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I, the undersigned :

Name : Jeon Jungkook

Place & Date of Birth : Jakarta, 10 September 2004

No. Paspor : B7532812 Expiration Date 11 – Nov – 2025

Faculty/Department : Faculty of Law / Law

Nationality : Indonesia

Email Address :

Ressidence Address : Permana Cimahi St. West Java, 40552

Hereby agree on below regulations during my (Master Degree) program in Indonesia:

1. Will comply with all regulations applied by Indonesian Government
2. Will not involve in politics during my study in Indonesia
3. Will not be employed during my study in Indonesia

I would take any consequences in accordance to the rules of Indonesian Government if I

happen to violate the above regulations.

This letter is made without any constraint.

Sincerely yours, (27-March-2024)

( Jeon Jungkook )

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