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Dec 20, 2022

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Is Hijab an Essential practice of Islam ? No hijab can’t be forced to a women
its upto free will and choice to wear. ”There is no compulsion in way of life”
Nowadays Karnataka hijab controversy is spreading across the world but no
one has imagine that this controversy started from an educational institute
includes the involvement of the world. Supporters said hijab is an inseperable
part of their belief . People against says about the Secularism nature and
cultural previlance of India. Questions were raised about positive seculrism
governance method. Whereas some scholars finds about the relevnce of
hijab. In muslim book quran, There are disagreements betwen muslim
religious and soocial circles regarding the instrutions given in quran
regarding modesty of men and women.Quran uses the term ‘khimar’ that is
purdah instead of hijab. More than 6000 versus almost half a dozen versus
dedicted to women public dressing sense Clearest verse, Surah 24 verse 30-31
Khimar accepted as head covering during advent of islam. Surah 33 verse 59
Prophet commends to wife and daughter believing that they should caste
their outer garments that they may be distinguished and not be harassed.
Islaamic commentators generally agrees that these verses refers to sexual
harrasment of madina’s women. The word hijab refers to spatial partition not
to referinf women’s cloth . Hijab word is the seperation betwwen - Deity-
mortals Wrongdoers-rightdoers Believers-unbelievers And seperates light
from darkness. According to sunni ideology(4 major schools)
Hanfi,shaifi,maliki,hanbaliit is obligatory for a women to cover their head. It is
obligatory to over whole body except hands and face in front of all the
peoples except closed family. According to saudi arabia’s sunni permanent
committee for islamic research and issuing fatwas Says many times women
have been told to cover their heads as compulsory. Shia groups have also
often shared their comments on women clothing. Iranian born shia Marha Al
Al sistani says - Women should have their body including hair conceal from
who do not belongs to their closed family. Regional and Cultural Aspects-
Leila ahmad an egyptian ameican islamic scholar says in book ”women and
gender in islam” 1992 Claimed purdah system is prevailed in quran before the
revelations of quran. Quraanic verse says women to wear cloth so that they
can recognized as muslims. Reza Aslan- suggested that muslim women
started using hijab following prophet’s wives who were respected as “Mother
of Believers”.Upto 627AD no purdah system folllowed in islam. In
mesapotamic,Byzntine,Greek,Persian Empires upper class womens follows

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purdah system In indian Subcontinent - Hindu women kept their heads
covered under purdah system whih was known as ghoonghat. In arabian
Peninsula,purdah system not introduced by Prophet. It was already following
at the time in arabian cities. The early islamic texts not leared the meaning of
hijab. After the Arab conquest of Persian and Byzantine Empire women cloth
covering accepted in aeab world. In Arab world,the purdah system was
neither compulsory nor widesread until several generations after the death of
Prophet Mohammad. After sometime,male scritural and legal scholars
implemented the system to regain their religious and political authority. All
religion and political authorities in arab world lasts their influence att the time
due to the religious reform introduced by prophet In this society structured
by prophet, all muslims were given equal rights agaainst their
origin,race,caste,or gender. Which was hard to accept for a power seeking
individual. Since islam was similar to the monotheistic religion such as
Judaism , Christianity. In order to ensure modesty according to Quranic
delusion,women hemselves should cover the practice in same region started
to accept by muslims. Slowly these systems starred spreading among upper
class arab women and at a point muslim womens started using special
phrase to cover themselves. It came as a symbol of rank and exclusive lifestyle.
Current Stand of Islamic Countries - In muslim coumtries western clothing
populars in 1960&1970s e.g.- pakistan,afganiistan,iran. Women used to go out
in public without hijab. But this individual liberty in islamic countries seems
to be changing dur to some events. This change was broought due to the
militaary dictatarship in pakistan and in afganistan due to soviet -afgan war.
In iran due to iranian revolution changes social freedom. But under the hijab
law in iran which made women to compulsary wear scarves while leaving
houses. In 2021 after the US withdrawl from Taliban made naqab mandatory.
In indonesia hijab is not mandatory it depends on descretion of women.
Accoding to grand Imam of Al-Azhar- Hijab has no islamic importance.
So,many women claims hijab as positive cloth as it avoid harrasment in public
places. In the current case of karnataka hijab controversy - The statement
over the pleas challenging the Hijab ban in Karnataka's schools and colleges
remained status quo as a two-judge bench of the Supreme Court delivered a
split verdict. While Justice Hemant Gupta upheld the ban and ruled that
hijab is not an essential religious practice, Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia struck
down the ban, saying education of the girl child is most important. The
Basavaraj Bommai-led BJP government justified its stand against hijab in
educational institutions by stating that under the Karnataka Education Act of
1983, it was not allowed. The government argued that under Section 133 of
the Act, it reserves the right to issue appropriate directions to schools and
colleges to ensure the maintenance of public order

2% Plagiarized
Oct 14, 2022 · A bench of Justices Hemant Gupta and Sudhanshu Dhulia
delivered a split verdict on the Karnataka Hijab ban row on Thursday and
referred the matter to the Chief Justice of India for the constitution of an
appropriate bench to consider the contentious issue. While Justice Hemant

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Gupta upheld the ban and ruled that hijab is not an essential religious
practice, Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia struck down the ban, saying the education
of the girl child is most important.


2% Plagiarized
Web · The Basavaraj Bommai-led BJP government justified its stand against
hijab in educational institutions by stating that under the Karnataka Education
Act of 1983, it was …



4% Plagiarized
Supreme Court's Split Verdict in Hijab Row Puts Ball ... - News18Hijab Row:
Hearing in SC Today, Take A Look at How the ...



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