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Adamas Miftakhur Rozaq







The study is aimed to know students’ perception of writing English caption on Instagram. The method of
this research was descriptive qualitative with a case study design. The data was collected using a
questionnaire and interview. The participants of this study were 36 students from twelve grade of social
one class at MTsN 4 Tulungagung. The results show students have a positive perception in writing
English caption on Instagram. They said Instagram be one of the best media learning to explore and have
self-learning in writing, especially during the Pandemic COVID-19 situation where they spent much time
online. Furthermore, they stated that Instagram also lead them to have more vocabulary fancy,
grammatical comprehension skills better by practice more to write on an Instagram caption. They also
stated the obstacles of using Instagram as the media learning for them to practice their writing.
Insecurity because of their lack of knowledge and skill of writing elements such as vocabulary limit, lack
of grammar comprehension, and anxiety of negative comments leads them to decrease their willingness
to use Instagram. However, based on the findings, it can be inferred that students have a positive
perception in writing English caption on Instagram.

Keywords: Students perception, Writing, Instagram Caption


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, praise is to Allah SWT and who has blessed
the researcher with compassion in completing her last study assignment. May Allah bless the Prophet
Muhammad SAW, his family, companions, and followers with peace and bless.First of all, the researcher
would like to express her gratitude and thankfulness to all persons who have assisted her in her
endeavor. The researcher would never finish anything without their direction, support, encouragement,
and participation.The researcher sincerely expresses her gratitude, honor, and appreciation to her
parents and family members for their wonderful support and prays in completing her research.All in all,
the researcher expressed the gratitude to the research advisors, Dr. Susanto, M. Pd. who have his best
and extraordinary of generosity, patience, direction, and contribution in assisting the researcher in
completing this ‘Thesis Writting.'

Furthermore, most significant appreciation is also addressed to:

1. The Headmaster of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung Prof. Dr. H. Maftukhin, M. Ag.

2. The Headmaster of English Education Department Dr. Erna Iftanti, S. S., M. Pd.

3. The Teacher of Thesis Writting Lesson Dr. Susanto, M. Pd.

4. All of my friends who always send their best prayer and support for the researcher.

Hopefully, it would be beneficial to all parties who are related to this study and topic. However, this
study would never be perfect. Therefore, the researcher is open to all kinds of criticisms and

Jakarta, 13 Januari 2022

Adamas Miftakhur Rozaq


ABSTRACT............................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................ iii

CHAPTER I............................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1

B. Identification of the Problem .......................................................................... 5

C. The Focus of the Research.............................................................................. 6

D. Research Questions........................................................................................ 6

E. Purpose of the Study ...................................................................................... 6

F. Significance of the Study................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II .......................................................................................................... 8

LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................... 8

A. Writing........................................................................................................... 8

1. The Definition of Writing ..................................................................................... 8

2. The Process of Writing ....................................................................................... 10

3. The Genre of Writing.......................................................................................... 12

4. The Purpose of Writing....................................................................................... 13

B. Instagram ..................................................................................................... 14

1. The Definition of Instagram................................................................................ 14

2. Features of Instagram.......................................................................................... 14

3. Instagram as Media Learning .............................................................................. 19

C. Caption ........................................................................................................ 20

1. The Definition of Caption ................................................................................... 20

2. The Criteria of Good Caption.............................................................................. 21

D. Students Perception...................................................................................... 22

1. The Definition of Perception ............................................................................... 22

2. The Factors of Perception ................................................................................... 23

3. The Students Perception...................................................................................... 24

4. The Components of Perception ........................................................................... 25

E. Previous Study ............................................................................................. 26



A. Background of the Study

Writing is an integrated skill in English that takes a big part alongside the other English skills; reading,
listening, and speaking. Since writing is the integrated English skill related to the other English skills,
students are suggested to master writing skills as early as possible due to the benefits of writing.
Expressing themselves and ideas, fostering their vocabulary, and strengthening their memorizing and
critical thinking skills are the least benefits that students could get through writing. Students' writing
abilities are essential in their academic lifes because they help them to organize their feelings and ideas
and deduce meaning from a text. Students are allowed to express their ideas and self as they want
through their writing. They can express their ideas through simple free writing, such as a diary, or
complex structured writing, such as an essay(Bestari et al., 2020).

Moreover, students are genuinely expressive and adapted to all new things they have discovered in the
meantime. It is much better while their feelings and ideas are written so that those new things that they
find out are not easy to go or firmly stay for a long time.Writing does not only help students in
expressing themselves and ideas but also fosters their vocabulary ability. By reading many sources,
followed by writing, students will find many words, enriching their vocabulary. The new vocabulary they
have gotten will stay while they write it down as much as they use it in their writing. Regarding the
critical role of vocabulary in language learning, especially in writing practice, vocabulary plays a vital
role. That the important of vocabulary mastery is also in line with the linguists, Nation and Waring in
Guritno (n.d.) that said “Vocabulary knowledge enables language use, language use enable the increase
of vocabulary knowledge, knowledge of the world enables the increase of vocabulary knowledge and
language use and so on.”(Guritno, n.d.)

Also, writing English skills could improve students’ knowledge and comprehension of grammar so that
their writings are more structured well and meaningful. This is in line with the statement from Wilkins
(n.d.) that argues that “without grammar, very little can be conveyed but without vocabulary nothing
can be conveyed” (Guritno, n.d.). Moreover, by writing, students could develop their critical thinking
skill so they can practice sharpening their critical and analytical skills.

However, there are still many students who avoid writing. Most of them think that writing is
complicated to learn. The long writing process and the effort to find the idea of their writing are just two
common reasons students avoid writing. No doubt, Rahmatunisa in Rosiana & Yasmin (2017) stated
that, in terms of a common problem, Indonesian students think that writing is such a difficult skill to be
learned due to the long process of writing it selves which consist of the plan, draft, re-draft, edit, re-edit,
re-plan, etc (Rosiana & Yasmin, 2017). Writing needs the brain to process and stimulate many exposures
or inputs and organize them into a well-structured written text. In line with the previous statement
Richards and Renandya in Wibowo (2013) also stated the most challenging skill for second or foreign
language learners to acquire is writing (Wibowo, 2013). The challenges are not only in developing and
organizing ideas but also in turning them into an understandable language. If their language capacity is
limited, the issue is amplified. Several insufficient sub-skills of writing skills contribute to the problem.

Therefore, students should not be overthinking that long process and the complexity of writing. The
writing process is just such a guideline or step to help students make their writing better and look more
professional. That long writing process can be customized by students who depend on their writing
type.Otherwise, thinking about that long process makes them avoid writing.Students only need to start
practicing and writing without thinking over that process. The writer can always edit the page or the
blank page. By that means, starting writing is only by writing down freely without thinking of collecting
the fearlessness of anything.

Moreover, technology has developed well and fast in every sector, including education. The
development of digital technology brings a newmethod in teaching-learning. As Nugroho & Rahmawati
(2020) stated, One of the current conventions is the integration of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in the sphere of education (Nugroho & Rahmawati, 2020). There are many platforms
teachers and students can use as media, including social media. Social media is a kind of communication
platform based on technology. People use social media as a form of information and communication
technology to communicate at any time. It is fashionable among people of all ages and socioeconomic
levels all over the world. Even though social media is not an education platform, many social media
features are used for education purposes.

One of the most common social media platforms known by people is Instagram (Damayanti & Santoso,
2019). Instagram is a communication tool that can be used for advertisements, entertainment, and
news. On Instagram, we can express feelings and situations where we are (Gunantar & Transinata,
2019). By that means, on Instagram, students can practice themselves to write freely in a fun and
enjoyable way without thinking so hard for the complexity of the long process of writing.However, using
Instagram in writing class is not as simple as it appears, as numerous students have difficulty posting
their papers to Instagram. According to Anggraeni (2017) on her study stated that there wereseveral
limitations or issues that students experience when it comes to using Instagram. Those issues were such
the signal or internet accsess, time management, the writing quality, and the invansion of an Instagram
user’s privacy (Anggraeni, 2017).

Nevertheless, as there are so many opportunities for students can write through Instagram. The caption
section is believed to enhance the student's writing ability. In their Instagram feed, write a brief
explanation about the photo known as captions. Therefore, a caption is usually used to describe the
photo or express the students' ideas and make the photo beautiful and eyecatchy. There are many
writing slots in the caption section to tell what they want to say besides the other Instagram
features.However, based on the writer's cursory observations, there are still rare students who write a
caption using English. The primary reason for that is because the student lacks knowledge of English.
Besides vocabulary, grammar is one reasons students are unwilling to develop their writing skills, and
not write an English caption (Maolida & Purnamasari, 2018).

Based on the observation, the researcher found that most of the students at MTsN 4 Tulungagung were
not interested in writing. They tried to avoid writing as much as they could. For example, they were not
interested when the teacher asked them to write an English text. However, they use many Instagram
accounts and write captions every time they upload a photo or picture on their Instagram account. Even
though it is still in non-English form or the other word, it is in Bahasa. Nevertheless, the little finding
from some students who like to write their caption in English gives the writer the curiosity about how
students' perception in writing English caption on their Instagram and forces the writer to find the
obstacles students face in writing English captions. Students' common issue in writing English captions
on Instagram is grammatical issue that makes them too afraid to show their English writing ability
through their Instagram captions. Within the case above, the writer is willing to take the research study
under the title: "An Analysis of Students' Perception of Writing English Caption on Instagram" at MtsN 4

B. Identification of the Problem

According to the background study, there are some problems related to writing English Instagram

1. The caption part on Instagram is thought to help students improve their writing skills.

2. The difficulties students’ experience while practicing writing on Instagram.

3. The use of Instagram as media learning for students could bring different perspectives among

C. The Focus of the Research

In conducting this research, the problem is limited to students' perception in writing English captions on
Instagram in twelve-grade Social Class III of MTsN 4 Tulungagung

D. Research Question

Based on background study research focus, the research is formulated

in question as follows:

1. What is students' perception of writing English captions on Instagram?

2. What are the advantages of writing an English caption on Instagram students get?

3. What are the obstacles of writing English captions students face?

E. Purpose of the Study

This study aims to analyze students' perception in writing English captions on Instagram at twelve-grade
students of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang. This study aims to know the advantages of using the Instagram
caption as the media learning for students' writing practice.

F. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is expected as follows:

1. The Writter This study is expected to give new insight and information about how students'
perception in writing English caption on Instagram and also find the answer to how Instagram affects the
students writing skills.

2. The English Teachers

This study is expected to bring the information for teachers to prepare them more adapted to
technology, especially Instagram, to enhance students' writing skills.

3. The further researcher

This study is expected to give new insight for further research so that the following research will be
more in-depth and reliable.

4. The Students

This study is expected to broaden students' view of the writing itself to get the fun and enjoyment of



A. Writing

1. The Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the integrated skills students have mastered in and out of their educational process. As
a process, writing is a skill students can learn and practice independently, which is not such a natural
gift. Students can discover new things and build their other skills with writing. It is also a part of
students' communication that allows them to show and organize their feelings and ideas in the text. By
that means, writing also develop students’ skill for discovering and exploring new things. Hornby and
Lombana, as cited in (Aulia, 2015), Hornby defines writing as stating the information or the words
mentioned. Lombana also describes writing as a means and as an end. As a means, writing is the tool
that enables the student to master the other language skills and allows the teacher to evaluate students'
progress and performance. While as an end, writing is an expensive form and deals with the text
discourse and not merely the writing of isolated words, phrases and sentences in the other type (Aulia,

Furthermore, writing is a highly personal endeavor, and the same person may express themselves in
various ways. At the secondary and university level, writing has become mandatory skill students must
learn. It is also one of the subject skills that have a long way process. It is consist of brainstorming and
developing text, and revising. It has progressed from an out-of-the-box, traditional method focusing on
writing convention to a procedure that may fit a writer's desire to prepare, brainstorm, seek input, and
revise their work (Eedometer, 2007). However, students could practice writing anywhere with any
learning tools or devices. It helps students to reach writing skill practice easier. As Harmers states,
writing can produced in many form (Harmer, 2004).

In brief, as the experts' statements, writing can be concluded as an essential skill in students' life either
in or out of academic life. In building the writing skills and creating the product of writing, there is a
process that students or other words can practice, and it is not naturally gifted.

2.The Process of Writing

As the definition of writing is comprehended as a process, there are steps in writing. These steps are
such guidance for anyone who wants to write and create writing properly. Based on Harmer (Harmer,
2004) writing consists of three phases such as planning, drafting and editing (Harmer, 2004). Brown
(2000) claims that the writing process is divided into three parts. Pre-writing, drafting, and revision are
the three stages (Brown, 2000).

a. Planning
The first step is planning. This first step in the writing process consists of gathering idea such as choosing
the topic, narrowing the topic idea, then collecting information to support the topic idea. In prewriting
step, writer must taking notes as much to gather the idea. Pre-writing is used to develop ideas, which
can be done in a variety of methods, including reading (in depth) a piece, skimming or scanning a
passage, completing some outside research, brainstorming, listing, grouping, discussing a topic or
question, and freewriting (Brown,2000). According to Oshima (2005) prewriting step has four phases
such as journal writing, listing, free writing and clustering (Nang et al., 2005). This first step is also known
as the pre-writing. It is known as that because, in this step, the things writer does a lot is focused on
finding and choosing the topic, narrowing them and deciding the topic and suiting the information which
relevant to the topic in order to support the topic idea in the discussion section.

The second step is listing. In this step of the writing process, a writer is doing the organized part, which
means the writer organizes the ideas into an outline. After deciding the topic and having the information
to support the topic, the writer can outline their writing. In this step, the writer can deeply brainstorm
their topic and connect and suit the information they have got as the supporting details. The third step
in the writing process is free writing. In this step, the writer is writing the rough draft. This step allows
the writer to write freely without afraid of making or creating mistakes in any form. Freewriting
technique is common implemented for this step. For sure, in this step, the outline and all the
brainstorming information which have been done in the second step are applied. Follow the outline as
closely as possible, and do not worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling is the entire note for this
part. A rough draft is not supposed to be perfect.
Next the fourth one is clustering; Clustering is a final step of prewriting process. In this process writer
generates ideas of what the writer has write. This is also another way of brainstorming activity in
prewriting process (Nang et al., 2005).

b. Drafting
This step consists of writing a topic. We will come up with new ideas that have been listed on our
brainstorming list or outline. At any point during the writing process, we might add or remove ideas. It is
expected to be taken into account whether any new ideas

are relevant.

c. Editing

Polishing is the final step in the writing process. Revising

and editing are terms used to describe this process. Polishing is

most effective when done in two stages. Attack the major content

and organization flaws first (revising), then focuses on the minor

grammar, punctuation, and spelling concerns. Then after all, writer

can show their writing results as final version.

In brief, in traditional approaches to writing teaching, the

drafting and revision stages are the main writing processes (Brown,


The Genre of Writing

There are many writing genre. Those writing genre appear in the

line of the consideration of the text's purpose been written. According to

Brown (2000), there are three common genre writer uses on their

writing such as Academic writing, job-related writing, and personal

writing. That type of writing genre can be defined as below:

a. Academic Writing

Academic writing is a type of written content that is primarily

utilized for academic reasons. Papers and broad subject reports,

essays, composition, academically focused journals, short-answer

test replies, technical reports, theses, dissertations, and so on are all

examples of academic writing.

b. Job-Related Writing

It is mostly concerned with the job business, which connects the

writer with a person or an office. Messages, letters/emails, memos,

reports, timetables, labels, signs, advertisements, and

announcements are examples of job-related writing.

c. Personal Writing

Personal writing is a text that written for personal purpose in daily

life. Personal writing includes letters, personal email, greeting

cards, invitations, notes, grocery lists, reminders, medical reports,

personal journals, recounts, and even fiction (Brown, 2000).

In conclusion, there are numerous genres of writing based on

each requirement. However, the purpose of writing in whatever genre is

to communicate with others through written communication.


The Purpose of Writing

As same as genre, writing purpose has also different variety.

According to Chambers (2004) the purpose of writing as follow below:

a. Writing to Demonstrate Information and Understanding

This type of writing is also called expository writing, and it takes the

form of your content area term papers and essays. The focus of this

purpose is giving explanations and information for readers. It's where

you select information and organize it to show that you understand it.

An example would be the social studies essay that asks you to explain

the economic, social, and political causes of the Civil War.

b. Writing to Persuade

This writing type needs the writer to add information and the writer's

argument or point of view. This type of writing is commonly used for

critical analysis text and argumentative text, which usually leads

people's opinions and persuades people to have the same direction as

the writer. For example, instead of only explain the causes of the Civil

War, the writer might be asked to persuade the reader with the

information that the civil war was not about highlighting the economic

issue but also highlighting the slavery issue, which is more about

social issues.
c. Writing to narrate a story or personal experiencesThis writing type is about writing and tells a story.
The story can be in

the form of information, knowledge, or personal experiences. This

purpose of writing commonly appears in journal writing or social


d. Writing in Response to a Literature

This writing type requires that writer to read and analyze a piece of

literature in one of the four major genres: poetry, prose fiction, prose

non-fiction, and drama. The writer needs to respond to the question

that asked for specific information found directly in the text.

Inferential questions require the writer to explain and infer the implied

meanings and possible interpretations of the literature text's

information (Chambers, 2004).

B. Instagram

1. The Definition of Instagram

Instagram is one of the online apps that allows users from taking
photos or videos and sharing them in public or private spaces. Alhabash

and Ma (2017) states Instagram is a photo-sharing mobile app that allows

users to snap photos, apply filters, and publish them directly on the site

(Alhabash & Ma, 2017). Instagram has almost 400 million monthly active

users who have shared more than 40 billion photos (Bestari et al., 2020).

According to Mao Jin in (Yusuf, Kamal. Jazilah, 2020), Instagram is still

the most popular social media application among teenager which most of

them are students (Yusuf, Kamal. Jazilah, 2020). As the most popular

social media platform among teenagers, students are familiar with it.

Students use Instagram commonly to post personal information such as

photos and video, as well as write Instagram caption.

2. Features of Instagram

Instagram has some features. Each feature has its spesifics

charactheristics. The features of Instagram are described below:

a. Instagram FeedInstagram feed is an instagram feature that allows user to

display their posts or see the followers’ posts. Instagram feed is also
known as Instagram profile. Biographical information, recently shared

photos, and a user photo are all included (Juliano, n.d.).

b. Instagram Story

Instagram story is one of the easiest features of Instagram to

use rather than the other features. It is a feature display full screen for

photos and video that users can acsess for 24 hours

before they are

automatically erased unless they want to delete

them sooner (Savitri &

Irwansyah, 2021).
c. Instagram Caption

Instagram caption is a type of text that describes or explains an

image. Great captions are made up of the appropriate combination of

hashtags, mentions, and emojis (, 2021).

d. Instagram Reel

The Reels is one of instagram video features to make an

entertaining share able video. Reels are 15-second multi-clip videos

that appear in your feed or that you may share as a Story. Reels, unlike

Instagram Stories, are multi-clip, which means you may cut, shoot,

and transition between multiple sequences all in one movie rather than

a series of discrete videos like an Instagram story (,

n. d.).

e. Instagram TV

Instagram TV or also known as IGTV is an Instagram video

feature that allows user to have longer video duration rather than the

other video features. User is also able to pause, rewind, and fastforward the video while the other
Instagram video features could not
do that (Team, n.d.).

3. Instagram as Media Learning

Due to students require any tools that allow them to continue the

learning process, which is limited in the classroom, mobile technology

has been used to support the learning activity. Students benefit from the

use of mobile technology since it allows them to be more flexible in their

study and assists them in the learning process. Mobile learning, which is

provided by mobile devices, is one type of learning that allows students to

be more flexible. A mobile device is a tool that can assist pupils in

acquiring extra learning input. It also gives students the freedom to

choose the best time and place to learn.

Instagram is a mobile application that has been more popular

among young people in recent years. Students can learn about current

events that occur outside of the classroom through Instagram. Beside that

students can also practice their writing skills from Instagram in a form of

Instagram caption. Instagram has the potential to be a useful tool in the English language learning
process that can bring unique learning process

(Handayani, 2017).

Based on Mansor and Rahim as cited in (Yusuf, Kamal. Jazilah,

2020) said that using Instagram as the media of students' learning can

positively enhance and motivate students to learn, especially to learn

English writing (Yusuf, Kamal. Jazilah, 2020). Moreover, their results

show that students are encouraged to improve their online communication

skills and gain confidence in providing feedback on one another's work.

By that means, Instagram has influenced the students to learn by doing

fun learning through Instagram, which can conclude as the technology.

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