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Here are 100 Linux commands along with their brief meanings:

1. **ls**: List directory contents.

2. **cd**: Change the current working directory.
3. **pwd**: Print the current working directory.
4. **touch**: Create an empty file.
5. **mkdir**: Create a new directory.
6. **rmdir**: Remove an empty directory.
7. **rm**: Remove files or directories.
8. **cp**: Copy files or directories.
9. **mv**: Move or rename files or directories.
10. **cat**: Concatenate and display file contents.
11. **more**: View file contents page by page.
12. **less**: View file contents interactively.
13. **head**: Display the beginning lines of a file.
14. **tail**: Display the ending lines of a file.
15. **grep**: Search for text patterns in files.
16. **find**: Search for files and directories.
17. **chmod**: Change file permissions.
18. **chown**: Change file ownership.
19. **ps**: List running processes.
20. **top**: Monitor system processes interactively.
21. **kill**: Terminate processes.
22. **df**: Display disk space usage.
23. **du**: Estimate file and directory space usage.
24. **tar**: Archive files and directories.
25. **gzip**: Compress files.
26. **gunzip**: Decompress files.
27. **zip**: Create compressed zip archives.
28. **unzip**: Extract files from zip archives.
29. **wget**: Download files from the web.
30. **curl**: Transfer data with URLs.
31. **ssh**: Securely connect to remote systems.
32. **scp**: Securely copy files between hosts.
33. **ping**: Test network connectivity.
34. **ifconfig**: Configure network interfaces.
35. **netstat**: Network statistics.
36. **route**: Display or modify the IP routing table.
37. **hostname**: Display or set system hostname.
38. **date**: Display or set system date and time.
39. **cal**: Display a calendar.
40. **who**: Show who is logged on.
41. **w**: Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
42. **whoami**: Display the current user.
43. **passwd**: Change user password.
44. **adduser**: Create a new user.
45. **userdel**: Delete a user account.
46. **groups**: Display user groups.
47. **su**: Switch user or run a command as another user.
48. **sudo**: Execute commands with superuser privileges.
49. **visudo**: Edit the sudoers file.
50. **crontab**: Schedule tasks to run at specified times.
51. **uptime**: Display system uptime.
52. **shutdown**: Shutdown or reboot the system.
53. **reboot**: Reboot the system.
54. **poweroff**: Power off the system.
55. **free**: Display free and used memory.
56. **ps aux**: Display detailed process information.
57. **lsblk**: List block devices.
58. **fdisk**: Display or manipulate disk partitions.
59. **mount**: Mount filesystems.
60. **umount**: Unmount filesystems.
61. **df -h**: Display disk space usage in human-readable format.
62. **chkconfig**: Configure system services.
63. **systemctl**: Control system services (systemd).
64. **journalctl**: Query the systemd journal.
65. **lsmod**: List loaded kernel modules.
66. **modprobe**: Add or remove kernel modules.
67. **lsusb**: List USB devices.
68. **lspci**: List PCI devices.
69. **lsb_release**: Display distribution information.
70. **uname**: Display system information.
71. **hostnamectl**: Control system hostname (systemd).
72. **ip**: Display or manipulate network information (iproute2).
73. **ss**: Display socket statistics.
74. **scp**: Securely copy files between hosts.
75. **ssh-keygen**: Generate SSH key pairs.
76. **df -i**: Display inode usage.
77. **at**: Schedule one-time tasks.
78. **batch**: Execute commands when the system load is low.
79. **crontab -l**: List user's scheduled tasks.
80. **logger**: Log messages to the system log.
81. **tail -f**: Monitor log files in real-time.
82. **watch**: Execute commands periodically.
83. **find / -name filename**: Search for a file by name.
84. **grep -r pattern directory**: Search for a pattern in files recursively.
85. **sed**: Stream editor for text manipulation.
86. **awk**: Text processing tool.
87. **cut**: Remove sections from lines of files.
88. **sort**: Sort lines of text files.
89. **diff**: Compare files line by line.
90. **patch**: Apply changes to files using a patch file.
91. **tar -xvf**: Extract files from a tar archive.
92. **rsync**: Synchronize files and directories.
93. **nc**: Netcat, a versatile networking utility.
94. **ncdu**: Disk usage analyzer with an interactive interface.
95. **nmap**: Network scanning tool.
96. **iptables**: Configure netfilter firewall rules.
97. **ufw**: Uncomplicated Firewall, a user-friendly interface for iptables.
98. **htop**: Interactive process viewer.
99. **iftop**: Display bandwidth usage on an interface.
100. **vim** or **nano**: Text editors for editing files in the terminal.

These are 100 commonly used Linux commands. Each command has its own set of options
and can perform various tasks, helping users manage and interact with the Linux
system efficiently.

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