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READING AND WRITING REVIEWER Reasoning – is an act of giving statements for justification and explanation

Types of Critical Reasoning


PRINT READING – Reading on physical printed form (books, comics,


DIGITAL READING - The act of reading digital texts using electronic devices
such as eReaders, computers, or smartphones.

Linear text - Novels, poems, short stories, letters, educational texts, all those Statement And argument
texts we read from the beginning to the end
- Presenting a different point of view and expressing diverse idea
Non – linear text - Flowcharts, charts, and graphs (ex: pie chart, bar graphs), for or against something
graphical organizers such as knowledge maps and story maps
Statement and Assumption
Hypertext – Describe by ted nelson worked with Andries Van Dam software
system that links topics on the screen to related information and graphics, - Correct decision based on the presented statements in this
which are typically accessed by a point-and-click method. It is a type of non short of critical reasoning
– linear or multi non-linear.
Statement and conclusion
Hypertext – text only
- Statement will be offered, make decision based on these
Hypermedia – text with image, sounds, animations or video statements and choose the proper conclusion from among the
option presented.
• Hypertext is a text that refers to another text that users may
rapidly access, and these are referred to as hyperlinks. A Statement and Conclusion
hyperlink refers to another document or a particular part of a
document - Circumstance will be offered as a statement; some possible
course of action will be given in the context of the situation.
Logic vs critical reasoning
- Shaping of a text meaning by another or copying same idea but
not copying the whole idea but transform it to another example - Study of logic is the study to assess argument and reasoning, on
(Romeo and Juliet and Florante and laura) Julia Kristeva first the other hand, critical thinking is an evaluated process that
introduce the word intertextuality uses reasoning to differentiate between truth and untruth,
reasonable and unreasonable viewpoints
Allusion – An expression that calls attention to something without
explicitly mentioning it example (thank you my Hercules. TEXTUAL EVIDENCE

Types of allusion - Is information gathered from the text that supports your
assertion or counter claim about the text.
1. Historical
2. Biblical
3. Literary
4. Cultural

Parody – one piece of writing with many elements of the original involve but
making it new in funny way

Pastiche – borrows element from one or more works and reconfigures them
to create something new a respectful type of borrowing that gives credit to
the original
book and article review
book review – a review of a book
Reading – is a cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning from
article review – a review of an article
a text. (previewing, skimming, scanning)
Critical Reading – raising a question about what you just read or judging it
and analyzing. 1. Authors purpose
2. Authors main points
Three steps of analysis 3 types of reading
3. What kind of evidence did the author use to prove his or
her point
What a text says restatement
4. How this book relates to another book
What a text does description 5. Criteria for judging

What a text mean interpretation HOW TO START REVIEWING A BOOK REVIEW

1. Identify the author, title, and other publishing info.
2. Specify the type of book
3. Mention the book’s theme
4. Background info


- Is a complete study that reports an investigation or exploration

of a problem, identify questions to be addressed, and includes
data collected, analyzed, and interpreted by researcher.
- Is prepared after a study is completed
- Primary source

Research proposal

- Is prepared before a study begins



- A secondary source

Structures of Research Report

- Introductory
- Main body of the report
- The reference sections

Title page – wherein title is placed

Acknowledge – give expression of appreciation to person who contributed

significantly to the research
- Is a document that communicate with the objective,
Table of content – outline of pages and sections
deliverables, timline and budget,
Abstract – the brief summary of the whole research
What makes project proposal good?
Introduction – provides the beginning of the research (chapter 1).
- Appearance – a strong proposal should have good appearance
RRL – gives the insights or what is known already (chapter 2) for audience appealing.
- Substance – well organize plan attacked
Design of the study – defines the type of the research whether quantitative - Quality – project is worthwhile to peruse
or qualitative - Convincing – eligible project
- Relevant – fits with the time and up to date
Analysis of the data – describes the statistical techniques and interpretations - Realistic – should be possible to meet
- Clear – orderly arrange and presented well
Results and Discussion – the result discussion or what is the findings - Complete – includes all relevant and required data
- Coherent – well organized data
Summary and conclusion – conclusion is the summary of the findings or the
come outs. Parts of project proposal

Reference – all information that was used during the study process 1. Title page
2. Project title
Appendices – tools that was used in the research such as letters, raw date, 3. Abstract
consent papers etc. 4. Context
5. Project justification

- The background information that been known or found for POSITION PAPER
insights and basis
- Know as a view paper or specific viewpoints of varying type of
Source of RRL people

1. Primary source – first hand informations RESUME

2. Secondary source – literature that is secondhand
3. Tertiary source – source that come from secondary source low - A structured, written summary of a person’s education,
level information employment background, job qualification, and other date.

Contact of a good resume

PROJECT PROPOSAL - Contact information

- Objective statement
- Educational background
- Work experience
- Skills and certifications
- Additional section

Resume styles

- Chronological – start by listing one’s work history with the most

recent position
- Functional – focuses on one’s skills and work experience


- College application is the process by which individuals apply to

enter a college or university.


- Any written or digital communication exchanged by two or

more parties.


1. Letters
2. E-mails
3. Text messages
4. Voice mails
5. Notes
6. Post cards
7. Memos
8. Fax

Internal correspondences - It refers to the correspondence between the

individuals, departments, or branches of the same organization.

External correspondences - It refers to the correspondence between two

individuals. These are not of the same organization. Any correspondence
outside the organization

Routine correspondences - It refers to the correspondence on routine


Sales correspondence - It refers to the correspondence related to the sale.

Personalized correspondence - It refers to the correspondence based on

emotional factors.

Circulars - It refers to the communication of common matter to a large

number of persons or firms. Circulars, notices of tenders

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