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When you choose to loose weight the first thing yo do is to check what you are eating.Check out
the diet to maintain to help you loose weight.

Eating a good diet focused on foods which are nutrient based is best for weight loss.When you
take a balanced diet it is a starting point for weight loss The following are the types of food to
eat to reduce your weight.


There are many types of vegetables and all types can help in your journey of weight loss.For
example when you take cabbages they are advisable because they are high in fiber and also
vitamins which help in digestion and they are low in calories and these help your body from
gaining extra weight.

2.Unripe bananas.

This type of bananas are rich in starch which makes the cells of your body more responsive to
insulin which helps your stomach to feel full without consuming too much food.They also help
in preventing fat storage around your waistline making you feel confident in your body shape.


Legumes like beans are low in fat and they are also rich in fiber and protein.Most foods that are
rich in protein helps your body in feeling full and helps you in eating less food.They are also
beneficial in shedding of belly fat.


Some of the fruits are nutrient dense and contain few calories making them a good option in
your journey of weight loss.Due to many fruits having water contents it helps your body in
suppressing your appetite and you are able to eat less.


Most fish are rich in omega 3 and protein.The body usually burns more calories when digesting
protein than fat.This is why it is advisable for someone who is loosing weight to focus more on
the fish than eating the other kind of meat.The fish has a lot of many nutrients and because of
that your body feels full and now it becomes easier in managing your weight.

According to what I have just described above it is going to bea easier when managing your
weight.If you check your diet it doesn't necessarily mean that it is just for those who want to
loose weight but also good dieting helps in keeping you healthy from other diseases.

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