architects, electrical engineers, procurement specialists,

landscape architects, and the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) team.
Effective communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders
will be crucial to the successful execution of the project.

During the execution phase, the project manager will also manage changes to the
project scope, schedule, or budget, if necessary, following the established change
management procedures. Regular progress reports will be prepared and shared with
stakeholders to keep them informed about the project's status, achievements, and any
challenges encountered.

1.5. Monitoring and Control Phase:

Throughout the project lifecycle, the monitoring and control phase will involve the
continuous monitoring of the project's progress, performance, and quality. The project
manager, in collaboration with the project team and stakeholders, will ensure that the
project remains aligned with the established plans and objectives.

Key activities during the monitoring and control phase include:

1. Progress Monitoring: Regular progress meetings will be held to review the

project's status, identify any deviations from the schedule or budget, and
implement corrective actions as necessary.
2. Performance Monitoring: The project team will monitor the performance of
various project components, such as construction activities, equipment
installations, and system integrations, to ensure they meet the specified
requirements and quality standards.
3. Quality Control: The QA/QC team will conduct regular inspections, audits,
and tests to verify that the project deliverables meet the established quality
criteria. Any non-conformances or deficiencies will be documented and
addressed promptly.
4. Risk Monitoring and Control: The project team will continuously monitor
and assess potential risks, implementing risk mitigation strategies and
contingency plans as needed.
5. Change Management: Any proposed changes to the project scope, schedule,
or budget will be evaluated and managed through the established change
management process, ensuring that changes are properly documented,
analyzed, and approved before implementation.
6. Cost Control: The project manager will closely monitor and control project
costs, ensuring that expenditures remain within the allocated budget. Regular
cost reports will be prepared and reviewed, and any deviations or potential
overruns will be addressed promptly.
7. Stakeholder Management: Regular communication and engagement with
stakeholders will be maintained throughout the project to ensure their needs
and expectations are met and to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

The monitoring and control phase will ensure that the project remains on track, and
any necessary corrective actions or adjustments are implemented in a timely and
effective manner.

1.6. Closing Phase:

The closing phase will involve the formal acceptance of the completed project, the
documentation of lessons learned, and the release of project resources. This phase will
commence once all project activities have been successfully completed, and the
project deliverables have been verified and accepted by the relevant stakeholders.Key
activities during the closing phase include:

1. Project Acceptance: The project sponsor, university administration, and other

relevant stakeholders will formally accept the completed project, ensuring that
all project objectives and requirements have been met.
2. Project Closure Documentation: Comprehensive project closure
documentation will be prepared, including a final project report, lessons
learned, and any other relevant documentation required for future reference or
auditing purposes.
3. Resource Release: Project resources, such as team members, equipment, and
facilities, will be formally released and reassigned or returned to their
respective sources.
4. Contract Closure: All contractual obligations with vendors, contractors, and
service providers will be fulfilled, and contracts will be formally closed.
5. Financial Closure: Final financial reports and audits will be conducted to
ensure that all project expenditures are accounted for and within the allocated
6. Knowledge Transfer: Knowledge transfer sessions or workshops will be
conducted to share the project's experiences, best practices, and lessons
learned with relevant stakeholders, enabling continuous improvement and
knowledge retention within the university.
7. Project Archiving: Project documentation, including plans, reports, and other
relevant materials, will be archived for future reference and to support
potential future projects or audits.
8. Project Celebration: The project team and stakeholders will celebrate the
successful completion of the project, recognizing the efforts and contributions
of all involved parties.

The closing phase ensures the proper closure of the project, addresses any outstanding
issues or deliverables, and facilitates the transfer of knowledge and lessons learned for
future projects

2. Objectives
2.1. Create Modern Academic Facilities

 Smart Classrooms: Develop technologically advanced classrooms equipped with

interactive whiteboards, audio-visual systems, and adaptable seating
arrangements to enhance interactive learning and collaboration.
 Lecture Halls: Construct spacious lecture halls with state-of-the-art acoustics and
multimedia capabilities to support large-scale lectures and events.
 Laboratories: Establish specialized laboratories for various disciplines, featuring
modern equipment and technology to facilitate hands-on learning and research.

2.2. Establish Digital Infrastructure

 High-Speed Internet: Implement a robust, high-speed internet infrastructure

throughout the campus to support online learning, research, and administrative
 Digital Libraries: Create comprehensive digital libraries with extensive online
resources, databases, and e-books accessible to students and faculty anytime,
 E-Learning Platforms: Develop and maintain user-friendly e-learning platforms
that support remote education, virtual classrooms, and digital coursework
submission and evaluation.

2.3. Enhance Research Capabilities

 Research Centers: Construct dedicated research centers focused on key areas of

innovation and technology, equipped with cutting-edge instruments and facilities.
 Collaborative Spaces: Design flexible, collaborative spaces to foster
interdisciplinary research and innovation, encouraging interaction between
students, faculty, and industry partners.
 Funding and Grants: Establish a robust system for securing research funding and
grants, supporting ongoing and future research projects with financial and
administrative resources.

2.4. Provide Quality Housing

 Student Dormitories: Build comfortable and secure dormitories for students,

featuring modern amenities, common areas, and study spaces to create a
conducive living and learning environment.
 Faculty Residences: Construct high-quality housing for faculty and staff, ensuring
convenient access to campus facilities and fostering a close-knit academic
 Maintenance and Services: Implement a comprehensive maintenance and service
system to ensure the safety, cleanliness, and functionality of all residential

2.5. Promote Sustainability

Green Building Practices: Adopt sustainable building practices, including energy-
efficient designs, sustainable materials, and waste reduction strategies, to minimize
the environmental impact of construction and operation.

Renewable Energy Sources: Integrate renewable energy sources such as solar panels,
wind turbines, and geothermal systems to reduce reliance on non-renewable energy
and promote environmental sustainability.

Green Spaces: Develop extensive green spaces, including parks, gardens, and natural
landscapes, to enhance the campus environment and promote well-being among
students and staff.

2.6. Support Comprehensive Development

 Recreational Facilities: Create diverse recreational facilities, including sports

complexes, fitness centers, and wellness programs, to support the physical and
mental health of the campus community.
 Dining Areas: Establish a variety of dining options, including cafeterias, food
courts, and cafes, offering healthy and diverse food choices to meet the
nutritional needs of students and staff.
 Health Services: Provide comprehensive health services, including medical
centers, counseling, and wellness programs, to support the overall well-being of
the university community.

3. Project Scope
The scope of the BDU Campus Infrastructure Development project encompasses the
following key components:

3.1. Renovation and Modernization of Existing Academic Buildings:

- Comprehensive renovation and modernization of existing academic buildings,

including classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and administrative spaces.
- Upgrades to electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems to improve energy efficiency
and ensure compliance with modern building codes and standards.
- Installation of energy-efficient lighting systems and equipment to reduce energy
consumption and operational costs.
- Enhancements to accessibility features, such as ramps, elevators, and accessible
restrooms, to ensure compliance with accessibility regulations and provide an
inclusive learning environment for all students and staff.
- Refurbishment of interior spaces, including flooring, wall finishes, and furniture, to
create a modern and conducive learning environment.
- Improvements to building envelopes, such as roofing, windows, and insulation, to
enhance thermal comfort and energy efficiency.

3.2. Construction of New State-of-the-Art Lecture Halls and Laboratories:

- Design and construction of modern lecture halls with advanced audio-visual

systems, flexible seating arrangements, and state-of-the-art teaching aids.
- Development of specialized laboratories for various academic programs, such as
computer science, engineering, and science disciplines, equipped with cutting-edge
equipment and technology.
- Incorporation of flexible and collaborative learning spaces to promote interactive
and project-based learning methodologies.
- Integration of advanced security systems, including access control and surveillance
measures, to ensure the safety and security of students, faculty, and staff.

3.3. Upgrading of Campus Utilities:

- Modernization and expansion of the electrical distribution system to meet the

increasing energy demands of the campus and accommodate future growth.
- Improvements to the water supply and sewage systems, including the installation of
water treatment facilities and efficient plumbing fixtures to conserve water and reduce
operational costs.
- Upgrades to the campus communication infrastructure, including high-speed internet
connectivity, Wi-Fi access points, and advanced networking equipment, to support the
university's digital initiatives and provide seamless connectivity across the campus.

3.3.1. Development of Recreational Facilities:

- Construction of a state-of-the-art sports complex, including indoor and outdoor
facilities for various sports and recreational activities.
- Establishment of student centers and lounges, equipped with amenities such as
cafeterias, study areas, and recreational spaces, to foster a vibrant campus life and
promote social interaction among students.
- Creation of outdoor recreational spaces and parks, featuring landscaped gardens,
walking trails, and seating areas, to provide a refreshing and rejuvenating
environment for students and staff.

Landscaping and Beautification of the Campus:

- Comprehensive landscaping and greening initiatives, incorporating sustainable and

eco-friendly design principles, to create a visually appealing and environmentally
conscious campus environment.
- Installation of pedestrian pathways, lighting, and signage to enhance accessibility,
safety, and wayfinding across the campus.
- Development of outdoor seating and gathering areas, including shaded spaces and
gazebos, to encourage outdoor activities and social interactions.

Installation of Energy-Efficient and Eco-Friendly Infrastructure:

- Integration of solar power systems and other renewable energy sources to reduce the
university's carbon footprint and promote sustainable energy practices.
- Implementation of water conservation and rainwater harvesting systems to minimize
water wastage and promote water sustainability initiatives.
- Promotion of sustainable building practices and materials, such as green roofs,
energy-efficient windows, and recycled or locally sourced construction materials, to
reduce the environmental impact of the construction activities.

4. Project Life Cycle
The BDU Campus Infrastructure Development project will follow the standard project
life cycle phases, as illustrated in the following graph:

| Initiation |

| Planning |

| Execution |

| Monitoring |

| and Control |

| Closing |

4.1 Project Team

The project team for the BDU Campus Infrastructure Development project will
consist of the following members:

 **Project Manager:**
The project manager will be responsible for overall project planning, execution,
monitoring, and control. They will coordinate with various stakeholders, manage
project resources, and ensure the project is completed within the specified timeline
and budget. The project manager should have extensive experience in managing
large-scale construction and infrastructure projects, as well as strong leadership,
communication, and problem-solving skills.

 Civil Engineers:
Civil engineers will be responsible for the design and construction of new buildings,
as well as the renovation and modernization of existing structures. They will oversee
the implementation of structural, plumbing, and HVAC systems. The civil
engineering team will include professionals with expertise in various disciplines, such
as structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, and construction management.

 Architects:
Architects will be responsible for the conceptual design and architectural planning of
new buildings and facilities. They will work closely with civil engineers to ensure the
integration of functional and aesthetic elements. The architectural team will include
professionals with expertise in areas such as sustainable design, building information
modeling (BIM), and interior design.

 Electrical Engineers:
Electrical engineers will be responsible for the design and implementation of
electrical systems, including power distribution, lighting, and energy management
systems. They will also oversee the integration of renewable energy sources, such as
solar power systems, and ensure compliance with relevant electrical codes and

 Procurement Specialists:
Procurement specialists will be responsible for the sourcing and acquisition of
materials, equipment, and services required for the project. They will ensure that
procurement activities are carried out in accordance with established policies and
procedures, including competitive bidding processes, vendor selection, and contract

 Landscape Architects:
Landscape architects will be responsible for the design and implementation of outdoor
spaces, including landscaping, pedestrian pathways, and recreational areas. They will
collaborate with civil engineers and architects to ensure seamless integration of
outdoor spaces with the built environment.

 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Team:

The QA/QC team will be responsible for ensuring that all project activities and
deliverables meet the established quality standards and requirements. They will
conduct regular inspections, audits, and tests to identify and address any quality-
related issues. The QA/QC team will include professionals with expertise in
construction quality management, materials testing, and quality assurance processes.

In addition to the core project team, the university may engage external consultants or
subject matter experts as needed to provide specialized expertise in areas such as
sustainable design, energy efficiency, accessibility, or digital infrastructure.

5. Project Budget
The total project budget for the BDU Campus Infrastructure Development project is 2
crore taka (20 million BDT). The budget will be allocated across various project
components and activities, as outlined below:

Construction and Renovation: 60% (12 million BDT)

- New building construction for lecture halls, laboratories, and recreational facilities
- Renovation and modernization of existing academic buildings
- Site preparation and earthworks
- Installation of building systems (electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc.)
- Accessibility improvements (ramps, elevators, etc.)
- Interior finishes and furnishings

Equipment and Furnishings: 15% (3 million BDT)

- Laboratory equipment and scientific instruments
- Audio-visual systems for lecture halls and classrooms
- IT infrastructure (servers, networking equipment, etc.)
- Furniture and fixtures for academic and recreational spaces
- Sports and recreational equipment

Professional Fees: 10% (2 million BDT)

- Architectural and engineering design services
- Construction management and supervision
- Project management consultancy
- Legal and regulatory compliance services
- Environmental impact assessment and sustainability consulting

Utilities and Infrastructure: 5% (1 million BDT)

- Upgrades to electrical distribution system
- Improvements to water supply and sewage systems
- Installation of renewable energy systems (solar panels, etc.)
- Landscaping and outdoor infrastructure

Contingency: 5% (1 million BDT)

- Unforeseen expenses or additional costs
- Risk mitigation measures
- Change orders or scope adjustments

Project Management: 5% (1 million BDT)

- Project manager and support staff salaries
- Project office expenses
- Communication and coordination costs
- Project monitoring and reporting

The budget allocation is based on industry standards and best practices for similar
infrastructure projects. However, it is essential to conduct detailed cost estimations
and market analyses to ensure accurate and up-to-date pricing for materials, labor,
equipment, and services.

Throughout the project lifecycle, the project manager and finance team will closely
monitor and control project costs, ensuring that expenditures remain within the
allocated budget. Regular cost reports will be prepared and reviewed, and any
deviations or potential overruns will be addressed promptly through appropriate cost
control measures or budget adjustments.

It is also crucial to establish a robust procurement process to ensure fair and

transparent bidding, vendor selection, and contract management, ultimately ensuring
that the project achieves the best value for money while adhering to all relevant
regulations and policies.

5.1 Timeine Table:

6. Potential Risks

Delays in Construction:

Risk: Unforeseen circumstances such as adverse weather conditions, labor strikes, or

supply chain disruptions may delay construction activities.
Impact: Delayed project timelines, increased costs, and potential reputational damage.

Mitigation: Regular monitoring of construction progress, contingency planning, and
establishing clear communication channels with contractors to address issues

Budget Overruns:

Risk: Unanticipated expenses, inflation, or changes in scope could lead to budget

Impact: Limited funds for critical project components, compromised quality, or halted
Mitigation: Thorough budget planning, regular financial tracking, setting aside
contingency funds, and obtaining approval for any changes in scope.

Technological Obsolescence:

Risk: Rapid advancements in technology may render initially selected equipment or

systems obsolete before project completion.
Impact: Reduced efficiency, increased maintenance costs, or the need for expensive
Mitigation: Continuous monitoring of technological trends, flexible design to
accommodate future upgrades, and partnering with reputable suppliers for long-term

Regulatory and Permitting Issues:

Risk: Delays or complications in obtaining necessary permits and approvals from

regulatory authorities.
Impact: Halting of construction, increased project costs, and potential legal
Mitigation: Thorough understanding of regulatory requirements, early engagement
with authorities, and proactive measures to address potential issues.

Environmental and Safety Concerns:

Risk: Environmental hazards, accidents, or safety violations during construction.

Impact: Health and safety risks to workers, environmental damage, legal liabilities,
and project delays.
Mitigation: Implementation of stringent safety protocols, regular safety inspections,
adherence to environmental regulations, and providing proper training to workers.
Contingency Plans

Construction Delays:

Contingency: Allocate additional resources and manpower to accelerate construction

if delays occur.
Trigger: Any significant delay beyond the planned timeline.

Budget Overruns:

Contingency: Identify areas for potential cost savings or reallocate funds from less
critical components.
Trigger: Budget projections indicating a shortfall or unexpected expenses.

Technological Obsolescence:

Contingency: Establish a technology upgrade fund and incorporate flexible design

features to accommodate future advancements.
Trigger: Identification of technology becoming outdated or ineffective.

Regulatory and Permitting Issues:

Contingency: Engage legal counsel or regulatory experts to expedite the permit

acquisition process and explore alternative solutions.
Trigger: Delay or rejection of permits beyond an acceptable timeframe.

Environmental and Safety Concerns:

Contingency: Have emergency response protocols in place, including access to

medical facilities and environmental remediation plans.
Trigger: Any safety incident or environmental hazard on-site.
Monitoring and Review
Regular project meetings to assess progress, identify emerging risks, and adjust
strategies accordingly.
Quarterly financial audits to track budget utilization and identify potential overruns.
Environmental and safety audits to ensure compliance with regulations and mitigate
associated risks.
Continuous monitoring of technological advancements to assess potential
obsolescence and plan for upgrades as needed.

7. Project Tender Documentation

The project tender documentation is a critical component of the procurement process,

as it outlines the project requirements, scope, and terms and conditions for potential
contractors and suppliers. The tender documentation for the BDU Campus
Infrastructure Development project will include the following components:

1. Request for Proposal (RFP):

The RFP will be the primary document that outlines the project overview, objectives,
scope, and requirements. It will provide detailed information about the project
components, including the construction of new buildings, renovation of existing
facilities, infrastructure upgrades, and landscaping works. The RFP will also include
the evaluation criteria for selecting the most suitable contractors and suppliers.

2. Scope of Work:
The scope of work will be a comprehensive document that outlines the specific tasks,
activities, and deliverables expected from the contractors and suppliers. It will include
detailed specifications, drawings, and technical requirements for each project
component, ensuring that all parties have a clear understanding of the work to be

3. Technical Specifications:
The technical specifications will provide detailed information about the materials,
equipment, and systems required for the project. This will include specifications for
building materials, electrical and mechanical systems, plumbing fixtures, IT
infrastructure, and renewable energy systems, among others. The technical
specifications will ensure that all contractors and suppliers comply with industry
standards, building codes, and regulations.

4. Bill of Quantities (BOQ):

The BOQ will be a detailed list of all the materials, equipment, and labor required for
the project. It will include quantities, unit prices, and total costs for each item,
allowing contractors and suppliers to accurately estimate their bids. The BOQ will be
a crucial document for cost estimation and budget control throughout the project

5. Drawings and Designs:

The tender documentation will include architectural drawings, structural designs, site
plans, and other relevant drawings and designs prepared by the project's architectural
and engineering teams. These drawings and designs will provide visual
representations of the project components, allowing contractors and suppliers to
understand the project requirements better.

6. Contract Terms and Conditions:

The contract terms and conditions will outline the legal and contractual obligations for
both the university and the selected contractors and suppliers. This will include

clauses related to project timelines, payment terms, performance guarantees,
warranties, and dispute resolution mechanisms, among others.

7. Evaluation Criteria:
The evaluation criteria will outline the specific factors and weightings used to assess
and compare the bids received from contractors and suppliers. This may include
factors such as technical competence, experience, financial capacity, project
methodology, and pricing, among others.

8. Submission Guidelines:
─ The submission guidelines will provide detailed instructions for contractors and
suppliers on how to prepare and submit their bids. This will include information
on bid submission deadlines, required documentation, and the submission process
─ The project tender documentation will be prepared in accordance with the Public
Procurement Rules (PPR) of Bangladesh and other relevant regulations and
guidelines. It will be made available to interested contractors and suppliers
through the BDU website, relevant government portals, and other appropriate
─ To ensure transparency and fairness in the procurement process, the tender
documentation will be reviewed and approved by relevant authorities and
stakeholders, including the university administration, project sponsors, and any
external oversight bodies or committees.
─ Once the tender process is complete and contractors and suppliers have been
selected, the project tender documentation will serve as the basis for the
contractual agreements and project implementation plans.
─ It is essential to allocate sufficient time and resources for the preparation of
comprehensive and accurate tender documentation, as this will play a crucial role
in the successful execution of the BDU Campus Infrastructure Development

8. Conclusion
The Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University Campus Infrastructure
Development plan represents a significant step towards establishing a modern
educational hub that embraces digital innovation and fosters academic excellence. By
allocating resources efficiently and prioritizing key areas such as academic buildings,
IT infrastructure, research facilities, and student housing, the project aims to create an
environment conducive to holistic learning and growth.
Through careful planning and design, coupled with sustainable practices, the
university will not only meet the immediate needs of its students and faculty but also
contribute positively to the environment and community. The integration of advanced
digital tools and technologies ensures that the institution remains at the forefront of
educational trends, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the
digital age.
With a clear timeline, robust budget allocation, and stakeholder engagement, this
project is poised for success. Upon completion, the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman Digital University will stand as a beacon of excellence in higher education,
serving as a model for other institutions and empowering generations of learners to
thrive in the digital era.

----THE END---


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