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Across the arid grasslands crawls a terrible creature. A long,

armored body like a scorpion, decked with graceful locust
wings and armed with four wicked looking claws, it bear the
crown of doom upon its head: a buzzing, chittering halo of
vermin. Its wing beats are the droning song of famine, and
behind it follows a cloud of hunger. It is the vermiurge, and it
is implacable.
Vermin God. If the stinging creatures of the world have a
god, it would be the vermiurge. This large, scuttling
monstrosity wanders the wastes of the world, attended at all
times by a swarm of its most loyal worshipers, whose cries of
adulation are a hideous buzzing. Though intelligent, a
vermiurge's intelligence is completely alien, being more akin
to the intelligence of a swarm of locusts. It has no concept of
good or evil. It may answer the prayers of an ant colony by
slaying a nearby family of halflings, while a wasp nest that it
encounters may be devoured by it without hesitation.
Occasionally it may venture into the more populated realms
of the world, bringing with it massive swarms of voracious
insects, leaving only devastation in its path.
Wisdom of the Waste. The vermiurge is a spirit of nature,
and as such it understands much of the hidden knowledge of
the world. It knows the secret language of the scorpions and
sees the private, intimate lives of the ants. It understands why
the locusts swarm and it hears the silent songs of the spiders
as they weave their webs. Druids may seek them out to learn
the truth of famine and the cruel indifference of nature,
though they do so at their own risk, as knowledge does not
come without sacrifice. The vermiurge is considered a
demigod by many isolated tribes of thri-kreen and aldani, who
worship the vermiurge in the hopes that it will spare them.

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