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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
1. Chef Daniels impresses customers with --- sophisticated entrées.
(A) his (B) him (C) himself (D) he

2. Oil production --- 5 percent from January to February.

(A) drop (B) to drop (C) dropping (D) dropped

3. Ms. Ito has --- suggestions to resolve the computer problems.

(A) help (B) helper (C) helped (D) helpful

4. The Vidorn Hotel --- to construct a fountain in the front entryway.

(A) matches (B) plans (C) tells (D) praises

5. The schedule of events for the music --- will be posted on Friday.
(A) festival (B) situation (C) instrument (D) issue

6. When processing a medical leave request, the attending physician must fill out a form ---.
(A) completes (B) completed (C) completely (D) completeness

7. Many fashion stylists --- their online portfolios on a regular basis.

(A) dress (B) invite (C) range (D) update

8. All flights were delayed three hours because of a heavy blanket of ---.
(A) fog (B) fogger C) foggy (D) fogged

9. The Northwick Orchestra will perform later this month --- Reverbury Hall.
(A) at (B) up (C) on (D) of

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10. Only staff --- based in the Toronto office may reserve the conference room.
(A) possibly (B) currently (C) immediately (D) exactly

11. --- of the employees have placed their order for a new standing desk.
(A) Any (B) Several (C) Another (D) Either

12. Betsy Riley will seek support from --- volunteers for our revised museum tours.
(A) former (B) following (C) entire (D) gradual

13. Casorama customers receive store --- instead of a cash refund upon returning an item.
(A) acceptance (B) training (C) preference (D) credit

14. Our factory in Mannheim was upgraded last year, but the loading dock ---- needs work.
(A) such (B) very (C) still (D) even

15. The recently ---- mayor said she plans to address the town's traffic problems soon.
(A) electing (B) election (C) elected (D) elects

16. Management ------- for weeks to make the company building more accessible to the
(A) was argued (B) has been arguing (C) arguing (D) has been argued

17. The attendants will check if you are in your ------- seats, so please cooperate with us.
(A) assailed (B) overhauled (C) assigned (D) installed

18. Your stay in suite 17 of the Paradise Hotel has been ------- by three more days.
(A) claimed (B) priced (C) estimated (D) extended

19. Many corporations have been criticized for their -------, but nothing will change unless there
is a law that forbids them.
(A) monopoly (B) monopolize (C) monopolies (D) monopolizing

20. Hugo Perez, the author of Amalia, ------- ever goes out in public, and that leads to many
(A) quite (B) neatly (C) hardly (D) just

21. If the deal benefits both of the companies, the commitment ------- the two parties will be
stronger than ever.
(A) to (B) between (C) beyond (D) as

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22. Under the close ------- of the museum staff, it was discovered that the painting was actually a
(A) observe (B) observation (C) observance (D) observing

23. The cancellation of the blockbuster movie is going to be a big ------- for other films to
(A) sincerity (B) regularity (C) integrity (D) opportunity

24. Ever since the installation of security cameras, the crime rate on the streets has
------- decreased.
(A) more significant (B) significance (C) significantly (D) signifying

25. When management ------- the staff of its approval of the project, everyone was surprised by
the decision.
(A) explained (B) informed (C) expressed (D) suggested

26. The prestigious critic commented that the cuisine at the restaurant Vuiso was ------- but
nothing special.
(A) satisfies (B) satisfaction (C) satisfied (D) satisfactory

27. ------- there will be a large crowd, the streets between 5th and 13th will be closed during the
(A) Since (B) Due to (C) Moreover (D) Although

28. Although the event allowed some ------- by the audience, it was mainly an event in which the
guest speakers explained their theses.
(A) participation (B) participated (C) participant (D) participating

29. As the main actor was -------, the staff kept on showing clips of the film until he appeared.
(A) premium (B) unavailable (C) immature (D) respectful

30. Dr. Kim’s expertise in the field of physics has been exceptionally helpful to Chazke
Industries, ------- regarding the development of its newest program.
(A) exceedingly (B) sparsely (C) habitually (D) especially

Part 6
Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each
text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

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Questions 31-34 refer to the following letter.
9 October

Eva Archer, Owner

Archer Café

40 Thorpe Street

Port Fairy VIC 3284

Dear Ms. Archer:

An inspection of your restaurant was conducted on 16 September by 31 --- of the Department of

Health and Safety. 32 --- . The purpose of the inspection was to confirm that your business is in
compliance with all local regulations and that all 33 --- permits are up-to-date. The Department

has determined that all regulations are being followed 34 ---. Therefore, no further action is

required on your part.


Oliver Wu

Department of Health and Safety

31. (A) represents (B) representative (C) representatives (D) representations

32. (A) Such visits are conducted once a year.

(B) The restaurant will be closed for inspection.
(C) Regulations are posted on our Web site.
(D) The department opens at 9:00 A.M.

33. (A) meaningful (B) fortunate (C) persistent (D) necessary

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34. (A) potentially (B) satisfactorily (C) inconsistently (D) temporarily

Questions 35-38 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Certain Boutique <>

From: Premium Thai Candles <>
Date: October 28
Subject: Order status

Dear Customer,

We are delighted 35 --- you as a customer of Premium Thai Candles. Your wholesale
order for 40 boxes of candles is being processed. 36 ---

Most of your order is currently in stock and will arrive in the United Kingdom within ten
days. 37 ---, please be advised that the rose-scented candles are on back order. They will be
available three weeks from now, and we will ship them as soon as possible.

We sincerely hope that you are happy with your 38 --- order as a new customer of
Premium Thai Candles.

Samaraya Sharmag
35. (A) welcome (B) welcomed (C) will welcome (D) to welcome

36. (A)Save now on this limited-time offer.

(B) Thank you for the purchase.
(C) We have other boxes, too.
(D) Our Web site is now available.

37. (A) However

(B) Given that
(C) As you can imagine
(D) At that point

38. (A) proper (B) usual (C) initial (D) rapid

Questions 39-42 refer to the following letter.

September 17

Dear Mr. Solis,

The Belton United School District is–39--into starting a family literacy program at our

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elementary and secondary schools. My colleagues in neighboring districts have told me
that your services helped raise parent involvement, test scores, and community pride at
their schools.–40-- I would like information on adult literacy classes, financial literacy
classes, family reading workshops, and mobile library startup kits.–41--, we hope to create
resource rooms at each school so that parents can have continual access to study materials,
job postings, and periodicals. I look forward to hearing from you soon and expect this to be
a very–42--partnership.

Thank you.

Gabrielle DeFleur, Superintendent, BUSD

39. (A) initiating (B) seeing (C) searching (D) looking

40. (A) The school principals praised the parents’ efforts for the services.
(B) We hope you can do the same in our district.
(C) We appreciate your funding our literacy programs this year.
(D) Our partnership has been great for the past 10 years.

41. (A) Moreover

(B) However
(C) Until now
(D) Because
42. (A) glad (B) common (C) successful (D) eligible
Questions 43-46 refer to the following article.

Baltimore (March 15) - Race for Health, a national health awareness program, organized a
fundraising marathon in Baltimore last weekend.–43–. National corporations with branches
in Baltimore also got involved by–44--more than 200 teams. The largest sponsorship came
from the oil giant PetroTech, which sponsored 72 small teams and had over 100 runners on
its own team. In all, the company donated –45--$250,000. Baltimore’s race was Race for
Health’s most successful this year. A–46--for the organization said that Baltimore will be
rewarded by hosting the inaugural race next year.

43. (A) Many health experts advise marathoners to get sufficient rest after the competition.
(B) Baltimore has many branches of international health organizations.
(C) Severe traffic congestion is expected on the date of the event.
(D) The race was supported by the mayor, city council, and several community leaders.

44. (A) sponsored (B) sponsoring (C) sponsors (D) sponsor

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45. (A) equally (B) unusually (C) approximately (D) hugely

46. (A) client (B) spokesperson (C)forecaster (D) detective

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Part 7
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions.
Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer

Questions 47-48 refer to the following notice.

Metro Updates

Upcoming events, programs, and activities in the Metro Area of Oakwood

The city of Oakwood’s FREE Central Shuttle launched Tuesday, July 27! The sparkling
green buses follow a route between Piccadilly Square and Uptown.

Be among the first to ride the free bus during its opening week while the city gears up for
the official launch event on August 5. Look for the bright and colorful “C” signs along
Central Avenue and climb aboard. The Central Shuttle will travel between Piccadilly
Square and Uptown along Central Avenue and will make stops at Washington Street,
Chinatown, Old Town, City Hall, the Marriott Convention Center, and the Financial

The shuttle hours are Monday-Friday from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. (with service potentially
expanding into the evenings over time). Have you been wanting to try some restaurants and
stores in Piccadilly Square but have no way to get there and back? Catch the “C”! For
information about the shuttle and downtown Oakwood restaurants and other businesses,
visit www.

47. Which is NOT true about the Central Shuttle service?

(A) It runs through downtown Oakwood.
(B) It will possibly be expanded to the weekends.
(C) Passengers will pay nothing for the ride.
(D) It will run for 12 hours per day.

48. Which is the main goal of the shuttle service?

(A) To attract tourists from other cities
(B) To improve the image of city officials

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(C) To provide bus drivers with employment opportunities
(D) To encourage local residents to visit the downtown area more

Questions 49-50 refer to the following memo.

To: All Eastland Regional Hospital staff
From: Patrick Menzales
Date: February 1
Subject: Referrals
Eastland Regional Hospital is planning to hire more registered nurses, x-ray technicians, and
cafeteria and housekeeping staff. We will be holding a hiring and information event on
Wednesday, February 27, from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. in the Winkler Auditorium. If you have friends or
family interested in working here, this is a great opportunity for them to find out about open
positions. There is no fee for entry. It is not necessary to make an appointment.

As a valued employee, you will receive a bonus if you refer a candidate who is hired and whose
employment lasts at least three months. Ask the candidate to include your name on the application
in the space labeled "referred by." The bonus will be added to your paycheck.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

49. What is indicated about the hiring and information event?

(A) It will be held in the cafeteria.
(B) An admission fee will be charged.
(C) It will take place in the afternoon.
(D) Attendees will be asked to register in advance.

50. What does Mr. Menzales encourage employees to do?

(A) Volunteers to lead a project
(B) Refer applications for employment
(C) Earn a bonus by working overtime
(D) Apply for a better-playing position

Questions 51-52 refer to the following information.

The Cape Cod is a popular summertime drink. However, how can you take this drink to the next
level? The following simple additions can make for a full summer of mouth-pleasing beverages:

Changes to the Cape Cod Recipe

Cape Cod Crantini Frog in a Bay Breeze Madras Sea Breeze Woo Woo

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1 ounce Serve Add 1 Add 1 Add 1 Add 1 Add 1

vodka without ice ounce fresh ounce ounce ounce ounce
lime juice pineapple orange grapefruit peach
3 ounces juice juice juice schnapps
cranberry Mix in liquor
juice blender Shake Stir

1⁄2 cup ice

51. What does NOT change the Cape Cod?

(A) Crantini
(B) Frog in a Blender
(C) Bay Breeze
(D) Madras

52. What is unique about the Woo Woo recipe?

(A) It calls for stirring.
(B) It requires ice.
(C) It adds juice.
(D) It adds alcohol.

Questions 53-54 refer to the following text message chain.

Charles Smith
10:39 A.M Hey, have you seen ‘Before the Sun Set’? It’s awesome! You can watch it on
10:42 A.M Hilary Wallace
No way! Do I need to pay?
10:44 A.M Charles Smith
You first need to subscribe to their website and sign up for free one month trial.

53. What is indicated about

(A) It offers online files for free.
(B) It’s a paid service.
(C) It’s a social networking website.
(D) It’s been servicing for many years.

54. At 10:42 A.M., what does Ms. Wallace most likely mean when she writes, “No way!”
(A) She doesn’t believe that Mr. Smith watched the movie.
(B) She doesn’t believe the movie is available for free.

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(C) She does not want to subscribe to
(D) She has already seen the movie.

Questions 55-57 refer to the following advertisement.

Flare is now open and serving food in a lavish atmosphere for your complete dining
pleasure. — [1] — Flare features freshly caught fish, lobster, and crab flown in from
Maine daily, grass-fed Angus beef, and free-range chicken. Food is prepared tableside,
within minutes of your order, with a personalized five-star chef adding special touches to
each meal. — [2] —

Each dinner begins with an appetizer of your choice and is completed with a dessert to
complement your meal. Should you choose, an alcoholic drink will be suggested to help
cleanse the palate and to prepare you for the next course while you relax on our microfiber
lush chairs. — [3] — Private parties, romantic interludes, and special occasions are
welcome. Our Guest Services Department will be happy to assist with all the preparations
for your unique event.

— [4] — Please call us at 368-985-6598 or visit us at to make a


55. What is mentioned about Flare?

(A) Individual cooks are present at each table.
(B) Reservations are accepted only over the phone.
(C) Meals are served buffet style.
(D) Each dish comes with a recommended wine list.

56. What service does Flare NOT offer?

(A) Comfortable seating
(B) Birthday parties
(C) Professional photography
(D) Anniversary celebrations

57. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best
“Reservations are required for all dinners, and a dress code is strictly enforced.”
(A) [1] (B) [2] (C) [3] (D) [4]

Questions 58-61 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Loreen Hoyt (8:29 P.M.) Have you all bought a dress for the Winter Ball yet? It’s less than
a month away and I still don’t have one.

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Hope Wagner (8:32 P.M.) No! I looked everywhere and still find the one I like.
Hailey Jenner (8:36 P.M.) I bought mine but I need to get it altered.
Ashley Flores (8:44 P.M.) I got mine at Joey’s.
Hailey Jenner (8:46 P.M.) Same here! But they didn’t have my size.
Loreen Hoyt (8:50 P.M.) I went to Joey’s to look at dresses, too, but they didn’t have a
wide selection of designs, so I had to leave empty handed.

58. What is probably going to happen in a month?

(A) An award ceremony
(B) A dance party
(C) A meeting
(D) A seminar

59. What is Ms. Jenner’s concern?

(A) Her dress doesn’t fit her.
(B) She can’t find a specific dress that she wants.
(C) The dress is too expensive.
(D) The dress will not get altered in time.

60. Why did Ms. Hoyt NOT purchase a dress at Joey’s?

(A) She is not going to the Winter Ball.
(B) There were not many to choose from.
(C) She couldn’t find her size.
(D) She already owns a dress.

61. At 8:46 P.M., what does Ms. Jenner most likely mean when she writes, “Same here!”?
(A) She met Ms. Flores at Joey’s.
(B) She got the same dress as Ms. Flores’.
(C) She purchased her dress at Joey’s.
(D) She didn’t start looking for a dress yet.

Questions 62-64 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Melanie Davis (

Sent: Monday, October 9, 12:48 P.M.
To: Steven Alvarez (
Subject: Tomorrow

I realize that we are supposed to meet on Tuesday to discuss the company’s recent sales
performance, but I am afraid I have to reschedule. Leslie Prescott from the Detroit office
will be visiting us on that day to talk about next year’s advertising campaign. In addition, I

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will be leaving for a marketing conference in New York on Wednesday, and then I will be
in Philadelphia for a budget meeting on Thursday. Can we reschedule for Friday? I will be
back in Chicago then. If this is not convenient for you, please let me know your availability
for next week, and I will try to work around your schedule. I am very sorry for the late


62. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To propose changes to a budget
(B) To inquire about an advertisement
(C) To make travel arrangements
(D) To postpone a meeting

63. When will Melanie Davis meet with Leslie Prescott?

(A) On Monday
(B) On Tuesday
(C) On Wednesday
(D) On Thursday

64. Where does Steven Alvarez most likely work?

(A) In Chicago
(B) In Detroit
(C) In New York
(D) In Philadelphia

Questions 65-67 refer to the following letter.

Dear Club Member,

This coming weekend is your last opportunity to register for the summer tennis circuits. — [1] —
May 10 is the last opportunity to sign up for the adult tennis circuits. Circuits are a great way to stay
active, to challenge yourself, and to meet new playing partners. We have all levels of adults playing,
from beginner-intermediate to the semi-professional level. Sign up now for singles, doubles, or
mixed doubles. The fee is $10 per player, or you can save yourself $2 by registering online at — [2] — The summer circuit runs from May 15 to August 15. If you
need help finding a doubles partner or if you have any questions regarding playing in the circuits,

please let me know.

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— [3] — It will be held on Friday, June 4, from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. and will include a barbeque. It is
an opportunity to try out the newest Arm & Head rackets and to receive 20% off those purchased
that evening. A sales rep from Arm & Head will be here with the brand-new Tech Star series for you
to demo. — [4] — There will be rackets for every level of play. So come on over to the club. We are
looking forward to helping you get a great value on your next racket purchase. So make sure you
mark your calendars for our next demo night at the club!


Ryan P. Adams, Program Director

65. What kind of information is NOT provided about the summer circuit?
(A) The period of the circuit
(B) The way to enroll in the circuit
(C) The registration fee
(D) The player list

66. What would NOT be a purpose of going to the demo night?

(A) To eat some food and snacks
(B) To get a discount on a racket purchase
(C) To get a complimentary tennis lesson
(D) To find a racket that meets one’s personal needs

67. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best
“We have ‘a fun racket demo night’ that you want to mark down on your calendar.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

Questions 68-71 refer to the following article.

July 11

City No Longer Offers Free Street Parking

By Martin Thinner

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The local city council is set to introduce new parking regulations to help alleviate
congestion around downtown Queenstown. “Evening peak hours are when our streets are
jammed,” said Tom Gilligan, a representative on the Queenstown City Council. “Those
from out of town come to our downtown areas to enjoy our restaurants, theaters, and
concerts. Like everyone else, they prefer to avoid paid parking areas, so they drive around
looking for a convenient spot, which, in turn, causes congestion.”

“The system needs to change,” Mr. Gilligan said in response to the current parking pay
system, where payment on the street is required only from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. while there are
no parking fees at night. “We’d prefer to keep up with what other cities are doing, which
require payment 24 hours a day.”

If approved, this proposal will be the second in the last few months. May saw the
introduction of new parking meters, which now accept both coins and credit cards in
addition to Queenstown parking cards. The parking cards, which went on sale in June, can
be obtained from local city offices.

68. What is suggested about Queenstown?

(A) Its roads require resurfacing.
(B) It must find a new contractor for road construction.
(C) It has problems with traffic.
(D) Its residents are offered free parking in city parking lots.

69. What is the city council considering?

(A) Installing security cameras in parking areas
(B) Outsourcing parking lots for residents
(C) Decreasing the hourly parking rate
(D) Commencing charging parking fees in the evening

70. What recently happened in Queenstown?

(A) Several downtown parking garages underwent renovations.
(B) The city council refurbished unused land for parking space.
(C) Parking meters were replaced.
(D) New options for parking payments were introduced.

71. The word “alleviate” in paragraph 1, line 1, is closest in meaning to

(A) aggravate
(B) simulate
(C) reduce

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(D) collapse

Questions 72-75 refer to the following review from a website.
Product Review
Flairs Animal Furniture’s Forest Creek Doghouse

Last week, I bought the Forest Creek Doghouse. After receiving it only two days after
ordering it rather than the standard five, I was thrilled. For further instructions, I tried but
failed to contact Flairs Animal Furniture’s Customer Service Department after spending
several infuriating days trying to put it together. Eventually, I repacked the doghouse and
returned it to Flairs.

Flairs described the Forest Creek Doghouse as an easy DIY kit that comes with the
appropriate tools to assemble it. This was definitely not the case. The screw fittings and
markings were not properly aligned. Thus it was impossible to line up the boards perfectly.
This resulted in a warped doghouse. The tools provided with the kit were poor, and one
even broke while I was using it. All four wall sides splintered as I was trying to connect the
roof piece. In the end, Flairs refused to supply me with free replacements for the doghouse
and tools.

Unsurprisingly, this will be the last item I buy from Flairs Animal Furniture range of
wooden goods. I also highly recommend that you first check with Flairs before you buy any
product to see if the company will replace any parts damaged during assembly.

Greg Matthews

72. The word “instructions” in paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) sanctions
(B) directions
(C) submissions
(D) institutions

73. What does Mr. Matthews imply about the delivery of the product?
(A) It arrived earlier than expected.
(B) The delivery fee was costly.
(C) The product was delivered to the wrong address.
(D) The product was damaged upon delivery.

74. What is NOT mentioned as a problem that Mr. Matthews experienced?

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(A) He failed to reach a customer service representative.
(B) The doghouse was smaller than advertised.
(C) He was unable to make some pieces line up correctly.
(D) All the wall boards of the doghouse broke.

75. What advice does Mr. Matthews give about purchasing a product from Flairs Animal
(A) To make sure to purchase a product from the Forest Creek range
(B) To pay an employee to assemble the product upon delivery
(C) To check the company’s policy on replacing damaged parts
(D) To purchase only products made of chip wood

Questions 76-80 refer to the following review and letter..

Calbo Cuts
My visit to Calbo Cuts as a first-time and I was happy with my standard
customer was disappointing. When I men's cut. The stylist, though, cut
arrived, the sign on the door said my hair without saying a word. I
"Walk-ins welcome," but the understand that not everyone likes
receptionist bluntly told me that I to make small talk, but I found my
would need to wait about an hour for stylist's total silence to be rude.
my haircut, even though only one other When she finished my haircut, she
customer was in the shop and three removed the haircutting cape
stylists were there. The quality of the without even offering to blow-dry
work was fine; the haircut was fairly my hair.
priced at just $15,
— Martin Silver, Bishopville

Calbo Cuts • 678 Seventh Street • Lamar, South Carolina • 29069

Martin Silver
51 Oak Street
Bishopville, South Carolina 29010

Dear Mr. Silver,

Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We always try to provide the best service
available. If you feel that any of our staff were unaccommodating or unprofessional, then I would
like to hear more details regarding your complaint. Feel free to call me directly at 803-555-0110.

17/27 Mã đề: …
At Calbo Cuts, we are serious about earning your continued business. I would be happy to
schedule an appointment for you for a haircut and blow-dry with Marissa Lopez, as I believe she
can provide you with the haircut experience you are looking for. In addition, on your next visit to
Calbo Cuts, we would like to offer you a complimentary bottle of our all-natural shampoo, one of
our best-selling products. We hope you will come back to Calbo Cuts in the future whenever you
need a trim.

Best regards,

Jeinnai Makowsk
Jenna Makowski
Owner, Calbo Cuts

76. According to the review, what is suggested about Mr. Silver?

(A) He was late for an appointment.
(B) He did not ask for a standard haircut.
(C) He has been to Calbo Cuts only once.
(D) He did not see a sign on the door.

77. What aspect of his experience at Calbo Cuts disappointed Mr. Silver?
(A) The price
(B) The location
(C) The shop hours
(D) The customer service

78. Why did Ms. Makowski suggest that Mr. Silver contact her?
(A) To change an appointment
(B) To provide additional details
(C) To arrange a personal meeting
(D) To update contact information

79. What is suggested about Ms. Lopez?

(A) She takes a full hour to give a haircut.
(B) She does not accept walk-in customers.
(C) She is now the most popular stylist.
(D) She enjoys talking to customers.

80. What will Mr. Silver receive for free on his next visit to Calbo Cuts?
(A) A bottle of shampoo
(B) A haircut
(C) A blow-dry

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(D) A new product

Questions 81-85 refer to the following advertisement and form.

Ivy Park Nursery

Decorative Plants and Trees
45400 N Black Canyon Hwy,
Phoenix, AZ 85087
(602) 3636 8635

For all your needs to add nature to your home or office, come to Ivy Park Nursery. We offer a
range of plants and trees from all over the globe. Stroll through 15,000 square meters of garden
exhibits and look over and select your own plants.

Section 1: Flowering plants and shrubs

Section 2: Fruit trees and vines
Section 3: Hardy plants of Arizona
Section 4: Water-based plants for ponds and fountains

For your convenience, to happily answer questions about any plant’s light, water, and soil needs,
our nursery staff speaks several languages. Looking for something new, unusual, or exotic? At the
main greenhouse, ask one of our many helpful master gardeners about making a special order.

Ivy Park Nursery can deliver your selected plants or trees anywhere in the Phoenix area.

Ivy Park Nursery

Order Form
Type Quantity

1. White Water Lily (alba) 2

2. Cactus Plant (harrisia) 1
3. Fruit Tree - Peach 1
4. Fruit Tree - Apple 1
5. Red Grape Vine (cienna) 2

Customer Name: Sarah Milton

19/27 Mã đề: …
Delivery Date: June 14
Address: 3761 N. Rowen, Mesa, AZ 85207
Phone: (602) 4527 3574

After completing your order form, please submit it to a nursery assistant. The assistant will then
check your selection, answer any questions, and verify the plants you have selected.
• We guarantee that customers will receive their deliveries within seven days of placing an
• Ivy Park Nursery must be informed of damaged or unhealthy plants within one day of
their confirmed delivery.

81. What is suggested about Ivy Park Nursery?

(A) It delivers exotic plants nationwide.
(B) It mainly supplies farms and orchards.
(C) It allows customers to explore its gardens.
(D) It offers full refunds on unwanted flowers.

82. According to the advertisement, what information can the nursery staff provide
(A) Individual plants’ growing requirements
(B) Any plant’s biological origins
(C) The discount pricing policy on bulk orders
(D) Instructions on constructing a pond for water flora

83. How can customers submit special orders for unique plants?
(A) By mailing a special-order form to Ivy Park Nursery
(B) By registering on the nursery’s Web site
(C) By talking to a master gardener
(D) By presenting an order form to the nursery staff

84. Where will the nursery employees find most of Ms. Milton’s order?
(A) In Section 1
(B) In Section 2
(C) In Section 3
(D) In Section 4

85. According to the form, what must Ms. Milton do by June 15?
(A) Pay for her plant order and the delivery fee
(B) Return any incorrectly delivered plants
(C) Plant or repot the plants that she has purchased
(D) Contact the nursery about any problems related to her plants

20/27 Mã đề: …
Questions 86-90 refer to the following letter, e-mail and Web page.

February 18

Mr. Masao Kinoshita

Allied Tekno Company
5-3-1 Ginza, Chuo, Tokyo,
104-0061, Japan

Dear Mr. Kinoshita

Here at Greentech, our team is committed to recycling your computers, smart/desktop phones, and
other electronics in a responsible way. Our reasonable prices are the result of our resourceful
collection network. Since we have facilities in 40 cities around the world, we are able to reduce
costs on shipping, transportation, and fuel usage.

Your choices on where and what to recycle have a great impact, especially since you are the
environmental officer of one of Japan’s most rapidly growing companies. After reading the
enclosed booklet about Greentech, I hope you will consider us as the place to send your disused
and recyclable electronic material. To further your trust in our quality of service, I encourage you
to contact any of our clients identified on the last page of the booklet. Please contact me or, if you
prefer, speak with Takao Minatoya in our Tokyo office if you would like to discuss your
company’s needs.


Ib Holm
Senior Account Manager

From: Masao Kinoshita []

To: Luke Ricketts []

Subject: Greentech

Date: February 22

Dear Mr. Ricketts,

I am the environmental officer for Allied Tekno Company in Tokyo. We are considering signing
an agreement with Greentech to recycle our obsolete computer equipment and used printer
cartridges. I would like to hear your opinion on its services before I contact its regional
representative at Greentech.

21/27 Mã đề: …
I am aware that your company uses Greentech to collect electronic material from several of your
global offices. I am especially interested in hearing about your Osaka office and its experiences.
Greentech transfers your electronic waste from there to its processing plant in Kameyama, which
is also where our materials would be sent. Based on your experience, how would you evaluate
Greentech? I’m particularly interested in its ability to pick up your waste materials on the
appointed days and times. Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Masao Kinoshita

4 companies to watch as e-cycling movement takes off

Juno Solutions (U.S.)

It claims to help increase the recovery value of equipment by 50 to 80 percent. The company has
partners in Europe and South America that can help manage multi-region engagements.

Cloud-Five Technologies (Canada)

This company built up a client base of more than 1,000 customers before being acquired by the
world’s largest wholesale technology distributor, Womack Micro. Its R2- and e-Stewards-certified
services are available in more than 40 locations worldwide.

Jones Recycling Factory (South Korea)

Jones was just named a “Leader” for IT asset disposition in several reports. It has multiple
facilities that have been certified to e-Stewards standards and runs 22 sites in Asia. Fast and
punctual pick-up services are their best merit.
Giga Collector (Taiwan)
One of its big differentiators is proprietary data sanitization software, used to clear confidential
data from hardware that it is managing. Its specialty is high-end enterprise technology found in
data centers.

86. What is the purpose of the letter?

(A) To explain an environmental policy
(B) To offer a recycling service
(C) To receive feedback from long-term clients
(D) To recommend a new computer package

87. According to the letter, how does Greentech decrease its energy consumption?
(A) It utilizes appliances with power-saving technology.
(B) It transfers products in energy hybrid transports.

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(C) It operates facilities nearby clients.
(D) It reconditions computer and electronic equipment.

88. Who most likely is the regional representative for Greentech?

(A) Masao Kinoshita
(B) Luke Ricketts
(C) Ib Holm
(D) Takao Minatoya

89. Where did Mr. Kinoshita most likely get Mr. Ricketts’s contact information?
(A) From a Japanese business register
(B) From Mr. Holm’s assistant
(C) From Greentech’s Tokyo office
(D) From Greentech’s list of references

90. What will Mr. Kinoshita probably choose other than Greentech?
(A) Juno Solutions
(B) Cloud-Five Technologies
(C) Jones Recycling Factory
(D) Giga Collector

Questions 91-95 refer to the following invitation, e-mail and book review.

Wednesday Book Club

Join other readers in a lively discussion of the written word. This month’s focus will be on the
bestseller The Lovely on February 23 at 1:30 PM. Jeanice Wallace describes this book as a “true-
life novel” written from the point of view of the author’s West Texan grandmother Lisa Carey.
The Carey Clan, including the author herself, has resided in Texas for over 2 centuries. The novel
chronicles Lisa Carey’s life as the spunky, energetic daughter of an ex-convict and a pious,
God-fearing mother who leaves home to see the country with a traveling circus. Bring your best
homemade dish to share as we settle in for an enjoyable evening of books, friends, and food.

Date: February 1



Subject: The Lovely discussion

Dear Ms. Wallace,

23/27 Mã đề: …
We have a friend in common, Robert Green, who gave me your e-mail address. I hope that is
okay. My book club is going to be discussing your book The Lovely on February 23. I was
hoping there might be some chance you would be willing either to provide us with some insights
or discussion items or, even better, to join us in a lively discussion of your book.
Because you are a local author, we plan to read one of your books every year. In the past, we have
read your books August Moon and Spreading Her Wings. We would really appreciate anything
you might be willing to contribute to make our discussion of The Lovely as good as possible. I
heard that your new book will come out soon. I think it will be selected as the next book of our
reading club.

Sarah Grant

What if...
by Belinda Carlyle

I don’t know how she has done it, but it seems that author Jeanice Wallace, at her sixth novel
What if, has invented a literary time machine to take the readers back to the moments of their life
that they would regret.

What if will make you think, laugh and weep — a witty, artful balancing act of the normal and
extraordinary with which all readers, but especially young women, will identify.

91. What is mentioned about The Lovely?

(A) It will be adapted for a movie.
(B) It is about homemade foods in Texas.
(C) It is based on Lisa Carey’s life.
(D) It is not yet available at stores.

92. What is suggested about the book club?

(A) It was started by Jeanice Wallace.
(B) It was recently formed.
(C) The members reside in Texas.
(D) It meets every Thursday.

93. What are the book club members asked to do?

(A) Bring a friend who is interested in joining the group
(B) Come with a list of future reading suggestions

24/27 Mã đề: …
(C) Prepare a dish to share with the group
(D) Be prepared to ask the author questions

94. How did Ms. Grant get Ms. Wallace’s e-mail address?
(A) She got it from the author’s website.
(B) The book jacket contains her contact information.
(C) The author’s publisher gave it to her.
(D) They have a mutual acquaintance who shared it.

95. What is true about Ms. Wallace?

(A) Ms. Carlyle has met her before.
(B) She has written more than 5 books.
(C) Ms. Grant has read all of her books.
(D) She has planned to move to another state.

Questions 96-100 refer to the following posting, letter and e-mail.

Division of Design and Construction Teacher

Summary Information:
Position Type: Teaching
Categories: Construction Technology Instructor
School/Organization: Rapids Vocational Training Center
Location: Michigan
No. of Positions: 1
Posting Date: November 20
Closing Date: Open Until Filled

JOB TITLE: Division of Design and Construction Instructor
JOB SUMMARY: The Division of Design and Construction at Rapids Vocational Training Center
will introduce students to the study of design and construction – integrated within a rigorous and
relevant core curriculum – that will enhance their mastery of academic skills and content. The
Division of Design and Construction will increase a student’s ability to think critically, analyze
information, express uniqueness and gain relevant knowledge that will prepare him/her for global

** Preference will be given to the applicants who have published related books or have overseas

To whom it may concern,

25/27 Mã đề: …
I am writing to express interest in the Division of Design and Construction Instructor position you
have posted on your Center’s website. I am a licensed teacher in Michigan with 7 years’ teaching

Before becoming a teacher, I spent 3 years in the design and construction industry. I interned with
a prestigious architect firm in Grand Rapids, Michigan during college and was granted
employment upon my graduation. My degree from Michigan State University is in Drafting and
Design. After my 3 year stint in the world of architecture, I decided my true passion was teaching
and so returned to school to get my master’s in Education. Upon graduation, I was hired by Union
City High School as their Drafting and Design teacher, where I have spent the last 7 years. While I
love my position at Union City High School, my husband’s work requires that we relocate and
thus I am applying for employment at your educational facility.

I have a passion for teaching young people and feel that the world of Design and Construction
opens their minds to a world of possibilities. I feel that my teaching philosophy falls in line with
your desire that the teacher should be able to enhance the students’ thinking and analyzing skills,
impart what makes them distinctive, and prepare them for a fruitful future.

Megan Simpson

To: Igor Cavalera <>

From: Mary Hopkin <>

Subject: Whom to hire

Date: December 5

Now is the time to choose the instructor. Megan Simpson and Antonio Kieslowski are the final
applicants. Both have industry and teaching experiences. However, Ms. Simpson does not
meet any of our favored conditions. Therefore, I think Mr. Kieslowski is the right person for the
job. What is your opinion?


Mary Hopkin
Director of Personnel Department
Rapids Vocational Training Center

96. When will the school no longer accept job applicants?

(A) After a period of 30 days
(B) Until a certain number apply

26/27 Mã đề: …
(C) Pending on a successful hire
(D) At the start of the school year

97. What quality does the school desire in their new teacher?
(A) Advanced college degree
(B) High academic expectations
(C) Related professional experience
(D) Previous teaching experience

98. To which job posting section does Megan refer in the last paragraph?
(A) Summary Information
(B) Job Title
(C) Salary History
(D) Job Location

99. What is true about Megan’s work history?

(A) She was recently fired.
(B) She has never taught.
(C) She has had two professions.
(D) She graduated from two universities.

100. Why will Ms. Simpson probably NOT be chosen?

(A) She must move often because of her husband.
(B) Mr. Kieslowski’ books are considered best-selling.
(C) The prospect of construction industry is murky.
(D) She did not write her own books.

Stop! This is the end of the test. If you finish before time is called, you may go
back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 and check your work

--- Hết ---

Duyệt đề

TS. Huỳnh Tân

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