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Yr. 8 Science Exam Multiple Choice Answer Sheet

Circle the letter indicating the best answer.

1 A B C D
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20 A B C D


Topic Section Marks

Physics Multiple Choice /10
Short Answer questions /30

Chemistry Multiple Choice /10

Short Answer questions /35

Total 85


 Reading time before commencing work: 10 minutes
 Working time for this paper: 1 hour 50 minutes


To be provided by the supervisor:
- This question and answer booklet
To be provided by the candidate:
- Pens, pencils, eraser and ruler
No other items may be taken into the examination room.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal
nature in the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor
BEFORE reading any further. All iPads and mobile phones must be turned off and in your bag along with any other
devices and notes. Bags are to be closed and placed under the desk.

1. Read through the paper, Part A and Part B, to familiarise yourself with all the questions.
2. Use a blue or black ballpoint / ink pen for written answers. Use pencil for drawing the graph.
3. Write your answers in the booklets.
4. Should you require more space than you have been given please use the spare sheet (at the back of this
booklet) and ensure that you include your name and the question / statement to which you are


- Any planning sheets or other pieces of paper MUST be handed in with this booklet.
- At the end of the examination make sure that your name is on your booklet and any other pieces of
paper used.

Chemistry – Multiple Choice

1 What process is shown in this diagram?

A Diffusion

B Expansion

C Freezing

D Viscosity

2 Mass is measured in:

A inches.
B metres.
C kilograms.
D litres.

3 Which of the following lists what a substance does during a chemical reaction?

A Boiling point, viscosity, bubbles produced

B Density, bubbles produced, tensile strength
C Bubbles produced, new substance formed, permanent colour change
D Heat capacity, density, expansion

4 The particle model is also known as:

A Dalton’s theory.
B particle energy theory.
C the theory of matter and change.
D the kinetic theory of matter.

5 What are the three states of matter?

A Freezing, melting and evaporating

B Solid, liquid and gas
C Elements, molecules and compounds
D Solidification, condensation and freezing.

6 Rust is formed by a chemical reaction between iron, water and oxygen. What is the product
of this reaction?
A Rust
B Water
C Iron
D Oxygen

7 Which one of the following would NOT speed up a chemical reaction?

A Increased temperature
B Increased concentration
C Increased size of particles
D Adding a catalyst

8 The burning of methane can be written by the chemical equation: CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O
The reactants of this reaction are:

A 2O2 and 2H2O

B CH4 and CO2
C CH4 and 2O2
D CO2 and 2H2O

9 Melting chocolate is an example of:

A a new product being formed.

B a chemical change.

C sublimation.

D a physical change.

10 The change of state from a solid directly to a gas without first turning into a

liquid is known as:

A solidification.

B condensation
C vaporisation.
D sublimation.

Year 8 Physics - Multiple Choice

11. Thermal energy is also known as

a) Heat energy
b) Movement energy
c) Stored energy
d) Light energy

12. Elastic potential energy is found in

a) fossil fuels
b) batteries
c) coiled springs
d) sunlight

13. If an appliance converts most of the energy going in into the energy we want coming out,
we say it is:

a) useful
b) effective
c) efficient
d) energetic

14. What sort of energy is stored in petrol?

a) light energy
b) elastic potential energy
c) chemical potential energy
d) gravitational potential energy

15. What is the useful output energy of a lightbulb?

a) Electricity
b) Chemical
c) Heat
d) Light

16. Potential energy is also known as:

a) Heat energy
b) Movement energy
c) Stored energy
d) Light energy

17. Sound energy is:

a) energy stored in objects that are raised.

b) energy released by vibrating objects.
c) energy stored in the nuclei of atoms.
d) energy in moving objects.

18. Kinetic energy is:

a) energy stored in objects that are raised.

b) energy released by vibrating objects.
c) energy stored in the nuclei of atoms.
d) energy in moving objects.

19. Gravitational Potential energy is:

a) energy stored in objects that are raised.

b) energy released by vibrating objects.
c) energy stored in the nuclei of atoms.
d) energy in moving objects.

20. Which of the following is not a form of energy?

a) Nuclear
b) Elastic
c) Friction
d) Kinetic


Chemistry - Short Answer Questions:

1. Draw diagrams in the boxes provided to show the particle arrangement of ice and water vapour. (4 Marks)

2. What is the definition of the term Viscosity:


(1 Mark)

3. Use the diagram below to explain why gases can be compressed but solids and liquids cannot.

(5 Marks)

4. Classify the following as Physical or Chemical change. (5 marks)

Change Physical or Chemical

Nail Rusting
Ice Cream Melting
Apple rotting
Broken glass
Wood burning

5. Explain how a chemical change can take place when we are cooking, give example in
your explanation.


(3 Marks)

6. The diagrams below represent the arrangement of particles in four different

gases. In the space below, correctly identify each one as an element, a compound
or a mixture. (Use one label twice)

(2 marks)

7. Alice and Joanne placed a piece of metal in a test tube of liquid and made 5 observations
about the reaction they witnessed, which they recorded in the table below:

Observations Results
Start Finish
Temperature 23C 45C
Colour Colourless Colourless
Liquid Clear Clear
Piece of metal Can be seen Can’t be seen
Air above test tube No smell Strong smell

a. Did Alice and Joanne observe a physical reaction or a chemical reaction?

(1 mark)

b. Which two observations in the table support your answer to part a?

Explain why.

(4 Marks)

8. Write word equations for each of the following reactions:

Magnesium reacts with Oxygen to produce Magnesium Oxide.

(2 Marks)

Carbon dioxide reacts with Water to produce Glucose and Oxygen.

(2 Marks)

Hydrogen Peroxide decomposes to Oxygen and Water.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________(1 Mark)

9. Brad and Anna were investigating the reaction between Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and
Calcium (Ca), the reaction produces Calcium Chloride CaCl3 and Hydrogen gas (H2).
They wanted to see what effect changing the concentration of the acid had on how quickly the
reaction occurred.
They measured the rate of reaction by timing how long it took to collect 10mls of Hydrogen gas at
different concentrations, their results are in the table below.

Concentration of Acid (M) Time taken to collect 10mls of Hydrogen

0.2 58 Seconds
0.5 25 Seconds
1.0 14 Seconds
2.0 5 Seconds
4.0 2 Seconds

i. What was the independent variable in this investigation?

(1 Mark)

ii. What was the dependent variable in this investigation?

(1 Mark)

iii. Suggest 2 things that Brad and Anna would need to keep the same to ensure that this was
a fair test.
(2 Marks)

iv. What should Brad and Anna have done to get more reliable results?
(1 Mark)

Physics – Short Answers:

1. Below is an energy transfer arrow for a light bulb:

It shows that a light bulb converts electrical energy into a lot of heat energy and a little bit of light
energy. Create energy transfer diagrams for the following:
a. a toaster (2 marks)

b. a bunsen burner (2 marks)

2. The following items all have potential energy. For each one, identify the type of potential energy, how we could
release the potential energy and what type of energy would be released. The first one has been done for you.

a. A match
Type of potential energy: Chemical
Released by: striking the match
Energy released: heat and light

b. A piece of coal (3 marks)

Type of potential energy:
Released by:
Energy released:

c. A diver on a high diving board (3 marks)

Type of potential energy:
Released by:
Energy released:

3. Dennis is riding his bike when his brakes fail. He manages to stop by reaching forward and pressing the palm of
his hand against his tyre. Describe in detail the energy transfers and transformations involved and explain why
Dennis might be in considerable pain. (5 marks)

4. Rod has decided to fit insulation in his loft to make his house more “energy efficient”. Describe, in detail, how
fitting insulation will make Rod’s house more energy efficient (This question is worth 5 marks, so you should be
aiming to make at least 5 relevant points. You should explain what energy efficiency means in terms of homes
and buildings, how insulation helps, and describe how it would impact on energy use in summer and winter.
(5 marks)

5. Energy efficiency can be calculated as a percentage of the total energy used that is transformed into
useful energy. The mathematical formula is shown below:

Energy efficiency = useful energy output x 100

Energy input

Calculate the energy efficiency of a hairdryer that has 800 unit of energy input and 600 units of
useful energy output. (2 marks)

6. Alice has a light with a dimmer switch, which she can use to control how much electrical energy enters the light
bulb in her light. The bulb she has in her light has an energy efficiency of 60%

a. When Alice sets the switch to allow 100 units of electrical energy to enter her bulb:
i. How many units of useful (light) energy will she get from her bulb? (1 mark)

ii. How many units of wasted (heat) energy will she get from her bulb? (1 mark)

b. If she turns the power up, to allow 200 units of electrical energy to enter her bulb:
i. How many units of useful (light) energy will she get from her bulb? (1 mark)

ii. How many units of wasted (heat) energy will she get from her bulb? (1 mark)

Using The Law of Conservation of Energy, explain, in detail, your answers to parts A and B
(4 marks)

***End of Exam***


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