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Cowan the Rake

This shay is a scoundrel. He effortlessly seduces men and

women all across Ravenloft, entrapping their hearts with
songs of passion, leading them through a whirlwind evening
romance. However, when morning comes, he is gone, leaving
his lovers empty and alone. These poor, unfortunate souls are
doomed to waste away, their hearts still belonging to Cowan.
Eventually their love turns to bitterness and they transform
into harpies, doomed to plague their homes and roam the
skies, ever searching for their wayward love.
Duana the Wise
Duana is among the wisest of the sith. She travels the dark
paths of Ravenloft with her retinue searching for a means by
which she can heal her lord Loht's grievous wounds. She
possesses an understanding of the dark paths of necromancy
to rival that of the greatest wizards of Thay, and her sithkin
servants enable her to craft many strange and sinister
magical wonders and devices. Her greatest obsession,
however, is Count Strahd himself. Duana craves to
understand the curse that binds him so fitfully to his
Duana has gathered her retinue of advisers from all across
the Domains of Dread.They accompany her through her
wanderings in Ravenlost, riding astride warhorse skeletons
and advising her on the ways of undeath. When they travel,
they travel at night, a sinister party winding slowly through
the mists of Ravenloft, illuminated by the pale ghost lights of
will o wisps.
Marya was once a kind woman who worked as a healer for
the people of Barovia. However, there was only so much she
could do, and the grief of so many lives lost weighed heavily
on her soul. When she died, her soul was bound to the earth
as a ghost, doomed to linger in Barovia until she found a way
to save more lives. Duana found her and bound her to her
services with the promise of helping save the king of the
Arak, and now Marya is Duana's most trusted adviser.
Aja is a nothic. Though he was once a wizard who pursued
lichdom, he is now but a shell of his former self. Duana finds
his fragmented ramblings fascinating, and hopes to
understand the secrets of madness and the wisdom of
despair by listening to his words.
Ephraim is a bodak that Duana took an interest in, binding
him with a mask to restrain his horrific gaze and aura of
annihilation. He does not serve Duana willingly, being loyal
only to Orcus, but Duana values the counsel of his hateful
whispers, learning more from his blasphemous tongue than
Ephraim intends to divulge.

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